HPLC Troubleshooting Guide PDF
HPLC Troubleshooting Guide PDF
HPLC Troubleshooting Guide PDF
HPLC Troubleshooting
1. Column Life-Time
29. pH Control
7. Normal-Phase Chromatography
37. Overload
1. Column Life-Time
Q.: My column lasted only for about 100 injections. After
that time, the peaks became distorted and the plate-counts
were very low. Whats wrong?
A.: 100 injections is indeed a short life-time. Under normal
circumstances, one can expect a column to be in service
much longer. In order to determine what is wrong, we need
to establish first, if short column life is the rule for your
application or not.
There are two fundamental cases:
1. previously columns used for the same assay
lasted much longer.
2. all columns used for this application die
after about the same amount of use.
In the first case, one would explore if the assay has
remained truly constant. Has the sample composition
changed? Strongly adsorbed contaminants in your sample
can destroy column performance. Are the seals in the fluid
path of your instrument in a good condition? Shedding seals
can clog column filters and the top layers of the packing and
thus effect the distribution of the sample.
If one can be reasonably assured that there are no changes
in the chromatographic conditions, one can safely assume
that the cause of the problem is a mechanical weakness of the
packed bed. This can be induced by rough handling of the
column in your lab (did you drop it?) or during shipment, or
it could be a manufacturing defect. Such a defect can not be
detected by standard column QC and could show up only
after some use of the column. In this case, column
manufacturers will replace your column free of charge.
Q.: That is nice of these manufacturers, but this is not my
problem. My columns always last only a short time.
Sometimes its 100 injections, sometimes 200. I could live
with 200 injections, but only 100 is not good enough. This
really is getting expensive. What can I do?
A.: I agree with you 100%. What we need to do together is
to find the cause of your problem and then see, what we can
do about it.
The most likely cause of your problem is adsorption of
sample constituents on the top of the column. They may
either precipitate because of a low solubility in the mobile
phase or they may be strongly adsorbed. As you inject more
and more samples, these contaminants build up on the top of
the column and prevent the sample to properly adsorb and
distribute. This results in a distortion of the peak profile.
Often this problem is accompanied by an increase in back
Q.: OK, that could be it. How do I get around this problem?
A.: There are several ways to prevent this from happening.
One is to clean up the sample with a suitable sample
preparation technique. Solid phase extraction using a SPE
solvent with water and then mixing it 1:1 with "dry" solvent.
This approach speeds equilibration times up tremendously.
In reversed-phase chromatography, equilibration is usually
very fast. A few (5 to 10) column volumes of mobile phase
are usually sufficient for equilibration. This is however not
always the case. A notable exception is the equilibration of a
column with ion-pairing reagent in ion-pair chromatography.
The ion-pairing reagents are typically used at a concentration
of about 2 to 5 mmol/L or less. They adsorb onto the surface
of the reversed-phase packing at a surface concentration of
between 0.5 to 2 mol/m2. A 4.6mm x 250mm column
contains about 3 g of packing with a surface area of 330
m2/g. That means that there are 1000 m2 of surface in the
column. At a surface concentration of 2 mol/m2 2 mmol of
reagent need to be pumped into the column for complete
equilibration. At a concentration of 2 mmol/L this takes a
liter of mobile phase. This is clearly an extreme case, but
don't be surprised if it takes a few hundred milliliters of
mobile phase to equilibrate the column. It is therefore unwise
to convert columns used in ion-pair chromatography to an
organic solvent for overnight storage, because during this
process the ion-pairing reagent is washed off and the next
day you have to go through a lengthy reequilibration
Q.: Both of these phenomena have a common factor: low
mobile phase concentrations of an agent that is strongly
adsorbed. Is this the most common cause of drifting retention
A.: I would say yes. Other phenomena are not as common.
But the strongly adsorbed agent could also come from the
sample. In this case it would slowly build up during repeated
injections and thus change the chemical properties of the
column. An example of this would be the adsorption of
excipients from a drug sample.
One can tell whether a contamination is coming from the
mobile phase or from the sample by looking at the rate at
which retention times are changing.
An experiment could be as follows:
1. Inject the sample several times, e.g., four times for a
total run-time of 1 hr.
2. Pump mobile phase for the same amount of time without
injecting sample.
3. Repeat the first step.
4. Plot the retention times
a, versus time
b, versus number of injections.
If the first plot gives you a smooth curve, then the mobile
phase is the carrier of the contamination. If the second plot
yields a smooth curve, the sample is the source of the
Q.: Are there other causes of shifting retention times?
A.: Yes. It is possible that the mobile phase composition is
changing with time. If you are not using the on-line mixing
4. Column-to-Column
the eluent used in the elution step. Think about how a portion
of the analyte may be retained stronger. Could it be due to
interaction with residual silanols? Then you may want to
change the buffer pH or buffer strength in your elution step.
Is it due to hydrophobic interaction? Then increase the
concentration of organic solvent in the elution step or go to a
stronger organic solvent (e.g. replace methanol with
acetonitrile). Is it possible that the sample interacts with
residual silanols via hydrogen bonding? Then the addition of
methanol to acetonitrile or tetrahydrofuran might help.
Q.: O.K. If I dont find the missing fraction in all of these
steps, can I exclude the solid phase extraction step as the
source of the problem?
A.: Yes. Now we need to explore, if the analyte gets lost in
another step in the sample preparation. Could it be that it is
strongly adsorbed to a sample vessel. A strongly
hydrophobic analyte may adsorb to the walls of a
polyethylene vial. Strongly basic compounds may bind to the
silanols on the surface of glass vials. It is also possible that
the analyte could adsorb to solids in the matrix or bind to
other constituents in the matrix (e.g. proteins). These
problems may be more difficult to isolate.
Fundamentally, try to get the recovery of the analyte as
close to 100% as possible. This is a good assurance that your
method is rugged from the start. Even then, circumstances
may arise that results in irreproducible recovery, but they are
less likely than if you start with a method that is already
If you can achieve good recovery from the start, then
neither a normal variability of the eluent composition or of
the packing material itself is likely to affect your method.
The only remaining cause of variable recovery could be the
quality of the packed bed of the SPE cartridge. If a void is
formed in the bed, then the flow is non-uniform, and an early
breakthrough of the analyte is possible. You can guard
yourself against this problem by a cursory inspection of the
device. A void that would affect the method is quite obvious.
7. Normal-Phase Chromatography
Q.: I have always worked with reversed-phase chromatography and avoided normal-phase chromatography. I did this
on the advice of my colleagues that normal-phase
chromatography is much more difficult than reversed-phase
chromatography. Is there any truth to this?
A.: Unfortunately, there is some truth to this assessment.
However, equipped with the right knowledge, you can
ameliorate some of the difficulties.
The most common problem with normal-phase
chromatography is retention time variability. The reason for
this variability is the strong dependence of the retention on
the concentration of small amounts of very polar constituents
in the mobile phase. This holds especially true for the water
content of the mobile phase. But it is also true for the small
amounts of polar modifiers like methanol or acetonitrile that
are added to the mobile phase to control retention and
Water is present in all organic solvents to some degree.
Concentrations are typically in the ppm range. Table 1 gives
the solubilities of water in some non-polar solvents (1,2) that
are used in normal-phase chromatography. As a
consequence, the water content of the mobile phase can vary
widely, if one does not take special precautions to control it.
It is not usually desirable to work with dry solvents, since it
may take a long time (days have been reported) before a
column is in equilibrium with a dry mobile phase. Mobile
phases that are saturated with water are not desirable either,
since under these circumstances the water accumulates in the
pores of the packing and one obtains a partitioning column.
One would like to use mobile phases with an intermediate,
but controlled water content. A good approach to obtain a
reproducible water content has been the use of mobile phases
that are half-saturated with water. The preparation is
relatively straightforward. One divides the mobile phase into
two equal portions, then saturates one portion with water.
This is accomplished by adding 1 or 2 mL of water to 500
mL of mobile phase and stirring for approximately half an
hour. The excess water is removed, and the two portions are
recombined. This results in a mobile phase that is "halfsaturated" with water provided that the original mobile phase
was reasonably dry.
Table 1
Solvent Solubility of Water in Solvent (Temperature)
% w/w (C)
0.0111 (20)
0.0091 (25)
0.0055 (20)
0.0334 (25)
0.1980 (25)
0.0720 (23)
Carbon tetrachloride
0.0100 (24)
0.3090 (25)
Ethyl acetate
2.9400 (25)
Butyl acetate
1.8600 (20)
Diethyl ether
1.4680 (25)
Methyl-t-butyl ether
Equilibration with a "half-saturated" mobile phase is much
faster than with dry mobile phases, but it still may take hours.
Therefore it is desirable to dedicate a column to a particular
mobile phase. Now, equilibration may only take minutes
instead of hours.
Obviously, the concentration of other polar modifiers to
the mobile phase needs to be well controlled as well. Far
example, if you use methanol as a modifier, often only very
small amounts (<0.5%) may be needed, and a small change
can result in large changes in retention. In such a case it is
desirable to use a less polar modifier, such as isopropanol or
another higher alcohol. Or you may want to stay away from
alcohols altogether and use the less polar ethers or esters.
This of course is likely to significantly influence the
selectivity of the separation.
Q.: I see that you have to pay much more attention to the
mobile phase composition in normal phase chromatography
than in reversed-phase chromatography. How about the
stationary phase? Are some stationary phases better than
A.: Indeed there are differences. Silica and alumina are very
hygroscopic and are therefore very sensitive to the water
content in the mobile phase. Polar bonded phases such as
cyano-, diol- or amino-packings, are less sensitive. From the
standpoint of retention time reproducibility, they are
therefore the preferred packings when a new normal-phase
method is to be developed. However, there are some things
that one should know about the behavior of these phases.
For example, the primary amino groups on the surface of an
amino-packing can easily form Schiff-bases (imines) with
aldehydes and ketones under typical normal-phase
chromatographic conditions. Therefore, amino-columns
should not be used with samples containing aldehydes or
8. System
Figure 1
Figure 1: Measurement of Extra-Column Volume and
Bandspreading. V is the extra-column volume, w is the
peak-width at 4.4% of the peak height, corresponding to 5
standard deviations.
We can use the standard deviation of the peak as a
measure of the system band-spreading. The standard
deviation of the peak can be computed from the second
moment of the peak. An easier way is to measure the width
of the peak. Since this peak is highly asymmetric, it is best to
measure the width as close to the baseline as possible to get a
good measure of extra-column bandspreading. For example
the width of the peak at 4.4 % of the height of the peak
corresponds to a width of 5 standard deviations.
Q.: OK, but what sample and what mobile phase do I use for
this measurement?
A.: You can simply use the mobile phase used in your
analysis. As sample you may just utilize the standards that
you use in chromatographic analysis. However, most of the
time the standard is likely to be too concentrated, and you
need to dilute it to make it compatible with the small extracolumn bandspreading. If you do this, you get a direct idea
of extra-column bandspreading under your actual
chromatographic conditions. On the other hand, you may
standardize the measurement in the form of a general system
check that is independent of the chromatographic test that
you are running. The disadvantage is that you may miss
something that is specifically related to your particular
analysis. I encountered a case a few years ago, where the
sample was interacting strongly with a part in the injector.
Although everything that we did pointed to excessive extracolumn bandspreading, we could not see it in our
standardized test, which used a different sample and a
different mobile phase. Only when we used the actual sample
under actual mobile phase conditions did we find the
Q.: This covers extra-column volume and extra-column
bandspreading. What about system volume and dwell
This means that the velocity (or flow rate) at which the
maximum plate count occurs decreases with increasing
viscosity. A mobile phase of 70/30 v/v acetonitrile/water has
a viscosity of 0.7 cP, while the viscosity of a mobile phase of
50/50 v/v methanol/water is 1.8 cP. When we use the
methanol/water moblie phase, the optimal flow rate
decreases therefore to between 0.2-0.3 mL/min for the 3.9
mm column and to between 0.3 to 0.45 mL/min for the 4.6
mm column packed with 5 m particles. This is something
worth keeping in mind during methods development.
There is an interesting side aspect of the dependence of the
diffusion coefficient on the solvent viscosity. One can use the
following rule of thumb for estimating column performance,
when the mobile phase composition is changed: the same
column will give about the same plate count at the same
back-pressure in different mobile phases. A useful rule to
keep in mind!
A.: For neat solvents, you can easily find the viscosity in
handbooks. For solvent mixtures of non-associating solvents,
you can estimate the viscosity by assuming a linear
relationship with the volume fraction. For aqueous mixtures,
this does not work. Most mixtures of organic solvents with
water have a viscosity maximum. The viscosity of the most
commonly used aqueous mixtures is shown in figure 1.
The viscosity of a 50/50 mixture of methanol and water is
about 1.8 cP (=0.018 P) at room temperature. There is not a
lot of difference between water and a dilute buffer, and I can
use the viscosity of the water/methanol mixture from the
Viscosities of Aqueous Mixtures
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100
Vol % Water
Figure 1:
Viscosity of mixtures of organic solvents with water as a
function of the water content (% v/v). Appreviations: MeOH =
methanol, MeCN = acetonitrile, EtOH = ethanol, THF =
Therefore the calculation of the pressure is carried
out as follows:
p[atm]=1000 60 10
3.14150.23 2 0.0005 2
The last factor (10-6) is the conversion factor to
atmospheres. Do not forget to divide the flow rate by 60 to
obtain the flow in mL/sec. Then we have the same
dimensions throughout.
To convert from atmospheres to psi, multiply by 14.7. You
should get 2388 psi, i.e about 2400 psi.
Q.: O.K. I will try to replace the filter. In the case that his
does not help and I decide to clean the column, how should I
go about this?
A.: You first need to remove the buffer from the column, so
you want to wash it with 5 to 10 column volumes of water.
That is between 10 and 20 mL for this column. Then you
switch to 100% methanol and let the column purge for a
while, maybe some 15 minutes. You can do all this at high
flow rate, since your column has not yet clogged completely.
So I would do this at 1.5 mL/min. Let us check the pressure
in methanol. Methanol has a viscosity of 0.6 cP. Therefore
we would expect a pressure of about 800 psi at 1.5 mL/min
in methanol. If the pressure is still high, flush the column
with tetrahydrofuran (viscosity 0.5 cP) or methylene chloride
(viscosity 0.4 cP) or both. The volume for each solvent
should be around 20 mL. Whatever is not removed within
this volume, is not likely to be easily removed in this solvent
at all. After this process, you can go back to the original
mobile phase. You must make sure that the mobile phases in
subsequent steps are miscible. Therefore you need to go from
methylene chloride to methanol to water (or 50/50
methanol/water) to 50/50 methanol/buffer. Now you need to
reequilibrate the column. In your case, with this simple
mobile phase, the reequilibration is fast. If you were to run a
separation requiring an ion-pair reagent, you would now
need to purge your column with the mobile phase for quite a
while, before you are back in equilibrium.
1. Isocratic Chromatography
2. Gradient Chromatography
Solvent Impurities
All minor constituents and impurities in the mobile phase
will enrich on the column during equilibration of the column
with the starting composition. As you increase the strength of
the mobile phase during the gradient, these minor
constituents and impurities will be desorbed from the column
just like a sample. This can result in a complex
chromatograms with many peaks, if your mobile phase
contains many impurities. A typical source of problems is the
quality of the water used in reversed-phase chromatography.
Water can contain impurities from many sources. These
sources include the water purification system itself, the
containers in which the water is stored, and bacterial growth.
The performance of a water purification system should be
monitored on a regular basis using a blank reversed-phase
gradient. Otherwise, the purchase of HPLC-grade water is
Even with high-quality solvents and reagents, it is possible
to observe peaks due to the reagents themselves. This
depends on the detector that you are using. If you are using a
UV-detector, it depends on the wavelength and how sensitive
the detector is to changes in the refractive index of the
mobile phase. With high-quality reagents, the gradient
background can appear as a hump rather than a collection of
Protein-Containing Samples
When protein-containing samples are analyzed by
reversed-phase chromatography, it is also possible to observe
peaks with blank gradients that stem from a previous
injection of the sample. The peak area decreases rapidly with
subsequent blank gradients. The phenomenon is reminiscent
of sample carryover in the injector, except that no sample is
injected. The injector can even be taken off-line. What is
happening is that the elution of some proteins is incomplete
in the first gradient. For example, under a specific set of
conditions only 2/3 of the injected amount of ovalbumin is
recovered in the first gradient. In every subsequent gradient
approximately the same amount of the remaining ovalbumin
is recovered. After a few runs the amount of ovalbumin
becomes negligibly small. This phenomenon seems to be
specific for proteins. To my knowledge, it has never been
observed with small molecules.
Being aware of all these causes of ghost peaks will allow
you to take the proper precautions to avoid these situations.
A.: You are dealing with one of the most difficult separation
problems. Blood contains an innumerable number of
compounds that can interfere with the detection of your
analytes. In addition, the number of interferences increases
as the analyte concentration decreases. Therefore, the sample
preparation technique is an essential part of the
chromatographic method and needs to be optimized together
with the chromatographic method itself. The detection
method for the compound(s) of interest is, of course, an
important part of the method. More selective detection
methods such as derivatization and mass spectrometry
simplify the separation problem significantly, but these
techniques are not available to everybody.
Let us discuss therefore some of the options that you have
in sample preparation. Plasma samples contain a significant
amount of salt and proteins that can precipitate or adsorb on
reversed-phase packings. The adsorbed protein can easily
foul the column, resulting in changes in the separation and
ultimately clogging the column. Although packings have
been designed for the direct injection of plasma samples,
most analyses are performed using classical reversed-phase
packings. If one desires a reasonable column life, sample
preparation is unavoidable.
There are several sample preparation techniques available
for the pretreatment of plasma samples. The simplest one is a
protein precipitation. This technique entails the addition of
an organic solvent, for example acetonitrile, to the plasma
sample. At least two milliliter of acetonitrile should be added
for every milliliter of plasma. A significant amount of the
proteins present in the serum are precipitated in the presence
of the organic solvent. However, a large fraction of the
proteins remains soluble and can cause interferences with the
analytes. Also, all low molecular weight compounds, for
example lipids, stay in the sample.
Another sample preparation option is liquid-liquid
extraction. A separation using this technique requires two
immiscible solvents. Polar, water miscible solvents can not
be used for the extraction. Due to this fact, liquid-liquid
extraction works best for more non-polar analytes; it is not
suitable for very polar analytes. Since many samples also
have very polar metabolites, this method has limitations.
A third option - and the one which is most frequently used
- is solid phase extraction. It is a very convenient technique,
and due to its similarity to chromatography, solid phase
a very popular technique with
chromatographers. One can use several extraction techniques
to clean the sample; reversed-phase chromatography and ionexchange are the techniques that are most commonly
employed. As a result of its versatility and simplicity, solid
phase extraction is the sample preparation method that has
the broadest range of applicability. Therefore, it is the
sample preparation method that I commonly recommend.
Q.: I am using solid phase extraction for sample preparation.
The SPE cartridge is a reversed-phase cartridge. I am
experiencing low, variable analyte recoveries.
column. This is due to the fact that water and mobile phases
with a very high water content do not wet the hydrophobic
C18 surface very well. When you use a mobile phase with a
high water content, only part of the C18 surface is therefore
available for retention. Consequently, the retention factors
are significantly lower than the ones observed on a well
wetted column. You can eliminate the problem by
reconditioning the column with 100% methanol, then reequilibrating it with mobile phase. This "rewetting" step
ensures that the entire surface of the packing is available for
interaction with the analytes. After you have done this for
both columns, the retention times should be very
reproducible, perhaps as close as 1%. Based on the
description of the problem and the fact that we have
eliminated all other possibilities, I am very certain that this is
the cause of your retention time problem.
The only way to clean the detector cell and the detector
window is to disassemble the detector cell and clean the
window manually. The disassembly of the detector cell will
also give you access to the body of the detector cell, and any
material that has accumulated in this area can be removed
without difficulty. To clean the cell window, one needs to be
careful to use gentle techniques. Often, the window can be
treated in an ultrasonic bath with a solvent that will remove
any film on its surface. You can try a soap solution or
tetrahydrofuran (HPLC grade). This is a rather mild
treatment and should always be tried first. If such a simple
washing does not remove the film, than one can try to clean
the window by rubbing it with a suitable piece of wet paper
or cloth. You can get suitable tools by going to a camera
store and ask for lens cleaning tissue and fluid. This should
solve the problem.
Since this procedure is involved, it is better to prevent a
contamination of the detector window. Unfortunately, there
can be many different causes for dirty detector cell windows,
and in many cases it is not at all clear, what causes the
contamination of the window. But generally, one should
prevent precipitation by using the same precautions as for a
If the detector cell is clean and the problem still persists,
then the likelihood is high that the detector lamp has aged.
You should consult the detector manual to determine, if you
can replace the lamp by yourself or if you need technical
service. In most cases, the replacement of a UV detector
lamp is something that can be carried out by the HPLC
operator without difficulty.
If the problem persists after cleaning of the cell and
replacement of the detector lamp, the increased noise could
be due to issues with other parts of the HPLC equipment
such as the integrator or data system. In such a case, it is best
to have the system checked by trained service personnel.
wt = wc +w
V 2R
HPLC instrument.
Before I explain this in detail, I would like to point out a
quick way in which you can determine if system
bandspreading plays a role in your standard assays. I
guarantee that you will be surprised about the magnitude of
the instrument effects.
Let us assume that you are running an isocratic method,
and that your assay contains several analytes that elute at
different retention factors. Check the plate-count that your
instrument measures for the different analytes. In many cases
you will observe that the plate-count increases with increased
retention. Now note that there is no rule in HPLC theory that
predicts a higher plate-count at increased retention.
Therefore, the observed increase in column performance for
the peaks with higher retention values is most often due to a
decrease of the influence of extra-column bandspreading.
Since this effect is usually present to some degree with
columns of standard diameters (4.6 mm, 4.0 mm and 3.9
mm), it will play a larger role with smaller diameter columns.
In the following, I will discuss this effect in more detail and
give you the equations that allow you to calculate the
deterioration of column performance due to instrument
In isocratic chromatography, the square of the peak width
observed by the detector w2t is the sum of the square of the
peak width inside the column w2c and the square of the peak
width of all effects outside the column w2o:
w R
16 VR
Na =
w 2 + w2 16 V 2 + w2 N
1. T. Walter, B. Alden, P. Casellini, paper presented at
HPLC 97, Birmingham, UK
2. H. A. Claessens, M. A. van Straten, J. J. Kirkland, J.
Chromatogr. A. 728 (1996), 259-270
Figure 1
Resolution as a function of flow rate for a 5 m 15 cm
column for the conditions assumed here.
u min =3
Dm 1.710
1000 t L
p[psi]= 200
dyn / cm2]
1. U. D. Neue, in "HPLC-Columns, Theory, Technology and
Practice", Wiley-VCH, 1997
g +V silica
% Carbon
Vpore/g Factor f
29. pH Control
Q.: I have recently read an article that recommends the use
of mobile phases with an acidic pH for acidic compounds. It
was suggested that using acidic mobile phases reduces the
ionization of the acidic analytes and the silanols. This is
supposed to improve the peak shape and reduce tailing. Can
you explain the reason for this phenomenon?
A.: In general, tailing peaks are observed quite commonly on
reversed-phase packings with basic analytes at neutral pH.
This phenomenon is due to the interaction of the bases with
the silanols on reversed-phase packings. Tailing of acidic
analytes on the other hand is quite rare, at least under
circumstances where complicating factors such as
complexation or size-exclusion phenomena can be excluded.
There is no reason to expect an interaction between the
negatively charged acidic analytes and the negatively
charged surface silanols could cause such a phenomenon.
Therefore, the recommendation to exclusively use acidic
mobile phases for the separation of acidic analytes seems to
be quite limiting. Can you give me an example of this
improvement in peak shape?
Q.: Yes. In the article that I read, the example analyte was
ibuprofen, which is a simple hydrophobic analyte with an
acidic functional group. A C18 column was used, and the
mobile phase was a mixture of acetonitrile and buffer. The
buffer was a 5 mM phosphate buffer at pH 4.4. As you can
see from the chromatogram (Figure 1a), significant tailing
was observed. In the article, the pH of the mobile phase was
then changed from pH 4.4 to pH 3.0, using the same 5 mM
phosphate buffer, and a significant improvement in the peak
shape was observed. Additional improvements were shown
at pH 2.5 with 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid. This demonstrates
quite clearly the improvement in peak shape for ibuprofen at
acidic pH, doesnt it?
A.: I strongly disagree. This set of experiments does not
demonstrate at all, that you need an acidic mobile phase to
suppress the tailing of acidic analytes. The only thing that
this demonstrates is the fact that one should use a buffer in
the mobile phase. Phosphate has two pKa values, one is
around 2, the other around 7. Therefore, phosphate buffers
have their optimal buffering capacity around pH 2 and
around pH 7. At pH 4.4, phosphate has no buffering capacity
whatsoever. Therefore, the tailing of the ibuprofen peak with
the phosphate buffer at pH 4.4 is due to the lack of pH
control under these conditions.
Q.: This is a reasonable suggestion, and Ill see that I can get a
new column from the same batch that my colleague has
used. But what do I do if the problem turns out to be due to a
batch-to-batch difference?
A.: This, indeed, would be the worst case. First, I would try
to make a judgement as to how long the assay will be
needed. Sometimes, only a limited number of columns is
required, and the project will discontinue at some point in the
near future. Under these circumstances, the simplest thing to
do would be to ask the manufacturer to reserve sufficient
packing material from this batch for your project and ask
them to prepare columns for you upon request. Sometimes,
the manufacturer may ask you for an up-front payment for
the amount of packing that they put aside for you. However,
if you are in a situation where the new test will be used for an
indefinite amount of time into the far future, you need to
carefully think through what can be done to make the method
Having demonstrated to yourself that the packing material
that your colleague has chosen does not give you
reproducible results, it might be worthwhile to redevelop the
method on a different packing. This is a significant amount
of work, but it might very well be worth your while. There
are significant differences in the reproducibility of different
packings. You may discuss the problem with the
manufacturer and see if he can demonstrate to you that
another packing could give significant improvements in
reproducibility. Or you may consider a column with a good
reputation of reproducibility from another manufacturer. In
all of these cases, the development of the method starts again
at the bottom. You should inquire if the manufacturer can
make several batches of the packing available to you, so you
can verify the ruggedness of the method for yourself. Some
manufacturers offer column sets specially prepared for this
peaks for every sugar, and indeed, this is what you are
Q.: But under normal circumstances, I am getting only one
peak for every sugar. Only recently did I get these double
A.: Yes, amino columns usually give only single peaks for
every sugar. The reason for this is simply the pH in the pores
of the packing. The rate of the conversion from one anomeric
form into the other is a function of the pH. At alkaline pH,
the conversion is very rapid, and one gets only a single,
reasonably sharp peak. At acidic pH, the conversion is much
slower, and one can get two distinct peaks for every
carbohydrate. This is the prime reason for the use of amino
columns for this separation. The amino groups create an
alkaline environment in the pores, which speeds up the
interconversion, and one gets a single peak for all
carbohydrates. If for whatever reason the pH in the pores of
the packing is neutral or acidic, you will get broad peaks or
double peaks or even two very distinct and well separated
peaks for every sugar.
Now that we understand that this is the most likely cause
of your problem, we need to determine why there is a pH
shift. Commonly, the reason for this behavior is the aging of
the stationary phase; as the column is used, it looses some of
the basic bonded phase and forms more acidic silanols.
However, your description indicates that you observe the
same behavior on a new column. This would speak for a shift
in the pH of the mobile phase. Since the mobile phase
contains only two components, acetonitrile and water, you
could simply check the pH of the water alone and then of the
water/acetonitrile mixture. Hopefully, this will pinpoint the
source of the problem.
The next step is to regenerate the columns. Since most
likely the columns have been neutralized by an acidic
ingredient in the mobile phase, it should be possible to
remove this ingredient by a wash of the column at an alkaline
pH. The best approach is probably to wash the column with a
dilute solution of an ethylenediamine oligomer, such as
tetraethylene pentamine. This wash can regenerate the
column, but avoiding the acidic contamination to begin with
is still the best solution.
A.: It is relevant enough to cause measurable retention
changes if the buffer is prepared before or after the addition
of the organic solvent. In the literature (1), upward shifts of
the pKa of acids of about 1 unit have been reported between
100% water and 50% water/methanol. For the bases
reported, the pKa shifted by approximately 0.5 units between
100% water and 50% water methanol. If the analytes are not
completely ionized or non-ionized, this difference causes
substantial shifts in their elution times. Even changes in the
elution order are possible. Therefore, from a practical
standpoint, the current practice of standardizing the way the
mobile phase pH is specified is extremely important. I am
happy that I managed to convince you to follow the same
practice and to measure and specify the pH in the aqueous
component of your mobile phase.
1. E. Bosch, P. Bou, H. Alleman, M. Ross, Anal. Chem. 68
(1996), 3651
37. Overload
Q.: When I increase the amount of sample that I am injecting
the peaks start to tail and become broader. I am working with
fairly low concentrations and, therefore, would not expect
that the column is overloaded. I would appreciate if you
would discuss the phenomena that could cause such an event.
A.: Mass overload of the column is only one of the
phenomena that can cause a peak distortion upon increasing
the injection size. It is also possible that the mobile phase is
overloaded. Something like this can occur, if the sample is
not dissolved in the mobile phase. However, let me discuss
mass overload of the column first.
Mass overload of the column can be diagnosed very
rapidly. For common analytes, mass overload starts at an
injection of about 0.1 mg to 1 mg of sample per milliliter of
column volume. If you are using a UV detector, you can use
another rule. For most analytes possessing a strong UV
chromophore, mass overload starts if the peak height reaches
about 0.1 AUFS. Of course, these rules are rough rules of
thumb, but if you are injecting significantly less sample,
mass overload is not likely to be the problem.
Q.: Indeed, the amount of sample injected is much smaller.
Therefore, I do not think that mass overload is the cause of
the peak distortion. What else can be the problem?
A.: A common issue is the solvent in which the sample is
dissolved. If the sample diluent is a stronger eluent than the
mobile phase, peak distortion can occur. There can be
several reasons for this. It may be that the sample originated
in a solid phase extraction procedure that required a stronger
solvent than the mobile phase for the elution of the sample.
Under these circumstances, a simple dilution of the sample in
the weaker eluent may avoid the problem. Alternatively, the
sample can be evaporated to dryness and then reconstituted
in mobile phase or a weaker eluent. A similar problem is
caused by samples generated from dissolution tests. The acid
in the sample may overload the buffer of your mobile phase
and cause peak distortion. This can be fixed by either
adjusting the pH of the sample or using a stronger buffer in
the mobile phase. To prepare a stronger buffer, increase its
concentration and adjust the pH to a value close to the pKa
of the buffer. This requires a little bit of homework, but is
relatively straightforward. In most dissolution tests, the
number of analytes in a sample is very small, often just the
compound of interest plus the internal standard.
a. 5 m 0.7 mL/min
A.: The observation that the retention remains rock solid for
most of the peaks tells us that the overall properties of the
column and the mobile phase are not changing. General
shifts in retention could be explained for example by
impurities collecting on the column. Since this is not the
case, we need to look specifically into the properties of the
analyte, for which this shift occurs.
You describe the analyte as the only one that contains a
carboxylic acid group. This indicates that the reason for the
shift in retention is specifically related to this group. This is
not impossible as you have described that you are using a
reversed-phase column with an embedded polar group. This
bonded ligand could be the explanation of the phenomenon
There exist several types of bonded phases with an
incorporated polar group. They contain different embedded
polar groups, and the preparation procedure can be different.
The SymmetryShield and XTerra RP columns (1,2,3)
manufactured by Waters Corp. contain a carbamate group,
the Prism and Spectrum columns (4) from Keystone an
urea function, and the Discovery RPAmideC16 from
Supelco an amide group (Fig. 1). All of these columns are
prepared in a single-step bonding reaction: the ligands are
assembled first, and then attached to the surface in a single
step, or at least there is no evidence for a multi-step surface
SymmetryShield RP (Waters)
XTerra RP (Waters)
Discovery RP Amide 16
Prism (Keystone)
NH 2
CH 3
1. J. OGara, B. Alden, T. H. Walter, C. Niederlnder, U. D.
Neue, Simple preparation of a C8 HPLC stationary phase
with an internal polar functional group, Anal. Chem. 67,
3809 (1995)
2. J. E. OGara, D. P. Walsh, B. A. Alden, P. Casellini, T. H.
Walter, Systematic study of chromatographic behavior vs.
alkyl chain length for HPLC bonded phases containing an
embedded polar group, Anal. Chem. 71, 2992 (1999)
3. U. D. Neue, T. H. Walter, B. A. Alden, Z. Jiang, R. P.
Fisk, J. T. Cook, K. H. Glose, J. L. Carmody, J. M. Grassi,
Y.-F. Cheng, Z. Lu, R. J. Crowley,
Use of highperformance LC packings from pH 1 to pH 12, American
Laboratory, November 1999, 36
4. K. J. Duff,
Improved HPLC separations using
base-deactivated columns, American
Laboratory, February 1998, 32AA
5. T. L. Askah, K. M. R. Kallury, C. A. Szafranski, S. D.
Corman, F. Liu, Chracterization and HPLC evaluation of
a new amide-functionalized reversed-phase column, J.
Liq. Chrom. Rel. Technol., 19, 3049 (1996)
6. J. J. Kirkland, J. W. Henderson, J. D. Martosella, B. A.
Bidlingmeyer, J. Vasta-Russell, J. B. Adams, Jr., A highly
Stable Alkyl-Amide Silica-Based Column Packing for
Reversed-Phase HPLC of Polar and Ionizable
Compounds, LC-GC 17 (1999), 634
process. Since this is not the case, I would reject the injection
process as a source of the problem.
The mobile phase itself and all the components that it is in
touch with are the most likely source of the problem. Imagine
an ingredient in the mobile phase that is present at very low
concentration and has some retention on the column. If you
inject mobile phase that does not contain this ingredient, you
will get a negative peak with the same retention factor as the
ingredient would have, if you would inject it as a sample.
This is called vacancy chromatography. To solve your
problem, all we need to do is to find this ingredient. The
unfortunate part is that you are working at a very low
wavelength. You will see more compounds at a higher
sensitivity in the low UV region. I am sure that this is the
reason why you selected this wavelength to start with.
Q.: This sounds like a good description of what my problem
might be. What can I do to narrow it down further so that I
can eliminate it?
The first thing to do is to check the mobile phase itself.
What is the quality of the THF? What is the quality of the
water? You can simply inject a sample of THF and a sample
of water and see if you encounter a peak at the same
retention time as your negative peak. If you can create a
peak, you have found the source of the problem, and then
you can go to the next step. If it is the THF, you can
investigate the quality and purity of the THF. THF is prone
to form peroxides, and some forms of the THF contain
components that are designed to inhibit the formation of
peroxides. You should be able to get this information from
the label on your solvent bottle. THF is also an excellent
solvent for plastic parts and for extracting additives from
these plastics. Anything in touch with your THF solvent line
is suspect: filters, the tubing, seals, ferrules, anything
The water is a possible source as well. In most places,
water purification devices such as a Milli-Q system from
Millipore Corp are used. The filters in these devices have a
limited capacity and should be replaced after some period of
Another possible source of contamination is the buffer or
the buffer preparation itself. What did you use to stir the
flask when preparing the buffer? Was the flask clean? If you
measured the pH with a pH meter, did you clean the
electrode before you used it?
After you checked all the components of the mobile phase
and the devices in touch with the mobile phase and the
problem still has not yet been resolved, I would check the
HPLC instrument in detail. Are there any components that
are incompatible with your mobile phase, especially with
THF? Are there any pockets in the instrument that have not
been purged properly? Is there a possibility for bacterial
growth in your solvent path? I would place my bets on the
solvent, the water and the buffer preparation and look very
closely at these steps.
Q.: This sounds good, but it also is a large amount of work.
Is there a way to narrow it further?
A.: On first glance, I do not see how. On the other hand, you
may want to ask yourself the question, why do you want to
eliminate the negative peak. From the description of the
problem it appears that the negative peak does not interfere
with the analysis. Therefore, you may just declare that this is
a fact of life and ignore this. Of course, if you are in a
regulated environment, this should be thought through
The good wettability of these polymeric packings also
opens a new avenue: they can be used without difficulty in
parallel processing schemes such as 96-well plates (2). The
fact that you do not have to worry about the drying of every
single well just makes the whole sample preparation process
simpler. In addition, the simultaneous processing of many
plates eliminates many sources of error. For example,
standards can be processed together with the samples to
control the process or to correct the results. Also, significant
time savings are realized by parallel processing of many
To summarize:
The favorable wettability of the second generation SPE
sorbents makes sample preparation less tedious. The absence
of strong secondary interactions such as the silanol
interactions of C18 packings makes sample preparation less
tricky. The use of 96-well plates for parallel processing of
samples makes sample preparation much less time
consuming than it used to be. There is progress
1. Y.-F. Cheng, D. J. Phillips, U. D. Neue, M. Capparella, L.
L. Bean, Simple extraction methods for the determination
of drugs in serum, American Biotechnology Laboratory
December 1997
2. Y.-F. Cheng, U. D. Neue, L. L. Bean, Straightforward
solid-phase extraction method for the determination of
verapamil and its metabolites in plasma in a 96-well
extraction plate, J. Chromatogr. A 828 (1998), 273-281
3. Y.-F. Cheng, U. D. Neue, L. L. Woods, Novel highperformance liquid chromatographic and solid-phase
extraction methods for quantitating methadone and its
metabolite in spiked human urine, J. Chromatogr. B 729
(1999), 19-31
Peak Capacity
F [mL/min] >
Peak Capacity
Q.: What mobile phase additives can be used with reversedphase columns and LC/MS detection?
simplest additives are simple acids, such as formic acid or
acetic acid. They are often used in a concentration of 0.1%
up to 1%. This provides an acidic environment, enough to
fully protonate basic analytes. In many cases, this is
sufficient to provide good control over the retention of both
acidic and basic analytes.
However, there are exceptions, where such an approach
has its limitations. One of the disadvantages of a strongly
acidic mobile phase environment is the fact that the
ionization of acidic analytes is suppressed. Therefore, a
better condition for MS detection is to use a slightly higher
pH in conjunction with detection in negative ion mode. In
such a case, ammonium acetate and ammonium formate
buffers are used, and pH control is important to control
retention. The pKa of formic acid is 3.75, and the pKa of
acetic acid is 4.75. Consequently, these are the optimal pH
values for these buffers. The typical concentrations are
around 20 mM or lower, even as low as 5 mM are possible.
At such a low buffer concentration, it is definitely best to use
the buffers at a pH very close to the pKa of the buffering ion.
A reasonable rule of thumb for such low concentrations is to
use a buffer at +/- 1 pH units around the pKa of the buffer.
Another difficulty that can be avoided with a correct
choice of the pH is the suppression of the ionization of
analytes due to matrix interferences. This is a common
problem in the analysis of plasma samples by LC/MS.
However, most matrix interferences are ionic or ionizable in
nature, and the analytes of interest often are ionic as well.
Therefore the coelution pattern can be changed by changing
the pH of the mobile phase. With an appropriate change in
the elution pattern of the analytes and the interferences, ion
suppression can be avoided.
Occasionally, it might be desirable to run the
chromatography at alkaline pH. The reason for this can be
the avoidance of ion suppression, or a desire to improve
sensitivity by improving the ionization of the analytes of
interest. Acidic analytes give the best MS response in the
alkaline pH range. On the other hand, we found that even
basic analytes still respond surprisingly well under alkaline
conditions. The mobile phase additive that we use for weakly
alkaline mobile phases is ammonium bicarbonate. The pKa
values of the buffer constituents are 9.2 and 10.2. Therefore,
ammonium bicarbonate can be used over a broad alkaline pH
range, with the most preferred value at pH 10. This buffer is
completely MS compatible. Upon heating, ammonium
bicarbonate decomposes into only volatile components:
ammonia, water, and carbon dioxide.
To summarize: we have some good solutions for MS
compatible buffers in the acidic pH range from pH 3 to pH
5.5 and in the alkaline pH range from pH 8.5 to pH 10.
Q.: How about the salt ammonium acetate? I have seen it
being used at neutral pH.
A.: Yes, I have seen this as well. However, we must realize
that it is not a buffer at all. At pH 7, ammonium acetate has
no buffering capacity whatsoever. One should consider it to
6.2 - 8.2
8.1 - 10.1
8.2 - 10.3
9.2 - 11.3
11.3 - 13.3
8.2 - 10.5
8.8 - 10.8
8.7 - 10.7
9.3 - 11.3
9.7 - 11.8
10.2 - 12.2
10.3 - 12.3
1. Data assembled by Charles H. Phoebe, Waters
2. U. D. Neue. T. H. Walter, B. A. Alden, Z. Jiang, R. P.
Fisk, J. T. Cook, K. H. Glose, J. L. Carmody, J. M. Grassi,
Y. F. Cheng, Z. Lu, R. Crowley, American Laboratory 31,
22 (1999), 36 - 39
5.2 - 7.2
6.0 - 8.0
6.3 - 8.3
7.5 - 9.5
8.7 - 10.7
9.5 - 11.5
[H ]
(K a + [H + ])2
K a
(10 +10 )
With this equation, we can calculate the buffer capacity of
any buffer. The buffer capacity curve for an acetate buffer is
shown in figure 1. The curve looks similar to a
chromatographic peak. One can see that the buffer capacity
is highest around the pKa of the buffer, at pH 4.75. It slowly
drops in both directions, and at pH 3.15 and 6.35 it is only at
1/10 of the value it had at the maximum. This is the reason
for the rule of thumb that says that a buffer should never be
used outside 1.5 pH units around its pKa, since it looses its
buffering capacity outside this range. We are commonly
using buffers with a concentration of 50 mM, and the rule
has been created for buffers of this concentration. However,
in LC/MS applications, the buffer concentration is often only
around 10 mM. This means that at such a low buffer
Buffer Capacity
S= pc
A= pct
A= p
does not wet the surface, it is driven out of the all or part of
the pores of the packing. The surface becomes unwetted,
and retention is lost.
HILIC stands for hydrophilic
chromatography, a term first used by Andy Alpert (1). It
works with polar stationary phases such as silica and mobile
phases with a high content of organic solvent and a smaller
content of water. The retention mechanism is the opposite of
reversed-phase. Polar compounds are retained more strongly,
and retention decreases when the water content of the mobile
phase increases. The best known example is the separation of
sugars on amino columns, a technique first published by Fred
Rabel and Art Caputo (2). In this case, the mobile phase
consists of about 75% acetonitrile and 25% water. The
underlying principle of this technique is the partitioning of
the analyte into a surface layer highly enriched with water
(3). Therefore, the more soluble the analyte is in water, the
more retention is observed. Conversely, the less soluble the
analyte is in mobile phase, the more retention is observed.
This technique can be enhanced further via other retention
mechanisms, such as ionic interactions or ion exchange (4).
One of the difficulties of this technique is the low solubility
of very polar samples in a mobile phase with a high
concentration of acetonitrile. However, it is not as bad you
would think. Among other things, you can dissolve the
sample in a solvent composition with a higher water content
than the mobile phase, or even in pure water. If you do that,
you just need to reduce the injection volume so that you do
not get peak distortions.
A.: The last option depends on the type of analytes that you
are using. If they are ionic compounds such as amines or
acids, they can be converted into a neutral form by changing
the pH of the mobile phase. Amines specifically can be
converted to a neutral uncharged form in the alkaline pH,
around pH 10. Under these circumstances, the
chromatographic retention increases by a large factor. Often
a 10- to 30-fold increase in retention is found by changing
the pH and changing the analyte from the ionic form to the
non-ionic form. Of course, you need a packing that has been
designed for use at high pH. Fortunately, packings of this
type are available today (7), and this procedure can be used
very effectively and without difficulty.
Air bubble
Amino columns
Bonded phases
Buffer capacity
Carbon load
Clogged system
Column heater
Cyano columns
Dead volume
Delay volume
Diffusion coefficient
Double peaks
Dwell volume
Extra-column effects
Fast analysis
Flow rate
Ghost peaks
Ballistic gradients
Guard column
10, 11, 22, 30
6, 18, 26
4, 10, 11, 22, 30, 31, 40,
3, 48
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23,
34, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51
11, 12, 27, 28, 44, 48, 58
4, 7, 12, 13, 18, 25, 26
3, 6-11, 22-24, 30-33,
39-41, 48-50
4, 8, 14-17, 20, 23-26,
28, 29, 31-33, 36, 37,
41-44, 46, 49, 52, 53,
55, 56, 60, 61
20, 42, 60
22, 24, 31, 40, 41
34, 35
22-25, 53
5, 6, 26,38, 39, 41,45,
46, 53
10, 11, 31, 40
11, 27, 51
4, 56
12, 29, 30, 51, 58, 59
9, 11-13, 18-20, 25-28,
43, 44, 51, 57, 58, 61, 62
15, 16, 34
40, 41, 45
5, 6, 22
10, 12-14, 58, 59
4-6, 8, 10, 19, 21-22, 25,
30-32, 39, 59
4, 6, 22
9, 27, 28, 48
3, 14, 15, 17, 38, 46, 52
11, 15-18, 23, 26-27, 2930, 33, 37-38, 44, 47,
54-55, 57
6, 12-14, 18, 19, 21, 26,
29, 30, 37, 38, 51, 54,
55, 57-59
3, 14, 15, 17, 38, 39, 46,
48, 49, 51
16, 57, 58
Hydrolytic stability
Hydrophobic collapse
Injection volume
Ion exchanger
Ion pairing
Knitted tubes
Liquid-liquid extraction
Method control
Method development
Method verification
MS detection
Narrow-bore columns
Normal Phase Chromatography
Paired-ion chromatography
Peak area
Peak shape
Plate count
Polar compounds
Post-column derivatization
Retention and pH
Sample preparation
Sample matrix
Sample solvent
6, 31
3, 6, 22, 31, 33
6, 23, 24, 50, 63
19, 26, 41, 46, 49, 51
11, 18, 28, 29, 44
18, 23, 24, 28, 32, 38,
56, 58
31, 32
57, 58
32, 38-40, 45, 46, 48, 51
23, 28
29, 39, 40, 51, 52
55, 56
18, 20, 25, 26, 28, 43, 44
5, 10, 22, 30
9, 28, 44, 45
4, 6, 8, 20-22, 24, 25,
30-33, 36, 37, 41-43, 46,
52, 53, 55, 56
20, 25, 36, 37, 42-44,
56, 57, 60
31, 32
9, 29, 35-37, 42, 43, 48,
50, 56, 60
23, 24, 38, 46, 53, 54, 56
7, 15, 16, 27, 34, 45-48,
54, 55
57, 58
14, 19, 23, 26, 46
3, 14, 15, 26, 28, 38, 49
3, 8, 15, 18, 19, 23, 24,
38, 39, 46
7, 8, 23, 24
5, 6, 7, 10, 22, 24, 40
7, 24, 40
5, 6, 24
4, 22
3, 7, 8, 23, 28, 29, 38,
46, 53, 54
46, 52
28, 29, 45, 52
3, 14, 18, 45, 52
Size-exclusion chromatography
Solid-phase extraction
Solvent consumption
Storage (column)
Sugar separation
System volume
Time constant
van Deemter equation
Water saturated solvents
7, 10, 21, 22, 37, 38, 41,
42, 49, 60, 64
28, 29, 43, 44, 51, 56, 62
6, 8, 9, 22, 24, 34-37,
49, 50, 53
4, 5, 10, 11, 16, 21, 22,
30, 32, 33, 35, 37, 50,
53, 56. 63
7, 8, 15, 24, 28, 38
26, 28, 44
3, 5, 32, 42, 45, 48, 63
6, 7, 22
5, 14, 23, 30-32, 57
40, 41
11, 12
8-10, 18, 32, 36, 37, 44,
50, 57
4, 6, 14, 17, 18, 22, 24,
25, 32, 41, 46, 58
9, 43
16, 33
14-17, 33, 34
5, 10
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