A New Earth - Aug-Sep 2007

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Global Awakening News August-September 2007 A New Earth

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Note: Minor edits made in this (2013) from original 2007 version.

A New Earth
by Alex Kochkin

It is now possible to say that there is a special relationship between Creation I and Earth I and
another sort of special relationship between Creation II and Earth II. The very vibrational and
proximate presence of New Earth amidst the greater backdrop of New Creation is having a
strong influence on residents of 3-d Earth, this is roughly akin to magnetic induction.

There are at this moment a number of potentialities that could unfold and the extent to which
those who are more aware can mobilize greater spiritual energy, then the more active a role we
can play in steering the outcome. To spell possible scenarios out would be too speculative and
counter-productive. Suffice to say it is still a matter of approach and timing how to bring the
New Creation/New Earth online while optimizing the awakening of the greatest number of
people. This is now on the agenda in our timeline, here and now for both Earths.

From mid-1995 to 2005 we were focused on creating new bodies of work that could affect a
positive outcome for global awakening and to examine the social-spiritual state of humanity
while keeping sight of the big picture of the earth-cosmos operating theater. I had spent most
of my life developing a good understanding of the planet, humanity, and social and spiritual
concerns. More than observe, I was a direct participant in all this as best as circumstances

Time was clearly running out and the questions were simple but the process for us difficult: To
what extent was it possible for humanity to help itself out of what was an obviously growing
morass or worse yet, abyss of no return and to move ahead (without massive external help) in
its spiritual evolutionary path. A closely allied question concerned whether it was possible for
this version of humanity to move ahead to the new evolution, new earth, and a new being --
and If so, then how?

This article continues from some earlier writings concerning a new Earth and heaven on
Earth. The perspective is one that is to be free of the illusion of improving humanitys way of
life within the paradigm and limits of the existing control
matrix --and focuses instead on the creation of new life,
new consciousness, new patterns for life, and in a larger
context of connection to higher self and reconnection to
Source consciousness.

Regardless of how the humanity-Earth relationships plays
out, there should be no question as to the importance of
encouraging people now to function in a spiritually
awakened manner in the context of their everyday lives
and in so doing to encourage people to become oriented to
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the concept of new Earth and new consciousness. It also affords ways for many to connect with
the consciousness of the new world, energetically and literally. And so this can only be a good

Given what we are seeing now, humanity is now facing the juncture of the break down of the old
reality and illusions and the emergence of something new and wonderful.

Old Earth/New Earth, Earth-I/Earth-II
Over the recent decade, people who are sensitive and imaginative to spiritual energy, have
referred to the possibility of a new Earth. Many people who are aware of new Earth or
Earth-II tend to speak of it as if it has been here all along and suggest that somehow we will all
be living in a world that is somehow transformed version of our old world at times suggestive
of a benign version of consumerism and capitalism. Others speak of it as if it is the old world but
somehow everyone is more spiritual and ethical and connected to higher self. Few have
addressed the transition from the old earth and human social control matrix to the new earth
and to other unknown destinations. To hear some versions, it sounds like somehow we will all
still be pretty much as we are, but happier, somehow. To some people trying to describe new
earth, it often sounds as though one will be still living the old earth life, but somehow it will be
better, easier, etc. Of course the practical feasibility of having both existences presents some

It is our current point of view that are in effect two Earths, one of a higher vibration and mostly
invisible from the Earth-I perspective. What we could call present Earth or Earth-I hosts a large
human population that for the moment is experiencing varying degrees of chaos and trauma.

Indeed, there are those who are presenting accessing new Earth and indeed, new Earth is having
a positive and catalytic vibrational influence on the 3-d reality Earth that we are most familiar
with. At some point in the process and in the near future, a situation is likely to emerge that
could be likened to two colonies of humans populating two separate worlds. Those on Earth-I
will be focused one type of conscious evolutionary path that involves the healing and correcting
much of the damage that has done to the planet and in so doing, will learn new ways to access
higher consciousness and that of the consciousness of the planet and matter. Those colonizing
Earth-II will focused on a different evolutionary path, one that is more in tune with the new
Creation/Creation-II that will have its own set of challenges.

Most of the earlier perspectives concerning new earth fail to reconcile the problems of the
control matrix, war, environmental toxins, the obvious impossibility of maintaining societys
physical and political infrastructure, food, energy, etc. Neither do they address the profound
problems associated with the degeneration of portions of humanity to a point where there are
tens of millions of dangerous people who have no moral or ethical guidance to their actions and
billions who have no inkling as to an alternative way of living together on this planet and can
imagine no alterative to the decrepit control matrix.

So how is this problem to be resolved? Most likely there will be a combination of spiritual
awakening as well as a rapid decline in population due to a combination of factors. Those who
form enlightened communities will eventually set about the task of clearing and caring for
Earth-I in a way that hasnt been done before. John commented on seeing a whole new focus of
collective work in the future: the dismantling of the cities and the toxic wastes. With some
limited technical aid from off-world friends, this results in the cleaning of the physical
environment from the toxins of centuries of human waste. I would add that as a spiritual
practice, such work would lead to enhanced abilities that rely on the energy of consciousness to
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modify physical reality. Thus there would be less reliance on physical labor in the ordinary sense
and new evolutionary possibilities would naturally emerge for people.

The physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering of the present-day humanity is more than any
being should have to bear. And so it is difficult to imagine a new world emerging from the
wreckage of the old without a concurrent transformation of consciousness and the emergence of
extra-normal abilities.

Most importantly, there is absolutely no basis to expect that
there are any institutions or other creations of the old
paradigm and control matrix capable of reform --and
certainly there is no reason to expect that anything created
by the control matrix and the old paradigm thinking could
create a new way of life for people. Anyone who makes such
claims is doing a disservice and misleading people right back
into the control matrix, even if their intentions are simply

Global awakening requires and implies a break with the old
patterns of separation and a deliberate welcoming in of new ones that are connected to a greater

Over time, a new earth has been forming and gradually approaching from another dimensional
reality while the overall energies of the old Earth are getting cleared and upgraded. The energy
fields of old earth and new earth recently found connection, and are now practically coincidental
with one another in time and space. However, they remain vibrationally differentiated and so
the new Earth is not readily apparent to the majority of humanity and access to the new Earth
remains somewhat limited. Nevertheless, the very presence of new Earth is having a catalytic
effect on what we would call old Earth as well as humanity as a whole.

In looking ahead, it appears that the new Earth will vibrationally or dimensionally separate from
its present docked position and begin the process of becoming a true spaceship Earth with a
new Humanity as its co-pilot, companion, and co-creative partner. Eventually a new stage in
development will be reached when together, they will no longer be dependent on orbiting within
a solar system. This then will then mark new stage in a vast process that once began its focus on
the human form. A new collective planetary being that is made up of sentient matter and biology
and energy and individual beings may emerge to eventually begin a grand journey together as
one of many and thus a remarkable new achievement of Creation would occur.

An Assessment
Left on to its own devices, and due to many internal and external factors, humanity has been
incapable of lifting itself from the brink of catastrophe. Over centuries and increasingly over
recent decades, there has been a terrible loss of functioning free-will-power and mental
discrimination, an increasingly toxic living environment, excessive pre-occupation with
individual self, and the entrenchment of powerful forces who effectively rule the planet through
a primarily covert matrix controlling all facets of life and consciousness. Even when presented
with the possibilities of catastrophe, humanity as a whole passively defaults to a type of mass
denial and resignation without hope. Even when presented with terrible contrasts of the worst of
human behavior towards itself and Earth, humanity seems to be immobilized by fear and
unconsciously overwhelmed by its predicament.

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Extenuating circumstances, primarily due to the inappropriate manipulations by powerful
earthly and extra-dimensional dark forces, have caused an outside rescue effort to be launched.
The forces of rescue who have been arriving, were not prepared for the profound level of
damage that has been caused at nearly all energetic and material levels, nor had these forces
expected humanity to be in such a compromised state of being. The new support is now coming
from beings that could be very loosely described as New Creator Gods from Source. Their
recent assistance has been providing a basis for a dramatic shift of consciousness.

There are now anticipated significant upheavals throughout human society due to a confluence
of major changes to the planetary environment as well as breakdown of a failing social-economic
system worldwide. The powerful interests that rule human society are most likely to implement
harsh measures for social control, given their inability and unwillingness to aid the resident
population in response to growing crises.

At the same time we see the emergence of new forms of cooperative community among people
and the potential for new types of community.

Planetary options are under consideration that will permit the most rapid transition for those
who will be populating or temporarily visiting the New Earth. A New Earth will carry a
population capable of living in individual self-awareness while in the context of a conscious
relationship to Source and to the New Earth. Thus will continue the grand experiment of
conscious transformation to a new type of transitional being.

Those who will be continuing on with old Earth will have much to do and much new help in re-
making the planet, engaging in a caring relationship with one another and a caring relationship
with the Earth, including the cleaning and correcting of all the terrible spoiling that has occurred
along with the growth of the human population.


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