LBF Grant Application
LBF Grant Application
LBF Grant Application
encourage and foster a love of reading; (b) support student learning; and (c) make books and reading
materials available to students who otherwise would not have access to them.
1. Your school has been in operation for a minimum of one year prior to your application so that you
are able to provide accurate information about the percentage of students in your school eligible for
the free or reduced lunch program (FRL).
2. Your school has a student body where 85% or more of your students qualify for free or reduced
3. Your school has a school library that meets the following definition:
A library is a uniquely designated space in which books and other materials are systematically
classified and arranged by subject and type. They are stored in a place and manner that allows
access to all students and adults in the school.
Please note that the definition does not include classrooms or classroom sets of books, collections of
books stored in a room that are not organized and classified in a systematic way, or collections of
books on rolling carts of any description.
4. The day-to-day oversight and operation of your school library is carried out by a paid contracted
staff member who fits the following definition:The person is designated by the school administration
as responsible for the collection, care, and use of the materials housed in the dedicated space of the
5. Your school has not previously received a grant from the Laura Bush Foundation for Americas
Libraries. Schools that have previously received a grant from the Laura Bush Foundation for Americas
Libraries are ineligible to apply.
asked must be answered. Where the question appears inapplicable to your particular school, you must
write in zero, not available, not applicable, none, no or some other word that explains why
you are not answering a question.
All required fields are indicated.
Application submission:
Application submissions are due Monday, December 15, 2014 (8:00 p.m. Central Standard
Questions regarding the application must be submitted by Friday, November 21, 2014 (8:00
p.m. Central Standard Time).
Applications must be submitted via the online application form. Applications sent via fax,
mail, or e-mail cannot be accepted.
All application questions must be completed. Incomplete applications cannot be considered.
To access and successfully complete the application, please use one of the following web
browsers: Internet Explorer, Safari, or Google Chrome. To use the calculation feature for
several questions within the application, please enable JavaScript.
To submit the application, make sure to click the Submit the Proposal to LBF button. An e-
mail will be generated to your e-mail address confirming delivery once the application is
We anticipate that recipients will be identified and awards will be made before the middle of
May, 2015.
We recommend that you save your content information into your own Microsoft Word file
before submission.
Important: Please read Frequently Asked Questions and the Grading Rubric sections on this
website before filling out the application.
The Laura Bush Foundation for Americas Libraries is a fund of the George W. Bush Foundation, a non-
profit 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. For general questions regarding the Foundation or the
application, please contact us at
We are interested in how you first became aware of the LBF grant program. Please select one of
the following.
A. Professional journal
B. LBF website
C. LBF brochure
C. Vendor/Commercial Publisher
D. At a conference or convention
E. Online discussion group
F. Building administrator
G. District administrator
Other, please specify:
Web search of book grants for libraries.
The first thing we need is to know how to contact you at your school. This allows us to get
in touch with you to confirm receipt of your proposal, to send an inquiry should there be a
question about your application, to pass along any important announcements, or to send
you additional information or material if the need should arise. Please provide the
1. School name: *
Appling County Primary School
2. Name of the school district or governing organization: *
Appling County
3. Schools Federal Employer Tax Identification Number: *
(Tax ID is 9-digits numerical number only. The number can be obtained from the schools and/or districts Finance Office)
4. School's mailing address:
Line 1 *
648 Blackshear Highway
Line 2
City *
State *
Zip Code *
5. School's telephone and fax numbers (please use 10 digits, no spaces or hyphens):
Phone: *
Fax number
6. School's email address. This will be used for notification if you are funded. Be sure to double-check
that it is correctly entered: *
7. Principal's name:
Last Name *
First Name *
Email address *
8. Name of the person filling out this application:
Last Name: *
First Name: *
9. Title of person filling out this application: *
Prekindergarten Teacher
10. Telephone number of the person filling out this application (please use 10 digits, no spaces or
hyphens): *
11. Email address of the person filling out this application. We will send an email to this address to
confirm receipt of the application: *
12. Is the person filling out this application also the person responsible for the day-to-day on-site
library operation in the school? *
Please note: Preference will be given to applications that are prepared by the person in your school
specifically responsible for the library. We believe that the person on-site has the best understanding
of the library's status, needs, and potential.
Here we are looking for information that will help put your proposal in context. The answers to these
questions provide a profile of your school and illustrate how and where your library fits into the larger
picture of your school and its student population.
13. Which of the following best describes the school? If "other", provide a short description (25 words
or less) *
Preschool and/or Kindergarten
Primary School
Primary/Elementary School
Elementary School
Middle School / Jr. High School
High School
Pre K or Kindergarten through Grade 8 School
Grades 7 through 12 School
Pre K or Kindergarten through Grade 12 School
Other (please specify)
14. Which of the following best describes the school? If "other", provide a short description (100
words or less) *
Public alternative
Public charter
Other (please specify)
15. What percentage of your student body is eligible for free and reduced lunch (FRL)?
Secondary schools may submit verifiable FRL data averaged from all feeder schools.
16. Please provide NCES Information:
A. What is your school's NCES ID?
Please see: if you need to find it.
B. If this is a secondary school using data from feeder schools, list all schools that feed into your high
school, providing name and NCES IDs:
17. How many students are there in the school this year? *
Please use numbers only, no commas
18. How many books are in your school's library collection? *
Please use numbers only, no commas
19. How many books per student does this provide? *
Please use numbers only, no commas
20. What is the distance to the nearest public library? Please choose one from the pull-down menu: *
1 to 5 miles
21. Does your school have a certified school librarian on site who runs the library day-to-day? *
If your school does have a certified librarian on site, proceed to Question Number 22.
If your school does not have a certified librarian, please describe the person who currently
has day-to-day responsibility for the library and its operation.
(A) Position Description:
Certified teacher
Certified specialist in some area other than library media
Aide or para-professional
(B) Is this person full-time or part-time in the library?
Full-time in the library
Part-time in the library
(C) What is this person's education and experience?
No degree
Bachelors degree
Masters degree or higher
(D) Library Media Training
Has no library media training
Has some library media training
Is a qualified library technician
Is currently in a library media certification program
Has temporary library media certification
Is taking on-line training
(E) Experience in the library job:
First year responsible for the library
1-3 years experience responsible for the library
4 or more years experience responsible for the library
22. Other Duties: Does the person primarily responsible for the library have a second
responsibility in the school (e.g., classroom teacher, counselor, administrator, secretary,
If yes, describe that responsibility:
The answer is limited to 50 words.
23. Does the person responsible for the on site day-to-day operation of the library have support staff
such as aides, clerks, para-professionals, parent/community volunteers, or other help? *
If yes, please describe that help in 25 words or less:
She has a parent volunteer in the media center at least 3 days a week.
24. Please provide the following information concerning the budget for library books for
this year. Use numbers; no commas. (Refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for items
that are considered part of the budget for library books).
(A) Total library book budget provided by the governing body for the 2014-2015 school year (this
would include any funds allocated directly from the district as well as funds allocated through the
principals budget for the building). *$
In answering this question, please remember that a book is a print or Braille bound volume or an audio-book on an
audio-tape, CD-ROM, or other digital format. For this definition, books are part of either the reference section or the
circulating section of the schools central library collection.
(B) Total library magazine/serial budget provided by the governing body for the 2014-2015 school
year (this would include any funds allocated directly from the district as well as funds allocated
through the principals budget for the building). *$
(C) Total funds from other sources used for books or magazines, such as grants, book fairs, money
from parent organizations, other fund-raising activities, etc. *$
(D) Including all of the above allocations, how much is this per pupil for the school year? *$/pupil:
Please provide the most compelling explanation of your students needs and the clearest description of
your proposal that you can provide. Answer every part of every question. We cannot appropriately
evaluate incomplete applications.
Please also remember that funds are available only for library books and magazine/serial copies and
subscriptions. The Laura Bush Foundation is unable to honor requests for staffing, shelving, furniture,
equipment, e-readers, software, videos, classroom book sets or any kind of book guides, tests or
Important: Please read the Frequently Asked Questions and the Scoring Rubric sections before
answering the questions below.
25. Is the person filling out this application responsible for carrying out the activities described in this
grant proposal? *
If no, who will be responsible? Please list the name, title, and experience of each person who will have
responsibility for implementing the proposal:
Last name
First name
This answer is limited to 100 words.
26. Every school, school population and school library is unique. What distinguishes your
school, your school population and your library? Particularly address any condition in the
school, community or student population that demonstrates a unique and compelling need
for books. What role does your school library play in addressing your students needs?
Being in a rural community, our media specialist doesn't receive monies f or books. She holds book f airs and collects Box Tops to help pay f or new books. She goes to conf erences consisting of new technologies avaliable to students. She also has an open media center policy which means that the students are limited f rom the resources in the media center.
This answer is limited to 500 words.
27. Give a broad overview of the strengths and weaknesses of your
library as well as a description of your library collection
improvement goals:
Our media center has an open policy f or students and staf f which means there is no restricted access to resources. The f loor plan of the media center is open so all areas can be seen. With the open f loor plan it is a small media center. Due to lack of book f unds the books in our media center are severely out of date. The media center will continue to write grants, hold book f airs, and collect Box Tops to help pay f or books.
This answer is limited to 500 words.
28. How much money (up to $7,000) are you requesting from the Laura Bush Foundation to fund your
proposal? Please use whole numbers only; no commas, decimals, or fractions: *$
29. What specific library need(s) are you addressing with this proposal? How will specific student
groups or school programs benefit from the Laura Bush Foundation grant? *
This money will help our media specialist be able to purchase more up to date books and technology f or our students. The media center can purchase more adaptive technologies f or our special needs classes.
This answer is limited to 500 words.
30. Describe your proposed categories of materials and allocation of grant money to meet
the specific needs described above:
Note: (a) you may not request anything other than books or magazines, and (b) if your plan includes
purchasing eBooks or any other electronic materials, indicate in what ways and how easily your
students will be able to access them.
Our media center wants to be able to purchase books to replace out of date books and damage books.
This answer is limited to 300 words.
31. How does your library collaborate with the school community to address student needs? How does
the school library program promote collaboration among members of the school's learning
community? *
Our media specialist meet with one another and with the members of our board of education to discuss what is needed f or the students. The media specialist discuss budgets and schedule book f airs so each book f air does not hender sales f rom another.
This answer is limited to 250 words.
32. If you do receive a grant to implement your proposal, how will you measure and evaluate its
impact on the students, the library and the school? *
I will send out a survey bef ore and af ter the grant is implemented to see how students and teachers f eel about the book selection.
This answer is limited to 250 words.
33. If your school is selected as a recipient of a Laura Bush Foundation grant, do you agree
to participate in the Foundations evaluation program?
34. If your school is selected as a recipient of a Laura Bush Foundation grant, do you agree
that information from this application may be used for publicity to promote the goals of the
Laura Bush Foundation for Americas Libraries?
35. The principal bears ultimate responsibility for a given schools programs and
operations. The principal, by electronically inserting his or her name and the date approval
is granted below, approves the application and certifies the accuracy of the information
Principal's name
hereby certify the accuracy of the information provided in this application and fully support its
I support this application to the Laura Bush Foundation and the project described herein. Further, I
certify that funds granted by the Laura Bush Foundation will not be used to supplant money normally
budgeted for the library program. I understand that these funds are to be used for supplemental
funding only and may only be spent for books or magazines.
I also agree to have the information we have submitted be included as part of aggregated, anonymous
data used for research purposes.
If our school is funded, I agree to participate in publicity to promote the goals of the Foundation and
to submit an evaluation of the use of the funds a year after funds are received.
Please remember that only this on-line application is official. We cannot accept any faxed, e-mailed, or
printed applications. Once you submit this application, it cannot be changed or retrieved. If multiple
applications are received from your school, only the first submission will be considered.
Please review your application before submitting. Check that all questions are answered and that you
are not requesting funds for anything except books (hardbound print or Braille volumes, audio-books
on audio-tape or CD-ROM, e-books to be added to either the circulating or reference section of the
school's central library collection, or magazine/serial copies or subscriptions).
Thank you for your interest in the Laura Bush Foundation. Best wishes for continued success in the
important work you do.
Note: You must click "Submit the Proposal to LBF" button below to complete this
submission process. Saved draft will not be considered.
Required fields.