The Crystal Body Exercises - May 2009

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Global Awakening News

Commentary and Guidance for Enlightened Change During Rapidly Changing Times

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May 2009
The Crystal Body

These essays are presented for their value to anyone who cares about the future as
humanity prepares to make the greatest shift in consciousness and existence ever.
We cover a wide range of topics including social-values research, future-views,
the world situation, and advanced spiritual perspectives.
GLOBAL AWAKENING means individuals and
communities becoming aware of and embracing their
true nature one of interconnectedness, service, and
spirituality, as we express extraordinary dimensions of
our larger being.
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April 2009
The crystal body exercises
Personal Comments
By Alex Kochkin

Had I not had a basis of trust with John Crawford, I might not have paid attention to these
exercises. I have experimented with various practices and worked with various energy
practitioners over the years and found all to be lacking. Also, it is important to note that while
these exercises do involve spinning of fields and various geometries, these are not artificially
imposed merkaba exercises; rather the structures are natural to your energy systems.

A few things I wish to say about the crystal body exercise:

The crystal body exercises are good as preparatory ascension practices and as a way to
develop a more conscious approach to ones ascension and connection to greater self. They
help establish a spatial and energetic relationship with 2 energy bodies below our 3-d
body/energy envelope and with 4 more above us thus extending our ordinary awareness into a
more connected conscious relationship with our greater self.

The crystal body exercise is centered around the 3rd chakra area and thus helps in connecting
of more of our greater self to the personality self in 3-d and vice versa. Many spiritual
teachings are focused on developing the heart center and do not touch on the foundational
energies for human-Earth physical existence. Also, there are various spiritual exercises that
focus on power and the lower energy centers and yet fail to connect higher self and higher
levels of existence and thus lead to distortions of the personality and reinforcing of dark force

These practices help you gain a better connection to your energy bodies and greater self. There
are tangible benefits like having such a bad day with cattywampus energy dynamics.
This is readily determined and realigned as you visualize the various elements and work with
your spin dynamics. Inner body off axis? Need additional support from more of your greater
self? Then your lower and upper energy will gladly kick in and help set you right as rain.

Consider it is like arriving so as to collect all of oneself before translating to new levels.
This is of value regardless of whether ones immediate higher trajectory is an upshifting across
all aspects of self or an initial descension of more of ones greater self in preparation for

The structures and the spinning:

As you gain familiarity and proficiency with these exercises, you develop a more integrated
presence and in doing the later stages of these exercises, you can momentarily flash on the
basic structures and patterns and move on with the practice quickly, foregoing many of these
basic steps. As you develop a more integrated or complete system, a broader and deeper
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frame of reference continues to develop. The spinning of the square-prismatic structures tends
to blur more into a cylindrical tendency and the large soul body structure can seem to take on
different shapes as well. The upper and lower points to the crystal structures can appear to
have five or more facets at times.

An interesting effect may be noticed that shifts your balance and center of gravity. You might
be first aware of this as you begin to activate your outer body crystal or as you synchronize its
spin with your lower aspects, this may also shift again as you synchronize with your upper

Questions concerning heart versus solar plexus chakras:

Concerning the question of 4th (heart) chakra level versus 3rd (solar plexus) chakra level as a
central point of focus, this is a false dichotomy. Just like any good and useful exercise focused
around a specific energy centers, each has its value. Thus there need not be a right or
wrong. Indeed for some people this exercise may not be appropriate.

It is interesting to note that earlier pioneers such as Auribindo and Mirra were primarily
focused on the descent of higher vibrational consciousness (the supramental body they like to
call it). One of their preferred methods, if one can call it a method, was the use of focused
intent (there is that word intent again!). It is further interesting to note that the Taoist Golden
Flower exercises were focused on both the recovery and stabilization of the core energy
system as well as the cultivation of a new energy body centered somewhere between the 2nd
chakra and 3rd. In both cases, these approaches sought to find a focus that related to
connecting higher realm vibrational energy with that of the energy centers of human focused
3-d physicality.

This has immediate applications to the transformation of the body as well to the transcending
of biological death. Within the dark force controlled domain, it is possible to be heart-centered,
but to descend ones higher energy further has been (and still is) very challenging. Today, the
descent of ones higher energy bodies is not quite as difficult as it was years ago and this
exercise is one that will aid in this process, and does not further enmesh you to the dark
control systems.

I find it useful to consider the 4th chakra as an analog to 4th dimensional bandwidth a
transitional state between 3-d and 5-d+plus. Thus we find many people who seem to be
focused on being heart centered, yet who are not very stable energetically and are often
lacking in discernment. Thus ways need to be found to further bring in more fully one greater
self, this relates both to the ascension process as well as the overall transformational process.

Energy structures and normalcy:

Lastly, everyone is uniquely configured energetically speaking. We all have different higher
self energy centers including different primary and secondary energy centers within our body
fields. Furthermore, all chakra exercises and illustrations tend to be idealized and therefore no
one will ever be able to "conform" to idealized patterns. Imagine a standard bell-curve
population distribution. There is much that is unique, even in terms of the number of major
and sub-major energy centers. Even the angle of spin axis for the chakras varies for everyone.

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Many energy healers and clairvoyants who are not sufficiently advanced can inadvertently
cause harm to their clients if they are not cognizant of this and try to force conformation to an

The present ascension and transformational processes are affecting everyone on the planet
and everyone is shifting and changing at slightly different rates from one another.

Compatibility with other exercises:

This exercise is not in conflict with the other practices that are being summarized in the
forthcoming installment of this final issue of GA News. This would include the golden
flower/hui ming ching and third eye practices.

Audio tape:

An audio tape to aid in doing these exercises is under consideration, possibly with various
entrainment background. However, one could easily make their own by recording these
instructions for oneself. This would allow for more complete inner concentration.

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Preparatory practices
Ascension & Energy Bodies
by John Crawford

Important disclaimer: These exercises should not be undertaken except by those individuals who
are serious about spiritual evolution. [Ed.]

In order to understand the meditation and the effects of the exercise I find it important to give
some background information on the ascension process and the history of development for
the exercise. Important points to cover will be:

Training that led to the understanding to the crystal structures within and around the body
and soul.
The training that led to the understanding of the structures within and around the physical
The crystal structure within the body.
The crystal structure outside of the physical body. Understanding of Aspects: what they
are and how they are inner related to our physical and spiritual selves.
Origins of the exercise both inner and from source.

The Three Stages of Ascension
When just looking at the process of ascension one can see three distinct processes that occur:
The first the most discussed process is when an aspect (you) finishes all of the training
and learning that it needs and completes the changes in the self at its current level. It
moves to the highest level of the dimensional or energetic structure. It has extended
freedom to move within that structure and to work at all levels of that structure.
The second occurs when all of the aspects move to the highest level of their existence
structure and then all aspects ascend or move upward within the dimensional structure.
The third process is when all of the aspects unite into the greater whole of the soul self
and the soul becomes an individualized being and moves into the greater creation

These are not to be construed as an absolute 3-step linear progression.

Understanding the ascension process is difficult, partly because of the vocabulary used by
different people, but mostly because of the different descriptions of ascension and the
expectations resulting from these descriptions. Most descriptions come from people who have
limited understanding of the realms beyond the immediate structure of embodiment. In
attempting to describe an event that does not fit into their understanding of structural levels, it
is natural to translate it into words and actions that fit ones understanding of the universe and
their place in it.

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One thing that makes it difficult to understand is the deficit of knowledge of the structure
beyond the level of embodiment. Another challenge is how to transition beyond this structural
level. Often what people describe as ascension is just the expansion of the person to a
vibrational zone just above this one and their subsequent vacating from the physical
environment. For some there may well be the perception of their complete disappearance
from their previous 3-d physicality while in other cases the consciousness of their personality
self will vacate the 3-d body, leaving the body behind. This would be consistent with the
process following natural or catastrophic death. (There is little point in speculating at this time
as to what percentage will have what sort of experience.) While this is not the entirety of
ascension, it is a part of the ascension process and represents important growth in preparation
for what is viewed by the greater whole (that is, from outside the fallen sector) as true
ascension. (For an overview of ascension and its various expressions, see Ascension and
Transformation in Part Two of Winter-Spring 2008-2009 GA News.)

Within our Creation Structure, there are dozens of known levels of existence. We as
individuated souls inhabit seven distinct levels within this Creation Structure. Our first level is
not on the lowest level, but is very close. Our human personality consciousness resides
primarily within the third level (3-d) of a seven level structure. Each level has distinct qualities
and we work with the energies of that level to gain mastery of that level. The goal of ascension
is to have all seven bodies or aspects complete the ascension process within its individual
level. When this happens, each of our seven selves on the seven levels moves upward or
ascends within the dimensional structures.

We have individuated bodies on each of the seven levels. Each lives a life on that level and
develops there. We influence each of these levels as each level influences us. The greatest
influence is generally from the levels closest to us but all play a role. These seven levels are an
out-picturing or projection of our soul just as our seven chakras are an out- picturing or
projection of our place at this level. Our chakras are also a direct connection to the two aspects
below and the four aspects above us. In keeping with the principle of as above/so below, etc.
our seven aspects and seven chakras, correspond to basic levels of this creation.

When one aspect or energy body has completed all of its work on its level and is ready to
move on, but one or more of the other six is not ready, that aspect moves to the highest
energetic area of the level it manifests. When it does, it can appear that it has ascended or
moved upward to the next level. In the sector we are in this is more often the case. What can
happen is that the person may decide to descend back into matter and re-embody for further
growth or move upward to the highest area of this level. Those on the highest area of this level
who can interact with humans at their lower level of development are often seen as ascended
masters because of their development and because they have retained the ability to interact
and influence things at this level. This is only possible because they remain attached to this
level and have not moved on to the next level. When they truly ascend to the next level their
ability to interact at this level will be limited at best, and impossible in most cases.

It is this latter feature of the ascension process that can be seen in the multiple bifurcations of
humanity now occurring in many cases this is leading to a vibrational differentiation. Those
closest to the up-shifting are finding greater challenges in interacting with others who are still
at a relatively lower vibrational state.

Let us consider ascension as seen from the greater whole of those who are not limited to this
creation structure. There are many creation structures within the beingness of God. These are
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contained within a greater creation structure that is itself contained with other greater
structures within even greater structures. The greater creation beings consider ascension to
happen when a being brings all seven aspects into one whole and grows into the greater being
that is the soul itself. Once that happens, the greater self graduates or ascends out of this
creation structure and continues a process of growth and movement into being a Creator with
the responsibilities of a Creator being.

One of the difficulties of the movement through the levels towards the ascension is that it has
been a gradual process. This process can accelerate through the aligning of the seven bodies
and their purpose. Also what is needed is to get all seven bodies vibrating at the same
frequency at the same time as well as beginning the process of aligning these bodies with the
frequency of the greater soul self. There are techniques available for this requiring focused
intent to bring it about. You are in a unique place to help this happen, as you are on the third
density level, comparable to the third chakra, the level of power. You can develop the ability to
bring your other aspects or energy bodies into harmony and supply the power necessary for
the connection to take place. This leads to freeing oneself from the life to life, level to level
requirement that has characterized ascension.

The ascension process can be a gradual one, moving one or more levels within the creation
structure until the mastery of all levels or it can happen very quickly in creation time. When all
aspects begin to work together to master ascension then the soul can ascend from this
creation structure and become a true (beginning) creator being. The following exercises can
help with speeding up the process of getting all of the aspects working together to assist with
the creation process and freeing the soul self from this creation structure.

My Training As It Relates to the Origins of the Exercises
It is important to show how my early training interrelates to the larger exercise. In doing so it
will give a background to the exercise and demonstrate how it relates to structures both within
and around the body. The introduction to my teacher of a shamanic path occurred in the mid
nineteen eighties. I was receiving training on soul travel when we first met. On one of my
journeys outward, I was receiving training at the third level above this one. My teacher on that
level changed the nature of the training and we moved sideways instead of in an upward
direction. He said that he had someone he wanted me to meet.

We arrived near a leaf hut in a jungle setting. Going in a short man who radiated power said
that he was my teacher of the power path, (my words) and asked if I wanted to continue
with him. My relationship lasted from that point until the spring of 2008 when he transitioned
out of the physical body. At the time of our first involvement and for some years I was unsure
if he was in a physical body or if he only existed at that higher level. We never met in the
physical yet trained at his places or he came here to my places and helped me to learn and
remember my training. It was not until he told me the year before his transition that he was
leaving that I was completely sure that he was in the physical. He had aged over the years but
still we only met at a higher energetic level. As to his location, he never told me where he lived
but I believe it near the mountainous area of Peru. I say this because of my looking into other
shamanic teachings. The only teachings that covered materials that we worked with stated that
they came from the linage of teachers that had gone up into the mountains there when the
white man came to South America and had only come down and began teaching others in the
last hundred years. Much of what he taught me is not important to this exercise but certain
trainings have a direct impact on the understanding of how the exercise is not one that
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attempts to create new structures but one that builds on the natural structures within and
around the physical and soul body.

About Aspects
The training about aspects came about slowly as well. I had learned about higher selves but the
training did not really prepare me for learning about aspects. From my perspective when
talking about higher selves and aspects, there are great differences as well as similarities. The
higher selves appear to be largely connected to this level (3D) just at a higher vibrational rate.
They also connect more directly to this physical body. The greatest differences in the aspects
are that they are on different dimensional levels and that they are more solid at their level than
higher selves.

In training with my teacher he would teach me a technique, have me observe him for some
time then he would observe me, as did the technique. When I had mastered the technique, he
would remove himself somewhat from me only coming in on occasions or when I had serious
questions about one or more techniques. He would most often come where I was doing my
work when there was a person or situation that allowed him to advance my training. I could go
to where he lived when I had general questions but for techniques, he more often came to
where I was working.

When it came time for me to learn about aspects I was working on a person who had difficulty
with one leg as well as other serious physical and energy imbalances. In doing the session, he
had me move up the golden cord or hara line that came into the crown chakra. When I first
did the process as well as in other situations I found it very laborious climbing up the cord. It
became easer the more I did the process. As I moved up the cord, I came to a resistance and
an area that appeared to have a small opening. With persistence, I moved past this resistance.
I became aware of another body above the physical level. It appeared very substantial but
injured. I found that a leg was missing on this body. It was the same leg that the person was
having difficulty with. Following instructions from my teacher, we were able to help in the
healing of this body and begin the process of bringing back its leg.

After a lengthy session with this body, we again moved upward moving through another area
of resistance. When we arrived there, there was another body but this one had a creature on
its back that was doing some kind of damage to that body. When I arrived, the creature began
to attack me and attempted to harm me or cause me to leave. I knew or told that this creature
was causing great harm to this body and that this was causing harm to the person on the 3D
level. A battle ensued and we were finally able to remove the creature and send it away. After
that, we began repair work on that body. When this was completed, we moved downward
back to the 3D session and the person I was working with. There was immediate relief of
several symptoms and they continued to improve after that.

This training went on for quite some time with my learning to move upward to higher and
higher aspects. In my training, I learned that most people had four higher aspects. A few
people had as many as five higher aspects but this was unusual. The interesting thing about
the persons who had five aspects above them also had an extra chakra between the fourth and
fifth chakras. I began to learn that if a person had a problem with a higher aspect that there
would be a problem with a chakra in the physical body. If the aspect was just above the
physical then the chakra with the problem would be the fourth chakra. If it was, the third
aspect above it would be the brow chakra. Therefore, a pattern of correspondence between
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the aspects and certain chakras began to emerge. Later as my skill with working with the
higher aspects continued I became aware or shown that there were two aspects below the
physical and that these related to the second and first chakras.

This training took years to master and while I was undertaking this training, I was increasing
my skills in doing soul travel. This training moved beyond traditional soul travel and I learned
to move beyond this creation structure and into the higher/larger creation structures within
The Creator. While learning this I learned how to move out of the aspect ladder or structure
and look at all of the aspects at once. When this happened, the structure of the greater soul
self became apparent. It had a shape somewhat like the shape of the energy field around an
aspect but on a much greater scale. At this time, I came under the teachings of some very
great beings and learned about some of the structures of the greater soul self. One of the
greatest things that I learned was that to the soul the aspects are like chakras in our physical
bodies. The aspects are an image of the soul at each level and what affects each aspect affects
the soul as well.

Inner Crystal Structure
The first set of exercises took many years to pass to me because
of its complexity and the many ways it assists in healing the
physical body and in aligning the energies within. It focuses on
six points of energy on the front and their corresponding points
on the back. With these are also two points in the center of the
body above and below the six points. This points form an
interlocking grid of energy that works within the physical for all
aspects of healing and energy balance. It was not until I received
the crystal body exercise that I understood that each of these
points were, in fact, points of a crystalline structure within the

Locating the points on the front of the body is relatively easy. To
find the lowest two points of the rectangle locate the hip bones in
the front, placing two fingers beside the hipbone on the inside
and the point is usually located beside the point. The mid points
are located over the liver point and spleen point. The top two points are in a straight line above
that about two finger widths above the heart center and to the side. The upper center point is
located on the center line of the body or the hara line. It is about two finger lengths below the
v of the collar bone. The lower point is also on the central energy line and half way between
the second and first chakra close to the top of the pubic bone.

Outer Crystal Structure
The next set of trainings that I was given was about four lines of energy outside of the physical
body and located usually within the energetic aura in most people. These lines were from
about the level of the feet up to the level of the head. They were usually located to the front
right and left and back right and left about an arms length away from the body in more or less
of a square shape as seen from above the body. The training was in aligning the energetic
bodies using these cardinal points and seeing where the physical and energetic bodies were
out of alignment by seeing how these were out of balance or position. Again, I did not realize
how these were four points of a crystalline body until after learning the crystal body exercise.
When I first learned about the structure, I did not receive information about the connection to
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the central energy line. I was aware that there was some energetic connection to the chakra
above the head and the one below the feet but there was minimal information given about the

In a later form of the crystal body exercise guidance given will help you to see a crystal
structure around each of the chakras. This is the only crystalline form that I did not get prior
training in when helping heal the physical and energetic body.

I received the crystal body exercise after a conversation I had with an aspect or projection of
The Creator. It was a time when I was aware of great confusion existing in the minds, hearts of
many people about what was truth, and what was true information coming from others.
Because of this confusion I asked The Creator if there was a way for people to clear
themselves, to clear the confusion and to know what truth was really. The result was the
meditation that I began learning using in my daily life. It is true that there are days or weeks
that I do not use it but each time I do I find that I am closer to real or the real me than before.

The crystal body exercise came to me in stages. It was necessary to gain some proficiency in
doing one stage before moving to the next. Not all of the stages of the meditation are in this
exercise yet the major points/exercises are covered.

Crystal Body Exercises
The exercises are not all of the exercises given to me yet they are the key ones in what I would
call the ascension series.

It is important to mention the direction of spin for the crystals. The crystals can be spun in any
direction. There are four primary ways to spin the crystals. 1. You can spin the crystals in a
clockwise direction from left to right. 2. You can spin the crystals in a counter clockwise
direction from right to left; 3. Spin the inner crystal clockwise and the outer counter clockwise;
4. Spin the inner counter clockwise and the outer clockwise; or 5.
Simultaneous counter rotating fields.

Important: There may be times that you are aware of three, five, or six facets
to your crystal body apex. However, for the purposes of these exercises, we
will be focusing on four (4) and that they are rotated in a clockwise direction.
(Clockwise would be as if you are above your head looking down.)

Each direction you spin the crystals has a different effect and each has
benefits but for the purpose of this exercise we will be using one direction
only. I was initially given this direction in doing the exercises. It is the one
to use when the exercise is for ascension. The exercise can be used for
other purposes such as adding additional protection or clearing the
energies of the physical and energetic body but again for this exercise we
are focusing on ascension.

4-sided crystal shape with
clockwise rotation
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Figure One:
Inner Body Crystal

Outer body crystal is shown relative to idealized luminous egg body
The major 7 chakras are purple dots

Inner body crystal
Arranged roughly inside an elongated
square-sided prism from inside hip point
area and the upper lung point

Outer body crystal

Arranged roughly within the envelope of the
main portion of your luminous egg energy
body, roughly 7 to 10 ft in height.
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First Crystal Meditation
This exercise will be focusing on the inner crystal structure and the outer crystal structure of
this physical body. For the location points for the inner and outer crystal see Inner Crystal
structure and Outer Crystal Structure above.

4 Steps:

1. First concentrate on the inner crystal structure. See it begin to spin in a clockwise fashion
(from left to right). Keep it spinning faster and faster until it is a blur. Hold that for a
minute or more. Begin to let it slow down and it will slow down to a natural rhythm or
2. Next focus on the outer crystal. See it spin in a clockwise fashion. See it moving faster until
it becomes a blur. Allow it to slow down to its natural frequency or spin.
3. Now lock the two crystals together in a spin. See them spinning at the same speed or
frequency. See this spin become faster and faster until it is a blur. Hold this for a couple of
minutes or more then see them slow down to an easy, natural frequency.
4. It is not necessary to see them come to a stop, as they will do that on their own after a
period of time. It is important to practice this exercise several times before going on to the
next exercise.

You can do it several times in one day or over several days, whichever feels comfortable to

Crystal Body Exercise and Aspects
Doing the exercise for the seven aspects is similar to the exercise above in that you will be
doing or seeing the exercise for all seven aspects. You are the third aspect from the bottom in
the aspect ladder. In other words there are four aspects above you and two below.

The suggested starting point is with the third aspect (you), move downward to the second then
the first. After that see the aspect above you then the next one up, etc.

The important actions here will be:
Seeing each of the crystal structures in each of the aspects
Getting the inner add outer crystal structures of each aspect rotating at the same speed or
Getting crystal structures of each aspect rotating at the same speed/frequency (all seven
rotating at the same speed)
Seeing the crystal structure of the soul self
Seeing the soul crystal rotate
Seeing the aspect crystals rotating at the same speed as the soul self

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Soul Crystal
What is the soul crystal, the aspect crystals and their importance; why should we make the
effort to see and work with them?

We have mentioned that there are structures of creation beyond this structural level. At an
important transition point the structure of the beings at that level have a crystalline structure.
Their structures vary greatly from individual to individual and from section to section but their
structure is that of a crystal. Why this is so is not completely understood but still it exists.

Why is this important to us?

Simply put, if we wish to graduate from this creation structure and
begin work as creator beings in our own right, these are important
concerns. We do not have to do these exercises or to see the
crystalline structures in order to go through an ascension process. It
is only necessary if we wish to accelerate the process for leaving
this structure and becoming creators in the fullest sense.

We are the third aspect of seven aspects within the greater soul
self. So, how is it that we are important to the greater ascension
process and how is it that we can affect the other six aspects to
such an extent that true ascension can take place? From our
perspective we are a small part of a much greater self or being. We
are only the third up from the bottom and if there is a
correspondence between each of the seven chakras in our physical
body and each of the seven aspects of the soul body shouldnt one
of the higher aspects such as the seventh have more effect on the process?

I am mentioning these questions because they are questions that I had when learning about
the exercises and as I have shared these exercises with others these questions were often
raised. The answers are not simple nor are they complete but I will summarize as best as I can
the answers that were given.

When looking at the physical body the third chakra is sometimes called the power chakra
because it is the one that is the connection to the Earth and it is the one that transmits power
to the other chakras and the physical body to allow the bodies existence on the Earth. Looking
at the Soul body the same can be said for the third aspect (our physical self) as well. It is
through this aspect that much of the power of creation is manifest and passed through the
other aspects and the Soul self. Because of this position in the structure of the soul this aspect
is able to affect the other aspects in ways the others do not because of the limits and directions
of power manifestation in this creation structure. Therefore, it is because of our position in the
soul aspect structure that we are able to influence the other aspects in the ascension process.
Of course we affect the other aspects in other ways just as the other aspects affect us in many

Having gone over the information about the why of doing the exercises we can now proceed
to the next step in the crystal body ascension exercises.

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Crystal Body Exercise for the Aspects
Purpose of the exercise is to:
Gain mastery in seeing and working with other aspects
Establishing the pattern of crystal structures with/for the aspects
Aligning the frequency or vibration of the aspects

12 Steps:

1. Do the crystal body exercise for the physical self (the third aspect).
2. Next image or imagine the aspect below you. It will look very much like you do with some
differences for the life it has led.
3. Visualize the crystalline structure within the body of that aspect and set it spinning.
4. Visualize the crystalline structure outside the body of that aspect and set it spinning.
5. Bring the spin of the inner crystal and outer crystal into synchronous alignment (same
6. Now an important part of the exercise. --Bring the spin of the aspect below (second aspect)
into alignment with the spin of the crystals of your body. Feel them in harmony and
7. Once you have done that for the second aspect do the same for the first aspect bringing all
three into alignment and harmony and balance.
8. When that is accomplished move awareness back into the third aspect (you) while
maintaining the spin of the aspects.
9. Next move to the aspect just above you (forth) and repeat the exercise. Remember to bring
its spin into harmony with the other aspects.
10. Do this for the fifth aspect.
11. Again for the sixth aspect.
12. Then the seventh aspect.

Note: When viewing your two lower aspects, you may also want to imagine yourself as their
higher self and receive information as to their condition and experiences. Likewise, you may
want to request of your higher aspects to also share such information with you, your 3-d self, etc.

The next part of the exercise works with the soul crystal and the seven aspect crystals
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Figure Two:
Soul Body and Seven Aspects

The central body (you) with two aspects below and the four above
Soul body crystal is shown encompassing these seven bodies

This is the energy body for you here and

now in 3-d. There are two aspects of you
or two additional complete energy
bodies below you and 4 above you.
This represents your soul body
crystal and a correspondingly
large luminous egg energy body.
Imagine it roughly 60 to 70 ft in
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Continue to keep conscious of the spinning of the aspects. It is usually easer if you bring your
consciousness back into the third aspect (your physical self).

10 Steps:

1. Focus outward and see the structure of the soul body surrounding the aspects.
2. Visualize this as a crystal structure similar to that one around the aspects.
3. Begin to see it rotate from left to right (clockwise).
4. See it become faster and faster until it is a blur.
5. See it begin to slow down.
6. When it is approaching the speed of the spin of the crystals around the aspects see the
spin of the aspects and the spin of the soul crystal body spin at the same rate (synchronous
7. Once they are spinning at the same rate see the spin begin to go faster and faster until it is
a blur and beyond. Light speed is a good place to see.
8. Hold this for a time. Do not become uncomfortable in holding this speed.
9. Allow the crystals to slow down until they approach a comfortable level or speed.
10. Once that speed is reached you can release the visualization and come back into
awareness of the physical body.

Chakra Crystals
In the next exercises we will be incorporating a crystal structure around each of the chakras,
aligning the chakras and bringing them into harmony with the crystals in and around the
physical body and other aspects. We will also be looking at four additional points and bringing
them into alignment as well.

When looking at the physical body we are aware of seven major chakras within the physical
structure. When we look at the energetic body four more energy points can be found along the
energy line that runs from above the body, through the body and downward.

There is one above the crown chakra and three below the base chakra. The one above the
crown chakra is at the top of the energetic field (aura) or when looking at the crystal body it is
at the upper point of the crystal. The three below are; one just above the knees on the hara
line, one at a point just above the ankles and the last one below the feet at the lower body
crystal point.

The purpose of the exercise is to:
Start the chakras vibrating at the same frequency. This will help with becoming the
hollow reed with only spirit blowing through.
Help in finding places where the chakras are out of balance or are damaged.
It will also help in the healing of the individual chakras; sometimes bring up issues that
need to be worked with.
It lays the foundation for balancing the energies of the seven aspects in preparation for
the last ascension exercise.

In principle, one could begin with any one of the chakras is, however, the way this is taught it
is strongly suggested that you start from the top energy point (above your crown point) that is
at the apex of your outer body crystal and go down from there. The most important thing is to
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get them spinning or vibrating at the same frequency. The size of the crystal is approximate.
You will feel/see what is best for you. A general size might be three inches across and six
inches high.

Important note: The energy center above your crown chakra would
be the closest vibrating with the as above or higher energies from
which most all the major transformational and ascension changes
are emanating. Once the energy lines are cleared of distortions, more
interactive two-way down-up/above-below can occur. This topmost
energy center also serves as a memory storage buffer that relates to
your other lives as well as portions of ones future.

23 Steps:

1. Visualize the chakra above the top of the head as a ball of light
and energy two to three inches across.
2. See a clear crystal structure resembling the form of the body
crystal surrounding this uppermost chakra.
3. See this crystal begin to spin clockwise or to the right when
looking down on it.
4. See it go faster until it approaches light speed (use clear intent
to spin this to near speed of light).
5. See the energy, the crystal slow down until it spins at a comfortable rate. Allow the crystal
to spin while you move to the next step.

6. Now focus downward to the energy of the crown charka.
7. See the crystalline structure around this energy.
8. See it spin as you did the upper energy structure.
9. See it slow down and begin to spin at the same speed as the highest energy point. See the
two locked into place at the same spin rate.

10. Move down to the brow chakra and repeat the exercise finishing with the crystal spinning
at the same speed as the other upper crystals.

11. Repeat this with the crystal around the throat chakra.
12. Pay attention to the spin of the crystals, seeing them spinning at the same rate.

13. Move your attention to the heart chakra.
14. See the crystal around the heart chakra and see it spin very fast then slow down and spin
at the same rate as the upper energy points.

15. Move to the third chakra, see the crystal, and see it spin fast then slow down and spin at
the same rate as the other crystals.

16. Move to the second chakra and repeat the exercise for that chakra bringing it into the
same spin as those above it.

17. Now work with the first chakra as you have with the others.

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18. Now focus your attention to the chakra or energy point between the knees. See it spin very
fast then spin at the same rate as the other charkas.
19. See the energy point between the ankles. Spin it as you do the other points.
20. Lastly, see the energy center below the feet and its crystal structure. Bring it in to the same
synchronous spin with all the energy centers above it.

21. Bring all of the chakras and the crystals into the same spin and feel the energy produced
by this spin.
22. Now see all of the chakra/energy point crystals begin to spin faster and faster until they are
a blur, moving into light speed.
23. Allow the spin to slow down to a comfortable level. The crystals will continue to spin at the
same rate for some time.

You can now release your focus and go on to other activities.

Crystal Body Structures and Chakra Crystals
The next exercise is more complex in that it combines the exercise for the inner body crystal,
outer body crystal and the chakra crystal exercises. This exercise brings the self into harmony
at all levels of the physical/energetic structure.

8 Steps:

1. See the inner body crystal. See it spin very fast then slow down to a comfortable level.
2. See the outer body crystal. See it spin very fast then slow down to a comfortable level.
3. Do the chakra crystal exercises seeing each chakra crystal spin then come into alignment
with the other chakra crystals.
4. Focus on the chakra crystals then focus on the inner body crystal. See the chakra crystals
and inner body crystal begin to spin at the same rate/frequency.
5. Next focus on the outer body crystal. See it begin to spin at the same rate as the other
6. Once all of the crystals are spinning at the same rate begin spinning all of the crystals
faster and faster until they are moving at a blur.
7. Hold this for at least one minute.
8. Allow the crystals to slow down to a comfortable level.

Once the crystals have slowed down to a comfortable rate you have finished the exercise. The
crystals will continue to spin for some time and will eventually return to their normal

This exercise helps to clear the entire energetic system and allows for more light to come to
the self.
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Eleven (11) chakra
crystalcenters . One above
and three below your major
seven chakras.
Chakra or energy center above
your main body centers.
Three (3) chakra or
energy centers below
your main body
Figure Three:
External Body Crystal and Egg
Bodywith the Inner Body Crystal

Additionally depicted are the eleven chakra crystals

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All Aspects, Crystal Body Structures, and Chakra Crystals
The next exercise is quick to explain but will take some time to do. You will be doing the
above exercise first for the self then seeing/doing it for each of the other aspects. The end
point will be to get all of the crystal structures of all of the aspects as well as the soul self
spinning/vibrating at the same frequency.

14 Steps:

1. Do the exercise for the self, bringing all of the crystals into alignment.
2. Next focus on the aspect below.
3. See the chakra crystals for the aspect and bring them into the same spin/frequency.
4. Then see the inner crystal spin and come into alignment with the spin of your inner
5. See the inner crystals spin at the same rate then bring the chakra crystals into the same
6. See the outer crystal body of the aspect below. See it spin and come into the same spin as
your outer crystal body.
7. See the outer crystal body, inner crystal body and the chakra crystals all spinning at the
same rate.
8. Now do this for the lowest aspect bringing all of the crystals into alignment.
9. Keeping the aspect crystals spinning in alignment move up to the aspect above you and
repeat the exercise.
10. Do this for each of the other aspects, bringing each into alignment.
11. Once you have gotten all of the crystals of all of the aspects rotating at the same rate see
the soul crystal begin to spin. See it go very fast then come into alignment with the crystals
of the aspects.
12. Once all crystals are rotating at the same rate see all of the crystals begin to spin very fast
until it becomes a blur. Hold this for at least a minute.
13. Allow the crystals to return to a comfortable rate of spin and hold this for at least a minute.
14. Release the spin and let go of the meditation.

Once you have ended the meditation the crystals will begin to spin at their individual

As you become proficient with these exercises, you may find less need to follow all the steps
from beginning to end, from exercise to exercise. For example, it may become sufficient for
you to imagine or project the alignment of the inner body crystals for all your lower and upper
aspects in synchronous alignment within each and between all of them. Your own sense of
internal feedback will inform you. If you are not clear or unsure, then continue to work with
each practice, step by step.

Ascension Exercises
The next two exercises are the ascension exercises. The first one leads to the last but it is also
the exercise for the self on this level. If one just wishes to influence the process here and not
move all of the aspects upward then this one will be effective for that. If one wishes to move
the process for all aspects and accelerate the process of ascending from this sector/creation
into the beingness of being a true creator being then the last process will help with this

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The first part of the exercise is the same as the one for the crystal body structures and chakra
crystals exercise. It moves into bringing the chakras into harmony and preparing the way to
have one energy running through the hara line so that the energy of the true self of the soul
running through all of the energies of the body.

PART ONE - 11 Steps:

1. See the inner body crystal. See it spin very fast then slow down to a comfortable level.
2. See the outer body crystal. See it spin very fast then slow down to a comfortable level.
3. Do the chakra crystal exercises seeing each chakra crystal spin then come into alignment
with the other chakra crystals.
4. Focus on the chakra crystals then focus on the inner body crystal. See the chakra crystals
and inner body crystal begin to spin at the same rate/frequency.
5. Next focus on the outer body crystal. See it begin to spin at the same rate as the other
6. Once all of the crystals are spinning at the same rate begin spinning all of the crystals
faster and faster until they are moving at a blur.
7. Hold this for at least one minute.
8. Allow the crystals to slow down to a comfortable level.
9. Hold this for at least one minute.
10. Focus again on the crystals of the chakras. Begin spinning these crystals faster and faster.
11. Keep spinning the chakra crystals until they become a blur. Push this faster and faster
going past light speed.

At a point past light speed the chakras are no longer a blur but become a hollow tube with only
the light of spirit within. This is the hollow reed the place of pure connection.

Hold this as long as you are comfortable then release and continue your day.

PART TWO - 28 Steps:
This is the last and most extensive meditation. It incorporates all parts that you have gone

1. See the inner body crystal. See it spin very fast then slow down to a comfortable level.
2. See the outer body crystal. See it spin very fast then slow down to a comfortable level.
3. Do the chakra crystal exercises seeing each chakra crystal spin then come into alignment
with the other chakra crystals.
4. Focus on the chakra crystals then focus on the inner body crystal. See the chakra crystals
and inner body crystal begin to spin at the same rate/frequency.
5. Next focus on the outer body crystal. See it begin to spin at the same rate as the other
6. Once all of the crystals are spinning at the same rate begin spinning all of the crystals
faster and faster until they are moving at a blur.
7. Allow the crystals to slow down to a comfortable level.
8. Next focus on the aspect below.
9. See the chakra crystals for the aspect and bring them into the same spin/frequency.
10. Then see the inner crystal spin and come into alignment with the spin of your inner
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11. See the inner crystals spin at the same rate then bring the chakra crystals into the same
12. See the outer crystal body of the aspect below. See it spin and come into the same spin as
your outer crystal body.
13. See the outer crystal body, inner crystal body and the chakra crystals all spinning at the
same rate.
14. Now do this for the lowest aspect bringing all of the crystals into alignment.
15. Keeping the aspect crystals spinning in alignment move up to the aspect above you and
repeat the exercise.
16. Do this for each of the other aspects, bringing each into alignment.
17. Once you have gotten all of the crystals of all of the aspects rotating at the same rate see
the soul crystal begin to spin. See it go very fast then come into alignment with the crystals
of the aspects.
18. Once all crystals are rotating at the same rate see all of the crystals begin to spin very fast
until it becomes a blur. Hold this for at least a minute.
19. Allow the crystals to return to a comfortable rate of spin and hold this for at least a minute.
20. Now pay attention to the spinning chakra crystals of all of the aspects. See them spinning
at the same rate.
21. Now increase the rate of spin until you pass light speed. This will form a tunnel or hollow
reed of light from the highest point of the soul crystal to the lowest point.
22. Allow this to continue while you focus on the next steps.
23. Next, focus on the inner body crystal of each of the aspects. See how they are rotating at
the same speed.
24. See these crystals rotate faster and faster beyond light speed. This will also form a hollow
tube from the highest point to the lowest point of the soul self.
25. Now see the larger crystals outside of each of the aspects. See them rotating at the same
26. Increase this speed past light speed until they form a hollow tube as well. This will also be
from the highest to the lowest point of the soul body.
27. See all three tubes. Chakra tube within inner crystal tube within the crystal body tube.
28. Hold this for as long as comfortable, releasing it when it feels best.

Short form versions
As you gain proficiency in all these exercises, you might discover ways to flash on the whole
pattern, or major elements of it. One example would be to image your outer body structure,
possibly from the point above your crown chakra. Image the four lines from this high point
that connect to the elongated portion of your body crystal. See the four long edges of your
body structure and then follow them to the lowest point. See within this structure the eleven
chakra crystals all lined up and spinning in synchrony. See this entire structure around your 3-
d self spinning, spinning within spinning. All in good synchrony and speed. Then image your
lower aspects from its uppermost point downwards. Just like you imaged your 3-d structures.
See the eleven chakras within spinning, etc. (Remember, this is only one example to help
illustrate a short form once you gain proficiency.) No doubt you will discover various short
forms and perhaps even the entire structure of structures all at once. Have fun!


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