Automated Mineral Analyzer for Mining and Geosciences
Innovation with Integrity
The World‘s First Micro-XRF Mineral Analyzer
Micro-XRF is a highly sensitive and
non-destructive elemental analysis
method for diverse set of samples
requiring little or no sample preparation.
The M4 TORNADO AMICS mineral
analyzer tool brings together the
ultra-fast high resolution elemental
distribution analysis using Bruker‘s
M4 TORNADO spectrometer and the
powerful mineral identification and
characterization software AMICS.
This marriage creates the world‘s first
benchtop Micro-XRF mineral analyzer.
This drill core was analyzed over an area of 11.05 x 117.85 mm² at a resolution of 50 µm per pixel with X-ray acquisition using a
M4 Tornado 200 with Rh tube set to 50 kV at 300 µA, a dual 30 mm² XFlash ® detector and 20 mbar sample chamber pressure.
Mineral identification and characterization was completed in 13 hours and 20 minutes showing the classified minerals at every
pixel. The zoomed images are extracted from the original map.
Quickly from sample to result Elements down to sodium can be analyzed
with M4 TORNADO AMICS. To optimize the
Sample preparation can be costly and
detection conditions for light elements, the
time consuming. Nevertheless, it is often
instrument possesses a vacuum system
considered necessary in order to obtain
which can be adjusted to suit. A typical
good results. However, in some cases,
pressure setting is 20 mbar.
e.g. fossils, it is not possible to prepare
the sample. In other cases preparation
A major advantage working with the
may damage, distort or even disrupt the
AMICS software is the simple setup for
specimen. Apart from this, maintenance
the sample analysis. Only a few steps
costs for the sample preparation equipment
must be followed to start a measurement:
are also significant.
creation of an overview or mosaic image of
the stage or selected sample taking a few
With M4 TORNADO AMICS samples need no
seconds, interactive defining of sample and
special preparation, e.g. a sample simply cut
measurement areas by mouse click and
by saw or even a raw fossil can be easily
analyzed as it is. A reasonably flat sample drag, and finally checking that all desired
improves the spatial resolution and statistics samples and measurements are selected.
but is not mandatory. The lack of sample Once a measurement is completed, the
preparation allows the sample to be placed results are automatically saved and the
into the sample chamber without delay. data can easily be reviewed, reprocessed,
viewed and exported as charts and tables.
AMICS Software
example performed
on drill cores 1
1 Measurement control
- create, open or save
measurement templates 2
- manage sample holders
- create overview images
- check, start and stop
2 Sample view
- see sample and position
- set measurement area
- check progress
*Depending on configuration