Category: Reading/Language
Grade Level: All levels
1. What is the purpose of DRTA?
DRTA, developed by Russell Stauffer
(1969), involves reading for a purpose
determined by the students. DRTA helps
students develop skills in reading and
thinking. It encourages risk-taking via
2. With whom can it be used?
While DRTA can be successfully
employed at any grade level, it is
recommended as an integral part of the
Language Arts programme in grades one
through six. It is a technique which
motivates and encourages reluctant
3. What teaching procedures should
be used with DRTA?
DTRA begins with a discussion and
prediction based on the title, pictures, a
paragraph or page of the story.
Initial contact with the text is limited
so that the discussion will raise
questions and predictions.
Once a purpose has been set, the
students read silently to determine if
their prediction was accurate. The
teacher should ask, "Did you find out
what you wanted to know?"
Further discussion ensues regarding
the various predictions, plus the
added knowledge of facts gleaned
from the text read. Students should
be encouraged to prove or disprove
predictions by orally re-reading the
relevant part of the story.
The process continues until the story
is complete. The teacher acts as a
facilitator throughout the process