Lab 1 Calorimeter

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0 Abstract
In this experiment the calorific value and the gas factor are determined. Before the
experiment started the inlet and outlet temperature are ensured to be at stable temperature
which are the temperature difference between inlet and outlet is at 20 oC. the gas used in this
experiment is the natural gas. The inlet and outlet temperature of the boys calorimeter are
recorded every one complete revolution of the gas meter. The time also taken every one
complete revolution by using stopwatch. During time was taken, the water outlet from the
boys calorimeter also collected to get the volume of water every one complete revolution of
the gas meter. These steps are repeated four times to get the average value. The results are
recorded and calculated. The value might be different from what would we expected because
of some error that might occurred during the experiment.

2.0 Introduction
Boys Gas Calorimeter is an apparatus to determine the calorific value of gaseous
fuel. It consists of a gas burner with an arrangement to measure gas flow and pressure of the
gas supply to the burner. A gas pressure regulator on the cylinders help to provide gas flow at
lower pressure and dampens at any pressure fluctuations in a flow. The burner burns inside a
specially designed calorimeter container containing a cooling coil with flowing water. The
water is provided with a rotameter to measure flow of cooling water. Two thermometers are
provided at the inlet and outlet of the water flow through the coil. Heat is a form of energy
which is measured in unit of joules or calories. The quality of a fuel is determined by the
amount of heat generated by fuels that has the ability to produce more heat compare to the
others. This ability can be determined in terms of the amounts of joules or calories that were
generated when the fuel burn.
The quantity of heat may be measured indirectly in a variety of ways in terms of the
different effects of heat on material substances. The most important of these effects are rise of
temperature, change of state and transformation of energy.

3.0 Objective
To determine the calorific values of natural gas and the volume factor

4.0 Theory
A calorie technically is the amount of energy it takes to heat water by 1 degree.
Calorific value of natural gas is the amount of energy released when the natural gas
undergoes a complete combustion process under specified conditions. It is measured in units
of energy per unit of the substance, usually mass, such as: kJ/kg, kJ/mol, kcal/kg, Btu/lb. The
formula used to calculate the calorific value is; Caloric value = A x B x C x D, where A = The
average difference in water temperature in degrees celcius, oC B = The amount of water
collected in millilitre,ml C = 4.187 factor when converting Calories to Joules or (x3 x4 factor
to bring gas used to 1 cubic feet) D = The Gas Volume Factor Gas volume factor is the gas
volume at reservoir conditions divided by gas volume at standard conditions. It is a very

strong function of pressure, and a weak function of temperature and gas composition. The
formula used to calculate the gas volume factor is; Gas Volume Factor(GVF) = [(1+0.00367t)
x 755.43]/-a, where t = Ambient temperature in degrees celcius, oC = Ambient barometric
pressure in mmHg a = Vapour pressure in mmHg at temperature t

12.0 References
Book references
1. Jain P C, and Monica Jain, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company,
New Delhi, 2012.
2. Hydrocarbons for fuel--75 years of materials research at NBS By George Thomson
Journal references
1. A Gas Calorimeter. Boys, C. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A,
Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character (1905-1934). 1906-02-08. 77
Internet references

13.0 Appendix


Hyde meter

Gas meter

Aneroid barometer

Boys calorimeter

Natural gas

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