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Submitted to,


Soorya V S

Saranya P

Lecturer in Mathematics






Teaching is a challenging profession that requires

a lot of patience, innovation and motivation from the
teachers in order to bring about an all round development
among their students. Inside the classroom their will be a
mixed section of learners based on their level of
intelligence and performance criteria. Slow learning is not
a learning disability that can be classified as a diagnostic
category. It is simply a term used to describe a student

with the ability to acquires all necessary academic skills,

but at a rate and depth below that of the average








understand the students areas of interest and develop a

teaching plan to cover syllabus in a given time frame.
Since being a teacher faces such problems inside the
classroom and some ways should be adopted in order to
help a slow learner to achieve good grades and graduate

Slow learners
Slow learning is not a learning disability, that can be
classified as a diagnostic category. It is simply a term
used to describe a student with the ability to acquire all
necessary academic skills, but at a rate and depth below
that of the average student. In order to grasp new
concepts a slow learner needs more time, more repetition
and often more recourses from teachers to be successful.
Reasoning skills are typically delayed, which makes new
concepts difficult to grasp

Responsibilities of the teacher on slow learners

Slow learners are averse to learning and having no
limitations of learning, but in fact have there own
psychology for learning. Hence the challenge for the
parents or guardians or teacher is to understand the
students areas of interests and develop a teaching plan
to cover syllabus in a given time frame. Slow learners are
very sensitive and self conscious us they are well aware
of their weakness in comparison with the fast learner. The
following are the responsibility of the teachers on
bringing out them.

Building up confidence among slow learners

The first responsibility of the teacher is to build up
confidence among these learners and make them believe
that they are no less than others.
Interact with the slow learners more often

She needs to interact with the sloe learners more often

so that she can keep a record of every movement of the
learners and adopt way in which the slow learners can be
Giving extra care and practice
Extra care and practice should be given to the slow
learner as compared to the peers. If need be the teacher
can take extra classes or may allow the learner to come
to her place so that she may work out the areas of
concern among with these learners.
Pay equal attention in the classroom
Inside the classroom she must never make the slow
learners feel neglected or unwanted as it might create a
feeling of inferiority among these learners which might
lay an effect on their grades. She must pay equal
attention to these learners and may make them sit in the
first row if possible.

Maintaining friendly relationship

A teacher needs to be a friend to these learners on whom
they can call back upon. These learners cannot express

themselves fully to their peers or to their parents and

hence needs somebody whom they can rely upon. Hence
it is up to the teacher to fill up that vacuum and enhance
these slow learners all round development.
Teaching them simple to complex
Learning takes place from simple to complex . if for some
reasons the student has not learnt the basis. It is futile to
reach him the advanced topics. Remedial teaching is not
revising the topics taught repeatedly. Once the difficult
areas are identified the next step is to plan the learning
experiences to teach the basis to understand the given
Activity oriented learning
Student is central in the learning process. The learning
experiences should be activity oriented and the teaching
should motivate and create interacts in the student to
learn on his own. When group discussions are held in the
classroom, the slow learners are benefited much. Suitably
tailored lesson plan by the teacher and careful monitoring
by the school administration will help slow learners have
a better group of all learners in schools

Adding variety to the academic routine

Add variety to the academic routine by making learning a
fun process through the use of educational puzzles and
games. It has been observed that the majority of slow
learners enjoy activities which are hand held and allow
them to play an active role. It allows the child to learn by
using his tactile sense, one that learns a more lasting
impression in his memory. Also ensure lessons are short
and frequent rather than long and strenuous.
Arranging for peer tutoring
Peer tutoring is one of the most effective strategies for
slow learners. Parents and teachers should identify
tolerant and caring peers and allow the slow learners to
be taught along side them or through them. The more a
child interacts with those of his age, the more successful
he will feel eliminating the problem of self confidence.

It is possible to draw strong academic performance from
slow learners through steady application of practical
strategies. Joint effort of both parents and teachers are
important to achieve positive results. Knowledge of what
you can do as a parent or teacher to help slow learners
enable you to put in your best efforts in the right direction
and contribute to the childrens success in later years.
Although the effort from the teachers end is simple, yet
the result at the end of the day is great enough to make
the teacher feel proud of herself as well as her learners
who had managed to overcome their weakness and come
out with flying colors

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