Final Call APPENDIX Science - Part2

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Final Call A 21st Century Gnosis

New Essays and Compilation ::: May 2014 to December 2014

Global Awakening News


Addenda II to the
Sciences Appendix of
Appendix-1-II: Human Sciences of Space and Earth

Note: Additional material seemed worth including. Rather than

expand the existing Appendix, a second sciences section was created.
This science material is being shared because as the great finality emerges,
ordinary human awareness gains some hint as to what really supports physical
reality, that reality can change very quickly as if in the blink of an eye, and
that planetary, solar, galactic, and beyond can all change very quickly. Along with
these hints and insights from sciences, there are the dreams, visions, and
glimpses out of the corner of the eye of something other than what is mistaken
as reality, physical reality.
Years ago I wrote that human science will eventually be detecting indicators of
powerful spiritual energies and this year that is what has stood out the most as I
have monitored various sciences. This includes indications of creation forces, the
cosmic web of light that connects The All, and some of the forces of creational
deletion including time and space energies such as those from supernovae.

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Why a Physics Revolution Might Be on Its Way page 3
The Invisibility Cloak for Time - Experts create a cloaking device
capable of hiding entire events in 'bubbles' page 5
Solar and Planetary Magnetic Reversal page 9
Implications to mass extinction - Oxygen escape from the Earth
during geomagnetic reversals page 11
Losing air - New study finds a barrage of small impacts likely erased
much of the Earths primordial atmosphere page 13
Planetary Imbalances - The Potsdam Gravity Potato Shows
Variations in Earths Gravity page 17
Universe may face a darker future: Is dark matter being swallowed up
by dark energy? page 23
Plasma shield of Earth page 26
Source of volcanoes may be much closer than thought
Geophysicists challenge traditional theory underlying origin of midplate volcanoes page 30
2 Futures Can Explain Time's Mysterious Past page 32
Ancient Timelines geomagnetic reversals update page 37

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Why a Physics Revolution Might Be on Its Way

by Kelly Dickerson, Staff Writer | November 09, 2014 09:17am ET

The field of physics may be turned on its head soon, said renowned physicist
Nima Arkani-Hamed during a live lecture from the Perimeter Institute for
Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada.
For one, he said, the tried and true physics of relativity and quantum mechanics
don't get along well. The problem is that in some sense, the principles behind
these theories seem to be impossible when physicists dig a little deeper into them,
Arkani-Hamed said. Scientists run into a lot of problems when they try to apply
these theories to the entirety of space and time.
The two ideas are also incredibly constraining, and they make it challenging for
physicists to think outside the box and develop new ideas and theories, ArkaniHamed said. [The 9 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in Physics]
"It's almost impossible to monkey around with the rules and not be wrong
immediately," Arkani-Hamed said.
Physicists have known about this disparity for a while, but progress on
fundamental questions in physics takes a long time. Scientists proposed the
existence of the Higgs boson particle, for example, decades before it was actually
An unexplained macroscopic universe
One problem is that conventional physics doesn't really account for why the
universe is so large, Arkani-Hamed said.
Albert Einstein's theory of relativity showed that a huge amount of energy exists
in the vacuum of space, and it should curve space and time. In fact, there should
be so much curvature that the universe is a tiny, crumpled ball.
"That should make the universe horrendously different than what it is," ArkaniHamed said.
But quantum mechanics also poses a problem. The theory is good at describing
the very small realm of particle physics, but it breaks down when physicists try to
apply it to the universe as a whole.
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"Everything that quantum mechanics is, is violated by our universe because
we're accelerating (referring to the idea that the universe is expanding) we
don't know what the rules are," Arkani-Hamed said. "When you try to apply
quantum mechanics to the entire universe, quantum mechanics cries 'uncle.'"
Physics frontiers
One possible way to solve the problem is with an entirely new theory beyond
the Standard Model, the reigning theory of particle physics, the physicist said.
[Sparticles to Neutrinos: The Coolest Little Particles in the Universe]
One idea is called string theory, which proposes that particles aren't actually
fundamentally particles. Instead, the particles and all the matter in the universe
they make up are composed of tiny, vibrating strings. The equations that support
string theory appear to work, but that doesn't mean there are no other viable
formulas or explanations, Arkani-Hamed said.
Supersymmetry is another possible "new physics" explanation. Under this idea,
all subatomic particles have a "superpartner" particle that physicists have yet
to discover . Supersymmetry would also open up extra directions that the
particles can move in. The discovery of supersymmetry would bolster the
Standard Model of physics, scientists have said.
"It's the last thing nature can do to make itself compatible with the general
principles of physics that already exist," Arkani-Hamed said.
When the world's largest atom smasher, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is up
and running again next year, physicists will be looking for the extra particles that
supersymmetry suggests should exist.
Either way, after a year or two of running the LHC, the question of whether
supersymmetry exists should be answered, Arkani-Hamed said.
The experiments over the next few years will likely tell physicists if they need to
fine-tune existing theories or if the field of physics is due for a much deeper and
more dramatic paradigm shift.
The questions on the table now are the underpinnings of space and time, and the
origin and fate of the universe, Arkani-Hamed said.
"Today we finally have the theoretical framework in place to ask these kinds of
big questions," Arkani-Hamed said. "The next step will likely be a revolution."

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The Invisibility Cloak for Time

Experts create a cloaking device capable of hiding entire events in

by Victoria Woollaston for MailOnline

Background papers requires subscription:

The researchers separated strands of light frequencies before changing their

respective height.
They then sent this light through a fibre optic cable.
By slowing the speed of photons on a particular strand, the intensity of that light
dropped to zero.
This made that particular strand appear invisible, hidden behind or between
other strands.
Using this method, the light travelling in front of this strand was sped up, while
the trailing part was slowed down to create a gap.
The physicists then used this gap to insert hidden messages in data.
The hidden messages travelled along with the other frequencies, but arrived at
the other end, marginally out of sync with the photons surrounding it.
The theory was proposed by scientists at Imperial College London in 2010, and
the team of researchers from Purdue University made it a reality in 2013.
Last year, these experts concealed data, but were unable to retrieve this hidden
data, and ultimately ended up erasing it.
They have since developed the technology, and their latest design is the first step
towards using such cloaking devices in the real world.
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Expanding this theory outside the realms of sending data, experts propose it has
the potential to hide events featuring people, for example.
If a gap created between the light strands was large enough, a person could walk
through the centre undetected, and appear in another location.
For example, if a pedestrian wanted to cross a road without interrupting the
traffic, the cars that havent reached the crossing would appear slowed down,
while the cars beyond the crossing would speed up.
This would create a gap for the pedestrian to cross, but an observer looking from
afar would only see a steady stream of traffic. This creates a bubble in time.
To make such a large-scale cloak possible, it would require a system advanced
enough to physically separate frequencies in light, which can then be
manipulated - but the Purdue research proves it is at least possible.
And in theory, by changing the
speed on multiple strands of
light could create a series of gaps
into which multiple pieces of
data could be hidden.
Lead researcher Joseph Lukens
said: It looks like no signal is
being sent and [adds] a
potentially higher level of
security because it doesn't even
look like you are
Eavesdroppers won't realise the
signal is cloaked because it looks
like no signal is being sent.


The technique uses lasers and fibre optics.
The researchers separated strands of
frequencies in laser light before changing
their respective height.
They then sent this light through a fibre
optic cable.
By slowing the speed of photons on a
particular strand, the intensity of the light
was dropped to zero.
This made that particular strand appear
invisible, hidden behind or between other
Using this method, the light travelling in
front of this strand was sped up, while the
trailing part was slowed down to create a
The physicists then used this gap to insert
hidden messages in data.
During test, the hidden messages travelled
along with the other frequencies, but
arrived at the other end marginally out of
sync with the photons surrounding it.
It is called a spacetime cloak because the
data is transported in a 'bubble of time.'

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To create their temporal cloak, researchers separated strands of frequencies in

light before changing their respective height. By slowing the speed of photons on
a strand, the intensity of the light dropped to zero. This created a gap
(illustrated in red), in which physicists could insert and send hidden data

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The theory (pictured) was proposed by scientists at Imperial College London in

2010, and a team of researchers from Purdue University made it a reality in
2013. Last year, these experts concealed data but were unable to retrieve it, and
ultimately ended up erasing it. They have since advanced the technology.

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Solar and Planetary Magnetic Reversal

November-December 2014

Human level sciences are well aware of the magnetic field reversals occurring
with the Sun and with the Earth. While most official science public information
releases state this will take hundreds of years or more to complete. It is also
acknowledged that the magnetic North has increased its rate of movement in the
recent decade or two. And there is good evidence that magnetic field reversals on
Earth can take place quickly within a human lifetime.
While this may seem as if it is only a small inconvenience for navigation, etc.
there is more to this when one considers the role of the magnetic field in terms of
its ability to deflect or filter solar and cosmic radiation.
What's going on? Cosmic rays are intensifying. Galactic cosmic rays are a mixture
of high-energy photons and subatomic particles accelerated to near-light speed by
violent events such as supernova explosions. Astronauts are protected from cosmic
rays in part by the sun: solar magnetic fields and the solar wind combine to create
a porous 'shield' that fends off energetic particles from outside the solar system.
The problem is, as the authors note, "The sun and its solar wind are currently
exhibiting extremely low densities and magnetic field strengths, representing
states that have never been observed during the Space Age. As a result of the
remarkably weak solar activity, we have also observed the highest fluxes of cosmic
rays in the Space Age."
The shielding action of the sun is strongest during solar maximum and weakest
during solar minimum--hence the 11-year rhythm of the mission duration plot. At
the moment we are experiencing Solar Max, which should be a good time for
astronauts to fly--but it's not a good time. The solar maximum of 2011-2014 is the
weakest in a century, allowing unusual numbers of cosmic rays to penetrate the
solar system.
This situation could become even worse if, as some researchers suspect, the sun is
entering a long-term phase of the solar cycle characterized by relatively weak
maxima and deep, extended minima. In such a future, feeble solar magnetic fields
would do an extra-poor job keeping cosmic rays at bay, further reducing the
number of days astronauts can travel far from Earth.
- Tony Phillips,

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Magnetic fields also facilitate the solar-interplanetary plasma and can exert
kinetic torque on planetary bodies especially between sun and Earth. This could
be what helps trigger a major axial-crustal slip-shift for Earth. Gravitational
influences from a very large and/or very dense body passing through the vicinity
of this solar system or something even larger that affect this region of the Milky
Way galaxy could also be a major influencer upon a crustal-axial slip shift. The
dreams and visions of immense oceanic waves and intense winds that have been
reported by some, would fit such a scenario.
End Notes:
I would refer readers to a few excellent summaries of recent space science
Suspicious Observers: Super-Flood summary
(Click on see more under the video for links to various research papers.)
Vacuum Catastrophe Zero Point Energy
Episode 3 - Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Electric

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Implications to mass extinction

Oxygen escape from the Earth during

geomagnetic reversals
Note: I found this article of particular interest given that a few individuals I know
of have had visions of an enormous solar discharge that enveloped Earth. One of
the elements shared by these visions was concern expressed over the possible loss
of the Earths atmosphere. Alex

Geomagnetic field reversal substantially weakens the protection for the

Solar wind energizes more oxygen ions to escape when geomagnetic field
is weakened.
Oxygen escape may explain the drop of atmospheric level during mass
The causal relation between reversal and mass extinction should be
The simulated oxygen escape rate based on knowledge of Mars support
our hypothesis.

The evolution of life is affected by variations of atmospheric oxygen level and
geomagnetic field intensity. Oxygen can escape into interplanetary space as ions
after gaining momentum from solar wind, but Earth's strong dipole field reduces
the momentum transfer efficiency and the ion outflow rate, except for the time of
geomagnetic polarity reversals when the field is significantly weakened in
strength and becomes Mars-like in morphology. The newest databases available
for the Phanerozoic era illustrate that the reversal rate increased and the
atmospheric oxygen level decreased when the marine diversity showed a gradual
pattern of mass extinctions lasting millions of years. We propose that
accumulated oxygen escape during an interval of increased reversal rate could
have led to the catastrophic drop of oxygen level, which is known to be a cause of
mass extinction. We simulated the oxygen ion escape rate for the Triassic
Jurassic event, using a modified Martian ion escape model with an input of quiet
solar wind inferred from Sun-like stars. The results show that geomagnetic
reversal could enhance the oxygen escape rate by 34 orders only if the magnetic
field was extremely weak, even without consideration of space weather effects.
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This suggests that our hypothesis could be a possible explanation of a correlation
between geomagnetic reversals and mass extinction. Therefore, if this causal
relation indeed exists, it should be a many-to-one scenario rather the
previously considered one-to-one, and planetary magnetic field should be much
more important than previously thought for planetary habitability.

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Losing air

New study finds a barrage of small impacts likely erased much of the
Earths primordial atmosphere.
December 2, 2014
Jennifer Chu, MIT News Office
Todays atmosphere likely bears little trace of its primordial self: Geochemical
evidence suggests that Earths atmosphere may have been completely obliterated
at least twice since its formation more than 4 billion years ago. However, its
unclear what interplanetary forces could have driven such a dramatic loss.
Now researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Hebrew Univ.
and Caltech have landed on a likely scenario: A relentless blitz of small space
rocks, or planetesimals, may have bombarded Earth around the time the moon
was formed, kicking up clouds of gas with enough force to permanently eject
small portions of the atmosphere into space.
Tens of thousands of such small impacts, the researchers calculate, could
efficiently jettison Earths entire primordial atmosphere. Such impacts may have
also blasted other planets, and even peeled away the atmospheres of Venus and
In fact, the researchers found that small planetesimals may be much more
effective than giant impactors in driving atmospheric loss. Based on their
calculations, it would take a giant impactalmost as massive as the Earth
slamming into itselfto disperse most of the atmosphere. But taken together,
many small impacts would have the same effect, at a tiny fraction of the mass.
Hilke Schlichting, an assistant professor in MITs Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric
and Planetary Sciences, says understanding the drivers of Earths ancient
atmosphere may help scientists to identify the early planetary conditions that
encouraged life to form.
[This finding] sets a very different initial condition for what the early Earths
atmosphere was most likely like, Schlichting says. It gives us a new starting
point for trying to understand what was the composition of the atmosphere, and
what were the conditions for developing life.
Schlichting and her colleagues have published their results in Icarus.

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Efficient ejection
The group examined how much atmosphere was retained and lost following
impacts with giant, Mars-sized and larger bodies and with smaller impactors
measuring 25 kilometers or lessspace rocks equivalent to those whizzing
around the asteroid belt today.
The team performed numerical analyses, calculating the force generated by a
given impacting mass at a certain velocity, and the resulting loss of atmospheric
gases. A collision with an impactor as massive as Mars, the researchers found,
would generate a shockwave through the Earths interior, setting off significant
ground motionsimilar to simultaneous giant earthquakes around the planet
whose force would ripple out into the atmosphere, a process that could
potentially eject a significant fraction, if not all, of the planets atmosphere.
However, if such a giant collision occurred, it should also melt everything within
the planet, turning its interior into a homogenous slurry. Given the diversity of
noble gases like helium-3 deep inside the Earth today, the researchers concluded
that it is unlikely that such a giant, core-melting impact occurred.
Instead, the team calculated the effects of much smaller impactors on Earths
atmosphere. Such space rocks, upon impact, would generate an explosion of
sorts, releasing a plume of debris and gas. The largest of these impactors would
be forceful enough to eject all gas from the atmosphere immediately above the
impacts tangent planethe line perpendicular to the impactors trajectory. Only
a fraction of this atmosphere would be lost following smaller impacts.
To completely eject all of Earths atmosphere, the team estimated, the planet
would need to have been bombarded by tens of thousands of small impactorsa
scenario that likely did occur 4.5 billion years ago, during a time when the moon
was formed. This period was one of galactic chaos, as hundreds of thousands of
space rocks whirled around the solar system, frequently colliding to form the
planets, the moon and other bodies.
For sure, we did have all these smaller impactors back then, Schlichting says.
One small impact cannot get rid of most of the atmosphere, but collectively,
theyre much more efficient than giant impacts, and could easily eject all the
Earths atmosphere.
Runaway effect
However, Schlichting realized that the sum effect of small impacts may be too
efficient at driving atmospheric loss. Other scientists have measured the
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atmospheric composition of Earth compared with Venus and Mars. These
measurements have revealed that while each planetary atmosphere has similar
patterns of noble gas abundance, the budget for Venus is similar to that of
chondritesstony meteorites that are primordial leftovers of the early solar
system. Compared with Venus, Earths noble gas budget has been depleted 100fold.
Schlichting realized that if both planets were exposed to the same blitz of small
impactors, Venus atmosphere should have been similarly depleted. She and her
colleagues went back over the small-impactor scenario, examining the effects of
atmospheric loss in more detail, to try and account for the difference between the
two planets atmospheres.
Based on further calculations, the team identified an interesting effect: Once half
a planets atmosphere has been lost, it becomes much easier for small impactors
to eject the rest of the gas. The researchers calculated that Venus atmosphere
would only have to start out slightly more massive than Earths in order for small
impactors to erode the first half of the Earths atmosphere, while keeping Venus
intact. From that point, Schlichting describes the phenomenon as a runaway
processonce you manage to get rid of the first half, the second half is even
Time zero
During the course of the groups research, an inevitable question arose: What
eventually replaced Earths atmosphere? Upon further calculations, Schlichting
and her team found the same impactors that ejected gas also may have
introduced new gases, or volatiles.
When an impact happens, it melts the planetesimal, and its volatiles can go into
the atmosphere, Schlichting says. They not only can deplete, but replenish part
of the atmosphere.
The group calculated the amount of volatiles that may be released by a rock of a
given composition and mass, and found that a significant portion of the
atmosphere may have been replenished by the impact of tens of thousands of
space rocks.
Our numbers are realistic, given what we know about the volatile content of the
different rocks we have, Schlichting notes.

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Going forward, Schlichting hopes to examine more closely the conditions
underlying Earths early formation, including the interplay between the release of
volatiles from small impactors and from Earths ancient magma ocean.
Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

(Image courtesy of NASA)


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Planetary Imbalances
November 2014

This is one of a number of recent science articles that discuss interpretations of

new data concerning the inner dynamics of the Earth. These gravity maps are
only one of the results from new terrestrial and space sensing data. Gravity
mapping also provides insight into the distribution of various layers within the
planet. -ASK

The Potsdam Gravity Potato Shows Variations in Earths

by Matt Williams on November 29, 2014

People tend to think of gravity here on Earth as a uniform and consistent thing.
Stand anywhere on the globe, at any time of year, and youll feel the same
downward pull of a single G. But in fact, Earths gravitational field is subject to
variations that occur over time. This is due to a combination of factors, such as
the uneven distributions of mass in the oceans, continents, and deep interior, as
well as climate-related variables like the water balance of continents, and the
melting or growing of glaciers.
And now, for the first time ever, these variations have been captured in the image
known as the Potsdam Gravity Potato a visualization of the Earths gravity
field model produced by the German Research Center for Geophysics (GFZ)
Helmholtzs Center in Potsdam, Germany.
And as you can see from the image above, it bears a striking resemblance to a
potato. But what is more striking is the fact that through these models, the
Earths gravitational field is depicted not as a solid body, but as a dynamic surface
that varies over time. This new gravity field model (which is designated EIGEN6C) was made using measurements obtained from the LAGEOS, GRACE, and
GOCE satellites, as well as ground-based gravity measurements and data from
the satellite altimetry.
Compared to the previous model obtained in 2005 (shown above), EIGEN-6C has
a fourfold increase in spatial resolution.
Of particular importance is the inclusion of measurements from the satellite
GOCE, from which the GFZ did its own calculation of the gravitational field, says
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Dr. Christoph Foerste who directs the gravity field work group at GFZ along with
Dr. Frank Flechtner.
The ESA mission GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation
Explorer) was launched in mid-March 2009 and has since been measuring the
Earths gravitational field using satellite gradiometry the study and
measurement of variations in the acceleration due to gravity.
This allows the measurement of gravity in inaccessible regions with
unprecedented accuracy, for example in Central Africa and the Himalayas, said
Dr. Flechtner. In addition, the GOCE satellites offers advantages when it comes
to measuring the oceans.
Within the many open spaces that lie under the sea, the Earths gravity field
shows variations. GOCE is able to better map these, as well as deviations in the
oceans surface a factor known as dynamic ocean topography which is a
result of Earths gravity affecting the oceans surface equilibrium.
Long-term measurement data from the GFZs twin-satellite mission GRACE
(Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) were also included in the model. By
monitoring climate-based variables like the melting of large glaciers in the polar
regions and the amount of seasonal water stored in large river systems, GRACE
was able to determine the influence of large-scale temporal changes on the
gravitational field.
Given the temporal nature of climate-related processes not to mention the role
played by Climate Change ongoing missions are needed to see how they effect
our planet long-term. Especially since the GRACE mission is scheduled to end in
In total, some 800 million observations went into the computation of the final
model which is composed of more than 75,000 parameters representing the
global gravitational field. The GOCE satellite alone made 27,000 orbits during its
period of service (between March 2009 and November 2013) in order to collect
data on the variations in the Earths gravitational field.
The final result achieved centimeter accuracy, and can serve as a global reference
for sea levels and heights. Beyond the gravity community, the research has also
piqued the interest of researchers in aerospace engineering, atmospheric
sciences, and space debris.

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But above all else, it offers scientists a way of imaging the world that is different
from, but still complimentary to, approaches based on light, magnetism, and
seismic waves. And it could be used for everything from determining the speed of
ocean currents from space, monitoring rising sea levels and melting ice sheets, to
uncovering hidden features of continental geology and even peeking at the
convection force driving plate tectonics.
Article source:

The Earths gravitational model (aka the Potsdam Potato) is based on data from the LAGEOS,
GRACE, and GOCE satellites and surface data. Credit: GFZ

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The 2005 model, which was based on data from the CHAMP and GRACE satellites and surface
data, was less refined than the latest one. Credit: GFZ

Twin-satellites GRACE with the earths gravity field (vertically enhanced) calculated from
CHAMP data. Credit: GFZ

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Geoid 2011, data based on satellite LAGEOS, GRACE and GOCE and
surface data (airborne gravimetry and satellite altimetry). The
improved resolution is partly due to a) Improved and new methods
of satellite measurements SLR (LAGEOS, ERS), GPS (CHAMP), KBand Ranging (GRACE), satellite gradiometry (GOCE) and b)
Increased accuracy in the measurement of surface data (airborne
gravimetry and satellite altimetry) as well as on the long-term data
series. (Image: GFZ)
Geoid 2005, based on data of two new satellites (CHAMP and
GRACE) plus surface data (airborne gravimetry and satellite
Gravity Anomalies 2005. Gravity
anomalies in mgal, deduced by
CHAMP, GRACE and ground based
measurement. (Image: GFZ)

Geoid 1995, The irregular gravitational field of the Earth in highly

exaggerated representation. Become known as the "Potsdam
Gravity potato". 37 satellites launched since 1960 (including ERS-1
and LAGEOS), measured by Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) and
other older methods of measurement, plus surface data (airborne
gravimetry and satellite altimetry). (Image: GFZ)

The height H of a topographic point is

derived from the difference of the geometric height h above an ellipsoid (based on GNSS
navigation) minus the geoid undulation N (estimated from the Earths gravity field). (Image:

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Also see:
pdf (13MB file)

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Universe may face a darker future: Is dark

matter being swallowed up by dark energy?
October 31, 2014

The entire notion of dark matter serves as a catch-all for whatever human
science cannot explain, still I find it most human investigation and speculations
on dark matter of interest. Partly humans are noticing the deletion of portions
of extant creation. The rest is a mixture of misunderstood energetic impulses and
mistaken assumptions about reality. ASK
New research offers a novel insight into the nature of dark matter and dark
energy and what the future of our Universe might be.
Researchers in Portsmouth and Rome have found hints that dark matter, the
cosmic scaffolding on which our Universe is built, is being slowly erased,
swallowed up by dark energy.
The findings appear in the journal
Physical Review Letters, published
by the American Physical Society. In
the journal cosmologists at the
Universities of Portsmouth and
Rome, argue that the latest
astronomical data favours a dark
energy that grows as it interacts with
dark matter, and this appears to be
slowing the growth of structure in
the cosmos.
Professor David Wands, Director of
Portsmouth's Institute of Cosmology
and Gravitation, is one of the
research team.

Cosmologists use galaxies observed by the

Sloan Digital Sky Survey to study the nature of
dark energy. Credit: Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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He said: "This study is about the fundamental properties of space-time. On a
cosmic scale, this is about our Universe and its fate.
"If the dark energy is growing and dark matter is evaporating we will end up with
a big, empty, boring Universe with almost nothing in it.
"Dark matter provides a framework for structures to grow in the Universe. The
galaxies we see are built on that scaffolding and what we are seeing here, in these
findings, suggests that dark matter is evaporating, slowing that growth of
Cosmology underwent a paradigm shift in 1998 when researchers announced that
the rate at which the Universe was expanding was accelerating. The idea of a
constant dark energy throughout space-time (the "cosmological constant")
became the standard model of cosmology, but now the Portsmouth and Rome
researchers believe they have found a better description, including energy
transfer between dark energy and dark matter.
Research students Valentina Salvatelli and Najla Said from the University of
Rome worked in Portsmouth with Dr Marco Bruni and Professor Wands, and
with Professor Alessandro Melchiorri in Rome. They examined data from a
number of astronomical surveys, including the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and
used the growth of structure revealed by these surveys to test different models of
dark energy.
Professor Wands said: "Valentina and Najla spent several months here over the
summer looking at the consequences of the latest observations. Much more data
is available now than was available in 1998 and it appears that the standard
model is no longer sufficient to describe all of the data. We think we've found a
better model of dark energy.
"Since the late 1990s astronomers have been convinced that something is causing
the expansion of our Universe to accelerate. The simplest explanation was that
empty space - the vacuum - had an energy density that was a cosmological
constant. However there is growing evidence that this simple model cannot
explain the full range of astronomical data researchers now have access to; in
particular the growth of cosmic structure, galaxies and clusters of galaxies, seems
to be slower than expected."
Professor Dragan Huterer, of the University of Michigan, has read the research
and said scientists need to take notice of the findings.

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He said: "The paper does look very interesting. Any time there is a new
development in the dark energy sector we need to take notice since so little is
understood about it. I would not say, however, that I am surprised at the results,
that they come out different than in the simplest model with no interactions.
We've known for some months now that there is some problem in all data fitting
perfectly to the standard simplest model."
Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by University of
Portsmouth. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
Journal Reference:
Valentina Salvatelli, Najla Said, Marco Bruni, Alessandro Melchiorri, David
Wands. Indications of a Late-Time Interaction in the Dark
Sector. Physical Review Letters, 2014; 113 (18)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.181301

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Plasma shield

December 1, 2014
Jennifer Chu, MIT News Office

High above Earths atmosphere, electrons whiz past at close to the speed of light.
Such ultra-relativistic electrons, which make up the outer band of the Van Allen
radiation belt, can streak around the planet in a mere five minutes, bombarding
anything in their path. Exposure to such high-energy radiation can wreak havoc
on satellite electronics, and pose serious health risks to astronauts.
Now researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Univ. of
Colorado, and elsewhere have found theres a hard limit to how close ultrarelativistic electrons can get to the Earth. The team found that no matter where
these electrons are circling around the planets equator, they can get no further
than about 11,000 km from the Earths surfacedespite their intense energy.
Whats keeping this high-energy radiation at bay seems to be neither the Earths
magnetic field nor long-range radio waves, but rather a phenomenon termed
plasmaspheric hissvery low-frequency electromagnetic waves in the Earths
upper atmosphere that, when played through a speaker, resemble static, or white
Based on their data and calculations, the researchers believe that plasmaspheric
hiss essentially deflects incoming electrons, causing them to collide with neutral
gas atoms in the Earths upper atmosphere, and ultimately disappear. This
natural, impenetrable barrier appears to be extremely rigid, keeping high-energy
electrons from coming no closer than about 2.8 Earth radiior 11,000 km from
the Earths surface.
Its a very unusual, extraordinary, and pronounced phenomenon, says John
Foster, associate director of MITs Haystack Observatory. What this tells us is if
you parked a satellite or an orbiting space station with humans just inside this
impenetrable barrier, you would expect them to have much longer lifetimes.
Thats a good thing to know.
Foster and his colleagues, including lead author Daniel Baker of the Univ. of
Colorado, have published their results in Nature.
Shields up
The teams results are based on data collected by NASAs Van Allen Probestwin
crafts that are orbiting within the harsh environments of the Van Allen radiation
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belts. Each probe is designed to withstand constant radiation bombardment in
order to measure the behavior of high-energy electrons in space.
The researchers analyzed the first 20 months of data returned by the probes, and
observed an exceedingly sharp barrier against ultra-relativistic electrons. This
barrier held steady even against a solar wind shock, which drove electrons toward
the Earth in a step-like fashion in October 2013. Even under such stellar
pressure, the barrier kept electrons from penetrating further than 11,000 km
above Earths surface.
To determine the phenomenon behind the barrier, the researchers considered a
few possibilities, including effects from the Earths magnetic field and
transmissions from ground-based radios.
For the former, the team focused in particular on the South Atlantic Anomalya
feature of the Earths magnetic field, just over South America, where the
magnetic field strength is about 30% weaker than in any other region. If
incoming electrons were affected by the Earths magnetic field, Foster reasoned,
the South Atlantic Anomaly would act like a hole in the path of their motion,
allowing them to fall deeper into the Earths atmosphere. Judging from the Van
Allen probes data, however, the electrons kept their distance of 11,000 km, even
beyond the effects of the South Atlantic Anomalyproof that the Earths
magnetic field had little effect on the barrier.
Foster also considered the effect of long-range, very-low-frequency (VLF) radio
transmissions, which others have proposed may cause significant loss of
relatively high-energy electrons. Although VLF transmissions can leak into the
upper atmosphere, the researchers found that such radio waves would only affect
electrons with moderate energy levels, with little or no effect on ultra-relativistic
Instead, the group found that the natural barrier may be due to a balance
between the electrons slow, earthward motion, and plasmaspheric hiss. This
conclusion was based on the Van Allen probes measurement of electrons pitch
anglethe degree to which an electrons motion is parallel or perpendicular to
the Earths magnetic field. The researchers found that plasmaspheric hiss acts
slowly to rotate electrons paths, causing them to fall, parallel to a magnetic field
line, into Earths upper atmosphere, where they are likely to collide with neutral
atoms and disappear.
Seen through new eyes
Foster says this is the first time researchers have been able to characterize the
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Earths radiation belt, and the forces that keep it in check, in such detail. In the
past, NASA and the U.S. military have launched particle detectors on satellites to
measure the effects of the radiation belt: NASA was interested in designing better
protection against such damaging radiation; the military, Foster says, had other
In the 1960s, the military created artificial radiation belts around the Earth by
the detonation of nuclear warheads in space, Foster says. They monitored the
radiation belt changes, which were enormous. And it was realized that, in any
kind of nuclear war situation, this could be one thing that could be done to
neutralize anyones spy satellites.
The data collected from such efforts was not nearly as precise as what is
measured today by the Van Allen probes, mainly because previous satellites were
not designed to fly in such harsh conditions. In contrast, the resilient Van Allen
Probes have gathered the most detailed data yet on the behavior and limits of the
Earths radiation belt.
Its like looking at the phenomenon with new eyes, with a new set of
instrumentation, which give us the detail to say, Yes, there is this hard, fast
boundary, Foster says.

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This image shows a color-coded geographic representation of ultra-relativistic

electron fluxes, based on orbital tracks of the Van Allen Probe B spacecraft
projected onto the geographical equatorial plane. As the spacecraft precesses in
its elliptical orbit around the Earth, it forms a spirograph pattern in the
Earth-centered coordinate system. Inside of this radial distance is an almost
complete absence of electrons, forming the slot region. The superimposed
circle shows a sharp, distinctive inner boundary for ultra-relativistic electrons,
and how generally symmetric this boundary is around Earth. Image: Courtesy
of the researchers/Haystack Observatory.

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Source of volcanoes may be much closer than


Geophysicists challenge traditional theory underlying origin of midplate volcanoes
December 4, 2014
Virginia Tech
Geophysicists point to a super-hot layer beneath the tectonic plates as the place
of origin for volcanoes, as opposed to deep within the Earth's core.

Traditional thought holds that hot updrafts from the Earth's core cause volcanoes, but
researchers say eruptions may stem from the asthenosphere, a layer closer to the
surface. -Image from Virginia Tech

A long-held assumption about the Earth is discussed in today's edition of Science,

as Don L. Anderson, an emeritus professor with the Seismological Laboratory of
the California Institute of Technology, and Scott King, a professor of geophysics
in the College of Science at Virginia Tech, look at how a layer beneath the Earth's
crust may be responsible for volcanic eruptions.
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The discovery challenges conventional thought that volcanoes are caused when
plates that make up the planet's crust shift and release heat.
Instead of coming from deep within the interior of the planet, the responsibility is
closer to the surface, about 80 kilometers to 200 kilometers deep -- a layer above
the Earth's mantle, known as the as the asthenosphere.
"For nearly 40 years there has been a debate over a theory that volcanic island
chains, such as Hawaii, have been formed by the interaction between plates at the
surface and plumes of hot material that rise from the core-mantle boundary
nearly 1,800 miles below the Earth's surface," King said. "Our paper shows that a
hot layer beneath the plates may explain the origin of mid-plate volcanoes
without resorting to deep conduits from halfway to the center of the Earth."
Traditionally, the asthenosphere has been viewed as a passive structure that
separates the moving tectonic plates from the mantle.
As tectonic plates move several inches every year, the boundaries between the
plates spawn most of the planet's volcanoes and earthquakes.
"As the Earth cools, the tectonic plates sink and displace warmer material deep
within the interior of the Earth," explained King. "This material rises as two
broad, passive updrafts that seismologists have long recognized in their imaging
of the interior of the Earth."
The work of Anderson and King, however, shows that the hot, weak region
beneath the plates acts as a lubricating layer, preventing the plates from dragging
the material below along with them as they move.
The researchers show this lubricating layer is also the hottest part of the mantle,
so there is no need for heat to be carried up to explain mid-plate volcanoes.
"We're taking the position that plate tectonics and mid-plate volcanoes are the
natural results of processes in the plates and the layer beneath them," King said.
Story Source: The above story is based on materials provided by Virginia Tech
Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
Journal Reference:
D. L. Anderson, S. D. King. Driving the Earth machine? Science, 2014;
346 (6214): 1184 DOI: 10.1126/science.1261831

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2 Futures Can Explain Time's Mysterious Past

New theories suggest the big bang was not the beginning, and that we may live in
the past of a parallel universe.
December 8, 2014 |By Lee Billings
Physicists have a problem with time.
Whether through Newtons
gravitation, Maxwells
electrodynamics, Einsteins special and
general relativity or quantum
mechanics, all the equations that best
describe our universe work perfectly if
time flows forward or backward.
Of course the world we experience is
entirely different. The universe is
expanding, not contracting. Stars emit
light rather than absorb it, and
radioactive atoms decay rather than
reassemble. Omelets dont transform
back to unbroken eggs and cigarettes
never coalesce from smoke and ashes.
We remember the past, not the future,
and we grow old and decrepit, not
young and rejuvenated. For us, time
has a clear and irreversible direction.
It flies forward like a missile,
equations be damned.

In the evolution of cosmic structure, is entropy or

gravity the more dominant force? The answer to
this question has deep implications for the
universe's future, as well as its past.
Credit: NASA; ESA; G. Illingworth, D. Magee,
and P. Oesch, University of California, Santa
Cruz; R. Bouwens, Leiden University; and the

For more than a century, the standard explanation for times arrow, as the
astrophysicist Arthur Eddington first called it in 1927, has been that it is an
emergent property of thermodynamics, as first laid out in the work of the 19thcentury Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann. In this view what we perceive as
the arrow of time is really just the inexorable rearrangement of highly ordered
states into random, useless configurations, a product of the universal tendency
for all things to settle toward equilibrium with one another.
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Informally speaking, the crux of this idea is that things fall apart, but more
formally, it is a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics, which
Boltzmann helped devise. The law states that in any closed system (like the
universe itself), entropydisordercan only increase. Increasing entropy is a
cosmic certainty because there are always a great many more disordered states
than orderly ones for any given system, similar to how there are many more ways
to scatter papers across a desk than to stack them neatly in a single pile.
The thermodynamic arrow of time suggests our observable universe began in an
exceptionally special state of high order and low entropy, like a pristine cosmic
egg materializing at the beginning of time to be broken and scrambled for all
eternity. From Boltzmanns era onward, scientists allergic to the notion of such
an immaculate conception have been grappling with this conundrum.
Boltzmann, believing the universe to be eternal in accordance with Newtons
laws, thought that eternity could explain a low-entropy origin for times arrow.
Given enough timeendless time, in factanything that can happen will happen,
including the emergence of a large region of very low entropy as a statistical
fluctuation from an ageless, high-entropy universe in a state of near-equilibrium.
Boltzmann mused that we might live in such an improbable region, with an arrow
of time set by the regions long, slow entropic slide back into equilibrium.
Todays cosmologists have a tougher task, because the universe as we now know
it isnt ageless and unmoving: They have to explain the emergence of times arrow
within a dynamic, relativistic universe that apparently began some 14 billion
years ago in the fiery conflagration of the big bang. More often than not the
explanation involves fine-tuningthe careful and arbitrary tweaking of a
theorys parameters to accord with observations.
Many of the modern explanations for a low-entropy arrow of time involve a
theory called inflationthe idea that a strange burst of antigravity ballooned the
primordial universe to an astronomically larger size, smoothing it out into what
corresponds to a very low-entropy state from which subsequent cosmic structures
could emerge. But explaining inflation itself seems to require even more finetuning. One of the problems is that once begun, inflation tends to continue
unstoppably. This eternal inflation would spawn infinitudes of baby universes
about which predictions and observations are, at best, elusive. Whether this is an
undesirable bug or a wonderful feature of the theory is a matter of fierce debate;
for the time being it seems that inflations extreme flexibility and explanatory
power are both its greatest strength and its greatest weakness.

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For all these reasons, some scientists seeking a low-entropy origin for times
arrow find explanations relying on inflation slightly unsatisfying. There are
many researchers now trying to show in some natural way why its reasonable to
expect the initial entropy of the universe to be very low, says David Albert, a
philosopher and physicist at Columbia University. There are even some who
think that the entropy being low at the beginning of the universe should just be
added as a new law of physics.
That latter idea is tantamount to despairing cosmologists simply throwing in the
towel. Fortunately, there may be another way.
Tentative new work from Julian Barbour of the University of Oxford, Tim
Koslowski of the University of New Brunswick and Flavio Mercati of the
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics suggests that perhaps the arrow of
time doesnt really require a fine-tuned, low-entropy initial state at all but is
instead the inevitable product of the fundamental laws of physics. Barbour and
his colleagues argue that it is gravity, rather than thermodynamics, that draws
the bowstring to let times arrow fly. Their findings were published in October
in Physical Review Letters.
The teams conclusions come from studying an exceedingly simple proxy for our
universe, a computer simulation of 1,000 pointlike particles interacting under the
influence of Newtonian gravity. They investigated the dynamic behavior of the
system using a measure of its "complexity," which corresponds to the ratio of the
distance between the systems closest pair of particles and the distance between
the most widely separated particle pair. The systems complexity is at its lowest
when all the particles come together in a densely packed cloud, a state of
minimum size and maximum uniformity roughly analogous to the big bang. The
teams analysis showed that essentially every configuration of particles,
regardless of their number and scale, would evolve into this low-complexity state.
Thus, the sheer force of gravity sets the stage for the systems expansion and the
origin of times arrow, all without any delicate fine-tuning to first establish a lowentropy initial condition.
From that low-complexity state, the system of particles then expands outward
in both temporal directions, creating two distinct, symmetric and opposite arrows
of time. Along each of the two temporal paths, gravity then pulls the particles into
larger, more ordered and complex structuresthe models equivalent of galaxy
clusters, stars and planetary systems. From there, the standard thermodynamic
passage of time can manifest and unfold on each of the two divergent paths. In
other words, the model has one past but two futures. As hinted by the timeindifferent laws of physics, times arrow may in a sense move in two directions,
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although any observer can only see and experience one. It is the nature of gravity
to pull the universe out of its primordial chaos and create structure, order and
complexity, Mercati says. All the solutions break into two epochs, which go on
forever in the two time directions, divided by this central state which has very
characteristic properties.
Although the model is crude, and does not incorporate either quantum
mechanics or general relativity, its potential implications are vast. If it holds true
for our actual universe, then the big bang could no longer be considered a cosmic
beginning but rather only a phase in an effectively timeless and eternal universe.
More prosaically, a two-branched arrow of time would lead to curious
incongruities for observers on opposite sides. This two-futures situation would
exhibit a single, chaotic past in both directions, meaning that there would be
essentially two universes, one on either side of this central state, Barbour says.
If they were complicated enough, both sides could sustain observers who would
perceive time going in opposite directions. Any intelligent beings there would
define their arrow of time as moving away from this central state. They would
think we now live in their deepest past.
Whats more, Barbour says, if gravitation does prove to be fundamental to the
arrow of time, this could sooner or later generate testable predictions and
potentially lead to a less ad hoc explanation than inflation for the history and
structure of our observable universe.
This is not the first rigorous two-futures solution for times arrow. Most notably,
California Institute of Technology cosmologist Sean Carroll and a graduate
student, Jennifer Chen, produced their own branching model in 2004, one that
sought to explain the low-entropy origin of times arrow in the context of cosmic
inflation and the creation of baby universes. They attribute the arrow of times
emergence in their model not so much to entropy being very low in the past but
rather to entropy being so much higher in both futures, increased by the
inflation-driven creation of baby universes.
A decade on, Carroll is just as bullish about the prospect that increasing entropy
alone is the source for times arrow, rather than other influences such as gravity.
Everything that happens in the universe to distinguish the past from the future
is ultimately because the entropy is lower in one direction and higher in the
other, Carroll says. This paper by Barbour, Koslowski and Mercati is good
because they roll up their sleeves and do the calculations for their specific model
of particles interacting via gravity, but I dont think its the model that is
interestingits the models behavior being analyzed carefully. I think basically
any time you have a finite collection of particles in a really big space youll get this
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kind of generic behavior they describe. The real question is, is our universe like
that? Thats the hard part.
Together with Alan Guth, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology cosmologist
who pioneered the theory of inflation, Carroll is now working on a
thermodynamic response of sorts to the new claims for a gravitational arrow of
time: Another exceedingly simple particle-based model universe that also
naturally gives rise to times arrow, but without the addition of gravity or any
other forces. The thermodynamic secret to the models success, they say, is
assuming that the universe has an unlimited capacity for entropy.
If we assume there is no maximum possible entropy for the universe, then any
state can be a state of low entropy, Guth says. That may sound dumb, but I
think it really works, and I also think its the secret of the Barbour et al
construction. If theres no limit to how big the entropy can get, then you can start
anywhere, and from that starting point youd expect entropy to rise as the system
moves to explore larger and larger regions of phase space. Eternal inflation is a
natural context in which to invoke this idea, since it looks like the maximum
possible entropy is unlimited in an eternally inflating universe.
The controversy over times arrow has come far since the 19th-century ideas of
Boltzmann and the 20th-century notions of Eddington, but in many ways,
Barbour says, the debate at its core remains appropriately timeless. This is
opening up a completely new way to think about a fundamental problem, the
nature of the arrow of time and the origin of the second law of thermodynamics,
Barbour says. But really were just investigating a new aspect of Newtons
gravitation, which hadnt been noticed before. Who knows what might flow from
this with further work and elaboration?
Arthur Eddington coined the term arrow of time, and famously said the
shuffling of material and energy is the only thing which nature cannot undo,
Barbour adds. And here we are, showing beyond any doubt really that this is in
fact exactly what gravity does. It takes systems that look extraordinarily
disordered and makes them wonderfully ordered. And this is what has happened
in our universe. We are realizing the ancient Greek dream of order out of chaos.

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Ancient Timelines a short update
From 2012,87.msg5918.html#msg5918

In the March-July 2012 A-List Update, we showed a rough timeline of significant

events from recent ancient times to present. Roughly around 40,000 years ago
there was a catastrophic event, perhaps a supernova that may have triggered a
major magnetic pole reversal accompanied by major tectonic events.
Radioisotope studies and more recent crustal core studies support this idea. Such
an event is also reflected in some sketchy stories from ancient times when the
gods (ETs) observed some major planetary catastrophes. Once the planet
stabilized enough, they came to earth to investigate further. It is most likely that
these would be the same entities who had been involved in genetically developing
early homo sapiens sapiens, something that has been estimated by modern
research into the genetic history of the human species.
Link to March-July 2012 Update: Now some new research has been published which further
supports other research into planetary changes from around roughly 40,000
years ago.

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Illustration above: 41,000 years ago, a complete and rapid reversal of the
geomagnetic field occurred. Magnetic studies of the GFZ German Research
Centre for Geosciences on sediment cores from the Black Sea show that during
this period, during the last ice age, a compass at the Black Sea would have
pointed to the south instead of north. Moreover, data obtained by the research
team formed around GFZ researchers Dr. Norbert Nowaczyk and Prof. Helge Arz,
together with additional data from other studies in the North Atlantic, the South
Pacific and Hawaii, prove that this polarity reversal was a global event. Their
results are published in the latest issue of the scientific journal Earth and
Planetary Science Letters.

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