Lessons Learned Template
Lessons Learned Template
Lessons Learned Template
project and within your organization. We hope that you find this template useful and welcome your comments. Public distribution of this document is only permitted from the Project Management Docs official website at: www.ProjectManagementDocs.com
ntroduction......................................................................................................................................! Lessons Learned "pproach..............................................................................................................! Lessons Learned from this Project...................................................................................................! Lessons Learned #nowledge $ase % Database.................................................................................& Lessons Learned "pplied from Pre'ious Projects...........................................................................& Process mpro'ement (ecommendations........................................................................................&
The purpose of the lessons learned document for the *ew $uilding +onstruction ,*$+- Project is to capture the project.s lessons learned in a formal document for use by other project managers on similar future projects. This document may be used as part of new project planning for similar projects in order to determine what problems occurred and how those problems were handled and may be a'oided in the future. "dditionally/ this document details what went well with the project and why/ so that other project managers may capitalize on these actions. Project managers may also use this document to determine who the project team members were in order to solicit feedbac0 for planning their projects in the future. This document will be formally communicated with the organization and will become a part of the organizational assets and archi'es.
consideration on similar future new construction projects. t is important to note that not only failures or shortcomings are included but successes as well. +ategory Procurement Management ssue *ame +ontract (e2uirements Problem%5uccess The PM was not fully engaged in the contract process. mpact "ll re2uirements were not included in the initial contract award. " contract modification was re2uired which added a wee0 to the project. Toward the end of the project morale was low among the project team. There was increased conflict and team members were as0ing to lea'e the project. The PM did not ha'e a plan for addressing scope creep and allowed some re2uirements to be added until the sponsor stopped it. 3'erall project delay of ! wee0s was the result. This allowed the project team to wor0 with the contractors to smoothly ensure all materials were of acceptable 2uality and a'oided any re8wor0 and delays associated with substandard material. mpact was minimal because the PM included potential zoning delays into the project schedule. (ecommendation PM must be fully engaged in all contract processes. This must be communicated to both PM and contract personnel. The PM should institute and communicate an awards%recognition program for e'ery project. The PM must ha'e an appro'al process for any proposed scope changes and communicate this process to all sta0eholders.
"ward Plan
There was no plan for pro'iding awards and recognition to team members.
5cope Management
5cope +reep
5ta0eholders continuously tried adding to the project scope throughout the project lifecycle.
7uality Management
$uilding Material
" process for determining acceptable building material 2uality was planned into the project.
"lways plan 2uality standards and allowances into the project plan. This helps a'oid delays and cost o'erruns.
(is0 Management
9oning "ppro'al
" ris0 was identified that there may be delays in recei'ing appro'al from the county zoning board. This was a success
"lways consider e1ternal impacts on the project cost and schedule. This must be continuous throughout the
project lifecycle.
managers are aware of the need for this process to be included in the planning of all future projects. Therefore/ it is recommended that prior to wor0 beginning on any new project/ the project manager must brief the project sponsor on the process for re2uesting and appro'ing changes to project scope.