July 28, 2013 Bulletin

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Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 28, 2013

April 24, 2011 , 2010
Saturday, July 27th 5:00 PM Intention Available Sunday, July 28th 9:00 AM For the People of the Parish 11:15am Jack & Dorothy Yuncker+ Monday, July 29th 8:30 AM Intention Available Tuesday, July 30th 8:30 AM Michael Hokes+ Wednesday, July 31st 7:00 PM Jon Guzman+ Thursday, August 1st 8:30 AM Intention Available First Friday, August 2nd 8:30 AM Intention Available Saturday, August 3rd 5:00 PM Intention Available Sunday, August 4th 9:00 AM For the People of the Parish 11:15 AM Betty Walker and All Departed Souls+ Liturgical Minister Schedule Saturday, August 3, 2013, 5:00pm Lector: Mia Preston Servers: C. Walker / M. Levanoff E.M.s: S. Dunn / C. Zumack Sunday, August 4, 2013, 9:00am Lector: Larry Smith Servers: J. Mycek / M. Ziebro E.M.s: A. Froelich, P. Guidetti, R. & C. Cooke Sunday, August 4, 2013, 11:15am Lector: Gary Burky Servers: N. Kusa / T. Kusa E.M.s: G. Mason / C. Jones

My thanks to Elizabeth Cook who has volunteered to be the coordinator for our Helping Hands ministry. I mentioned a couple weeks ago that a parishioner who is elderly, homebound or ill may need help with a small errand, such as a ride to the doctors office, a pick up of some groceries, help with cleanup after a storm, light home cleaning, senior sitting or caregiver relief. If youre not sure if we can help with whatever your need is, dont hesitate to call & ask anyway. So if you find yourself needing some assistance or you would like to be called when there is a request for help that you can respond to, please give Elizabeth a call at (330) 416-9053. Of course you can also call the parish office and we will be happy to transfer the message to Elizabeth if you dont have her number handy. She will keep a list of volunteers and what specifically they feel they could help with, and then will call them when a request comes in. Of course we can only offer help according to our resources but will do our best to coordinate the need with the assistance. Theres been so much on the news surrounding the fact that Prince William & his Princess had a baby boy. There sure is a lot of attention given to that one little baby! Same thing happened when I was born. I just hope they dont give the kid the name James (though it was his feast day this past week)...I dont like too much competition. Though James does have a bit of a royal ring to it, wouldnt you say? Weve noticed that the names we publish in the bulletin requesting prayers for the sick keeps growing, but we dont always remember to remove some of those names when a person becomes well so that we can make room for others who need our prayer. So if youre name is on that list or the name of someone you requested is on that list, and health has returned by Gods grace, let us know. On the other hand, if you would like to request prayers, dont hesitate to ask. Lets just remember to give thanks to the Lord when our prayers on behalf of another have been answered. A few weeks ago we celebrated the 50th Wedding Anniversary of David & Sandy Green. This Sunday they will join with many others to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving with Bishop Lennon in the cathedral. I will be there to represent the parish (although anyone is welcomed to attend) but let us offer our congratulations to them again & pray that God may give them many more years together.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Readings for the Week of July 28, 2013 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Gn 18:20-32; Ps 138; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13 Saint Martha Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Ps 106; Jn 11:19-27 St Peter Chrysologus, Bishop and Dr of the Church Ex 33:7-11, 34:5b-9, 28; Ps 103; Mt 13:36-43 Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Priest Ex 34:29-35; Ps 99; Mt 13:44-46 St Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Dr of the Church Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Ps 84; Mt 13:47-53 St Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Ps 81;Mt 13:54-58 Lv 25:1, 8-17; Ps 67; Mt 14:1-12 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21

Monday, 7:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday 7:30 am 5:30pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8:00pm

July 28th Offertory Counter Team 2 July 29th Boy Scouts/Webelos (Hall) July30th No Events Scheduled July 31st Eucharistic Adoration Meals & More (Hall) August 1st No Events Scheduled August 2nd No Events Scheduled August 3rd AA Meeting (Hall)

Last weeks collections: 7/21/13 Offertory - $2953.83, SVDP - $143.93 Thank you! Please remember the sick in your prayers: Ron Guidetti, Eleanor Roe, Margie Keep, Tony Vallo, Freda Brazis; Pat Siddall, Louise Bauer, Natalie Zemla, Judy Wozencraft, Jessica Johnson, Tracy Lenhoff, Joann Foreman, Mary Cooke, Dorothy Starcher, Brenda Martin, Alene & Raymond Smith, Laurel King, Greg Evans, Bob Coon, Jim McWeeny, Ann Gebura, Glen Cullin, Sr. Clare Ellen Wittman, Ray Hirsch, Marilyn Reith, Lilly Gawlinski, Scott Bartolucci, Frank Norton, Lois Soria, Mike Piazza, Jared Johnson, Deacon Joe Johnson, Barb Ciuca, and all those on our prayer board. DEACON'S CORNER: WOW! Next weekend is the FEST. Adults as well as teens are welcome to travel with us to the Center for Pastoral Leadership. We will be leaving the St. Stephen parking lot at 1:00. It really is a great day for the whole family. A family that recently moved out of state has brought us a number of religious goods and nick-knacks. If you would like to go through these things to see if you would like any of them, just stop by the office from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The entrance to the office is located at door #3 of Hackman Hall. We are need of funds for our Outreach Ministry checkbook. One of our parish families in particular has needed a great deal of our funds over the past month and a half. Please be as generous to the Poor Box as you can. Thank you!!! WAYNE COUNTY FAIR: Our parish's day to man the booth at the Wayne County Fair is Wed. Sept. 11. If you would like to help or are just interested in information about the booth, please call me at 440328-6579. I will be putting out a sign-up sheet for those who would like to man the booth, so even if you have told me in the past that you would like to help, please take the time to sign-up and let me know what time of day you could help. If you would like to donate to this good work of spreading the gospel, please make your check out to St. Anne Parish in Rittman and we will pass it on to Sr. Joan. Thank you, Dcn. Pete Ladies Guild 50/50 Raffle Tickets have been mailed out to those families who were unable to pick them up. Each family will receive an envelope with 12 tickets to sell or purchase. This year, the drawing will not be held at the parish picnic, so its very important that we get as many tickets returned to the basket in church ASAP. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. This is our biggest fund raiser of the year which helps support the Scholarship Program. Remember you will not be able to turn your tickets in or purchase additional tickets at the picnic. The drawing will be held on AUGUST 11, 2013 after the 11:15am Mass. Thanks for your continued support!!!

Mission Appeal For The Jaffna Diocese, Sri Lanka The name of our Missionary Priest is Fr. David Manuelpillai. The war has had disastrous and manifold effects on my diocese; many of the Churches and rectories have been destroyed. In these hard times, people are unable to support the maintenance of their pastors since the priority is to manage their own daily lives. Further, our diocese has a willing taskforce of youth who are willing to dedicate their lives to God. Hence, at present we are sending priests and religious to work as missionaries in various parts of the world. We are proud to say that many priests from our country are serving in various parishes in the USA as well. Unfortunately, the inability caused by the current crisis to maintain the cost of education the seminarians has forced us to cut down the number of seminarians being trained to become priests. If we have sufficient funds to train the young men and women willing to work in Gods vineyard, we could train and send them to various countries where there is a dearth of vocations. In addition to this, our diocese also has the responsibility of providing assistance to widows, orphans and the handicapped- a legacy of the civil war. So, the war has placed a multitude of challenges on our path, and we are severely hampered by the unfortunate turn of events in the island. Under these circumstances we are grateful to the Church in the USA for offering us an opportunity to make this mission preaching in the current year. We are proud to mention that when my country was hit by Tsunami, the US church was the first one to come forward to render their assistance much to our gratification. At this time of crisis also I am sure that you will generous towards the needs of our church. St. Stephen Youth Group We are leaving from St. Stephen's on Sunday, August 4th at 1 pm for the Cleveland Diocese FEST . The FEST is a fun family oriented outdoor Catholic festival that includes Christian bands, youth rally, food booths etc. Deacon Pete and Mr. McKee will be providing transportation (or you can go with your family and meet us up there). Please email or call the McKee's at 330262-1096 if you want to join us. You will want to bring money for food/water booths. Also bring sun lotion and a blanket or chair to sit on. We return after the 8pm mass/fireworks. Meals & More Volunteer this week: Roman & Sophie Paszt. Another Successful Year for Vacation Bible School!!! VBS committee would like to thank everyone for their assistance and support. With the Parish helping us gather supplies, it made the entire effort very rewarding. Thanks again and see you next year!

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