Third Sunday of Advent (B) 2014

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Dates for your Diary

Childrens Rehearsal for Christmas Eve Nativity Mass after Mass on

Sun 14th @ 10.30-12.00.
Wednesday 17th Dec - Key Stage 2 Children from School are holding
their Carol Service in Church at 7pm.
Thursday 18th Dec Extra cleaning of the Church (and Hall) in
preparation for Christmas. Please come from 9.30am onwards. Any time
you can spare will be very welcome. Many hands ..!!
Sunday 21st Dec - Crib and decorations to be put up in Church after
Mass. Could we have helpers, please?
Tuesday 23rd Dec Final rehearsal for Christmas Eve Nativity Mass
10.30am till noon.


Tel: 01827 713177,
Parish Priest: Mgr. Paul Watson

The Second Collection this week is for the Restoration Fund.

Finance Secretary: Jo Howe 01827 750214
Newsletter: Jenni Taylor 01827 718213
Items for inclusion in the Newsletter by Thursday Noon

Wednesday 24th Dec - Christmas Nativity Mass with the Children at 6pm.

Third Sunday of Advent (B) 2014

The Joy of the Gospel

Sat 13th Dec


The Gomes Family

St. Lucy

This third Sunday of Advent is also known as Gaudete Sunday. The latin
word "Gaudete" is the exhortation "Rejoice", which appears in the
readings. Pope Francis wrote in his Apostolic Exhortation "Evangelii
Gaudium" (The Joy of the Gospel"):

Sun 14th Dec


For the Parish

Third Sunday of Advent

Mon 15th Dec

"The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus.
Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner
emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew.
I invite all Christians everywhere , at this very moment, to a renewed
personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting
him encounter them. I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day."

We extend a warm welcome to everyone worshipping here this

weekend, refreshments are served in the Church Hall after 9.30am
Mass, please come and join us, ALL ARE WELCOME.

Tue 16th Dec


No Mass
School Mass

Advent Feria

Wed 17th Dec


Holy Souls

Advent Feria

Thu 18th Dec


Bill Carroll

Advent Feria

Fri 19th Dec

10:00am Harry Charnell

Sat 20th Dec


For the Parishioners

Sun 21th Dec


Bridie O'Hare

Advent Feria

Fourth Sunday of Advent

The Liturgy & the Care of the Church

Readers this week: Sarah Machin
Olive Fortune
Readers Next week: R Machin
Des Furlong
Offertory Procession this week: T & S Major

Church Cleaning Thursday 18th Dec - Volunteers please!

Altar Society - No flowers until Christmas

The Sick and their Carers

Please pray for Father Andrew, Pat & Maureen Burke, Noel OBrien,
Bridie Symmons, Ada Russell, Winifred Jones, Charlotte Smith, Kath
Ford, Christina Chetwynd, Storm Strugnall, and Fr Paul. Please
remember our housebound parishioners in your prayers:
Thacker, Marion Burrows and Marie Aherne .

We pray for all our deceased relatives and friends, especially the
members of this Parish whose anniversaries occur about this time
Barry Beeson, MarieAnn Bottrell, John Collins, Alan Wilkins. May they
rest in peace.

Money Matters
Last week 1st Collection - 269.04
2nd Collection - 115.67
Thank you!
Tote: Winning numbers - 14 & 27 12.12 - one winner Ernie Jones,
Snowball 3
Cake Sale & Sunday Refreshments - 133.32
Atherstone Chorale Concert & Raffle & Refreshments - 81.75 + 75

Raffle - A few tickets still remain. Please take some if you can sell a
few before the draw on the 21st Dec. Ticket stubs and unsold tickets
can be placed in the porch of the Church. Monies can be brought to
the Sacristy or the Presbytery. We are grateful to all those who have
offered to donate prizes for the Raffle - please would you bring them
during the next two weeks.
Churches Together Carol Service on Sat 20th Dec. at 2pm in the
Market Square, or at St Mary's, if wet, followed by refreshments at St

"That in all things God may be glorified St. Benedict

News (Continued)
Parish Council Mtg - there will be an extraordinary Council meeting on
Tuesday 16th Dec after the evening Mass in the Parish Hall. The purpose of
the meeting is to discuss any outstanding Christmas arrangements, but
particularly the arrangements for Fr Paul's absence in the New Year for
surgery and convalescence.
St Benedict's School is anxious to find two new Foundation Governors.
Please consider taking on this role as a way of supporting and ensuring the
Catholicity of the School. One of these two may be a parent of a child
currently in the School.
Penance Services - there will be a Penance Service with opportunity for
individual confession taking place at Our Lady of the Angels, Nuneaton at
7.00 pm on Tuesday 16th Dec; also at St Francis' Bedworth at 7.00pm on
Wednesday 17th and at St Anne's, Chapel End at 6.00pm on Friday 19th

Building Missionary Parishes

Proclaim 15: BUILDING MISSIONARY PARISHES is the name of a new
national Bishops initiative being launched in 2015 to support the
development of parish evangelisation. It is inspired by Pope Francis writings
and has five parts which include: the provision of free parish small group
materials; the organisation of a National Catholic Evangelisation
Conference in Birmingham on 11 July 2015 for 850 evangelisation
representatives from across England and Wales; an invitation to parishes to
host a parish Prayer Vigil on the night of 11 July 2015 with free prayer
materials provided; the invitation to dioceses, deaneries and parishes to
have their own Proclaim 15 event in autumn 2015; the publication of new
evangelisation resources as a fruit of the National Conference to equip local
evangelisers. Please do get involved in what is a significant new step in
service of the proclamation of the Gospel in our area. More information will
be available over the coming months.
Christmas cards - there are several different packs of Christmas Cards
available in the porch. Prices are labelled on the packs. Please put monies
in the box provided.

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