Project Proposal

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Statement of the Problem

Since Technological Institute of the Philippines have been founded. We

haven't seen a right waiting place outside of T.I.P-QC so that we the proposer
propose a Waiting Shed. Waiting Shed is a small structure built mostly alongside
roads that serves as a waiting place. Why we need a waiting shed? It's simply
because we want a comfortable and safe waiting place. Every day we see a lot of
students waiting and sitting outside TIP-QC at the side wall which is a not a
waiting place. Waiting Shed is very important to a student like us. It can provide a
shelter from rain or from a very sunny weather.

In TIP-QC we have a waiting shelter but there's no bench or seats. In

waiting place we need a bench to avoid being tired of waiting. It's important to
solve this problem to avoid sitting in the side wall which is not right place for
waiting. It's very uncomfortable in our eyes to see every day a lot students sitting
on a side wall. Those people who are walking along the sidewalk maybe disturb by
the students who are sitting along the sidewalk. Some people may hit by the
jeepneys by not waiting in the proper place outside the campus. This problem
needs to be fixed immediately for the sake of the students and for those who are
using the sidewalk.


1. We the proposers want to give safety to the students while waiting and it
will not be hard for them to look for vehicle to ride on and they will not be
worried that they will get wet or to protect them to sunlight.


To decrease the students who are waiting in the side wall and we will
improve the way for the student who will enter the school if they are waiting
in the proper area by using our waiting shed it will enhance and beautify the
image outside our campus. It will also provide a space for waiting and
provides safety and light at night.

3. It will also help in improving the structures of our school.


For our group, Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City has
complete facilities for learning. Aside from it has a big library, it also has an open
air wherein the students could do they want, like.
Due to climate change, the weather condition, the weather condition today
is very humid plus the fact that we are living in a tropical country, the sun shines
for almost ten hours during daytime. With this, it came to our mind that we need
to request the TIP administration to build a waiting shed in front of the entrance
gate of the school facing Aurora Boulevard. This will also protect the students
from having a heat stroke which is really fatal.
If its possible, we would like o tell the administration the most ideal and
modern waiting shed. First of all, it must be concrete from the foundation up to its
roofing equipped with solar panel, CCTV camera, LED indicator, hanging
ergonomic seats and air purifier plants for a healthy environment or what we are
calling as ECOLOGICALLY BALANCED ENVIRONMENT. For us, this is the only design
applicable for ABET institution. TIP-QC must always play as model with a heart in
the community and in the whole nation and the world.

Figure 1.1

On the next pages, are the pictures or drawings of the other alternative
designs or materials. The pre painted metal roof and fiber glass roof are tidy and
elegant to look at and also functional.
Figure 2.2

Figure 3

Of course, the TIP administration has the right to choose other alternative
designs or materials by using metal roof, fiber glass or bare concrete waiting

Project Summary

Technological Institute of the Philippines QC is one of the most beautiful

institutions in the Philippines that make us, the students proud to be part of this
institution. But every beauty has its own flaws. And we the proposers found out
what does TIP QCs problem and thats lacking of waiting shed.

We want to give safety and convenience to the students while waiting and it
will not be hard for them to look for vehicle to ride on and they will not be worried
that they will get wet or to protect them to sunlight.

We have the most ideal

waiting shed that all wants. (See figure 1). This waiting shed equipped with solar
panel, CCTV camera, LED indicator, hanging ergonomic seats and air purifier
plants for a healthy environment or what we are calling as ecological balanced
environment. We have other designs that show a perfect waiting shed for
students of TIP QC.

A Proposed Additional Waiting Sheds in

Technological University of the Philippines QC Campus

ENGL 003
Alcantara, Johnel
Aldea, Mark Jayson
Abalos, Janz
Butac, Johann
Gatchalian, William


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