An astable multivibrator generates square waves without an external trigger pulse. It oscillates continuously between two quasi-stable states, with one transistor conducting while the other is off. The circuit uses capacitive coupling between the transistors so that neither remains permanently on or off. This causes the circuit to switch back and forth between the two states, producing a square wave output. The width and frequency of the square wave depends on the circuit components and values.
An astable multivibrator generates square waves without an external trigger pulse. It oscillates continuously between two quasi-stable states, with one transistor conducting while the other is off. The circuit uses capacitive coupling between the transistors so that neither remains permanently on or off. This causes the circuit to switch back and forth between the two states, producing a square wave output. The width and frequency of the square wave depends on the circuit components and values.
An astable multivibrator generates square waves without an external trigger pulse. It oscillates continuously between two quasi-stable states, with one transistor conducting while the other is off. The circuit uses capacitive coupling between the transistors so that neither remains permanently on or off. This causes the circuit to switch back and forth between the two states, producing a square wave output. The width and frequency of the square wave depends on the circuit components and values.
An astable multivibrator generates square waves without an external trigger pulse. It oscillates continuously between two quasi-stable states, with one transistor conducting while the other is off. The circuit uses capacitive coupling between the transistors so that neither remains permanently on or off. This causes the circuit to switch back and forth between the two states, producing a square wave output. The width and frequency of the square wave depends on the circuit components and values.
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A multivibrator which generates square waves of its own (i.
e without any external
trigger pulse) is known as astable multivibrator. It is also called free ramming multivibrator. It has no stable state but only two quasi-stable (half-stable) makes oscillating continuously between these states. Thus it is just an oscillator since it requires no external pulse for its operation of course it does require D.C power. In such circuit neither of the two transistors reaches a stable state. It switches back and forth from one state to the other, remaining in each state for a time determined by circuit constants. In other words, at first one transistor conducts (i.e. ON state) and the other stays in the OFF state for some time. After this period of time , the second transistor is automatically turned ON and the first transistor turned OFF. Thus the multivibrator will generate a square wave of its own. The width of the square wave and it frequency will depend upon the circuit constants. Here we like to describe. Collector - coupled Astabe multivibrator Emitter - coupled Astable multivibrator Astable multivibrator using OP-AMP 555 timer IC as Astable multivibraotor Collector - Coupled Astable Multivibrator Figure (a) shows the circuit of a collector coupled astable multivibrator using two identical NPN transistors Q 1 and Q 2 . It is possible to have R L1 = R L2 = R L = R 1 = R 2 = R and C 1 = C 2 = C. In that case , the circuit is known as symmetrical astable multivibrator. The transistor Q 1 is forward biased by the V cc supply through resistor R 2 . Similarly the transistor Q 2 is forward biased by the V cc supply through resistor R 1 . The output of transistor Q 1 is coupled to the input of transistor Q 2 through the capacitor C 2 . Similarly the output of transistor Q 2 is coupled to the input of transistor Q 1 through the capacitor C 1 .
It consists of two common emitter amplifying stages. Each stage provides a feedback through a capacitor at the input of the other . Since the amplifying stage introduces a 180 o phase shift and another 180 o phase shift is introduced by a capacitor , therefore the feedback signal and the circuit works as an oscillator. In other words because of capacitive coupling none of the transistor can remain permanently out-off or saturated, instead of circuit has two quasi-stable states (ON and OFF) and it makes periodic transition between these two states. The output of an astable multivibrator is available at the collector terminal of the either transistors as shown in figure (a). However, the two outputs are 180 o out of phase with each other. Therefore one of the output is said to be the complement of the other. Let us suppose that 1. When Q 1 is ON, Q 2 is OFF and 2. When Q 2 is ON, Q 1 is OFF. When the D.C power supply is switched ON by closing S, one of the transistors will start conducting before the other (or slightly faster then the other). it is so because characteristics of no two similar transistors can be exactly alike suppose that Q 1 starts conducting before Q 2 does. The feedback system is such that Q 1 will be very rapidly driven ton saturation and Q 2 to cut-off. The circuit operation may be explained as follows. 1. Since Q 1 is in saturation whole of V CC drops across R L1 . Hence V C1 = 0 and point A is at zero or ground potential. 2. Since Q 2 is in cut-off i.e. it conducts no current, there is no drop across R L2 . Hence point B is at V CC . 3. Since A is at 0V C 2 starts to charge through R 2 towards V CC . 4. When voltage across C 2 rises sufficiently (i.e. more than 0.7V), it biases Q 2 in the forward direction so that it starts conducting and is soon driven to saturation. 5. V CC decreases and becomes almost zero when Q 2 gets saturated. The potential of point B decreases from V CC to almost 0V. This potential decrease (negative swing) is applied to the base of Q 1 through C 1 . Consequently, Q 1 is pulled out of saturation and is soon driven to cut-off. 6. Since, now point B is at 0V, C 1 starts charging through R 1 towards the target voltage V CC . 7. When voltage of C 1 increases sufficiently. Q 1 becomes forward-biased and starts conducting. In this way the whole cycle is repeated. It is observed that the circuit alternates between a state in which Q 1 is ON and Q 2 is OFF and the state in which Q 1 is OFF and Q 2 is ON. This time in each states depends on RC values. Since each transistor is driven alternately into saturation and cut-off. The voltage waveform at either collector (points A and B in figure (b)) is essentially a square waveform with a peak amplitude equal to V CC . Schmitt trigger belongs to a class of bistable multivibrator circuits. In a bistable, there exist two D.C. couplings from each output to input of the other. But in Schmitt trigger circuit, there exists only one coupling. It can be recalled that if in the emitter coupled bistable the feedback network from the collector of transistor Q 2 to the base of transistor Q 1 is removed , it becomes a Schmitt trigger circuit. The Schmitt trigger is used for wave shaping circuits. It can be used for generation of a square wave from a sine wave input. Basically, the circuit has two opposite operating states like in all other multivibrator circuits. However, the trigger signal is not, typically, a pulse waveform but a slowly varying A.C. Voltage. The Schmitt trigger is level sensitive and switches the output state at two distinct trigger levels. One of the triggering levels is called a lower trigger level (abbreviated as L.T.L) and the other as upper trigger level (abbreviated as U.T.L). The bistable multivibrator has two absolutely stable states. It will remain in whichever state it happens to be until a trigger pulse causes it to switch to the other state. For instance, suppose at any particular instant, transistor Q 1 is conducting and transistor Q 2 is at cut-off. If left to itself, the bistable multivibrator will stay in this position for ever. However, if an external pulse is applied to the circuit in such a way that Q 1 is cut-off and Q 2 is turned on, the circuit will stay in the new position. Another trigger pulse is then required to switch the circuit back to its original state. In other words a multivibrator which has both the state stable is called a bistable multivibrator. It is also called flip-flop, trigger circuit or binary. The output pulse is obtained when, and why a driving (triggering) pulse is applied to the input. A full cycle of output is produced for every two triggering pulses of correct polarity and amplitude.
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