Newsletter 028

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Wychnor Fulwood Preston PR2 7EE

Tel: 01772 864135
Fax: 01772 861292

Headteacher: Mrs A Gregory



22nd April 2015

Theme of the week


Newsletter 28


St Georges Day Lunch

This Week in School


Reminder - This will take place

tomorrow, Thursday 23rd April 2015.

Brass Lessons
Brass Band
Spanish Club
Y5 Swimming Lessons
Guitar Lessons
Netball Club
Sports4All Club
Y4 Encyclopaedia Club
Star Assembly
YR Forest Day Camp Fire
PTFA Meeting
Y3 Dance Practice (Broughton HS)
Y4 Storytelling Club
Rugby Club

Please note 2 changes to the

dates published on the
application form.

St Georges Day
Children who belong to uniformed
organisations are encouraged to wear
their uniforms to school tomorrow to
celebrate St Georges Day.

Forest School
Reminder - Y1 will take part in Forest
School on Monday 27th April.
Please send children with appropriate
clothing for the weather conditions.

PTFA Discos


Please read the enclosed letter

regarding the Infant and Junior Discos
planned for Thursday 21st May,
KS1 3:30pm 4:45pm
KS2 5:00pm 6:15pm.

There are still a few places left

for any pupil who would like to join
the Summer Choir. We are
practising for the Ten Pieces
Concert at the Guild Hall on 1st
July. All children from Y3-Y6 are
welcome to attend. Practice is
held on Tuesday after school,
3:20pm 4:15pm. It is great that
we have more boys in the choir
than girls this year .

May Bank Holiday & Inset Days

Reminder School will be closed for
the Bank Holiday on Monday 4th May,
and also for inset days on Thursday 7th
& Friday 8th May.

The dates for the sessions are

Thursday 23rd April;
Thursday 30th April;
Tuesday 5th May;
Thursday 14th May;
Tuesday 19th May.

School Blog
Why not check out our school
blog to find out more about
extra-curricular activities
including sports matches?

stands at 97.15% for the
whole school since September.
Please make sure your child is in
school every day possible.
If your child has a local
appointment during the late
morning, you should still bring
them to school for their first

Sports Day

Myerscough College Family Garden Fun Day

Following the success of the last two years, this will

take place on Thursday 11th June at UCLan Sports
Arena. The children will need to be dropped off at
the Arena at 8.45am-8.55am and picked up at
3.20pm. Further details to follow nearer the time.

The college is holding a Family Garden Fun Day on

Sunday 3rd May 2015 from 11am to 4pm. FREE
ENTRY. Please see the school notice board for more

PTFA Events
Here comes the sun!

Thank you to our PTFA committee who have

organised the following events this summer.
Please put these in your diary and consider if
you will be able to help. Thank you.

Please remember to read our policy on sun

protection, copy attached.

Class Newsletters
Parents often ask us for information about what
their child is learning in school. Please remember to
read your childs Class Newsletter which will be out
this week, it outlines what the children are learning
and suggests ways you can support your child with
their learning.

Childrens Discos - Thursday 21st May KS1

3.30-4.45pm & KS2 5.00-6.15pm
Harris Got Talent Friday 12th June 5.30pm
PTFA Summer Fair Saturday 4th July 12:002pm
PTFA Meeting Monday 1st June at 7.30pm at
the Guild Merchant

Return after illness

Please bear in mind that if your child has had a virus
(particularly including a temperature, sickness and
diarrhoea) they are likely to be infectious to others
and should not return to school until they have been
clear of symptoms for 48 hours.

Arrears Policy

Is your daughter interested in joining Rainbows?
3rd Broughton Rainbows meet every Monday (term
time) from 5pm 6pm at Broughton Guide Hut.
Rainbows is for 5 to 7 years olds.
If interested please contact Deborah Gardner on
01772 860723 or Amy Clarke on 01772 700147.

Please read the attached policy.

Team Points last week









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