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Automated Mineral Analyzer for Mining and Geosciences

Innovation with Integrity
The World‘s First Micro-XRF Mineral Analyzer
Micro-XRF is a highly sensitive and
non-destructive elemental analysis
method for diverse set of samples
requiring little or no sample preparation.
The M4 TORNADO AMICS mineral
analyzer tool brings together the
ultra-fast high resolution elemental
distribution analysis using Bruker‘s
M4 TORNADO spectrometer and the
powerful mineral identification and
characterization software AMICS.
This marriage creates the world‘s first
benchtop Micro-XRF mineral analyzer.

Micro- XRF Mineral Analyzer Your Benefits

M4 TORNADO AMICS is the world's first
automated mineral analyzer based on X-ray
ƒ Combines centimeter scale mineral analysis
with micrometer resolution
fluorescence technology. It brings together the
M4 TORNADO high performance Micro-XRF
spectrometer and the AMICS (Advanced Mineral
ƒ Secure identification of mineral phases by
X-ray analysis without the cost or complexity
Identification and Characterization System)
of an SEM
software suite.

Especially large geological samples, e.g. drill

ƒ No or little sample preparation meaning
minimum time from sample to result
cores and hand samples as well as thin sections
can easily be analyzed down to the micrometer
scale making the M4 TORNADO AMICS a powerful
ƒ Easy setup of measurements and automation
of multiple samples
system in mining and geosciences. With its
ability to measure unprepared samples at low to
atmospheric pressure, it provides mineral phase
ƒ Highly efficient data handling and reprocessing
to optimize the workflow
results in the shortest time frames.

The AMICS software provides all the tools to

determine modal mineralogy, mineral distribution
and calculated assay of geological samples.
Mineral Analysis with M4 TORNADO AMICS
Automated Mineralogy Sample preparation costs time and money,
and once prepared for SEM-EDS analysis,
Analyzing drill cores, thin sections, fossils
it can take a day to measure more than a
or geologically interesting samples has
couple of square centimeters even with the
its challenges, especially to obtain the
fastest SEM-based mineral analyzers.
statistical and spatial distribution of minerals
over larger sample areas in the centimeter
A new way to look at minerals
To overcome all these restrictions, there
With a light microscope quick results can is a new option. M4 TORNADO AMICS is a
be acquired, but sample preparation and an game changer employing the latest Micro-
experienced mineralogist is required then. XRF (X-ray fluorescence) and software
Moreover, the mineral to be examined can technology, that allows large samples to
not be determined certainly. be analyzed quickly by measuring areas up
to 190 mm x 160 mm with a high spatial
Alternatively, a scanning electron resolution down to < 20 µm and with little or
microscope (SEM) with an energy no sample preparation.
dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) and
some specialized software can be used to In contrast to traditional quantification
determine the mineralogy of the sample. methods that would take hours, the
However, SEM-EDS mineral analyzers are innovative AMICS software technology can
expensive to buy and maintain, and the easily deal with large data sets, taking only
sample has to be extensively prepared as minutes to reprocess sample files with over
well as carbon coated. 500,000 pixels containing image, spectra,
mineral identification data.

Large Drill Core Mineral Phase Map

This drill core was analyzed over an area of 11.05 x 117.85 mm² at a resolution of 50 µm per pixel with X-ray acquisition using a
M4 Tornado 200 with Rh tube set to 50 kV at 300 µA, a dual 30 mm² XFlash ® detector and 20 mbar sample chamber pressure.
Mineral identification and characterization was completed in 13 hours and 20 minutes showing the classified minerals at every
pixel. The zoomed images are extracted from the original map.
Quickly from sample to result Elements down to sodium can be analyzed
with M4 TORNADO AMICS. To optimize the
Sample preparation can be costly and
detection conditions for light elements, the
time consuming. Nevertheless, it is often
instrument possesses a vacuum system
considered necessary in order to obtain
which can be adjusted to suit. A typical
good results. However, in some cases,
pressure setting is 20 mbar.
e.g. fossils, it is not possible to prepare
the sample. In other cases preparation
A major advantage working with the
may damage, distort or even disrupt the
AMICS software is the simple setup for
specimen. Apart from this, maintenance
the sample analysis. Only a few steps
costs for the sample preparation equipment
must be followed to start a measurement:
are also significant.
creation of an overview or mosaic image of
the stage or selected sample taking a few
With M4 TORNADO AMICS samples need no
seconds, interactive defining of sample and
special preparation, e.g. a sample simply cut
measurement areas by mouse click and
by saw or even a raw fossil can be easily
analyzed as it is. A reasonably flat sample drag, and finally checking that all desired
improves the spatial resolution and statistics samples and measurements are selected.
but is not mandatory. The lack of sample Once a measurement is completed, the
preparation allows the sample to be placed results are automatically saved and the
into the sample chamber without delay. data can easily be reviewed, reprocessed,
viewed and exported as charts and tables.

AMICS Software
example performed
on drill cores 1

1 Measurement control
- create, open or save
measurement templates 2
- manage sample holders
- create overview images
- check, start and stop

2 Sample view
- see sample and position
- set measurement area
- check progress

3 Sample data management

- manage samples and 3
measurement types
- check measurement status
The AMICS Software
History and pedigree of AMICS The data processing and handling of the
software allows large data sets to be
The Advanced Mineral Identification and created, processed and moved with ease.
Characterization System (AMICS) is the
latest software package for automated AMICS for the M4 TORNADO is a forward-
identification and quantification of minerals thinking quantitative analysis system. Its
and synthetic phases. It was developed versatility makes it ideal for use in both
by the highly qualified and experienced earth and material science research and
development team lead by Dr. Ying Gu, who industry applications.
invented the Mineral Liberation Analyzer
(MLA) in the 1990’s. The AMICS software suite comes complete
The key of the AMICS software package
ƒ Investigator, an instrument control and
lies in its innovative analysis capabilities. data acquisition package
The use of modern computing and software
ƒ AMICSProcess, a data processing and
methodologies combined with a type of analysis package and
mineral fingerprinting enables extremely
ƒ MineralSTDManager, a mineral database
fast mineral identification and classification. management package.

AMICS Software Suite

Investigator AMICSProcess MineralSTDManager

Easy measurement automation Once completed, each measurement will

automatically save the results in the file path
The setup of measurement areas is done
defined during saving of the setup.
interactively with the mouse. Multiple
measurements or measurement types
At the completion of the measurement,
across the sample or stage can be added.
the AMICSProcess interface can be used
Spatial resolution, dwell time, and mineral
to start working on analyzing the data,
database for on-the-fly classification can
either on the instrument or with an offline
be set during the configuration of the
workstation. When performing analysis and
measurment. As the measurement areas
post processing on the instrument, mineral
and configurations are saved before each
phases of interest can be revisited for more
run, it is possible to reuse the same settings
detailed analysis and classification.
for each measurement, making it even
quicker to get the measurement running.
Powerful result exploration, The spectra window can also show the
browsing and presentation spectra of the classified mineral standard
and the difference to the identified phase.
The measured data can be opened
in AMICSProcess as soon as the
The Particle Grid function allows particles
measurement is completed, even if
or their grains to be tabulated. The ordering
subsequent measurements are still running.
can be configured to be grouped by modal
mineralogy, calculated assay or elemental
The sample or measurement can be
distribution, and sorted by area within each
visually represented in either a pseudo
group. As with sample images, the minerals
Backscattered Electron (BSE) image
shown can be filtered. The X-ray points
based on X-ray intensity, as an identified
can also be activated to analyze and check
minerals view, or a mirror view. The mirror
classifications of points. This helps focusing
view allows a correlation of the image and
on particular particles or mineral phases for
mineral views. Image areas can be explored
reclassification work or analysis.
and zoomed in with the mouse. Images can
be copied from here for reports.
The modal mineralogy, the calculated assay
and the mineral distribution can be shown
To focus on a particular mineral, a filter can
in tables for quantitative results or visually
be used graying out other minerals. For
represented as charts or graphs.
more detailed analysis, the X-ray points can
be activated. Each point can be separately
Flexible classification capability
analyzed and checked with regard to its
through database development
classification. The spectra of unknown
phases can be added to the mineral As many minerals are not fixed and
database as a standard for reclassification composition can vary widely, the
work. classifications need adjustment to take
the local mineralogy into account. Here
the standard database and re-classification
helps ascertain the correct result.
Data exploration in AMICSProcess

Using the comprehensive database

included will help identify and classify
many minerals. For the rest, the mineralogy
knowledge of the user combined with the
mineral database manager allows the exact
mineralogy to be determined and applied to
the measured sample and any subsequent
(a) (b)

Data exploration: sample image (a), particle grid (b),

calculation tables (c), calculation charts (d).
(c) (d)
M4 TORNADO Instrument Highlights
Efficient sample excitation microscopes that show approx. 1 mm2
and 100 mm2
Using a polycapillary X-ray optic, the X-rays
ƒ auto focus function for setting the sample
from the tube are collected and focused
height correctly
onto smallest sample areas. Thus, a spot on
ƒ mosaic (tiled) images of high quality
the sample with a diameter < 20 µm
(stitching, shadow correction) for large
(for Mo Kα) yields the same intensity as a
area maps
3 mm spot without the lens.
ƒ distribution analysis with HyperMap, which
collects complete data sets, supporting
Fast spectrum acquisition offline data evaluation.
The M4 AMICS spectrometer is equipped
with two XFlash® silicon drift detectors M4 TORNADO software
(SDD) enabling count rates of > 600 kcps
The M4 TORNADO software controls
(using dual detectors) combined with an
safety circuits and allows the instrument
energy resolution < 145 eV. The dual 30 mm2
configuration for image and spectra
detectors allow a large solid angle for X-ray
acquisition during measurement. It also
collection and parallel processing. For low
controls mosaic image generation, point
X-ray yield samples (such as silicates), a
and multi-point analysis and hyperspectral
dual 60 mm² detector setup is optionally
mapping. Qualitative and quantitative
analysis and data mining provide detailed
insights into the examined sample.
TurboSpeed stage
The large sample stage travels at a Accurate and flexible quantification
maximum speed of up to 100 mm/s.
To help identify minerals, the quantification
Combined with “on the fly” measurement,
of unknown phases is necessary in many
this ensures fastest possible mapping, as the
cases. To make this process simple, the
detector is continuously collecting radiation.
M4 TORNADO software uses standardless
analysis based on fundamental parameter
Information on the element distribution can
(FP) models. The software module M-Quant
already be obtained with an acquisition time
provides reliable results on the composition
< 1 ms per pixel allowing a first overview
of bulk samples.
of the sample composition within minutes.
Additional image frames can be added for
M4 TORNADO Software Quantification
more detailed analysis. Due to the high
precision of the TurboSpeed stage, such
multi-frame measurements can be carried
out routinely. Longer acquisition times
provide even more analytical details.

Convenience and ease of use

Convenience and easy handling are
provided for the user through:
ƒ the EasyLoad function for fast sample
ƒ the large sample chamber, enabling
a stage travel of 200  x 160  x 120 mm
ƒ sample positioning supported by
a fish eye camera and two optical video
Technical Specifications

Sample types Solids, particles, liquids

Sample chamber size WxDxH: 600 mm x 350 mm x 260 mm
Stage WxD: 330 mm x 170 mm, Max. weight load: 5 kg
Measurement media Air or oil free vacuum, ready for measurement within 100 s
Sample travel
Max. travel WxDxH: 200 mm x 160 mm x 120 mm
Mapping travel WxD: 190 mm x 160 mm
Travel speed Up to 100 mm/s with TurboSpeed stage
Sample view 2 simultaneous live images from above with 10x and 100x
magnification for sample overview and precise positioning
Lateral fisheye camera for the sample chamber overview
Excitation High brilliance X-ray tube with polycapillary X-ray optic
Excitation parameters
Target material Rh
Tube parameters 50 kV, 30 W
Spot size Less than 20 µm for Mo Kα with polycapillary lens
Filters Up to 5 filters
Detection Dual XFlash® silicon drift detectors with simultaneous use
Detector parameters
Sensitive area Dual 30 mm² or optional dual 60 mm2
Energy resolution < 145 eV at 300,000 cps per detector
Instrument control State-of-the-art PC, Windows 7
Instrument control Complete control of tube parameters, filters, optical microscopes,
functions sample illumination and sample positioning
Spectra evaluation Peak identification, artifact and background correction, peak area
calculation, quantification with standard-based and standardless
models; AMICS Mineral Identification and Characterization by
Mineral Standard Database
Distribution analysis “On the fly” measurement, HyperMap capability, measurement by
point grid
Result presentation Quantification results, statistical evaluation,

All configurations and specifications are subject to change without notice.

element distribution (line scan, mapping), AMICS mineral map,
multiple mineral groupings, particle grid, calculation tables and charts
Power requirements 100–240 V (1P), 50/60 Hz, ~500 W, max. 1080 W Order No. DOC-B81-EXS011, Rev. 1. © 2019 Bruker Nano GmbH.

Dimensions WxDxH: 815 mm x 680 mm x 580 mm, 130 kg*

Quality & safety DIN EN ISO 9001:2008, CE certified
Fully radiation protected system; radiation < 1 μSv/h

*Depending on configuration

Bruker Nano GmbH Bruker Nano, Inc. Bruker Pty Ltd.

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