Third Sunday of Advent (B) 2014
Third Sunday of Advent (B) 2014
Third Sunday of Advent (B) 2014
Wednesday 24th Dec - Christmas Nativity Mass with the Children at 6pm.
St. Lucy
This third Sunday of Advent is also known as Gaudete Sunday. The latin
word "Gaudete" is the exhortation "Rejoice", which appears in the
readings. Pope Francis wrote in his Apostolic Exhortation "Evangelii
Gaudium" (The Joy of the Gospel"):
"The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus.
Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner
emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew.
I invite all Christians everywhere , at this very moment, to a renewed
personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting
him encounter them. I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day."
No Mass
School Mass
Advent Feria
Wed 17th Dec
Holy Souls
Advent Feria
Bill Carroll
Advent Feria
Bridie O'Hare
Advent Feria
We pray for all our deceased relatives and friends, especially the
members of this Parish whose anniversaries occur about this time
Barry Beeson, MarieAnn Bottrell, John Collins, Alan Wilkins. May they
rest in peace.
Money Matters
Last week 1st Collection - 269.04
2nd Collection - 115.67
Thank you!
Tote: Winning numbers - 14 & 27 12.12 - one winner Ernie Jones,
Snowball 3
Cake Sale & Sunday Refreshments - 133.32
Atherstone Chorale Concert & Raffle & Refreshments - 81.75 + 75
Raffle - A few tickets still remain. Please take some if you can sell a
few before the draw on the 21st Dec. Ticket stubs and unsold tickets
can be placed in the porch of the Church. Monies can be brought to
the Sacristy or the Presbytery. We are grateful to all those who have
offered to donate prizes for the Raffle - please would you bring them
during the next two weeks.
Churches Together Carol Service on Sat 20th Dec. at 2pm in the
Market Square, or at St Mary's, if wet, followed by refreshments at St
News (Continued)
Parish Council Mtg - there will be an extraordinary Council meeting on
Tuesday 16th Dec after the evening Mass in the Parish Hall. The purpose of
the meeting is to discuss any outstanding Christmas arrangements, but
particularly the arrangements for Fr Paul's absence in the New Year for
surgery and convalescence.
St Benedict's School is anxious to find two new Foundation Governors.
Please consider taking on this role as a way of supporting and ensuring the
Catholicity of the School. One of these two may be a parent of a child
currently in the School.
Penance Services - there will be a Penance Service with opportunity for
individual confession taking place at Our Lady of the Angels, Nuneaton at
7.00 pm on Tuesday 16th Dec; also at St Francis' Bedworth at 7.00pm on
Wednesday 17th and at St Anne's, Chapel End at 6.00pm on Friday 19th