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APRIL 21, 2014

2 - Paulding County Progress Church Guide Wednesday, April 21, 2014 The First Presbyterian Church located at 114 W. Caroline St. in Paulding holds many memories for longtime member Betty St. John. She has been a member of the church since 1948, joining as a member at age 12. She attended the church before becoming a member along with her grandparents, Chris and Lida Dangler. Betty said she remembers attending Sunday School as a child and her Sunday School teacher was Mrs. Edna Preston who was also a foot doctor in Paulding. Preston also painted pottery. When Betty began attending the church, she said, There was no fellowship hall and there used to be an old house sitting behind the church which was the parsonage. In 1959 she married Russell St. John in the same church and said that their reception was held in the basement which really looked different than it does today. One thing that stands out in Bettys mind is the corn suppers in Danklefsen barn. This was a fundraiser for the church. Another church member, Bill Whirrett would plant and donate the corn and the ladies would fix side dishes to go along with the meal. Another good memory she has is of the Schooners Club and the many activities in which they were involved. Betty said, One great thing is we have a very outreaching, caring pastor. The First Presbyterian Church is a very active church and have many various events going on. Each Wednesday during Lent from noon-1 p.m. all the churches meet for a short

First Presbyterian Church

service and lunch. Everyone is welcome to attend. The church also sponsored a sweetheart supper this year and many other church and community related events. Betty said, I have attended church here for many years. This is my home and my family. Jeff and Sherie Summers have attended The First Presbyterian Church since January 2013. Sherie is a native of Paulding County and Jeff is originally from Fort Wayne. The couple have resided in Paulding for approximately 1 1/2 years. When they were searching for a home church, this one seemed to be a perfect fit for their family. Jeff said, We were immediately drawn to Pastor Daves heartfelt and moving sermons along with the sincere hospitality from everyone in the congregation. We immediately felt very comfortable and like we were part of the churchs family. This feeling of being part of the church family has grown stronger over the last 15 months since we started attending the church. The youth group and Sunday school classes that are available were also very important parts of their decision to attend The First Presbyterian Church. The couple said, You cant help but feel the genuine love of the Lord that fills the beautiful sanctuary. Two of the Summers children attend the church, Lauren Hill, age 14, and Ethan Hill, age 11. Jeff is currently serving as a deacon of the church and Sherie recently joined the Prayer Shawl Ministry group.

They assist the leaders of the churchs youth group with weekly meetings and with additional events outside of the church such as Christmas caroling at the local nursing home, hockey games, and movies. They have helped the Congregational Life/Outreach Committee with many activities since joining the church. Some of the events they have helped with include: the Love and Respect Conference which was open to the community last spring, church dinners, the churchs annual ice cream tent during John Paulding Days, the fifth quarter parties the church hosts for all Paulding High School students following certain home football games and a recent sweetheart spaghetti supper that was open to the community. The Summers say that they have seen church growth in the short amount of time they have been attending. Also, the churchs youth group, The Solid Rock Youth Group, has had significant growth over the past year. The youth group is available for any middle school and high school students in the area. They would love to see continued church growth and welcome everyone to join in for worship and fellowship at any time. It is difficult to pick one event or situation that has influenced us the most. The complete experience of attending worship service and Sunday school, sharing fellowship, helping with church activities, and participating in community events have all had a strong, positive influence on us, said Jeff and Sheri The combination of everything has helped us to develop a closer relationship with the Lord.

First Presbyterian Church

114 W. Caroline St., Paulding 419-399-2438

Worship Jesus, Follow Jesus, Offer Jesus

We are honored and humbled to be part of the body of Christ and connected by the Holy Spirit not only to all the congregations in Paulding County, but all around the world as well. Our desire is not simply to "go to church", but to BE the Church. So, our purpose is threefold: to gather to worship Jesus, to become more like Jesus through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, and to represent and serve Jesus outside the walls of our building as we connect with the people in our lives. Every Sunday we pray, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, and it is our goal to be part of the answer to that prayer as we live under the Lordship of Jesus, under the authority of the Bible and under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Shalom, Pastor Dave
Church Library Community Lenten Lunch

Join Us
Sunday Sunday School Praise Singing Worship Wednesday Adult Choir Youth Group 9:00 am 10:15 am 10:30 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

Summer Schedule
(Memorial Day-Labor Day)

Watch our website for additional weekly or monthly activities

Praise Singing Worship Thursday Prayer Group

9:15 am 9:30 am 7:00 pm

Traditional Music

Contemporary Music

The mission statement of the congregation of The First Christian Church Disciples of Christ is to lead people to faith in Jesus Christ, to encourage their active commitment to His service, to facilitate their growth in grace and the knowledge of Christ. Further, it shall be our mission to work for the unity of all Christians and to participate in the common task of building the Kingdom of God. The church was chartered in 1887 after a five-week tent revival by noted evangelist J.V. Updike. First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) began its journey of faith in tents, the courthouse, and schoolrooms, endeavoring to honor its mission statement through 122 years of Paulding County history. Tent meetings were soon replaced with a white frame structure on the southwest corner of West Caroline and North Cherry streets (the site of the present parsonage) in 1889, but growth of the congregation and programs over the next 15 years led to the construction of a brick structure at the southwest corner of West Caroline and North Williams streets, which was completed and dedicated in September 1907. Over the next 50 years, the church experienced steady growth as it ministered to the needs of the congregation and the community. A major remodeling was completed in 1956, necessitated in part by Sunday School attendance nearly doubling from 1953-1955! In 1993, in an effort to make the building more accessible to all, the congregation consulted with several architects. The most feasible recommendation was for the building of a new structure on a larger piece of property. Five acres of land on Emerald Road were purchased and

First Christian Church Disciples of Christ

Wednesday, April 21, 2014 Paulding County Progress Church Guide - 3 A mens group called The Disciples Mens group meets at 9 a.m., the fourth Saturday of each month. Dan Smith sings in the choir and Darla is a part of the bell ringers. The bell ringers practice on Sundays after worship and the choir practices on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. The First Christian Church is especially involved in outreach programs in Paulding. They sponsor six families at Christmas time and also have a mitten tree to make sure kids have gloves and mittens. Another thing the church sponsors is the back-to-school program called Communities for Kids. They sponsor and buy supplies for first graders. Another outreach is the Summer Food Program as well as Blessings in a Bag, which is the weekend lunch program. The church also supports the Caring and Sharing Food Pantry throughout the year with donations of food and volunteers. The church has a chicken pie and swiss steak supper every year and participates in other fundraising events. Today, the First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, continues to adhere to its mission statement in a building that is fully accessible, providing Sunday services, Sunday School, Bible study, youth groups, a music ministry that includes ages 3 on up, adult organizations, and many fellowship opportunities. There is also a week-long Bible School held in August. A prayer vigil is held from 6 a.m. the Saturday morning prior to easter Sunday and lasts for 18 hours. Everyone is invited to come in the church and pray along with team captains. Our church beliefs and practices include weekly open communion, diversity of opinion, baptism by immersion, church unity, lay ministry, and freedom of belief.

plans were begun on the design of a new church building. Groundbreaking was held in June of 1999 and construction was completed in the fall of 2000. In a very moving service on October 29, 2000, the congregation began worship in the Caroline Street building, paused midway through the service to pick up hymnals, then drove and walked to the new church at 1233 Emerald Road, to complete the service and the move. The dedication of the new building was held on January 21, 2001, and the journey of faith continued on into the 21st century. Dan and Darla Smith have been attending The First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for the past five years in the new building. At that time they had four children at home and were looking for a church that had a youth ministry as well as active adult programs. In addition to adult Sunday School classes at 9 a.m. each Sunday, there is childrens Sunday School classes at 10 a.m. during morning worship services. On Sunday from 1-3 p.m. is the time the different youth groups meet. The groups include: Kingdom Kids which include grades 3-5; Chi Rho, grades 6-8; and Christian Youth Fellowship, grades 9-12. The youth groups are active in fundraising to help with going to camp fees and mission projects. There is also a ladies group called Disciples Womens Ministry who meet at 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month. The womens group goes out on various outings together and also have a Christmas party. The ladies group also sponsor a blanket Sunday and make prayer shaws for shut ins or whoever may need them.

God wants to give you something wonderful...

Abundant LIFE!

Join our church family for worship Sundays at 10 am

First Christian Church

1233 Emerald Rd. Paulding


The Woodburn United Methodist Church would like to invite you to join us and become a part of Gods ministry and experience the exciting growth of His Kingdom. We worship on Sunday mornings at 9 am, we have a blended and casual worship service where you can feel at home. Here at Woodburn Methodist you will find a family of God, that is welcoming and involved in ministry. Here you will find a place that is, safe, comfortable, and a place where you can be involved at your level of comfort and on your schedule. Our Pastors messages are Bible based and are relevant to everyday life. Our Discipleship Bible study gathers on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. and Thursday evening at 6 p.m., will give you insight into Gods Word and help you to have a better understanding of His will for your life. We are excited to be a church that is involved and active in the community, in our region, state and in the world through various missions that we support and work with. These opportunities give us the ability to be the hands and feet of Christ, both here and in the greater world. We are also a church with plenty of places for you to fit in, everything from a great choir, bible dramas and special musical performances twice a year, to an active mission program with hands on opportunities to serve. We believe that God calls us to use the gifts that He provides in various ways to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. So, we invite you to come and be a part of a growing, involved ministry that is making a difference in the lives of others. We cant wait to meet you and tell you about Gods story here at Woodburn United Methodist Church.

Woodburn UMC

4 - Paulding County Progress Church Guide Wednesday, April 21, 2014

Our Church is like

Where everyone knows your name and were always glad you came.

Come grow with us!

Christians in the world

Christians make up one of the largest religious sects of the world. Christianity has expanded considerably since the religion was established from the teachings of Jesus Christ. According to the Catholic Education Resource Center and information from the International Bulletin of Missionary Research, there were roughly 558 million Christians in the world in 1900. Currently, there are approximately 2.2 billion Christians. Half of all the worlds Christians are Catholics, while the next largest sect of Christians belongs to denominationally unaffiliated independent churches that boast some 400 million members. Almost half of all Christians live in the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, or Germany. There are also large groups living in the Philippines, China and Nigeria.

If you are looking for a that is involved and making a this is the



to be.

Sunday Worship: 9 am Sunday Discipleship Study: 10 am Thursday Discipleship Study: 6 pm Thurday Choir Rehearsal: 7 pm

Woodburn United Methodist Church

4300 Becker Rd., Woodburn 260-632-5313

Commited to CHRIST, HIS WORD

and helping others find their place in the

Paulding Church of Christ

The Paulding congregation began sixty years ago in the home of Ersel Riggenbach. As the Gospel spread through the area, the group became large enough it moved from his home to renting a vacated restaurant on Caroline and Dix street. Four years after they began the Lords work, it was time to provide a place for Gods people to gather in a more permanent way. The building on Klingler Road was able to be constructed through much generosity from the churches of Christ and the hard work of many members.

Wednesday, April 21, 2014 Paulding County Progress Church Guide - 5 above manmade traditions or the likes and wants of a changing human culture. When the New Testament describes how something should be done in command, in principle, or in practice, we do it the New Testament way. This congregation is autonomous, governed by the authority of Christ and shepherded by two godly elders. If you want to worship God in both Spirit and Truth (John 4:24), we would love for you to join us for worship and Bible study. We are visitor friendly and, though we take a collection every first day of the week from the members (I Cor. 16:1-2), there is no expectation on the visitor to give. Honest questions and honest seekers of God are always welcome. We are looking for those who desire the freedom from sin which Christ offers to all (Rom. 12:1-2; Gal. 2:20). Come and join us!


Meaning of Communion varies between faiths

While the building was constructed in 1957 by men of conviction, the Church was built almost 2,000 years ago by a man convicted to die for the sins of the world (John 1:29). As we share the Truth of Gods word in this community, we continue to look for individuals who are convicted in Christ. The leadership and members of this congregation place a priority on the authority of the Bible

Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am Worship 10:30 am Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday 7:00 pm


355 Klinger Rd. Paulding 419-399-4761

While both Catholics and Protestants re-a priest before Catholics receive the Eucharist, ceive the Eucharist, the meaning behind thecompletely changes the substance of the bread Eucharist varies depending on a personsand wine into the body and blood of Christ. faith. The distribution of the Eucharist is also difTo Protestants, the Eucharist is only ferent between the two faiths. The Protesa symbol of grace and the sacrifitant Church allows all Christians who cial nature of the Eucharist is feel capable of receiving the Eurejected. charist to receive, while only Catholics believe the Catholics who have received the bread and wine, once Sacrament of Communion are consecrated during allowed to receive the Eumass, becomes the charist in the Catholic body and blood of church. Christ. Catholics also tend to reThough some ceive the Sacrament of the Protestants accept Communion earlier than the Catholic view, their Protestant counterthe main difference parts. Many Catholics rebetween the ceive it around the age of 7 Catholic and Protesor 8, while Protestants tend tant views regarding to receive the sacrament the significance of between the ages of 11 the Eucharist and 14. is that Protestants tend to believe the bread and wine are symbolic of the body and blood of Christ while Catholics believe the consecration, an act performed by

6 - Paulding County Progress Church Guide Wednesday, April 21, 2014 St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church and St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church A Shared Lutheran Ministry in Paulding County, Ohio

St. John and St. Paul Lutheran Church

Who we are We are congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and its Northwestern Ohio Synod. We are interdependent and interconnected with congregations across the United States and throughout the world. What we believe Lutherans believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spiritblessed and holy Trinity. As baptized members of the body of Christ, we are part of Gods unfolding plan. When we gather for worship, we connect with believers of every time and every place. When we study the Bible and pray, we are drawn more deeply into Gods own saving story. When we serve others and address social issues that affect the common good, we live out our Christian faith. Why we exist We exist for the sole purpose of sharing the Good News with the world God has given us. God has gifted each and every individual for the purpose of building up the body of Christ. We are called to be Gods hands and feet in the world and God equips us for the ministry to which we are called.

Where we serve The church is not a building or a place; it is the people gathered and nourished then sent out to share the love of Christ with a world in need.

What is a Shared Ministry? St. Paul and St. John are in a shared ministry relationship. Since June of 2012, these two congregations share a pastor, provide additional opportunities for worship, study together, and work with each other in many areas of ministry. Together we are stronger than each congregation is individually. We support the efforts of the other for the sake of Gods kingdom here on earth. Our shared ministries include Confirmation instruction for sixth, seventh and eighth grade students; Youth activities for high school students; and Thursday morning Bible Study. In 2013 we designed a float for the John Paulding Days Parade and sold snack mix at the Flat Rock Fall Festival. St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Briceton, OH St. John was founded in 1886 and has been serving the area ever since. The women of the church have always been active in many ways. They plan outreach/service events on a monthly basis that give the entire congregation an opportunity to care for Gods people locally and globally.

The congregation is always excited to gather the children of the community together for a time of singing, playing, and doing crafts during their annual Vacation Bible School (normally held the first week of August in the evening). Kids from Briceton, Paulding, Payne, Antwerp, and beyond come to have a great time learning about Gods love for them and the world. The community knows St. John best for its amazing homemade ice cream. Twice each summer (June and August) the people of St. John make homemade ice cream and serve dinner to large crowds of people topped off by ice cream and pie. Stop by any Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. to experience the warm, friendly, family of faith that gathers at St. John. Sunday School of adults and children follows the worship service from September to May of each year. St. Paul Lutheran Church, Paulding, OH St. Paul was founded in 1901 and built its first building where the Paulding Senior Center now stands. In 1979, the current building was completed at the intersection of Jackson, Flat Rock and Klingler streets just two blocks off the town square. St. Paul offers Sunday School for adults and children from September to May of each year. Children gather for lessons, crafts, songs and games each week. Every six

St. John Lutheran Church

7611 Rd. 87 Briceton 419-263-2129

Sunday 8:30 a.m.


Sunday 10:30 a.m.

St. Paul Lutheran Church

See LUTHERAN, page 10

601 Flat Rock Dr. Paulding 419-399-2320

Education Hour for Children and Adults Ice Cream Socials Vacation Bible School Womens Monthly Bible Study Outreach Ministries

Vacation Bible School L.I.F.E. Childrens Ministry Election Day Dinner Shrove Dinner Womens Ministries Mens Ministry

Youth Activities Youth Ski Trip John Paulding Days Parade Flat Rock Festival Lenten Services

Branch Christian Fellowship

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life, John 3:16. At Branch Christian Fellowship we are about fellowship. We are also all about the Word of God. We try not to get caught up in religion, but rather to get caught up in the love of Jesus Christ. We want to encounter Jesus on a personal level and meet the needs of people, both here in Paulding County and around the world, on a personal level. Philippians 4:12-14 says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This is a guiding principle that the members of Branch live by. We know that individually our efforts are worthless, but when we give control of our lives and our efforts to God, anything is possible. Therefore, we make every attempt to understand and follow Gods will through group and individual study of his written Word and by understanding the power of prayer. Branch started in March 2013 and currently meets in the auditeria of Paulding High School on Sundays at 10:00AM. Come as you are, we dress casual, and come early for the free breakfast on us. Several small groups meet during the week at various locations in the Paulding area. These inPastor - Greg Cramer Associate Pastor - Terry Knapp Contact Information: Phone: 419-956-4464 Email:

Wednesday, April 21, 2014 Paulding County Progress Church Guide - 7 clude a midweek prayer meeting, a mens bible study, a womens bible study, and a worship team meeting. Our youth group, Roots, is a brand new and exciting youth group that was started in October of 2013. Roots is led by Youth Pastor Terry Knapp and his wife Alissa. The group meets each Wednesday from 6:30-8:00PM in the basement of the Samaritan Center, 1030 West Wayne Street, in Paulding. Terry and Allissas goals are to build the youth up in Gods Word so that they can grow closer and stronger with God and to become rooted in their faith. Roots consists of junior high and high school kids who desire to have fun and learn more about God as we learn to grow together. The best way to get to know us is to come and worship with us on Sunday morning. You can also check out our website at or friend us on Facebook. Many of our past sermons can be accessed on the website. It is our sincere wish that, if you dont come to Branch, you go to church somewhere this Sunday.

The Mt. Zion United Methodist Church is one of the oldest active churches in Paulding County. Located on Road 151, the little country church serves as a lighthouse in the community. Across the road from the church is the Mt. Zion Cemetery where many family and former church members lay at peace. The church has had a few face lifts through the years, the latest being the remodeling and refurnishing of the new fellowship hall. The Mt. Zion Church receives many blessings through a food ministry. The second Wednesday of each month a free community dinner is held where approximately 75-100 people are served. The hot homecooked meals are also delivered to shut-ins. This ministry not only is uplifting to the members, but provides nourishment, socialization and spiritual satisfaction to to all those who attend. The Mt. Zion United Methodist also supports the Grover Hill Food Pantry and sponsors three independent food givea-ways throughout the year. The next scheduled food givea -way is from 9-11 a.m. on Saturday, April 26. The church also supports missions and a needy family at Christmas. There is an active Ladies Aid which meets monthly and Bible Study is held each Thursday at 1 p.m. Service times include: Sunday School-9:45 a.m. and worship services begin at 10:30. The pastor of the church is David Prior.

Mt. Zion United Methodist Church

Mt. Zion United Methodist Church

so important to us, we included it in our name
Its our goal that you experience fellowship, so Sundays at Branch begin with coffee and refreshments. Together we worship and receive practical teaching based on Gods Word. This Sunday, join us, wed love to include you in our fellowship.
Sundays: Worship and Childrens Church 10 am at auditeria of Paulding High School Wednesdays: Roots Youth Group 6:30-8:30 pm at Samaritan Center, 1030 W. Wayne St., Paulding 419.956.4464

A lighthouse in the community

Service Times: Sunday School - 9:45 am Worship Service - 10:30 am

Road 151 Grover Hill 419-238-6338

8 - Paulding County Progress Church Guide Wednesday, April 21, 2014

FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Being the hands and feet of Christ in the world
Bible Study: 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 6:30 pm Supper & Praise Service: 2nd Wednesday at 5:30 pm Mens & Womens Group: 4th Wednesday at 6:30 pm Worship: Sunday at 10:00 am 126 W. River St. ~ Antwerp Pastor Mike Pennington



independent and free to be

Sunday School ....... 9:30 am Sunday Worship ....... 10:30 am Wednesday Word ....... 7:00 pm
18878 CR 111 (Junction) Defiance


Where all are welcome...Come and see!

Rev. Dr. C. Joseph Fifer, Pastor

Love God... Love Others

We are an active church

We share Gods love through... community involvement - missions - community picnic - VBS - adult & youth mission trips - volleyball treasure hunters club - operation shoebox - trunk-or-treat - community garage sale
Sunday: Sunday School - 9:15 am Worship - 10:30 am Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm Wednesday: 7:00 pm 210 Dooley Drive, Paulding - 419-399-3932

Service Times:

We post regularly.

Auglaize Chapel
22652 Rd. 60 Oakwood 419-594-2441

.What We Believe. Auglaize Chapel Church of God believes that the Bible (Old & New Testaments) is the infallible word of God. It is completely dependable as it directs life for the Christian and for the church; and it has workable, universal truths for all people.

Auglaize Church Of God

Wednesday, April 21, 2014 Paulding County Progress Church Guide - 9 Youth Ministry. Our youth meet every Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. The youth enjoy many activities such as summer camp experiences, annual 30-Hour Famine, trip to the Creation Museum, hosting the Easter Sunrise service, and opportunities for service and fun. Annual Ice Cream Social. This is a community-wide fellowship event held in August, and the funds raised help to support several missionaries in many countries. Food Pantry. Established in 2006, our pantry is located adjacent to the Post Office in Melrose, Ohio, and is open from 9:00 to 11:00 AM on the 2nd Saturday of every month. Sunday Night Prayer Gathering. We invite you to join us for a special time of prayer, inspiration, encouragement and praise at 6:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. ABC Club. Children explore the Bible and see characters come to life each week through creative Biblical lessons, enjoyable crafts and music. The group meets every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Mens Fellowship. Our mens group is involved in many areas of the life of our congregation. This includes the following activities: building projects, hosting the Mother-Daughter Banquet, Payne Camp Meeting, Ohio Mens Ox Roast, golf outings, prayer breakfast, and Chili Cook-off to name a few. AUGLAIZE CHAPEL Church of God 22652 Road 60, Oakwood, OH, 45873 Phone: 419.594.2441 Stan Harmon, Senior Pastor 594-2248

.Who God Is. He is Father, Creator and Sustainer. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. The Holy Spirit is Gods presence with us, Counselor and Comforter.

.Family of Believers. We are a family of believers, sharing joy, pain, worship, and growth. Ministries, small groups, community service, Bible studies, Sunday school classes, prayer events, mid-week fellowships, Christian recreation, and services during special seasons all serve to bring us together. .God Loves You & We Love You. Gods love for you comes without conditions. He loves you regardless of what you have done, or what has been done to you. There is nothing in this world that will keep Him from loving you. You must be willing to accept His love. If you decide to accept His love then you are promised in the Bible that you will spend eternity with Him in Paradise. We are average people just like you. We have families that we care about, bills to pay, jobs to work, hassles to overcome, and stress in our lives.

Schedule of Services
Sunday: 9:00 am - Morning Worship 10:30 am - Sunday School for all ages 6:00 pm - Prayer Gathering

Wednesday: 7:00 pm - ABC Club (ages 4-6th grade) 7:00 pm - Youth Fellowship 7:00 pm - Adult Bible Fellowship

The difference is that we have been given the example of how to love unconditionally, just as God loved us. We also have Jesus in our lives to rely on, and a community of His followers to strengthen and help us. We invite you to know the hope, help and peace that we know. Please come and join us as we follow Him.

MINISTRIES CWC. Christian Women Connection is a vital ministry to all women of the Church of God, and they meet at 7:00 PM on the third Tuesday of each month. VBS. Vacation Bible School is usually scheduled in July of each year. This ministry gives children and youth a special opportunity to learn about who Jesus is and how we serve him.

10 - Paulding County Progress Church Guide Wednesday, April 21, 2014


weeks, they travel to The Gardens of Paulding where they share their lessons, songs, and joy with the residents. Vacation Bible School is an all-day event at St. Paul. One Saturday in June children from all over the county come for fun and great learning. Lunch is included.

Continued from Page 6

The men of St. Paul host an annual pork dinner on Election Day and traditional pancakes and sausage on Shrove Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday). A free will offering is accepted and the funds are used to support mission work in and beyond the congregation.

The women of St. Paul offer several fellowship and bible study opportunities each month as well as coordinating several mission projects throughout the year. They work to support the congregation in times of need by providing funeral dinners and fellowship events. They participate in the Paulding Ministerial Associations Lenten Lunches and Advent Pot Luck dinner. Our Shared Ministry is growing day by day, working together, serving more and more of Gods people in our community and in the world. We find strength in our partnership while maintaining our individual identities and worship space. It is a unique relationship intended to make the presence of God known among our neighbors near and far.

Visit us online at

A congregation of Lutheran Church

Mount Calvar y Lutheran Church

Missouri Synod

Proclaiming a Changeless Chris t in a Changing World

Sunday School, Adult Bible Study
9:00 am

Worship Service
10:15 am

West of Antwerp, CR 424 419-258-6505

Antwerp Community Church, 704 S. Erie St., SR 49, Antwerp; Pastor Ricky L. Grimes 419-258-2069. Bible Study Fellowship 9:30 am; Contemporary Worship 10:30 am, Wednesday Discipleship Study, 7:00 pm Antwerp United Methodist Church, East River Street, Rev. Pastor Mike Schneider, church telephone number is 258-4901, Comtemporaty service Sunday 8:30a.m., Sunday school 9:30a.m., Traditional Service 10:30a.m. Divine Mercy Catholic Parish, 303 S. Monroe, Antwerp. Office: 417 N. Main, Paulding, 399-2576, Pastor Very Rev. G. Allan Fillman, Masses: Sunday at 8:30am. First Baptist Church, 5482 CR 424, Pastor Todd Murray, 2582056, Sunday school at 9 a.m., Sunday worship 10 a.m.; evening service 6 p.m., Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m. First Presbyterian Church, 126 W. River St., Pastor Mike Pennington, 258-2864, Sunday school at 11:15 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:00 a.m. Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses, 2937 US 24, 2582290. Public talk 10 a.m. Sunday, Congregation Bible Study, Theocratic Ministry School & Service Meeting, Theocratic school 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, Pastor Robert Becker. Sunday school at 9 a.m., Sunday worship at 10 a.m. Riverside Christian Church, 15413 St. Rt. 49, (corner Ohio 49 and Road 192), Antwerp. 258-3895, Pastor Regan Clem. Apostolic Christian Church, 13562 Road 147, Defiance (Junction), 399-3121, William Schlatter, Elder, Sunday services at 10:15 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., Sunday school at 1 p.m., Wednesday services at 8 p.m. Bethel Christian Church, Ohio 66, Defiance (Arthur), Pastor Christopher Baker, Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. Church of Christ, corner of County Roads 166 and 191, Evangelist Lonnie Lambert, 399-5022, Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Bible study at 9:30 a.m. Sunday. Junction Bible Christian Church, County Road 111, Defiance (Junction), 393-2671 or, Rev. C. Joseph Fifer, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship follows at 10:30 a.m & Bible Study on Wed. at 7pm. Pleasantview Missionary Baptist Church, County Road 180, Defiance (Junction), Rev. Alan Ray Newsome, Sunday worship at 11 a.m., evening service at 6 p.m.; Wednesday evening services at 7 p.m. Rock Church, SR 637, Five Span-Arthur area, Pastor Bobby Branham 393-2924, Sunday school at 10 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:45 a.m., Sunday evening worship at 7 p.m., Wednesday evening worship at 7 p.m., Youth Service Wednesday at 7 p.m. Bible Baptist Church, corner of Cleveland and Perry streets, Grover Hill, Pastor Pat Holt, 587-4021, Sunday school at 10 a.m., Sunday worship at 11 a.m., Sunday evening worship at 6 p.m.; Wednesday prayer meeting at 7 p.m. Grover Hill Church of the Nazarene, Maple and East Jackson

Antwerp and Surrounding

Arthur/Five Span Area

Apostolic Christian Church, 12867 Road 82, Haviland, 3995220, worship service at 10:30 a.m. Country Chapel United Methodist Church, Haviland, 419-6225746, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:15 a.m. Latty Zion Baptist Church, Latty, Pastor Levi Collins Jr., 3992748, Sunday school at 10 a.m., worship service at 11:15 a.m. Harvest Field Pentecostal Church of God, 13625 Road 12, Scott, Pastor Terry Martin, 419-622-2026, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m., Sunday Evening worship at 6 pm, Wednesday evening worship at 7:00 pm, Wednesday Youth Group at 7 pm. Friends United Methodist Church, Latty, Pastor Ron Johnson. Sunday worship at 9 a.m., Wednesday Bible Study at 7 p.m. Auglaize Chapel Church of God, rural Oakwood, 3 miles south and half mile west on County Road 60, Pastor Stan Harmon, 5942248, Sunday worship at 9:00 a.m. Sunday school at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday services for children, youth and adults at 7:00 p.m. Melrose United Methodist Church, Melrose, 594-2076, Pastor Eileen Kochensparger 399-5818; Sunday school 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday Bible study and prayer at 7 p.m. Twin Oaks United Methodist Church, corner of Harmon and Second streets, Oakwood, Pastor Eric Dailey. 419-594-2992. Sunday worship at 9:30 a.m., Sunday school at 10:45 a.m., Bible Study Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Prairie Chapel Bible Church, one mile east and a half-mile north of Oakwood on the corner of Roads 104 and 209, Pastor Earl Chapman, 594-2057, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m., evening worship at 6 p.m., Wednesday Bible study at 7 p.m.


streets, Pastor Jonathan L. Hoagland, 587-3376, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Morning worship at 10:30 a.m., Sunday evening gospel hour at 6 p.m., Wednesday evening service at 7 p.m. Grover Hill Zion United Methodist Church, corner of First and Harrison, 587-3941; Pastor Mike Waldron, 419-238-1493 or 419233-2241 (cell). Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:20 a.m., nursery available during all services. Mandale Church of Christ in Christian Union, Ohio 66, Pastor Justin Sterrett, 419-786-9878, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday prayer meeting at 7 p.m. Middle Creek United Methodist Church, County Road 24, Grover Hill, Pastor William Sherry, Sunday worship at 9 a.m., Sunday school at 10:15 a.m., Sunday evening Bible study at 6 p.m. Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, Grover Hill, County Road 151, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Pastor David Prior, Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roselms Christian Church, Ohio 114, Pastor Gary Church, 594-2445, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m.

Paulding County Church Directory

Bethel United Methodist, Forders Bridge, Cecil, Pastor Kevin Doseck (419) 899-4153, worship service at 10:30 a.m., Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. Bethlehem Temple Pentecostal, 818 West Jackson Street, Paulding, 399-3770, Rev. Burpo, Sunday school at 10 a.m., Sunday worship at 12 p.m. Calvary Bible Church, Ohio 111 West across from Paulding County Hospital, 399-4919, elders John Mohr, 260-632-4356, Bob Fessel 419-399-3398, Don Baer 419-399-5805. Sunday school at 9 a.m., morning worship at 10:15 a.m. Cecil Community Church, 203 S. Main St., Cecil. Pastor Ted Ramey. Sun. school 10:00 am, Worship service 11 am, Sun. eve. 6 pm, Wed. eve. 6 pm. Cecil First Presbyterian Church, Main Street, Cecil, Sunday worship at 8 a.m., Sunday school at 9 a.m. Christian Fellowship Church, Paulding High School Auditeria, 10 a.m. Sunday. Pastor Greg Cramer. Divine Mercy Catholic Parish, 417 N. Main, Paulding, 3992576, Pastor Very Rev. G. Allan Fillman, Masses: Saturday at 6 p.m.; Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Emmanuel Baptist Church, 1275 Emerald Road, Paulding, 419-399-5061, Sunday School at 9:30 a.m., worship services at 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. Pastor Drew Gardner. First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 1233 Emerald Road, Paulding, 419-399-4576, Sunday school 9 a.m., Worship service 10 a.m. Interim pastor is Rev. Dr. Paul Biery. First Presbyterian Church, 114 West Caroline Street, Paulding, 399-2438, Rev. David Meriwether, 9:00am Sunday school (youth and adult), 10:15 a.m. praise singing, 10:30 a.m. Sunday worship. Communion 1st Sunday each month. House of Love Ministries, 220 N. Williams St., Paulding. Pastor Predest (Dwayne) Richardson or Sister Brenda Richardson, 419-399-9205 or 419-796-8718, Sunday worship at 3 p.m. Jail Ministry, Food Ministry, Outreach Ministry. Overcomer Outreach - a Christian 12-steap meeting, Sundays at 5 p.m. New Beginnings Church (Church of God), Cecil, Pastor Roy Burk, 399-5041, Sunday worship at 11 a.m. Paulding Church of Christ, East Perry Street, Paulding, Minister Christopher Reno, 419-399-4761. Bible school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. Paulding Church of the Nazarene, 210 Dooley Dr., Paulding, 399-3932, Pastor Jeremy Thompson, Sunday school at 9:15 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m., Sunday evening at 6 p.m.: Kids Summer Jam (ages 4-4th grade), Preteen class (5th-6th grade), Teen group (7th-12th grade), and adult service. Wednesday at 7 p.m.: Teen group (7th-12th grade), adult bible study and prayer. Nursery available for all services. Paulding Family Worship Center, 501 West Perry Street, Paulding, 399-3525, Rev. Monte Moore, Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. Paulding United Methodist Church, 321 North Williams Street, Paulding, church telephone number is 399-3591, Rev. Ben Lowell, Worship service at 9:45 a.m.; Sunday School,

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Paulding and Outlying

11:15 a.m.; Wed. worship at 6 pm. Church office is located at 308 N. Main St. Pentecostal Church of God, 601 W. Caroline St., Paulding, Elder George Robinson, Sunday school at 10 a.m., worship service at noon, prayer services Monday at 6 p.m. and Thursday at noon, Bible study at 6 p.m. Tuesday. Pioneer Christian Ministries, County Road 108 and Ohio 637, Paulding, Rev. Chuck Oliver, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m., and Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. including a youth service on at least three Wednesday evenings. Rose Hill Church of God, corner of SR 637 and Charloe Trail, Paulding, 399-3113, Pastor Ron Hofacker, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday service from 78 p.m. with childrens hour. St. John Lutheran ChurchELCA, 7611 Road 87, Briceton, Pastor Karen Stetins, church telephone number is 419-399-4962 or 419-399-2320. Sunday worship at 8:30 a.m., Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, 601 Flat Rock Drive (P.O. Box 156), Paulding, Pastor Karen Stetins, church telephone number is 399-2320, Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m., Sunday school at 9:15 a.m.

Oakwood/Melrose Areas

Grover Hill and Outlying

Divine Mercy Catholic Parish, 203 W. Townline, Payne, 3992576, Pastor Very Rev. G. Allan Fillman, Masses: Saturday at 4 p.m. Edgerton Wesleyan Church, 1717 Bertha St., Woodburn, (Edgerton) Ind. 46797, Pastor Dave Dignal, church telephone number is 260-632-4008, Sunday school at 9 a.m., childrens church at 10 a.m., worship at 10 a.m., home groups at 6 p.m., Wednesday evening services at 6:30 p.m.. Living Water Ministries, Contemporary worship service Sunday nights at 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m., The Well church for kids, Sunday mornings from 10-11:30 a.m. The church is currently in the process of relocating. For location information, contact Pastor Rich Phelan, 419-263-2728. Payne Church of Christ, 220 West Merrin Street, Payne, Pastor Mikeal George. Sunday worship at 9:30 am. 419-263-2092; 419-574-2150 (cell). Payne Church of the Nazarene, 509 E. Orchard St. (Ohio 500) Payne, Pastor Mike Harper, 263-2422, Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. Sunday night service at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. St. Jacob United Church of Christ, southwest corner of Oak and Hyman streets, Payne, Rev. Jim Langham, 263-2763. Sunday School 9 a.m, Church service-10 a.m. St. James Lutheran Church NALC, West Townline Street (P.O. Box 42), Payne, 263-2129, Pastor Fred Meuter, 260-4922581. Sunday School at 9 a.m., Sunday worship at 10 a.m. St. Paul United Methodist Church, (P.O. Box 154) 312 South Main Street, Payne, Rev. David Rohrer, church telephone number is 263-2418, parsonage telephone number is 263-2017, Sunday school at 9 a.m., Sunday worship at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Editors Note: If your church doesnt have service times listed, please contact the Paulding County Progress office to notify of Sunday service times.

Payne and Outlying Areas

12 - Paulding County Progress Church Guide Wednesday, April 21, 2014

Divine Mercy Catholic Parish


Sunday 8:30 am Antwerp 10:30 am Paulding


Saturday 4:00 pm Payne 5:30 pm Paulding

Mass Times




Donald Coughlin Payne 419-263-2982 David Jordan Payne 419-263-2171 David Laker Paulding 419-899-2479

Rosalio Martinez Paulding 419-399-4682 Robert Nighswander Antwerp 419-258-2408 Main Office: 417 North Main Street Paulding 419-399-2576

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