#1 Habits: Week Tuesday Thursday
#1 Habits: Week Tuesday Thursday
#1 Habits: Week Tuesday Thursday
Class critique Research & Observation Class Critique 5 Sketches (pin up) 11x17
Presentations Class exercise Indentifying Methods – Prototyping
Habits Assign Sketches – 50/5 refined Handouts & Lecture Prototyping, Testing & Materials
Handout & Lecture Sketching? Assign Refine based on feedback & do tech drawings
Bring prototyping materials to next class
#2 Class critique Research & Observation Class Critique 5 Sketches (pin up) 11x17
Presentations Class exercise Reflecting on past prototype methods
Needs Assign Sketches – 50/5 refined Assign Refine based on feedback & do tech drawings
Bring prototyping materials to next class
Due Documentation of testing prototype Class Critique Final design due w/ Presentation
Refined prototype Start observation for Project 3
Work day- shop (final designs)
#3 Class critique Research & Observation Class Critique 5 Sketches (pin up) 11x17
Presentations Class exercise Reflecting on past prototype methods
Ritual Assign Sketches – 50/5 refined Assign Refine based on feedback & do tech drawings
Bring prototyping materials to next class
Due Documentation of testing prototype Class Critique Final design due w/ Presentation
Refined prototype Start on final review presentation of all 3
Work day- shop (final designs)