This document contains 20 questions related to JavaServer Pages (JSP), servlets, filters, security, and tag libraries. Some of the questions ask about the differences between JSP and servlets, JSP scripting elements, implicit objects in JSP, JavaBeans components versus scriptlets, MVC architecture, and data sharing scopes. Other questions cover filters, listeners, security implementations like form-based authentication and basic authentication, and installing and using custom tag libraries.
This document contains 20 questions related to JavaServer Pages (JSP), servlets, filters, security, and tag libraries. Some of the questions ask about the differences between JSP and servlets, JSP scripting elements, implicit objects in JSP, JavaBeans components versus scriptlets, MVC architecture, and data sharing scopes. Other questions cover filters, listeners, security implementations like form-based authentication and basic authentication, and installing and using custom tag libraries.
This document contains 20 questions related to JavaServer Pages (JSP), servlets, filters, security, and tag libraries. Some of the questions ask about the differences between JSP and servlets, JSP scripting elements, implicit objects in JSP, JavaBeans components versus scriptlets, MVC architecture, and data sharing scopes. Other questions cover filters, listeners, security implementations like form-based authentication and basic authentication, and installing and using custom tag libraries.
This document contains 20 questions related to JavaServer Pages (JSP), servlets, filters, security, and tag libraries. Some of the questions ask about the differences between JSP and servlets, JSP scripting elements, implicit objects in JSP, JavaBeans components versus scriptlets, MVC architecture, and data sharing scopes. Other questions cover filters, listeners, security implementations like form-based authentication and basic authentication, and installing and using custom tag libraries.
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Question Bank (JSP, Volume2)
Ques1: compare JSP and Servlets.
Ques2: Explain the JSP scripting elements. Which JSP Element code into _JSPservice method when JSP is converted into servlet. Ques:Explain the various prede!ined varia"les#implicit $"%ects& availa"le in JSP. Ques':explain the ()*+ and ,*+ s-ntax !or the scripting elements. Ques.: Explain the di!!erence "etween con!ig/ pagecontext/ page prede!ined varia"les. Ques0:Explain the di!!erence "etween 12 page content)-pe34application5vnd.ms6 excel47 and 18 response.setcontent)-pe#9application5vnd.ms6excel4&87 Ques::Explain the errorPage and isErrorPage with the help o! example. Ques;:Explain the di!!erence "etween include <irective and include =ction )ag/ Ques>:Explain the di!!erence "etween 1%sp:plugin7 and 1applet7 tag to include applets in we" application. Ques1?: Explain the =dvantages o! Java@eans components over scriptlets and JSP expressions. Ques11:what are the conventions !or writing Java @eans. Ques12:Wh- it is alwa-s suggested to put the Java @ean class in WE@6 ABC5classesDSomePacEage Ques1: what is the di!!erence "etween 1%sp:use@ean type=Package.className7 and 1%sp:use@ean class=package.classname7 Ques1':what is the di!!erence "etween !orward method o! FeGuest<ispatcher and sendredirect method. Ques1.:what is the di!!erence "etween *HI model 1 architecture and *odel 2 architecture. Ques10:discuss the various data sharing methods#scopes& in *HI. Ques1::What is E+. What are the advantages o! E+. Ques1;: Explain the various methods !or preventing Expression language evaluation. Ques:1>:Jive an example to access the nested properties o! "ean using E+. Ques2?:what are the restrictions on the propert- name while accessing using E+ . i! the propert- name is not valid %ava varia"le then what is the alternate wa- to access the propert- or headers. Volume-2 Ques1: Iompare #*ention <e!inition/ =dvantages/<isadvantages& !orm "ased authentication and "asic authentication <eclarative Securit- vs Programmatic Securit- Ques2: State steps !or implementing !orm "ased authentication. Ques:State steps !or implementing "asic authentication Ques': what do -ou men "- !ilter. Ques.: what is invoEer servletK (ow to turn it o!!K Ques0: Explain the li!e c-cle o! the servlet along with !ilterK Ques:: write short note on response Wrapper class. Ques;: whether !ilters worEs with "oth direct client reGuest or !orward and include methods o! reGuest dispatcher. A! not how to con!igure !ilters with dispatchers. Ques>: Bame the event listeners corresponds to we" application li!e c-cle events. Ques1?: write short note on servletIontext+istener/ servletSession+istener/ Session =ttri"ute+istener/ Session$"%ect@inding+istener/ FeGuest=ttri"ute+istener Ques11: explain general steps !or using listeners in a we" application. Ques12: explain the various components o! tag li"rar-. Ques1: write the installation steps o! JS)+. =lso explain all core tags in detail.