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Distinguishing Different Perspectives Lesson Plan

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Tuesday 2/17

Iowa Core Standard

RI.7.6- Determine an authors point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author
distinguishes his or her position from that of others.

Content Objective

I can determine how an author distinguishes their idea from anothers

Learning Target

I will consider how different people think about a certain scenario.

I will demonstrate another persons view point in a short paragraph.
Extension: I will construct a paragraph on my parents point of view and my point of
view on something we disagree on.

Language Objective

I can identify different viewpoints.

I can evaluate different peoples perspectives.


Students will need to be able to separate their arguments from other peoples for year to
come whether they are debating, writing a persuasive essay, or trying to read informational
texts. By being able to see the world from another persons perspective students will better
understand how to defend their own points of views and opinions.


Academic Vocabulary: Distinguish, Bias, Persuade, Inform, and Entertain.

Helpful Vocabulary: angle, attitude, background, consider, differentiate, perspective,
perceive, opinion, notice, outlook, point of view, qualify, recognize, tell the difference


Warm-Up (Journal): What Would You Do? (5 mins)

Students will answer question about what they would do
Whisper Voice share with a partner what you would do
Raise hand for two options of what they would do
Three student responses read out loud
Vocabulary Activity: Eliminator (10 mins)
Have two students come to the front of the class and sit in chair. You read them a
word and the players race to see who can get their hands up the fastest. The player
who gets his hand up first gets to answer. If he answers correctly, he gets a point
and stays up and a new challenger comes up.
Give a new word and if the person who got the first one right gets another he gets
2 points. The point total keeps doubling the longer the winner stays up. If the
challenger wins, he gets one point and a new challenger comes up. At the end of
the class, the student with the most points wins.
Scenarios: (40 mins)
Explain how people have different perspectives when it comes to values, issues,
and general life scenarios.
Show example and demonstrate how to work through a scenario with four
different peoples perspectives (Use graphic organizer)
Brain Break: Use stretch on brain break calendar (3 mins)
Scenarios Cont.:
Hand out scenario sheets two scenarios with four different peoples perspectives
and a graphic organizer for students to fill out.
Students will look at scenarios write down 3 to 5 characteristics of the type of
people in the upper part of the organizer
On bottom of graphic organizer students will write how they think person A,B, C, D
would respond/ react to the scenario in 2-3 sentences
Extension activity: (If they finish early and have time)


Students will choose an event, activity or something else that they disagree on with
a parent. Then they will complete a t-chart listing how they and how their parent
feels about the subject
After listing out the arguments for both sides student will write two paragraphs (4
to 5 sentences each) on what their perspective is and what their parents
perspective is. Then write a reflection paragraph on how understanding another
persons perspective might help them have a better argument.

1) Journal
2) Vocabulary Activity
3) Scenarios
4) Parents Problem

CHAMPS Expectations

C (Conversation)
H (Help)
A (Activity)
M (Movement)
P (Participation)

Direct Instruction/
Voice Level 0
Raise your hand
Brief Lecture
Short Response
None unless getting sheet
or have asked
Listening to instruction
Completing the extension

Scenario Activity
Voice Level 2
Raise your hand, ask a
Graphic Organizer
None unless getting sheet
or have asked
Completing the Graphic


Graphic organizer, pictures and scenarios, extension activity t-chart and directions.

Extension/ modification

Students will choose an event, activity or something else that they disagree on with
a parent. Then they will complete a t-chart listing how they and how their parent
feels about the subject. After listing out the arguments for both sides student will
write two paragraphs (4 to 5 sentences each) on what their perspective is and what
their parents perspective is. Then write a reflection paragraph on how
understanding another persons perspective might help them have a better
Read an argument and write a response from the other perspective of it.
Provide students with sentence frames for talking about different peoples
perspectives for scenarios. Give a paragraph frame for students who are able to get
to extension activity.

Positive Student

Period 1
Period 2
Period 7
v Have Student hand
v Have Student hand
v Have Student hand
out papers
out papers
out papers
v Give Student two
v Give Student two
v Give Student two



My Parents Perspective on a Problem

Think about a topic you and your parents disagree on (for example: when you can hang
out with friends, what time you must be home at night). Complete the t-chart listing
what your parents opinions are and your opinions are on the topic.

Once you know both points of view write a paragraph about the topic and what your
parents think and write a second paragraph about what you think. Use your t-chart to
support yours and your parents argument. After writing from each perspective write a
reflection paragraph on how understanding another persons perspective on a topic can
help you argue or persuade others to believe what you believe. Write the three
paragraphs on a separate piece of lined paper.



Topic: Getting another cat

Moms Perspective
Im allergic to cats
Cats leave their fur all over the
You dont take very good care of your
current cat
I want a dog

My Perspective
Another cat would bring warmth into
our home
The cat would be a playmate for
Kharma my other cat
Cats are cute



Distinguishing Different Perspectives

Think about how certain people look at events, objects, and beliefs. Look at each
picture and consider how four different people might react to it. The people are
listed below as A, B, C, and D. Write down three to five traits the people have and
then write a two sentence response as to how they might react.

Picture 1: A Hamburger with Bacon

A. a farmer

B. a vegetarian

C. an athlete
D. a teenager

Picture 2: Shoe Store

A. a basketball player

B. a shoe-designer

C. a store clerk

D. a child

Picture 1

Picture 2

Person Traits of Person

Traits of Person

Hamburger with Bacon

How would a farmer respond to a hamburger with

bacon on it?__________________________________
How would a vegetarian respond to a hamburger with bacon
on it?______________________________________________
How would an athlete respond to a hamburger with bacon on it?

How would a teenager respond to a hamburger with

bacon on it?___________________________________


Shoe Store

How would a basketball player respond to a shoe store?



How would a shoe-designer respond to a shoe store?



How would an store clerk respond to a shoe store?



How would a child respond to a shoe store?



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