Grant Documents

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The document discusses various government grants that were approved for projects related to issues such as indigenous wellbeing, safety, culture and education.

The Attorney-General agreed to provide a grant of up to $100,000 to support legal proceedings that dealt with issues of public importance related to class action litigation.

Projects that received funding included enhanced vertebrate pest control, targeted pest programs, and projects to manage key weeds and pest animals across various regions in Queensland and New South Wales.

Released by the Department of Finance under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 FOi 21/07 - Document 01



0 2 JUN 2017
Senator the Hon Mathias Connann
Minister for Finance
Parliament House

. 7
Dear Mi ·�
1:er /.).. ti. .I{,,__ \ tJ.J'r s,
c' l V\'4
Thank you for your letter of 31 May 201 7 concerning an application for legal assistance by

I agree that the issues raised by ' are of public importance, particularly as they
relate to class action litigation. Accordingly, I have decided to use my discretion under the
Commonwealth Guidelines for Legal Financial Assistance 2012 to provide a grant of up to
$100 000 (GST exclusive) to ' for the proceedings. A copy of my letter to Ill
- solicitors is attached.

I am also bringing this decision to your attention for the purposes of paragraph 4.13(a) of the
Commonwealth Grant Rules and Guidelines.

Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Telephone: (02) 6277 7300 Facsimile: (02) 6273 4102
CBMS Sub- Project title Grant reci}!ient Total grant Grant fundi!!g Postcode Brief statement of reason for decision
J!rogramme J!rogramme value location

Outcome2 2.3 Safety and Backstreet Shire Of Derby $130,000 DERBY, WA 6728 This grant was approved as the installation ofthe
Indigenous Wellbeing CCTV Security West K imberley cameras will increase the safety and security within
Cameras the Derby community addressing the Government
ABN: priorities of Safety and Wellbeing including;
99934203062 • Violence reduction and victim support
• Safe and :functional environments
• Social and emotional wellbeing
Outcome2 2.2 Children NASCA Remote National $510,506 CANTEEN 2016 This grantwas approved as NASCA's school
Indigenous and Schooling Communities Aboriginal CREEK, NT engagement program utilises mentoring,life skills
Education Sporting Chance development, educational assistance, and a
Engagement Academy EPENARRA, residential rewards program to encourage
Strategy (Aboriginal NT Aboriginal young people to increase their
Corporation) TITREE,NT attendance and engagement in schooling across a
full school year.

Outcome2 2.3 Safety and Project O in Big hARTinc $200,000 ROEBOURNE, This grant was approved as it is a primary
Indigenous Wellbeing Roebourne WA prevention project, working with Indigenous young
ABN: women who are wi1nessing and experiencing
56398434433 family violence, assisting them to drive change in
their community
CBMS Sub- Project title Grant reciJ!ient Total grant Grant fu.ndine Postcode Brief statement of reason for decision
J!rO!!Tillllme J!rO!!Tillllme value location

Outcome2 2.4 Culture and Recognise Reconciliation $1,000,000 NATIONAL n/a This grant was approved to support building
Indigenous Capability Campaign Australia relationships of respect and trust between
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and
ABN: the wider community. The media advertising
76092919769 campaign during the 2017 Nati.onal Reconciliation
Week focused on:
• Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the 1967
referendum and the25th anniversary of the
Mabo decision,
• Raising awareness of these historical
milestones and educate the public on the
importance of both the Constitution and big
historical moments: and
• Encouraging the Australian community to
consider the next steps in the Reconciliation

Parliament House CANBERRA ACT 2600

Attachment B
Annual Ministerial Report where a Minister has approved a Grant that was rejected by the relevant Department or Agency Staff
Program Title Sub program Project Title Grant Recipient Grant Funding location Total Grant Value Postcode Brief Statement of reason for decision
Grant Agreement to One off funding to assist in the Mothers' Milk Banks Charity Sanora Point NSW $20,000 2846 * Proposal was forwarded and supported
support Mothers' Milk operations of the Mothers' Milk by the Assistant Minister for Vocational
Bank Charity Bank Charity Education and Skills, the Hon Karen
*Department advised that funding for
milk banks was more appropriately a
matter for local hospital networks and
the Preventative Health and Chronic
Disease Grant Program does not generally
provide funding for service delivery
* Minister approved the grant on the basis
of urgent current client need and because
it fell outside the usual drcumstances of
such facilities (TBC).

Attachment B Grants approved against departmental advice.xlsx

Attachment A

'Gratt:D�fails/, . . ? · , ,,, ;:,,_ \ . _/'"./ ,:, ;; . . :-. .. _. ,\.

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CBMS programme title Outcome 1, Program 1.1

Depaiiment of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
CBMS programme title Smart Cities and Suburbs Program
Project title RailSmart Planning, Wanneroo
Grant recipient University of Western Australia
Total !!rant value $500,000
Grant funding location Wanneroo, WA
Statement of reason for Projects were assessed in two groups: 1) projects
decision valued at less than $1 million; and 2) projects
valued at $1 million and above.
The total project value is exactly $1 million,
comprising of a grant and co-contribution of
$500,000. This project was assessed with the
projects $1 million and above and was not
recommended by the Committee.
The Project Guidelines set out the assessment
process but were ambiguous as to the treatment of
projects valued at exactly $1 million.
The project scored 66 out of 100 and satisfied all
merit criteria, meaning that it would likely have
been successful if assessed in the 'under $1
million' category, but did not meet the higher
treshold for successful projects in the $1 million
and above category.
The then Assistant Minister for Cities indicated a
preference to fund this project given this ambiguity
and alignment with the objectives of a potential
future Pe1th City Deal.
 Submissions executed by Senator Brandis on 3 June and 18 December 2017 in relation to the grant to s47F
 Statement of reasons executed by Minister Keenan on 11 April 2017 in relation to a grant to the South
Croydon Cricket Club Inc.
 Statement of reasons executed by Minister Keenan on 22 June 2017 in relation to a grant to Dawn House

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information with regard to the reporting 


Stephen Lutze 
Chief Financial Officer 
Attorney‐General’s Department. 

s22 - OOS
Attachment A

Annual ministerial report where a minister has approved a grant that the relevant department or official recommended be rejected

CBMS Sub- Project title Grant Total Grant Postcode Brief statement of reason for decision
�rogramme programme reci�ient grant funding
title value location
Australian Establishment Australian $1.7 Docklands, 3008 The Government established the Australian Financial
Financial costs Financial million VIC Complaints Authority (AFCA) to replace the Financial
Complaints Complaints Ombudsman Service, the Credit and [nvestments
Authority - Authority Ombudsman and the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal.
additional Limited
funding In April 2018, a one-off contribution to AFCA 's
establishment costs was considered necessary by the then
Minister for Revenue and Financial Service the Hon Kelly
O'Dwyer to assist the transition.
Programme Sub-programme Project title Graut recipient Total grant Grant Brief statement of reason for decision
value fnnding
Outcome 2 2.2 Children and John Moriarty Nangala Project $600,000 Top End & Tiwi This project is a football engagement programme
Indigenou Schooling Football Limited Islands for 6-16 year old boys and girls in the communities
s of Bonoloola and Robinson River in Northern
Tenitory and is an important service in the
community. The Project will use sport as a vehicle
for positive change to improve school attendance
and achieve sustainable, healthier outcomes for
families and connnunities.

Outcome 2 2.2 Children and JTBelieve - JT Academy Pty $245,000 South JTBelieve focuses on engaging
Indigenous Schooling Indigenous Ltd Queensland Years 5-12 Aboriginal and Tones Strait Islander
School students and their families in education.

Outcome 2 2.3 Safety and After Hours Gap Youth and $161,350 Central This project suppo1ts young people at risk of
Indigenous Wellbeing Youth Service - Community Australia contact with the criminal justice system by working
Refenal and Centre Aboriginal closely with Aboriginal and T01Tes Strait Islander
Data Services Corporation youth and service providers across the region.

Outcome 2.3 Safety and Nite Vision - Nintiringanyi $150,000 Far North The program engages with youth to connect them
2 Wellbeing Rebound To Indigenous Queensland with support services needed to undertake
Indigenous Success Corporation reengagement, and provide pathways for the youth
to break the cunent cycles of non-attendance at
school and contact with the justice system.

Outcome 2 2.3 Safety and John Nangala Project $300,000 Top End & Tiwi This activity brings Indigenous children together
Indigenou Wellbeing Moriarty Limited Islands through sport, promoting engagement, good health
s Football and wellbeing in some of the country's most
remote regions.
Outcome 2.3 Safety and Bama Cape Barna Cape York $127,273 Far North The activity addresses an identified need in Cairns
2 Wellbeing York Services - Services Ltd Queensland and surrounds for employment with culturally
Indigenous Employment appropriate support services to overcome ban-iers
to employment associated with alcohol and other
Support Services
drugs, social and emotional wellbeing, mental
health and housing.

Outcome 2.3 Safety Program Logic CentreCare $334,325 Greater Western This activity directly addresses an identified need
2 and Model Project - Incorporated Australia in the town of Esperance for culturally accessible
Indigenous Wellbeing Esperance services including a focus on addressing family and
domestic violence, alcohol and substance misuse
and integrational trauma.

Outcome 2.3 Safety and BushMob Bushmob $727,486 Central This activity operates in Alice Springs, the town
2 Wellbeing Remote Aboriginal Australia camps and nearby remote communities to provide
Indigenou Outreach Corporation casework support and training for young people
s Support Program and their families on alcohol and drug harm
minimisation and safety and wellbeing.

Outcome 2 2.3 Safety and Kullani Patrol Mamabulaajin $220,000 Kimberley The project will provide community patrol services
Indigenous Wellbeing (Increasing Aboriginal in Broome and focuses on dive1iing Indigenous
Work Readiness) Corporation people away from contact with the criminal justice

Outcome 2.4 Culture and Sista to Sista Art Interrelate $81,000 Eastern New Through Sista to Sista, women are empowered to
2 Capability Therapy Project Limited South Wales work on processing traumatic experiences through
Indigenou aii, while having greater access to vital services
s such as counselling and family support. This
activity is delivered in partnership with Ghinni
Ghinni Youth and Culture Aboriginal Corporation.

Parliament House CANBERRA ACT 2600

Outcome 2 2.5 Remote Pathway to Wunan $248,250 Kimberley The provider uses Indigenous Business Australia
Indigenous Australia Strategies Home Foundation Inc (IBA) as the main finance body to deliver Joans to
Ownership clients and delivers tailored support to help
Programm Aboriginal and ToJTes Strait Islander people in the
e Kimberley buying their own homes.

Outcome 2 2.1 Jobs, Land and Delive1y of Rainbow CDP funding North East Alice Rainbow Gateway Limited was considered to be
Indigenous the Economy Community Gateway Limited is outcome Region, NT stronger to deliver CDP.
Development based
(CDP) from 1
July 2019 to 30
June 2022

Outcome 2 2. l Jobs, Land and Delivery of CDP Mungoorbada CDP funding Gulf Region, Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation was
Indigenous the Economy from 1 July 2019 Aboriginal is outcome NT considered to be stronger to deliver CDP,
to 30 June 2022 Corporation based particularly in the extent to which it is local and
representative of the local communities.

Outcome 2 2.1 Jobs, Land and Delivery of CDP The CDP funding Yaaliku The Wi1Tpanda Foundation Limited was
Indigenous the Economy from 1 July 2019 WiITpanda is outcome Region, WA considered to be stronger to deliver CDP.
to 30 June 2022 Foundation based
Outcome 2.1 Jobs, Land and Delivery of CDP The Kalano CDP funding Katherine The Kalano Community Association Incorporated
2 the Economy from 1 July 2019 Community is outcome Region, NT was considered to be stronger to deliver CDP,
Indigenous to 30 June 2022 Association based particularly in the extent to which it is local and
Incorporated representative of the local communities.

Outcome 2 2.1 Jobs, Land and Delivery of CDP Mokwiri CDP funding Western Cape Mokwiri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC was
Indigenou the Economy from l July 2019 Aboriginal is outcome Region, Qld considered to be stronger to deliver CDP,
s to 30 June 2022 Corporatio based particularly in the extent to which it is local and
n RNTBC representative of the local communities.

Parliament House CANBERRA ACT 2600

Attachment A
Annual Ministerial Report where a Minister has approved a Grant that was rejected by the relevant Department or Agency Staff
Program Title Sub-program Project Title Grant Recipient Total Grant Value Grant Funding location Postcode Brief Statement of reason for decision
Indigenous Australians' Targeted Health Sponsorship of 2018 Dreamtime No Limit Management $100,000.00 (GST excl) Sydney, NSW 2000 Minister Wyatt noted this is a key initiative
Health Programme (IAHP) Activities Awards to promote the success of work being done
to improve the health of Aboriginal people.

Indigenous Australians' Child & Maternal Family Health and Wellbeing Children's Ground $4,961,737.00 (GST excl) NT 0822 Minister Wyatt noted the program is a
Health Programme (IAHP) Framework 0870 comparative model worth implementing
and his interest in how the model develops
and is implemented by Aboriginal people.

Indigenous Australians' Primary Health Care Dental Outreach Services Geraldton Regional $462,221.00 (GST excl) Midwest and Murchison No reason provided
Health Programme (IAHP) Services Aboriginal Medical regions of Western
Service (GRAMS) Australia
Indigenous Australians' Targeted Health IDEAS Van Diamond Jubilee $860,000.00 (GST excl) East Brisbane, Queensland 4169 Minister Wyatt approved funding for the
Health Programme (IAHP) Activities Partnerships ltd initiative for 12 months only, and directed
the Department to negotiate the KPls and
have the duplication issue addressed.

Indigenous Australians' Targeted Health Community Engagement and Health Souths Cares Rabbitohs $189,360.00 (GST excl) Redfern, NSW 2016 Minister Wyatt did not agree with
Health Programme (IAHP) Activities Promotion. Department's recommendation stating
"Previously funded by health messages and
activities and have an impact upon the
goals we seek to improve"

Attachment A· Grants Approved Against Agencys Recommendation • 2018.XLSX

s22 - OOS

Attachment A
Department of Social Services 2018 Ministerial Reporting Obligations
Program Title Sub- Grant Activity Grantee Total Grant funding Postcode Brief statement of
program grant location reason for decision

Strong and Inclusive Aims to improve Multicultural $487,278 Adelaide 5000 Ensures geographical
Resilient Communities the social and Communities coverage of the grants
Communities economic Council of across Australia
(SARC) participation of SA
vulnerable and Incorporated
Strong and Inclusive Aims to improve The Migrant $465,850 Launceston 7250 Ensures geographical
Resilient Communities the social and Resource coverage of the grants
Communities economic Centre across Australia
(SARC) participation of (Northern
vulnerable and Tasmania)
disadvantaged Inc.


Annual ministerial report 2018 calendar year - paragraph 4.12 of the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines

CBMSgrogram Program Grant Activity Grantee Total grant value Grant Postcode Brief statement of reason for decision
title funding

Mobile Black Mobile Black GA ID: GA7530 Telstra Corporation $39,584,760.00 NSW, Multiple The grant value in question is only related to the costs
Spot Program Spot Program To provide funding for Limited (GST inclusive) VIC, for funding additional auxiliary back-up power, not
- Priority investment in SA, the total grant value.
Locations telecommunications Auxiliary power WA, While the Department recommended that I agree not to
round infrastructure to improve grant funding QLD, fund additional battery back-up (auxiliary power) for
mobile voice and data value is TAS · funded solutions, based on the costs being assessed by
coverage across $840,000.00 the Department and their independent technical advisor
Australia. as being reasonable and the relative public safety benefits
of extended base station operation of up to 12 hours
during a power outage, I was of the view that the benefits
outweighed the small increase in costs.
Mobile Black Mobile Black GA ID: GAI849I Optus Mobile Pty Limited $5,524,5I 2.00 (GST NSW, Multiple The grant value in question is only related to the costs
Spot Program Spot Program To provide funding for inclusive) QLD, for funding additional auxiliary back-up power, not
- Priority investment in TAS the total grant value.
Locations telecommunications Auxiliary power While the Department recommended that I agree not to
round infrastructure to improve grant funding fund additional battery back-up (auxiliary power) for
mobile voice and data value is funded solutions, based on the costs being assessed by
coverage across $123,144.00 the Department and their independent technical advisor
Australia. as being reasonable and the relative public safety.benefits
of extended base station operation of up to 12 hours
during a power outage, I was of the view that the benefits
outweighed the small increase in costs.
Mobile Black Mobile Black GA ID: GA 18492 Vodafone Hutchison $341,944.00 (GST VIC 3766 The grant value in question is only related to the costs
Spot Program Spot Program To provide funding for Australia Pty Ltd inclusive) for funding additional auxiliary back-up power, not
- Priority investment in the total grant value.
Locations telecommunications Auxiliary power While the Department recommended that I agree not to
round infrastructure to improve grant funding fund additional battery back-up (auxiliary power) for
mobile voice and data value is $20,000.00 funded solutions, based on the costs being assessed by
coverage across the Department and their independent technical advisor
Australia. as being reasonable and the relative public safety benefits
of extended base station operation of up to 12 hours
during a power outage, I was of the view that the benefits
outweighed the small increase in costs.
FOI 21/07 - Document 12

The Hon Michael McCormack MP

Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Development
Leader of The Nationals
Federal Member for Riverina

·3 APR 2019
Senator the Hon Mathias Connann
Minister for Finance
Parliament House

Dear ,mister
In my capacity as Chair of the Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) Ministerial Panel, I
write to inform you of funding approvals under Round Three in accordance with the
requirements of Sections 4.11 and 4.12 of the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines

In addition to myself as Chair, the Ministerial Panel members are:


To satisfy the requirements of Sections 4.ll(a) and (b) ofthe CGRGs, I am advising you that,
of the 330 projects approved under Round Three of the BBRF, a total of 11 were chosen by
the Ministerial Panel in the electorates of panel members:

• :five in my electorate ofRiverina; and

• six in the electorate ofs34

All of these projects were assessed by the Ausindustry Business Grants Hub as meeting value
with relevant money in accordance with the approved program guidelines.

Details of these projects are listed in the table below.

The Hon 1\-fichacl McCormack MP

Parliament House Canberra! (02) 6277 7520 I
Suite 2, 11-15 Fitzmaurice Stteet, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 I
s22 - OOS

The Hon Michael McCormack 1vlP

Parliament House Canberra I (02) 6277 7520 I
Suite 2, 11-15 Fitzmaurice Street, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 I
To satisfy the requirements of Sections 4.12 of the CGRGs, I am advising you that, of the 330
projects approved under Round Three of the BBRF, a total of 112 as listed in Attachment A
were chosen by the Ministerial Panel against the Department's recommendation. The Panel
provided the following statement of reasons for these selections.

• In relation to the projects selected, the panel took into consideration factors as set out in
the BBRF Round Three Guidelines at Section 8.1. Based on the pool ofapplications
submitted to the panel membersfor consideration, the regi.onal spread of projects and
funding across the regions relative to current and previous Australian Government
investments, was a keyfactor in the selection process. Selected projects address key
infrastructure priorities in each region, taking into account Australian Government
priorities that align with the Government's intent ofsupporting regional Australia,
focusing on economic growth and job creation. Each selected project impacts on their
local community in a unique way and builds on their local, state and federalfunding to
contribute to the objectives of the BBRF.

Please note that although not recommended by the Department, all the projects were assessed
as Value with Relevant Money.


Yours sincerely

Michael McCormack

The Hon .M:ichael McCormack :Ml'

Parliament House Canben:a l (02) 6277 7520 I
Suite 2, 11-15 Fitzmaurice Street, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
FOI 21/07 - Document 14

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Ref No: MC19-005139

Senator the Hon Mathias Cormann

Minister for Finance and the Public Service
Senator for Western Australia
Parliament House

Dear Mipister

Thank you for your correspondence of 27 February 2019 concerning the 31 March 2019
deadline for reporting all instances where I have approved a grant that relevant agency
officials recommended be rejected. I appreciate the time you have taken to bring this
matter to my attention and apologise for the delay in responding.

I advise that as the Minister for Home Affairs, I have approved four grants that meet
this requirement in the 2018 calendar year.

I further advise that the then Assistant Minister for Home Affairs, the Hon Alex Hawke MP,
approved one grant that the relevant agency officials recommended be rejected during
the 2018 calendar year.

Please find the listing of these instances attached.

Thank you for raising this matter.

Yours sincerely

/I/o"-/ I'";

Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Telephone: (02) 6277 7860 Facsimile: (02) 6273 4144
Minister for Home Affairs, Annual rejected grants approved report - 2018 Calendar Year Attachment A

Safer Communities Fund Round Three Hobart Police and Hobart Police and $229,144.30 Hobart, TAS 7000 The peak body In Tasmania was not available at the time of application. This
Community Youth Club Community Youth project shows good value for money and supports the Fund's Intentions.
Youth Worlds Program Club Incorporated
Safer Communities Fund Round Three Bridgewater Police and Bridgewater Police $369,471 Bridgewater, TAS 7030 The peak body In Tasmania was not available at the time of application. This
Community Youth Club and Citizens Youth project shows good value for money and supports the Fund's Intentions.
Integrated Youth Support Club Incorporated
and Engagement Project
Safer Communities Fund Round Three Burnie CBD CCTV Burnie City Council $59,570 Burnie, Tasmania 7320 This project will assist the safety of the Burnie community.
Safer Communities Fund Round Three Installation of CCTV Waratah-Wynyard $140,000 Wynyard and Somerset, 7321 This project will assist with the safety of the Wynyard and Somerset community.
Systems In Wynyard and Council Tasmania 7322

Assistant Minister for Ho�e Affairs, Annual rejected grants approved report - 2018 Calendar Year

Safer Communities Fund Round Two Upgraded Security- Beth Beth Weizmann $1,000,000 Caulfleld, VIC 3162 Inquiries have determined that since 011S assessment this project has been
Weizmann Jewish Jewish Community rigorously assessed by Victorian State Government and has met criteria
Community Centre Centre substantially the same as Merit Criteria 2.
Decisions by the former Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion, in the 2019 calendar year

CBMS Program Project title Grant recipient Total grant Grant funding Postcode Brief statement of
program title value location rcas_on for decision
,-·-·-····-� -·---- - .. .
Outcome 2 2.1 Jobs, Land Perth Indigenous Business and Wirrpanda $9,249,000 PERTH, WA 6107 This grant was approved
�>< .

and Economy Employment Hub Corporation Ltd as there was a strong need
for this service and
Wirrpanda was best
placed to deliver

Jali Local Aboriginal BALLINA, NSW

�-• -�--- , M�•,_, w, ., , ,, a<,

Outcome2 2.1 Jobs Land CBIRS: Indigenous Ranger $13,609 2478 This grant was approved
and Economy Coordinator Transition Land Council to suppmt Indigenous
. --�--------""
Outcome 2 2.1 Jobs, Land Delivery of Community PeoplePlus Not MELBOURNE, 3000 This grant was approved
and Economy Development Program (CDP) Enterprises PTY applicable. VIC to deliver CDP in the
Region 52 LTD Outcome- Western Table Lands
based funding. region in QLD
Outcome 2 2.2 Children Transformational Learning in The Song Room $340,372 PRAHRAN, VIC 3180 This grant was approved
and Schooling Indigenous Communities - The Limited for strategic activities
Song Room Blended Program focussing on getting
Trial Evaluation children to school and
improving education
-�-···- .
Outcome 2 2.2 Children Marine Ranger Development AFL Cape York $250,000 CAIRNS,QLD 4870 This grant was approved
and Schooling Program Limited to fund a youth marine
ranger program
- ·- •- - """" • ,-----
CBMS Program Project title Grant recipient Total grant Grant funding Postcode Brief statement of
program title value location reason for decision

Outcome 2 2.3 Safety and Therapeutic Arts Workshops Access Arts Inc. $300,000 Bardon, QLD 4064 This grant was approved
Wellbeing as there was a need for
this activity to continue
. ____
,, _ ,,.,_,

Outcome 2 2.3 Safety and Infrastructure and Asset Upgrade W eigelli Centre $53,500 WOODSTOCK, 2793 This grant was approved
Wellbeing ABORIGINAL NSW as there was a need to
Corporation INC replace an ageing bus
enhancing the capacity to
engage in a greater range
of cultural activities

Outcome 2 2.4 Culture Codes 4 Life, Leadership Desert Knowledge $1,366,047 CONNELLAN, 0870 This grant was approved
and Capability through identity Australia NT as there was a need for
Aboriginal men in Central
Australia to connect with
culture and country,
enveloping strong and
positive identity to be
strong leaders of their
families and communities
---······-·· ··-�-·-

Outcome 2 2.4 Culture FVPLS Victoria - Sisters Day Aboriginal and $300,000 COLLINGWOO 3066 This grant was approved
and Capability Out and Dilly Bag: The Journey Torres Strait Islander D, VIC as there was a need for
Corporation Family this activity to continue
Violence Prevention
and Legal Service
.,., ________ . -�· - -· --- ····-···�·�

CBMS Program Project title Grant recipient Total grant Grant funding Postcode Brief statement of
program title value location reason for decision
.•... ___,.,_,. -- ,--<"-
Outcome 2 2.4 Culture NAIDOC Activities Thursday Torres Shire Council $10,000 THURSDAY 4875 This grant was approved
and Capability Island ISLAND, QLD to allow for NAIDOC
Week celebrations
- ·-·-�-- ... ·~-----
Outcome 2 2.4 Culture Embedding Indigenous cultures Monash Primary $500 MONASil,ACT 2904 This grant was approved
and Capability at Monash Primary School School to allow for NAJDOC
Week celebrations

Outcome 2 2.4 Culture Yarning Circle ·Trustees of the $500 REDHILL, ACT 2603 This grant was approved
and Capability Roman Catholic to allow for NAIDOC
Church for the Week celebrations
Archdiocese of
Canberra and
-· ··--��---3~•-·•--
Outcorne2 2.4 Culture NAIDOC Week Celebrations Department of $500 CARTWR1GHT, 2168 This grant was approved

and Capability Education NSW NSW to allow for NAIDOC

Week celebrations
--··· ···� _,, ·-
Outcome2 2.4 Culture Lismore Inaugural NAIDOC Ghurrurnbil $500 LISMORE, NSW 2480 This grant was approved
and Capability Youth Debutante Ball Dreaming to allow for NAIDOC
Ages 15-17 Indigenous Week celebrations
-·· -----·
Outcome 2 2.4 Culture 'Learn My Story - Share My Keeping Our $500 CASINO,NSW 2470 This grant was approved
and Capability Shield' - A shield making Freedom Youth to allow for NAIDOC
workshop for male youths Indigenous Week celebrations
'"------, M"O , ,w, -•,.<-e~ -·· -· · · -"

CBMS Program Project title Grant recipient !i Total grant Grant funding Postcode Brief statement of
program title value location reason for decision
-···---"-"' ""'-

Outcome 2 2.4 Culture Sharing the Spirit NSW Government $500 HAMILTON, 2303 This grant was approved i
and Capability Schools I lamilton NSW to allow for NAIDOC
Week celebrations
. ... I ..
Outcome 2 2.4 Culture Wallsend Public School NSW Government $500 WALLSEND, 2287 This grant was approved
and Capability Community Art Mural Schools Parramatta, NSW to allow for NAiDOC
NSW Week celebrations
- ·----- · -·--- -··
Outcome 2 2.4 Culture Richmond High School NSW Government $500 RICHMOND, 2754 This grant was approved
and Capability NAIDOC celebrations Schools Parramatta, NSW to allow for NAIDOC
NSW Week celebrations
�--,- - - -- -
Outcome 2 2.4 Culture A Voice Together- Bossley NSW Government $500 BOSSLEY 2176 This grant was approved
and Capability Park Public School and Darug Schools Parramatta, PARK,NSW to allow for NAIDOC
Country and Community NSW Week celebrations
-·--··- � w,._w --

Outcome 2 2.4 Culture Local Aboriginal Cultural NSW Government $500 BANORA 2486 This grant was approved
and Capability Learning and Workshops Schools Banora POINT,NSW to allow for NAIDOC
Point,NSW Week celebrations

Outcome 2 2.4 Culture Byron Bay Public & Byron Bay NSW Government $500 BYRON BAY, 2481 This grant was approved
and Capability High Schools combined Schools Parramatta, NSW to allow for NAIDOC
NAIDOC Week activities NSW Week celebrations
(application I) ·--•"'"

Outcome 2 2.4 Culture Byron Bay High School and NSW Government $500 BYRON BAY, 2481 This grant was approved
and Capability Byron Bay Primary Combined Schools Parramatta, NSW to allow for NAIDOC

__ __
NAIDOC Week Celebrations NSW Week celebrations
(application 2) .. .
. ,,,_,,. , ,_,

••m ,--- __ . . ·-
_,. , . -• � ... ..
CI!MS Program Project title Grant recipient Total grant Grant funding Postcode Brief statement of
program title value location reason for decision
Outcome 2 2.4 Culture Language, Connection and NSW Government $500 NAMBUCCA 2448 This grant was approved
and Capability Celebration Day Schools Nambucca HEADS,NSW to allow for NAIDOC
Heads, NSW Week celebrations

Outcome 2 2.4 Culture Stronger Smarter Schools Stronger Smarter $500 CABOOLTURE, 4510 This grant was approved
and Capability NAIDOC 2019 Voice, Treaty, Institute Limited QLD to allow for NAIDOC
Truth Caboolturc, QLD Weck celebrations
--- -
Outcome 2 2.4 Culture CLCAC Cairns NAIDOC Carpentaria Land $500 CAIRNS,QLD 4870 This grant was approved
and Capability Council Aboriginal to allow for NAIDOC
Corporation Cairns, Week celebrations
---� . .�--

Outcome 2 2.4 Culture NAIDOC Week 2019 NSW Government $300 SPRING FARM, 2570 This grant was approved
and Capability Schools Spring NSW to allow for NAIDOC
Farm,NSW Week celebrations
. ___
""""-""_, ,. r-���wr.-�-""""""

Outcome 2 2.5 Remote Construction and operation of Aboriginal Hostels $5,700,000 DARWJN,NT 8000 This grant was approved
Australia visitor park in Darwin Limited to support economic
Strategies development
opportunities for
Indigenous people
"--- �c, ·�··�·-·--
Outcome 2 2.5 Remote Darwin visitor park operating Aboriginal Hostels $2,472,000 DARWlN,NT 8000 This grant was approved
Australia costs Limited to support economic
Strategics development
opportunities for
Indigenous people
••rn'-�"�,,. .. • " ' ,.,m, "'" .. �"'•

·~-- ···----·-·
CBMS Program Project title Grant recipient Total grant Grant funding Postcode Brief statement of
program title value location reason for decision
__ ,. . ..
Outcome 2 2.5 Remote Purchase of Medical Equipment Humpty Dumpty $200,000 CHATSWOOD, 2067 This grant was approved
Australia Foundation Limited NSW to support purchase high-
Strategics priority medical
equipment for health
facilities in remote
Northern Territory
Indigenous communities
----,f----·-----f--- -------�
Outcome 2 2.5 Remote Re-connecting Remote Central Australian $175,817 ALICE 0870 This grant was approved
Australia Indigenous Broadcasting Aboriginal Media SPR!NGS,NT to support the re-
Strategies Services Assoc. (Aboriginal connection of Remote
Corporation) Indigenous Broadcasting
�,.....-..~�·-- • • •·~·-

Decisions by the former Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion, inadvertently omitted from the 2018 calendar year report

CBMS Program Project title Grant recipient Total grant Grant funding Postcode Brief statement of
program title value location reason for decision
Outcome 2 2.3 Safety and Arts workshops to support the Access Arts Inc. $300,000 BARDON,QLD 4065 This grant was approved
Wellbeing mental health oflndigenous to continue provide
people workshops support the
mental health of
Indigenous people
� ·-- ... -�-�-" - --- -

Attachment A

- - -- - -- - - - -. -
CBMS Sub- Project title Grant recipient Total grant Grant Postcode I Brief statement of reason for decision
programme programme value funding '

title location I

HA 19/20 Safer Safer H & S HOFFMAN & G $900,000 Dianella, WA 6059 Carmel School is the only Jewish School in WA, which increases its
National Communities Communities KORSUNSKI CARMEL vulnerability in that state as a potential target given the school
Security and Fund- Round Project- Carmel SCHOOL INC and its students are at the centre of the Jewish community and
Criminal Four School society in WA. Sen. Mathias Cormann. The funding of this project
Justice will ensure that the risk of an attack stemming from racial and
religious intolerance is minimised to the extent possible. Carmel
School receives ongoing professional security advice which has
advised them on vulnerabilities and strategies to mitigate this risk.

HA 19/20 Safer Ganesh Temple SRI KARPHAGA $135,000 HOMEBUSH 2140 On 26 August 2019 I visited the Sri Karphaga Vinayakar Temple
National Communities Homebush West VINAYAKAR TEMPLE PTY WEST, NSW with Fiona Martin MP, who has made a number of
Security and Fund- Round LTD representations to me regarding this applicant, to assess the
Criminal Four premises to assess the need for further security and safety
Justice features for the temple. The temple serves a large number of
Hindu residents, in particular families and young children. In the
current heightened security environment, and previous attacks
stemming from racial and religious intolerance, it's clear the lack
of security at the premises poses a risk to those attending and
must be upgraded to deter and minimise the risk of attacks.

HA 19/20 Safer Security NORTH VICTORIAN $100,000 YUROKE, VIC 3064 I was asked to visit and assess the security and safety risks of the
National Communities Infrastructure BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION North Victoria Buddhist Association's Buddhist Temple at the
Security and Fund- Round and invitation of Maria Vamvakinou MP. On 04 September 2019 I
Criminal Four Enhancements visited and spoke with members of the Association who outlined
Justice for NVBA & the risks to individuals while attending the temple. The need for
Accredited security enhancements at the Temple, including CCTV and fencing
Community upgrades, is very clear to minimise the possibly security risks of
Language School the premises.

Page 1 of 3
Attachment A

HA 19/20 Safer To have a safe BUDDHIST SRI LANKAN $130,700 KEYSBOROUGH 3173 Having visited the premises of the Buddhist Sri lankan Association
National Communities and protected ASSOCIATION OF , VIC of Victoria's temple in Keys borough this year on April 14th, the
Security and Fund- Round school VICTORIA INC need for enhancements to facility was dear, including upgrades to
Criminal Four fencing and the need to install a surveillance system. ln the
Justice heightened security environment, noting the particular risks to
racial and religious groups, the safety of those attending the
premises must be a priority in order to minimise the risks and
deter any possible attacks, especially on young people.

HA 19/20 Safer Nations Security NATIONS CHURCH $183,079 MYAREE, WA 6154 Ben Morton MP has made approaches in support of this
National Communities Project INCORPORATED application noting the large number of attendees to Nations
Security and Fund- Round Church on a weekly basis, including a peat number of children.
Criminal Four Noting the heightened security risks, its vital this organisation is
Justice able to properly protect attendees of the Church and deter
attacks against the premises or attendees. Through upgrading
their security, the applicant will be able to better minimise risks
against the children and others who regularly attend.

HA 19/20 Safer Upgrade to CANBERRA ISLAMIC $215,000 GREENWAY, 2900 I am particularly concerned about the need to provide the
National Communities Security of CENTRE INCORPORATED ACT appropriate funds to have the security of this facility upgraded
Security and Fund - Round Canberra Islamic such as fencing, controlled entry and CCTV systems. I note this
Criminal Four Centre facility has suffered attacks previously, including most recently a
Justice small suspicious fire at the premises. It has also suffered previous
attacks in 2014, including vandalism and break�ins. Noting the
heightened security environment and the need to prevent and
deter racial and religious attacks, funding should be provided to
the Canberra Islamic Centre to assist with security enhancements.

HA 19/20 Safer A Safer Museum THE TRUSTEE FOR THE $309,828 THORNBURY, 3071 Having visited the Islamic Museum of Australian in Thornbury it is
National Communities for Kids FOUNDATION FOR THE VIC clear to me the risk the premises faces as a possible target for
Security and Fund-Round ISLAMIC MUSEUM OF racial and religiously motivated attacks. During my recent visit to
Criminal Four AUSTRALIA the Museum on 4 September 2019 the staff outlined to me how
Justice recent attacks on the Islamic community had sadly deterred many
families and schools from visiting the centre. This funding will
assist, importantly, in preventing and deterring possibly attacks at
the centre through upgrades and enhancements to security

Page 2 of 3
Attachment A

HA 19/20 Safer Additional THE NEWPORT ISLAMIC $649,237 NEWPORT, VIC 3015 Through the Newport Islamic Society, the Newport Islamic Centre
National Communities Security System SOCIETY INC regularly accommodates over 3000 people per week, including
Security and Fund- Round for AIC & 1 many young families. On 4 September 2019 I visited the Centre to
Criminal Four Walker St hear about the need for funding to build and enhance security at
Justice the premises. It was clear the current open-space design of the
building, whilst intentional, present a dangerous security risks for
those attending the Centre, especially, for example, as a car would
be able to drive directly from the main street into the building
during an attack motivated by religious or racial intolerance.
HA 19/20 Safer Safer ST ANDREW's GREEK $450,000 PERTH, WA 6059 Vince Connelly MP has made a number of representations to me
National Communities Communities ORTHODOX GRAMMAR regarding this religious school and the need to ensure funding is
Security and Fund- Round Fund- Round made available to better protect and secure the school, including
Criminal Four Four through the use of fencing, lighting and security cameras. This will
Justice provide better protection for staff and, in particular, the students
while attending the school. Peter Katsambanis MLA, State
Member for Hillarys, has also noted the escalation of religious-
based violence and general crime levels, and emphasised the need
to increase security at the school to deter and protect school
attendees from racial and religious based attacks.
HA 19/20 Safer Safe People in BELGRAVE HEIGHTS $209,706 BELGRAVE, VIC 3160 With the increase in violent attacks stemming from racial and
National Communities Safe Places CHRISTIAN SCHOOL OF religious intolerance, I am satisfied that providing funding to
Security and Fund- Round THE PRESBYTERIAN Belgrave Heights Christian School to allow the school to upgrade
Criminal Four CHURCH OF VIC INC the security and enhance the safety of staff and students, through
Justice the use of additional CCTV cameras in areas not currently covered,
and remotely controlled vehicle access from the main road (noting
recent car-based attacks). This will provide a greater deterrence
against any possible attack or criminal act against the students or
school and minimise the risk of these acts occurring in future.
Belgrave Heights Christian School also has a high portion of
children from police families and I have been made aware of
threats which have occurred against the children of police families
attending this school.

Page 3 of 3
Appendix A

Details of grant approved

CBMS Sub- Grant Grantee Total grant Grant Postcode Brief statement of reason for decision
program program Activity value funding
title location
Program Financial Financial Grantee name $ I 2,903.96, ACT 2600 The component of the grant approved, which was not
1.4: Justice assistance assistance is confidential of which recommended by my department, related to disbursement
Services towards $2,106.98 expenses incurred by Australian Counsel in the course of
legal costs was not seeking to secure the return of an Australian citizen who
and related recommended. ultimately successfully appealed a criminal conviction
expenses overseas, and for which financial assistance had otherwise
been provided. I considered the further disbursements of
$2,106.98 sufficiently proximate to the other work undertaken
by the Australian Counsel that were recommended for
funding, and that in all the circumstances, including the moral
obligation on the Commonwealth, it was reasonable in all the
circumstances to also approve the modest additional
component of the grant application.

Attachment A

4.12 -Annual ministerial report where a minister _has approved a grant that the r_elevant officials recommended be rejected

CBMS Sub-program Grant Activity Grantee Total grant Grant funding Postcode Brief statement of reason
Program Title value location for decision

1.1 Office for Women's Women Australian $220,000 New South N/A, state Decision made by the former
Women Leadership and Entrepreneurs Institute of (GST incl) Wales and based Minister for Women
Developm_ent Program for Company Victoria O'Dwyer
Program ·Established Directors
1.1 Office for Women's Women's The Kalgoorlie- $99,000 Kalgoorlie, 6430 Decision made by the former ·
Women Leadership and Leadership Boulder {GST incl) Western Minister for Women
Development Forum Chamber of Australia O'Dwyer
Program Commerce
1.1 Office for Women's Buddy Run The Alannah $96,800 Melbourne, 3001 D_ecision made by the former
Women Leadership and and Madeline (GST incl) Victoria Minister for Women
Development Foundation O'Dwyer

Additional Decisions by the former Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion, in the 2019 calendar year

Total grant Brief statement of
program Program Project title Grant recipient Grant funding location Postcode
value reason for decision

Outcome 2 2.1 Jobs, Indigenous Ranger Deewin Kirim Aboriginal $115,000 PEPPIMENARTI, NT 0822 This grant was approved
Land and Coordinator Transition Corporation to assist capacity building
Economy for Indigenous Rangers

Outcome 2 2.4 Culture Purchase Carpentaria Land Council $2,000,000 BURKETOWN, QLD 4830 This grant was approved
and accommodation in Aborigina I Corporation to boost the local
Capability Burketown and economy, increase
commercial facilities in employment
Normanton opportunities and
improve local outcomes
FOI 21/07 - Document 25


Minister Electorate Entity Program Grant Recipient Grant Amount Date of letter Additional Information Provided in PWS
Letters Reference
REPORTED IN PERIOD: 1 October 2016 to 30 September 2017

The Hon Dan Wannon Department of Veterans' Saluting their Service Landsborough and District $3,800 14/12/2017 Towards installing plaques on the Memorial MS16-000772
Tehan MP Affairs Commemorations Historical Group Wall in the Landsborough Anzac Memorial
Program Garden to commemorate local servicemen
and women.
The Hon Dan Wannon Department of Veterans' Saluting their Service Woodhouse/Nareeb $900 14/12/2017 Towards installing new servicemen and MS16-000772
Tehan MP Affairs Commemorations Memorial Hall Reserve women name plaques at the
Program Woodhouse/Nareeb Nostalgia Grove in
Nareeb, Vic.
The Hon Dan Wannon Department of Veterans' Saluting their Service Woodhouse/Nareeb $1,340 23/03/2017 Towards installing new servicemen and MS17-000099
Tehan MP Affairs Commemorations Memorial Hall Reserve women name plaques at the
Program Woodhouse/Nareeb Nostalgia Grove in
Nareeb, Vic.
The Hon Michael Stirling Attorney-General's Safer Communities Fund City of Stirling $180,000 20/04/2017 To expand existing CCTV network across MS17-000890
Keenan MP Department Stirling.

The Hon Barnaby New England Department of Agriculture Control Tool and Department of Primary $386,005 28/04/2017 To provide an opportunity to develop new or MS17-000572
Joyce MP and Water Services Technologies for Industries NSW improved tools and technologies to control
established pest animals established pest animals and weeds that pose
and weeds programme a threat to ecosystems, habitats or native
species in Australia, and have a national
impact reducing Australian agricultural
productivity and profitability.
The Hon Barnaby New England Department of Agriculture Control Tool and Department of Primary $215,999 28/04/2017 To provide an opportunity to develop new or MS17-000572
Joyce MP and Water Services Technologies for Industries NSW improved tools and technologies to control
established pest animals established pest animals and weeds that pose
and weeds program a threat to ecosystems, habitats or native
species in Australia, and have a national
impact reducing Australian agricultural
productivity and profitability.

The Hon Barnaby New England Department of Agriculture Control Tool and Invasive Animals Limited $874,535 28/04/2017 To provide an opportunity to develop new or MS17-000572
Joyce MP and Water Services Technologies for improved tools and technologies to control
established pest animals established pest animals and weeds that pose
and weeds program a threat to ecosystems, habitats or native
species in Australia, and have a national
impact reducing Australian agricultural
productivity and profitability.
The Hon Barnaby New England Department of Agriculture Control Tool and Department of Agriculture $429,065 28/04/2017 To provide an opportunity to develop new or MS17-000572
Joyce MP and Water Services Technologies for and Food Western improved tools and technologies to control
established pest animals Australia, partnering with established pest animals and weeds that pose
and weeds program University of New England a threat to ecosystems, habitats or native
species in Australia, and have a national
impact reducing Australian agricultural
productivity and profitability.
The Hon Barnaby New England Department of Agriculture Rural Research and Meat and Livestock $10,091,591 4/05/2017 For research into using dung beetles. The MS17-000716
Joyce MP and Water Services Development for Profit Australia proposals involve project research activities
Programme occurring within my electorate. Meat and
Livestock Australia Limited are located in my
electorate, as are the University of New
England and Inventus who are partners in the
projects. It is not possible, from the
information available to my department to
estimate the amount of grant funds which will
flow to my electorate.
The Hon Barnaby New England Department of Agriculture Rural Research and Meat and Livestock $6,600,000 4/05/2017 For research into converting animal waste to MS17-000716
Joyce MP and Water Services Development for Profit Australia valuable products. The proposal "involves
Programme project research activities occurring within my
electorate ... not possible, from the
infomation available to my department to
estimate the amount of grant funds which will
flow to my electorate".
The Hon Barnaby New England Department of Agriculture Rural Research and Meat and Livestock $6,818,836 4/05/2017 To proactively manage the impacts of MS17-000716
Joyce MP and Water Services Development for Profit Australia extreme climate events. The proposal
Programme "involves project research activities occurring
within my electorate ... not possible from the
information available to my department to
estimate the amount of grant funds which will
flow to my electorate".

The Hon Josh Kooyong Department of Solar Communities Boroondara City Council $14,993 17/05/2017 The grant corresponds with election MS17-000632
Frydenberg MP Environment and Energy Program commitments in 2016, and was
recommended by the Department.

The Hon Dan Wannon Department of Veterans' Saluting their Service Bahgallah Memorial Hall $4,000 14/06/2017 Towards installing a replica monument and MS17-000477
Tehan MP Affairs Inc plaque at Bahgallah Memorial Hall to
commemorate three former Bahgallah State
School scholars killed in action at the
The Hon Dan Wannon Department of Veterans' Saluting their Service Bahgallah Memorial Hall $3,876 14/06/2017 Towards restoring the First World War MS17-000477
Tehan MP Affairs Inc Honour Board located at the Bahgallah
Memorial Hall.

The Hon Dan Wannon Department of Veterans' Saluting their Service Bahgallah Memorial Hall $976 14/06/2017 Towards holding a memorial service to MS17-000477
Tehan MP Affairs Inc commorate the centenary of the Broodseinde
Ridge Battle.

The Hon Dan Wannon Department of Veterans' Saluting their Service Bahgallah Memorial Hall $470 14/06/2017 To Casterton Secondary College students to MS17-000477
Tehan MP Affairs Inc undertake a series of projects to help
commemorate the Centenary of the Battle of
Broodseinde Ridge.
The Hon Dan Wannon Department of Veterans' Saluting their Service Bahgallah Memorial Hall $1,156 14/06/2017 To install a flagpole at Bahgallah Memorial MS17-000477
Tehan MP Affairs Inc Hall to fly the Australian National flag on days
of commemoration.

Note: The Hon Josh Frydenberg MP also reported grants under the Solar Communities Program to Highgate Community Centre ($13,578) and to the Scout Association of WA ($14,984) as these were 2016 election commitments (MC17-001839).


FOI 21/07 - Document 26
Attachment B


Minister Electorate Entity Program Grant Recipient Grant Date of Additional Information Provided in Letters PWS Reference
Amount letter No.

REPORTED IN PERIOD: 1 October 2017 to 31 March 2018

The Hon Darren Gippsland Department of Infrastructure, Building Better Regions East Gippsland Shire Council $725,590 26/10/2017 The grant for the Mallacoota Community MS17-001679
Chester MP * Regional Development and Fund (Round One) Clubrooms Project was approved by the Building
Cities (Infrastructure Projects) Better Regions Fund (BBRF) Ministerial Panel.

The Hon Darren Gippsland Department of Infrastructure, Building Better Regions Gippsland Lakes Community $500,000 26/10/2017 The grant towards the Building Better Community MS17-001679
Chester MP * Regional Development and Fund (Round One) Health Support Facilities for East Gippsland project, was
Cities (Infrastructure Projects) approved by the BBRF Ministerial Panel.

The Hon Darren Gippsland Department of Infrastructure, Building Better Regions East Gippsland Shire Council $75,000 26/10/2017 The grant towards the One Place One Plan: A MS17-001679
Chester MP * Regional Development and Fund (Round One) Different Way of Working with our Communities,
Cities (Community Investments) was approved by the BBRF Ministerial Panel.

The Hon Darren Gippsland Department of Infrastructure, Building Better Regions East Gippsland Food Cluster $19,975 26/10/2017 The grant towards the Extracting Value from MS17-001679
Chester MP * Regional Development and Fund (Round One) Inc. Gippsland's Waste and Surplus Vegetables project,
Cities (Community Investments) was approved by the BBRF Ministerial Panel.

The Hon Darren Gippsland Department of Infrastructure, Building Better Regions East Gippsland Landcare $12,250 26/10/2017 The grant towards the Invasive Aliens in east MS17-001679
Chester MP * Regional Development and Fund (Round One) Network Incorporated Gippsland-Countering Pest Plants and Animals
Cities (Community Investments) project, was approved by the BBRF Ministerial
The Hon Greg Hunt Flinders Department of Health National Shed Development Mt Martha Men's Shed $2,000 5/11/2017 The grant for tools, equipment, community MC17-017766
MP Program projects and training at the Mt Martha Men's
(Round 15) Shed, was assessed as part of an open process,
and was recommended for approval by the
Australian Men's Shed Association Panel.
The Hon Greg Hunt Flinders Department of Health National Shed Development Safety Beach-Dromana Men's $4,000 5/11/2017 The grant for tools, equipment, community MC17-017766
MP Program Shed projects and training at the Safety Beach-Dromana
(Round 15) Men's Shed, was assessed as part of an open
process, and was recommended for approval by
the Australian Men's Shed Association Panel.

Minister Electorate Entity Program Grant Recipient Grant Date of Additional Information Provided in Letters PWS Reference
Amount letter No.
Attachment B

The Hon Greg Hunt Flinders Department of Health National Shed Development Cranbourne Casey Men's Shed $1,373 5/11/2017 The grant for building maintenance and MC17-017766
MP Program development at the Cranbourne Casey Men's
(Round 15) Shed, was assessed as part of an open process,
and was recommended for approval by the
Australian Men's Shed Association Panel.
The Hon Greg Hunt Flinders Department of Health National Shed Development Men's Shed Junction Village, $2,000 5/11/2017 The grant for tools, equipment, community MC17-017766
MP Program Victoria projects and training at the Men's Shed Junction
(Round 15) Village in Victoria, was assessed as part of an open
process, and was recommended for approval by
the Australian Men's Shed Association Panel.

The Hon Greg Hunt Flinders Department of Health National Shed Development Peninsula North Men's Shed $1,086 5/11/2017 The grant for tools, equipment, community MC17-017766
MP Program projects and training at the Peninsula North Men's
(Round 15) Shed, was assessed as part of an open process,
and was recommended for approval by the
Australian Men's Shed Association Panel.

The Hon Darren Gippsland Department of Infrastructure, Community Development Latrobe City Council Up to $1.6m 22/11/2017 Towards the construction of the Traralgon- MS17-002491
Chester MP Regional Deevlopment and Grants Programme Morwell Shared Pathway project

The Hon Dan Tehan Wannon Department of Veterans' Saluting Their Service Dunkeld Public Lands $3,636 4/12/2017 Towards the produce and install a plaque at the MS17-001041
MP Affairs Commemorations Program - Committee Inc Dunkeld Cenotaph providing information about
Community the First World War and Australia's involvement
Commemorative Grants
The Hon Dan Tehan Wannon Department of Veterans' Saluting Their Service Mortlake RSL Sub-branch $3,145 4/12/2017 To restore the honour boards at Mortlake RSL MS17-001041
MP Affairs Commemorations Program -
Commemorative Grants
The Hon Dan Tehan Wannon Department of Veterans' Veteran and Community Warrnambool RSL Sub-Branch $14,798 25/10/2017 Towards the upgrade of clubroom facilities to MS17-000841
MP Affairs Grants Program Inc enhance activities provided for the veteran

FOI 21/07 - Document 27
Attachment A


PDMS Reference
Minister Electorate Agency Program Grant Recipient Grant Amount Additional Information Provided in Letters
REPORTED IN PERIOD: 1 April 2018 to 30 Sept 2018
The Hon Josh Frydenberg MP Kooyong Department of the Solar Communities Auburn Bowls Club $12,500 The program provides funding for community
Environment and Energy Program Incorporated groups in selected regions across Australia to
install rooftop solar photovoltaic, solar hot
water and solar-connected battery systems at MC18-001661
their facility to reduce emissions, reduce their
electricity costs and support renewable energy.

The Hon Darren Chester MP Gippsland Department of Veterans' Saluting Their Service Morwell Historical $3,000 To publish a book about Morwell District
Affairs Commemorations Society Inc Soldiers who served in the Boer War. MC18-001767

The Hon Melissa Price MP Durack Department of the New Indigenous Desert Support $550,000 To implement the grant project: Ngururrpa
Environment and Energy Protected Areas Services Pty Ltd IPA (consultation phase). Funded projects will
Program (IPA) contribute to protecting and conserving
Australia's biodiversity, will deliver
sustainable environmental, cultural, social and MC18-001672
economic outcomes, and will build the extent
and condition of Australia's national Reserve
System through the dedication and
management of new IPAs.
The Hon Darren Chester MP Gippsland Department of Veterans' Veteran and East Gippsland TPI $14,340 To undertake a series of bus trips to reduce
Affairs Community Grants Social Club social isolation. MC18-001952
The Hon Darren Chester MP Gippsland Department of Veterans' Veteran and Sale RSL and $68,526 To upgrade existing toilet facilities for the
Affairs Community Grants Community Sub- wellbeing of the veteran community.
Program branch Incorporated

The Hon Darren Chester MP Gippsland Department of Veterans' Veteran and Stratford Sub- $2,746 To purchase tables and chairs to enhance
Affairs Community Grants branch RSL activities provided for the veteran community.
Program Incorporated

The Hon Darren Chester MP Gippsland Department of Veterans' Armistice Centenary Maffra Men's Shed $3,000 Construct a memorial garden at the entrance to
Affairs Grants Program Inc the Maffra Men's Shed.

The Hon Darren Chester MP Gippsland Department of Veterans' Armistice Centenary Toongabbie $4,595 Remove and relocate memorial plaques.
Affairs Grants Program Recreation Reserves
Committee Inc MC18-001924

Page 1 of 4
PDMS Reference
Minister Electorate Agency Program Grant Recipient Grant Amount Additional Information Provided in Letters
The Hon Greg Hunt MP Flinders Department of Health Mental Health YMCA Southern $1,200,000 The grant was received as an unsolicited
Peninsula Youth proposal and the Department assessed and
Services recommended the grant as suitable for MC18-001902
The Hon Darren Chester MP Gippsland Department of Veterans' Armistice Centenary Ensay/Swifts Creek $7,072 Construct an information board including an
Affairs Grants Program RSL Sub Branch Honour Roll with the names of local people
who volunteered for service in the First World
The Hon Darren Chester MP Gippsland Department of Veterans' Armistice Centenary Morwell RSL Sub $3,841 Install a Granite Memorial Rock and Bronze
Affairs Grants Program Branch Plaque and hold a Commemorative Service on
Armistice Day.

The Hon Melissa Price MP Durack Department of the National Landcare Dunkeld Pastoral $36,890 These grants were recommended by the
Environment and Energy Program - Co Pty Ltd Department of the Environment and Energy,
Environment Small based on the assessment by the Department of
Grants Industry, Innovation and Science Business
Grants Hub for National Landcare projects.

The Hon Melissa Price MP Durack Department of the National Landcare Environs Kimberley $50,000 These grants were recommended by the
Environment and Energy Program - Inc Department of the Environment and Energy,
Environment Small based on the assessment by the Department of
Grants Industry, Innovation and Science Business
Grants Hub for National Landcare projects.

The Hon Melissa Price MP Durack Department of the National Landcare The Moore $50,000 These grants were recommended by the
Environment and Energy Program - Catchment Council Department of the Environment and Energy,
Environment Small (Inc) based on the assessment by the Department of
Grants Industry, Innovation and Science Business MC18-002211
Grants Hub for National Landcare projects.

The Hon Melissa Price MP Durack Department of the National Landcare Animal $41,589 These grants were recommended by the
Environment and Energy Program - Management in Department of the Environment and Energy,
Environment Small Rural & Remote based on the assessment by the Department of
Grants Indigenous Industry, Innovation and Science Business MC18-002211
Communities Grants Hub for National Landcare projects.

The Hon Melissa Price MP Durack Department of the National Landcare Yamatji Marlpa $50,000 These grants were recommended by the
Environment and Energy Program - Aboriginal Department of the Environment and Energy,
Environment Small Corporation based on the assessment by the Department of MC18-002211
Grants Industry, Innovation and Science Business
Grants Hub for National Landcare projects.

Page 2 of 4
PDMS Reference
Minister Electorate Agency Program Grant Recipient Grant Amount Additional Information Provided in Letters
The Hon Darren Chester MP Gippsland Department of Veterans' Armistice Centenary Sale RSL and $2,928 Conduct an Armistice Ball in the Sale
Affairs Grants Program Community Sub- Memorial Hall. MC18-002151
The Hon Darren Chester MP Gippsland Department of Veterans' Armistice Centenary Lakes Entrance $11,819 Installation of two display cabinets to house
Affairs Grants Program RSL Sub-Branch memorabilia from the First World War. MC18-002442

The Hon Darren Chester MP Gippsland Department of Veterans' Armistice Centenary Lions Club of $3,000 Conduct the Centenary of Anzac Concert at
Affairs Grants Program Morwell Inc Kernot Hall, Morwell. MC18-002442

The Hon Darren Chester MP Gippsland Department of Veterans' Building Excellence in The Gippsland $21,508 The Gippsland Veterans Welfare Centre is
Affairs Support and Training Veterans Welfare receiving the Grant Funding in Round 20 of
(BEST) program Centre the BEST. MC18-002511

The Hon Darren Chester MP Gippsland Department of Veterans' Armistice Centenary Paynesville RSL $2,728 Commemorate the Centenary of the Armistice
Affairs Grants Program Sub-Branch through the installation of the plaque and the
holding of a function.

The Hon Darren Chester MP Gippsland Department of Veterans' Armistice Centenary Traralgon Public $4,157 Installation of a flagpole and plaque dedicated
Affairs Grants Program Cemetery Fund to the First World War nurses from the
Traralgon district at the Gippsland Memorial
The Hon Keith Pitt MP Hinkler Member of the Building Building Better Bundaberg Regional $3,750,000 Mon Repos Turtle Centre Redevelopment
Better Regions Fund Regions Fund Council (Stage 2). MC18-002057
Ministerial Panel
The Hon Keith Pitt MP Hinkler Member of the Building Building Better Coral Coast $68,913 Bubs and kids permanent facility with
Better Regions Fund Regions Fund Community Care counselling rooms.
Ministerial Panel Inc MC18-002057

The Hon Keith Pitt MP Hinkler Member of the Building Building Better Royal Flying Doctor $3,000,000 RFDS & LF Aeromedical Base & Patient
Better Regions Fund Regions Fund Service of Australia Transfer Facility - Bundaberg.
Ministerial Panel (Queensland MC18-002057
Section) Limited

The Hon Dr John McVeigh MP Groom Chair of the Building Better Building Better Cerebral Palsy $20,230 CPL Toowoomba Capital Improvement &
Regions Fund Ministerial Regions Fund League of Capacity Building Project (Phase 1).
Panel Queensland

Page 3 of 4
PDMS Reference
Minister Electorate Agency Program Grant Recipient Grant Amount Additional Information Provided in Letters
The Hon Dr John McVeigh MP Groom Chair of the Building Better Building Better Royal Society for $4,821,293 Toowoomba Animal Care Campus.
Regions Fund Ministerial Regions Fund the Prevention of
Panel Cruelty to Animals
(Queensland) MC18-002057

The Hon Michael McCormack MP Riverina Member of the Building Building Better Parkes Shire $4,234,992 Parkes Main Street Revitalisation & Cooke
Better Regions Fund Regions Fund Council Park Multipurpose Centre. MC18-002057
Ministerial Panel

The Hon Michael McCormack MP Riverina Member of the Building Building Better The Frank Whiddon $3,685,008 The Whiddon Group Temora Extension.
Better Regions Fund Regions Fund Masonic Homes of
Ministerial Panel New South Wales

The Hon Michael McCormack MP Riverina Member of the Building Building Better Cowra Shire $829,619 Upgrading the footpaths to complete the
Better Regions Fund Regions Fund Council Cowra CDB Redevelopment. MC18-002057
Ministerial Panel

The Hon Keith Pitt MP Hinkler Member of the Building Building Better Bundaberg Regional $18,060 Childers Festival Strategic Planning.
Better Regions Fund Regions Fund Council MC18-002057
Ministerial Panel

The Hon Keith Pitt MP Hinkler Member of the Building Building Better Bundaberg Regional $17,600 Netball Queensland Primary Schools Cup
Better Regions Fund Regions Fund Council 2018. MC18-002057
Ministerial Panel
The Hon Keith Pitt MP Hinkler Member of the Building Building Better Fraser Coast $75,000 Discover Fraser Coast - Tourism Wayfinding
Better Regions Fund Regions Fund Regional Council Signage Story Trail Strategy.
Ministerial Panel

The Hon Dr John McVeigh MP Groom Chair of the Building Better Building Better TSBE Export and $30,000 Equipping Leaders to Attract and Retain
Regions Fund Ministerial Regions Fund Investment Workers in Regional Centres.
Panel Development MC18-002057

The Hon Michael McCormack MP Riverina Member of the Building Building Better Destination $25,000 Riverina Murray Tourism Accelerator
Better Regions Fund Regions Fund Riverina Murray Program.
Ministerial Panel Ltd

Page 4 of 4
Attachment B
Shark Fishery, A Western
Australian & WAFIC project’.
The Hon Durack WA Department of Australian Western Australia $400,000 Monkey Mia Rejuvenation. MC19-001422
Melissa Price the Environment Heritage Grants Department of
MP and Energy Biodiversity,
Conservation and
The Hon Durack WA Department of Australian Wunambal $150,000 West Kimberley Wanjina and MC19-001422
Melissa Price the Environment Heritage Grants Gaambera Gwion rock art sites.
MP and Energy Aboriginal
The Hon Durack WA Department of Australian Murujuga $400,000 Deep Gorge Art Viewing Trail in MC19-001422
Melissa Price the Environment Heritage Grants Aboriginal Murujuga National Park.
MP and Energy Corporation
The Hon Durack WA Department of Australian Dunkeld Pastoral $126,590 Cross tenure feral animal control in MC19-001422
Melissa Price the Environment Heritage Grants Co Pty Ltd the West Kimberley.
MP and Energy
The Hon Durack WA Department of Australian Western Australia $80,000 Developing a humpback whale MC19-001422
Melissa Price the Environment Heritage Grants Department of biodiversity/tourism management
MP and Energy Biodiversity, program.
Conservation and
The Hon Durack WA Department of Australian Western Australia $180,000 Construction of long distance trail MC19-001422
Melissa Price the Environment Heritage Grants Department of in Lesueur National Park.
MP and Energy Biodiversity,
Conservation and
The Hon Durack WA Department of Australian Walalakoo $400,000 Conservation and management MC19-001422
Melissa Price the Environment Heritage Grants Aboriginal plan: National Heritage Fitzroy
MP and Energy Corporation River.

Attachment B
The Hon Durack WA Department of Australian Murujuga $176,443 World Heritage Support Officer MC19-001422
Melissa Price the Environment Heritage Grants Aboriginal (World Heritage Listing –
MP and Energy Corporation Murujuga).
The Hon Durack WA Department of Australian Rangelands NRM $142,392 Reducing runoff and silt loads MC19-004122
Melissa Price the Environment Heritage Grants Coordinating impacting the Shark Bay World
MP and Energy Group (Inc) Heritage Area.
The Hon Gippsland Department of Veteran and Lakes Entrance $3,693 No further information provided in MC18-003155
Darren VIC Veterans' Affairs Community Men's Shed Inc letter.
Chester MP Grants Program
The Hon Gippsland Department of Veteran and Traralgon RSL $42,884 No further information provided in MC18-003155
Darren VIC Veterans' Affairs Community Sub-Branch Inc letter.
Chester MP Grants Program
The Hon Gippsland Department of Saluting Their Friends of the $3,637 Install a memorial commemorating MC18-003156
Darren VIC Veterans' Affairs Service Community the service and sacrifice of service
Chester MP Commemorations Gardens Sub- men and women from the Nowa
Program Committee - Nowa community.
Nowa Nowa
The Hon Gippsland Department of Saluting Their The Sale RSL and $2,220 Publish booklets about historic MC18-004119
Darren VIC Veterans' Affairs Service Community Sub- wartime murals.
Chester MP Commemorations Branch Inc
The Hon Gippsland Department of Saluting Their Port Albert $2,710 Install lighting at a memorial in Port MC19-001337
Darren VIC Veterans' Affairs Service Progress Albert.
Chester MP Commemorations Association Inc
The Hon Gippsland Department of Supporting Sale Returned $3,667 To assist with the creation of a MC19-000412
Darren VIC Veterans' Affairs Younger Veterans and Services website to assist veterans to easily
Chester MP Grants Program League and locate a variety of local services.
Community Sub-
Branch Inc.

Attachment B
The Hon Gippsland Department of Armistice Ensay Swifts $9,999 Construct a second information MC19-001344
Darren VIC Veterans' Affairs Centenary Grants Creek RSL Sub- board at the Reedy Flat War
Chester MP Program Branch Memorial.
The Hon Banks NSW Department of Fostering Canterbury City $50,000 The grants were assessed as part of MC19-000461
David Home Affairs Integration Community an open competitive, merit-based
Coleman MP Grants - Mum 2 Centre Inc. process and were recommended
Mum for approval by the Selection
Advisory Panel comprising
representatives from the
Department of Home Affairs, the
Department of Social Services
Community Grants Hub and
O'Connor Marsden (Probity
The Hon Banks NSW Department of Fostering iCare Community $40,000 As above. MC19-000461
David Home Affairs Integration Services Inc.
Coleman MP Grants -
participation for
African migrants
The Hon Banks NSW Department of Fostering Prosper (Project $27,060 As above. MC19-000461
David Home Affairs Integration Australia)
Coleman MP Grants - Rights, Incorporated
The Hon Banks NSW Department of Fostering Macedonian - $50,000 As above. MC19-000461
David Home Affairs Integration Australian
Coleman MP Grants - Migrant Welfare
Women and Association NSW
Families Social

Attachment B
The Hon Banks NSW Department of Fostering Advance Diversity $25,300 As above. MC19-000461
David Home Affairs Integration Services Limited
Coleman MP Grants - Diverse

The Hon Banks NSW Department of Fostering Melkite Catholic $36,908 As above. MC19-000461
David Home Affairs Integration Welfare
Coleman MP Grants - Creating Association
community for Incorporated
young mothers
The Hon Banks NSW Department of Fostering Asian Women at $50,000 As above. MC19-000461
David Home Affairs Integration Work
Coleman MP Grants - Lets Incorporated
Speak the
Language of
The Hon Banks NSW Department of Fostering Muslim Women's $49,980 As above. MC19-000461
David Home Affairs Integration Welfare of
Coleman MP Grants - Life in Australia
Australia the
Guide to
The Hon Banks NSW Department of Fostering Islamic Women's $28,996 As above. MC19-000461
David Home Affairs Integration Association of
Coleman MP Grants - Australia (IWAA)
Respectful Inc.
Relationships for
Muslim Young

Attachment B
The Hon Banks NSW Department of Fostering Ingham Institute $50,000 As above. MC19-000461
David Home Affairs Integration for Applied
Coleman MP Grants - Ingham Medical Research
Institute Migrant
Mothers Early
Childhood Caring
Health Program
The Hon Paul Bradfield Department of Mental health KYDS Youth $480,000 Family mental health support MC19-001424
Fletcher MP NSW Social Services services for Development services.
young people Services Inc
The Hon Greg Flinders VIC Department of National Shed Mt Martha Men's $3,800 Health & Wellbeing & Events: MC19-000947
Hunt MP Health Development Shed Health Eating programme-
Program (Round commercial kitchen hire for
18) facilitator and assistants with Food
Handling Certificates to provide
cooking demonstrations with
handouts and food provided.
The Hon Greg Flinders VIC Department of National Shed Rosebud and $7,000 Shed Improvements: Dividing wall MC19-000947
Hunt MP Health Development District Men's within the Men's Shed footprint to
Program (Round Shed provide separate social and
18) workspace areas.
The Hon Greg Flinders VIC Department of National Shed Safety Beach and $1,500 Tools & Equipment: Desktop MC19-000947
Hunt MP Health Development Dromana Men's computer with large display screen
Program (Round Shed and application software.
The Hon Mallee and Member of the Regional Growth Swan Hill Rural $16,803,000 Reported by the Hon Michael MC19-001129
Andrew Farrer Regional Growth Fund City Council McCormack MP, for the
Broad MP Fund Ministerial Construction of Foreshore
and the Hon Panel Redevelopment and Upgrade of
Sussan Ley Public User Areas, Multiple
MP Locations, Vic & NSW project,

Attachment B
which is based across the
electorates of Mallee and Farrer.
The Hon Maranoa Department of Rural Research Grains Research $2,053,941 The project will research area wide MC19-001204
David QLD Agriculture and and Development and Development (GST management for cropping systems
Littleproud Water (R&D) for Profit Corporation inclusive) weeds. Millmerran Landcare
MP Resources Program Group, located in the Maranoa
electorate, is a partner in the
project. It is not possible, from the
information available to the
department, to estimate the
amount of grant funds which would
flow to the electorate.
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Balonne Shire $800,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Council and Weeds: Wild Dog Exclusion
Littleproud Water and Weed Fencing.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Balonne Shire $200,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Council and Weeds: Pests and Weed
Littleproud Water and Weed Management.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Barcaldine $400,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Regional Council and Weeds: Wild Dog Exclusion
Littleproud Water and Weed Fencing.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Barcoo Shire $900,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Council and Weeds: Wild Dog Exclusion
Littleproud Water and Weed Fencing.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program

Attachment B
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Barcoo Shire $80,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Council and Weeds: Pests and Weed
Littleproud Water and Weed Management.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Diamantina Shire $150,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Council and Weeds: Pests and Weed
Littleproud Water and Weed Management.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Goondiwindi $454,260 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Regional Council and Weeds: Wild Dog Exclusion
Littleproud Water and Weed Fencing.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Longreach $110,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Regional Council and Weeds: Pests and Weed
Littleproud Water and Weed Management.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Longreach $880,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Regional Council and Weeds: Wild Dog Exclusion
Littleproud Water and Weed Fencing.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Maranoa $210,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Regional Council and Weeds: Pests and Weed
Littleproud Water and Weed Management.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program

Attachment B
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Murweh Shire $600,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Council and Weeds: Wild Dog Exclusion
Littleproud Water and Weed Fencing.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Paroo Shire $196,500 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Council and Weeds: Pests and Weed
Littleproud Water and Weed Management.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Quilpie Shire $100,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Council and Weeds: Pests and Weed
Littleproud Water and Weed Management.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Quilpie Shire $900,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Council and Weeds: Wild Dog Exclusion
Littleproud Water and Weed Fencing.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Southern Downs $1,000,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Regional Council and Weeds: Wild Dog Exclusion
Littleproud Water and Weed Fencing.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Western Downs $159,800 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Regional Council and Weeds: Pests and Weed
Littleproud Water and Weed Management.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program

Attachment B
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Winton Shire $800,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Council and Weeds: Wild Dog Exclusion
Littleproud Water and Weed Fencing.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Winton Shire $200,000 Biosecurity Management of Pests MC19-001338
David QLD Agriculture and Combating Pests Council and Weeds: Pests and Weed
Littleproud Water and Weed Management.
MP Resources Impacts During
Drought Program
The Hon Ken Hasluck WA Department of Indigenous Shelter WA $250,000 Review and report on the MC19-001259
Wyatt AM Health Australians' intersection of health and housing
MP Health policy in WA since 1993.
The Hon Farrer NSW Department of Building Better Fight Cancer $1,903,344 Will expand a treatment and MC19-001329
Sussan Ley Infrastructure, Regions Fund Foundation Ltd rehabilitation facility.
MP Regional
and Cities
The Hon Farrer NSW Department of Building Better Griffith City $4,500,000 The grant will fund a regional MC19-001329
Sussan Ley Infrastructure, Regions Fund Council sports centre.
MP Regional
and Cities
The Hon Farrer NSW Department of Building Better Berrigan Shire $484,380 Will fund the revitalisation of the MC19-001329
Sussan Ley Infrastructure, Regions Fund Council Jersey Street Industrial Estate in
MP Regional Tocumwal.
and Cities
The Hon Farrer NSW Department of Building Better Griffith Shed for $17,500 The project will deliver a ten year MC19-001329
Sussan Ley Infrastructure, Regions Fund Men Inc strategic plan combined with a
MP Regional series of coordinated events held
over 12 months.
Attachment B
and Cities
The Hon Farrer NSW Department of Building Better Carrathool Shire $60,000 The project will deliver a strategic MC19-001329
Sussan Ley Infrastructure, Regions Fund Council development plan focused on
MP Regional agribusiness ventures established
Development and operating in the Carrathool
and Cities Shire.
The Hon Farrer NSW Department of Building Better Griffith & District $19,990 The project will develop a strategic MC19-001329
Sussan Ley Infrastructure, Regions Fund Citrus Growers plan for a Riverina Citrus Centre of
MP Regional Inc Excellence at the Griffith Research
Development Facility. The plan will build on an
and Cities existing Business Case to provide
orchard trial sites and research and
education to drive citrus industry
growth and profitability.
The Hon Riverina Department of Building Better Temora Shire $5,353,151 Temora Airport runway, apron and MC19-001329
Michael NSW Infrastructure, Regions Fund Council taxiways upgrade.
McCormack Regional
MP Development
and Cities
The Hon Riverina Department of Building Better Cowra Japanese $307,442 Upgrade to the roof of the Cultural MC19-001329
Michael NSW Infrastructure, Regions Fund Garden and Centre and Bonsai House.
McCormack Regional Cultural Centre
MP Development Ltd
and Cities
The Hon Riverina Department of Building Better Forbes Shire $867,241 The project will upgrade the Forbes MC19-001329
Michael NSW Infrastructure, Regions Fund Council Commercial Precinct.
McCormack Regional
MP Development
and Cities
The Hon Riverina Department of Building Better Bland Shire $18,170 The project will deliver a workshop MC19-001329
Michael NSW Infrastructure, Regions Fund Council program based on business

Attachment B
McCormack Development fundamentals and building and
MP and Cities diversifying business branding.
The Hon Riverina Department of Building Better Matriark Theatre $15,000 This project will contribute funding MC19-001329
Michael NSW Infrastructure, Regions Fund Inc to the Secret World: Cootamundra,
McCormack Regional a night festival hosted by young
MP Development people.
and Cities


Attachment A
The Hon Gippsland Department of Veteran and Morwell RSL $977 To undertake a series of bus trips to MC19-002702
Darren VIC Veterans’ Community Sub-Branch reduce social isolation.
Chester MP Affairs Grants Program Incorporated

The Hon Gippsland Department of Veteran and Gippsland $9,417 To undertake a series of bus trips to MC19-002702
Darren VIC Veterans’ Community Regional reduce social isolation
Chester MP Affairs Grants Program Veterans Welfare
The Hon Gippsland Department of Saluting Their Sale RSL and $900 Enable addition of a name to the MC19-003431
Darren VIC Veterans’ Service Community Sub- existing roll of honour on the Sale
Chester MP Affairs Commemorations Branch Inc Cenotaph
The Hon Gippsland Department of Building Gippsland $16,832 No further information included in MC19-003157
Darren VIC Veterans’ Excellence in Veterans Welfare letter.
Chester MP Affairs Support and Centre
Training Fund
The Hon Fadden QLD Department of NDIS Jobs and Ability First $822,400 One of the consortium members, MC19-002701
Stuart Robert Social Services Market Fund Australia Ltd Montrose Therapy and Respite
MP Services, is located in the Minister’s
electorate of Fadden. The lead
organisation and other consortium
members are not in the Minister’s
electorate. The grant was assessed
via an open competitive selection
The Hon Flinders VIC Department of Commonwealth Mornington $1,500,000 The Integrated Youth Services Hub MC19-001799
Greg Hunt Health Health and Peninsula Shire Rosebud project grant was assessed
MP Hospitals Council by the Department of Health as part
Program (CHHP) of a condensed grants process.
– Primary Care

Attachment A
The Hon Flinders VIC Department of Headspace Rosebud $300,000 The Rosebud Secondary Wellness MC19-001799
Greg Hunt Health National Office Secondary Pavilion grant was assessed by the
MP College Department of Health as part of a
condensed grants process
The Hon Flinders VIC Department of CHHP – Health Bays Healthcare $10,000,000 The Bays Healthcare Group – MC19-001799
Greg Hunt Health Infrastructure Comprehensive Cancer Centre grant
MP was assessed by the Department of
Health as part of a condensed grants
The Hon Flinders VIC Department of CHHP – Health The Bays $2,600,000 Alexandra Park Community MC19-003855
Greg Hunt Health Infrastructure Healthcare Group Services Project
The Hon Pearce WA Attorney Legal Financial Grantees name $26,463 The grant was assessed by officials MC19-002958
Christian General’s Assistance was omitted for in the Department.
Porter MP Department Schemes privacy reasons
The Hon Riverina Department of Community Lockhart Shire $25,000 The Rock Recreation Ground MC19-002429
Michael NSW Infrastructure, Development Council Playspace project, delivers on a
McCormack Transport and Grants (CDG) 2019 Australian Government
MP Regional Programme commitment
The Hon Riverina Department of CDG Programme Lockhart Shire $1,000,000 The Stage One, Better Energy MC19-002431
Michael NSW Infrastructure, Council Technology Lockhart project
McCormack Transport and delivers on a 2019 Australian
MP Regional Government commitment.
The Hon Riverina Department of CDG Programme Forbes $15,000 The Forbes Men’s Shed Upgrade MC19-003469
Michael NSW Infrastructure, Community project grant delivers on a 2019
McCormack Transport and Men’s Shed Australian Government election
MP Regional commitment.
The Hon Riverina Department of CDG Programme Police Citizens $10,000,000 The grant for the PCYC NSW MC19-003623
Michael NSW Infrastructure, Youth Clubs Regional and Youth Centre Project
McCormack Transport and NSW LTD delivers on a 2019 Australian
MP Regional Government commitment.
Attachment A
The Hon Dan Wannon Australian ARC Centres of University of $35,000,000 While the ARC centre will be MC19-002432
Tehan MP VIC Research Excellence Melbourne administered by the University of
Council Scheme Melbourne, it does have a new
research facility located at the
Stawell gold mine which falls
within the Minister’s electorate. The
ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark
Matter Particle Physics was
assessed as part of an open,
competitive merit-based process.
The Hon Dan Wannon Department of Destination Deakin University $1,600,000 This program was announced as MC19-003414
Tehan MP VIC Education Australia part of the Plan for Australia’s
Program Future Population, and will support
domestic and international students
to study and live outside Australia’s
major cities. The tertiary education
provider was found suitable through
a competitive process and
recommended for funding by the
Department and the Community
Grants Hub.

Attachment A

The Hon Gippsland Department of Veteran and Carry On To repurpose a Open non- $29,968 The MC19-003921
Darren VIC Veterans’ Affairs Community (Victoria) retail site in competitive organisation is
Chester MP Grants 3000 Morwell to create registered in
DVA selection
a social enterprise Melbourne
advisory Panel
café. however the
grant will be
Jan 2020 to Dec delivered in
2020 the Gippsland
The Hon Gippsland Department of Saluting Their East Repair and Open $137,290 Nil MC20-000505
Darren VIC Veterans’ Affairs Service Gippsland restore the Competitive
Chester MP Commemorati Shire Council Bairnsdale War Independent
ve Grants 3875 Memorial. Commemorative
Program Apr 2020-Feb Advisory
2021 Committee
The Hon Gippsland Department of Saluting Their Twin Rivers Supply two Open $2,987 Nil MC20-000505
Darren VIC Veterans’ Affairs Service Men’s Shed flagpoles to be Competitive
Chester MP Commemorati Association installed between Independent
ve Grants Inc. Johnsonville Commemorative
Program 3903 Public Hall and Advisory
the proposed Committee
Twin Rivers
Community Hub.
Apr 2020-Feb
The Hon Dickson Department of Safer Vineyard Purchase and Open $9,880 Nil MC20-000638
Peter Dutton QLD Home Affairs Communities Christian install seven CCTV Competitive
MP Fund Round 3 Fellowship of cameras and nine Business Grants
Pine Rivers security lights. Hub
4501 Mar 2019 – Jun

Attachment A

The Hon Dickson Department of Safer St Vincent de Purchase and Open $4,521 Nil MC20-000638
Peter Dutton QLD Home Affairs Communities Paul Society install six CCTV. Competitive
MP Fund Round 3 Queensland,
Mar 2019-June Business Grants
2020 Hub

The Hon Farrer Department of Australian NSW Willandra Lakes Open $400,000 The grant MC20-000798
Susan Ley NSW Agriculture, Heritage Department Community Competitive Activity will be
MP Water and the Grants of Planning, Research and located in the
Environment Program Industry and Teaching Centre, electorate of
Environment Mungo National Farrer.
2124 Park; Adaptive
reuse of the
existing 1920’s
June 2020 – Nov
The Hon Paul Bradfield Former Festivals Tyalgum For the Tyalgum Competitive $16,000 This grant was MC20-001505
Fletcher MP NSW Department of Australia Music Roving Opera Department not reported
Communications Festival in the
July 2019-Oct
and the Arts 2076 previous
period due to
an error from

Attachment A

The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Maranoa The project Competitive $405,000 Grant MC20-001310
David QLD Agriculture, Combatting Regional provides Independent awarded in
Littleproud Water and the Pest and Council enhanced May 2020
Assessment by a
MP Environment Weed Impacts 4455 vertebrate pest with the
During control to agreement to
Drought Advisory Panel commence in
landholders in the
Program – June 2020.
Maranoa who are
suffering the
of Pests and impacts of pest
Weeds - animals.
Round 2 Jun 2020-Dec
The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Western Targeted project Competitive $395,200 This will give MC20-001310
David QLD Agriculture, Combatting Downs to deliver Selection landholders
Littleproud Water and the Pest and Regional coordinated and the capacity
Advisory Panel
MP Environment Weed Impacts Council strategic on- to fight the
During 4405 ground, impact- insurgence of
Drought based pest weeds and
Program – pests that is
programs across
Biosecurity likely to
the Western
Management prevail.
of Pests and Downs. Grant
Weeds - Jun 2020-Dec awarded in
Round 2 2021 May 2020
with the
agreement to
commence in
June 2020

Attachment A

The Hon Maranoa Department of Communities Southern Three projects Competitive $434,020 Grant MC20-001310
David QLD Agriculture, Combatting Downs that will make a Selection awarded in
Littleproud Water and the Pest and Regional significant May 2020
Advisory Panel
MP Environment Weed Impacts Council contribution to with the
During 4370 the management agreement to
Drought of key weeds and commence in
Program – June 2020
pest animals.
Management Jun 2020-Dec
of Pests and 2021
Weeds -
Round 2
The Hon Maranoa Department of National Cotton Support land Competitive $15,000 The total MC20-000727
David QLD Agriculture, Landcare Australia Ltd manager practice Community grant was for
Littleproud Water and the Program – 4350 change to deliver $50,000,
grants hub , the
MP Environment Smart Farms more sustainable however
Department and
Small Grants and profitable $15,000 was
Round 3 an expert for sites in the
agricultural selection advisory Minister’s
industries and panel electorate.
protect Australia’s
natural resources.
May 2020- Apr
The Hon Riverina The former Community Coolamon Supply and install Closed non- $30,000 Delivers on a MC20-000378
Michael NSW Department of Development Rovers LED scoreboard, competitive 2019
McCormack Infrastructure, Grant Football Club sound system and Australian
MP Transport, Cities Programme Inc. PC to enable Government
and Regional 2701 scoreboard commitment
Development operation.
Mar 2020 to Oct

Attachment A

The Hon Riverina Department of Regional Parkes Shire Minor works to Open $27,869 Nil MC20-001308
Michael NSW Infrastructure, Airports Council three airstrips. Competitive
McCormack Transport, Program 2870
June 2020-May Departmental
MP Regional Round One
2021 recommendation
Development and
The Hon La Trobe Department Safer Minaret Support the Open non- $900,000 The grant MC20-000916
Jason Wood VIC Home Affairs Communities College installation of competitive support
MP Fund Round 4 Incorporated security project works
Business Grants
3809 infrastructure and at 2 campus
hire security locations at
Departmental Minaret
recommendation College. One
Nov 2019 – Sept of which is in
2021 the Minister’s


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