1301st BOR Report
1301st BOR Report
1301st BOR Report
ON THE 1301
29 SEPTEMBER 2014, 9:10 AM
Student Regent Neill John G. Macuha reiterated his contention on the approval of the UP
Master Development Plan: Development Principles and Guidelines. Though Chair
Licuanan clarified that the SR does not need to do so as he already had raised the
concerns of his constituentsthus have done his jobSR Macuha still asked that his
opposition be noted. There was no objection and so the Board approved the minutes.
Meeting, 28 August 2014
On the Motion for Reconsideration in Connection with the University of the
Philippines/University of the Philippines Manila/Philippine General Hospital Health
Insurance Program
Vice President for Legal Affairs Danny Uy told the Board of its decision to revisit the said
Health Insurance Program to verify the facts that were raised during the previous
meeting. He however reported that the PGH Administration is not yet done with the
survey asking the doctors that their share on PhilHealth reimbursements, as mandated
by law, be used for the Insurance Scheme.
SR Macuha informed the Board that as much as it was guaranteed that the money shall
not come from the health workers, he is skeptical as members of the All UP Workers
Union in UP Manila clarified that the reimbursements were now put in a pool fund to be
divided equally among PGH employees. The said 50-50 scheme on workers and doctors
were long gone, thus the seed money to be used would deduct from workers benefits.
The Board noted this and deferred the instant matter until the next meeting due to
insufficient information.
Submission of CUs to the Office of the Secretary of the University and of the Board of
Regents of reports on the housing/dormitory situation of students in their respective
campuses (as requested by Regent Montinola, as a supplement to SR Macuhas report
on the 1300
BOR meeting)
Assistant Secretary Virginia Ocampo sent a letter to all Chancellors and the Dean of UP
Cebu for an assessment of the dormitory situation. The members of the Board were
provided copies of their replies for further study. Here, SR Macuha maximized the
opportunity to reiterate his report on the proposed increase in fees for the food service of
Kalayaan, Ilang-ilang, and Molave Residence Halls in UP Diliman. The student regent
likewise raised other problems that the students face in other units.
List of UP Alumni for Sports Development (as requested by Regent Albarracin)
Dr. Jose Wendell Capili, Director of the Office of Alumni Relations, presented to the Board
a list of UP alumni benefactors for UPs sports development. He also added that in order
to facilitate better relations with the alumni, UP Diliman Chancellor Dr. Michael Tan shall
institute an Office of Alumni Relations, being the sole UP Unit without such office.
Regent Senator Pia Cayetano reiterated the need for UP to improve its services for sports
development. Regent Albarracin then asked Dr. Capili and Alumni Regent Ponciano
Rivera if it would be possible to have a definite amount to ask for each so that there
would be a definite target to be set. SR Macuha also raised that he hopes that the
support that UP Diliman varsity are getting, as pointed out by the regent senator, be the
same with other varsity from other units. He noted that varsity members from other units
are likewise representing the University but without sufficient support.
BOR Meeting, 30 June 2014
Approval of the Board of Regents of the Amended 2012 Code of Student Conduct of UP
Diliman Incorporating the Boards Action at its 1298
Meeting on 30 June 2014 and
Other Amendements
Dr. Milagros Laurel presented to the Board an updated copy of the 2012 Code of Student
Conduct, which now includes the one-year residency requirement for acceptance to
fraternities and sororities. On the student regents inquiry whether it needs to be
approved by the Board, Secretary Lillian De Las Llagas clarified that it was a lapse on the
part of the OSU to put approval. She said that Dr. Laurels presentation was just a report.
SR Macuha then reiterated his earlier position against the 2012 Code, and requested for
a soft copy of the said document for information dissemination. Dr. Laurel answered that
the copy shall be posted on the UP Diliman website for everyones information.
Approval of the Institution of Tuition and Laboratory Fees in the Professional Masters in
Tropical Marine Ecosystems Management (PM-TMEM) Program
Vice President for Administration Dr. Maragtas Amante discussed to the Board the
process in which the tuition and laboratory fees of the said program have undergone.
While SR Macuha agreed with VP Amante, he likewise reported that student councils
concerned raised their objection with the high fees (Php 2500/unit for tuition, Php 3500
for lab fees) that the program will collect. He also noted the sentiment of the UPLB
Graduate School Student Council that such fees must not be the basis for increasing the
tuition collected for graduate students in UPLB. The Office shares the same sentiments.
Regent Representative Roman Romulo asked Vice President Amante about the process
that shall be followed, regardless of what the student regent had said. Secretary De Las
Llagas was quick to point that there should be consultation with students, student
councils, and the Office about such. The student regent shall then report to the Board of
his assessment. The secretary likewise noted that the student regent must be present in
such consultations. SR Macuha clarified that he was not invited to any consultation, nor
was discussed personally on the said fees; there was only written communication about
the matter. Regent Representative Romulo inquired again if such steps were followed,
noting that he do not want any complains of not being consulted before instituting the
fees for the program. He added that the Board were given insufficient information in
order to assess the fees to be implemented, further saying that he wants to hear where
the students were objecting on the proposal. Vice President Amante clarified that such
concerns were already been addressed to.
Faculty Regent Lourdes Abadingo clarified whether the said rules to be followed for
graduate programs be the same as the undergraduates. SR Macuha pointed that office
must be consulted in any case as he represents all students, pointing out further that he
himself is a graduate student. Staff Regent Anna Razel Ramirez then reported that the
fees to be imposed was discussed to her thoroughly, and said to the proponents that
they should discuss it with SR Macuha too. SR Macuha argued again that no thorough
discussion was given to him, and agreed with Regent Romulo, thus asking to defer the
matter. President Pascual asked VP for Academic Affairs Dr. Gisela Concepcion, who
belongs to the proposing institute, when they want to implement the program. Vice
President Concepcion said that they shall start as soon as the Board approve the fees,
and noted that the high fees justifiable as it would cover trips needed, and would be
cheaper as the program is just a one-year non-thesis Professional Masters degree.
Chair Licuanan terminated the debate, instructed the proponents to provide ample
documentation from the members of the BOR and eventually deferred the matter. The
Board agreed.
Report of the President
President Pascual included in his report his statement on the Secretary Abad incident as
earlier, members of the Board requested that the incident be discussed. Regent Senator
Cayetano agreed with the position of President Pascual saying that she also released a
statement condemning it. She also asks for a statement from the Office. SR Macuha
replied that his statement is included in the student regents report.
The President also reported on the media briefing he held last 3 September 2014 at the
UP Executive House, reiterating his position that UPs problem on democratization is
admission and not tuition. SR Macuha reserves his reply on his report.
Report of the Faculty Regent
Faculty Regent Abadingo reported her request for extension of the tenure or out policy
of the University citing the Academic Calendar Shift as the reason. She also reported
several issues on faculty promotions such as the requirement of a PhD degree for
crossing rank, and what criteria does it take for a publication to be cited as acceptable in
the University.
SR Macuha added the case of UPLB raised to him by several UPLB faculty, who are
concurrently graduate students of UP. According to him, the requirement of an
ISI/SCOPUS journal serves as disadvantage especially to those who are in the field of
Social Sciences and Humanities. Together with FR Abadingo, he asks President Pascual
and Vice President Concepcion to release a clarificatory statement on the requirements
of faculty promotions. Regent Senator Cayetano also supported that the double
standards on publications to be accepted is unfair to the faculty who have worked hard
to publish their work, only to be discarded by the promotions committee. The vice
present on academic affairs responded that faculty promotions were being reviewed by a
committee, and that those issues were already resolved in the Presidential Advisory
Committee. She added that requirements vary on a case to case basis, but maintained
that academic excellence be the most important requirement above all on promotions.
The faculty regent ended her report by reiterating that her term would expire on
December 2014, and asked Vice President Concepcion to commence the selection of
her successor at the soonest time possible.
Report of the Student Regent
SR Macuha seeks clarification on an article in a major daily quoting President Pascual
that UP and tertiary education is not a right but rather a privilege. The president was
quick to note that he believes that education is a right, and shares the sentiment of SR
Macuha. He said that the daily may have misquoted him, and requests SR Macuha to
help him clarify the issue. The student regent said that he would do so, and asks the
President to also clarify the said position on the newspaper. SR Macuha argued that it is
quite alarming that President Pascual would said such remarks especially that he is the
head of the national university. Having said this, the Office hopes that President Pascual
would be true to his word and uphold that UP education is a right, and institute policies
towards its realization.
SR Macuha also asked the Board whether they could release a resolution asking both
houses of the Philippine Congress to increase the budget of SUCs. President Pascual and
Chair Licuanan questioned the need saying that they have already did so. Regent
Representative Romulo also asked some clarification on what purpose shall the
resolution be, but he acknowledged that such would be helpful especially that he wants
to file an amendment for such increments. SR Macuha answered that his intent was to
ensure that the BOR supports the fight for higher state subsidy on education. Other
members suggested writing a letter instead to the Philippine Congress for that purpose. It
would be helpful that the call includes SUCs. SR Macuha gladly accepted this.
SR Macuha explained his position on the Sec. Abad incident. He noted that the issue
must be raised beyond the morality issue, and asked the Board to stand for democratic
rights and against corruption. Regent Senator Cayetano expressed her disappointment
for not releasing a statement similar to hers. She also said that as much as SR Macuha
was dissatisfied to them for not standing against corruption, she is similarly saddened for
the student regents stance for the protesters. SR Macuha respectfully declined the
senators request to release a similar statement as he believes that the actions made by
the protesters were right according to their rights. He also noted that infamous secretary
have done so much abuse over his power that he cannot see the fault of the protesters,
but rather such actions was triggered by the series of actions and events leading to the
incident. Regent Senator Cayetano appreciated SR Macuhas candidness on his
response but reiterated her disappointment.
Lastly, the student regent thanked the regent senator for here positive response on his
letter asking for support to cover the medical expenses still owed by UP Visayas students
in an accident (Details of which were included in last meetings report).
Appointment of University Officials
The Board appointed Dr. Dennis Mapa, lone Nominee, as Dean of UP Diliman School of
UP Los Baos, UP Manila, and UP VIsayas Chancellor Selection
Chair Licuanan called for an executive session to discuss the selections. The Board
agreed that in order to be fair to all of the nominees, incriminating parts of the
discussions and the tally of the voting shall not be announced.
UP VIsayas
Dr. Rommel Espinosa, incumbent Chancellor of UP Visayas was given by the Board a
second term citing that no outstanding issues have been raised during his term. In
addition, several issues raised being deemed as rectifiable.
The Office congratulates Dr. Espinosa for once again being selected to lead UP Visayas
for the next three years. Dr. Espinosa have always supported student welfare during his
tenure as the UP Visayas Chancellor, and is worthy of the second term that the Board has
entrusted him. The Office hopes that the pro-student and pro-people stance of
Chancellor Espinosa would continue and looks forward to continue working with him.
UP Manila
Philippine Genome Center Director, Dr. Carmencita Padilla was selected by the Board as
the next Chancellor of UP Manila due to her accomplishments and track record.
The Office extends its heartfelt commendations on Dr. Padillas selection. During the
Search Process for the next UP Manila Chancellor, Dr. Padilla stood out as the most pro-
student among all nominees. Having discussed her plans to SR Macuha personally, the
Office hopes that such would be pushed through. The OSR also hopes that all
undemocratic, anti-student, and anti-people policies be overturned by Chancellor-select
Padilla, and uphold a collegial, democratic, pro-student, and pro-people type of
governance for UP Manila. The Office is also happy to learn that Dr. Padilla welcomes the
UP Manila Student Agenda, and hopes to work with her for forwarding student and
peoples welfare in her constituent unit.
UP Los Baos
The Board discussed thoroughly the pros and cons of each candidate for UPLB. Being the
unit in which no candidate truly emerged, it took a while before the members of the
Board to select the next Chancellor of UPLB. In the end, the Regents opted to select
current Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development, Dr. Fernando Sanchez Jr., as the
next Chancellor of the oldest constituent unit of the UP System.
The Office congratulates Dr. Sanchez on his selection. Dr. Sanchez promised a collegial
environment for UPLB, in which we would like to bank on. The Office also hopes that
Chancellor-select Sanchez to uphold an objective, collegial, democratic, pro-student, and
pro-people type of governance for UPLB, as he condemned during the selection process
the alleged intense politicking, if any, that is supposedly happening at the university. We
hope to work with him in forwarding student and peoples welfare in UPLB.
For Chancellor Rex Victor Cruz, the Office extends its deepest gratitude and highest
commendations for his service as chancellor of UPLB. Unlike his predecessor, Chancellor
Cruz practiced democratic governance as evidenced by his frequent consultations and
support for student welfare in UPLB. Despite some disagreements, he continued to listen
to the students and worked toward realizing his vision of providing students the best
service that it could provide. For that, the Office, especially SR Macuha, would like to
thank Dr. Cruz for all his support for the students, and hopes him the best in his future
The board approved every item under this main agenda.
SR Macuha however clarified that the PHP 5 million Special Endowment Fund be solely
used in Financial Assistance Program for Hospitalization of UPM Employees and not as
the seed money for the PGH Insurance Scheme as the same amount was reported to be
used for it. He cited that since the insurance was deferred, the project must not yet push
through. Chair Licuanan and President Pascual assured SR Macuha of it.
Draft MOA between UP and Smart Communications for Provision of Wireless
Communications Connectivity in Various UP Campuses System-wide
Vice President for Development Dr. Elvira Zamora discussed the said memorandum of
agreement (see attached).
SR Macuha clarified that since the service would be paid, he hopes that the free Wifi
service provided to students on different CUs be not replaced by the said service. Regent
Representative Romulo also added that the project shall not be used as a rationale to
not improve the free Wifi provided by the university to students. President Pascual
agreed to this, but could only guarantee that it be so during his term. He also added that
the service to be provided by Smart would serve as an alternative for students desiring a
faster internet connection that what is currently provided. Regent Senator Cayetano then
asked whether the whitelisted site be expanded to sites often used as students for
academic matters such as Facebook groups and the like. Regent Gizela Gonzalez-
Montinola also added whether the free half-hour for Wifi may be expanded to one hour
as the negotiated time is sort of lacking. Vice President Zamora said that they shall
continue to negotiate such terms to Smart. Finally, Regent Albarracin asked whether the
same could be offered to Globe as competition is always good. The vice present
answered positively but noted that they are currently negotiating with Smart, and shall do
so afterwards. The Board confirmed the MOA in principle.
MOA between PGH and DOH for the Allocation of DOH to PGH of the Amount of Php 144,
PGH Director Jose Gonzales was invited to discuss the said MOA. According to him that
the fund is allocated by DOH to PGH for the use of DOH-recommended patients. SR
Macuha then asked the authority of the Director to sign such MOAs as he is under the
impression that only Chancellors may do so, and whether members of Congress may
recommend to PGH who to use the funds for. FR Abadingo clarified that according to the
UP Delineation of Authority, the PGH is permitted to do so. Dr. Gonzales then clarified
that as much as they are concerned only DOH may recommend to them, but have the
whole authority to implement such. He then redirected such question to the DOH. The
BOR confirmed the MOA.
Proposal for the Creation of the UP Manila Museum of a History of Ideas
After discussing the merits, the Board approved the said proposal.
Request for Entitlement and Source of funding for the Compensation Package of the
Associate Deans and College Secretary and Registrar of UP Cebu.
This matter was deferred due to lack of time as the Board had to discuss the selection of
the chancellors.
For the students and the people,
Student Regent