1. IGNOU offers the best guarantee of success through planned programs with superior experience and high quality.
2. Special references are used to help students prepare for examinations.
3. The document advertises upcoming examinations near IGNOU in Rajbagh, Srinagar in June 2022.
1. IGNOU offers the best guarantee of success through planned programs with superior experience and high quality.
2. Special references are used to help students prepare for examinations.
3. The document advertises upcoming examinations near IGNOU in Rajbagh, Srinagar in June 2022.
1. IGNOU offers the best guarantee of success through planned programs with superior experience and high quality.
2. Special references are used to help students prepare for examinations.
3. The document advertises upcoming examinations near IGNOU in Rajbagh, Srinagar in June 2022.
1. IGNOU offers the best guarantee of success through planned programs with superior experience and high quality.
2. Special references are used to help students prepare for examinations.
3. The document advertises upcoming examinations near IGNOU in Rajbagh, Srinagar in June 2022.
Planned with superior experience & high quality. Prepare with Special References.
MANI-001 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
1. Define aim and scope of anthropology? Briefly discuss the aspects of studying diversity and variation in anthropology. 2. What is fieldwork? Describe beginning the fieldwork in anthropology. 3. Describe about the survey of the literature. 4. Discuss anthropometry in detail. 5. Write short notes on a) Archaeological research methods b) Comparative Research Design c) Participant observation 6. Discuss briefly about the emerging fields in anthropology. 7. Write about the aims, objectives and concepts of ethnographic research. 8. Describe about scientific method and hypothesis. 9. Briefly explain anthropology as a natural as well as a social science. 10. Write shorts notes a) Anatomical Method b) Applied Anthropology c) Ethnography and its Ethics
MANI-001 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
1. Define anthropology? Discuss the major branches of anthropology. 2. Discuss anthropological fieldwork tradition and its important characteristics. 3. Describe in detail about the participant observation with suitable example. 4. Discuss pedigree analysis in detail. 5. Write short notes a) Excavation b) Research design c) anthropometry 6. Discuss briefly various tools and techniques in anthropology. 7. Define ethnography and its main characteristics. 8. Describe about survey of literature and research problem. 9. Briefly explain the steps of preparation of research synopsis. 10. Write shorts notes on any two of the following. a) Method and methodology b) Carbon dating c) Applications of genealogical method
MANI-001 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
1. Describe the meaning and scope of anthropology. Briefly discuss about comparative anthropology. 2. What do you understand by fieldwork? Discuss fieldwork tradition in Anthropology. 3. Briefly discuss the current fields of Archaeological Anthropology. 4. Define and distinguish between genealogy and pedigree. 5. Write short notes a. Survey of the literature b. Theory 6. Describe anthropometry and its application in detail. 7. What is interview? Discuss about types of interviews. 8. Distinguish between technique, method and methodology. 9. What is research design? Discuss how is research problem formulated and designed. 10. Write short notes: 10+10 a. Ethnography b. Anatomical Method
MANI-001 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
1. Define anthropology? Briefly discuss the main branches of anthropology. 2. What is fieldwork? Describe types of data gathering techniques in Anthropology. 3. Define and distinguish genealogy and pedigree? 4. Discuss the steps to conduct a literature review. 5. a. Anthropometry b. Participant observation c. Secondary Data d. Archeological Methods 6. Discuss the history and development of archaeological anthropology. 7. Briefly discuss the emerging fields in anthropology. 8. Describe the types of research design. 9. a. Ethnography b. Research ethics c. Serogenetics d. Scientific method
MANI-001 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
1. Define anthropology and discuss human diversity and variation within its subject matter. 2. What is fieldwork? Discuss major fieldwork tradition in Anthropology. 3. Briefly discuss the branches of Anthropology. 4. Discuss the applications of genealogy and pedigree in anthropological studies. 5. Write short notes a. Ethnography b. Anthropometry 6. Describe current fields in archaeological anthropology. 7. What are the different types of research design? 8. Discuss briefly techniques and methods used in anthropology. 9. What is primary and secondary data? 10. Write short a. Archaeological methods b. Review of literature
MANI-001 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
MANI 002 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
TEE JUNE 2022 EXAMINATION NEAR IGNOU RAJBAGH SRINAGAR 1. What is Physical Anthropology? Briefly discuss its the applied dimensions. 2. What are main characteristics of the primates? 3. Discuss UNESCO Statement on Race. 4. Discuss the genetic factors affecting growth. 5. Write short notes a) Acclimatization to desert habitat b) Pedigree c) The Non-Existence of the Races-The Clines 6. Discuss the climatic stress and Man’s physiological response and acclimatization to high altitude adaptation. 7. What are the principles of evolution? 8. What do you understand by ecology of malnutrition? 9. Discuss the relationship of physical anthropology with other disciplines. 10. Distinguish between a) Distance curve and velocity curve b) Infectious and Non-infectious diseases c) Neo-Lamarckism and Neo-Darwinism
MANI 002 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
TEE JUNE 2022 EXAMINATION NEAR IGNOU RAJBAGH SRINAGAR 1. Define Physical Anthropology. Briefly discuss its branches. 2. Discuss the social organisation in primates. 3. Distinguish the major physical features between Caucasoid and Australoid. 4. Discuss in brief the environmental factors affecting growth. 5. Write short notes a) Effects of nutritional stress b) DNA and Recombinant Technology c) Basis of Racial Classification 6. What do you understand by “physique”. Discuss in brief methods of assessing it. 7. Discuss the Synthetic Theory of evolution. 8. What do you understand Bergmann’s and Allen’s Rules. 9. Discuss the current trends in physical anthropology. 10 Distinguish between a) Lamarckism and Darwinism b) MAN and Apes c) Undernutrition and Overnutrition
MANI 002 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
TEE JUNE 2022 EXAMINATION NEAR IGNOU RAJBAGH SRINAGAR 1. What is Physical Anthropology? Briefly discuss its aims and scope. 2. What sort of behaviours do we see in primates? 3. Discuss in brief the basis of Racial Classification. 4. Discuss the nutritional factors affecting growth. 5. Write short notes a) Mechanisms of Heat Loss b) Karyotype Analysis c) UNESCO Statement on Race 6. Describe the role of malnutrition in relation to ecological conditions. 7. Discuss the Principles of Palaeoanthropology. 8. Briefly discuss the applied dimensions of physical anthropology. 9. Discuss in brief different methods of Human Genetic Study. 10. Distinguish between a) Prenal growth and Postnatal growth b) Infectious and Non-infectious diseases c) Lamarckism and Darwinism
MANI 002 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
TEE JUNE 2022 EXAMINATION NEAR IGNOU RAJBAGH SRINAGAR 1. Define physical anthropology. Briefly discuss its historical background. 2. Discuss the social organisation in primates. 3. Briefly discuss morphological criteria for Racial Classification. 4. Discuss the environmental factors affecting growth. 5. Write short notes a) Stages of growth b) Applications of physical anthropology c) Allen and Bergman’s rule 6. Describe in brief Synthetic Theory of evolution. 7. Discuss the Principles of Palaeoanthropology. 8. Briefly discuss the branches physical anthropology. 9. What are the physiological responses to high altitude? Discuss. 10. Distinguish between any two of the following: a) Longitudinal method and Mixed longitudinal method b) Overnutrition and Undernutrition c) Neo- Lamarckism and Neo-Darwinism
MANI 002 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
TEE JUNE 2022 EXAMINATION NEAR IGNOU RAJBAGH SRINAGAR 1. Define physical anthropology. Briefly discuss its aims and scope. 2. Discuss primate characteristics. 3. Briefly discuss serological criteria for Racial Classification. 4. Discuss the genetic factors affecting growth. 5. Write short notes a) Prenatal stages of growth b) Genetic counseling c) Ecological rules 6. Describe in brief synthetic theory of evolution. 7. Discuss scope of Palaeoanthropology. 8. Discuss relationship of physical anthropology with forensic science and earth science. 9. What are the physiological responses to cold? Discuss. 10. Distinguish between a) Cross-sectional method and Mixed longitudinal method b) Positive secular trend and negative secular trend c) Lamarckism and Darwinism
MANI 002 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
TEE JUNE 2022 EXAMINATION NEAR IGNOU RAJBAGH SRINAGAR _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
MAN 001 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
1. Discuss the history and growth of social anthropology as a subject. Reflect on the journey of social anthropology in India. 2. “Culture is the man-made part of the environment”. Critically evaluate the statement. 3. Write a note on the feminist movement and the influence of feminist theory in Anthropology. 4. Discuss the concepts of Westernisation and Modernisation. 5. Write short notes a) Diffusionism b) Self and Identity 6. Describe the meaning and definitions of marriage. Critically examine the variations and dimensions of marriage in Post-modern world. 7. With reference to Kula and Potlatch discuss the distribution process of goods and services in simple societies. 8. Discuss the anthropological approaches to the study of religion with emphasis on psychological and symbolic approaches. 9. Critically evaluate the Alliance theory. 10. Write short notes a) Kula ring b) Jajmani system
MAN 001 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
1. Discuss the intellectual foundations for the emergence of a science of society. Discuss the history and growth of social anthropology as a subject. 2. Define society and culture. Discuss the relationship between society and culture. 3. Critically examine the classical theories and discuss their criticisms. 4. Discuss functionalism with refernce to Malinowksi’s work. 5. Write short notes: 10+10 a. Structural- functional approach b. Neo-functionalism 6. Describe the meaning and definitions of family. Critically examine the variations and dimensions of family with reference to kinship and marriage in Post-modern world. 7. Write a critical essay of descent theory. Discuss various types of descent groups. 8. What is shamanism? Describe the various types of shamans. 9. Discuss hunting- gathering and pastoralism with suitable example. 10. Write short notes: 10+10 a. Polyandry and Polygynandry b. Sacred and profane
MAN 001 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
1. Discuss Montesquieu’s and Comte’s theoretical contribution to the study 10+10 of society. Outline the scope of social anthropology. 2. ‘Culture is the man-made part of the environment.’ Critically Discuss the relationship between society, culture and environment. 3. Discuss the impact of personality on culture. Examine Ruth Benedict’s contribution to the culture personality school of thought. 4. Discuss neo-functionalism. 5. Write short notes a) Diffusionism b) Identity in a networked society 6. Outline the main approaches to the study of religion. Describe any one of them in detail. 7. Discuss Morgan’s kinship system. 8. Define the concepts of state and statelessness with suitable examples. 9. What is shifting cultivation? Discuss its merits and demerits. 10. Write short notes a) Genealogy b) Rites de Passage
MAN 001 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
1. Discuss the history and growth of social anthropology as a subject. Describe the scope of social anthropology 2. “Culture is the man-made part of the environment”. Discuss this statement with suitable examples to show the relation between society, culture and environment. 3. Discuss the thesis of Neo-Functionalism. 4. Discuss anthropological approach to the study culture and personality with reference to Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict’s work. 5. Write short notes a. Sanskritisation b. Post Modernism 6. Describe marriage. Discuss the different types of marriages prevalent in different societies. 7. What is the genealogical method? Using the method trace your genealogy upto your maternal grandmother. 8. Discuss the concept of reciprocity in non-market economies with suitable examples. 9. Discuss the concept of rituals with reference to Victor Turner and van Gennep’s work. 10. Write short notes: 10+10 a. Rites de Passage b. Shifting cultivation
MAN 001 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
1. Discuss the intellectual foundations for the emergence of a science of society. Discuss the history and growth of social anthropology as a subject. 2. Write a note on the classical theories. 3. Discuss Functionalism with reference to Malinowski’s work. 4. What is culture? Write a note on the anthropological approach to the study culture and personality with reference to Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict’s work. 5. Write short notes Sanskritisation b. Feminism 6. Describe family. Discuss the functions of family. 7. With reference to Kula and Potlatch discuss the distribution process of goods and services in simple societies. 8. Critically evaluate the Alliance theory. 9. Discuss the concept of rituals with reference to Victor Turner and van Gennep’s work. 10. Write short notes a. Shifting cultivation b. Terrace cultivation
MAN 001 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ MAN 002 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR TEE JUNE 2022 EXAMINATION NEAR IGNOU RAJBAGH SRINAGAR 1. Define Archaeological Anthropology. Discuss briefly the methodological developments in Archaeology. 2. What are the different basic tool making techniques? Briefly comment on the techniques used during Lower Palaeolithic culture. 3. What is absolute dating method? Briefly comment on any two methods of absolute dating. 4. What is Chalcolithic culture? Briefly examine any two Chalcolithic cultures. 5. Write short note a) Relationship of geology with archaeological anthropology b) Protohistory c) Levallois technique d) Moraines 6. What is Neolithic revolution? Discuss. 7. What is civilization? Discuss various characteristic features of civilization with reference to Harappan culture. 8. What is Public Archaeology? Discuss the role of public archaeology in heritage management. 9. Megalithic is a living tradition among many Indian tribes. Elaborate your answer with examples. 10. Write short notes a) Museum b) Home art c) Malwa d) Megaliths
MAN 002 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
1. Define Archaeological Anthropology? Briefly comment on its main divisions.
2. Discuss the tool types and techniques of Lower Palaeolithic culture. 3. What is Dating Method? Discuss briefly various methods of relative dating. 4. What is Chalcolithic culture? Examine briefly any two cultures of Chalcolithic culture. 5. Write short note a. Relationship of archaeological anthropology with social sciences b. Radiocarbon dating c. Blade tool d. Pleistocene epoch 6. What is Neolithic culture? Why is it called revolution? Discuss. 7. Discuss the characteristics of Harappan civilization with suitable examples from India. 8. Discuss the salient features of Indian Iron age with suitable examples. 9. What is Public Archaeology? Discuss the role of public archaeology in heritage management. 10. Write short note a. Museum b. Megaliths c. Home art d. Environmental archaeology
MAN 002 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
TEE JUNE 2022 EXAMINATION NEAR IGNOU RAJBAGH SRINAGAR 1. What is Archaeological Anthropology? Briefly examine its main divisions. 2. Discuss the tool types and techniques of Palaeolithic culture. 3. What is Absolute dating method? Discuss briefly any two methods of Absolute dating. 4. What is Chalcolithic culture? Examine briefly any two cultures of Chalcolithic culture. 5. Write short note a) Relationship of geology with archaeological anthropology b) Stratigraphy c) Levallois technique d) Moraines 6. What is Neolithic revolution? Discuss. 7. Discuss various characteristic features of civilization with respect to Harappan culture. 8. Describe the Pleistocene epoch in India. 9. What do understand by Public Archaeology? Examine the role of public 20 archaeology in heritage management. 10. Write short note a) Museum b) Megaliths c) Home art d) Applied Archaeology
MAN 002 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
TEE JUNE 2022 EXAMINATION NEAR IGNOU RAJBAGH SRINAGAR 1. Define Archaeological Anthropology. Discuss briefly the main divisions of Archaeology. 2. What are the different basic tool making techniques? Describe in brief with suitable diagrams. 3. What is Palaeolithic art’? Discuss cave art with suitable examples. 4. Discuss briefly various methods of absolute dating in archaeological studies. 5. Write short notes a) Blade tool b) Narmada Man c) Robert Bruce Foote d) Importance of Archaeology in Social Sciences 6. Briefly comment on the Lower Palaeolithic culture in India 7. What is civilization? Discuss various characteristic features of civilization with reference to Harappan culture. 8. What is Public Archaeology? Discuss the role of public archaeology in heritage management. 9. Megalithic is a living tradition among many Indian tribes. Elaborate your answer with examples from South India. 10. Write short notes a) Museum b) Neolithic culture c) Kayatha culture d) Applied Archaeology
MAN 002 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR
TEE JUNE 2022 EXAMINATION NEAR IGNOU RAJBAGH SRINAGAR 1. What is Archaeological Anthropology? Briefly examine its main divisions. 2. Briefly discuss the tool types and techniques of Lower Palaeolithic culture. 3. What is relative dating method? Discuss briefly various methods of relative dating. 4. What is Chalcolithic culture? Examine briefly any two cultures of Chalcolithic culture. 5. Write short note a. Relationship of geology with archaeological anthropology b. Pleistocene epoch c. Levallois technique d. Moraines 6. What is Neolithic revolution? Discuss. 7. Discuss various characteristic features of civilization with respect to Harappan. culture. 8. Megalithic is a living tradition among many Indian tribes. Elaborate your answer with examples 9. What do understand by Public Archaeology? Examine the role of public archaeology in heritage management. 10. Write short note a. Narmada Man b. Megaliths c. Home art d. Applied Archaeology
MAN 002 GUESS BY DAR BASIM 7006318495 0R 9906774254 FOR