Ews Release: Riverside Police Arrest and Charge Habitual DUI Offender With Driving Under The Influence

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Contact: Chief Weitzel tweitzel@riverside.il.us 708.447.2127 - Follow RPD on Twitter @pdriverside

Riverside Police Arrest and Charge Habitual DUI Offender with Driving Under the Influence
Riverside man whose license has been revoked since 2004 charged with numerous felonies

On Monday, August 18, 2014 at 12:32 a.m., a Riverside police officer stopped the driver of a 2003
Hyundai for speeding. The vehicle was traveling northbound First Avenue in the 3200 block. The vehicle
and driver were clocked by the officer at 63 miles per hour in a 35 miles an hour zone. When the officer
stopped the vehicle, the driver was extremely talkative and had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage
coming from his mouth and breath. The driver stated he was coming from a bar in Berwyn where he had
been out celebrating.
When asked for his identification, the subject first gave the name of Edwin Fuentas. Officers could find no
such record of an Edwin Fuentas owning or having a valid Illinois drivers license. The officer then asked
the driver to conduct several sobriety tests on the scene which he failed. When asked if he had been
drinking, the driver stated that he had been drinking shots of Hennessey, Corona beer and stated, I know
Im not good to drive. The driver was taken into custody for DUI.
Once in the station, the subject was fingerprinted for identification. It was learned that his true identity was
Victor Torres. During the course of the investigation, it was learned that Mr. Torres was factiously using
false identifiers to avoid being arrested as a habitual offender. Mr. Torres actually had a revoked drivers
license and had not had a valid drivers license since 1999.
Mr. Torress driving history included three prior DUI arrests. With the most current arrest by Riverside
putting him at a total of four DUI arrests. Mr. Torres had been arrested six times since 1999 for driving on
a suspended or revoked license and was arrested by Riverside Police in 1999 for drunk driving.
Arrested by Riverside Police and charged with felony driving under the influence, felony driving
while license revoked, speeding, and several other traffic violations was Victor J. Torres, 32 of the
100 block of Forest Avenue in Riverside. Mr. Torres was held over for bond and is currently in
custody with the bond set at $10,000.00.
31 Riverside Road, Riverside, IL 60546
Riverside Police Chief Thomas Weitzel stated, Mr. Torres has been without a valid drivers license for 15
years and has had numerous prior arrests for DUI and driving during a suspended or revoked license.
However, Mr. Torres has not spent one single day in prison for any of his driving offenses. While
Mr. Torres was convicted of drug charges over the years and did serve prison time, none of his in custody
prison sentences involved his driving offenses. It is shameful that somewhere along the line Mr. Torres
was not sentenced to any in custody prison time for these obvious flagrant and reckless traffic offenses.


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