Air Conditioning Inoperative 2020124-2

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Technical Service Bulletin

Transaction No.: 2020124/2

87 Air conditioning inoperative

Release date: Apr 23, 2010


Revision Date


Revised Technical Background, Production Solution, and Service

2/27/2009 Original publication

Air conditioning is inoperative.

The HVAC blower functions normally.
Technical Background

The A/C Pressure/Temperature Sensor G395 leaks refrigerant. This causes Sensor G395
to show an incorrect or implausible value when reading MVBs. An incorrect signal or a
low refrigerant level in the system can cause the air conditioning compressor to

The LIN cable connecting the J519 Central Electrics Control unit to Sensor G395 is
pinched or cut. This affects the A4, A5, and S5 vehicles. The A6 is not affected by this
type of failure.

Tip: Sensor G395 is a LIN slave of Vehicle Electrical System Control Module J519.
Vehicle Electrical System Control Module J519 transfers the information provided by the
sensor via the comfort data bus to Climate Control Module J255.
Production Solution
An improved A/C Pressure/Temperature Sensor G395 was introduced into series production.

For A6, A4 (8K), A5/S5 (8T):

If DTCs are stored in the J255 Climate Control Module for the G395 pressure sensor, then
check the system pressures and refrigerant volume.

If system pressures and refrigerant volume are low, check for refrigerant leaks at G395. If
a leak is found, then replace the G395.
If the system pressure and refrigerant volume are correct, perform guided fault finding. If
an implausible pressure value is found in MVB 1, field 4, then replace G395.

Tip: Install only the improved G395. See part numbers in Required Parts and Tools.
Only for A4 (8K), A5/S5 (8T):
1. Check for these three DTC codes:

DTC (Vehicle Electrical System Control Module J519- Please check DTC memory) in Climate
Control Module J255, address 08.

DTC (A/C Pressure/temperature Sensor G395- Incorrect Signal) in Climate Control Module J255,
address 08.

DTC (A/C Pressure/temperature Sensor G395- No signal/communication) in Vehicle Electrical

System Control Module J519, address 09.

Perform steps 2-6 only if all three DTCs are stored.

Tip: The LIN cable connecting the J519 Vehicle Electrical System Control module to the G395
Pressure Sensor could be pinched or cut if all of the codes are stored.
2. Check the LIN cable connecting the J519 Central Electrics Control unit to the G395 pressure sensor
according to guided fault finding.
3. Check the wire terminals in the connector at the G395 pressure sensor for proper attachment, possible
corrosion, and for any pins that may be pushed back or widened.
4. Check to make sure there is proper voltage going to the sensor and verify the ground is not
intermittently open (wiggle test).

5. Check the
integrity of the
wire harness.
There are two
known sections
in the wiring
harness that
can be
affected, but
the potentially
affected areas
are not limited
to these two
sections. One
of the known
sections is in
the drivers
footwell area
where the wire
harness enters
the interior of
the car from
the engine bay
(Figure 1).

Figure 1. Wire harness in driver footwell area.

The second
known section
is in the wire
located under
the drivers
side headlight
(Figure 2).

Figure 2. Wire harness under drivers side headlight.

6. If a cut wire is found, then install an overlay wire for the LIN bus signal. Do not attempt to repair the
existing wire harness.
a. Route the
new LIN
bus wire so
that it enters
the interior
of the
through the
drivers side
A-pillar area
through the

Figure 3. Grommet in drivers side fender/lower A-pillar area used for pass-through for

indicated in new overlay wire.

Figures 3
and 4.

Tip: Do
not route
the wire
through the
used by the
existing wire
b. Seal off the
around the
wire with
sealant to

Figure 4. Seal off access hole in grommet with Butyl sealant.


Claim Type:

Use applicable claim type. If vehicle is outside any warranty, this Technical
Service Bulletin is informational only.






Use applicable labor operations appropriate for the necessary repair as



specified in ElsaWeb.
0150 0000

Time stated on diagnostic


Road test prior to service

No allowance 0 TU

Road test after service

No allowance 0 TU

Technical diagnosis at dealers discretion
(Refer to Section and Audi Warranty Online for DADP allowance


As per TSB #2020124/2

All warranty claims submitted for payment must be in accordance with the Audi Warranty

Policies and Procedures Manual. Claims are subject to review or audit by Audi Warranty.
Required Parts and Tools

Part Number

Part Description


8K0 959 126B

Pressure sensor - A4, A5, S5

Pressure sensor - A6

-or4F0 959 126C

Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal.
Always check with your Parts Department and service manuals for the latest information.

2010 Audi of America, Inc. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is
based on the latest information available at the time of printing and is subject to the copyright
and other intellectual property rights of Audi of America, Inc., its affiliated companies and its
licensors. All rights are reserved to make changes at any time without notice. No part of this
document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, nor may these
materials be modified or reposted to other sites, without the prior expressed written
permission of the publisher.

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