NJGM 2014 - 009
DATE: 16 September 2014
TO: All UP Students
SUBJECT: Submission of proposed amendments to the Codified Rules for the Student Regent Selection
NJGM 2014 - 009
DATE: 16 September 2014
TO: All UP Students
SUBJECT: Submission of proposed amendments to the Codified Rules for the Student Regent Selection
NJGM 2014 - 009
DATE: 16 September 2014
TO: All UP Students
SUBJECT: Submission of proposed amendments to the Codified Rules for the Student Regent Selection
NJGM 2014 - 009
DATE: 16 September 2014
TO: All UP Students
SUBJECT: Submission of proposed amendments to the Codified Rules for the Student Regent Selection
DATE: 16 September 2014 TO: All UP Students SUBJECT: Submission of proposed amendments to the Codified Rules for the Student Regent Selection
Warm nationalist greetings!
The STUDENT REGENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES (UP) stands as the sole representative of over 50,000 students across all units to UPs highest governing body the Board of Regents. One with the people in their struggle for democratic rights and for the advancement of national interests, the OFFICE OF THE STUDENT REGENT (OSR) is a consequence of the UP students resolute struggle for student representation even before Martial Law.
Consistent with Republic Act Numbered Ninety-five hundred, otherwise known as the UP Charter of 2008, the Codified Rules for the Student Regent Selection or CRSRS governs its yearly selection.
Section 4, Article IX of the CRSRS provides
These rules shall be amended or repealed through the majority vote of all the student councils in the UP System. Proposals to amend should be submitted to the OSR not later than the first (1 st ) day of October. (Emphasis supplied)
The Office is now ready to receive all proposed amendments to the said Rules until 1 October 2014 (Wednesday), 12 midnight, pursuant to the aforesaid rule. Amendments, if any, shall all be deliberated upon by the first General Assembly of Student Councils of this academic year. You will be notified of any and all submissions received within the prescribed period at the soonest time possible.
To note, proposals are not exclusive to student councils alone. Submissions may be made by any student or student organization with the endorsement of their respective University or local student council, as well.
Please submit your proposals personally or through fax, email or mail no later than the stated deadline, using the contact information provided above. Late submissions will not be accepted. For queries, you may reach our Secretariat at 0905 376 8885.
Widest dissemination of this Memorandum is earnestly sought. Thank you.