Adjectives Lesson Plan

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The key takeaways are introducing adjectives, having students identify them in a story, and using adjectives to describe their own haunted houses.

The purpose of the lesson is to teach first grade students what an adjective is, how to identify adjectives, and how to use adjectives to describe things like a haunted house.

The materials that will be used during the lesson include the book 'In the Haunted House' by Eve Bunting, poster paper, markers, and worksheets for students to identify adjectives and describe their own haunted houses.

TCNJ Lesson Plan

Beginning, Middle and End

Student Name: Samantha Bolognese


School Name: Lawrenceville

Grade Level: 1

Host Teachers Name: Mrs. Potter

Guiding and/or Essential Questions:

What is an adjective?
What do we use them for?
Pre-lesson Assignments and/or Student Prior Knowledge
Students have had previous lessons in nouns and describing character traits that will aid in
understanding of adjectives. Students are able to develop ideas and compose sentences.
With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions
from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed.
Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the
topic, and provide some sense of closure.
Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings
Use frequently occurring adjectives.

Learning Objectives and Assessments:

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to identify adjectives.

Students will out adjectives from the reading,
teacher will assess student answers for correct
identification of describing words.

Students will be able to use adjectives to

describe a haunted house.

Students will create a haunted house and write

descriptions about it using 5 senses; teacher will
assess students work for use of adjectives.

Students will be able to select and create

adjectives to enhance writing.

Students will choose adjectives to describe their

haunted house; teacher will assess students
writing for correct use of adjectives.

Materials/Resources: (List materials, include any online or book references and resources)
In the Haunted House by Eve Bunting
Poster paper
Haunted house coloring worksheet
5 senses worksheet
Plan for set-up/distribution/cleanup of materials:

Write anchor chart

Prepare worksheets
Make 20 copies of both worksheets

Step by Step plan (numbered):

1. Lesson beginning: Teacher will gather students on the rug, calling then by tables.
Teacher will introduce adjectives by asking students what an adjective is. Students may
have some idea or have heard of it before. Teacher will review with students that an
adjective is a describing word. Teacher will reveal anchor chart that lists ways adjectives
can be used to describe how something looks, smells, tastes, sounds, or feels.
2. Read aloud/discussion: Teacher will read the book In the Haunted House. Teacher will
stop every couple pages to ask students what the adjectives are. Teacher will reveal chart
of haunted house adjectives. Teacher will ask students what a haunted house may look,
smell, taste, sound, or feel. Teacher will call on volunteers to share their ideas. Teacher
will write the adjectives under their category. Teacher will prompt students to think about
the more challenging senses such as smell or taste. (Example: a haunted house may smell
musty or stinky, and taste dusty and or nasty witches brew.)
3. Activity: Teacher will introduce haunted house activity. You will get two papers. On the
first one you will write adjectives to create your own haunted house. You will pick
adjectives to describe your house by completing the sentences. The second paper is a
house that you may color when you are finished describing your house. Teacher will
dismiss students to their seats by groups. Teacher will ask the class paper passers to hand
out the house coloring page and the description paper.

4. Closure/wrap up: Teacher will give students a 5 and 1 minute warning. Teacher will ask
for 3-5 volunteers depending on time. While staying in their seats, students will walk to
the front and share their haunted house adjectives with the class.
Key Questions (that you will ask):
Have we heard of an adjective?
What is an adjective?
What are they used for?
What are our 5 senses?
What are some describing words used in the book?
What words can describe a haunted house?
How might the house look, smell, sound, or feel?
Timing: 30 minutes

Lesson beginning: 2-3 minutes

Read aloud: 5-7 minutes
Discussion: 5-7 minutes
Activity: 15 minutes
Closing: 5 minutes


Call students to and from rug by tables

Teacher will monitor students movement to and from rug

Classroom Management:

1,2,3 eyes on me
Have students sit on assigned rug spots
Enforce behavior chart when necessary


Teacher will write events on board in chart for extra guidance

Teacher will help students fold and cut their flap foldable
Early finishers may color their haunted house
Slower workers may finish during free time or in writing time

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