Mapeh Grade 7 Handout

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1. Kyrie
Panginoon, maawa ka
Lord, have mercy
2. Gloria
Papuri sa Diyos
Glory to God
3. Credo
4. Sanctus
Santo, Santo
5. Agnus Dei
Kordero ng Diyos
Lamb of God
Gloria from Pequena Misa Solemnis was composed by Marcelo Adonay: the greatest composer of original
liturgical music during the Spanish period.
Tiples young boys used to sing for the mass.
Different Liturgical/Religious Music in the Philippines (VOCAL)
1. PASTORES Christmas songs.
2. PANUNULUYAN portrays the story of Mary and Joseph looking for a place in Bethlehem.
3. SINULOG is a re-enactment of the Christianization of King Humabon and his queen.
4. SENAKULO portrays the passion, suffering, and death of Jesus Christ.
5. PASYON refers to the narrative verse of the life, passion, suffering, and resurrection of Jesus Christ woven
into a poem having five lines in each stanza.
6. FLORES DE MAYO is more of a street pageant than a religious festivity. There is a lineup of attractively
dressed young women, called sagalas protected from the elements by gaily bedecked
bamboo archs.
7. SANTACRUZAN it commemorates the mythical discovery of the cross by St. Helena.
8. MORO-MORO depicts the battle between the Christians and Muslims and the adaptations of the legends
about knight-errants and princesses.
9. SALUBONG Is a traditional Filipino devotion that reenacts the encounter of the risen Christ with his
Instrumental Music:
LAS PIAS BAMBOO ORGAN is the oldest and most unique musical instrument in the Philippines.
Father Diego Cera dela Virgen del Carmen
1. HARANA serenade; traditionally sung by a young man to a young woman outside the young womans
house as a profession of his love to her, usually accompanied by a guitar.
2. KUMINTANG originally a war song, this song in triple time can be of any topic: love, resentment, or a
social commentary. It can also be a dance or a combination of song and dance in this style.
3. KUNDIMAN an art song about the love of a man for a woman but can also be about patriotic sentiments,
thewoman as an object of love and sacrifice of the man representing the Philippines, whose countrymen are
willing to do sacrifices for freedom.
4. POLKA a lively dance in duple time.
5. PANDANGGO originating from the fandango of Spain, it is a fast-paced dance in triple time. Usually,
dancers used accessories such as hats and lighted candle in a glass.
1. RONDALLA an ensemble of plucked instruments and sometimes with percussion.
Instruments Used in Rondalla
a. Banduria 14-stringed pear-shaped lute with a round sound hole and played with a plectrum, it plays
the melody in the rondalla ensemble.
b. Laud 14-stringed pear-shaped with f-shaped sound holes and played with a plectrum , it plays the
alto part or counter melody in the rondalla ensemble. It is bigger than the banduria.
c. Octavina 14-stringed lute which is shaped like a small guitar and played with a plectrum, it plays a
counter melody or harmony fill-in in the rondalla ensemble.
d. Bajo de Uas a bass guitar which looks like a big guitar and is played by a plectrum. It plays the
bass part and serves as a rhythmic support.
e. Piccolo

1. ZARZUELA/SARSWELA adapted from the zarzuela of Spain, this is a musical theatre form
incorporating singing and dancing, usually about love and/or longing for freedom.
2. KOMEDYA is colorful theatrical tradition in the Philippines that describes the conflicts between the
Muslims and the Christians. It was used by the Spanish as a method to spread Christianity in the country.
2 Types of Komedya:
1. SECULAR KOMEDYA is performed at the local fiestas. Moro-moro is a type of secular
komedya which portrays the clash between the Muslims and the Christians where forbidden romance
between the prince and the princess is settled by having the non-Christian be converted to
Christianity or by his or her death followed by a resurrection through divine intervention.
2. RELIGIOUS KOMEDYA is also called Komedya de Santo centers on the life of Christ or any
saint. It usually seen during church celebrations. Examples: Sinakulo, Siete Palabras, Comedia de
San Miguel.
1. SYMPHONIC BAND an ensemble composed mostly of brass and woodwind instruments and sometimes,
include percussion instruments.
Philippine Constabulary Band Symphonic band founded by Col. Walter H. Loving in October 15, 1902
and is famous for playing in the St. Louis Exposition in 1904.
2. MUSIKO BUMBONG an improvised brass band ensemble whose instruments are made out of bamboo.
1. RHYTHM - The patterns of long and short sounds and silences in music
2. TEMPO - The pace or speed at which a piece of music is performed.
3. DYNAMICS - The volume of the sound, as well as the style in which the performer plays the
Piano soft
Forte loud
Pianissimo very soft
Fortissimo very loud
Pianisisimo ver, very soft
Fortississimo very, very loud
Mezzo piano moderately soft
Mezzo forte moderately loud
4. TIMBRE - The unique quality or qualities inherent in sounds that allow us to distinguish between them.
5. PITCH - The highness or lowness of a sound. (High, Medium, Low)
Soprano highest female voice
Tenor highest male voice
Alto lowest female voice
Bass lowest male voice
6. MELODY - A series of pitches that move forward (the sing-able part) within a piece of music.
7. HARMONY - Combinations of pitches sounding simultaneously.
8. FORM - The structure of a piece of music, the way a piece of music is organized.
Binary Form A B
Ternary Form A B A
Strophic Form
9. TEXTURE - The fabric or layering of sound created by melody, harmony and tone colouring (timbre).
Monophonic: A soloist performing a melody.
Homophonic: A soloist performing a melody with accompaniment
Polyphonic: Many musicians performing/combining rhythmic and melodic patterns together.
IDIOPHONE - any of a class of musical instruments (such as a bell or gong) whose sound is
generated by striking, rubbing, plucking, or blowing the material of the instrument itself not under
any special tension.
MEMBRANOPHONE - any of a class of musical instruments in which a stretched membrane
vibrates to produce sound. Besides drums, the basic types include the mirliton, or kazoo, and the
friction drum.
AEROPHONE - any of a class of musical instruments in which a vibrating mass of air produces the
initial sound. The basic types include woodwind, brass, and free-reed instruments, as well as
instruments that fall into none of these groups, such as the bull-roarer and the siren. Bagpipes and
organs are hybrids with different kinds of pipes. The word aerophone replaces the term wind
instrument when an acoustically based classification is desired.

CHORDOPHONE - any of a class of musical instruments in which a stretched, vibrating string

produces the initial sound. The five basic types are bows, harps, lutes, lyres, and zithers. The name
chordophone replaces the term stringed instrument when a precise, acoustically based designation is
ELECTROPHONE - any of a class of musical instruments in which the initial sound either is
produced by electronic means or is conventionally produced (as by a vibrating string) and
electronically amplified. Electronically amplified conventional instruments include guitars, pianos,
and others.
1. LINE - is a mark made by a moving point. There are five main kinds of line: horizontal, vertical,
curved, zig zag.
2. SHAPE is a two dimensional figure enclosed by a line. Shapes are flat. They only have height and
width. (Geometric and Organic Shapes)
3. COLOR - is the element of art that is derived from reflected light.
COMPLEMENTARY COLORS - Are opposite each other on the color wheel.
MONOCHROMATIC COLOR SCHEME - Are a harmony of one color and its variations or different
values of a single color.
ANALOGOUS COLORS - Are colors that are side by side on the color wheel and share a hue.
WARM COLOR SCHEMES - Red, yellow, and orange are warm colors. They remind us of sunshine,
fire and other warm things.
COOL COLOR SCHEMES - Blue, green, and violet are cool colors. They make us think of cool things
like the grass and the sky.
4. FORM - It is an element of art that refers to an object with three dimensions height, width, and depth.
(Free Standing and Relief)
5. SPACE - It is an element of art that refers to the distance or area between, around, above and below
within objects.
6. TEXTURE - It is the surface quality of an object. It is perceived through two senses touch and sight.
(Tactile, Artificial)
1. BALANCE - It is the placement of all the elements of the composition so that their visual weights seem
evenly distributed. (Formal, Informal, Radial)
2. EMPHASIS - It is the principle of art concerned with making an element or object in a work stand out.
3. PROPORTION - It deals with the proper relation between two objects or parts.
4. VARIETY - It is the principle of art concerned with combining different art elements like colors, lines,
shapes, and texture to increase visual interest.
5. RHYTHM - It is the regular repetition of lines, shapes, colors, and other art elements in the same or
similar ways to suggest flowing movement.
6. MOVEMENT - It is the principle of art used to create the look and feel of action, and to guide the
viewers eyes throughout a work of art.
7. HARMONY combining related art elements to create a pleasing appearance.
Early Forms & Traditional Sculptures in the Philippines:
> Low relief engraving of human & animal figures in Angono, Rizal (3000 B.C.)
> Recovered stone figure made from brain corals called, likha palapat (Calatagan, Batangas)
> The use of clay as an important medium in pottery become so poular that in many parts of the country, dozens
of artifacts have been recovered. Ex. Leta-leta jar, Manunggul Jar, Maitum burial jar
> In the Mountain Region of the Cordilleras, WOODCARVING is an important art, for it plays a significant
role in their belief system.
Ex. BUL-OL guardian to rice granaries and pathways.
> The Muslim people in Mindanao, particularly the Maranaos carve the image of SARIMANOK, a mythical bird

the Darangen.
> The art of sculpture is also popular among the Maranaos as evident in their OKIR designs in the Torogan and
their musical instruments.
* TOROGAN is a huge statemy house where the Muslim Chief resides.
* OKIR is a general term for both the scroll (okir a datu) and the geometric form (okir a bay).
A. Folk Arts of Ilocos Region & Cordillera Autonomous Region (CAR)
Their arts and culture is so diverse. They are known for their ILOCO & INABEL fabric
> Binatbatan beating of the cotton balls using bamboo sticks to separate the seeds during the initial stage.
> Panagbel the oldest Ilocano weaving tradition that they have inherited from their ancestors.
1. Blankets
4. Bed linens
2. Bags
5. And more
3. Camisa-chino
Arts and crafts include the smoothly-weaved BOLINAO MATS made from buri or raffia leaves, the
CRAFTS of San Carlos, bagoong, and the tasty tapang bangus.
1. BENGUEt the home for the Cordillerans. The Igorots are hillside dwellers. This condition explains
why most of them are farmers and their artistic expressions are related to farming such as TINALIK
baskets made from rattan.
2. KALINGA They are also great weavers. Their cloth weaving and basketry are among the finest
products in the region.
- Kalinga textiles are characterized by dominant red stripes and motifs of geometric patterns as well as
nature symbols interlaced with white, yellow, and black fibers.
3. IFUGAO The term Ifugao means people from the hills. Their arts and culture revolves around rice as
a prestigious crop. The Ifugaos weave a loincloth called, IKAT which is actually an Indonesian term,
meaning bind together. Their motif is characterized by diamond stripes of white and red stripes. The
dominant color is blue.
- The Ifugaos are also great basket weavers. They have different types of baskets depending on their use
and in their size. Ex. Ifugao hunters backpack, bolinao or tinalik
- They are also known for AMULETS that are made of beads, gold, bronze and other metals.
- Lingling-o or dinumung used as fertility symbols and worn around the neck.
4. MOUNTAIN PROVINCE the home of the Ibalois. They are known for their HANGING COFFINS
and mummified bodies.
- the province is also known for their KADANGYAN BURIAL CLOTH for rich people.
- TATOO ART is another form of folk arts in Maountain Province. For them, tattoo is part of clothing
and is considered decoration.
- Siniwsiwan Cloth fabrics used for blanket and clothing.
- Wanes or G-string mens clothing
- Getup or Lufid womens wrap around clothing
- The motif of the Bontocs include geometric shaped of things around them such as man, lizard,
mountain, rains and flower.
- Ginaspala Wanes A type of belt worn by married women of Bontoc and Kankana-y in the
Northern Cordillera
- Bobo is a type of basket used to catch fish in the river.
- Suklang is an everyday hat used by men for their matches, tobacco and beetle nut for chewing.
- Ikat an important weaved cloth among the Bontocs. It is also an important part of dowry in many
5. ABRA the people of Abra use natural dye and still practicing loom weaving and they embellish the
woven fabric cloth of embroideries in their fabrics.
B. Folk Arts of Cagayan Valley & Central Luzon

1. BATANES The Ivatans are the people living in Batanes group of islands. They are often visited by
typhoons. This is the reason why they learned to adapt to the frequent weather disturbances as
manifested in their stone houses made of limestone. Most of the Ivatans are farmers and fishermen. They
plant garlic and herd livestock such as cows.
- Vakul head gear for women. It is a clothing to protect them from the heat of the sun and during
rainy season. This special clothing is woven from abaca fiber or the vuyavuy palm a plant similar
to coconut.
2. NUEVA VISCAYA The Gaddangs of Nueva Viscaya are known for their crafts and textiles.
- Bakwat a belt used by mothers after giving birth. This cloth, unlike of the Ikat of the Ifugaos, is
usually made of white beads as accents and patterns of rivers and mountains with beadworks on the
central portion of the cloth.
1. BULACAN It is regarded as the center for canon-making before the coming of Spain.
- Singkaban is the local term for bamboo arches elaborately designed with kayas.
- Pastillas wrappers different linear, curvilinear, and geometric designs that blend with the color of
the paper.
- Poni/Puni is decoration during fiestas and special occasions made from young coconut leaves.
- Fire crackers enjoyed by many people especially at night during fiestas and celebrations.
2. PAMPANGA is known for its giant lanterns or parol.
- Culinary Art the art of preparing food.
- *Cabalen to have a delicate taste.
3. NUEVA ECIJA is known for its rice production. Aside from rice, they also plant onions, garlic, and
other vegetable. In the Tanduyong Festival, the Nueva Ecijanos celebrate thanksgiving for the
bountiful harvest each year.
4. TARLAC & BATAAN played important roles in shaping the Philippine history and government. The
last defense of Filipinos and American troops in the Philippines fell to the Japanese forces during World
War II. After the fall of Bataan, prisoners of war marched from Bataan to Tarlac in a historic Death
5. ZAMBALES is known for its mangoes and other indigenous fruits such as camachile, cashew and
others. Because of its proximity to Mount Pinatubo, Aetas are often found in the public market of Iba
selling their baskets, bilao, and other woven products made from bamboo, rattan, and other materials
that thrives in the mountains.
- Patupat a delicacy from Pampanga are also found in Iba market together with other native
delicacies. Folk arts in these provinces resulted from the merging of the traditional belief and
Christianity. The unique blend created by this merger provided a new horizon in the art particularly
in making jewelries, bead works, and other souvenir items particularly those that are sold in Subic
and Olongapo City.
C. Folk Arts of Southern Tagalog & Bicol Region
1. LAGUNA the home province of our national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. This lakeside province is rich
with natural resources and blessed with fertile soil for farming.
- Wood Carving Capital of the Philippines Paete, Laguna.
- Barong Tagalogs Lumban, Laguna
- Taka is a papier mache technique
- Kayas is a type of art made by scrapping the softwood and make them into floral and faunal
2. RIZAL PROVINCE ANGONO, RIZAL is the Arts Town of the Philippines. The home to many
visual artists.
- Petroglyphs among the oldest artistic expressions in the Philippines and listed as a national
cultural treasure. It existed since 3, 000 BC.
- Higantes Festival a celebration conceptualized in 1980s by Perdigon Vocalan. In the colonial
times, the town folks make higantes, big paper mache of human figures to air their sentiments about
the Spanish hacienderos. The traditional higantes are composed of a father, a mother, and a child
giant measuring four to five feet tall and usually seen in fiesta celebrations to add fun and color.
3. CAVITE is the most populous province in the country.
- Tinis celebrated during Christmas season, the tradition narrates the story how Mary and Joseph
found a place to give birth to Jesus.
- Karakol dancing during fiesta celebrations (Lutrina and Santacruzan)
- Culinary Art colorful sapin-sapin

4. TAAL According to some accounts, Taal was founded by Datu Balensuela and Datu Dumangsil two
of ten Bornean castaway datus. Currently, Taal is the cradle of Tagalog culture.
- Is popular for its embroidered pinya fabric made from the fibers of pineapple.
- It is also the Barong Tagalog and Balisong Capital of the Philippines.
5. QUEZON the town of Lucban in Quezon is famour for its Pahiyas Festival every may in honor to San
Isidro Labrador the patron saint of the farmers.
- Kiping decors that are made from ground glutinous rice thinly coated on a special leaves and
cooked over a low fire. These colored kipings are made possible by adding the desired color into
the kiping mixture.
6. BICOL REGION is known for its baskets, bags, slippers coin purses and other crafts that are made
from abacaand raffia fibers. The abundance of these natural fibers in the region prompted the Bicolanos
to excel in weaving. Unlike the northen cultural communities their motifs are simple.
- Buhi, Camarines Sur is known for its weaving. Their weaving includes garments, mosquito
nets, and blankets. They use cotton from Manila which were later dyed into several colors in the
town. Weaving is a century year old tradition in Buhi.
Physical fitness is a set of abilities that one possesses in order to perform physical activities. A physical
activity is any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that result in a substantial
increase in energy expenditure.
Exercise is a type of physical activity consisting of planned, structured and repetitive bodily movement.
*This means that physical fitness is a measurable set of characteristics that is determined by a persons exercise
Physical fitness is made up of three major components:
1. Health-related Physical Fitness (HRPF) consists of those specific components that have a relationship with
good health, or a lower risk of illness, particularly hypokinetic diseases and conditions
2. Skill-related Physical Fitness (SRPF) consists of components that have a relationship with learning motor
skills quickly and the ability to achieve a high level of performance in sports.
3. Physiological fitness relates to biological systems that are influenced by ones level of habitual physical
activity. Unlike HRF and SRF which can be measured through performance tests using hand-held or portable
devices that can be conducted in the field or classrooms, physiological fitness in different because its
components can be conducted in the field or classrooms. Physiological fitness is different because its
components can be measured using more expensive equipment and in a laboratory or medically-supervised
facility. Its components include Metabolic fitness (MetF), morphological fitness (MorF), and bone integrity
HRF consists of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular endurance and strength, flexibility, and body
SRF consists of agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time and speed.
Physiological fitness consists of MetF, MorF and BI.

Two most common locations of the pulse

A. Cartoid pulse neck

B. Radial pulse - wrist
1. What should be my heart rate when I am engaged in a moderately intense exercise?
Step 1. Use the equation 208 0.7 (age)
a. 0.7 x ______ y/o = ________
b. 208 - ______(answer to a) = ________
Step 2. Subtract your resting heart rate (beats per minute or bpm) from your answer to Step 1.
Step 1 _____ - resting heart rate ____bpm = _______
Step 3A. (For MINIMUM heart rate): Multiply your answer to Step 2 by 40% (0.40)
Step 2 _____ x 0.40 = ______
Step 4A. Add your resting heart rate to your answer from step 3. This represents the MINIMUM heart rate you
should try to achieve when exercising at a MODERATE intensity.
Resting heart rate ____ + Step 3.A ____ = _____
Step 3B. (For MAXIMUM heart rate): Multiply your answer to Step 2 by 55% (0.55)
Step 2 ____ * 0.55 = ______
Step 4B. Add your resting heart rate to your answer from Step 3. This represents the MAXIMUM heart rate you
should try to achieve when exercising at a MODERATE intensity.
Resting heart rate ____ + Step 4 = _______
For moderately intense exercise, my exercise heart rate should be:
____bpm to ___bpm
2. What should be my heart rate when I am engaged in a vigorously intense exercise?
Step 1. Use the equation 208 0.7 (age)
a. 0.7 x ______ y/o = ________
b. 208 - ______(answer to a) = ________
Step 2. Subtract your resting heart rate (beats per minute or bpm) from your answer to Step 1.
Step 1 _____ - resting heart rate ____bpm = _______
Step 3A. (For MINIMUM heart rate): Multiply your answer to Step 2 by 50% (0.50)
Step 2 _____ x 0.50 = ______
Step 4A. Add your resting heart rate to your answer from step 3. This represents the MINIMUM heart rate you
should try to achieve when exercising at a VIGOROUS intensity.
Resting heart rate ____ + Step 3.A ____ = _____
Step 3B. (For MAXIMUM heart rate): Multiply your answer to Step 2 by 85% (0.85)
Step 2 ____ * 0.85 = ______
Step 4B. Add your resting heart rate to your answer from Step 3. This represents the MAXIMUM heart rate you
should try to achieve when exercising at a MODERATE intensity.
Resting heart rate ____ + Step 4 = _______
For moderately intense exercise, my exercise heart rate should be:
____bpm to ___bpm
There are three types of muscles: cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscles. These muscles chare 4 common
characteristics: excitability, contractility, extensibility and elasticity.
Excitability is the muscles property to respond to a stimulus. Ex. When your finger touches a hot lid, the
stimulus causes you to respond by withdrawing your hand.
Contractility refers to the generation of force that produces movement. Thus, the muscles contract resulting
in the action of withdrawing ones hand away from the stimulus.
Extensibility is the property of the muscle to stretch. Since most muscles worn in pairs, one muscle contracts
while the other stretches to accommodate movement. Ex. Curl-Up
Elasticity is the property of a muscle to resume its original length after being stretched. Thus, muscles when
stretched resume their original length.
Having adequate levels of muscular strength helps with balance by decreasing the risk of falls, and the resulting
injuries. It also makes lifting and reaching easier. More importantly, performing strength exercises stresses
bones and preserves done density thus decreasing the risk for osteoporosis.

Loss of muscle tissue is the main reason for the decrease in metabolism as we grow older. If we continue to eat
at the same rate, body fat increases. It is therefore necessary to engage in strengthening exercises that result in
an increase in muscle mass or hypertrophy. Muscle tissue uses energy even at rest thus, an increase in muscle
mass or size increases resting metabolism. This can translate into preventing and reducing excess body fat.
Two type of muscular contraction:
1. Dynamic contraction refers to a change in the length of the muscle when it applies force. When the muscle
applies force as it shortens, the contraction is referred to as concentric. When it lengthens, it is referred to as an
eccentric contraction
2. Static or isometric contraction produces significant force WITHOUT any considerable change in the length
of the muscle.
I. Why should I warm-up before any sports or exercise?
Warm-up enables me to increase my ability to perform more intensely by:
a. Increasing my body temperature which allows me to increase the rate and force of my muscular contractions;
b. Increasing my heart rate and the blood flowing to my muscles and;
c. Increasing the activation of my central nervous system (CNS) resulting in improved coordination, skill
accuracy, and reaction time.
General warm-up exercises aim to achieve these effects and takes only 2-4 minutes.
Dynamic stretching exercises specifically prepare the muscles for active contraction. They also incorporate
balance. However, they do not cause long-term improvement in flexibility because of the short stretching time
unlike the static stretching exercises which are performed after the sports or exercise proper.
Specific warm-up exercises refer to skills that the sport requires such as lay-up for basketball, dig passes for
volleyball or forehand rally for table tennis. These skill enable you to perform more effectively in the training or
game situation.
Static Stretching is performed after the exercise or training session as a cool-down routine. These exercises
require you to hold or sustain your final stretched position in order to improve your flexibility.
Cool-down returns the body to resting state and promotes effective recovery. It serves the following functions:
a. Slowly decreases the heart rate and overall metabolism, both of which have been elevated during the
b. Reduces tendency toward fainting and dizziness by preventing the sudden pooling of blood in the legs and
ensures adequate circulation to the skeletal muscles, heart and the brain; and
c. Aids in preventing or relieving spasms or cramps in fatigued muscles through static stretching that also
contributes to optimal flexibility improvements.
Five Dimensions of Holistic Health
PHYSICAL HEALTH means how well your body functions. It means you can carry out everyday tasks
without becoming too tired. It also means you have enough energy to enjoy activities and to meet emergencies.
It means developing healthful habits and avoiding destructive habits such as smoking, drinking alcoholic
beverages, and taking dangerous drugs and harmful substances. You can attain this by giving your body total
care, which includes the following:
Keeping your body fit by exercising and participating in active games.
Eating a well-balanced diet.
Getting adequate sleep and rest.
Drinking enough water.
Practicing cleanliness and good grooming habits.
Getting regular medical and dental checkup and treatment.
Avoiding harmful substances, such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs of abuse.
MENTAL OR INTELLECTUAL HEALTH means being a lifelong learner by continuously wanting to learn
new things and improve ones skills. A mentally healthy person is open to new ideas and experiences that can
improve personal, family and community life.

EMOTIONAL HEALTH involves understanding and liking yourself as well as accepting and learning from
your mistakes. It refers to how well you meet the demands of daily life and how you adjust to new situations. It
also means expressing your happiness, love, joy, and hope as well as your sadness, anger, stress and fear in
healthful productive ways. You can best practice these when you:
Face lifes problems squarely
Handle stress and seek help if needed
Express your emotions in positive ways
Deal with lifes pressures and stresses in positive ways
Build strong communication network among family, friends and peers
SOCIAL HEALTH refers to how well you get along with other people. This can be observed when you:
Make and keep friends
Play/work well with a group
Give and get help from others when needed
Communicate well and show respect and care for yourself and others
MORAL-SPIRITUAL HEALTH means being at peace and in harmony with your self, others and a higher
power or bigger reality. When you feel, think and say what you believe in or value are shown in how you act. It
refers to your personal beliefs, values, and faith.
PUBERTY is the time when you start to become sexually mature. It usually happens at the age of 10 or 11 for
girls and 12 or 13 for boys.
Your Endocrine Glands Affect Your Growth and Development
Your body grows rapidly during your growth spurt. Your growth during childhood and the changes during
puberty are controlled by your endocrine system. This system is made up of a set of organs called endocrine
glands. Your endocrine glands direct your growth. Endocrine glands produce hormones, which are released into
the bloodstream and travel to other organs and tissues where they stimulate growth and regulate activity. Some
hormones cause your body to grow and some cause other changes of growth.
Your pituitary gland affects your growth more than any other gland. This gland produces many kinds of
hormones and one of these is the growth hormone. This hormone regulates the development of long bones and
muscles in the body. It causes growth throughout childhood and adolescence and helps your body reach its adult
size or height. Remember, when your pituitary gland starts making growth hormones, your growth spurt begins.
When it stops making much growth hormone, then your growth stops. When happens. you have reached your
adult size or height.
Your pituitary gland also releases hormones that cause your reproductive glands to become active.
Important changes occur inside and outside your body as your reproductive organs become more active. The
testes produce the male sex hormone testosterone while the ovaries produce the female sex hormone estrogen.
These hormones stimulate the many physical changes that adolescents go through during puberty. These include
secondary sex characteristics such as development of the breast, appearance of maxillary and pubic hair, and
others. Boys testes also begin to produce sperm cells. Girls ovaries begin to develop egg cells.
Physical Changes
These are some of the general changes that happen to adolescent boys and girls during puberty:
There is a rapid increase in height and weight. Boys experience this
usually two years later than girls. The head, hands and feet grow faster first, then the arms
and legs, and then the chest and shoulders. This is why the body of an adolescent seems to
be out of proportion.
Changes in circulatory and respiratory systemsThe heart and lungs grow bigger and work
better, so the adolescent becomes stronger and can work longer, although the increase is
more in boys than in girls.
Body compositionMuscles develop rapidly, although boys muscles grow faster than girls.
Body fat increases, although the increase in girls body fat is more than the boys.
Other changes:
o There is a sudden increase in hormone production.
o Bones become harder.
o Sweat and oil glands become more active.
Primary sex characteristics are changes directly related to sexual reproduction.


The reproductive organs of both boys and girls grow and develop. The boys experience their first
release of seminal fluid or ejaculation from the penis. The girls experience menarche or the first release of blood
and fluids from the vagina, later called menstruation.
Secondary sex characteristics are changes not directly related to sexual reproduction.
The voice becomes deeper.
The Adams apple becomes bigger.
The shoulders become wider than the hips.
Hair grows on the face, body and pubic area.
The skin on the upper arms and thighs becomes rough.
Breasts develop.
The hips become wider than the shoulders.
Hair grows on the underarm and pubic area.
Mental or Intellectual Changes
Adolescents experience rapid mental development. There are changes in the structure of the brain.
These make it work more efficiently.
The development of their intellectual ability makes adolescents less accepting of what others say.
They learn to question what others say. They try to get to the bottom of thingstrying to find out what
to believe in and what to doubt.
The adolescents make better decisions because they can evaluate risks and rewards better. They can
sense the disadvantages and dangers as well as the advantages and rewards that might happen
because of their actions. They can already think well before acting as well as know the importance of
planning ahead. These characteristics help adolescents make better decisions. However,
adolescents take more risks than adults because they enjoy the rewards that result from their actions.
On the other hand, adolescents have a tendency to become bored with routine activities; they need to
be challenged.
Adolescents are already capable of thinking deeply. This helps them understand proverbs, poems and
figures of speech.
Adolescents also think less of themselves. This allows them to think and reason better. This also
makes them good debaters, since they can reason out against what a friend or an adult thinks.
Adolescents have the skills that let them control and coordinate their thoughts with their actions.
Adolescent students can focus their attention on what they want to listen to. They can also focus their
attention on two or more things at the same time.
There is likewise an improvement in adolescents memory and speed in thinking.
Emotional Changes
Adolescents are more responsive to rewards and stress.
Adolescents are more emotional and this makes them open to being hurt or in danger.
Adolescent boys are also sexually active; therefore, they are prone to participate in risky behavior.
Due to the sudden increase in the manufacture of hormones, adolescent boys become more
Adolescent girls become self-conscious because of the changes that are happening to them. These
also give them a feeling of insecurity.
Early maturing boys are usually taller and stronger; they have a good body image, so they are more
confident, secure and independent.
Social Changes
Adolescents are very self- conscious. They consider approval of friends and other adolescents or
peers as very important.
Adolescents enjoy being with friends, so they stay longer with them after school. They enjoy choosing
clothes to wear; they also crave privacy. These sometimes cause conflicts between adolescents and
their parents.
Young adolescents choose friends who share the same interest with them.
Adolescents who grow up with family members showing love, guidance and support for each other
are less likely to get involved with bad company and engage in fights, vandalism, smoking , drinking,
or drug sessions.
Moral-spiritual Changes


Adolescents begin analyzing themselves during this stage. They try to find out who they really are and
analyze their strengths and weaknesses. As a result, they understand themselves better and learn to accept
and like themselves, including their weaknesses.
They learn that house rules imposed by their parents are there to promote order and harmony at home.
However, they are not absolute and some are negotiable as they mature. They begin to distinguish between rules
that are negotiable and those that are non-negotiable. Non-negotiable rules, like smoking, are imposed because
they are for their own good.
During adolescence, boys and girls realize what they could become in the future. This helps them
analyze what they are doing and how it could affect their future. This can be scary for some adolescents. It
might create conflict between how they look at themselves now and what they want to become.
Health Concerns/Problems Related to Physical Changes
Adolescence starts with puberty. It is the period of sexual development among adolescents. The
secondary sex characteristics happen during puberty. Boys and girls experience rapid and uneven growth
during adolescence. It is uneven because the outer parts of the body such as the head, hands, and feet
grow first. They may feel awkward because the hands and feet may seem too big for the rest of the body.
Remember, this development is normal and temporary so there is no need to be unhappy about it.
Postural Problems
You will notice a great variation in the size and shape of adolescents of the same age. This variation can
be a source of concern among teenagers who compare themselves with others. During the growth spurt,
teenagers begin to grow at a rapid rate. Teenagers who grow taller than their classmates may feel conscious
about their height. Some teenagers may begin to slouch because they are not used to their new height. Others
may slouch on their chairs as they study.
Some girls who develop their breast earlier may also feel conscious and tend to slouch. They may
develop poor posture if they continue to do this. Remember, good posture helps maintain body alignment. It
also helps the bones and muscles to continue to grow properly during adolescence.
Other Concerns Related to Physical Changes
Every individual goes through the changes of puberty at his/her own rate. Some may experience the
changes sooner or later than the others. The growth pattern for girls is a little different from the growth pattern
for boys. Girls are usually taller than boys around the age of 11 or 12. Then growth in height slows down for
most girls while this speeds up for many adolescent boys. Within a few years, boys in general become taller
than girls. This difference may cause uncomfortable feelings. Boys may also feel embarrassed when their voice
cracks because of the growth of their larynx. This is part of growing up. Remember, every teenager
experiences these changes. These are normal experiences and events in everybodys life so there is no reason to
worry and feel uncomfortable about it. Eventually, these awkward feelings will disappear as teens adjust to the
changes in their growth and development.
Body odor
During the early teen years, the sweat glands become more active. When teenagers play actively or
engage in sports or other physical activities, they tend to perspire profusely. If they do not know how to
manage this problem, it may cause unpleasant body odor. How does this happen? Sweat glands are
numerous under the arms and any bacteria under the arms may act on perspiration and cause an
unpleasant body odor. If you do not practice proper hygiene, then you might have body odor. Take a
bath or shower daily. Soap and water will remove bacteria and excess oil on the skin. Apply
deodorant or antiperspirant daily. Be sure to bring extra clothes and change when needed. These may
prevent unpleasant body odor.
Dental problems
The more common dental problems of teenagers include dental caries or tooth decay, halitosis or bad
breath, and gingivitis or swelling of the gums. Both dental caries and gingivitis can lead to halitosis. It is
important to remember that all of these are brought about by not brushing, poor tooth brushing skills
and drinking carbonated drinks and eating sweets frequently. This can lead to proliferation of dental
plaque, which is made up of colonies of microorganisms. Dental plaque hardens to tartar if not
removed. So tooth brushing after every meal and flossing at least twice a day should take at least a
minimum of three minutes to remove all food particles lodged between the teeth. Dental problems can
also be prevented by doing the following:
Eating nutritious foods
Limiting between-meal snacks, especially sweet and sticky foods
Brushing and flossing to remove plaque or tartar
Visiting the dentist regularly, at least twice a year


Lack of sleep
While sleeping, the body gets a chance to rest. Although most body activities slow down while sleeping,
some remain active. The pituitary gland releases more hormones, like growth hormones, when one is
asleep. Body cells grow and repair themselves more rapidly during sleep. Lack of sleep during the
adolescent years interferes with these processes and might interfere also with proper growth and
development. Teenagers need nine to ten hours sleep each night to feel well and rested. So you should
refrain from staying late at night playing computer games, watching television or just staying awake
doing something. Insufficient sleep has negative effects on your growth and development.
Health Concerns Related to Social Changes
At this point of your life, your friends become very important to you and you probably spend most of
your time with them. You meet people and form new relationships.
Problems with relationships
During adolescence, your relationship with other people changes. However, teenagers often change
friends as they develop new interests. This may result in breaking up with old friends. As teenagers you
must develop social and communication skills to have a healthy relationship with your family, friends,
classmates and other important people in your lives. Effective communication involves exchanging
ideas, feelings and viewpoints, and talking and listening skills. Lets see how this skill applies some
events/situations in your lives.
If you and another person disagree on something, listen to what s/he has to say and let her/him know
your point of view. In this way effective communication will take place, thus preventing
If you are out with friends, let your parents know where you are. Let them know and ask permission
you have a change of plans, like staying late with friends or sleeping over in your friends house. This
will show your parents that you are acting responsibly and safely. Communicating with them in that way
will bring about good relationship.
Health Concerns Related to Mental Changes
As adolescents, you are expected to solve more complex problems than when you were children. Your
thinking skills develop and you can see and understand other peoples point of view. Mental health concerns in
adolescents may be caused by heredity, head injury or chemical imbalance. It may also be caused by stress from
feelings of not being accepted, being poor or different. Abuse, death of a loved one, or separation anxiety can
also be a mental health concern.
Emotional Changes
Your emotions and feelings also go through changes during adolescence and you may experience
these problems:
Mood swings/intense emotions
You may be happy at one moment, then feel sad the next. This mood swing might be misunderstood by
friends or family. Moodiness among girls may be due to changes in their estrogen level while among
boys, it may be due to changes in their testosterone levels. These hormones can cause emotions to be
very intense and swing rapidly. These emotional swings will settle down as you enter the next stage of
your growth and development. This mood swing may be bothersome but you must accept that
emotional changes during adolescence are a normal part of your growth and development. Knowledge
about what is happening in your body during adolescence will help you understand better the changes
you are experiencing. There are positive ways of dealing with intense emotions and of using extra
energy during adolescent years. Get involved in worthwhile physical and social activities, such as
sports, dancing and arts and crafts. These will help you feel better and worry less about the changes
taking place in you.
Problems related to sexual changes
Adolescent boys experience wet dreams or nocturnal emission. This is involuntary ejaculation of
semen during sleep. Although this is quite embarrassing, this is common among teenage boys during puberty.
This experience may cause stress among teenagers so correct information about sexual changes will prepare
them to accept this change positively. Adolescent girls experience the onset of menstruation. Girls having their
menstrual period need to be more conscious about hygiene. The old belief that it is bad to take a bath or wash
the hair when a woman is menstruating has no scientific basis. There is absolutely no reason why you should
not wash your hair, or take a bath or shower during menstruation. In fact, a nice warm bath can do a lot to
relieve menstrual cramps and premenstrual tension. You might want to avoid cold water during your period


since it could, theoretically, cause uterine contractions that could increase menstrual cramps.
If you experience puberty at an early age, dont feel embarrassed to talk about it. Talking to your
parents, responsible adults, doctor, or teacher is the best thing to do. Talking to a responsible adult will help
teenagers feel comfortable with changes they are experiencing.
Health concerns/problems brought about by changes during adolescence should be dealt with properly to
prevent negative consequences. Since many of these can be prevented, you should learn coping skills/selfmanagement skills to face these challenges positively.
Coping skills this will help you deal with sad, difficult and stressful situations /experiences in your lives. If
you have developed coping skills, you can prevent serious problems resulting from these experiences. There are
several coping techniques you can use in ordinary life situations. Some are very useful; some are not. Some can
help you for a short time only but some can help you for a long time. Study the following coping techniques and
see how you can practice them:
Support- Seeking Strategies:
1. Talk to a friend who can do something about it.
2. Seek advice from responsible family members/relatives.
3. Talk to someone to find out more about the problem.
4. Look for someone who will sympathize with you.
5. Seek professional help.
Positive Problem- Solving Strategies:
1. Do not act hastily.
2. Make a plan of action.
3. Look at the problem as a challenge.
4. Be creative in solving the problem.
5. Come up with different solutions to the problem.
Avoidance Strategies (These are acceptable for a short-term, so do not exclude other ways of coping.):
1. Avoid being with people.
2. Prepare for the worse that may happen.
3. Wish the situation to go away or to be over.
4. Try to forget the whole thing.
5. Exercise or eat.
6. Hope a miracle would happen.
Positive- reframing Strategies:
Self- talk is a way to help you change your thoughts. Here are some selftalk statements that you can use as
coping skill. These statements are useful when you are under stress or facing a challenge/problem:
A. When you are preparing for a stressful situation, you can use any of these statements:
I know I can do it.
Its easier once I get started.
What exactly do I have to do?
Tomorrow, I will be through it.
I have succeeded with this before.
I wont entertain negative thoughts.
B. When you are facing the challenge/problem:
I can do this.
I can only do my best.
I can ask somebody for help.
If I get nervous, Ill take a deep breath.
If I feel tense, Ill do my coping exercise.
Its OK to make mistakes; no one is perfect.
I wont rush. I will take it slowly step by step.
C. When you are coping with fear:
Ill survive this.
Relax! It will end.
Take a deep breath.
Lord/Allah, help me!


I can always call someone.

D. Self- Congratulations:
I did it!
I did it well.
Next time, I wont have to worry much.
Ive got to tell this to_____________
E. Affirmation:
I enter the day with a peaceful thought.
Every day in every way I grow stronger and stronger.


Health Appraisal and Screening Procedures
When you were a child, your parents, older siblings, relatives, and other concerned adults made sure
you ate the right food and had regular medical checkups, immunizations, and other health care.
Now that you are already an adolescent, your personal health becomes your responsibility also. One way
to do this is to know your health status so that you can take the necessary actions to improve your health habits
and practices. In case there is a sign of a medical problem, early detection can help to prevent this from
becoming serious that would need appropriate treatment.
Monitoring health status can be done through regular health checkups and screening tests appropriate
for you. It is very important to know your health status. For school age children and adolescents, the school
health personnel, such as the school physician, school nurse, school dentist, as well as teachers and other school
personnel perform checkups and screening tests at the beginning and towards the end of the school year. This is
part of the school health service provided for students. Screening for blood pressure is added to the routine tests
for height, weight, vision, and hearing. Immunizations are also updated.
Adolescents who are experiencing growth spurts may also be screened for possible scoliosis. Scoliosis is
the abnormal curvature of the spine, which causes pain and affects growth. Additional tests may be
recommended by your physician or health care provider as needed.
Evaluation of the results of checkups and screening tests is done by the school health personnel.
Students who may need health counselling, referral, and follow up will be identified and guided for proper
As an adolescent, you should always remember that you are also responsible for your own health.
Monitor your body for changes that may need medical check up. This is often referred to as part of self- care.
For girls, it is recommended to check your breasts for possible masses or lumps the moment you start
menstruating. You should do this monthly, specifically one week after the onset of menstruation. You can do this
while taking a shower or facing the mirror. This breast self-examination (BSE) can help females check any
abnormalities that might need medical help. Remember, there are normal changes during and right before
menstruation so it is better to perform BSE after menstruation. Develop the habit of doing BSE monthly.
Scoliosis Screening
Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine curves to the side. It is an abnormal lateral or side-to-side
curvature of the spine. This condition commonly develops during growth spurt of adolescents. It affects girls
more often. This condition can be corrected if treated early before the bones have fully developed.
The following signs should be referred to a doctor for treatment.
One of the shoulder blades is more prominent.
The head is not aligned to the center of the pelvis.
A hip appears higher or is more prominent than the other.
The rib cage is uneven.
The waist is uneven.
The entire body is leaning to one side.
In the school, your school nurse or your health teacher can do the scoliosis screening test. During the
test, the school nurse will observe your posture for signs of scoliosis. Early detection can prevent scoliosis from

Screening Procedure
Forward Bend Test:
1. Stand facing away from the screener.


2. Bend forward at the waist 90 degrees, feet 10 cm apart, knees straight, and feet parallel to
each other.
3. Palms of the hands are facing each other and arms hang down, and are relaxed. The head is
It is normal if the screener observes the following:
Both sides of upper and lower back are symmetrical.
Hips level and symmetrical.
There is possible scoliosis if the screener observes the following:
One side of rib cage and/or the lower back showing uneven symmetry.
Curve in the alignment of the spine.
It is very important that you are aware of any change in your body. Any deviation from the normal must
be reported to your parents so that you can seek medical advice. You can go to your school clinic to
seek advice from the health personnel there. Your teachers can also help you. Dont wait for your health
problem to get worse. You have to act now. Remember that the school health personnel, so with your barangay
health personnel, are there to help maintain the health of the students/people in the school or community. Avail
of any health service they offer.

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