Multivibrator and Oscillators
Astable multivibrator circuit
Multivibrator frequency
Protective components
Bistable multivibrator circuit
Phase-Shift Oscillators
The Wien-Bridge Oscillator
The Colpitts Oscillator
Hartley oscillator
Clapp oscillator
Armstrong oscillator
Crystal-Controlled Oscillators
Oscillator Troubleshooting
In its simplest form the multivibrator circuit consists of two cross-coupled transistors.
Using resistor-capacitor networks within the circuit to define the time periods of the unstable
states, the various types may be implemented. Multivibrators find applications in a variety of
systems where square waves or timed intervals are required. Simple circuits tend to be inaccurate
since many factors affect their timing, so they are rarely used where very high precision is
Before the advent of low-cost integrated circuits, chains of multivibrators found use as frequency
dividers. A free-running multivibrator with a frequency of one-half to one-tenth of the reference
frequency would accurately lock to the reference frequency. This technique was used in early
electronic organs, to keep notes of different octaves accurately in tune. Other applications
included early television systems, where the various line and frame frequencies were kept
synchronized by pulses included in the video signal.
Figure 1: Basic BJT astable multivibrator
This circuit shows a typical simple astable circuit, with an output from the collector of Q1, and
an inverted output from the collector of Q2.
Suggested values will yield a frequency of about f = 0.24 Hz.
State 1:
Q1 holds the bottom of R1 (and the left side of C1) near ground (0 V).
The right side of C1 (and the base of Q2) is being charged by R2 from below ground to
0.6 V.
R3 is pulling the base of Q1 up, but its base-emitter diode prevents the voltage from
rising above 0.6 .
R4 is charging the right side of C2 up to the power supply voltage (+V). Because R4 is
less than R2, C2 charges faster than C1.
When the base of Q2 reaches 0.6 V, Q2 turns on, and the following positive feedback loop
Q2 abruptly pulls the right side of C2 down to near 0 V.
Because the voltage across a capacitor cannot suddenly change, this causes the left side
of C2 to suddenly fall to almost −V, well below 0 V.
Q1 switches off due to the sudden disappearance of its base voltage.
R1 and R2 work to pull both ends of C1 toward +V, completing Q2's turn on. The process
is stopped by the B-E diode of Q2, which will not let the right side of C1 rise very far.
This now takes us to State 2, the mirror image of the initial state, where Q1 is switched off and
Q2 is switched on. Then R1 rapidly pulls C1's left side toward +V, while R3 more slowly pulls
C2's left side toward +0.6 V. When C2's left side reaches 0.6 V, the cycle repeats.
Multivibrator frequency
The period of each half of the multivibrator is given by t = ln(2)RC. The total period of
oscillation is given by:
T = t1 + t2 = ln(2)R2 C1 + ln(2)R3 C2
f is frequency in hertz.
R2 and R3 are resistor values in ohms.
C1 and C2 are capacitor values in farads.
T is period time (In this case, the sum of two period durations).
Initial power-up
When the circuit is first powered up, neither transistor will be switched on. However, this means
that at this stage they will both have high base voltages and therefore a tendency to switch on,
and inevitable slight asymmetries will mean that one of the transistors is first to switch on. This
will quickly put the circuit into one of the above states, and oscillation will ensue. In practice,
oscillation always occurs for practical values of R and C.
However, if the circuit is temporarily held with both bases high, for longer than it takes for both
capacitors to charge fully, then the circuit will remain in this stable state, with both bases at 0.6
V, both collectors at 0 V, and both capacitors charged backwards to −0.6 V. This can occur at
startup without external intervention, if R and C are both very small. For example, a 10 MHz
oscillator of this type will often be unreliable. (Different oscillator designs, such as relaxation
oscillators, are required at high frequencies.)
Period of oscillation
Very roughly, the duration of state 1 (low output) will be related to the time constant R2C1 as it
depends on the charging of C1, and the duration of state 2 (high output) will be related to the
time constant R3C2 as it depends on the charging of C2. Because they do not need to be the same,
an asymmetric duty cycle is easily achieved.
However, the duration of each state also depends on the initial state of charge of the capacitor in
question, and this in turn will depend on the amount of discharge during the previous state,
which will also depend on the resistors used during discharge (R1 and R4) and also on the
duration of the previous state, etc. The result is that when first powered up, the period will be
quite long as the capacitors are initially fully discharged, but the period will quickly shorten and
The period will also depend on any current drawn from the output and on the supply voltage.
Protective components
While not fundamental to circuit operation, diodes connected in series with the base or emitter of
the transistors are required to prevent the base-emitter junction being driven into reverse
breakdown when the supply voltage is in excess of the Veb breakdown voltage, typically around
5-10 volts for general purpose silicon transistors. In the monostable configuration, only one of
the transistors requires protection.
Non-electronic astables
Astable oscillators are usually thought of as electronic circuits, but need not
be. Bimetallic devices are used which switch an electric current on as they cool and off as they
heat - flashing Christmas and car indicator lights may use this mechanism.
Oscillators are circuits that produce an output waveform without an external signal source. The
key to oscillator operation is positive feedback. A positive feedback network produces a
feedback voltage ( ) that is in phase with the input signal ( ) as shown in Figure 4. The
amplifier shown in the figure produces a 180° voltage phase shift, and the feedback network
introduces another 180° voltage shift. This results in a combined 360° voltage phase shift, which
is the same as a 0° shift. Therefore, is in phase with . (Positive feedback can also be
achieved by using an amplifier and a feedback network that both generate a 0° phase shift.)
An oscillator needs a brief trigger signal to start the oscillations. Most oscillators provide their
own trigger simply by turning the circuit on. This principle is explained in detail at the end of
Section 5 of the text. So far, we have established two requirements for oscillator operation:
1. The circuit must have regenerative feedback; that is, feedback that results in a
combined 360°(or 0°) voltage phase shift around the circuit loop.
2. The circuit must receive some trigger signal to start the oscillations.
There is one other requirement for oscillator operation. The circuit must fulfill a condition
referred to as the Barkhausen criterion.
Earlier you were shown that the active component in a feedback amplifier produces a voltage
gain ( ) while the feedback network introduces a loss or attenuation ( ). In order for an
oscillator to work properly, the following relationship must be met:
This relationship is called the Barkhausen criterion. If this criterion is not met, one of the
following occurs:
1. If , the oscillations die out after a few cycles.
2. If , the oscillator drives itself into saturation and cutoff clipping.
These principles are illustrated in Figure 5.
Phase-Shift Oscillators
The phase-shift oscillator contains three RC circuits in its feedback circuit. In your study of basic
electronics, you learned that an RC circuit produces a phase shift at a given frequency that can be
calculated using:
The negative feedback path is from the output to the inverting input of the op-amp. Note the
differences from a normal negative feedback circuit. Two diodes have been added in parallel
with , as well as the potentiometer labeled . The potentiometer is used to control the of
the circuit. The diodes also limit the closed-loop voltage gain of the circuit. If the output signal
tries to exceed a predetermined value by more than 0.7 V, then the diodes conduct
and limit signal amplitude. The diodes are essentially used as clippers.
Earlier we said that the Wien-bridge oscillator is a common low-frequency oscillator. As
frequency increases, the propagation delay of the op-amp can begin to introduce a phase shift,
which causes the circuit to stop oscillating. Propagation delay is the time required for the signal
to pass through a component (in this case the op-amp). Most Wien-bridge oscillators are limited
to frequencies below 1 MHz. Refer to Figure 11 of the text for a summary of Wien-bridge
oscillator characteristics.
The key to understanding this circuit is knowing how the feedback circuit produces its 180°
phase shift (the other 180° is from the inverting action of the CE amplifier). The feedback circuit
produces a 180° voltage phase shift as follows:
1. The amplifier output voltage is developed across .
2. The feedback voltage is developed across .
3. As each capacitor causes a 90° phase shift, the voltage at the top of (the output
voltage) must be 180° out of phase with the voltage at the bottom of (the feedback
The first two points are fairly easy to see. is between the collector and ground. This is where
the output is measured. is between the transistor base and ground, or in other words, where
the input is measured. Point three is explained using the circuit in Figure 9.
Figure 8 is the equivalent representation of the tank circuit in the Colpitts oscillator. Let’s assume
that the inductor is the voltage source and it induces a current in the circuit. With the polarity
shown across the inductor, the current causes potentials to be developed across the capacitors
with the polarities shown in the figure. Note that the capacitor voltages are 180° out of phase
with each other. When the polarity of the inductor voltage reverses, the current reverses, as does
the resulting polarity of the voltage across each capacitor (keeping the capacitor voltages 180°
out of phase).
The value of the feedback voltage is determined (in part) by the of the circuit. For the Colpitts
oscillator, is defined by the ratio of . By formula:
The validity of these equations is demonstrated in Example 18.1 of the text.
As with any oscillator, the product of must be slightly greater than 1. As mentioned
earlier and . Therefore:
As with any tank circuit, this one will be affected by a load. To avoid loading effects (the circuit
loses some efficiency), the output from a Colpitts oscillator is usually transformer-coupled to the
load, as shown in Figure 18.14 of the text. Capacitive coupling is also acceptable so long as:
Other LC Oscillators
Three other oscillators are mentioned briefly in this chapter: the Hartley oscillator, the Clapp
oscillator, and the Armstrong oscillator.
The Hartley oscillator is similar to the Colpitts except that it uses a pair of tapped coils instead
of two tapped capacitors. For the circuit in Figure 18-7, the output voltage is developed across
and the feedback voltage is developed across . The attenuation caused by the feedback
network ( ) is found as:
The tank circuit, just like in the Colpitts, determines the operating frequency of the Hartley
oscillator. As the tapped inductors are in series, the sum of must be used when
calculating the value of .
FIGURE 10 Hartley oscillator.
The Clapp oscillator is simply a Colpitts oscillator with an extra capacitor in series with the
coil. It is labeled as in Figure 10. The function of is to reduce the effects of junction
capacitance on operating frequency. If you refer to Figure 18.17 of the text, you can see that:
1. is in parallel with the Miller input capacitance, .
2. is in parallel with the Miller output capacitance, .
is always much lower in value than either or , so it becomes the dominant capacitor in
any frequency calculation. The reason we still need and is to provide the phase shift
needed for regenerative feedback. has not replaced and . It is simply there to determine
the operating frequency. Since are eliminated from the frequency calculation, junction
capacitance has little or no effect on operating frequency.
The Armstrong oscillator uses a transformer to achieve the 180° phase shift required for
oscillation, as shown in Figure 11. As you can see from the figure, the output from the transistor
is applied to the primary of the transformer and the feedback is taken from the secondary. Note
from the polarity dots on the transformer that the secondary is inverted relative to the primary.
This is how the 180° phase shift is accomplished. The capacitor, , and the primary of the
transformer determine the circuit’s operating frequency.
TABLE 18.1
Oscillator Type Recognition Features
Hartley Tapped inductors or a tapped transformer with one capacitor.
Clapp Looks like a Colpitts with a capacitor in series with the coil.
Armstrong A transformer with a single capacitor.
Crystal-Controlled Oscillators
In applications where extremely stable operating frequencies are required, the oscillators that we
have studied so far come up short. They can experience variations in both frequency and
amplitude for several reasons:
If the transistor is replaced, it may have slightly different gain characteristics.
If the inductor or capacitor is changed, the operating frequency may change.
If circuit temperature changes, the resistive components will change, which can
cause a change in both frequency and amplitude.
In any system where stability is paramount, crystal-controlled oscillators are used. Crystal-
controlled oscillators use a quartz crystal to control the operating frequency.
The key to the operation of a crystal-controlled oscillator is the piezoelectric effect, which
means that the crystal vibrates at a constant rate when it is exposed to an electric field.
The physical dimensions of the crystal determine the frequency of vibration. Thus, by cutting the
crystal to specific dimensions, we can produce crystals that have very exact frequency ratings.
There are three commonly used crystals that exhibit piezoelectric properties. They are Rochelle
salt, quartz, and tourmaline. Rochelle salt has the best piezoelectric properties but is very fragile.
Tourmaline is very tough, but its vibration rate is not as stable. Quartz crystals fall between the
two extremes and are the most commonly used.
Quartz crystals are made from silicon dioxide ( ). They develop as six-sided crystals as
shown in Figure 18.20 of the text. When used in electronic components, a thin slice of crystal is
placed between two conductive plates, like those of a capacitor. Remember that its physical
dimensions determine the frequency at which the crystal vibrates.
FIGURE 14 Crystal-controlled Colpitts oscillator.
Oscillator Troubleshooting
Oscillators can be very challenging to troubleshoot. With the exception of the biasing resistors,
every component is directly involved in producing an output signal. If any of these components
fails, then there will be no output at all. As with any circuit, you start troubleshooting an
oscillator by eliminating the obvious—check the power supply. If the oscillator is faulty, then
you should keep in mind the following:
1. Check the dc characteristics of the circuit as you would any other.
2. Use an analog VOM (as an ohmmeter) to check the capacitors. The VOM will give a
better representation of the charging characteristics of the capacitors. A good capacitor initially
exhibits a low resistance reading and then, as it charges, approaches .
3. Remember that transformer primary and secondary windings should have low resistance
readings. At the same time, you should read infinite ohms between any primary terminal and any
secondary terminal.
In many cases it is simpler and less time consuming to simply replace the reactive components.
If you decide to pursue this route, replace one component at a time and retest the circuit’s
operation. When it starts to operate properly, you know you have found the faulty component.
• The introduction of an impedance that connects amplifier input and output ports adds a great
deal of complexity in the analysis process. One technique that often helps reduce the
complexity in some circuits is the use of Miller's theorem.
• Miller's theorem applies to the process of creating equivalent circuits. This general circuit
theorem is particularly useful in the high-frequency analysis of certain transistor amplifiers at
high frequencies.
Given any general linear network having a common terminal and two terminals
whose voltage ratio, with respect to the common terminal, is given by:
V2 = AV1 . (10.5-1)
If the two terminals of the network are then interconnected by an impedance, Z,
an equivalent circuit can be formed. This equivalent circuit consists of the same
general linear network and two impedances; each of which shunt a network
terminal to common terminal. These two impedances have value (Figure 10.5-1):
Z1 = Z2 = (10.5-2)
1- A A -1