Eng Medium Schools Hamirpur HP

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The need of English medium is becoming a choice of many students and their parents in
Himachal Pradesh. It is a fact that mother tongue hindi is over and above all other
instructional mediums, but the craze for international language English has also become
significant in modern society. As children belonging to poor community are often deprived
of Primary ( Elementary) Education in English medium due to lack of financial assistance ,
they feel it bad. Instead of the poor class, most of the parents of students belonging to
middle and elite class prefer those private schools which offer English medium as the
medium of instruction at Primary Level. However, Himachal Pradesh Govt. has introduced
English as a subject from 1st class in the state, the decreasing enrolment is a burning issue.
Hence, an experiment has been started in Distt. Hamirpur where majority of the parents
were sending their children to Private Schools only for English Medium based instruction
for their children. They prefer it as science & maths subject are taught in English medium
at senior secondary level. Hence, the programme has been planned to attract them towards
government primary schools by starting English medium based instruction in them.

Goals of the Programme

1. To increase enrolment in government primary schools.

2. To enhance the retention in government primary schools.
3. To enhance level of quality education in government primary schools.

Inputs for the English Medium Based Instruction Prog.

1. Training for teaching in English medium was given to 49 teachers from September
26 to October 02, 2008 at Hamirpur (HP). T.T.I. (D.I.E.T. Hmr.) Devraj Dhiman ,
Deshraj Pathania and Vijay Kumar Heer etc. made their best contribution as
Resource Person in the training programme.
2. The teachers were motivated to teach in English medium with help of books of
HPBSE Dharamshala (HP).
3. Various science activities were demonstrated and teachers were enriched with new
4. Various CDs on Education were demonstrated. The playway method was adopted.
Community interaction enhancement was optimized and its significance was
revealed. Various CDs and cassettes were provided to the teachers in the training
5. As per the demand of teachers, nursery classes were started in 13 schools –GPS
Samirpur, GPS Dhamrol, GPS Karha, GPS Bhagetu, GPS Mundakhar, GPS Dera,
GPS Dera Parol, GPS Ukhali, GPS Battrin, GPS Tauni Devi, GPS Jhatwar, GPS
Chhiroin and GPS Kasiri Mahadev. The enrolment increased upto 104 students due
to the initiative.
6. A Baseline Test was formed and its implementation was planned.
Baseline Test in English Medium Schools

1. In Hindi subject , 0.23% students of class I , 6.94% students of class II, 11.11%
students of classIII rd, 64.10 % students of class IVth, 70.73% students of class
Vth were in Advance story level. At story level, 18.12% students of class IInd,
28.12 % students of classIIIrd, 15.38% students of class IVth, 14.63 % students
of class Vth were found. At para level, 7.83% students of class I, 31.41%
students of class IInd, 25.69% students of class IIIrd were found achieveing this
level. At the beginner level i.e. word level, 35.71% students of class I, 21.75%
students of class IInd, 20.83 % students of class IIIrd and 4.87% students of
class Vth were found in the study. At the centre level, 38.47% students of class
1st,17.22% students of class IInd, 10.76% students of class IIIrd, and 7.69%
students of class IVth were identitified in the test. At nothing level, 17.74%
students of class 1st, 7.55% students of classIInd, 3.47% students of class IIIrd,
12.82% students of class IVth and 9.75% students of class Vth were found.
2. In Engilsh subject, 2.71% students of class IInd, 6.25% students of class IIIrd,
79.48% students of class IVth and 68.29 % students of class Vth were found at
advance story level.At srory level, 12.08% students of class IInd, 12.84%
students of class IIIrd and 17.07 % students of class Vth were found at story
level. At word level , 30.64% students of class I, 35.95% students of class IInd,
28.12% students of class IIIrd and 4.87% students of class Vth were
identitified.At para level, 4.60% students of class I, 11.78% students of class
IInd, 27.77% students of class IIIrd were found. At letter level, 44.70% students
of class I, 30.51% students of class IInd, 9.37% students of class IIIrd and 7.69%
students of class IVth were detected. At nothing level, 20.04% students of class
Ist, 6.94% students of class IInd, 8.68% students of class IIIrd, 12.82% students
of class IVth and 9.75% students of class Vth were identitified.
3. In Maths , the division skill 0.23% students of class Ist, 12.68% students of
classIInd, 37.84 % students of class IIIrd, 79.48 % students of class IVth and
85.36 % students of class Vth were found skilled. At subtraction 11.75%
students of class I, 39.87% students of class IInd and 33.33% students of
classIIIrd were identitified skilled. At addition level, 13.59% students of class
Ist, 17.22% students of class IInd, 18.40% students of class IIIrd, 7.69%
students of class IVth and 4.87% students of class Vth were found .At number
recognition level skill, 55.29% students of class Ist, 20.54% students of class IInd
and 5.20% students of class IIIrd were identified. At nothing level, 19.12%
students of class Ist, 9.66% students of class IInd, 5.55% students of class IIIrd,
12.82 % students of class IVth and 9.75 % students of class Vth were recognized.
4. In EVS subject, at biodata and introduction level, 51.84% students of class I,
91.23% students of class IInd, 71.18 % students of class IIIrd, 79.48 % students
of class IVth and 85.36 % students of class Vth were identitified in the test. In
identification of parts of body, 72.58% students of class Ist, 87.31% students of
class IInd, 74.65% students of class IIIrd 79.48 % students of class IVth and
82.92% students of class Vth were found aware. In five uses of water,24.88%
students of class I, 49.84% students of class IInd, 46.08% students of class IIIrd,
79.48% students of class IVth and 82.92% students of class Vth were found
skilled. In telling the names of fruits, 61.05% students of class Ist, 87.31%
students of class IInd, 74.65% students of class IIIrd , 79.48% students of class
IVth and 82.92% students of class Vth were found skilled. In telling the names of
wild and domestic animals, 36.86 % students of class Ist, 75.52 % students of
classIInd, 83.68 % students of class IIIrd, 79.48 % students of class IVth and
85.36 % students of class Vth were detected as skilled.In knowledge about parts
of a tree, 40.32 % students of class Ist, 89.12% students of class IInd, 89.93%
students of class IIIrd, 74.35 % students of class IVth and 78.04 % students of
class Vth were found aware. In the knowledge about sense organs, 25.11%
students of class Ist, 89.12 % students of class IInd, 89.93% students of class
IIIrd, 76.92% students of class IVth and 73.17% students of class Vth were
identified as skilled. In knowledge about family members and their introduction,
66.58 % students of class Ist, 80.06 % students of class IInd, 83.33 % students of
class IIIrd, 77.12% students of class IVth and 75.18% students of class Vth were
found skilled. In the knowledge about traffic rules, meal ina day and season,
weather and clothes ,average success rates were identified. The test of EVS was
Note:- The levels identified in the Baseline Test are equivalent to those of
Aadhar Programme.
Success Output

1. Enrolment in the schools adopting English medium increased rapidly.

2. The standard of primary education increased qualitatively.
3. Media appreciation also came for the endeavour.

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