v3101 Advanced Digital System Design
v3101 Advanced Digital System Design
v3101 Advanced Digital System Design
Unit 1
MSI and LSI circuits and their applications:
1. Arithmetic circuits,
2. comparators,
3. Multiplexers,
4. Code Converters,
5. XOR & AOI Gates,
6. Design of sequential systems with small number of standard modules,
7. State register Counters with combinational networks Multimodule
8. RAM with combinational networks
9. Multimodule implementation of sequential systems
10. Multimodule registers
11.Multimodule counters
Unit 2
Sequential Circuit Design:
12.Clocked Synchronous State Machine Analysis,
13.Mealy machines
14.Moore machines,
15.Finite State Machine design procedure
16.derive state diagrams
17.state tables,
18. state reduction methods,
19. state assignments.
20. Incompletely specified state machines.
21.Implementing the states of FSM.
Unit 3
Asynchronous sequential circuits:
23.Derivation of excitation table,
24.Flow table reduction,
25.state assignment,
26. transition table ,
27. design of asynchronous Sequential circuits,
28.Race conditions
29.Race cycles,
30.Methods for avoiding races
31.Static hazards
32.dynamic hazards,
33. Methods for avoiding hazards,
34.essential hazards
Designing with SM charts
35.State machine charts,
36.Derivation of SM charts,
37.Realization of SM charts.
Unit 4
Designing with Programmable Logic Devices:
38.Read Only Memories,
39.Programmable Array Logic PALs,
40.Programmable Logic Arrays PLAs
41.PLA minimization and
42.PLA folding,
43.Other Sequential PLDs,
44.Design of combinational circuits using PLDs.
45.Design of sequential circuits using PLDs
46. Complex Programmable Logic Devices
47.Field Programmable Gate Arrays
48. Altera Series FPGAs
49.Xilinx Series FPGAs
Unit 5
Timing issues in Digital system design:
50.timing classification
51.synchronous timing basics
53.jitter54.latch based clocking55.self-timed circuit design
56.self-timed logic,
57.completion signal generation,
58.self-timed signalling
60. Arbiters.
37.Propagation Delay,
38. Power Consumption.
39.Latch-up in CMOS circuits.
40.Ratioed logic,
41. Pass Transistor logic,
Arithmetic circuits in CMOS VLSI;
42. Adders43. Multipliers
Unit 4
Sequential MOS Logic Design:
45.Static latches;
46.Flip flops
47. Registers,
48.Dynamic Latches
49.Dynamic Registers,
50.CMOS Schmitt trigger,
51. Monostable sequential Circuits,
52. Astable Circuits.
53. Memory Design:
54. ROM cells design
55. RAM cells design,
57. DRAM,
58. Domino logic.
59. NORA logic.
Unit 5
Circuit design Process:
60.Circuit elements61.resistor ,
64.sheet resistance ,
65.standard unit capacitance
66. unit delay concepts ,
67. inverter delays ,
68.driving capacitive loads,
69.propagation delays,
70.MOS layers,
71.Stick diagrams
72. mask layout encoding,
73.Design rules
Design layout,
31.Background of ARM
32.ARM architecture versions V4, V5, V6, V7,
33.ARM Cortex M3 architecture ,
34.Programmers model ,
35. Thumb Instruction Set Architecture,
36.Memory map,
39. resets,
40.Power management,
42.Memory Protection Unit,
43.Core Debug,
44. System Debug,
45.Cortex M3 development using the GNU tool chain.
Unit 4
Design, Development and Debugging Tools for Microcontroller based
46.Software tools like Cross assembler,
49.simulators tools like In-Circuit Emulators(ICE)
50.hardware tools like In-Circuit Emulators(ICE),
51. Emulators,
52. Logic Analysers
Unit 5
Microcontroller based System Design:
53.Case study with reference to a popular 8- bit microcontroller.
54.Case study with reference to a popular 16- bit microcontroller.
55.Case study with reference to a popular 32- bit microcontroller.
56.A typical application design from requirement analysis through concept
57.Detailed hardware and software design using 8 bit Microcontrollers to
demonstrate the use of Interrupts and available peripherals.
58.Detailed hardware and software design using 16 bit Microcontrollers to
demonstrate the use of Interrupts and available peripherals.
59.Detailed hardware and software design using 32- bit Microcontrollers to
demonstrate the use of Interrupts and available peripherals.
60.Timing Analysis.