Chapter Design

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Pendampingan / Supervisi Perancangan


AC 150/5300-13 - AIRPORT

Chapter 8.
The forces of jet exhaust (jet blast) far exceed the forces of
propwash from the most powerful propeller airplane. These high
velocities are capable of causing bodily injury to personnel and
damage to airport equipment or facilities. This chapter suggests
means to minimize the effects of jet blast.
Jet blast affects all operational areas of the airport. In terminal,
maintenance, and cargo areas, personnel safety is the overriding
consideration. Blast velocities greater than 30 m.p.h. (48 km/hr) can
cause loose objects on the pavement to become missiles capable of
causing injury to personnel who may be at a considerable distance
behind the airplane. In other operational areas, sudden gusts
averaging more than 20 m.p.h. (31 km/hr) are hazardous, and when
striking moving vehicles or airplanes, are more dangerous than
continuous velocities of the same magnitude. Velocities of this
magnitude can occur over 2,000 feet (600 m) to the rear of certain
airplanes when their engines are operating at takeoff thrust.
Jet Blast Pressures. Jet exhaust
velocities are irregular and turbulent. The vibrations they induce
over small areas should be considerations in designing a building
or structure subjected to jet blast. Over areas of 10 to 15 square
feet (3 to 5 m2), the velocities may be assumed to be periodic
with peaks occurring 2 to 6 times per second. These peaks are
not continuous laterally or vertically. The following equation
computes the pressure produced on a surface perpendicular to
the exhaust stream:
P = 0.00256 V2, where:
P = pressure in pounds per square foot; and
V = velocity in miles per hour.
P = 0.04733 V2,, where:
P = pressure in pascals; and
V = velocity in kilometers per hour.

Blast Velocity Distances. The

drag and uplift forces produced by jet engines are capable of
moving large boulders. A jet engine operating at maximum thrust
is capable of lifting a 2-foot (0.6 m) boulder 35 feet (10 m) behind
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Pendampingan / Supervisi Perancangan


AC 150/5300-13 - AIRPORT

the airplane completely off the ground. Fortunately, these forces

which cause severe erosion decrease rapidly with distance so that
beyond 1,200 feet (365 m) behind a jet airplane only sand and
cohesionless soils are affected. Figures 8-1 through 8-5 illustrate
the velocity versus distance plots for representative airplanes.
The velocities shown represent maximum values, particularly for
breakaway from a parked position. For site specific conditions,
include manufacturers' jet blast data for the most demanding
airplane in the analysis. The distances shown are measured from
the rear of the airplane and the velocities are for takeoff,
breakaway, and idle thrust power settings. Similar data for other
airplanes, including lateral and vertical velocity contours, as well
as site specific blast loads on structures, may be obtained from
the engine manufacturers.
Heat Effects. High temperatures
are also associated with jet exhaust; but the affected area is
smaller than the area subject to hazardous jet blast velocities.
Contours showing the level of heat at varying distances from jet
engines are obtainable from airplane manufacturers.
Properly designed blast fences can substantially reduce or eliminate
the damaging effects of jet blast, as well as the related fumes and
noise which accompany jet engine operation. Fences are permissible
near apron areas to protect personnel, equipment, or facilities from
the jet blast of airplanes moving into or out of parking positions. In
addition, blast fences may be necessary near runway ends, run-up
pads, etc., to shield off-airport, as well as, airport pedestrian or
vehicular traffic.
Location. Generally, the closer
the fence is to the source of blast, the better it performs, provided
that the centerline of the exhaust stream falls below the top of
the fence. To the extent practicable, blast fences should be
located outside of the runway object free area.
Design. Figures 8-6 and 8-7
illustrate several types of blast fence design which are readily
available from various manufacturers. Blast fences located inside
the runway object free area should be as frangible as practicable.
Other Types of Blast Protection.
Although blast fences are the most effective means of blast
protection, other methods may achieve satisfactory results. Any
surface, whether natural or manmade, located between the jet
engine and the area to be protected will afford some measure of
blast protection.
Unprotected soils adjacent to runways and taxiways are susceptible
to erosion. A dense, well-rooted turf cover can prevent erosion and
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Pendampingan / Supervisi Perancangan


AC 150/5300-13 - AIRPORT

support the occasional passage of aircraft, maintenance equipment,

or emergency equipment under dry conditions. Paved shoulders are
recommended for runways, taxiways, and aprons which will
accommodate Group III and higher aircraft. Turf, aggregate-turf, soil
cement, lime or bituminous stabilized soil are recommended
adjacent to paved surfaces provided for Group I and II aircraft.
Dimensions. Paved shoulders should run the full length of the
runway(s) and taxiway(s). Blast pads at runway ends should
extend across the full width of the runway plus the shoulders.
Table 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 specify the standard blast pad dimensions
and runway shoulder widths. Table 4-1 specifies the standard
taxiway shoulder widths. Increases to these standard dimensions
are permissible for unusual local conditions.
Pavement Strength. Shoulder
and blast pad pavement needs to support the occasional passage
of the most demanding airplane as well as the heaviest existing
or future emergency or maintenance vehicle for the design life of
the full strength pavement. These pavements may be constructed
of bituminous or Portland Cement concrete materials.
Specifications for materials and constructions standards for these
pavements should be based on state highway requirements.
Groups III and IV, the minimum bituminous concrete surface
thickness, constructed on an aggregate base, is 2 inches (51
mm) for shoulders and 3 inches (76 mm) for blast pads. These
thicknesses should be increased by 1 inch (25 mm) for
Airplane Design Groups V and VI. Aggregate base and subbase
thicknesses should be determined using state highway design
The thickness of shoulders
and blast pads constructed of Portland Cement concrete
should be based on state highway standards. The minimum
thickness of these pavements, as recommended in AC
150/5320-6, is 5 inches (127 mm).
Shoulders and blast pads
may have stabilized subbase and base. The stabilized subbase
and base thicknesses should be determined using the
equivalency factors in AC 150/5320-6 for converting aggregate
subbase and base to stabilized subbase and base.
should be maintained or improved in the shoulder and blast pad
areas. Where a paved shoulder or blast pad abuts the runway, the
joint should be flush, however, the shoulder may retain a 5
percent transverse slope. A 1.5 inch (3.8 cm) step is the standard
at the edge of paved shoulders and blast pads to enhance
drainage and to prevent fine graded debris from accumulating on

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AC 150/5300-13 - AIRPORT

the pavement. Base and subbase courses shall be of sufficient

depth to maintain the drainage properties of granular base or
subbase courses under the runway, taxiway, or apron pavement.
An alternative is to provide a subdrain system with sufficient
manholes to permit observation and flushing of the system.
150/5340-1 provides guidance for marking shoulders and blast
pads. New construction should provide for edge lights to be base
mounted and for the installation of any cable under the shoulder
or blast pad pavement to be in conduit. When adding shoulders or
blast pads to existing runways or taxiways, the existing runway or
taxiway edge lighting circuitry, if not suitable, should be
updated/modified prior to shoulder or blast pad paving.

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