The document details how to revise a previously submitted Monthly Employer Declaration on eFiling. It outlines the steps to increase or decrease amounts from the original declaration, and how to allocate credits when decreasing. It also describes what screens users will see at each step of revising and submitting the corrected declaration.
The document details how to revise a previously submitted Monthly Employer Declaration on eFiling. It outlines the steps to increase or decrease amounts from the original declaration, and how to allocate credits when decreasing. It also describes what screens users will see at each step of revising and submitting the corrected declaration.
The document details how to revise a previously submitted Monthly Employer Declaration on eFiling. It outlines the steps to increase or decrease amounts from the original declaration, and how to allocate credits when decreasing. It also describes what screens users will see at each step of revising and submitting the corrected declaration.
The document details how to revise a previously submitted Monthly Employer Declaration on eFiling. It outlines the steps to increase or decrease amounts from the original declaration, and how to allocate credits when decreasing. It also describes what screens users will see at each step of revising and submitting the corrected declaration.
How to revise your Monthly Employer Declaration (EMP201)
| HOW TO REVISE YOUR MONTHLY EMPLOYER DECLARATION (EMP201) - eFILING 1 2012 HOW TO REVISE YOUR MONTHLY EMPLOYER DECLARATION (EMP201) ON EFILING Introduction This guide details with how you can go about revising a previously submitted Monthly Employer Declaration (EMP201) on your eFiling. To enable the greyed-out Request for Correction option, select the applicable declaration on the EMP201 Work Page. The Request for Correction option will then be highlighted. Click the Request for Correction option which gives you access to an editable section. You must then declare the correct amount under each of the tax types [Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE), Skills Development Levy (SDL) and Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF)] where required. Note: If the new amount contains cents, you must enter it using a dot as the system will NOT automatically insert a dot. For example, if the new amount is R1250.25, enter the dot (.) before entering the cents. | HOW TO REVISE YOUR MONTHLY EMPLOYER DECLARATION (EMP201) - eFILING AUGUST 2012 2 2012 Step 1 Once you have entered the new amounts and the total amount is equal to the amount of your original declaration, the revised declaration will be available under Preview Declaration, and you can immediately le your revised EMP201. Step 2 Alternatively, once you have entered the new amounts that are higher or lower than the original total declaration amount, click the Calculate option. The following pop-up screen will appear: Step 3 If the actual payment you made in respect of the originally submitted declaration is less than the amount stated on the new declaration, click OK. There will not be any unallocated money remaining. Step 4 If the actual payment you made in respect of the originally submitted declaration matches the amount stated on the new declaration, click Cancel. If there is any unallocated money in this scenario, the unallocated money can be reallocated at a later stage. | HOW TO REVISE YOUR MONTHLY EMPLOYER DECLARATION (EMP201) - eFILING 3 2012 1. Increasing a previous declaration Step 1 If the new amount entered exceeds the amount previously declared, you must make an additional payment. Step 2 A summary of the new amounts you have declared, and the amount owed, will be displayed. Step 3 You can view the new declaration by clicking Open alongside Preview New Declaration. Step 4 Click File to submit the additional declaration to SARS. The Return Details screen will be displayed with the following options: Back to EMP201 Landing option allows you to go back to the Returns Search screen Make Payment option takes you to the Payment Details screen to make the required additional payment. | HOW TO REVISE YOUR MONTHLY EMPLOYER DECLARATION (EMP201) - eFILING AUGUST 2012 4 2012 2. Decreasing a previous declaration Step 1 If the amount entered is less than the amount previously declared, a credit is made available. Step 2 You can either allocate this credit to other periods, or leave the credit unallocated by selecting 0 periods (this is the default option). If you use the default option, you may reallocate the credit at any stage. Step 3 Select the number of periods to which you would like to reallocate the credit, and click Allocate. Step 4 Additional elds will be displayed, allowing you to reallocate the available credit to different periods and tax types. Note: You will not be able to reallocate a credit to the same period as that of the originally submitted declaration. Credit reallocations may be made for periods extending one month into the future, or back until the 1999 tax year. | HOW TO REVISE YOUR MONTHLY EMPLOYER DECLARATION (EMP201) - eFILING 5 2012 Note: If you select more than one period, you will only be able to enter the same period once under Please select period. Step 5 Once you have completed the relevant periods with the allocations, click Submit. Step 6 The declarations completed will be displayed in the SUMMARY table of the EMP201 Work Page. Step 7 Click File to submit your adjusted and additional declarations. Step 8 The Return Details screen will be displayed with the following options: Back to EMP201 Landing option allows you to go back to the Returns Search screen Make Payment option takes you to the Payment Details screen to make the required additional payment. If the value of the EMP201 is increased, SARS will create an additional EMP201 with a new Payment Reference Number (PRN). At this point, SARS will ask you to settle this debt using this new PRN. Filing an increased EMP201 will therefore not use any overpaid monies available, since the PRN would not be the same as the original EMP201 PRN. How to revise your Monthly Employer Declaration (EMP201)