Community Development Block Grant Program 2010- 2011
Application Form
Applying Entity or Agency: Family Service Association of Western Riverside County (FSA)
Location: Mead Valley Community Center
Mailing Address:
City: Perris
Title: President/CEO
E-mail: (deleted)
E-mail: (deleted)
1901 E. 4th Street, Suite 100
Santa Ana, CA 92705
CDBG Funds Requested: $ 55,000 (total amount for the project only)
(details of location, region, etc. deleted from the proposal because it is not necessary to
understanding the proposal
A map of the location of the Mead Valley Community Center and the service area is included as
Attachment IV.A.
Provide a detailed Project Description. The description should only address or discuss the
specific activities, services, or project that is to be assisted with CDBG funds. If CDBG
funds will assist the entire program or activity, then provide a description of the entire
program or activity. (Attach additional sheets if necessary Attachment IV.B. Project
Family Service Association has operated the Mead Valley Community Complex (MVCC) for the County
of Riverside since 1996. The center is located in Mead Valley, an unincorporated community in the
heart of the Perris Valley. The Perris Valley Region consists of the City of Perris, and the
unincorporated areas of Mead Valley and Romoland. The Perris Valley Region is primarily rural and
geographically isolated from receiving services that residents need. The nearest services for youth and
families are more than seven miles away in the City of Perris or 15 miles away in Riverside. The center
is a vital one-stop-shop for community members to access health education, medical screenings, youth
and senior programs, utility assistance, commodities, pediatric medical services and have a safe place
to participate in recreational activities and special events. The Mead Valley Community Center is the
only local source of medical and social assistance for Mead Valley youth and families.
FSA provides the only programs for youth at the MVCC. The Youth Programs offered at the MVCC
1. *Youth Leadership Program for high school youth to participate in volunteer activities in their
community as part of a Youth Advisory Council and prepare for college in the Road to College
program. The youth meet at least five hours each month. Some of the activities the Youth
Council has participated in include: developing and implementing a community needs
assessment among 600 youth in the community and creating a plan to respond to the identified
needs; participating in leadership skills development activities such as public speaking and
problem-solving; and receive on-going leadership training in areas such as effective
communication, public speaking, problem solving and time management. An additional10 new
youth will be recruited by FSA staff to participate in next year's program.
2. *AfterSchool Programs for children ages 5-14 to receive tutoring, participate in computer
classes, recreation and sports programs and volunteer activities. About 20 youth attend.
3. *Summer Youth Program, that provides children ages 5-14 a 6-hour-a-day program during the
summer with age-appropriate activities such as: sports and recreation, games, multi-cultural
games, arts and crafts and health education presentations. About 40 youth each summer
4. The Mead Valley Ballet Folklorico program teaches youth cultural dances and prepares them for
performances throughout the year at various community, city and county events/celebrations.
Youth are taught about Mexican culture and heritage by way of native dances. The Mead
Valley Ballet Folklorico also helps youth develop their interpersonal and communication skills
through art and expression. Classes are offered two days each week at the center. About 20
Provide a detailed description of the proposed use of the CDBG funds only (e.g. client
scholarships, purchase a specific piece of equipment, rent, supplies, utilities, salaries,
CDBG funds will be used to support the continuation and expansion of these child/ youth programs and
services offered at the center and specifically for a portion of the MVCC Managers salary, supplies,
travel and utilities, telephone costs. These costs are reflected in the budget.
number of clients to be served if the County funds your project for the requested amount.
2, Unduplicated number of clients/persons projected to serve - 1,500 clients (youth, adults and
senior citizens combined).
3. Units of service - 15,000 units of service will be provided
What are the goals and objectives of the project, service, or activity? How will you measure
and evaluate the success of the project to meet these goals and objectives (measures
should be both qualitative and quantitative)?
The goal of the youth programs provided at the Mead Valley Community Complex is to provide low-tono-cost activities for children, teens and young adults that enhance social, emotional, physical and
recreational functioning of elementary, middle and high school aged children.
Overall, it is anticipated that up to 33% more youth will be served in the Youth Program during the FY
2009-2010. The center will increase the number of children/youth seen at the Center and meet the
following objectives:
1. *After School Program: Increase the number of youth who participate in the program to 20 kids.
2. *Youth Summer Program: Provide a six-week long summer youth program for at least 40
children ages 5-14 that includes age appropriate activities such as sports and recreation
activities, games, arts and crafts, and health education presentations. Children are at the center
for six hours per day.
3. *Youth Leadership Program: Provide a youth leadership program for about 10 youth ages 13 to
25 years old to participate in a program plan to meet identified needs in their community,
participate in a youth symposium (mini-conference) where they will interact with local
government representatives, youth leaders and other professionals from the Mead Valley/Perris
community; and complete a minimum of eight hours of community service each month.
4. *Provide a new Ballet Folklorico class for up to 20 children at the center to learn Hispanic
heritage dances to increase knowledge of their culture and promote diversity.
5. *Provide a Girl Scouts program at the center that will accommodate up to 15 girls.
6. *Expand services to include the Youth Clean-up Crew and Toms Rivera Youth Leadership
Project that will have about 15 active youth members.
7. FSA staff is required to collect data about the program that includes: demographic data about
each client served, the number and types of services received and the frequency of the
services. This information is reported to the County of Riverside as required to determine
whether the annual goals and objectives for the program are met.
Discuss how this project directly benefits low- and moderate- income residents.
The Mead Valley community has long been identified as an underserved area that is geographically
isolated from many services and amenities that many citizens take for granted, such as quality youth
programs, grocery stores, dentists and other social programs. Almost 60% of Mead Valleys small
population (just over 7,000 people) belongs to an ethnic minority group where Hispanics make up more
than 50% of that. About 50% of the community is under the age of 29, including 19% of those ages 1019. The area has the second highest unemployment rate in the County and one of the highest poverty
rates. More than 25% of Mead Valley citizens live below the level of poverty. The Mead Valley
Community Complex serves as a one stop shop of affordable, accessible, vital health and human
service programs conveniently located in the community where they live.
The youth programs will be provided at little or no cost to children and youth from very low-income
families living around the community center. The only other youth programs available in this
unincorporated community are offered at the local schools or at least 10 miles away in nearby
Southwest County, Moreno Valley and the City of Riverside. Reliable transportation is a major issue for
local residents, so offering these services at the community center gives them a safe, affordable, local
alternative to seeking services outside of the Perris/Mead Valley area.
(b) If service is not new, will the existing public service activity level be substantially increased or
CDBG funds will allow Family Service to expand the youth programs at the Mead Valley Community
Complex significantly. The following shows the increase in current programs:
An additional 20 children will be allowed to participate in the after school and summer programs
Additional training opportunities will be offered to the youth participating in the youth leadership
program including guest speakers, and health education workshops. Ten new youth will be recruited to
participate this year.
The programs and services offered by the Mead Valley Community Complex are designed to empower,
strengthen and promote self-sufficiency among the local residents. The ultimate benefit of these
services is improved outcomes related to social, family and community functioning, as well as
What methods will be used for community involvement to assure that all who might benefit
from the project are provided an opportunity to participate?
FSA publishes a monthly newsletter for the Mead Valley Community Complex that highlights upcoming
events, a calendar and past activities. This newsletter is mailed to local residents, local businesses and
local schools. In addition, flyers and posters advertising specific activities are prominently displayed at
the center. For the youth leadership program, the centers Youth Planner (Center Manager) does
outreach to local schools, school district offices, and local churches in an attempt to recruit youth to
participate in the program. Similar outreach is also done for the AfterSchool and Summer programs.
FSA also receives input from local Advisory Councils for all programs and service provided throughout
the county. These Advisory Councils consist of members of the community, and FSA staff. They meet
on a regular basis to discuss programs and services, make recommendations for change and provide
input to FSA staff. The Advisory Councils give concerned citizens the opportunity to be involved in the
programs and services offered within the community where they live. At the Mead Valley Community
Complex, there are two Advisory Councils one for adults and one for youth.
FSA staff also participate in community forums and public meetings that promote citizen participation.
FSA staff will also conduct regular community needs assessments in order to get feedback from local
residents regarding priority community needs.
What evidence is there of a long-term commitment to the proposal? Describe how you
plan to continue the work (project) after the CDBG funds are expended?
Family Service Association has operated the Mead Valley Community Complex since 1996. Since
then, the agency has worked hard to bring high quality, affordable health and human service programs
to the community. The MVCC has become a one stop shop for local residents to access a variety of
services. FSA has helped the community to identify existing strengths and assets in the community
and its residents. Together, the community and FSA have helped to strengthen this isolated, rural
FSA is committed to identify on-going funding for the Youth Programs at the MVCC. During the past
five years, FSA has had noteworthy success in securing funding from three large private foundations to
support the implementation of health/wellness programs and youth programs designed to teach and
empower children and adults. FSA continues to solicit funding for this program through regular grant
proposal submissions.
PROJECT BENEFIT: All CDBG-funded activities must meet at least one of three National
Objectives of the CDBG program. Indicate the category of National Objective to be met by your
CATEGORY 1: Benefit to low-moderate income persons (must be documented).
Please choose either subcategory A, B, or C.
A. Area Benefit:
The project or facility serves, or is available to, all persons located within an area where at
least 51% of the residents are low/moderate-income. This determination is based upon 2000
Census data.
B. Limited Clientele: The project serves clientele that will provide documentation of their family
size, income, and ethnicity. The Mead Valley Community Complex serves low-income
residents, children and elderly citizens presumed to be low and moderate income persons by
HUD criterion. The area has become home to a large population of immigrant families in the
past five-to-ten years.
A. Describe your organizations experience in managing and operating project or
activities funded with CDBG or other Federal funds. Include within the description a
resource list (partnerships) in addition to the source and commitment of funds for the
operation and maintenance of the program.
FSA has received CDBG funds from the County of Riverside to support programs and
services at the Mead Valley Community Complex since 1996, the James A Venable Community
Center since 2004 and the Kay Ceniceros Community Center since 1995.
The agency has a long history of grants and contract management with other local, state and federal
government agencies that include (but are not limited to): Riverside County Department of Public Social
Services, Riverside County Department of Mental Health, The Governors Office of Emergency
Services, the Riverside County Office on Aging, the California Department of Education and the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
B. Management Systems - Does your organization have written and adopted
management systems (i.e., policies and procedures) including personnel,
Should the applying entity be awarded CDBG funds, please identify the primary project
objectives and goals using an Estimated Timeline for Project Implementation:
Start Date
Completion Date
I. Personnel
$ 90,245
Salaries and Wages
$ 37,000
$ 25,123
$ 7,000
Fringe Benefits
Consultants and Contract
$ 115,368
$ 44,000
II. Non-Personnel
Space Costs
Rental, Lease, or Purchase
of Equipment
Consumable Supplies
Other Costs
$ 22,870
$ 3,000
$ 1,200
$ 17,000
$ 1,400
$ 46,736
$ 5,400
$ 182,606
$ 11,000 10
V.Construction/ Rehabilitation
$ 297,974
$ 55,000
Rental income
Provide a summary by line item of your organizations previous years income and
expense statement. (Attachment VI-C, Exhibits 1, 2, etc.)
Please see Income and Expense statement from the most recent agency audit included as
If this project benefits residents of more than one community or jurisdiction, have requests
been submitted to those other jurisdictions? Not applicable.
If yes, when? This project has been consistently funded through the Riverside County CDBG
program beginning in FY 1996/1997 through FY 2008-09.
If yes, explain: CDBG funds support the center staff, and expansion of activities and programs and
community outreach. 11
6. On behalf of the applying organization, I have obtained authorization to submit this application
for CDBG funding. (DOCUMENTATION ATTACHED Minute Action and/or written Board
Approval signed by the Board President).
DATE: November 10, 2009
Authorized Representative: Dom Betro, President/CEO
APPLICATION CHECKLIST - The following required documents listed below have been
attached. Any missing documentation to the application will be cause for the application to
be reviewed as INELIGIBLE. 12
1. Board of Directors
2. Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws
3. Project Activity Map
4. Project Description
5. Project Benefit, Category 2. Slum Blight Documentation (NOT APPLICABLE)
6. Project Benefit, Category 3, Urgency (NOT APPLICABLE)
7. Leveraging
8. Income and Expense Statement
9. Management Capacity
10. Board Written Authorization approving submission of application 13