Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) 2014
Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) 2014
Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) 2014
Bride O'Hare
No Mass
Private Intention (MRW)
Advent Feria
Thu 25th Dec
Jane Power
Dec'd of the Clewes
Christmas Day
St Stephen
Sat 27th Dec
Patricia Morris
We pray for all our deceased relatives and friends, especially the
members of this Parish whose anniversaries occur about this time
Win Furlong, Zelie Jones, Jim Turner, Bridie O'Hare, Canon Flint
Eleanor /francis, Dorothy Shorthouse, Barbara Baines. May they rest
in peace.
Money Matters
Last week 1st Collection - 278.85
Thank you!
At the end of Mass on Sunday Mike Heath will be presenting a
cheque to Erin Strugnell. Erin is spending a few weeks in Tanzania in
the summer as a volunteer. The Catenian Association has agreed to
award Erin a bursary towards her trip.
The Catenians administer a registered charity - a Bursary Fund which
makes a contribution towards the personal expenses of any young
Catholic, between the ages of 16 and 24 years, who is willing to work,
unpaid, helping under-privileged people anywhere in the world.
News (Continued)
Christmas Raffle - the Draw for the Raffle will take place in the Hall after
Mass on Sunday. Do come and join us. There are more than 20 prizes to
be won. Enjoy some refreshments at the same time.
A big thank you to all those who donated prizes for the Raffle and to all
who have sold (and bought) tickets.
Rotas for next year for Readers, Church Cleaners and the Altar Society
(Flowers) have been drawn up. They are available in the Sacristy or next
week at the back of the Church. If you are involved, please take a copy. If
there are dates that are not possible for you, it would be very helpful if you
could arrange to swap with someone.
St Benedict's School is anxious to find two new Foundation Governors.
Please consider taking on this role as a way of supporting and ensuring
the Catholicity of the School. One of these two may be a parent of a child
currently in the School.
Crib Offerings - Fr Hudson's Society have asked if we would have a Crib
Offering to help to bring peace and comfort to some of the most vulnerable
and marginalised people within the Diocese. Their collaborative
Community Projects and their School Based Family Support Project help
some of the poorest, isolated and deprived families within the Diocese. As
we gaze in wonder at the generosity of God in sending His Son to enter
our world - at first as a vulnerable child in a stable, let's, in our turn,
remember the poor and vulnerable today.
Looking to the New Year, is there anyone who has keyboard (piano/organ)
skills would be interested in helping with music in the liturgy especially on
Sundays? Perhaps also we could think about establishing a choir so that
we could begin singing other parts of the Mass, such as the Responsorial
Psalm, Gloria, and plan some extra music for Holy Week.
St John Wall Catholic School Governors are inviting applications for the
post of Headteacher following the retirement of the current Headteacher.
The Governors are also hoping to interest committed and practicing
Catholics who may be presently employed outside the Catholic sector.
If anyone is interested contact details can be found on the noticeboard at
the back of Church. The School is in Handsworth, Birmingham.