Dates For Your Diary: Second Sunday of Advent (B) 2014
Dates For Your Diary: Second Sunday of Advent (B) 2014
Dates For Your Diary: Second Sunday of Advent (B) 2014
Cake Sale - many thanks to those who have brought cakes for the sale
and to those who will buy them. It is a very helpful source of income
towards parish expenses.
Childrens Rehersal for Christmas Eve Nativity Mass after Mass on
Sun 7th and 14th @ 10.30-12.00.
Tuesday 16th Dec Extra cleaning of the Church (and Hall) in
preparation for Christmas. Please come from 9.30am onwards. Any time
you can spare will be very welcome. Many hands ..!!
Wednesday 17th Dec Key Stage 2 children from School are having
their Carol Concert in Church @ 7pm.
St. Nicholas
No Mass
Immaculate Conception
Derek Simpson
(LR & H Kitely)
Jane Power
(Maggie Tarbuck Family)
St. Lucy
Church Business
Church Cleaning 14th Dec: Mrs. M Reed & Mrs A Cullen
Altar Society: No flowers during Advent thank you.
Readers this week: B Ingram Children from School
Readers Next week S. Machin O. Fortune
Offertory Procession this week: Children from School
We pray for all our deceased relatives and friends, especially the
members of this Parish whose anniversaries occur about this time
Dr. Egan, Louise Moore, Frederick Cooper, Nora Wilson. May they
rest in peace.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Jean Carroll, who died
peacefully on Tuesday 2nd Dec. Jean entered full communion with the
Church in 1952 and practised here at St Benedict's until severe
arthritis prevented this. Her funeral will take place at St Mary's - the
church of her childhood and of most of her family. Let us pray for Jean
in our Masses this weekend and commend her to God.
Raffle - A few tickets still remain. Please take some if you can sell a
few before the draw on the 21st Dec. Ticket stubs and unsold tickets
can be placed in the porch of the Church. Monies can be brought to
News Continued
the Sacristy or the Presbytery. We are grateful to those who have offered to
donate prizes for the Raffle, please bring those during the next two weeks.
The Atherstone Chorale "Carols around the World" Concert takes place
tonight (Sat 6th). We welcome the choir to the parish and also other visitors.
Tickets are still available after the Saturday Mass - 6, children free. There
will be some refreshments and a raffle in the Parish Hall after the Concert.