GT Biostats
GT Biostats
GT Biostats
Highlight the entire column plus one extra row below the numbers.
Click on the down arrow to the right of autosum. Now some options will appear.
Click on "average".
In the 1st column next to the value of the mean, type mean to label the calculation.
Standard Deviation
Standard deviation is a number that reflects how close the data numbers are to each other
and, thus, to the mean. If the standard deviation is small, then the numbers are very close to
each other. If the standard deviation is large, then the numbers vary greatly. Standard
deviation can be used only if there are 5 or more numbers in the data set.
A student wanted to see if leaves grow longer if the plant is placed in sunlight. She
hypothesized that leaves in the sun will grow longer than those in the shade. Here are her
Leaves in Sunlight
33, 34, 35, 35, 36, 36, 36, 37, 41, 42,
To calculate Standard Deviation, click on the next empty cell in the shade column.
Choose more functions under autosum. Click on "STDEV" the OK. (You may
need to search for standard deviation if it is not visible on the list.)
Place the cursor in the cell where you wish the standard error of the mean to appear,
and click on the fx symbol in the toolbar at the top.
A menu will appear that says Insert Function. Select Statistical from the top of
the menu, if necessary. Scroll down on the bottom of the menu and select STDEV;
then click OK.
Click on the picture of the spreadsheet, and highlight the numbers you averaged
earlier. Hit enter, and OK to calculate the standard deviation.
With the cursor still on the same cell, now click in the formula bar at the top of the
spreadsheet (the white box next to the = sign) to put the cursor in that bar so you
can edit the formula.
Put a ( in front of STDEV and a ) at the end of the formula. Ex. (STDEV (A1:A7)) Add
a / sign to indicated you are dividing this standard deviation. Put 2 sets of
parentheses (()) after the division symbol. Ex. (STDEV (A1:A7))/(()) Put the cursor in
the middle of the inner set of parentheses.
Now click on the fx symbol again. Choose Statistical on the upper menu, and then
COUNT on the lower menu.
Click on the spreadsheet picture in the pop-up box, and then highlight the list of
numbers you averaged. Hit enter and OK as before.
Move the cursor to be between the 2 sets of parentheses, and type SQRT. Hit enter.
The standard error of the mean should now show in the cell. Your formula in the
formula bar should look something like this, =(STDEV(A1:A7))/
(This formula would calculate the standard error of the mean for numbers in cells A1
to A7.)
Error Bars
Error bars are used on graph to indicate how variable the data is. They can be used to
determine if two sets of data are significantly different from each other. For example, we can
use it to determine if leaf length is affected by the amount of light by comparing the error
bars of leaves grown in sunlight to those in shade.
Error bars can represent 2 Standard Error of the Mean or range of data (minimum and
maximum data values). In AP Biology, we will use SEM when possible (5 or more data
points). After graphing the data with error bars, look at the error bars. If the error bars
overlap, the data of the compared groups is not significantly different. If the error bars do
not overlap, the groups are significantly different. This means that the independent variable
did have an effect on the results. For example, if the error bars of the leaves in shade and
the leaves in sunlight do not overlap, sunlight causes leaves to grow faster.
On graph paper, make a bar graph of the mean length of leaves in shade and
sunlight. Leaf length will be on the Y axis. You will have two bars-one for shade and
one for sunlight.2SEM. For example, if your mean is 10 and your SEM is 1, error bars
are drawn from 12 (10+2) to 8 (10-2).
For the Leaves in Shade bar, draw a line at your upper and lower 2x SEM as shown
above. Connect the lines.
Draw the error bars for the sunlight data using 2 SEM.
Make a key that indicates that the error bars are for 2 SEM.
12. Look at the two error bars. Do they overlap the many of the same numbers? ________
13. Does this mean that the data is significantly different or not?
Click on an empty cell where you would like to record your T Test result.
Look under the formula bar at the top of the spreadsheet.
A dialog box will appear. Click in the box next to "Array 1".
Drag the dialog box out of the way, then highlight your first column of numbers.
Click in the box next to "Array 2" and highlight your second column of numbers.
To answer the "tails" question, think about your hypothesis. If you said that
the variable would have an effect, your tails is 1. If you had no hypothesis or
a null hypothesis, your tails is 2. (Null hypotheses state that the
independent variable will not have an effect on the results.