Model Grant Proposal Format Overseas 2010

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applicants understand the U.S. Trade and Development Agencys (USTDA) grant application procedures. USTDA does not have a standard application form or application deadline. Requests for assistance may be submitted at any time. However, the agency does require a letter of request with as much project supporting information as possible. You may use the information provided below as a guide in preparing your letter of request, but it is not mandatory to supply all the information initially. USTDA often helps project sponsors develop the scope or terms of reference for a grant activity, if such assistance is needed. In the information provided below, the project sponsor is defined as the overseas entity responsible for the follow-on policy implementation or project investment that will directly benefit from the results of the USTDA-funded activity. USTDA grant funding is intended for services sourced in the United States. However, up to 20 percent of the agencys funding for a particular activity may be subcontracted by the U.S. contractor to entities in the project sponsors country. You will find below USTDAs Mission Statement, information about its grant programs, and a suggested proposal format. We encourage you to contact us to answer any questions that you may have about the agencys program or its operations in your country. The U.S. embassy or consulate in your country also may be able to help you. Fundamentally, our program is designed to facilitate your access to U.S. technical expertise in the hope that U.S. solutions will be considered for project implementation. At the same time, there is no agency requirement for a recipient of USTDA assistance to purchase goods or services from the United States using its own funds for project implementation. Some helpful definitions as used below follow: Activity means a USTDA-funded study or technical assistance program. Contractor is the U.S. firm selected by a host country project sponsor to carry out the terms of reference associated with a USTDA grant-funded activity.

Project means the actual objective to be achieved at the conclusion of the USTDA-funded activity. Project sponsor is the overseas entity that will have responsibility for implementing the project. Proposal means an activity concept that is submitted to USTDA for funding consideration. USTDAs Mission Statement The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) advances economic development and U.S. commercial interests in developing and middle income countries. The agency funds various forms of technical assistance, early investment analysis, training, orientation visits and business workshops that support the development of a modern infrastructure and a fair and open trading environment. USTDA's strategic use of foreign assistance funds to support sound investment policy and decision-making in host countries creates an enabling environment for trade, investment and sustainable economic development. Operating at the nexus of foreign policy and commerce, USTDA is uniquely positioned to work with U.S. firms and host countries in achieving the agency's trade and development goals. In carrying out its mission, USTDA gives emphasis to economic sectors that may benefit from U.S. exports of goods and services.

USTDAs Grant Program One of the ways that USTDA delivers its program commitments is through grants to overseas project sponsors for technical assistance, feasibility studies, and training. A USTDA grant is provided directly to an overseas project sponsor who, in turn, selects a U.S. company to perform the USTDA-funded activity. The project sponsor may be a government institution at the national, state/provincial, or local level, or it may be a local private company. USTDA accomplishes its mission by funding: 1) trade capacity building and sector development technical assistance; and 2) project identification and investment analysis. Trade capacity building and sector development technical assistance may support the establishment of industry standards, rules and regulations, trade agreements, market liberalization and other policy reform. Project identification and investment analysis involves activities including feasibility studies and technical assistance that support large capital investments related to overseas development. The agency is open for business in more than 100 countries around the world. In certain nations, statutory, resource or policy constraints limit the availability of USTDA programs. Getting Started USTDA recommends that you first familiarize yourself with the agencys mission and funding criteria. The USTDA Website ( has a significant amount of information that will assist host country applicants, including an electronic version of USTDAs

brochure entitled Project Sponsor Information. This brochure is available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Russian. After this, you may wish to contact the appropriate USTDA Regional Director or Country Manager by e-mail or letter to informally discuss your proposal. General Proposal Guidelines To initiate USTDA consideration of a proposal, an overseas project sponsor should submit a request directly to the agency. USTDA does not have a standard application form or application deadline. Requests for assistance may be submitted at any time. However, the agency does require a letter of request with as much project specific supporting information as possible. The information provided below should be used as a guide, and it is not mandatory to supply all of the information at the time of your initial request. USTDA often helps project sponsors to develop the scope or terms of reference for a grant activity if such assistance is needed. Proposal Outline A. Executive Summary. A concise summary of the proposal, including the specific objective of the USTDA-funded activity. B. Project Description. A brief description of the projects technical, economic, and financial prospects. C. Project Sponsor's Capabilities and Commitment. A demonstration of the project sponsors commitment to project implementation and ability to implement the project. D. Implementation Financing. A discussion of the financing options for project implementation, including: 1. An overall cost estimate, proposed ownership and financing structure, and schedule for project implementation; and 2. Evidence that financing is available or likely to be available for the project. E. Imported Content. A list of the procurements that are likely to be subject to competitive tenders in which international suppliers can participate and a list of the equipment and services that are likely to be imported for project implementation. F. Developmental Impact. A description of the most important benefits that the project will provide to the country where it is located. G. Impact on the Environment. A statement on the likely consequences the proposed project might have on the environment. H. Justification. An explanation of why USTDAs funding is needed.

I. Terms of Reference (TOR). The TOR for the proposed USTDA-funded activity, setting out the primary tasks to be accomplished. The TOR for an infrastructure activity typically includes, at a minimum: 1. The purpose and objective of the study or technical assistance. 2. A technical assessment. 3. An economic analysis of the project. 4. A financial analysis of the project. 5. An appropriate environmental analysis of the project. 6. A review of the regulatory issues related to the project. 7. An analysis of the key development impacts of the project in the country where it is located. 8. An implementation plan. 9. A final report. USTDA Operating Procedures USTDAs review of a proposal it receives from an overseas project sponsor involves three steps. First, USTDA staff conducts an internal review to determine whether the proposal represents an appropriate opportunity for USTDA support. Second, proposals that satisfy this internal analysis are independently assessed by either a USTDA-funded definitional mission (DM) or desk study (DS) consultant. This analysis is based on: The priority the project sponsor attaches to the project, and if it is infrastructure specific, its likelihood of receiving implementation financing; and Whether the project offers mutual economic benefit for the country where it is located and the United States, including potential opportunities for commercial cooperation with U.S. firms.

A DM provides a detailed evaluation of a particular proposal, and involves travel to the designated country. A DS provides analysis of a detailed proposal, usually with an existing terms of reference, and is produced within the United States. Both DMs and DSs are carried out by small U.S. firms that are not permitted to perform USTDA grant-funded activities associated with proposals that they previously evaluated for the agency. Third, USTDA conducts due diligence on potential overseas project sponsors for USTDA-funded activities in order to ensure that our projects are in compliance with applicable

U.S. law and the agency is working with reputable and solvent entities. USTDA performs these due diligence procedures on potential project sponsors, potential U.S. contractors and subcontractors, parent corporations, and principal officers, directors and shareholders. Additionally, potential overseas private sector project sponsors must complete the Request for Information form provided in Annex 1 below. If USTDA approves funding, it signs a Grant Agreement with the overseas project sponsor. The grant recipient then selects a U.S. company to perform the work, generally through a competitive bid process, and signs a contract with that entity to carry out the USTDA-funded activity. Both the Grant Agreement and contract contain the terms of reference that outline the parameters of the activity.

USTDA Contact Information Requests for USTDA assistance from overseas project sponsors should be sent to the agency by either mail delivery or by e-mailing your USTDA region of interest: East Asia: Europe and Eurasia: Latin America and the Caribbean: Middle East and North Africa: South and Southeast Asia: Sub-Saharan Africa:

USTDAs mail delivery addresses are as follows: U.S. Trade and Development Agency 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1600 Arlington, VA 22209 Telephone: 703-875-4357 Facsimile: 703-875-4009

U.S. Trade and Development Agency Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Office U.S. Consulate General Johannesburg 1 Sandton Drive, Sandhurst, 2196 Johannesburg, South Africa Telephone: +27 (11) 290-3084 Facsimile: +27 (11) 884-0396 U.S. Trade and Development Agency Asia Regional Office U.S. Embassy Thailand Diethelm Tower A, Suite 303 93/1 Wireless Road Bangkok, 10330 Thailand Telephone: +66 (2) 205-5090 Facsimile: +66 (2) 255-4366 In addition, host country project sponsors are encouraged to send their requests for USTDA assistance through the U.S. embassy or consulate in their respective countries.

PRIVATE SECTOR GRANTEE DUE DILIGENCE REQUEST FOR INFORMATION I. Grantee Profile In addition, potential private sector Grantees must provide the information listed below. 1. Name of firm and business address (street address only), including telephone and fax numbers. Year established (include predecessor companies and year(s) established, if appropriate). Type of ownership (e.g. public, private or closely held). If private or closely held company, provide list of shareholders and the percentage of their ownership. List of directors and principal officers (President, Chief Executive Officer, VicePresident(s), Secretary and Treasurer; provide full names including first, middle and last). Please place an asterisk (*) next to the names of those principal officers who will be involved in the Feasibility Study. If Grantee is a subsidiary, indicate if Grantee is a wholly-owned or partially-owned subsidiary. Provide the information requested in items 1 through 5 above for the Grantees parent(s). Project Manager's name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and fax number.

2. 3. 4.




II. Grantee Representations As part of its due diligence review process, USTDA requires that potential private sector Grantees provide it with the information detailed below. In addition to answering all questions presented below, please attach copies of all documents requested. 1. Grantee is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of ______________. Grantee has all the requisite power and authority to conduct its business as presently conducted and to execute and deliver a contract to the Contractor for the performance of the Feasibility Study. Grantee is not debarred, suspended, or to the best of its knowledge or belief, proposed for debarment or ineligible for the award of grants by any federal or state governmental agency or authority.


Grantee has included its Charter or Articles of Incorporation and a certificate of good standing issued within one month of the date of signature below, or the equivalents thereof, issued by the government of ___________. Neither the Grantee nor any of its principal officers have, within the three-year period preceding the submission of this proposal, been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for: commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing an international, federal, state or local government contract or subcontract; violation of any antitrust statutes relating to the submission of offers; or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, tax evasion, violating federal or state criminal tax laws, or receiving stolen property. Neither the Grantee, nor any of its principal officers, is presently indicted for, or otherwise criminally or civilly charged with, commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph 2 above. There are no tax liens pending against the assets, property or business of the Grantee. The Grantee, has not, within the three-year period preceding the submission of this proposal, been notified of any delinquent taxes in an amount that exceeds US$3,000 for which the liability remains unsatisfied. Taxes are considered delinquent if (a) the tax liability has been fully determined, with no pending administrative or judicial appeals; and (b) a taxpayer has failed to pay the tax liability when full payment is due and required. The Grantee has not commenced a voluntary case or other proceeding seeking liquidation, reorganization or other relief with respect to itself of its debts under any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law. The Grantee has not had filed against it an involuntary petition under any bankruptcy, insolvency or similar law. The Grantee shall notify USTDA if any of the representations included herein are no longer true and correct at the time of its entry into a contract with the Contractor.





Name of Authorized Representative: ______________________________

Signature of Authorized Representative: ____________________________________

Date: ___________________________________

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