Vol-3 Rev0 15.09.2016 Employers Requirement

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Tender for an EPC Contract for Construction of

Liquid Storage Yard Facility at Owendo (GABON)



Tender for an EPC Contract for Construction of

Liquid Storage Yard Facility at Owendo (GABON)

Volume 3- Employer's Requirements

September 2016
General information


Project name

Construction of Liquid Storage Yard Facility

Document name

Tender documents
Volume 3 - Employers Requirements


SEP 14, 2016


Draft 0






Sunil Patel

GSEZ Ports S.A.

Construction Head

Subhash Gangaraju

GSEZ Ports S.A.

Head - Contracts

Srinivas Boddapati

GSEZ Ports S.A.

Manager - Planning

Mahendra Borkar

GSEZ Ports S.A.

Manager- Construction

Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents


Background Information
Contract Documents
Objectives of the Employers Requirements



Project background
Traffic forecast
Project Phasing
Tank farm layout
Scope and description of the Works covered by
this Tender
Phasing of the Works and Works Sections


Documents & Publications
Permits & Permissions
General Obligations
Project controls
Contractors Design and Documents
Contractors Facilities and Equipment
Attendance on and facilities for the Employers
Health and safety
Quality systems
Local goods and services





Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents





Possession of the Site
Cooperation with other Contractors & Users of
the Site
Setting-Out of the Works
Protection of the Environment
Site Restrictions and Access
Services, Structures and Works


Loads from Container Trailers
General cargo handling equipment
General material requirements
Steel materials
Steel protective treatment
Rock including Metal Aggregates
Testing and monitoring
Training of Employers personnel




Climatic and environmental exposure
classification works
Prevention Level to Alkali-Silica reaction
Workmanship & Testing




Earthworks - Levelling Of Hill Portion
Security Systems
Palm Oil Storage and Un/Loading Facilities
Civil Works for Pipelines and Connection Pits
Miscellaneous Facilities and Equipment
Scope of Work
Specific Requirement and Specification
Developing Phase-1 Tank farm for Hydrocarbon
Products, Palm Oil and Firewater Tank
Tank Design




Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents


Local Loading
Platforms and Walkways
General Details of Tank Farms
Materials Specification and Fabrication
General Fabrication
Inspection and Testing
Protective Coating and Painting
Safety Requirements
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Document Submittals:Plate and Structural Steel Material
Specification:Specification for Aluminium Internal Floating
Oil Water Separator (OWS)
Piping Work in The Tank farm
Fire Alarm and Fire Protection System
Electrical Work
Tank farm Management and Terminal


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Table 2-1 Traffic Forecast
Table 2-2 Functional elements of Phase 1 and scope
Table 3-1 Tentative list of permits and approvals
required for NGCT
Table 3-2 Design life criteria for civil works
Table 3-3 Design life criteria for Mechanical and
Table 3-4 Design life criteria for Pavement
Table 3-5 Design life criteria for Bulk storage facilities
and equipment
Table 3-6 Design life criteria for networks
Table 3-7 Review and approval of contractors
Table 5-1 Loads
Table 5-2 Tractor trailer axle loading
Table 5-3 Requirement of concrete design
Table 5-4 Frequency of testing
Table 5-5 Minimum material grade- Steel for piling
Table 5-6 Minimum material grade- Steel for structural
Table 5-7 Schedule of Protective Treatment to
Steelwork and Metalwork
Table 7-1 Criteria of Cat.3.1. Materials coming from
soft rock are the following
Table 7-2 Criteria of cat. 3.1. Materials coming from
alluvial gravels
Table 7-3 Criteria of Cat. 3.2: Granular material
insensitive to water
Table 7-4 Assumption of capping layer design
Table 7-5 EV2 modulus at top of capping layer for
Table 7-6 Frequency of laboratory tests for Cat. 1 and
Cat. 2 materials
Table 7-7 Frequency of laboratory tests for Cat. 3.1
Table 7-8 Frequency of laboratory tests for Cat. 3.2
Table 7-9 In situ tests frequency
Table 7-10 Pavement types
Table 7-11 Traffic data and Sizing2
Table 7-12 Dimensional Deviation of Pavers
Table 7-13 Storm water drainage network
Table 7-14 Runoff coefficients
Table 7-15 Sewage network


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents


7-16 CIE S008 standards for shipyard and docks

7-17 CIE S008 standards for shipyard and docks
7-18 Lighting requirements per area
7-19 Power supply for lighting
7-20 Voice and data network
7-21 Power supply network
7-22 Palm Oil product characteristics
8-1 Piping Material Specification
8-2 Applicable codes and standards
8-3 Loads on nozzle due to attached piping
8-4 Allowable stresses for local load analysis
8-5 Compressive stresses
8-6 Notations
8-7 Tank Dimensions
8-8 Tank Nozzle Details
8-9 Plate & Structural Steel Material Specification
8-10 Protective Coating and Painting
8-11 Quality Assurance and Quality Control
8-12 Quality Assurance Plan for Construction Of
piping Work
8-13 Item checking acceptance and form of
8-14 Quality Assurance Plan for Oil Water
8-15 Quality Assurance Plan for Slop Pump
8-16 Quality Assurance Plan for Fire Fighting
8-17 Plate and Structural Steel Material
8-18 Maximum span and bottom elevation of pipe
8-19 Voltage levels


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Figure 1-1 Operational areas
Figure 2-1 Plot showing the overall phasing for the
Figure 2-2 Features of the final terminal layout for
Phase 1
Figure 5-1 Container trailers wheel layout
Figure 7-1 Slope protection made of bamboo grid.
Figure 7-2 Trench filling (excerpted and adapted from
Fascicule 70)
Figure 7-3 Block Flow Diagram for the Palm Oil Storage
and Un/Loading Facilities


Appendix A

List of drawings



Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents



Background Information

1.1.1 Information to the bidder

The tender is for inviting offer from experienced and bonafied bidders for design,
development of scheme for petroleum & palm oil terminal with tank truck
loading along with automation and having desired experience of implementing
the complete work including construction of road along the pipeline and laying of
pipelines for sourcing the hydrocarbon products and palm oil.

1.1.2 Project Proposal

Gabon Special Economic Zone, a Govt. owned company of Republic Gabon,
Africa, intends to build a multipurpose storage yard called Gabon Liquid Storage
yard (GLSY) facility at near Port-a-Bois, Owendo near its upcoming New General
Cargo Terminal (NGCT)

1.1.3 Base line data

Gabon Special Economic Zone the Employer has engaged a consultant EGIS
for carrying out the Master Plan studies with base line information for developing
the GLSY proposal. With the study the owner is having the proposal to
develop the Gabon Liquid storage yard facility GLSY in two phase meeting with
the growth potential.

1.1.4 Phase-1 Scheme

Under first Phase (Phase-1) the construction of GLSY covers developing the site
limited to phase-1 area, consolidation of backfill, reinforced slope, providing
retaining wall, heavy traffic bituminous road, concrete paving for maintenance
area, container terminal, developing hydrocarbon terminal and palm oil terminal
with all associated facilities and utilities.


Contract Documents

These Employers Requirements shall be read in conjunction with the Contract

Documents listed in the Contract Agreement.
The Definition Drawings are provided in Appendix A
Each given dimension, line, level or point on a Definition Drawing is a specified
requirement, and is the responsibility of the Employer, unless such dimension is
referred to as approximate or nominal. Where a dimension is not given, or is


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

referred to as approximate or nominal, the dimension shall be determined by the



Objectives of the Employers Requirements

The Employers Requirements set out the minimum purpose, scope, design and
other technical criteria for the Works.
The overall project in which the Works are included consists of development of
GLSY with hydrocarbon and palm oil storages with road along the pile line and
laying hydrocarbon and palm oil pipelines between GLSY and NGCT.
These Employers Requirements relate to the marine and land based civil
engineering components of the work required for Phase 1 of the overall bulk
storage development project at GLSY.
The Employers overriding technical and engineering requirement is that the
Works are suitable in all respects for the safe, efficient, reliable and continuous
use under actual operational conditions at the GLSY and that they comply with
these Employers Requirements, including the design Criteria in chapters 5 and 6
presented in this document.



Definition Drawings means drawings which show elements of the scope,

standard, design criteria or programme of work as included in the Contract.

Information Drawings means drawings which show existing facilities,

wrecks/obstructions, services, structures etc. Information Drawings form
part of the Site Data.

Other Contractors means the contractors working on the Site and Site as
defined in Section 4.2 of this document.

OPRAG means the Port Authority of Gabon (Office des Ports et Rades du

Drawings include sections, elevations, drawings, specifications, programs

and method statements;

Onshore works means all works to be performed on the Land Plot and the
works to be carried out on the GLSY;

Marine works includes reclamation with consolidation and reclamation

containment structure;


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Site comprises: the Hydrocarbon and palm oil tank forms, two lane road
and pipe line corridor within the project perimeter as defined on drawing
Figure 1-1

ISPS Enclosed area designates the restricted area subject to ISPS

requirements (as opposed to the public areas).

DMC Platform is the platform constructed of sheet piles and backfill, as

built by the company Divers Marine Contracting.

Third Party Approvals or TPA means all permits, licenses and approvals,
as required by the law or otherwise, in relation to the design, execution and
completion of the Works, that require to be obtained from organisations
other than the Employer

Works mean the Permanent Works and Temporary Works, or either of

them as appropriate.

NGCT Land Plot is the section of the Site located to the north of the
existing railway. It comprises: the Service Area, the Bulk Storage Area and
adjacent areas within the project perimeter a defined on drawing GE-LI-001
provided in Appendix A, and on following figure.

Container Yard is the section of the Site located foreshore and nearshore,
to the south of the existing railway. It comprises: the container stacking
area, the Main Berth, the Service Berth, adjacent quay strips and adjacent
areas within the project perimeter as defined on drawing GE-LI-001
provided in Appendix A, and on following figure.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Figure 1-1 Operational areas




Assemble Plnire de Socits d'Assurances Dommages


Closed-Circuit Television


Chart Datum


Construction Environmental Management Plan


Crude Palm Oil


Construction Waste Management Plan


Dry Density of Optimum Proctor Normal


Direction Gnrale de lEnvironnement (National Environment




Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Divers Marine Contracting LLC.


Dead Weight Tonnage

HSE (or
Environment Hygiene Safety (Health, Safety & Environment)

Electronic Content Management


Engineering, Procurement and Construction

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (Environmental
Impact Assessment)

Environmental and Social Management Plan (Plan de Gestion
Sociale et Environnementale)

General Conditions of Contract


Gabon Port Management


Gabon Special Economic Zone


Gabon Liquid Storage Yard




High Voltage


Health Safety and Environment


International Association of Lighthouse Authorities


International Labour Organization


Indice de protection Protection class


International Ship and Port Facility Security Code


Information Technology


Joint Venture


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents


Lowest Astronomical Tide


Level of Service


Low Voltage


Mitigation, Compensation and Monitoring


Mobile Harbour crane


Mean Low Water (Level)


Mean Sea Level


Medium Voltage


National Fire Protection Association


New General Cargo Terminal


Niveau General du Gabon Gabon Vertical Reference



Motorised Operated Valve


Truck Loading Facility


Motor Control Centre


High Speed Diesel


Superior Kerosene Oil


Motor Spirit


Variable Frequency Drive


Close Circuit TV


Programmable Logic Control


Emergency Shut Down


Office des Ports et Rades du Gabon


Particular Conditions of Contract


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents


Peak Ground Acceleration

Plan de Gestion Sociale et Environnementale (Environmental and
Social Management Plan)


Palm Kernel Oil


Personal Protective Equipment


Plateforme Suprieure des Terrassements Earthwork upper



Reinforced Concrete
Socit dEau et dElectricit du Gabon Gabon Water and
Electricity Company


Socit Gabonaise dEntreposage de Produits Ptroliers


Scope of Work


Terminal Operating System


Third Party Approvals


Universal Transverse Mercator


Very High Frequency


Waste Water Treatment Plant


Zone Load Testing


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents



Project background

GSEZ Ports S.A. intends to develop the GLSY with hydrocarbon and Palm oil
storages with appurtenant facilities for administration, evacuation, etc and
laying of pipelines from NGCT to GLSY and construct road along the pipeline
from GLSY to NGCT.
The Works are related to Phase 1


Traffic forecast

The bulk storage facilities and palm oil jetty will be developed to accommodate the
following estimated traffic:
Table 2-1 Traffic Forecast
SI. No




(tonnes per

Palm oil









Project Phasing

The project will be built in two phases to cope with the expected traffic
increases. This tender covers Phase 1. The overall phasing for the project is
illustrated in the figures below.

Phase 1:

Developing tank farm covering

4 Nos (HSD Diesel) - tanks cone roof
3 Nos (M.S. - Petrol) - tanks cone roof with internal floating roof
2 Nos (SKO Kerosene) - tanks cone roof
3 Nos Palm oil - tank cone roof
2 Nos Palm Kernel oil - tank cone roof
2 Nos fire water - tanks cone roof


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Figure 2-1 Plot showing the overall phasing for the project

These Employers Requirements concern the Phase 1 Works, as described above,


Tank farm layout

The main features of the final terminal layout for Phase 1 of the development
are shown on the following figure and table (see also the GE-PL-001 in Appendix


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Figure 2-2 Features of the final terminal layout for Phase 1

The main features for each component of the terminal are described below. They
are further developed in subsequent sections of this document.
Table 2-2 Functional elements of Phase 1 and scope



Hydrocarbon storage for

import (30,000t) and
inland distribution

Tanks for the storage of Hydrocarbons (HSD, MS

& SKO) of Capacity 30,000 tonnes.
Unloading/loading to the terminal through
pipelines / tanker trucks. Transfer of
hydrocarbons from tanks to inland through
trucks. Sampling Station, automation, truck
loading facility and all other networks.
Interfacing with NGCT Contractor and connecting
the pipes with existing NGCT pipe network.

Palm Oil storage for

export (10,500 t)

Tanks for the storage of palm oil (CPO, KPO).

Capacity 10,500 tonnes. transfer of palm oil to
the NGCT terminal. Unloading/loading to the
terminal through pipelines / tanker trucks.
Unloading of palm oil from trucks to tanks and
loading to NGCT storage tanks and or ships
through pipe line. Sampling Station, automation,
truck loading facility, cathodic protection, heating


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

arrangement, insulation and all other networks.

Interfacing with NGCT Contractor and connecting
the pipes with existing NGCT pipe network.

Sampling and weighting


Station for controlling the entry and exit of

material to the Bulk Storage Area by truck. It
includes the secondary weighbridge, a sampling
station and a guard room, along with all
necessary fittings and operation systems

Entrance/Exit Gates

Three gates in each direction. Scope includes

access control, construction gate complex and all
other associated works.

Parking for cars

For cars of administrative, operational and

customs personnel.

Buffer parking for trucks

Parking area for trucks waiting for

loading/unloading inside the terminal (capacity
20 road trucks)


Located at the entrance to the terminal for the

weighing of trucks entering/exiting to/from the
terminal. 80 T capacity Pitless type weigh bridge.


Rail crossing/road crossing

Rail crossing/road crossing facilities for

hydrocarbon/palm oil pipe line


Area for water tank for Fire

water storage and Fire
pumping station

Reserved area for installation of drinking water

and fire-fighting water tanks included in the
Contractors scope
This area can be relocated as per the
Contractors design subject to approval of the
Employers Representative

Road along the pipeline

Two lane Road along the pipe line from NGCT to

entry of Port Bois Entrance security gate with
side berms and revetment, Signage's and road


Earth works

Site clearance, Excavation , Filling, compaction,

consolidation, Reinforced slopes, Retaining wall,
diversion of existing utilities, dismantling of
existing buildings; geotechnical works



All type of pavements. Road signs, markings


Fencing and Gates

Temporary and permanent fencing and gates

conforming to ISPS



Storm water, drainage, sewage, water and fire

fighting including oil water separator etc. WWTP,
chlorination system and connecting all the pipe
lines to outfall and or into the sea.


Power Supply network

Power supply, lighting, high mast, cabling ,DG

set for back up, Earthling , substation
equipment, cabling from NGCT process
substation to GLSY substation. Interfacing with
NGCT Contractor and connecting the pipes with
existing NGCT pipe network.



All works covering hydrocarbon, palm oil area

with cabling ,UPS, server, connection from
Gabon telecom .display, etc.



Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents


Pipe line

Pipelines between NGCT and GLSY for

unloading/loading of Hydrocarbon and Palm oil
(above ground/underground), cathodic
protection, insulation, heating arrangement,
route markers etc.


Land Scape

Provision of land scaping as per scheme

approved by Employer.


Scope and description of the Works covered

by this Tender

The scope of work under this tender include

2.5.1 Pipeline from New General Cargo Terminal (NGCT) to

Gabon Liquid Storage yard (GLSY)
Carrying out detailed route survey between NGCT to GSLY,

Pipeline facilities including loading hoses, manifold, pigging stations, air and
nitrogen purging arrangements for one pipeline for handling HSD (Diesel) &
SKO (Kerosene) unloading and one pipeline for handling MS(Petrol) - (500600 m3/hr withdrawal rate). ). One pipeline for palm oil transfer (300 t/hr)
withdrawal rate on the NGCT Berth.

Carrying out route survey for laying three no's (3 no's) of above ground
pipelines, two no's lines for hydrocarbon and one no. line for palm oil, in
line with corridor identified, establishing the crossings for railway line,
crossings for vehicles, concrete paving, service road, establishing pipe
support saddles for laying the pipeline, identity special supports at marshy
stretch, developing terminal and facilities, preparation of flow diagram, bill
of materials for the transfer pipeline system complete from NGCT to GSLY
end and getting approval of the Employer.

Preparation of specification for pipe, pipe fittings, forged bends (for piggable
pipeline), valves, scrapper barrels at both ends, air and nitrogen purging
scheme and material, loading / unloading manifold, hose and connected
pipeline, coating external for saline / coastal environment for complete
system, internal coating of jet fuel line, facilities at jetty and at terminal
complete in all respect.

Procurement of all material for the scheme including all fitting fixtures
accessories complete in all respect.

Fabrication and Laying of the pipeline as per the approved scheme including
all civil pedestals, special crossings, construction of road, organizing third
party inspection complete in all respect, testing, painting, cleaning, air
drying and keeping the system ready for operation.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Assistance during commissioning and initial operation phase interfacing with

suppliers for smooth taking over of the complete system by the Employer.

The owners approval.

Preparation of specification for pipe, pipe fittings, pumps, valves, manifolds,

unloading hose and connectors, support and painting scheme.

Procurement of all materials for the complete scheme.

Fabrication, erection, testing, painting of the system, air drying and keeping
the system ready for commissioning.

Assistance during commissioning and initial phase of operation interfacing

with suppliers for smooth takeover of the system by Employer.

2.5.2 Developing Phase-1 Tank Farm for Hydrocarbon

Products, Palm Oil Storage and Fire Water Storage
Site clearance of tank farm area and tanker truck loading area, excavation
and filling, consolidation of back filling in layers (with desired proctor
density) reinforced with approved material on the slopes, developing
retaining walls, grading for smooth flow of rain water towards sea as per
scheme approved by Employer.

Soil investigation and establishing the soil strengthening, identify the type
of tank pad foundation for tank and seek approval of Employer for soil
consolidation / bearing capacity improvement solution over and above sand
pad construction.

Developing the scheme for complete tank farm for phase-1 including tank
pad construction for tanks, concrete wall, dyke surface drain, oily water
drain, piping scheme from incoming manifold to tank farm and from tank
farm to transfer pit drain line, all inter connected piping, fittings, valves,
transfer pumps within tank farm area, hume pipe network for oily water
outlet, surface drain and storm water drainage developing dynamic type
oily water separator with storage pond for oily water, two stage oil
separator, oil in water meter at outlet point with recirculation arrangement,
sump tank and slope tank system, firefighting system for fire water, water
spray system and injection, provision for all instrument gauges at tanks for
maintaining and transform automation, developing service road around tank
farm, earthing scheme, tank farm lighting and other electrical work for
valve actuation and power supply arrangement for pumps, developing
corridor for electrical and instrumentation cables in tank farm area,
developing painting scheme for tank and piping complete in all respect and
approval of the Employer.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Procurement of steel plates, pipes, pipe fittings, steel structures valves,

motor operated valves, thermal relief valves, surge relief system, pumps for
transfer of palm oil, firefighting pumping units, saucy pump, oily water
system, material for all civil work for developing tank farm covering

4 Nos (HSD Diesel) - tanks cone roof

3 Nos (M.S. - Petrol) - tanks cone roof with internal floating roof
2 Nos (SKO Kerosene) - tanks cone roof
3 Nos Palm oil - tank cone roof
2 Nos Palm Kernel oil - tank cone roof
2 Nos fire water - tanks cone roof
The above tank sizes are indicative only. Contractor can propose sizes
based on the project requirement

Pump shed and pumping system for palm oil transfer to NGCT, Pump shed
and unloading pumps, palm oil from tank truck, pump shed and loading
pumping units for hydrocarbon transfer, pipeline for tank farm, tank truck
transfer system in TLF shed and all related piping facility for hydrocarbon
facility and palm oil firefighting facility, firefighting pump units, engine
driven, direct online type jockey pump, fire hydrant network for tank farm,
TLF area, cooling water spray system and foam proportion, foam pourer
system for TLF, foam pourer piping for tank.

Compete material for electrical work for tank farm and TLF gantry area
covering PCC, MCC panel, power cable, lighting cable, earthing material,
lightening arrestor material, DG set power backup, UPS system, material for
dynamic type oily water separator scheme.

All MOVs and power supply connection material.

All civil work items covering tank farm development, tank pad construction,
pump shed, TLF gantry, firefighting pump shed area, palm oil truck
unloading pump shed area, control room and for all civil pedestals and
supports for piping, pump foundation, service road, paving work in tank
farm, road side drain, storm water drain, complete.

Facility for underground sump tank with vertical mounted transfer pump to
one of the tank with facilitator truck loading provision of slop tank and
mounting slop tank pump for transfer of the slop oil to tanker truck.

Construction work covering

Compound grading of tank farm and TLF gantry area

Tank pad construction for HSD, SKO, MS, palm oil and fire water,
storage tanks

Fabrication, erection, testing of complete tanks for HSD, SKO, MS,

palm oil and fire water service


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Construction of oil water sump installation of dynamic type oil water

separator and associated work

Installation of pumping units, execution of piping systems, covering

hydrocarbon products, palm oil in tank farms and TLF area and truck
unloading piping in palm oil area and for transfer pipeline

Installation of firefighting pumping units and jockey pump

And execution of fire hydrant network and foam water piping to tanks
in tank farm area, cooling water spray system, foam proportional foam
generation system for TLF gantry, hydrant network for TLF gantry.

Execution of all electrical work of setting up PCC feeder and MCC

panels, cable laying, termination testing and commissioning of all
pumps, MOVs and electrical system

Complete earthing scheme covering tank farm, TLF, pump shed and
oily water scheme area

Construction of all accessories and fittings for tank farm and terminal
instrumentation work for tank farm terminal and construction work.

Painting of tanks, piping, civil structure and all facilities and utilities

Assistance during initial phase of operation interfacing with suppliers

for smooth takeover of system by the Employer

2.5.3 Instrumentation scheme and automation of tank

farm and terminal with PLC system
A computerized automation system is envisaged for the hydrocarbon
products being handled through this tank farm or terminal.

The palm oil storage system instrumentations limited to manual and local
operations. The following shall be controlled by terminal automation system

Tank truck entry sub system for hydrocarbon products


Tank truck loading for hydrocarbon product tanks


Truck loading by queuing


Tank farm management for hydrocarbon product tanks


Pump automation using VFD based energy saving system


MOV automation


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents


Fire water system operation through PLC along with makeup water


Terminal security system

Scheme development for instrumentation system to core palm oil tanks,

pumps protection and pipeline systems for palm oil unloading, loading are
also to be covered.

Scheme for status of oil water system operation and control shall be

Developing scheme for linking fire water pumping units starting on fire
alarm system detection, local activation of break glass through fire hydrant
system panel and linking the same to PLC shall be covered.

CCTV monitoring system to be incorporated as a part of this scope covering

tanks, terminals, TLF area, pump shed and other critical area. With the above objective scheme development shall be involved

in the terminal automation system. Providing all materials and accessories covering the complete

All instruments / systems / fittings, cables for tank entry sub systems for
hydrocarbon products

All instruments, fittings, cables and loading arm assembly with metering,
sensors including earthing materials and all related etc complete for TLF
loading system at TLF gantry with provision for incorporation of dozing

All instruments, sensors for monitoring truck queuing

Radar type tank gauging system, temperature and pressure sensors as per
scheme on all hydrocarbon product tanks and transmitters for taking the
signal for tank farm management through PLC

Auto start and stop of transfer pump through VFD controlled energy saving
motor system

Instruments for control of all MOVs through PLC based tank farm / terminal

Supply of instrument system complete for palm oil tank including level
indicator, temp sensors, pressure sensors, flow meter, pump protective
system etc for operation of palm oil, unloading and transfer of palm oil.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Loading arms for unloading palm oil from truck

All material hardware subsystem for CCTV covering tank farm, terminal, TLF
gantry, pump shed area

All material, system for foam proportioning system for TLF gantry

All material, system for water spray sprinkler system for TLF gantry

Supply of all cables for instrumentation, automation, covering, hydrocarbon

product tanks, palm oil tanks, fire water tanks, TLF gantry, pump shed,
tank truck entry system, tank truck loading system, oily water system,
CCTV system, devised earthing materials and all related accessories

PLC type control panel for achieving terminal automation and tank farm
management including system for generation of various status and MIS
reports as detailed. Carrying out all civil and structural works for mounting
instrumentation work providing all materials, laying all instrument cable
as per approved scheme and instrument earthing scheme, installation of
radar type tank gauge, temp sensors, pre scan sensors for tanks,
pumps, flow meter, sensors complete for loading arm hydrocarbon
products, flow meter sensors and all other field instruments for safety of
the installation and the tank farm terminal automation.

Installation of CCTV system complete

Installation of instrument status connection system to PLC panel on oily

water separator.

Fire alarm system for tank farm and all connections to PLC system for
terminal automation for auto start of pump on alarm

ESD operation system

Installation of loading arm with flow meter and sensors with earthing
scheme complete with line to PLC system for terminal automation

Installation of tank entry subsystem and all connection to PLC based

automation systems

Provision for dozing system of dozing incorporated at later stage

Installation of all instruments and transmitters for actuation on MOVs

through PLC based terminal automation

Installation of all instruments, fittings and transmitters for actuation of

transfer pumps for hydrocarbon products


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

VFD based motor with PLC based terminal automation

Installation of cooling water spray system for TLF gantry

Installation of foam proportioner and foam system for TLF gantry

Public address system connectivity to PLC based automation

Installation of level gauges, temperature sensors for palm oil tanks

Instruments for safety operation of transfer pumps of palm oil in unloading

gantry and transfer pumps to NGCT

2.5.4 Developing scheme for heat tracing for palm oil tanks
Supply of all materials, heating tape, power supply arrangement, sensors,
trip systems cabling, earthing complete.

Installation of the heat tracing system for palm oil tanks.

Thermic fluid heater and circulating system and heating coils of at the
bottom of all Palm oil tanks, Fittings and accessories.

2.5.5 Providing fencing for TLF area with access gate for
petroleum products with card punching system at
2.5.6 Providing weighing machine for the TLF and palm oil
truck tanker weighing at entry road complete and
connecting the system to automation.
2.5.7 Carrying out comprehensive HAZOP studies for the
complete tank farm, TLF loading system through an
experienced agency for finalizing the layout of the
terminal and the safety distance to other facilities
and external facilities are in order.
2.5.8 Developing parking for the empty in coming tank
trucks with rest room for the drivers with public
address system for parking a minimum of 20 trucks.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

2.5.9 Carrying pile foundation for some of the tanks where

sand pad foundation may not be adequate based on
detailed soil investigation.
Developing a testing laboratory at control room with all desired facility for
testing hydrocarbon products and palm oil.

The Contractor shall design, construct, test, commission, rectify defects

and complete all facilities and systems of the kinds required to complete
the Works as described herein and as shown on the Definition Drawings,
including but not limited to:

The earth work excavation and filling of low lying areas at GLSY

Consolidation, compaction and construction of sub base, base;

Construction of revetment, embankment, retaining wall or any
structure at the excavated portion of the GLSY Yard.

Sanitation facility for GLSY users.

The internal and external roadways ( From NGCT to Port a Bois

The connection pits, RC trenches, supports and protections for the

Palm oil pipe;

All necessary utilities, lighting networks and security equipment;

All necessary pavement for truck loading, vehicle parking areas
The main access gate comprising:

2 inbound lanes
2 outbound lanes

Gatehouses for inbound and outbound lanes;

The Car Park and dedicated accesses;
The Trucks and car Park;
The area for Fuel station;
The main weighbridge;
The Rail crossing;
All adjacent areas and facilities of the Land Plot which are not included
in the Bulk Storage Area;

All necessary utilities, networks, lighting;

All necessary fencing and security equipment

The Bulk Storage Area comprising :

The storage and unloading facilities for Hydrocarbons

HSD(Diesel),SKO(Kerosene) & MS(Petrol)

The Storage and un/loading facilities for Palm Oil (Crude Palm Oil
(CPO) and Palm Kernel Oil (PKO)):

storage (capacity 10,500 tonnes in 5 tanks);

unloading (2 truck capacity);
piping, pumping, heating system, pigging system and all fittings
and equipment for loading ships at 300 t/h at the NGCT Berth;

The check point of the Bulk Storage area including weighbridge,

sampling station, guard room;
The RC trenches, supports and protections for the Hydrocarbon


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

The RC trenches, supports and protections for the Palm oil pipe;
The internal and external roads;
All necessary utilities, networks, lighting;
All necessary fencing and security equipment.

The Works included shall be as detailed in the Contract and shown in the
definition drawings and include the following major items:

Design Engineering and studies;

Site surveys;
Installation, maintenance and removal of the Construction Camp and
facilities for the Employer/ Employer representative;

Mobilization, maintenance and demobilization of construction

Setting out and site clearance;
Diversion of existing networks, services;
Rockworks, earthworks and /or structural works for associated
embankments, revetments and/or retaining walls;

Construction of Road along the pipeline corridor;

Installation of pumping systems & un/loading facilities for hydrocarbon
(with pigging facilities) palm oil;

Pavement of roads, loading and parking areas and sidewalks;

Road marking;
Provision and erection of road signs and road furniture;
Construction of the storm water drainage system at GLSY;
Construction of the network of water supply and fire-fighting. Including
water tanks and booster;

Construction of the sewage system including WWTP;

Construction of the floodlighting and general lighting systems;
Construction of the power supply network;
Construction of the telecommunication network;
Supply and installation of security equipment;
Construction and supply of Hydrocarbons storage and un/loading
Construction and supply of Palm Oil storage and un/loading facilities;
Construction of the trenches, supports and protections for Hydrocarbon
pipelines, Palm oil pipes.
Construction of the connection pits for Hydrocarbon and Palm oil pipes.
Construction of road/rail crossing;
Construction and supply of weighbridges;
Supply of spare parts;
Training of operating staff.

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all aspects of the design of the
Works and for providing such plant, materials and workmanship and


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

whatever else may be necessary or desirable to meet the Employer's

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the design and construction of
the Works to comply with the requirements of the Environment and Social

Management Plan.
Notwithstanding the detailed requirements set out in these Employers
Requirements, the Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the
works are technically and economically feasible; practical, safe and
economical to fabricate/construct; and safe, efficient and economical to
operate and maintain.


Phasing of the Works and Works Sections

All works for construction of the Hydrocarbon storage tanks, Palm Oil
tanks and related un/loading facilities and equipment as described in
sections 7.6 and 7.7 hereafter with corresponding pavement, networks,
utilities and security systems


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents



Documents & Publications

The Contractor shall maintain current copies of the following documents and
publications on site at all times:

A full set of the contract documents

Copies of all correspondence

Copies of all design standards and construction specifications required for

the works

Copies of relevant legislation and regulations applicable to the works

Records of all on and off site quality testing

All progress photographs

Baseline and up to date topographic and bathymetric surveys

All current design and construction documents (reports, drawings,

schedules, etc.)

Marked-up copies of the design and construction documents to be used for

recording the as-built Works


All necessary documentation that may be required for inspection by

the Port, Customs, Environmental, Labor, Fiscal and other Government


Full documentation relating to all material and equipment delivered to site


Permits & Permissions

The following table provides the tentative list of permits and approvals required
for NGCT and identifies which approvals and permissions are to be borne by the


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Table 3-1 Tentative list of permits and approvals required for NGCT
Employer's scope


SI. No


Building Permit



Authorization for
storage of petroleum
and gas products

Authorization for
storage of chemicals

Authorization for raw

water supply

Authorization for
Power supply

temporary power
construction activities


Employer's scope
S. No


Authorization for
waste water



Authorization for
ion (

Authorization to
operate a quarry
during construction



Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents



3.3.1 Main Stakeholders and Third Parties

The completion of the project requires the intervention of organisations
other than the Employer. For the purposes of these Employers
Requirements such organisations are termed Stakeholders. The Contractor
is required to coordinate with the Stakeholders for all matters that concern
the execution of the Contract.

The following organisations have been identified as key Stakeholders.

Ministere Du Petrole Et Des Hydrocarbures

OPRAG is the Port Authority of Gabon. Contractor shall comply with all
OPRAG rules and stipulations;

Customs Authorities;
DGEN and the entities in charge of Environmental monitoring;
The governmental entities, Police, Fire Services, etc.;
SGEPP, for storage and hydrocarbon pipelines;
SETRAG railways company;
Marine Marchande;
GPM Gabon Port Management;
CIM Gabon Cement;
The other operators at the port.
The Contractor shall comply with all relevant regulation. In addition to
Ministere Du Petrole Et Des Hydrocarbures/OPRAG/SGEPP, other
Authorities may be involved for some issues concerning the Works. All
these authorities are named as Third Parties.

3.3.2 Third Party Approval

The Works shall be designed, constructed, commissioned, maintained and
operated in accordance with these requirements and those of Ministere Du
Petrole Et Des Hydrocarbures/OPRAG/ SGEPP and ancillary consents and

The Contractor shall also obtain all necessary Third Party Approvals (TPA) to
permit the construction of the Works

In the event of a conflict between the legal requirements of statutory

authorities and of these Employers Requirements, those legal
requirements shall take precedence. Contractor shall incorporate all such
requirements of Authorities in his design/ drawing/ construction without
any additional cost to Employer. Should any conflicts between these
requirements be identified, these shall be referred to the Employer for

information, as soon as possible.

Concurrently with the issue of the notice of the Commencement Date, the
Contractor shall give not less than seven days' notice to attend a meeting


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

that shall be held to determine a programme and plan for obtaining all

The Employer shall be entitled to attend all meetings held related to the
gaining of the TPAs. The Employer shall also be copied in on all
correspondence related to the TPAs. This information shall not relieve the
Contractor of its responsibility for gaining the TPAs.

The Contractor shall supply copies of all TPAs and notices to the
Employer to allow the Employer to comply with any obligations imposed
by TPA.

After gaining TPA, the Contractor shall not amend the conditions of the
approvals without the written approval of the Employer.
The Contractors work shall at all times progress in compliance with all TPAs.
Should the Contractor for any reason whatsoever cause or permit such TPA
to be withdrawn, the Contractor shall be fully responsible for their
reinstatement or re-issuance.

3.3.3 Agreements, Approvals and Consents

The Contractors general obligations shall include, without


complying with the relevant agreements, approvals and consents in the

design, construction and commissioning of the Works.

This shall include but not be limited to complying with:

Relevant requirements of the Employer.

The requirements of the Environmental and Social Management Plan
The relevant requirements of Ministere Du Petrole Et Des

for approval for construction of storage and Hydrocarbon and Palm

oil ,



in respect of electricity, water and sewerage met works

General Obligations

3.4.1 Compliance with Environmental Controls

The Contractor shall comply with the Environment and Social Management
Plan and any other environmental regulation of the Country. The Contractor
shall follow international best practices for the avoidance and mitigation of
environmental impacts.

3.4.2 Payment of Port and other Dues

The Contractor shall pay all applicable Port and other Dues in accordance with
the Contract and the Port Regulations and Laws of the Country.


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Tender Documents

3.4.3 Co-ordination with Other Contractors

The Contractor shall liaise with the Employer and Other

Contractors to

coordinate all works and to co- operate in ensuring health and safety on
the Site. The Contractor shall attend overall project co-ordination meetings

as and when required by the Employer.

The Contractor shall co-ordinate his works with the on-going operations
of the Employer and other contractors, utility companies and authorities.
The Contractor shall ensure that access to its operations and its ability to
operate are maintained at all times unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Shut-down, re-routing connection to or diversion of existing access

routes (permanent and temporary), berthing facilities, communication
networks, sewerage, drainage and other services shall be subject to
notice, and shall be co-ordinated to minimize disruption to on-going
operations. All such works shall be undertaken only at times as agreed
with the authorities and the other users and will be subject to review by the

Shut-down, decommissioning, re-routing or diversions of the existing

utilities shall be subject to notice, and shall be co-ordinated to minimize
disruption to on-going operations. All such works shall be undertaken
only at times and using a methodology as agreed with Authorities and
subject to review by the Employer.
Other contractors employed by the Employer will be carrying out other
works on and adjacent to the Site throughout the duration of the Contract.
These include, but are not limited, the contractors listed in Chapter 4.2

Cooperation with other Contractors & Users of the Site.

The Contractor shall provide all necessary design and as-built information
as may be required to allow other contractors (including designers) to
advance their works.


Project controls

3.5.1 Document Control

The Contractor shall submit a

document submission plan before the start

of the Works. This document submission plan shall provide:

The detailed list of documents to be provided by the Contractor

Short descriptions of the contents
The schedule of delivery

All correspondence and submissions including letters, drawing,

calculations, programs and documents shall be submitted to the Employer
in both hard copy and electronic format. Three hard copies and a digital file
in CD/DVD, USB or any suitable memory device of all documents shall be
submitted to the Employer unless otherwise specified. If discrepancies
arise between the hard and electronic versions the hard copy shall take
precedence over the electronic copy.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Electronic copies shall also be submitted by way of an internet based

Electronic Content Management System that is to be provided and
maintained by the Contractor. The Electronic Content Management
(ECM) System shall be fully accessible to the Employer and all
persons/organisation for which the Employer instructs access is to be
given. The system shall notify the relevant personnel that new information
is available. Uploading shall be carried out at the same time as hard copy
transfer so that the electronic system reflects the true situation on
correspondence transfer. Unsecured / unapproved methods of transmission
shall not be used.

Each submission shall be a complete package fully indexed and

referenced. Submissions will form part of the Contractors Documents.

Contractors Documents shall follow a recognized international standard for

drafting in respect of drawing size, scale, format etc. The standard shall
be proposed by the Contractor and submitted to the Employer and the
Employers Representative for review. The language of all documents shall
be English.

The Contractor shall produce, maintain and update a register of all

drawings and design documents in circulation identifying current status.
Superseded drawings and documents are to be clearly so marked
(S/S). This register can be performed through the ECM .The Contractor
shall schedule the submission of Contractors Documents to match the
programme for the Works.
All documents shall be marked with an individual identification number
revision numbering, status indication, and issue date and modification

3.5.2 Meetings
All meetings shall be held on Site or at any other agreed location in the
Libreville area at a date and time to be agreed with the Employer and/or
the Employers Representative.

Regular meetings shall be held between the Contractor and the

Employer and / or the Employers Representative to ensure that all
parties are fully informed on any matters relating to the execution of the
Works. Normally the meetings shall be chaired, and minutes taken, by the
Employers Representative. As a minimum the Employers and the
Contractors representatives shall hold the following meetings: Weekly meetings

The purpose of the weekly meetings shall be to review the Contractors

programme for the next four weeks, to review the previous weeks


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

progress, to raise any concerns by the Employer or the Contractor on the

rate of progress and identify matters which need to be resolved. Monthly meetings

The purpose of the monthly meetings shall be to review the

Contractors monthly report, identify any problems and agree a course of
action to resolve same. The meetings shall normally be held mid-month
after receipt of the Contractors monthly progress report and application for
interim payment.

Monthly meetings shall be arranged with the Employer.

Monthly meetings shall include the review of the programme, the progress
of the works, safety issues and quality reporting, as well as all topics listed
in GCC Clause 4.21. Quarterly Review meetings

The Employer may convene Quarterly Review Meetings to be held at

approximately three monthly intervals. These shall be held on dates to
be notified by the Employer at least 28 days before such a meeting is to
be held. Such meetings shall be held over a 1 to 2 day period in order to
review the overall progress of the Works and to address and resolve any
issues relevant to the execution and progress of the Works. Such Quarterly
Review Meetings shall be chaired by a Director of the Employer and the
Contractor shall have in attendance one senior representative from each of
the companies comprising the Contractor including:

The Company leading the Joint Venture / Consortium comprising the


All senior sub-contractors;

Such other senior staff of the Contractor as may be nominated by the
Contractor or required by the Employer.

The identities of the persons proposed by the Contractor to represent

the Contractor at the Quarterly Review Meetings shall be agreed prior to
such meetings being held. Third Party Liaison / Co-ordination meetings

Whenever deemed necessary by the Employer, a meeting shall be called to

discuss interfaces with any relevant third party or other contractors to
ensure that any interfacing problems are identified and resolved. This does
not remove the obligations on the Contractor to coordinate with all
stakeholders and third parties, with whom he will organise meeting as he
deems necessary for the progress of the Works.

3.5.3 Reporting
The Contractor shall submit, in a format to be agreed with the Employer,
the following reports:


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Daily Report:

The daily report shall provide details of the site activities as per the agreed
format. Weekly Report:

The weekly report shall provide a summary of the activities for the previous
and forthcoming week and a detailed rolling programme showing planned
activities for the next four weeks.

Weekly reports shall include Photographs. Monthly Progress Report

Monthly progress reports shall be submitted in accordance with the

requirements of GCC Clause 4.21.

The content of the monthly progress reports shall be presented in a format

to be agreed with the Employer and shall form the main basis for discussion
at the monthly meetings. The reporting period cut-off date shall be the last
Sunday in each calendar month.

The monthly progress report shall include, as a minimum

The contents listed in GCC Clause 4.21

A progress programme showing:

The agreed baseline programme

Actual start and finish dates of activities. Where activities are not yet
complete, current forecast dates shall be reported based upon the impact of
actual progress to date

Actual and current forecast dates compared against last period

report and baseline programme start and end dates for each activity in
the Contractors programme

A summary of actual and current forecast end dates against last period
report and baseline programme end dates for key deliverables

Details of deployment of additional resources if necessary to complete the

project on time.

HSE information including details of any accidents or incidents

Third Party Approvals status

Financial statements, invoicing and payment records


An updated cashflow assessment


Equipment and manpower statistics

Variance reported (in units of calendar weeks) shall be identified with a

narrative of proposed actions to secure delivery in line with the baseline

The monthly progress report submissions shall include electronic files in the
native format of the software used to generate the data and Adobe Acrobat.
All project programmes shall be submitted in PDF format and MS Project
2013 format.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

3.5.4 Progress Photographs

The Contractor shall supply colour photographs imported within an MS Word
document with corresponding captions, on a weekly and monthly basis
throughout the Contract period. These shall record the progress of the work
during the month. The original photographs shall be provided on CD/DVD
in JPEG format.

The caption shall list the following information:

The name of the Project

Location data
Type of work
Serial number of the photographs
Date and time of photography

The Contractor shall also make video of the progress of the project stage
wise and submit documentary about progress every six months.

Aerial photographs of the Site shall be taken every three months to record
the progress of the Works.

3.5.5 Programme
A programme defined in GCC Clause 8.3 shall be prepared by the
Contractor clearly indicating the critical path for the completion of the

The work headings to be shown in the programme shall be the main
elements of the Works and the structure shall be aligned with the work

breakdown structure established and agreed with the Employer.

The programme shall clearly show the inter-relationship between approvals,
design, fabrication, delivery, construction, testing and commissioning of
each work heading. Long lead-in items and their lead-in times shall also be

Times allowed for review shall be shown in the programme. Float times
within the programme shall be clearly shown.
Each work heading shall be split into detailed activities. Work to be
undertaken by statutory undertakers and other third parties shall be shown
as separate activities. The duration of activities to be undertaken by the
Contractor shall be broken down into periods not exceeding 4 weeks.

Each activity shall be uniquely referenced. Bar charts, logic diagrams /

tables and any other necessary tabular and graphical reports shall be
submitted to show the following information for each activity on the







Relationship with other activities


Early and Late Start and Finish Dates


Resources or Unit Production Time


Quantity and production rate


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

The Contractor shall assess and report progress on each activity and all
other input data not more than 2 days after the scheduled time for an
update. Changes in the network logic may only be made after consultation
with the Employer.

Where slippage has occurred, the Contractor shall give explanations

together with his proposals for recovery of critical activities. All project
schedules shall be submitted in MS Project 2013 format and PDF Format.

The programme shall provide durations and dates for the following activities
and milestones:

The Commencement Date

Completion and taking over of the Sections
The following design and construction activities:

Key dates for design submissions


Mobilization (facilities available on construction site)


Mobilization (dredging vessel and marine construction equipment

operational on Site)



Individual construction activities


Off-site fabrication of equipment and installations


Diversion of existing services


Issuing of the Taking-Over Certificate


End of the defect liability period


Additional milestones to be proposed by the Contractor

Contractors Design and Documents

3.6.1 Contractors Design

The design of the Works is the

responsibility of the Contractor and shall

satisfy the Employers Requirements contained within this Document.

The Contractor shall, in the design and construction, minimize operating and
maintenance costs to achieve an optimum lifetime cost and shall minimize
the extent/frequency of maintenance and its disruptive effect on

Design shall be carried out by recognized specialists in the type of design
required for the Works. The Contractor shall submit to the Employer
and the Employers Representative for review details of the
Contractors Personnel who are responsible for the design.

The Contractors notice to be submitted in accordance with GCC Clause 5.2

of the shall be counter signed by the Contractors relevant design specialist
and the Independent Engineer

As construction proceeds, and as part of any procedures implemented

for offering up elements of the Works for acceptance, the Contractors
Designer shall verify the adequacy and accuracy of that element of the
Works in accordance with the approved design, as described elsewhere in
these documents.


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Tender Documents

3.6.2 Design Criteria

The Employers design and performance criteria for the Works are contained
in the Employers Requirements in sections __5, 6 and 7.

3.6.3 Design Life

The design working

life (or design life) is defined as the period for which

structural elements, pavements, electronic and mechanic (E&M) systems,

services, drainage systems, etc. are to be used for their intended purposes
with acceptable maintenance, but without major repair and/or replacement
being necessary.

Acceptable maintenance is maintenance that can be carried out within

planned periods without detriment to the Employers operations, and as
defined in the terminal Operation and Maintenance (O&M) manuals.
Major maintenance is maintenance that will require plant shutdown or
disruption to operations outside of normal maintenance periods defined in
the terminal O&M manuals. Civil Works

Table 3-2 Design life criteria for civil works

Land structures reinforced

concrete / steel piling,

Design Life

Heavy Maintenance or
Replacement Interval

50 years

50 years


50 years

50 years

Scour protection

50 years

50 years

Cathodic Protection, Painting

50 years

15 years

Fencing, barriers and gates

25 years

10 years

Rail Crossing

50 years

15 years

(Including culverts, retaining

walls, pits, pipes, pump
station, foundations)


Construction of Liquid Storage

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Tender Documents
Volume-3 Mechanical and Electrical

Table 3-3 Design life criteria for Mechanical and Electrical

Design Life

Pipelines, pumps

Heavy Maintenance or
Replacement Interval

15-20 years

As per manufacturers

Weighbridge equipment

10 years

As per manufacturers

Firefighting equipment

10 years

As per manufacturers

Motorised gates and barriers

15 years

As per manufacturers

CCTV cameras sets

including remote control
and housing

10 years

As per manufacturers

Video monitors

6 years

As per manufacturers

Other CCTV central

management equipment

6 years

As per manufacturers

CCTV field cabinets

15 years

As per manufacturers

Poles for CCTV cameras

20 years

As per manufacturers

Motorised gates and barriers

15 years

As per manufacturers

CCTV cameras sets

including remote control
and housing

10 years

As per manufacturers

Video monitors

6 years

As per manufacturers

Other CCTV central

management equipment

6 years

As per manufacturers

CCTV field cabinets

15 years

As per manufacturers

Poles for CCTV cameras

20 years

As per manufacturers
requirements Pavement
Table 3-4 Design life criteria for Pavement

Design Life

Maintenance Interval


20 years

20 years



10 years


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Bulk storage facilities and equipment

Table 3-5 Design life criteria for Bulk storage facilities and equipment

Design Life

Maintenance Interval

Palm Oil storage and

un/loading facilities

30 years

As per manufacturers
requirements, 5 years at

Hydrocarbon storage and

un/loading facilities

30 years

As per manufacturers
requirements, 5 years at
least Networks
Table 3-6 Design life criteria for networks

Design Life

Maintenance Interval

Stormwater Drainage

30 years

5 years

Sewage Network

30 years

5 years

Water supply and

firefighting Network

50 years

Equipment such as valves,

traps, etc. every year


25 years

Lighting replacement every

2 years
Sodium light bulbs clean up
every year

Voice and data

50 years

Power Supply system

network and back-up

50 years

3.6.4 Standards and Codes of Practice

The design shall comply with the latest versions of Eurocodes for the design,
European Standards, (such as EN 206 for concrete works) and internationally
recognized codes of practice (PIANC, CIRIA - Rock Manual) Marine structures

Structural works shall follow the Eurocodes standards, listed as below:

Eurocodes 0: Basis of Structural design

Eurocodes 1: Actions on Structures
Eurocodes 2: Design of Concrete structures
Eurocodes 3: Design of Steel structures
Eurocodes 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete structures
Eurocodes 6: Design of Masonry structures
Eurocodes 7: Geotechnical Design
Eurocodes 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Eurocodes 9: Design of aluminium structures

In case of cohesive soil, seismic design shall follow Japanese Standard, for
the issue not covered by the Eurocodes. Filling works

The reclamation works shall follow the following codes or manuals:

Hydraulic Fill Manual For Dredging and Reclamation Works Edited by

Jan van 't Hoff, Art Nooy van der Kolff

Eurocodes 7: Geotechnical Design Earthworks

Earthworks shall be performed using Eurocodes and the Technical guide

"Fills and roadbed realization GTR - September 1992). Pavements

Design of pavements shall be carried out in accordance with guidelines from

the following:

The structural design of heavy duty pavements for ports and other
industries, fourth edition published by INTERPAVE, 2007.

BS EN 13043 for pavement aggregates

BS EN 12591 for pavement bitumen products
The Structural Design of Heavy Duty Pavements for Ports and other
Industries Edition 4, by John Knapton, published by Interpave
CementBound Materials for Pavements - British Cement Ass, 2000
Concrete Industrial Ground Floors. A guide to Design and Construction.
Technical Report No. 34, 3rd Edition 2003. Published by the Concrete

Concrete Hard standing Design Handbook. Guidelines for the design of

concrete hard standings. Published by Britpave, second Edition 2007. Drainage and sewage

General design:

La ville et son assainissement June 2003 ;

Fascicule 70 du Cahier des Clauses Techniques Gnrales 30th May
2012 ;

Instruction Technique 1977;

Trench specifications: Remblayage des tranches et rfection des

chausses May 1994

Network distances: NF P 98-332

Manhole specifications: NF P16-342 ;
Cable vault specifications: NF P16-343 ;
Duct specifications: NF EN 14339 ;
Pipes: NF EN1610.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Water supply and firefighting network

National Fire Protection Association - NFPA307: Standard for the

construction and fire protection of marine terminals, piers and wharves

EN 12845 : Fixed firefighting systems - Automatic sprinkler systems Design, installation and maintenance
EN 12259-12: Fixed firefighting systems components for sprinkler and
water spray system. Lighting

The following codes shall be used for the design of the lighting:

Standards BS EN 13201-4:2015,BS EN13201-2:2015

Photometric classes regulations of ways to light

Photometric levels regulations according to photometric classes


Design factors criteria

Standards EN 60598-1: luminaire general and particular rules


Lamp posts classification


Lamp posts power security


Lamp posts design criteria

Wind design factors and standard EN40 for candelabra sizing

Standards NF EN 13 201-4 of April 2004, NF EN 13 201-2 et 3 of
February 2005, FD CEN/TR of May 2005:


Photometric classes regulations of ways to light


Photometric levels regulations according to photometric classes


Design factors criteria

Standards NF EN 60598-1: luminaire general and particular rules


Lamp posts classification


Lamp posts power security


Lamp posts design criteria

Wind design factors and standard EN40 for candelabra sizing

Standards NF C17-200 and C17-205: Lighting setup rules

Power network sizing regulations


Network design criteria


Power network protections regulations

Recommendations of International Commission on Illumination for

street lighting related by French committee of lighting in June 2002. Power supply

NFC 11-201: Standard relating to execution rules for MV/LV network

(overhead and underground) and transformer substations.

NFC 14-100: Standard relating to MV/LV network connection, between

electric power distribution and users/ subscribers equipment.

NFC 13-100: Standard relating to users/subscribers equipment

NFC 13-200: Standard relating to MV electrical equipment
NFC 33-210: Standard relating to LV cable
NFC 33223: Standard relating to HV cable
Technical guide 11 may 2001


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 CCTV System

High Definition standards: SMPTE 274M 2008 (for 1920 x 1080

resolution) / SMPTE 296M 2001 (for 1280 x 720 resolution)

Colour representation: ITU R BT 709

Video compression: H. 264 (ISO/IEC 14496-10), M-PEG, JPEG
Interoperability: ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum)

Refer to MEP Specifications under Chapter 8

Hydrocarbon Storage and Un/loading facilities

Palm Oil storage and Un/loading facilities

The following codes shall be considered by the Contractor for the Palm Oil
storages and Un/Loading Facilities:

The European regulations and standards apply to this project.

Specific standards for tanks:

BS EN ISO 15614-1 Specification and qualification of welding

procedures for metallic materials

Standard ISO 8501.01.88,

BS EN 287-1: Approval testing of welders Fusion welding Part 1:

NF C 15 100 Requirements for electrical installations

L'Arrt du 4-8-2006 the French Ministerial Safety Order of 4 August
2006 on HC transmission pipelines

Norms EN 12954 / October 2003, EN 50162 July 2005 and NFA 15257
de mars 2007


Specific Standards for Pipelines studies are also carried out according to:

ASTM A105 Carbon Steel Forgings, for Piping Components,

ASTM A106 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service,
ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings,
ASME B16.10 Face-to-Face & End-to-End Dimensions for Valves,
ASME B31.3 Process Piping, 2010 Edition,
ASME B31.4 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons
and Other Liquids, 2006 Edition,

BS 5351 Specification for Steel Ball Valves for Petroleum,

Petrochemical and Allied Industries,
BS 7361 Cathodic Protection


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Tender Documents
Volume-3 Certificates

The Contractor shall issue a certificate of conformity with appropriate

marking. This certificate shall apply to the entire installation once it is
installed on site

If, during the implementation of the project, some amendments were made
to the regulations in place, the Contractor must advise the Contracting
Authority in writing of any change

The Contractor shall ensure that non-standard or modified layouts of

materials do not compromise the conformity of such equipment in terms of
standards and approvals. If required, he shall provide certificates of

conformity showing the performance of such equipment

The Contractor shall be responsible for all services required for the provision
of approvals from certifying bodies

3.6.5 Documents to be provided by the Contractor

Contractors Documents as referred to in GCC Clause 5.2 shall comprise the

following items and any other documents that may reasonably be
requested. All these items shall be certified by the Independent Engineer
before submission to the Employer or the Employers Representative:

Preliminary Design which includes for each Section:


Preliminary Design report including Drawings and notably a Design

Basis Statement


Preliminary Method Statement


Preliminary Scheme Proposals.

This document, which shall include drawings that provide a full and detailed
description of the Works showing the Contractors interpretation of the
Employers Requirements and any other data the Contractor reviewed or

Final Design Basis Statement. This document shall provide all

information which the Contractor intends to use as the basis for
preparation of the detailed design, approvals, construction drawings,

monitoring and construction specifications.

Detailed Design reports. These documents, which shall include
drawings and calculations, shall provide a full and detailed description
of the Works showing the Contractors interpretation of the Employers
Requirements, all assumptions, codes and standards used and any
other data the Contractor reviewed or obtained.

Full Design Calculations

Details of Proprietary Products proposed to be used in the works.
Construction Drawings. These drawings shall be the drawings the
Contractor intends to use for the construction of the Works. The
Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the construction
drawings are in accordance with the approved design drawings and
technical specifications. The drawings and details shall comply with
recognized international drawing standards.


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Tender Documents

Testing Regime. The Contractor shall submit with each part of his
design details of the testing regimes that he will implement to
demonstrate that the as-built Works comply with his design.

Method statements: these documents shall be the specifications which,

when read in conjunction with the drawings, shall describe the
materials and workmanship to be used for the construction of the
Works. Construction Drawings and Specifications shall comply with

recognized international drawing standards.

Sampling: this document shall provide the procedure for performance
of sampling and delivery to the Employer. Procedures for sampling
shall comply with the Employers requirements and with recognized
international drawing standards.

Construction Phase Plan.

Quality Management Plan
Permanent Works Materials Register. A detailed list of all materials,
their grades, specification and quantity proposed for use in

constructing both the permanent and temporary works.

All other documents required to be submitted to the Employer for
review as described in the Employers Requirements.

All other documents required to confirm the viability of the project

As-built drawings and documents
Training material supports
Manuals, etc.

3.6.6 Employers Review and Approval

The Contractor shall submit to the Employer and the Employers

Representative all elements of the Contractors Documents prior to
commencing the work described in the Contractors Documents.
Submissions shall be made in stages appropriate to the Contractors design
and construction development, as per the approved Programme.

The Contractor shall note that the review and approval period for all
Contractor document shall be 21 days. Contractor to incorporate the
comments and resubmit for approval. The above period is exclusive of this.

Following review of the Contractors Documents, the Employer shall reply to

the Contractor with a classification of the Contractors Documents as

Table 3-7 Review and approval of contractors documents

Classification Category

Reviewed without

Action by Contractor
Contractor may proceed to
the next stage of Design
or Construction.
Contractor shall re-submit
the Contractors Document
for further review if any
changes are made to the


Construction of Liquid Storage

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Tender Documents
Contractors Document.

Reviewed with minor


The Contractor shall make

the changes requested
prior to commencement of
the next stage of design
or construction. No further
submission is required but
the changes shall be
shown on the as-built


The Contractor shall revise

the document and resubmit to the Employer for
review. Construction work
shall not commence.

3.6.7 As-built Documents

Records as required by Clause 5.6 of the Conditions of Contract shall
comprise at least the following:

Final design calculations amended as required during the construction

Information Drawings used by the Contractor in the preparation of the
Contractors Documents

As-built drawings indicating deviations from original construction

drawings and consents

Test results and certificates of materials

Operation and Maintenance Manuals including procedures for the
maintenance and repair of paint systems

Copies of submissions made to the Regulatory Authorities and TPA

bodies prior to issue of the final Taking-Over Certificate
Commissioning Certificates, Guarantees, licenses and permits etc.
received from the Regulatory Authorities and TPA bodies.

Originals of all literature on all products used in the Works

Three hard copies and one electronic copy (PDF + source files) of all
as-built records, including as-built drawings, shall be submitted to

the Employer.
These records shall be available on site for inspection and use by the
Employer and/or person authorized by the Employer.

3.6.8 Operating and Maintenance Manuals

Operating and maintenance manuals shall be submitted in accordance with

GCC Clause 5.7.

Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be prepared, in three hard copies
and one electronic copy, for civil, electrical and mechanical work elements
as soon as consent has been given by the Employer to the relevant
Contractors Documents.

Specific maintenance manuals namely shall be prepared for the following

(but not limited to):


Construction of Liquid Storage

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Tender Documents

The cathodic protection on structural component;;

The hydrocarbon storage and un/loading facilities and pumping
stations, pipelines and related equipment

The palm oil storage and un/loading facilities and pumping

stations, pipelines and related equipment;
All water supply and distribution networks;
The waste water treatment plant;
The telecommunication equipment and network;
The floodlighting and general lighting equipment and network;
The electrical equipment and network;
The power generators;
The CCTV system;
The security systems;
The weighbridges;
The instrument air unit
The water tanks and booster;
The fire fighting and fire protection systems;
All electromechanical equipment installed as part of the Works;
All electrical and electronic equipment installed as part of the

The manuals shall include a description of the layout and function of the
system, schedules of components comprising every item of equipment
including manufacturers name and contact details, reference and serial
number, and detailed operating and maintenance instructions including
electrical protection device settings. Included with the manuals shall be lists
of spare parts for each item, a list of long lead-in items, and a list of local
agents able to supply the parts.

Reduced scale copies of the record and as-built drawings are to be inserted
in the manuals. This may require oversize printing and wide spacing of pipe
runs etc. on the drawing to allow for reduction in size. Such adjustments
shall be in accordance with the recognized standard.

Record and as-built drawings bound into manuals shall be arranged to fold
out from their position and be entirely visible when any part of the manual
is being read.

The manuals shall be submitted within 28 days after completion of the

Works. Notwithstanding this and for the avoidance of doubt, it is the
Contractors responsibility to ensure that any information which is critical to
the operation of the Works is communicated to the Employer prior to
completion of the Works.

The manuals shall be encased in loose-leaf ring binders covered in a plastic

material with title and description. The format of the manuals shall be
agreed with the Employer. The manuals shall lie flat when open.


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Tender Documents

3.6.9 Taking Over of the Works

Any section of the Works will not be considered to be substantially
completed as required for issuing of the Taking-Over Certificate until the
following conditions precedent have been met, and it is capable of being

brought into operation by the Employer:

Any section of the Works will not be considered to be substantially
completed as required for issuing of the Taking-Over Certificate until the
following conditions precedent have been met, and it is capable of being
brought into operation by the Employer:

Any outstanding works or defects or remedial works are such that their
completion will not interfere with commercial operation.
All necessary permits and certificates are available.
All necessary documents relevant to the construction are submitted.
Certification by the Contractors designer that the works have been
designed in accordance with the Contract

Certification by the Contractor that the works have been constructed in

accordance with the designs provided by the Contractors designer and
in accordance with the Employers Requirements.

Relevant Tests on Completion was accepted by the Employers

Representative and the Employer.

Access is provided to the Employer as necessary such that unfettered,

safe and reliable access exists between any parts of the Works and the

road system.
Any associated work which falls outside the physical limits of the Site,
but which is necessary to allow the Works to come into full operational

use, will be required to be completed.

The Contractor has fulfilled his obligations in respect of the issue of
operation and maintenance manuals for all items of plant and

The Contractor has fulfilled his obligations in respect of setting to work
all items of equipment, and in respect of the instruction of Employers

staff in the operation, servicing and maintenance of such equipment.

All surplus material has been removed.
All debris and demolition material has been removed from the Site and
the area cleaned.
Generally speaking, the Works shall be fit for the purposes for which
the Works are intended as defined in the Contract.

Access to any part of the Works from time to time by vehicles plant or
personnel of the Employer or his agents or contractors, or the movement of
equipment over the Site from time to time for the purpose of relocation
shall not constitute take over or use.


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Contractors Facilities and Equipment

3.7.1 Accommodation
The Contractor shall provide and maintain for the period of the Contract and
shall remove on completion of the Contract all offices, sheds and stores he
may reasonably require for his employees and the execution of the

No living accommodation for the Contractors employees is allowed on Site.

This is to be provided by the Contractor off site. It is the contractor
responsibility to find an appropriate location for accommodation.

A temporary facility yard can be installed by the Contractor on construction

site free of charge.
The Employer will provide 1ha of area within 3km of the construction site.
The Contractor will be responsible for any site development works and
access road if required. The Contractor shall maintain the access road to the
Contractors working area as shown on the Definition Drawings. The access
road shall be suitable to ensure safe access by light and heavy vehicles

throughout the year.

The size, type, condition, location and services of the Contractors working
area and compound shall be submitted to the Employer and the Employers
Representative for review. The Contractors use of the working area or
areas shall be subject to the following:

The compound(s) shall not inconvenience nor impede the

Employers current or proposed operations or facilities, existing or

The compound(s) shall be fenced off, secured to prevent trespassers

harming themselves, and properly drained.
The compound(s) shall be of a standard acceptable to the Employer.
The compound(s) shall be kept clean and tidy at all times.
The compound(s) shall be safe for all foreseeable users and

The Contractor's temporary site buildings shall be properly maintained and

suitably identified with the Contractor's name.
The Contractor shall not permit any of Contractors Personnel to reside on
Site. No animals shall be brought on to the Site.

From the Time for Completion of the whole of the Works, the Contractor
shall clear the Contractors working areas to the satisfaction of the
Employer. Such clearance shall involve, but not be limited to the removal of
all Contractors buildings and installations and associated foundations,
drainage and services; site clearance and removal of all debris; removal of
all temporary fencing; and removal of all materials not required for the
Permanent Works, surplus to requirements, or not required by the

Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in the Employer
taking whatever action is deemed necessary to ensure compliance, which
shall include back-charging costs of compliance to the Contractor.


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The Contractor shall arrange and pay for the supply, installation,
maintenance for the duration of the works and removal upon completion of
all services to the Contractors accommodation and the Employers offices,
which shall include potable water, sewerage, electricity and communications
(phone, facsimile and broadband).

3.7.2 Services Supply

The Contractor shall make arrangements with the Authorities, or otherwise,
as required for the supply of services required on Site for temporary
construction purposes at the positions where they are required, including
but not limited to:

Electrical supply.
Water supply for drinking, cleaning and construction purposes Sewage
collection, treatment and disposal

Telecommunication connections,

The location of all services routes shall be submitted to the Employer and
the Employers Representative for review, approval and agreement.

For all services supplies, the Contractor shall issue all notices, and shall pay
all fees, dues, charges and other costs incurred thereby.

The installations shall comply with the requirements and standards of the
Employer and of the relevant Authority.
For all services, the Contractor shall be responsible for providing and
maintaining the whole of the installation and in relation thereto shall take
all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of every person on Site.

3.7.3 Contractors Equipment

The Contractor shall submit to the Employer, within 10 days of the
Commencement Date, a comprehensive Contractors Equipment schedule
which shall include the proposed dates of arrival on Site of each item.

The Contractor shall also provide, install and maintain all necessary
navigation beacons, buoys, lights and temporary traffic management
measures during the Works execution, in accordance with the requirements
for the works.

The Contractor shall comply with the instructions and requirements of

Ministere Du Petrole Et Des hydrocarbures/OPRAG/SGEPP/SEEG/SEPBG
and the other regulatory authorities. In the event of the Contractor not
carrying out the obligations imposed upon the Contractor by this clause
the Employer may cause carry out such works to hold the Contractor
liable under any other term of the Contract) and the Contractor shall
indemnify the Employer for all costs incurred in connection there with.


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Tender Documents


Attendance on and facilities for the

Employers personnel

3.8.1 Employers offices

The Contractor shall supply furnished site accommodation for the
Employer/Employers Representative with the provision of air conditioned offices
on site for 10 persons. The Contractor shall submit details of the proposed office
accommodation to the Employer for his approval.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the connection of all services to the
Employers accommodation, including but not limited to power, water, sewage,
telephone and broadband access and for the payment of all operating costs.

3.8.2 Survey equipment

The Contractor shall provide during construction period modern and up to date
equipment for Survey RTK) for the use of the Employer and the Employers


Health and safety

3.9.1 Regulations
Health and safety standards during operations shall comply with the ILO
code of practice: Safety and Health in Ports latest edition 2005, the ILO

Safety and Health in Construction Convention 1988 and the laws of Gabon.
The Contractor shall assume all the responsibilities and act in accordance
with the requirements of the relevant legislation. The Contractor shall

comply with all his obligations under the Regulations.

The Contractor shall be responsible for all aspects of site safety within the
project area. A proper standard of safety supervision and care shall be
exercised by the Contractor during the construction works.

3.9.2 Construction Phase Plan

The Contractor shall prepare a Construction Phase Plan before construction
works begin in conjunction with other contractors and subcontractors
involved in the Project. This shall include the competence of the appointed
persons to address the health and safety issues anticipated to arise in the
management of the construction phase.

The Construction Phase Plan shall cover all aspects of the Works. This plan
shall form part of the Contractors Documents and shall be submitted to the
Employer and the Employers Representative for their consent. The plan
shall include co-ordinated emergency evacuation procedures for both land


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Tender Documents

and marine based activities. It shall be co-ordinated with other Contractors

and operators working on Site or on adjacent sites, and the Employer.

The Contractor shall identify, as part of the plan, all potential risks and
hazards, and his proposed procedure for dealing with them should they
arise during construction. The plan shall be reviewed and developed /
updated as necessary during the construction phase. The plan shall also set
out what first aid and emergency response facilities are to be provided on

The construction phase plan shall be implemented and updated as
necessary during the construction phase.

The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of the Employers

standard operating procedures and other safety requirements.

3.9.3 Training
The Contractor shall ensure that the Contractors Personnel have been
adequately trained and are competent for the work they are to undertake,
such that they understand the risks involved and what is required for the

safe use of tools and equipment.

The Employer shall be entitled to view the qualifications of any personnel to
confirm their training and competency.

The Contractor shall ensure that all persons employed on the works are
fully conversant with the safety regulations in operation on the Site and all
warnings, regarding all operating plant, towers and overhead lines, cables

and underground services.

All staff and other personnel entering the site shall be provided with site
specific induction training. This training shall include information on specific
site rules, emergency procedures and the use of PPE.

3.9.4 Spare parts

For all items requiring spares the Contractor shall supply the Employer with
a full set of spare parts sufficient to cover a two-year operation period. This
includes spare part for:

The cathodic protection on structural component;;

The hydrocarbon storage and un/loading facilities and related systems
and equipment;

The palm oil storage and un/loading facilities and pumping stations and
related equipment;

The waste water treatment plant;

The power generators;
The CCTV system;
The security systems;
The weighbridges;
The instrument air unit;
All electromechanical equipment installed as part of the Works.
Pipeline material for pipelines between NGCT and GSLY


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Tender Documents

Prior to any spare supply the Contractor shall submit the spare lists to the
approval of the Employers Representative.

3.9.5 Personal Protective Equipment and Safety Barriers

The minimum personal protective equipment (PPE) to be worn by all
personnel on site includes:

Hard hats
Steel capped safety boots
High visibility clothing
Protective glasses
Gum boots

The Contractor is responsible for the provision of PPE to his personnel

(including subcontractors), the Employers personnel and the Employers
Representatives personnel.

Where required by the specific work activities, the Contractor shall also
provide staff with:

Life jackets when working over or near water

Appropriate eye protection
Hearing protection
Respiratory protection
Protective helmets, hand gloves
Other PPE as applicable to the works being undertaken.

Appropriate safety barriers and screens shall be provided where required to

prevent accidents or health issues occurring due to:

Exposed edges or dangerous objects

The presence of traffic or machinery
Activities that generate excessive dust, noise, fumes, heat or radiation.

3.9.6 Medical Facilities & Controls

The Contractor shall make adequate provisions for first aid equipment and
facilities on the Site and ensure that qualified first aid personnel are in
attendance at all times when operations are taking place on Site. Details of
the proposed medical facilities shall be included in the Construction Phase

The Contractor shall comply with the applicable Health and Safety

The Contractor shall ensure that all staff are inoculated against infectious
diseases that are common in the Owendo area.

All of the Contractors personnel shall be provided with regular medical

check-ups to ensure that they are physical fit for their assigned tasks.


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Tender Documents

3.9.7 Precautions against Fire

The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent outbreaks of
fire within the Works, and in all offices, stores, vehicles, vessels and other
places and things connected therewith or premises adjacent thereto and
especially with respect to the safe storage of petroleum products, paints,
explosives and all other dangerous or hazardous goods. This shall include
the preparation of a fire hazard risk assessment.

The Contractor shall provide and maintain in good order and hold available
at all times and in all places connected with the Works a sufficiency of
appropriate efficient firefighting equipment together with personnel trained

in its use.
The Contractor shall give all authorized Fire Officers or equivalent personnel
all necessary facilities to inspect the fire prevention arrangements on the
Site and shall remove all surplus materials and equipment and take such
steps as the Employer may require to reduce the risk of fire.

3.9.8 Life Saving Apparatus

The Contractor shall ensure that, whenever operations are taking place over
or near to water, adequate life jackets and lifesaving apparatus are
provided including the provision of motorized safety boats and qualified and
experienced crew.

All best practice, including any in such approved form and position as may
be directed by the Employer.

3.9.9 Attendance at Site Safety Meetings

The Contractor and subcontractors shall attend monthly Site Safety
Meetings. The meetings will be attended by the Contractors Health &
Safety Co-ordinator and a representative of the Employer and will be
chaired by the Contractors Health & Safety Co-ordinator or his designated
representative. The Contractor and all Sub-contractors shall be represented
at senior management level and by their nominated Site Safety Officers.
The purpose of the meetings shall be to review safety performance during
the previous month and to identify those areas where improvements are

3.9.10 Reporting
The Contractor shall provide the Employer and the Employers
Representative with:

Notification of all accidents and dangerous occurrences occurring on

the project

All completed accident/dangerous occurrence report forms whether

resulting in absence from work or not
All notifications relating to death arising from industrial injury or illness


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The Contractor shall also furnish all notification forms and reports referred
to above with respect to the employees of any subcontractor employed by
the Contractor on the Site, stating in each case the name of the employer
of the employees affected by these matters.

Monthly health & safety statistics and commentaries shall be included in the
monthly Progress Report.

3.9.11 Site Signage and Information

The Contractor shall ensure that sufficient and appropriate safety signage
(warning and information) is provided on site. Such signage shall be
positioned in prominent positions and be in a language(s) that is

understood by the work force.

Health & Safety information shall be displayed on a dedicated prominently
located notice board.

3.9.12 Welfare Facilities for Personnel

The Contractor shall provide appropriate and adequate onsite welfare
facilities for his and his subcontractor staff. Welfare facilities shall include:

Adequate shelter from wind, rain and sun

Canteen facilities

Toilet and washing facilities (including shower units)

A rest area located away from the active works

A supply of potable water

3.10 Quality systems

3.10.1 Standards

Should the Employer, the Employers Representative, or the Government

Authorities, decide that the facilities provided are not reasonable the
Contractor shall make the necessary improvements.

The Works shall be executed under the control of an approved quality

management system which satisfies the requirements of ISO 9000 and ISO
9001 (or equivalent) and the particular requirements of this document.

The quality management system shall provide the basis for establishing and
maintaining an economic and effective framework for the management of
cost, time, safety and quality to ensure that the works provided by the
Contractor meets the requirements of the Employer at all times. Where the
Contractor is a joint venture or association, a single quality management
system shall be adopted with a single project quality management plan.

The Contractor shall prepare a quality management plan which defines the
planned arrangements for achieving all of the requirements of the Contract.
The quality management plan shall be designed to ensure that the


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Contractors staff and workforce meet all the requirements of the Contract.
Any sub-contractors employed by the Contractor shall be considered as part
of the Contractors staff and workforce and shall comply with the quality
management plan.

The quality management plan shall describe the quality management

system to be implemented for the Contract. The Contractors quality
management plan shall describe in detail the quality management policies,
organization, responsibilities and procedures to be applied, and identify the
applicable provisions of ISO 9000 and ISO 9001 (or equivalent) to be used.

The Contractors designer shall also operate a quality management system,

and that system shall comply with ISO 9001 (or equivalent).

3.10.2 Quality Management System Requirements

The following summarizes the requirements of the quality management system. Management Responsibility

The Contractor shall nominate a Quality Manager for the Works with clearly
defined responsibilities. The overall control of the activities for the Works
shall be the responsibility of the Contractors Project Director.

A Project Engineer reporting to the Project Director shall be responsible for

developing and implementing the project specific quality documentation. Quality Management System

The particular requirements for implementing the Contractors quality

management system shall be described in the quality management
documentation (usually contained in or referenced by a quality
management manual, quality management plan or plans, the latter should
in general follow ISO 10005) for the Contractor. The quality management
documentation shall cover the requirements of the relevant part of the ISO
9000 series and describe how the requirements will be met for his
contractual obligations with the Employer in this particular instance and
define or make reference to the location of:

the written quality management procedures which will be

followed to ensure the effective management of the Contractor's
activities for this contracted obligation to the Employer

details of the scope of his work and deliverables to be provided

a list of procedures and method statements which will be
followed to ensure the effective management of the activities

covered by his quality management system, including design control

details of his main contractual arrangements including a list of his
Subcontractors and of related quality management documentation

details of his organizational structures and lines of communication

contact details of the Employer and other interfacing parties
job descriptions of the key staff and the specific experience required
for these positions


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details of the person with defined authority for establishing,

maintaining and reporting on his quality management system
details of the on Site quality management staff and responsibilities
the particular arrangements for auditing of his own and his
Subcontractor's activities (including schedule) and for management

the particular arrangements for quality control of his work including

hold points for relevant parties including a list of inspection and test
plans or like items and identifying the pro-forma and/or databases to
be used for recording the inspection and test results and the
certification of compliance of all items of the Works by authorized key

the particular arrangements for the quality control of the work of

Subcontractors and suppliers both on and off site including a list of the
Contractors inspection and test plans or like items and for records of

the Contract documents in which the qualities of materials,

workmanship and performance are described

list of relevant standards and specifications that form part of the

Contract or Agreement between the Contractor and the Employer

list of the documentation necessary to demonstrate the

achievement of the Employers Requirements

the particular review, liaison and document control arrangements with

the Employer, relevant authorities and other interested parties
including arrangements to allow the Employer to designate specific or

random witness points

detailed method statements for each major activity whether directly
controlled or subcontracted

a list of the work instructions or other like detailed documentation

describing process control

a list of and the retention arrangements for particular quality records

the quality management documentation submitted by his
Subcontractors and suppliers which define:

the quality objectives to be attained including quality records

the specific allocation of responsibilities and authority during different

the specific procedures, methods and work instructions to be applied

suitable testing, inspection, examination and audit programs at
appropriate stages

method for changes and modifications in the quality documentation as

the work proceeds
other measures necessary to meet objectives
the particular health and safety arrangements
particular arrangements for the purchasing and control of
Subcontractors, materials and products

a program for the Works which shows project phasing

particular handling, storage, package, preservation and delivery


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particular arrangements for reporting, review and disposition of nonconforming work or products
particular arrangements for corrective and preventive action
particular servicing and/or statistical technique requirements
particular contract review requirements
a description of the method for controlling changes and modifications
to their quality management documentation

details of any other particular measures necessary to meet their quality

objectives and those imposed by the Employer Contract Review

The Contractor shall review all requirements of the contract and ensure these
aspects are incorporated into the quality management systems. Design Control

Emphasis shall be placed on planning, verification and timely validation at
appropriate stages in the project. The documented procedures shall include
measures which control and co-ordinate the design process activities of the
Contractor, the Employer and detail the specific design criteria for the project. Design Input and Planning

evaluation of the project brief including review of the tender design and any
changes thereto between the Contractor and the Employer

compliance in full with Health and Safety Regulation

conceptual and detailed design statements and review
external technical services
statutory requirements, specifications and standards
environmental consideration
identification, co-ordination and control of design interfaces Design Output

computer programs, design aids and prototype or model testing
drawings and specifications
information pertinent to managing risks to health and safety
reports and advice Design Review, Verification and Validation

evaluation of design reviews

verification methods
validation requirements
identification of hold points
project specific requirements Design Change Control

project specific requirements


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Tender Documents
Volume-3 Document and Data Control

The documented procedures shall include measures which control

documentation in hard copy or digital form including drawings, calculations,
reports, communications, reports, computer programs, procedures,
instructions and other relevant documents. The procedures shall include
registers to identify the issue status, source and location of all incoming and
outgoing drawings, schedules and other relevant documentation affecting

the quality.
Amendments to the list of relevant standards and specifications that
become part of the Contract between the Contractor and the Employer shall

only be made on instruction from or by agreement with the Employer.

A confidential library shall be maintained by the Contractor providing access
to current information including technical data as follows:

Statutory Requirements
Other relevant professional, industrial and international codes and

Relevant product data

Design techniques
Defects and failures, including analysis and rectification
General technical information relating to civil and structural
engineering and related engineering disciplines relevant to the design,
construction, maintenance and operation activities.

This library shall be available to the Employer but shall be commercially

confidential to third parties. All third parties needing to use the library
shall first execute a confidentiality undertaking to the reasonable

satisfaction of the Employer.

Changes to documents shall be subject to review in accordance with
documented procedures. Changes to documents shall be reviewed and
approved by the originating body:

Purchasing - where the Contractor has to employ the services of a

supplier who is required by the Employer to operate a Third Party
Certification scheme, then the Contractor shall obtain details and
ensure compliance.

Control of Product Supplied by the Employer - the procedures shall

include measures to establish incomplete, ambiguous or conflicting
data and to inform the Employer as appropriate.

Product Identification and Traceability - materials and manufactured

goods shall be identified in Maintenance Manuals and other records
which the Employer may require. Records shall be maintained of each
delivery or batch of materials used and their location in the structure.

Process Control - method statements shall be produced.

Inspection and Testing - Inspection and Test Plans shall be produced
where applicable. These shall include hold or witness points.

Control of Inspection, Measuring & Test Equipment - a list of

equipment shall be established and maintained.

Inspection and Test Status - any particular requirements shall be



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Tender Documents

Control of Nonconforming Products - the Contractor shall inform the

Employer when a Nonconforming Product is identified.
Corrective and Preventive Action - the Contractor shall follow Works
change requirements when applicable.

Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and Delivery - the

Contractor shall take measures to protect the partially completed or
completed Works.

Control of quality management records - the quality management

records shall be retained by the Contractor for a minimum period of 12
years after the issue of the Performance Certificate. The Contractor
shall supply the Employer with copies of records which the Employer
may require from time to time.

Internal quality audits - Internal quality audits shall be undertaken by

personnel independent of those having direct responsibility for the
activity being audited and shall be carried out at regular three monthly
intervals. The internal quality audits shall cover the activities of the

Contractor and where applicable his Subcontractors.

Training - the Contractor shall provide training of personnel performing
activities affecting quality to ensure that suitable proficiency is
achieved and maintained and to promote quality consciousness
throughout the organization.

Servicing - any particular requirements shall be defined.

Statistical Techniques - details of any statistical techniques being used
by the Contractor shall be given to the Employer.

The Contractors quality management plan shall be prepared and submitted

to the Employer for review within four weeks of the Commencement Date.
The Contractor shall resubmit the quality management plan to the Employer
whenever there are any revisions and shall permit the Employer to review
the audits and revisions of the quality plan management throughout the

3.11 Local goods and services

The Contractor may employ and source goods and services locally whenever
suitable and applicable.


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents



Possession of the Site

4.1.1 Boundaries on land

The Employer will issue to the Contractor the list of coordinates of the
boundaries of the Land Plot granted to GSEZ for the project and secured by
GSEZ at the date of Possession of the Site.
Preliminary coordinates are featured on drawing GE-LI-001 provided in the
Appendix A. Exact control coordinates will be transmitted by the Employer at
the time of the handing-over of the site.


Cooperation with other Contractors & Users of

the Site

The Contractor shall, in accordance with the requirements of the Employers

Representative, provide all reasonable access for any Other Contractor who
may be carrying out, on or adjacent to the Site, any other Work not
included in the Contract but required by the Employer, any party comprised
in the Employer, any utility undertaking or other duly constituted authority.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the access to be provided
pursuant to this Clause shall include access through or over any part of the
Site and/or through or over any other land over or through which the

Contractor has any rights of access.

The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to liaise and co-operate with
the persons referred to above and, where required, to co-ordinate and liaise
with the construction of all such works.

Other contractors that will need to access to the site are:

NGCT EPC Contractor

Building EPC Contractor
Any other Contractors/ Vendors working at NGCT/GSLY

Other organizations that will need to access to the site are:


The third parties as defined in chapter


Any other entity designated by the Employer before of rung the Works.

Setting-Out of the Works

4.3.1 Units, Levels and Datum General
SI units (metric system) shall be used throughout.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Projection system

The geodetic coordinates are referenced to the UTM 32N projection system.
Heights shall subsequently be reduced to the geoid either to the Lowest
Astronomic Tide (LAT) or the Nivellement Gnral du Gabon (NGG) Vertical reference

All drawings, other than dredging drawings, shall refer to the Nivellement
Gnral du Gabon (NGG)

All works shall be referenced to Nivellement Gnral du Gabon (NGG),

except marine works (berths, embankments, backfilling) which shall refer to
both LAT and NGG in cross-sections.

Several methods for calculating the vertical offset between the reference
levels offshore (LAT - Lowest Astronomic Tide) and onshore (NGG - Niveau

Gnral du Gabon) are available at the site

The value of vertical offset selected between LAT and NGG is:
LAT elevation = NGG elevation +1.38m.

4.3.2 Setting Out

The Contractor shall verify and agree the co-ordinates of existing
benchmarks, and establish on the site a permanent benchmark verified and
approved by independent entity. Benchmarks shall be maintained until the
complete handover.

The Contractor shall give the Employer not less than 24 hours notice in
writing of his intention to set out or give levels for any part of the Works so
that arrangements may be made for checking the work. The Contractor
shall provide all assistance that the Employer may require for checking the
setting out.


Protection of the Environment

In order to ensure an efficient environmental protection, the Contractor

shall meet all applicable Gabonese and International environmental
requirements. The Contractor shall take notice of the environmental
requirements as presented in the ESMP

The Contractor shall be in charge of:

the implementation and compliance of the Environmental and Social

Management Plan (PGES) developed in the ESMP document,;

the training of each new team of workers on site for the duration of the
the production and transmission of activity reports to the authorities;
the compliance of the use of PPE by all Contractors employees at the
the regular monitoring of vehicles, machines and equipment on the


Construction of Liquid Storage

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Tender Documents

Smoothing operations at the site in a process of preservation and

environmental protection.


Site Restrictions and Access

4.5.1 Accesses
The Contractor shall minimize the use of public roads for the movement of
construction materials and equipment to and from the Site and shall use all
reasonable endeavours subject to emergencies.

In particular, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer a scheme for the
sustainable transport of construction materials on and off the Site for the
review by the Employer and relevant authority. Access shall be provided at

all times to Emergency Services.

The Contractor shall comply with all Employer and
OPRAG/SGEPP/SEEG/SEPBG/CIMAF requirements for the access to the Site.

The Contractor will be given non-exclusive access to the Site.

After the entry into service Security of the area corresponding will be
provided by the Employer and the Contractor shall comply with the
Employers security procedures and the Security Requirements of the Port
Facility. This shall include the requirements of the ISPS regulations in
addition to any stipulations by OPRAG/SGEPP.

The Contractor shall be responsible for security of the Site to the level
required by the Employer and OPRAG/SGEPP/SEPBG/CIMAF.

4.5.2 Security of the Site

Immediately on taking possession of any part of the Site the Contractor
shall provide, erect and maintain temporary hoarding, fencing, gates and
the like as necessary for the execution of the Works, protection of the
public and others, security of the Site and to meet the requirements of the
Employer. The Contractor shall thereafter ensure that all activities are
confined within this fencing, etc.

Temporary fences and gates shall be provided along the perimeter of each
completed area to physically delineate the Contractors areas under
construction from the areas handed over to the Employer, and to ensure
that areas handed over to the Employer for his operational use are secure
and protected in accordance with the Employers operational requirements
and with the provisions of the ISPS requirements. Temporary fencing shall
be positioned so that no part of the fence or its supporting structure shall lie
within the area being handed over. Where applicable, the Contractor shall
relocate temporary fences and gates as the Employers areas are enlarged.


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Tender Documents

4.5.3 Privately and Publicly owned services

In this paragraph the term Service Authorities refers to Statutory
Undertakers, Public authorities and Owners of Private Services.

The Contractor shall make his own enquiries of the Service Authorities and
satisfy himself as to the exact position of their apparatus and the depth,
size and gradient thereof.

Where any privately owned service for water, electricity, drainage, etc.
passing through the Site is affected by the Works, the Contractor shall
locate it and with the agreement of the owner provide a satisfactory
alternative service before cutting the existing service.

The Contractor shall be responsible for making arrangements with the

Service Authorities concerned, for the phasing into his Program of Works of
all operations which need to be executed by them or their contractors,

concurrently with the Works.

The services existing on the Site, including, water pipes, electric overhead
wires, any other ground utilities etc., shall be take care of by the
Contractor, relocated and/or diverted as per the provisions above.

4.5.4 Agreement of Employers Representative to

Notwithstanding the submission by the Contractor and agreement by the
Employers Representative of any Program, no main construction activity or
operation shall commence without the written consent of the Employers
Representative and Employer.

4.5.5 Construction and Working Drawings

The Contractor shall prepare the Construction Drawings and submit them to
the Employers Representative after certification by the Independent
Engineer. All Works shall be constructed to the dimensions shown on the
Construction Drawings approved by the Employers Representative.
Interpretation or scaling of dimensions from these Drawings is at the

Contractors risk.
The Contractor shall give the Employers Representative any clarification of
the Drawings or any additional information needed to understand the

design or works feasibility.

The Contractor shall prepare and submit for comment by the Employers
Representative, the detailed drawings of Contractors designed parts of the

The Employers Representative will, where necessary, make any comments
to the Contractor who shall make necessary amendments and forward to

the Employers Representative revised copies.

If the Contractor wishes to modify or alter any designed or specified parts
of the Works, the Contractor shall submit a request to the Employers
Representative comprising detailed drawings in accordance with the above,
drawing attention to the proposed modification and provided such


Construction of Liquid Storage

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Tender Documents

calculations, or other information the Employers Representative may

All such information shall be certified by the Independent Engineer before
transmission to the Employers Representative.

Every drawing shall bear standard title block, a sample of which will be
provided by the Employers Representative.

All drawings shall be prepared in AutoCAD 2010 format or later and the
electronic drawing files shall be provided to the Employers Representative
in PDF and DWG format by email or on USB drive, CD-ROM or DVD-ROM as

The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the

dimensions and for co-ordinating the various disciplines involved. The
drawings shall accurately reflect the information presented in the
calculations. The Contractor shall be responsible for correctness of the

Modifications to drawings or diagram shall be clearly indicated and the

revision references shall be changed at each revision. All drawings shall be
specific to the Works and shall be detailed in S.I. Units. Stability of Unfinished Work

The Contractor shall ensure the stability of the Works at all times. The
Contractor shall provide all temporary supports as necessary. Sequence of Construction

The Contractor shall prepare and submit detailed method statements of his
proposed phasing/execution of the Works to accompany the Program as
defined in the conditions of Contracts. The Contractor will measure progress
and update the Program for submission any progress meetings, and at
other times as requested by the Employers Representative. Contractors Equipment and Temporary Works

The Contractor shall submit to the Employers Representative, within 10

days of the Commencement Date, a comprehensive Contractors Equipment
schedule which shall include the proposed dates of arrival on Site of each

The Contractor will be deemed to have made provision for timely supply of
any spare parts, replacement equipment and/or additional equipment
necessary to ensure that the Works are carried out in accordance with the

The Contractor shall at all times and at his own expense comply with the
requirements of the relevant authorities, including the Employer, in respect
of the movement of floating plant.

The Contractor shall construct all Temporary Works, and shall provide all
Goods of every description or other things as may be required for carrying

out the Works in a proper and expeditious manner.

Before the commencement of any work, the Contractor shall submit to the
Employers Representative details of his proposed Temporary Works


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Tender Documents

The Contractor shall be held solely and entirely responsible for the
sufficiency, safety, security and maintenance of all Temporary Works, which
may be erected or provided for the purpose of or in connection with the
Works. Neither examination by the Employers Representative or the
Employers Representatives consent to the Contractors Temporary Works
shall relieve the Contractor from any imposed upon him by the provisions of
the Contract Precautions to Prevent Nuisance and Noise

The Contractor shall comply with all Laws and the general recommendations
for Noise Control on the Site. Dust Control

The Contractor shall take all reasonable measures which shall include the
provision and use of adequate water spraying equipment to minimize dust
nuisance. Disposal of Rubbish and Surplus Material

No rubbish, debris or surplus materials are to be dumped other than at a

public or private disposal site controlled or appropriately licensed by a Local

The Contractor is responsible for securing the disposal area of sufficient
capacity and obtaining the appropriate authorizations from the relevant
authorities. VHF Communications

For the duration of the Works, the Contractor shall maintain VHF
communication with Employers Representative at all times. A listening
watch shall be maintained at all times on channels to be advised by the
Employer/ Employer's Representative.

The authorization for Authorization for telecommunication (wireless

communication, VHF) is Contractor's Scope. Licenses

The Contractor shall obtain all licenses and permissions required from the
relevant authorities before of any work. Conditions Survey

Prior to commencement of the Works the Contractor shall undertake jointly

with the Employers Representative a condition survey of the existing
structures, roads and other installations likely to be affected by the Works
or operations associated with the execution of the Works.

The Contractor shall prepare a report as a written and photographic record

of the condition of these structures, roads and installations. The report shall
be signed jointly by the Contractor and the Employers Representative, as
an agreed record and two copies provided to the Employers Representative
by the Contractor.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Temporary Lights, Buoys and Markers

The Contractor shall furnish, set, maintain and remove at the completion of
the works, or as directed by the Employers Representative, temporary
buoys, lights or markers required to define the Works onshore.

The Contractor shall provide information as to the proposed location of any

such marker buoy or other fixed marker to the Employers Representative
at least one month before its installation. The proposed location shall be
both in terms of the land based grid and in terms of Latitude and Longitude.
The Contractor shall reconfirm to the Employers Representative the
location after the markers have been installed.

The Contractor shall maintain all such marker buoys and other required
marks and lights in good repair and at the correct position.

The Contractor shall provide additional marking where required by the

Employers Representative. Contaminated Sediment

In case of contaminated sediment found on site, the Contractor shall take

all necessary measures to perform the Works within the applicable
environmental standards. Communication with Relevant Authorities

The Contractor shall provide to the Employers Representative copies of any and
all correspondences between the Contractor and local authorities, environmental
groups, consenting bodies or other utilities companies/authorities and the
Employer Co-ordination with On-going Port Operations.

The Contractor shall co-ordinate and program his works with any on-going
operations of the Employer, utilities companies/authorities other duly
constituted authority so as to cause minimum interference and disruption.
The Contractor shall ensure that access to their operation is maintained.

The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to liaise and co-operate with
the persons referred to above and, where required, to co-ordinate and liaise
with such persons during the construction of the Works.

During the Defects Notification Period, the Contractor shall liaise with the
Employer to pre-arrange access to the Site to make good any defects and
for monitoring, maintenance and completion of outstanding work. Project Signboard

The Contractor shall provide a Signboard for all works.

4.5.6 Port Policies

The Contractor shall not operate radios for voice or for data
communications purposes on the Site within the Port unless the operation
of the relevant radio frequency has been approved by the Employer and
OPRAG or any other Authority.


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Tender Documents

4.5.7 Construction Environmental Management Plan

The Contractor shall develop the CEMP for the Works based on approved
ESMP, requirement of stake holders and Employer/ Employers

The CEMP shall include, but is not limited to, the following documents:

The MCM Agreement
The HSE Management System
Construction Waste Management Plan
Turbidity Control and Water Quality Control
Noise control and traffic control;
Indicator of Project and Works Social Integration, such as
number of complaint, number of information / coordination meeting
with stakeholders Etc.

4.5.8 HSE Management System

The Contractor will have a role and a responsibility in the implementation of
the project HSE (Environment Hygiene Safety) Management System. As

such the Contractor will have a person at the Site dedicated to

the management of HSE (Health Safety Environment) issues. This
Contractor HSE Manager will be responsible for:

Acting as an HSE champion, helping to establish a positive HSE culture

across the Site,

Assessing the adequacy of existing operational controls for sitespecific significant HSE aspects/impact and recommend
improvements to better manage those aspects, as appropriate,

Carrying out HSE training for workers,

Maintaining emergency preparedness and response plans for HSE
related events and conduct all drills or exercises necessary to support
the plans

Ensuring operational control and monitoring equipment is properly

maintained and calibrated

Monitoring site HSE performance through regular inspection and

providing routine and exception- based reports (in case of HSE
incidents) to the Employers HSE Officer on a weekly basis

Implementing the control of HSE related data, information, documents

and records
Participating in HSE audits.

Moreover, the Contractor shall comply with all national and international
guidelines for HSE issues, such as International Finance Corporation
Environmental, Health, and Safety General Guidelines.


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

4.5.9 Site Cleanliness

The Contractor shall at all times be responsible for the proper upkeep and
maintenance of the Site and the Works. The activities on the Site shall not
be permitted to create noise, dust, water pollution, etc. beyond the agreed

limits, regulations, law, and other pre-existing restrictions.

The Site shall be kept free from all rubbish and offensive matter which shall
be disposed of in a manner agreed by the Employer, as it accumulates. The
Contractor shall not burn, nor permit to be burned, any material on Site.
The Contractor shall not operate in breach of environmental law and shall
not seek or obtain a waste management license where the same attaches

itself either to the land comprised in the Works, or to the Employer.

The Site shall not be used for storage for materials other than those to be
used in the execution of the Works or dredged from the sea bed. Materials
and equipment shall be positioned, stored and stacked in an orderly manner
and shall be kept secure

The Contractor shall not discharge into the GPM terminal or any other
waterway any oil, solid, noxious or floating materials and all water
discharged shall be free from foreign matter. Oil interceptors and wheel
washes shall be supplied, used and maintained by the Contractor.

Subject to the requirements of Clause 11 of the Conditions of Contract, all

equipment, materials and other goods shall be removed from the Site when
no longer required for the purpose of the Works.

The Contractor will be encouraged to be a member of the Considerate

Contractors Scheme


Services, Structures and Works

The Contractor shall organize his Work to minimize impact on the adjacent
areas; operations in the Port will continue during the Work. The Contractor
shall take into consideration all impact of this traffic, including all

4.6.1 Safety of Adjacent Structures, Services and Works

The Contractor shall provide and set up supports as may be required to
protect efficiently, to the satisfaction of the responsible authority, and the
Employer, all existing structures, services or works which may be
endangered by the execution of the Works, and shall remove such supports
on completion of the Works or otherwise take such permanent measures as
may be required to protect the structures or works, unless otherwise
required by the Employer.

4.6.2 Damage to Existing Facilities


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Tender Documents

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the repair or reinstatement of

any of the existing facilities and adjacent areas damaged as a result of his
activities, to the satisfaction of the Employer. Reinstatement and repair
shall be expedited and all losses mitigated forthwith.

4.6.3 Existing Services, Facilities and Structures

The Contractor shall carry out complete visual and photographic condition
surveys to identify all existing services and of all elements of the existing
services, facilities and adjacent areas not being demolished, or as otherwise
required by the Employer, within 4 (four) weeks of the Commencement
Date and prior to the commencement of any demolition or construction

The originals of the surveys, reports, plans detailing the results of the
survey and the photographs along with electronic files shall be submitted to
the Employer and the Employers Representative for their information within
8 (eight) weeks of the Commencement Date. The details of the existing
services shall also be recorded on his record and as-built drawings.

Prior to the commencement of the Works, the Contractor shall, in liaison

with the Employer, undertake a condition survey specifically dealing with
the access roads to the Site. This survey shall define the base condition to
which the roads are required to be maintained. The Contractor shall ensure
that damage or contamination to any public or private roads, footpaths and
tracks used by any vehicles or plant proceeding to or from the Site, shall be
kept to a minimum. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all repairs
necessary to restore such roads, tracks or footpaths, including clearing
debris, to the satisfaction of the Employer.

The Contractor shall, during the progress of the Works, take all measures
reasonable and properly required by the Employer, any statutory
undertaker, the management of any other publicly owned service, or
owners of privately owned services and supplies. The Contractor shall
ensure that no such services or supplies are interrupted without the prior
written consent of the appropriate authority or owner and the Employer.

If any service or supply for water, electricity, gas, drainage, cabling, etc. is
affected by the Works, then the Contractor shall locate it and provide a
satisfactory alternative before cutting the existing service or supply.

Where works are to be undertaken in areas containing existing services, the

Contractor shall establish their location by hand-digging trenches on a
nominal 10m grid or by other suitable means such as electronic scanning or
other industry standard approved manner normally prescribed by the
relevant service supplier or utility.

The Contractor shall give particular care to:

The existing aerial power cables

The SGEPP pipelines
Any other network present on the Site

Some minor items may require to be dismantled and handed over to

Employer at location as directed by the Employer. The nature of such items


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Tender Documents

will be provided by the Employer to the Contractor at taking over of the


4.6.4 Interface with Existing Services and Facilities

The Contractor shall ensure that all drainage and services, pavements,
roadways, surfacing, fencing and the like constructed under this Contract
are terminated or joined in a neat fashion, and tie in with existing services
and facilities in such a way that ensures the integrity and functionality of
the new and existing works and systems, and ensures that existing services
and facilities and operations are not adversely affected.

The Contractor shall make provision in his design for accommodating

differential settlement between sections of the works.
Where the Contractor is required to interface with existing electrical
supplies he shall ensure that work is carried out in a safe manner and that
electrical supplies are maintained to the unaffected services and facilities of
the continuously operating terminal. A minimum of 72 hours notice shall be
given to the Employer before undertaking any interruption to normal
supplies. The Employers written approval shall be provided before these
works commence.

Any intrusions, breaks or damage to existing operational cabling under this

Contract shall be made good by re-terminating or jointing in a neat fashion
and in such a way that ensures the integrity and functionality of the existing

The Contractor shall ensure that existing services within the Site area are
adequately protected or relocated. In the event of damage to such service it
shall be repaired, replaced or relocated expeditiously.


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents




In each of the following sections of the Employers Requirements, the

requirements for the Works are considered in accordance with the following

Work Scope
Surveys and Testing/Monitoring

The phrase, any material means any material of any nature whatsoever
(whether the same be naturally occurring or manmade) which may be
encountered during or otherwise affect the execution of the Works including
(without limitation) polluted materials, mud, silt, sand, clay, rock, boulders,
corestones, vessel or car wrecks, chains, anchors, cables, existing

structures and services, bombs or shells.

Manner of Execution:

The Contractor warrants that it has procured and will procure and that
there have not been and will not be specified for use or used in the
Works, any materials products or substances which at the time of use:

are not in accordance with the guidelines and good practice and
general considerations set out in relation to the selection of
construction materials, including in relation to the particular
materials specified or referred to

are not in accordance with current applicable Standards or Codes

of Practice

are generally known within the construction industry to be

deleterious, in the particular circumstances in which they are
used, to health and safety and/or to the durability of any building
or structures.



The tank farm facility area includes 3 areas of loads which will receive
different kinds of vechicles and handling equipment. The final phase of this
project will include container freight station and container repair yard. For
common routes to both lorry tankers and container trailers, final phase
loadings from container handling vehicles shall also be considered in the
design of pavement.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Table 5-1 Loads

SI. No


requirements (refer
to following

Uniform distributed

Service area and

Bulk storage area
except car park

tanker trucks

30 kN/m

Pavement including
including roadway
along the pipeline
corridor between

tanker trucks

Car park

Personal vehicles

Land Plot


General cargo
50 KN/m

Container Trailers

10 kN/m

Loads from Container Trailers

Port Tractor Tractor-trailers shall be used to move the containers between

the quay and the GLSY.
The following units shall be based on the below criteria:

Figure 5-1 Container trailers wheel layout

The corresponding loads and dimensions are as follow:


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Table 5-2 Tractor trailer axle loading


General cargo handling equipment

A range of fork lift trucks will be required to handle the general cargo and load
then onto road trucks that will transport the cargo outside the terminal.
Container Area. The size and number will depend on the intended cargoes


General material requirements

5.5.1 Sampling and Testing of Materials

Compliance of Materials with the Contractors Documents shall be confirmed
by sampling and testing in accordance with the relevant standards and prior
to their inclusion in the Works. Materials subsequently supplied shall at
least equal the conforming sample in all respects. Any samples not
conforming or Materials failing to comply with the conforming samples shall

immediately be removed from the Site and compliant samples replaced.

The Contractor shall provide and submit samples of Materials to the
Employer and shall:

retain samples on Site for comparison with Materials used in the works
remove these samples when no longer required
prepare samples of finished work

5.5.2 Contractors Tests on Materials and Plant

The Contractor shall provide the services of competent engineering staff to
set to work all items of Plant in a safe and efficient manner. The Contractor
shall establish procedures for testing of all Materials and Plant in accordance
with approved / specified standards and shall promptly produce certificates
of such testing including all test certificates for proprietary Materials and
plant. All testing procedures and documentation shall be submitted to the
Employer for review.

5.5.3 Suppliers
Within 28 days after the Commencement Date, the Contractor shall submit
a list of suppliers from whom he intends to purchase all Materials and Plant
required for the Works.


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Tender Documents

Where more than one manufacturer is able to supply any particular

Material, the Contractor shall obtain the whole quantity required to
complete the work from one manufacturer or supplier.

The Contractor shall obtain written statements from product manufacturers

confirming that their proposed products are suitable for/comply with the
specified location, design life and life to first maintenance together with
guarantees and warranties which shall be passed to the Employer.

The Contractor shall ensure that each supplier will admit the Employer to
his premises during ordinary working hours for the purpose of inspecting,
witnessing the testing and sampling or obtaining samples of the Plant and
Materials. Alternatively, if required by the Employer, the Contractor shall
deliver the samples of the Plant and Materials to the Employer's office or to
a laboratory nominated by the Employer. Samples shall be taken in
accordance with the relevant Standard where applicable or otherwise as
described in the Contract. Plant and Materials subsequently used in the
Works shall be consistent with the samples as tested or reviewed by the

Plant and Materials shall conform to the latest international standard and
shall be clearly and indelibly marked with the reference to which they
comply wherever possible. Where this is impracticable the relevant
advice/delivery notes shall include the reference with which they are to
comply. Certificates of compliance shall be submitted to the Employer.

All Plant and Materials shall be of new manufacture and shall be of good
quality and be able to operate in and withstand the environment in which
they will be working and shall have a design life as required by the
Employers Requirements or the Design Criteria. The Contractor shall
consider all Plant and Materials in the context of minimizing maintenance
and whole life costs.

Materials and Plant will be subject to review by the Employer prior to

placing orders. The Contractor shall submit to the Employer for review
copies of all orders for Materials and Plant to be incorporated in the Works
(including Cost, Insurance and Freight details for Materials on Site

All Materials and Plant shall be stored, used and installed in accordance with
the instructions and directions of the manufacturer or supplier unless
otherwise specified in the Employers Requirements.

After receipt on site, Materials and Plant will be subject to review by the
Employer prior to their incorporation into the Works. Any Materials and
Plant which are found not to be in accordance with the technical
submissions or Contractors Documents shall be rejected and replaced.

The Contractor shall supply to the Employer for review copies of the
manufacturers' current instructions and explanatory brochures for all
proprietary Materials or processes specified or proposed by the Contractor
at least 4 weeks prior to ordering and subsequent incorporation of the
Materials and Plant into the Works.


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Tender Documents



5.6.1 Design
Concrete elements shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of
the latest editions of applicable Standards (Eurocodes and/or European

The use of pre-cast concrete units shall be maximised and the use of overwater formwork minimised.

Durability design for concrete shall be in accordance with the applicable

Standards and Code of Practice (EN 206). All marine structural concrete
(reinforced and unreinforced) shall have a minimum strength class of
C35/45. All other structural concrete (reinforced and unreinforced) shall
have a minimum strength class of C30/35.

Plain Cement Concrete shall be of minimum grade C16/20. Admixtures shall

be used with prior approval from Employer.
Cement shall be Portland CEM-IIA 42.5 N or above Cement shall be in
accordance with the BS EN 197- 1

All grades of concrete proposed in works shall meet the following


Table 5-3 Requirement of concrete design


Limiting value

Limiting value


Minimum cementitious
content kg/m3



content kg/m3

Maximum cementitious
content kg/m3



content kg/m3

Maximum water-cement



Maximum watercement ratio

Concrete Cover

Minimum 70mm

Exposure condition considered shall be XS1

Account shall be taken of the potentially aggressive ground conditions and
presence of contaminants.
Steel reinforcement shall comply with applicable Standards. Zinc or epoxy
coated steel reinforcement and stainless steel reinforcement shall be used

only with prior approval from Employer.

With the exception of pre-stressed precast concrete piles and prestressed
sleepers, pre-stressed concrete shall not be used in the Works. For
prestressed concrete the minimum cover values for durability shall be
increased by 10mm.

Design crack width calculations shall be based on the nominal cover with
the limiting crack widths calculated as indicated in the applicable Standards.


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5.6.2 Concrete Production

Concrete shall be produced, tested and transported in accordance with
applicable Standards and all relevant cross references and in accordance
with the following requirements.

The chloride class of the concrete shall be as follows:

Reinforced concrete Cl 0.20

Pre-stressed concrete Cl 0.10
Un-reinforced concrete Cl 0.50.

The total estimated sulphate content (SO3) of the concrete shall not exceed
3% by mass of cement and sulphate determinations on the hardened

concrete shall not exceed 4% by mass of cement.

Alkali-Silica Reaction shall be controlled.
The shrinkage of the concrete shall comply with the limits accepted by the
applicable standards or Code of Practice. The Contractor shall submit test
results confirming this result 8 weeks prior to any concrete being required
for the works.

Aggregate shall conform to BS EN 12620. Maximum size of aggregate shall

be 20 mm. Manufactured sand will not be permitted to use in concrete.

Identity testing shall be undertaken at the following minimum frequencies.

Table 5-4 Frequency of testing


Frequency of testing
Interval between samples (m3)1
ISO9002 plants

Other plants

Slender and critical reinforced

concrete elements, e.g. piles,
columns and beams



Reinforced concrete



Thick sections and un-reinforced




Note 1 For plants producing autographic records including the water content these
intervals may be increased by 50%.

5.6.3 Construction
The size and sequence of pours in either precast units or in-situ concrete
and the sequence of erection and in-situ connection of precast units shall be
arranged in such a manner as to minimise internal and external restraint
and associated thermal and shrinkage cracking. Construction should
proceed sequentially and infill pours should be avoided. Proposed
construction joint arrangements shall be submitted to the Employer for

The Contractor shall take measures in the design and casting of concrete
sections to control the risk of early-age thermal cracking in accordance with
international recommendations (accepted by the Employer). The maximum


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Tender Documents

temperature of the fresh concrete as placed shall not exceed 35C. The

maximum core temperature shall not exceed 65oC.

Contingency plans shall be drawn up for adverse weather conditions. Local
weather forecasts shall be obtained on a routine basis and a check made
that mixes, logistic support and concrete placing and curing methods are
suitable for the forecast weather conditions. These contingency plans shall
be reviewed at the start of each season and modified as necessary.

All concrete shall be cured and protected from exposure to chlorides in

accordance with the applicable standard or Code of Practice. For structures
the concrete shall be wet cured and protected from exposure to chlorides
for a minimum of 14 days. The provision of adequate curing shall be
applied, monitored rigorously and recorded to ensure the long term
durability required of the concrete is obtained. Curing compound shall not
be allowed unless until permission from Employer. In case curing compound
is allowed to use wet curing shall be carried out till 7 days from date of
casting. Pre cast members will be allowed to shift only after 3 days from

The tolerance of concrete surfaces and qualities of finishes required shall be
in accordance with the applicable Standards.

The proposed methods and materials for making good of defects shall
ensure the required design life is achieved.

5.6.4 Submissions
The following information and documents as a minimum shall be submitted
for to the Employer for review at least six weeks in advance of concrete
production for the permanent works:

Details of concrete mixes to demonstrate compliance with the

Employers Requirements including sources of all constituents, chloride
and sulphate levels and precautions against alkali silica reaction

Detailed durability design report demonstrating how the proposed

concrete mixes, cover values and other measures meet the required
design life.

Method statement for the production, transport, placing and curing of

concrete giving details of the proposed plant, equipment, methods,
products and personnel

Sampling and testing plan for the concrete from production to the
completed element

Report showing initial tests to demonstrate suitability of the concrete

for the intended application
Proposed sequence of pours indicating the position and nature of
joints, including details of expansion joints to demonstrate adequate

movement accommodation
Outline contingency plans for adverse weather conditions
Method statement for making good to defects including details of
proposed materials.
Source approval for Cement, Aggregate and Coarse Sand.


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Tender Documents


Steel materials

Steel for piling works shall comply with the applicable Standards and
following minimum material grade:

Table 5-5 Minimum material grade- Steel for piling works


Minimum material grade

Steel tubular piles

Grade S 355 J2

Steel for structural steel works shall comply with the applicable Standards
and following minimum material grade:

Table 5-6 Minimum material grade- Steel for structural works


Minimum material grade

Structural steelwork Rolled sections, plates

and bars

Grade S 355 J2

Structural steelwork Hollow sections

Grade S 355 J2H

Nuts, bolts and washers

structural connections

Grade 8.8 - galvanized


Dimensional properties, tolerances and rolling margins shall comply with

applicable Standard and code of Practice.
The Contractor shall perform tests or provide manufacturers test
certificates for quality control of steels to be used in the permanent works.
These tests shall include but not be limited to the following:

Chemical analysis
Tensile tests
Impact tests (including Charpy impact test)
Bend tests
Flattening tests

With regard to steel for reinforcement, steel grade shall be compliant with
BS EN 10080 Steel for reinforcement of concrete.


Steel protective treatment

The Contractor shall provide protective treatment to all metallic items, other
than stainless steel equipment, fittings and fixings.

All GLSY structural steel components shall be protected with a cathodic


Contact between dissimilar metals such as stainless steel and carbon steel,
galvanised steel members and aluminium surfaces, or between galvanised
and un-galvanised steel members, shall be prevented by means of
insulating washers and grommets, of neoprene or equal and approved.

All steelwork shall be grit-blasted to Sa 2 in accordance with EN ISO

12944-4 after fabrication.


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Tender Documents

Galvanising (if any) shall be in accordance with EN ISO 1461: Hot dipped
galvanized coating on fabricated iron and steel articles Specifications and
test methods.

Any coating damaged in transportation to the site, storage, handling or

installation shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Employer.
The following protective treatment schedule indicates the minimum
requirements for protective treatment of steelwork and metalwork. The
Contractor shall ensure that protective paint treatments provided have a
minimum life to first maintenance of 15 years.

An additional thickness allowed for corrosion shall be taken into

consideration in calculating the thickness of the steel elements.

Table 5-7 Schedule of Protective Treatment to Steelwork and Metalwork


Time to first maintenance (years)

Steel Piling


All other steelwork, supports, brackets

and the like


Gully Gratings & Frames


Step Irons to Storm water Manholes



Rock including Metal Aggregates

5.9.1 General
All rock supplied shall be hard and clean igneous or metamorphic rock. It
shall be free from unstable minerals which could breakdown and adversely
affect the integrity of the blocks or the environment in the design life of the

The Contractor shall source rock for the Works from a single quarry unless
otherwise agreed by the Employer or the Employers Representative. Rock
unless varied otherwise within this specification shall comply with the
requirements outlined in CUR/ CIRIA Manual (or another code of Practice
accepted by the Employers Representative) on the use of rock in coastal
and shoreline engineering.

Sample loads of each class of material to be used at the site shall be

retained at a suitable location at each site for reference. The sample loads
shall have been tested for grading and shape.

5.9.2 Testing
Rock to be used in the works shall undergo be tested in accordance with the
applicable code of Practice on the use of as applicable to scope of work.


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Tender Documents

5.10 Testing and monitoring

5.10.1 General Requirements
The Contractor shall carry out all testing required under the Contract, and
shall report test results within 48 hours of the results becoming available.

Notwithstanding tests specified under the relevant codes and standards and
in these Employers Requirements, the Contractor shall carry out any
further tests as required by the Employers Representative.

The Contractor may establish an on-site testing laboratory or he may use

the facilities of an established approved laboratory accredited to relevant

The Site laboratory shall be fully equipped, staffed by qualified Materials

Engineers and technicians operating in accordance with ISO 9000 and its
related documents, and shall comply with the accreditation requirements
described above. The laboratory shall be subject to external audits at fourmonthly intervals, by an approved accreditation body or equivalent
independent testing agency. The external audit reports shall be provided to
the Employer and the Employers Representative within 48 hours of their
receipt by the Contractor.

5.11 Training of Employers personnel

As specified in clause 5.5 of the General Conditions if Contract, the

Contractor shall carry out the training of the Employers personnel in the
Operation and Maintenance of all facilities and equipment built and installed
as part of the Works, including but not limited to:

The cathodic protection on structural component;;

The palm oil storage and un/loading facilities and pumping stations and
related equipment;

All water supply and distribution networks;

The telecommunication equipment and network;
The floodlighting and general lighting equipment and network;
The electrical equipment and network;
The power generators;
The CCTV system;
The security systems;
The weighbridges;
The instrument air unit
The water tanks and booster;
Hydro Carbon storage facility;
All electromechanical equipment installed as part of the Works;
All electrical and electronic equipment installed as part of the Works.

Training shall be provided before commissioning to a minimum of 5

Employers Personnel for each component.


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Tender Documents



Climatic and environmental exposure

classification works

According to the standard NF EN 206-1, the class of exposure is XS1

(structures near to or on the shore).

These environmental conditions shall therefore be taken into account in the

design and construction of the works to ensure a good durability.


Prevention Level to Alkali-Silica reaction

According to the standard recommendations for preventing disorders due

to alkali-reaction LCPC June 1994 SETRA 1995 January24th, prevention
level to Alcali-Silica reaction will be B


Workmanship & Testing

6.3.1 Concrete Construction

Concrete construction shall be carried out in accordance with applicable
Standards and Code of Practice. In addition, the following general principles

shall be adhered to during concrete construction:

Finishes - the Contractor shall include concrete finishes on his drawings for
the approval of the Employer and the Employers Representative. For
special finishes, including brush or textured finishes, the Contractor shall
prepare sample panels of a size agreed with the Employer. The panels shall
be used to determine the minimum standard for the surface finish.

All exposed edges and ultimately exposed precast unit edges, shall have
chamfers. Edges against paving shall have a 10mm bull-nose radius.

Reinforcement - shall be accurately placed and adequately supported before

the concrete is placed. Spacers shall be provided to all bottom
reinforcement and between reinforcement and all formed surfaces. Concrete
spacers shall be fabricated from concrete of the same quality as that to be
used in the member/section/pour and no ferrous tie wire shall be placed in
the concrete cover zone;

Cast-in items - galvanized or stainless steel items cast into concrete shall
not be permitted to come into contact with steel reinforcement bars or
other steel cast-in items. Holding down bolts shall be cast in to the correct
level 3mm and vertical and shall be adequately supported from templates
and accurately positioned before concrete is placed. Ducts shall be
adequately restrained to resist movement;

Cleanliness - before concreting the reinforcement and other embedded

items shall be thoroughly cleaned of all deleterious matter including


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Tender Documents

concrete splash from previous concreting operations. Every precaution shall

be taken to ensure that contamination due to windborne dust or other
organic or chemical products from adjacent operations does not occur;

Construction joints where fresh concrete is to be placed against a

previous pour, preparations shall be taken to provide adequate and clean
construction joints. Such preparations shall include cleaning of surfaces by
water/air jetting to remove fresh concrete, laitance and deleterious

materials or debris.
Concreting procedures - concrete shall not be placed in any portion of the
Works until preparations have been accepted and permission given as part
of a formalized system of inspection and approval. Adequate notice must be
given to the Employer and the Employers Representative that areas are
ready for concreting to enable them or their staff to attend and make

necessary tests, inspections and checks;

Curing and protection of concrete - all exposed fresh concrete shall be
protected during hardening from the harmful effects of sunshine, moisture
and drying winds. Exposed top surfaces of concrete shall, immediately after
finishing, be covered with polythene sheeting until the concrete has
hardened sufficiently, when clean wet hessian shall be inserted under the
polythene sheeting and the whole pour substantially sealed to prevent air
circulation and the drying of the hessian. Polythene sheeting shall be
retained for not less than 7 days from placing the concrete, and the hessian
shall be retained for the whole wet-curing period. Vertical and soffit
surfaces of the concrete may be protected against initial evaporation by
retaining formwork in place for prescribed periods. On removal of the
formwork wet-curing procedures shall be followed. Care shall be taken to
ensure that concrete surfaces are not allowed to dry out at any time.
Surface defects shall be made good within 24 hours of removing formwork.
Alternative curing methods shall be subject to the consent of the Employer.

6.3.2 Piling
Piling shall be carried out in accordance with the current editions of the
applicable Standards. The design of structures shall accommodate
tolerances on driving of piles. Forcible corrections to pile head positions
shall not be made.

The effect of sound waves on fish and fishery resources shall be mitigated
by gradual ramping up of sound levels to scare fish away before sound
levels reach lethal levels.

Pile testing shall be carried out to verify that pile installation complies with
the Contractors design

6.3.3 Steelwork
The supply, fabrication and erection of the structural steel shall be in
accordance with the applicable Standards.


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Tender Documents




Earthworks - Levelling Of Hill Portion

7.1.1 General
Earthworks mainly consist in:
The levelling of the Land Plot at GLSY, including the excavation of the

The protection and the stabilisation of slopes of the remaining hill, on

the Land Plot at GLSY

Most of the excavated earth, will be used as subgrade for the bottom
layers over which the foundations for storage tanks, pavements for
truck loading areas, car parking areas, operational administrative
buildings, roads network etc shall have to be provided.

7.1.2 Sections
The construction of superstructures and pavement works shall be taken over in
sections at the GLSY as per the provisions of clause

2.6__ of the Employers


7.1.3 Design criteria Levelling constraint at connection to adjacent structures

The Contractor shall take into consideration the existing roads and
equipment for the design of the levelling of the GLSY area.

The Contractor shall design and build all necessary retaining walls or
retaining structures within the GLSY Site required to compensate the
levelling differences for ensuring acceptable slope for roads and pavement.

The accurate elevations of different structures to come up at the GLSY area

shall be determined on the Topographic survey to be performed by the
Contractor. Slopes and average levels

The average level (TOP elevation above finished pavement after

settlements) for the project areas are: Service Area: GLSY

Internal and service roads

Bulk Storage Area:

Hydrocarbon storages 5.00 CD

B2 - Palm Oil storages: 5.00 CD

These elevations are indicative. The contractor can propose in his offer
alternative elevations aiming to optimize the balance of earthworks and


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Tender Documents

the quantity of rock excavation, with slopes between platforms limited to


7.1.4 Other Earthworks

As per the approved Contractor design where relevant. Earth Filling for Formation of Road

The area adjoining the routing of pipelines needs to be filled up upto the
subgrade level for formation of right of the way for 7.5m wide road with
necessary berms on either side and revetment at seaside, from NGCT to Port-aBois entry security gate.

7.1.5 Materials General

The following categories of reuse have been defined:

Cat. 0: Materials cannot be reused for embankment construction.
They are subdivided in different subcategories:

Cat. 0.1: Topsoil. It shall be either reused for revegetation or put

in dump.


Cat. 0.2: non reusable materials coming. They shall be put in


Cat. 1: Materials can be reused in low embankments (H<5m), except in

steep slopes and in flood area.
It corresponds to General fills lower than 5 m. Excess materials of Cat. 1
shall be put in dump.

Cat. 2: Materials can be used for embankments up to 10 m high, except in

case of specific requirements (steep slopes, flood area): it corresponds to
structural fills lower than 10 m. These materials can also be used for
General fills lower than 15 m high (especially in the lower part, below
materials of Cat. 1), except in steep slopes and in flood area. Excess
materials of Cat. 2 shall be put in dump.

Cat. 3.1: Granular materials with low water sensitivity, which can be used
for starter layer for fill, substitution above groundwater level, structural fill
in granular materials (embankment in flood area or steep slopes or higher
than 15 m), capping layer when low traffic is expected, erosion shoulders,
safety berms, etc. It can be either rocky materials or alluvial deposits, but
their low sensitivity of water shall be assessed by specific tests.
The criteria of Cat. 3.1 materials coming from soft rock are the


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Table 7-1 Criteria of Cat.3.1. Materials coming from soft rock are the following

Dmax 250mm


MB50 1< 1.5


Soaked CBR

MB50 1.5 and Soaked CBR > 15%


Dmax 250mm


MB50 1< 1.5

Soaked CBR

MB50 1.5 and Soaked CBR > 15%

The criteria of Cat. 3.1 materials coming from alluvial gravels or massive rock
are the following:
Table 7-2 Criteria of cat. 3.1. Materials coming from alluvial gravels




Dmax 250mm

Passing at 0.075mm on 0/D

Passing at 0.075mm on 0/D < 15%


Soaked CBR

Passing at 0.075mm on 0/D 15% and

Soaked CBR > 15%

Cat. 3.2: Granular materials insensitive to water, which can be used for
capping layer for road, substitution below groundwater, drainage trenches,
specific parts of embankment when there is a steep thalweg crossing,
technical fill, etc. Their characteristics shall comply with the following

Table 7-3 Criteria of Cat. 3.2: Granular material insensitive to water




50mm Dmax 250mm

Los Angeles Abrasion

45% Maximum


MB50 < 0.12 for Dmax 50 mm

MB50 0.15 for 50 mm < Dmax 100 mm

1 MBVSoil:
Methylene blue value test for soil measures the adsorption capacity of a
soil or a rocky soil. The MBV of a soil is determined with compliance to EN 933-9 standard
except the preparation of test portion which is a 0/5 mm particle size. the methylene blue
value, MBVSoil, expressed in grams of dye per hundred grams of the 0/5 mm fraction
within 0/50 mm fraction is given by the following equation MBVSoil = V1 / M1 with M1
mass of the test portion in g, V1 total volume of dye solution in ml.
MB50: Methylene blue value for granular materials: MB (Standard EN 933-9) calculated on
the 0/50 mm fraction: MB50 = 0.1 x MB x passing 2 mm/passing 50 mm.


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MB50 < 0.2 for 100 mm < Dmax 250

Minimum 3 % Maximum 12 %
Passing at 0.075mm
Passing at 4.75 mm

Minimum 15 % Maximum 45 %

Within the above list (Cat. 1 to Cat. 3.2), the materials of one category are suitable to be
used for all inferior categories (e.g.: materials of Cat. 2 are suitable to be used as Cat. 1

7.1.6 Workmanship Preparation
Reference Benchmarks

Prior to the commencement of the earthworks, Contractor shall install all

additional definitive and temporary reference benchmarks for construction

Reference benchmarks, consisting of minimum concrete blocks 0.5m x

0.5m x 1m (length x width x thickness), shall be anchored to the ground,
the upper part bearing a metal plate indicating coordinates and elevation.

Temporary benchmarks shall be placed regularly during earthworks to

enable the topographic surveys required in the scope of works, with the
required accuracy.

Contractor shall carry out all necessary setting out and staking of the works
as shown on the drawings. Setting out shall be approved by the
Independent Engineer before starting any excavation, filling or construction.

Contractor shall protect and maintain existing and reference benchmarks,

from disturbance during the works. In case of disturbance or destruction,
Contractor shall replace as directed.

Implementation of works

The Contractor shall undertake the setting up of the stake lines for the
limits of the works, defined by cross sections.

Site clearing

Before excavation or filling beginning, the works areas shall be cleared of


Site clearance shall include, but may not be limited to, the grubbing up and
immediate removal from site of surface obstructions and unsuitable
materials, such as rubbles, stumps

All materials arising from site clearance work shall be removed from the site
as work progresses, and shall be disposed in approved stockpile locations
which shall be defined by the Contractor. Such materials should not be
permitted to accumulate and the site shall be maintained in a safe and
workmanlike condition at all times.


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Tender Documents

Top soil stripping

All areas to be excavated, filled, or constructed upon shall be stripped

entirely of top soil, except if other specification is given in design
documents. After vegetation clearing, where topsoil is to be left in exposed
areas that could be subject to erosion before topsoil stripping occurs, it is to
be protected from erosion to ensure that soil loss is limited in the event of
heavy rainfall and subsequent surface water runoff.

Top soil is the natural surface-soi1 layer containing organic matter, and
humus mixed with clay, silt or sand. Its thickness varies generally from 100
to 300 mm depending on the areas..

Thus, stripping depth shall be clearly indicated to the machine operator

prior to works. Where exact stripping depth is unknown, small discrete test
pits shall be excavated to inspect the soil profile to prevent

mixing/contamination from underlying horizons.

All permanent or temporary watercourses shall be cleared of unsuitable
deposits (soft clay spot, loose materials, wet soils, debris).

The top soil which will be reused shall be either directly placed in area or
reshaping or temporary stockpiled at locations agreed by the Independent
Engineer. The excess top soil shall be put in definitive dump.

If the design required not to remove the top soil, the holes coming from site
clearing shall be filled up with granular materials of Cat. 3.1. Excavation

General excavation is the excavation required to bring the site down to the
level on which the works are to be carried out for roads or platforms.

Excavations shall be carried out to lines, levels and profiles indicated on the
Construction drawings.

Tolerance for excavation works shall be as follows:

+/- 50 mm, in soil or soft rock context

+ 0 mm / - 100 mm, in rock context

Excavations shall cover any types of terrains, including hard and soft rock.
Equipment selection for excavation shall take into account the nature and
strength of materials, the weather conditions, the trafficabi lity and the
method of excavation.

Excavation activities shall be so arranged that materials become available

at such time as necessary to allow their direct use in the works. The
planning of excavation and filling activities shall take into account the

climatic conditions prevalent during the construction period.

Excavation shall be carried out in such manner that different materials are
kept separate unless otherwise directed or permitted by the Independent

Material reusable for embankment construction shall be transported

directly to filling areas.

Given high water sensitivity of the material, temporary stockpile is not

advised (and not allowed for Cat. 1 materials). In case of temporary
stockpile of Cat. 2 or Cat.3.1 materials, they shall be stored with a


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Tender Documents

slope of 6% and shall be compacted to avoid any moisture content

Material coming from the excavations, if unreusable for use in filling
operation or in excess, shall be disposed in one of the dump sites. The
choice of the dump site shall be approved by the Independent

Loose material detected below the design level, shall be removed and
put in dump.

Contractor is completely responsible for any consequences that could result

from material unbalance due to the placement in dump of excess reusable
materials. Before the beginning of any excavation, uphill ditches shall be
carried out as well as temporary ditches on each berm for water
management purpose: these ditches shall be connected to the temporary

sedimentation pond.
To follow-up the behaviour of slope in cut, the Contractor shall proceed,
prior to earthworks, to the implementation of instrumentation devices.

Contractor shall fill excess excavation with granular material Cat. 3.1 (or
Cat. 3.2 if below groundwater level) compacted up to 95% of maximum dry
density. Excess excavation means excavation outside the lines, level and
profiles shown on construction drawings certified by the Independent
Engineer or beyond acceptable levels of suitable material as defined by the
MAIN Contractor. No extra payment shall be recognized to Contractor for
any excess of excavation neither supply nor placement of cat 3.1 material.

General Excavation

This chapter applies to general excavation by machine, except in some

cases (hard rock excavation requiring use of hydraulic breaker or blasting).
All materials that can be excavated by a powerful excavator enter in this
category, even if the use of a ripper is required to improve the productivity.
Thus, it concerns in particular the excavation of soils and soft, weathered or
fractured rocks.

Contractor shall select the more suitable excavation equipment with regard
to results from geotechnical investigation.
Contractor shall protect newly graded areas from traffic. Earth moving
equipment shall be routed such that minimum damage is caused to the

natural subsoil structure of exposed formations.

Except in hard rocky materials, bulk earthworks excavation shall be stopped
300 mm above the final level, in order to not expose materials to weather
deterioration for long periods. The last 300 mm shall be excavated just
before the placement of the capping layer.

Contractor shall shape the excavation slope according to the Construction


Hard Excavation

This chapter applies to excavation of hard rocky materials. The limit of

these terrains is given by the refusal of an excavator of 300 HP with a 2 m3


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Tender Documents

Contractor shall select the more suitable excavation method with regard to
geotechnical investigations results. Several methods may be used
depending on the area, the depth of excavation and the rock strength: hard
ripping, use of hydraulic rock breaker or blasting.

The application of additional price for use of hydraulic rock breaker or

blasting shall be done after a trial test performed by the Contractor,
showing the refusal of an excavator of 300 HP with a 2 m3 bucket. The

result of this test shall be approved by the Independent Engineer.

When the terrains become softer and no refusal is exhibited with the
excavator of 300 HP with a 2 m3 bucket, the application of additional price
stops. Except evidence of extension of the hard rocky materials, the test of
refusal of the excavator of 300 HP with a 2 m3 bucket shall be done every
5000 m3.

At the beginning of the work hard excavation method shall be approved by

the Independent Engineer. Hard excavation can be done by using hydraulic
breaker and/or blasting tools and/or other equipment proposed by the

Where mechanical method of excavation is impracticable, drilling and
blasting shall be done. The purpose of blasting may be, depending of hard
cap strength, either rock mass fragmentation or opening existing fractures
in order to facilitate the mechanical excavation.

Blasting shall be minimized as much as possible due to safety reason and

also to avoid vibrating in case of fresh concrete pouring. When blasting is
required, a Method Statement shall be released and approved by the
Independent Engineer before any work.

Blasting pattern shall be adapted to fit with the vibration limits within fresh

During the sensitive period: between concrete pouring and the time when
UCS value (slenderness ratio 1) is 18 MPa minimum: Vibration 1 mm/s
with a frequency < 280 Hz

After the sensitive period:

12 mm/s with a frequency ranging between 4 Hz and 8 Hz;

15 mm/s with a frequency ranging between 8 Hz and 30 Hz;
20 mm/s with a frequency > 30 Hz.

These specifications also apply for any intensive use of a hydraulic hammer.
Given the local climate and the existing water levels measured in
piezometer, water seepage or inflows have to be considered for the choice

of the explosive.
Explosive storage, explosive transportation and blasting operations shall
comply with Gabonese laws and standards, site specific requirement and
design information, and international standards approved by the Employers
Representative. This task shall be performed by skilled and authorized staff
approved by the Independent Engineer.

A safety plan shall define storage, transportation and operation, including

the danger zone determination and the evacuation procedures.


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Prior to starting any phase of the operation the Contractor shall provide
information describing pertinent blasting procedures, dimensions and
notes to the Employers Representative. The methods of blasting shall
be approved by the Employers Representative and by representatives
The Contractor shall notify SGEPP and the operators of the adjacent
facilities of the location, date, time and approximate duration of such
blasting operations.
Such notice shall be given sufficiently in advance to enable the
counterparts for blasting issues to take such steps as they may deem
necessary to protect their property form injury.

Blasting shall be executed in such a way that damage to the subgrade is

avoided: neither opening of existing fractures nor creation of new fractures
below excavation level. In case subgrade is damaged, blasting shall cease
and excavation shall be done with mechanical means.

Excavation of rocky material shall be so arranged as to minimize the

production of oversized material (bigger than 500mm). Unless otherwise
used in the works, oversized material shall be selected out and broken with
a hydraulic hammer for reuse in backfill areas.

Temporary Stability

Temporary stability and erosion prevention are the responsibility of the


If the Contractor intends to have temporary cutslopes steeper than the

definitive cutslopes defined on the Construction drawings, it shall be
justified by a specific stability calculation approved by the Independent

Final stability and regular observation visits of cutslopes

The Contractor shall perform the final slopes of cuts as defined in the
Construction drawings. Contractor is responsible of the excavation method,
which shall not decrease the stability of the cutslope.

When the Contractor has completed earthworks to a berm level (so every 5
or 6 m in general), he shall perform geotechnical observations including
description of cutslope materials (nature of terrains, colour, aspect,
fracturation, weathering), water seepages and particularities. This
information shall be drawn up in a report including a drawing of the cut,
photographs, possible event or anomaly during excavation and a
geotechnical analysis of the results which shall highlight the comparison
with the expected facieses and propose possible adaptations of the works or
specific measures like drainage, drainage shields or trenches, etc. This
report shall be submitted to the Independent Engineer within 2 days after
the completion of the berm. This report is a witness point for the

This visit shall be done by a geotechnical engineer of Contractor and, every

two berms he shall be accompanied by the Independent Engineer. This joint
visit is a hold point for the Contractor.


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Drainage Shield

Drainage shields aim at collecting water seepages observed during the

regular observation visit made during cut excavation.

The location and extension of drainage shields are not defined on

Construction drawings but shall be defined after the observation visits. They
shall be proposed by the Contractor and certified by the Independent

They will consist of excavation of materials around the water seepage,

placement of a geotextile if necessary and backfilling with rip rap materials
of grading adapted with slope stability issue.

Slope Protection

On laterite steep cuts, a dedicated slope protection is needed. The

Contractor shall submit the design of this slope protection to the approval of
the Independent Engineer. A possible protection is a bamboo grid with
complete vegetation. (the Contractor is allowed to use such workmanship or
any other workmanship proven to be suitable for stabilizing the slope

Figure 7-1 Slope protection made of bamboo grid. Fill

From the stripped soil excavation level, the site shall be filled up to the level
specified on construction drawings certified by the Independent Engineer.
Tolerance shall be as follows:

+/- 50 mm at the top of embankment after the final grading

+/-150 mm for platform and road width
+/- 100 mm for slope altimetry
+/- 50 mm for starter layer or capping layer thickness

Material spreading, compaction, levelling, shaping and sloping up to the

required grade elevation are part of fill construction and shall be done for
each embankment activity.

Fill Preparation

Fill preparation comprises the following activities which are defined in the
hereinafter chapters:

Visual inspection;


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Draining trenches;
Stability benches if transversal slope is more than 15%;
Starter layer at the base of fill made of Cat. 1 or Cat. 2 materials.

Compaction of the supporting soils at the base of the fill shall be done only
if it appears as necessary to improve the supporting soils. In case of very
wet and loose soils, like poor alluvial terrains in plains, no compaction is

recommended, as it may downgrade the supporting soils.

Besides, the attention of the Contractor is drawn on the fact that there can
be interactions between fill preparation and soil improvement works if

For fill preparation, three hold points are defined:

Independent Engineer has to validate the inspection of the supporting

Independent Engineer has to validate the bottom of the substitution;
Independent Engineer has to validate the bearing capacity of the
starter layer.

Visual inspection

After site clearing and top soil stripping if required by the construction
drawings certified by the Independent Engineer - and before any other
works, Contractor shall inspect carefully the area beneath the embankment
to find out any clue of soil movement or very weak areas. If necessary, he
can also use light investigations (manual static or dynamic penetrometer,
trial pits) to confirm some issues.

In particular, the following points shall be observed:

Any irregularity resulting from unsatisfactory execution of previous

activity shall be highlighted;

Any soft or loose soil spot or swampy area shall be highlighted;

Any disturbed material due to weather deterioration or excessive
traffic shall be highlighted;

Irregularities of the graded rock shall be well cleaned;

Validation of the substitution extension and depth defined on
construction drawings certified by the Independent Engineer shall be

Any shallow water level or run-off, in particularly where substitution is

At the end of inspection, the Contractor shall draw up a report containing:

Observations reported on a map;

Results of complementary investigations if any;
Proposed actions for each particular points highlighted.

This report shall be approved by the Independent Engineer before starting

any preparation works defined hereinafter.

Stability benches (fill on slope over 15%)

For the fills located on natural slopes higher than 15%, soil preparation
requires to carry out stability benches, parallel to topographic lines and


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temporary drainage. These benches shall be performed totally in cut, before

the embankment construction. Their geometry shall respect the following

Width of sub-horizontal section > 4 m,

Slope of sub-horizontal section of 4 %, dipping downstream,

Continuity of benches, spacing being function of natural ground


The bottom of the bench shall be graded away from the surface of the
slope. Positive drainage measures to collect any subsoil or running water at
low points of the benching shall be done.

The start of embankment on these stability benches shall be done with

granular materials (Cat. 3.1 or 3.2 if required for drainage issue), on a
minimum thickness of 0.50 m or more. Materials shall be compacted.


Substitution consists in an excavation of compressible or inappropriate layer

of supporting soil to replace it by granular material (Cat. 3.1 or 3.2
depending on the ground water level).

Visual inspection of the bottom of excavation for substitution is required

before backfilling with the granular materials (hold point).

Substitution above ground water level shall be done in materials Cat. 3.1,
which shall be compacted whenever possible.

Substitution below ground water level or partial substitution shall be done in

materials Cat. 3.2.

Starter layer

For fills made of Cat. 1 or Cat. 2 materials, a starter layer is required to

ensure heavy compaction for the upper layers. Materials of Cat. 3.1 shall be
used for this starter layer (except below groundwater level where Cat. 3.2

materials are required).

The objective of the starter layer is to obtain at its top a minimum
deformation modulus EV2 of 50 MPa for structural fills and 40 MPa for
general fills. These values shall be confirmed by the Contractor at the
beginning of the work with the results of trial tests performed.

Starter layer thickness shall be adapted to the ground bearing capacity to

obtain the minimum requirement given above. Where substitution is
designed, the starter layer shall be reduced or deleted: indeed, the
substitution is also done in granular materials and this layer shall play the

role of the starter layer.

Starter layer shall be compacted heavily to become an anvil for the
compaction of the next layer.

Shaping of the starter layer is required to get a small slope (1%), initiating
shaping for upper layers.


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Drainage trenches

Drainage trenches aim at ensuring the drainage of terrains below

embankment, dump or other facilities. Their sections are various depending
on the areas and may vary in the same drainage trench (to take into
account the increase of water to collect).

The trenches are required to be made by excavation, either in natural

terrains, either in project embankment. It is not recommended to make a
drainage trench by placing granular materials in embankment and then
other fill materials around.

The trenches shall be filled with granular materials of Cat. 3.2.

No geotextile is required at the interface between soil and drainage
trenches, except other specification on construction drawings certified by
the Independent Engineer.
The Contractor shall avoid any pollution of the granular material with
natural or embankment soils, mud, cuttings or dust. In case of pollution,
the Contractor shall perform, at his own costs, the cleaning of the
contaminated area and shall replace the granular materials.

Filling and compaction


General considerations

Compaction shall be performed with heavy vibrating compactors. Their

classification shall be equal or superior to the compactor used during trial
earthworks. The equipment used (e.g. type, quality, number) shall receive
the agreement from the Independent Engineer. Compactors shall be
equipped with speedometer.

At the beginning of works, calibration of each compactor shall be done.

At the close of each day work, the working surface shall be crowned,
shaped and rolled with smooth steel wheel or pneumatic tired rollers, for

positive drainage.
The detailed method statement shall be prepared by Contractor and
approved by Independent Engineer. Area of fill failing to meet the
requirements of this specification shall either be removed and replaced, or
reworked until satisfactory as considered by the Contractor at no additional

During embankment construction and filling operations, earth-moving

equipment shall be routed to prevent damage to any compacted layer.
Damage to any compacted lift such as rutting under the earth moving
equipment, shall be fully repaired by the Contractor at its own expense
prior to placement of any overlying materials.

As a reminder, layer thickness and passes number for a given material is

linked with the type of compactor. For any new type of compactor,
parameters will have to be reset by a specific compaction trial.

According to poor mechanical properties expected at the footprint of some

embankments, and to ensure stability, it might be required to build fill in
several stages and follow settlement and deformation during time.
Particular specifications for embankments on compressible areas


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Maximum diameter of element allowed in fill is 2/3 of the final thickness

layer, with a maximum diameter of 500 mm. Oversized particles shall be
removed prior to compaction.

The fill construction planning shall follow the design documents (in case of
requirement of construction in different phases).

Particular specifications for embankments on

compressible areas

For all embankments located on compressible layer, and especially if a

weak shallow layer is expected, the following specifications shall be followed
to avoid any risk of punching failure:

Stakes shall be installed around 1 m away from the embankment toe,

every 10 m in the longitudinal direction, at each side of the
embankment: these stakes shall be put on a straight alignment to
allow a visual monitoring. These stakes shall be checked by the
Contractor during all the steps of construction by a visual daily
observation and a topographical survey on a weekly basis (this
frequency can be adapted depending on the context and the
displacement). The aim is to follow up the horizontal and vertical
displacement to avoid punching failure and creeping. In case of
abnormal displacement, the Independent Engineer shall be
immediately informed and, if necessary, the embankment construction

shall be stopped.
Any step between two parts of the embankment shall be
avoided, except if punching stability is ensured.

Particular specifications for Cat. 1 and Cat. 2


Compulsory requirements for Cat. 1 and Cat. 2 materials are:

Compaction shall be done immediately after material laying.

Lateral slopes during compaction shall be 3 to 4%.
Minimum longitudinal slopes during compaction for platforms with
saprolite in fill shall be 2%.

Rebound shall be reached during compaction by the compactor.

Embankment construction in Cat. 1 or Cat. 2 materials is forbidden during

any rain.

Any layer shall be sealed with a first pass of compactor before rain, to erase
marks made by caterpillars and tires and enhance water run-off.
Some types of Cat. 1 materials, and especially laterite, should benefit
from aeration whenever possible, in order to lower the moisture content

and the risk of plastification and collapsing of the material.

The fill slopes of Cat. 1 and Cat. 2 materials shall be protected by shoulder
against erosion.

For platforms along flood areas, a protection from erosion and water
imbibition is required by a 5 m wide peripherical band of granular materials
(Cat. 3.1), in addition to rocky block protection.

Particular specifications for Cat. 3.1 and Cat. 3.2 materials


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The minimum slope during fill construction shall be 0.5% in every direction
to ensure water run off to temporary ditches and ponds.
When granular material is used as a starter layer under Cat. 1 or 2
material, a greater

slope shall be considered, to prepare grading of upper layers.

When granular material will be used as a capping layer, its upper slope shall
match with the final grading.
The laying and compaction of these materials shall follow the usual codes
and standards for these types of materials. Method statement quality
control shall apply for compaction of granular material.

General fill

The target specifications in saprolite/laterite after compaction are:

The target specifications in saprolite/laterite after compaction are:

Degree of saturation 100% into saprolite after compaction
Porosity inferior to 60% with an average value inferior to 55%
Minimum plate load test modulus EV2: 40 MPa
95% of EV2 modulus values 45 MPa

Trial earthwork should demonstrate that those targets are achievable. End
products quality control is required in general fill.

Construction program shall consider that each layer will not be covered by
the next one before control tests are completed.

General fill with other Cat. 1 material

A specific compaction trial shall be performed to define the method

compaction and criteria to be applied for each other type of Cat. 1
materials. The target specifications after compaction are the following:

Minimum plate load test modulus EV2: 40 MPa

95% of EV2 modulus values 45 MPa

End products quality control is required.


General fill with Cat. 2 or Cat. 3 materials

Cat. 2 materials used in general fill shall be compacted to match 95%

DDOPN. Granular material used in general fill shall be compacted to match

95% DDOPN.
Method statement quality control is allowed for general fill made of Cat. 2
or granular material.

Nevertheless, at the top of the fill, the following reception shall be obtained:

Minimum plate load test modulus EV2: 75 MPa

95% of EV2 modulus values > 80 MPa.

Thus it is recommended to build the last one meter according to

structural fill recommendations in the following chapter (no QC control will
be required in this case).

Structural fill


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Granular material (Cat. 3.1 or 3.2) for structural fill shall be compacted to
reach at least 100% DDOPN. Moreover average EV2 modulus shall be 80
MPa minimum (with 100% of the values higher than 60 MPa).

These specifications do not apply for:

The first meter of embankment above natural soil,

Starter layer,
Safety berms,
Erosion shoulder,
Drainage trenches
Stability benches.

Method statement quality control shall be applied for compaction of

granular material in structural fill.

Structural fill in Cat. 2 materials

A specific compaction trial shall be performed to define the method

compaction and criteria to be applied for each other type of Cat. 2
materials. The target specifications after compaction are the following:

Minimum plate load test modulus EV2: 75 MPa

95% of EV2 modulus values 80 MPa End products quality control is

Bedding for pipe and culverts

Bedding of culvert or pipe is made of granular material (Cat. 3.1 or 3.2

depending on the water level). Except particular specification, a 1 m
thickness is expected below the pipe or culvert and the surrounding of

technical fill.
In case of substitution of more than 1 m of granular material, it will replace
the bedding. Granular materials shall reach 95% of the DDOPN.

Technical fill is the fill surrounding and protecting the pipe / culvert. It is
made of granular material of Cat. 3.2.
Granular materials shall reach 95% of the DDOPN.

Technical fill for pipe, culvert and bridges


Preloading corresponds to temporary embankments which aim at

generating settlements of a compressible layer.

Requirements for preloading fills are the same as those for General fills.
It is recommended to use materials of Cat. 2 or Cat. 3 for preloading.
Nevertheless, use of materials of Cat. 1 for preloading is possible. For
preloading placed on the capping layer, a special care shall be taken to
avoid pollution of the upper part of the platform (geotextile, additional
thickness of capping layer, etc.).

The materials removed from preloading embankment can be reused

depending on the type of materials:

For materials of Cat. 1: as another preloading or put in dump


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For materials of Cat. 2 or 3: as materials for fills or as another

preloading or put in dump.

Before removing the preloading, the monitoring of settlements shall have

shown that the remaining settlements are acceptable for the equipment.
The Contractor shall submit for approval of the Independent Engineer a
memo showing the settlement monitoring and requesting the preloading
removal: this is a hold point.

Top Soil Installation

The setup of the top soil layer shall be done according to construction
drawings certified by the Independent Engineer.

This layer shall not be compacted.

The revegetation shall be done just after top soil installation to avoid

7.1.7 Subgrade Generalities for Capping Layers

The capping layer is:

Either the last layer below platform top. Light traffic is then foreseen
on the capping layer.

Or the last layer below pavement layer on which heavy traffic is


The aim of capping layer is to ensure a good modulus at its top. Its
thickness is designed according to:

The nature of subgrade.

The characteristics of the granular materials of the capping layer.
The target of the reception of the capping layer for roads. As
information, pavement design is based on a soaked CBR greater than
15%. Target of reception is EV2>100 MPa, provided that capping layer
material exhibits such value.

Capping layer shall be done in granular materials cat 3.2 for roads or cat
3.1 for platforms. They shall be laid and compacted just after completion of
excavation in cut or construction of the upper layer in fill, to avoid decrease

of characteristics of subgrade due to weather conditions.

No traffic on subgrade is allowed.
When fill height (below capping and pavement layers) is less than 1m for
roads or 0.7m for platform, the area is to be considered as cut area. The
subgrade of composite profile and cut-to-fill transition (and thus the
capping layer) shall be treated as the contiguous cut. Reception of Subgrade

The subgrade shall be controlled by plate load tests. The aim of this
checking is only a way to ensure the reception of the capping layer.

In cut, the subgrade shall be compacted only if it appears as necessary to

improve its bearing capacity and to match the target plate load tests (in fill,
the subgrade layer shall be compacted as defined).


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As information, assumptions for capping layer design are presented in the

following table

Table 7-4 Assumption of capping layer design

Terrains at

or Laterite

or Laterite

Soft Rock

Hard rock

long term
(soaked CBR)

CBR < 5

5 < CBR < 10

10 < CBR

15 < CBR

Minimal Plate
load test value

No reception

40 MPa EV2

75 MPa EV2

90 MPa EV2

95 % of Plate
load test

No reception

45 MPa EV2

80 MPa EV2

100 MPa EV2

If measured values are below the ones presented in the above table, and if
it can lead to an insufficient plate load test modulus at the top of capping
layer, the Contractor shall propose for Independent Engineers approval, a
solution to improve the subgrade (substitution, etc.). Capping Layer for Roads

Granular material for capping layer for road shall be Cat. 3.2 materials.
They shall be compacted to reach at least 100% DDOPN.

At the top of capping layer, 95% of the values of EV2 modulus shall be
greater than 100 MPa. If capping layer material exhibits smaller value
measured on a compaction trial (intrinsic modulus) of 1.6 m height, target
reception shall be EV2>80 MPa.

Method statement quality control shall be applied for compaction of capping

layer. Capping Layer for Platform (Other Than Reclamation Area)

Granular material for capping layer for road shall be Cat. 3.1. They shall be
compacted to reach at least 100% DDOPN.

At the top of capping layer, 95% of the values of EV2 modulus shall be
greater than the short term objective (see following table).

Table 7-5 EV2 modulus at top of capping layer for platform

Capping layer

0.60 m

Type of fill

General fill

Control to
ensure long

EV2 > 60 MPa

0.35 m
Structural fill

Type of fill

EV2 > 80 MPa

Control to
ensure long

General fill

EV2 > 60 MPa


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7.1.8 Dumps and Stockpile Definitive Dumps

This chapter concerns the definitive dumps also called excess cut storages.
The materials to be put in definitive dumps are those defined in the Mass
Haul Plan and correspond to:

The unreusable materials;

The excess of reusable materials.

It is not allowed to dump materials which were not foreseen in the Mass
Haul Plan without approval of the Independent Engineer

It is required to maintain a minimum temporary slope at each step of the

construction, to ensure water run-off and to avoid additional soaking of
materials. To reduce erosion and imbibition, the surface shall be sealed
before each rain and at the end of each working day, if possible by a roller

compactor or by the dozer blade.

At the end of construction, a top soil layer shall be placed on all the surface,
and revegetation shall be done immediately after, to reduce the erosion. Temporary Stockpiles of Materials

Temporary stockpiles of materials shall be avoided.

If Contractor intends to temporary stockpile materials, it shall be justified
and approved by the Independent Engineer.
No temporary stockpile of Cat. 1 materials is allowed.
No temporary stockpile of Cat. 2 and Cat. 3.1 materials is allowed, except if
materials are compacted.
In any case, it shall comply with the following specifications:

The temporary stockpile area shall be approved by the Independent

Before the beginning of stockpiling, the Contractor shall release a
temporary stockpile report for approval of the Independent Engineer,
in which the area, the volume, the type of materials, the construction
plans, the accesses and the water management shall be defined;

After storage, the Contractor shall conduct a topographical survey to

define the volume of available reusable materials. This quantity shall
be introduced in the update of Mass Haul Plan.

The Contractor is responsible of the stability of the temporary

stockpiles. Contractor shall take all necessary measures to prevent
stockpile instability, erosion or windblown dust;

The Contractor shall manage the accesses to the temporary stockpiles;

The same water management shall be done as for General fill. In
particular, the temporary stockpiles shall be graded and shaped to
drain surface water;

The properties and composition of materials intended to be reused as

construction materials at a later stage, shall not be changed by
temporary stockpiling;

Stockpiles are to be located at least 50m from any freshwater streams,

rivers, springs and/or the marine environment.

After works, the corresponding area shall recover its initial aspect.


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Stockpiles of any material shall be located in either previously disturbed

areas adjoining the works area, or within the approved footprint of the
works area as much as possible. The Independent Engineer shall only
approve the clearing of new areas for soil stockpiles in circumstances where
the Contractor comprehensively demonstrates that it is necessary. Top Soil, Temporary Stockpiles

The top soil temporary stockpiling shall comply with the same specifications
as for other material stockpiling, with the additional specifications:

A map of proposed top soil storage locations showing estimated

quantities per site shall be prepared by the Contractor and approved;

The top soil temporary stockpile areas shall be cleaned of all unwanted
foreign elements: stones with a diameter greater than 20 cm,
branches, stumps, scrap...

The footprint of topsoil stocks shall not be stripped.

No machine shall roll on the stock footprint during the transfer. Topsoil
shall be put in stockpile with a mechanical excavator, in V- section
leads of less than 5 m wide at the base. No machine shall roll on the
topsoil stockpiles during and after the storage. The topsoil shall never
be compacted (no storage layers). Topsoil stockpiles shall not be
higher than 2 m. The surface of the stockpiles shall be tightened with
the bucket of the excavator, without compacting the material.

7.1.9 Quality control Topographical Survey

Earthwork topographical survey is the responsibility of the Contractor. It is

required to:

Get data for mass haul plan update

Control layer thicknesses in fill
Compare filled volume with compacted surface
Ensure progress measurement

Earthwork survey shall use benchmarks or GPS device with a -/+ 1 cm


A daily topographical survey is required for general fill built with Cat. 1
materials and structural fill built with Cat. 2 materials. For other cases, the
topographical survey shall be adapted to ensure target layer thickness
tolerance. The frequency proposed by the Contractor shall be approved by
the Independent Engineer.

A weekly topographical survey is required in cut.

Tolerance for filling shall be +/- 5 cm Contractor shall release a procedure
for Independent Engineers approval, to explain how these tolerances will
be matched (e.g. using DPS device with spreading equipment, or staking
out each layer with wooden pegs removed before compaction).


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Volume-3 Considerations for Material Reuse


Quality control is the main point to ensure the reuse of materials.

The sorting of materials in cut shall be done by visual control. If required by
the Independent Engineer or in case of specific terrains, laboratory tests
(identification tests) shall be performed by the Contractor.

Control tests in fill are identification tests and compaction control.

To match earthworks quality standards, the following steps shall be
followed for each type of materials to be reuse in fill:

Before the beginning of the construction, Compaction trials shall be

carried out to define compaction parameters and control references, for
each type of material and compactor.

A Compaction trial conclusions report shall be issued by Contractor and

approved by Independent Engineer (hold point).
Filling and compaction shall be done in accordance with the
Compaction trial conclusions. Control tests shall be performed and

released daily to Independent Engineer for information.

Acceptance tests at the embankment top shall be done. A summary of
tests, as built, shall be released by Contractor for Independent

Engineers approval.
Control test frequencies are defined according to the type of materials for
general and structural fills:

For general fills built with Cat. 1 materials and structural fill built with
Cat. 2 materials, the philosophy of end-product quality control shall be
considered. In this case, procedures defined in the Compaction trial
shall be followed and in addition, specification compliance (in particular
density) shall be checked on each layer.

For other cases, the method statement quality control shall be

considered. In this case, compaction parameters defined in the
Compaction trial shall be followed and might always ensure
embankment quality. Nevertheless, some control tests are required to
detect possible deviation on specification compliance.

Anomaly and non-compliance

An anomaly is a deviation from specifications noted during construction.

The anomaly can be detected by the Independent Engineer or the

If the anomaly cannot be corrected immediately, it is becoming a

noncompliance with an opening of noncompliance procedure. A
noncompliance case can be closed by:

Acceptance if Contractor proves that there is no long-term risk for the

embankment and equipments and that it is agreed by the Independant

Reparation to mitigate long term risk, proposed by Contractor and

accepted by the Independant Engineer.
Embankment dismantling and reconstruction.


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Compaction Trial

No compaction trial shall be performed under high embankment area,

except for granular material.

Compaction trial shall be performed with a volume of not less than 1 000
m, with a minimum of 6 layers of 8 m width and 40 m long at the top.
The 3 first layers (or more if required) aim at defining the compaction
parameters (thickness of the layer, number of passes, speed of the

compactor, etc.). Besides, the target thickness

of the layer before compaction, which allows obtaining the good final
thickness after compaction, shall be defined, to be used as a guideline

during earthworks construction.

The 3 last layers (or more if required) aim at adjusting control test results
with specifications.

For EV2 modulus assessment checking, the minimum embankment height

shall be 1.5 m.

Before compaction trial, the supporting ground shall be prepared and tested
allowing an EV2 > 50 MPa. Four (4) plate load tests shall be performed
before compaction trial.

During compaction, settlements produced with the last pass shall be less
than one per cent (1%) of the layer thickness, using topographical

At the end of compaction trial it shall be checked that all requirements for in
situ tests have matched for 3 consecutive layers. A set of tests shall be
made of minimum five (5) measurements.

A compaction trial shall be done for each type of materials, for each type of
reuse (general fill, structural fill, etc.) and for each type of compaction

Specific Tests and Procedures


Density measurement

Gamma densitometer tool is the reference device for density

measurements. Measurements shall be performed in accordance with NF P
94-061-1 (standard test method for in-place density and water content of
soil and soil aggregate by nuclear methods (shallow depth)). Density shall
be measured up to 30 cm deep. The apparatus used shall be calibrated
during compaction trials.

Moisture content measurement required for Dry density calculation shall be

measured by oven drying method. Other methods might be proposed by
Contractor (moisture with micro wave, fried pan or using gamma
densitometer) but shall be calibrated at the beginning of construction for
each type of material with 30 comparison tests.

Other method for density measurement may be proposed by Contractor to

approval. If these methods require time to perform a measure, the
Contractor shall ensure to staff to match with requested frequencies.

Deformation modulus with plate load test

Deformation modulus EV2 shall be checked with a 600 mm plate.


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Plate load test using a 600 mm plate has been chosen to carry out tests
every 1.2 to 1.5 m thick.
Plate load test will require specific equipment with a loaded truck to ensure

Compaction record

Compaction record is required for quality control purposes. Compaction

record can be made by 3 of the following methods:

Continuous visual check formalized within a form released every day

(to be defined).

Using DPS control system associated with compactors. In this case the
topographical survey may be reduced.

Using tachymeter associated with compactors, measuring speed,

distance and vibration. This method is the Q/S method control
presented hereafter.

The Contractor shall define and describe the method he intends to use for
Specifications on "continuous" compaction monitoring (Q/S method) consist
of prescribing rules for each combination of soil type and compactor. This

maximum layer thickness T of soil layers after compaction, which shall

be compatible with efficient operation of the compactor used,

intensity of compaction to be applied, expressed by the Q/S ratio in

which Q is the volume of soil placed (measured after compaction) and
S is the area covered by the machine to compact the volume Q,

compactor operating conditions: maximum forward speed of vibratory

machines, minimum speed for spreading machines, ballast, vibrational
frequency and eccentric moment for vibratory machines, tyre pressure

for pneumatic tyred rollers,

fitting machines with direct reading and recording instruments for
distance travelled by the machine, forward speed and (for vibrating

rollers) vibrational frequency and eccentric moment,

Site organisation: Contractor shall submit a schedule for operating
haulage, spreading and compaction each day or less systematically,

whenever he makes changes.

Compaction trial shall allow defining the following parameters for a given

Thickness of each layer (T)

Compaction speed (V)
Number of passes (N)

Q/S is calculated from compaction trial will be Q/S=T/N for a given speed.
Pass number can be adapted from Q/S value with: N= T site/(Q/S)

Moreover speed can be adapted during construction using: V adapted= V/T

x T adapted.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Control Tests

Granular material from imported quarries shall be approved before use.


Preliminary laboratory tests for granular

material approval

Compaction record

A compaction control form shall be released every day to Independent

Engineer showing that compaction parameters have been matched for each
earthwork unit.

The following data shall be included in this form:

Number of trucks which have unloaded in the fill with the average
assessed load for each type of materials

Filled volume from topographical survey

Number of layers with actual thickness
Total surface compacted (distance x compactor width).

Laboratory tests on filled material

These tests shall be performed in laboratory after unloading in fill for

materials from cuts and on stockpiles for granular material coming from

external supply.
All tests shall be performed in an on-site laboratory. Additional laboratory
tests can be required during construction by the Independent Engineer.

Before the beginning of the works, the Contractor shall propose for approval
the equipment and staff of its laboratory.

The frequency of laboratory tests for Cat. 1 and Cat. 2 materials are the

Table 7-6 Frequency of laboratory tests for Cat. 1 and Cat. 2 materials

CAT. 2




1 U/10 000 m3

1 U/30 000 m3

1 U/10 000 m3


1 U/10 000 m3

1 U/30 000 m3

1 U/10 000 m3


1 U/10 000 m3

1 U/30 000 m3

1 U/10 000 m3


1 U/20 000 m3

1 U/50 000 m3

1 U/10 000 m3


1 U/20 000 m3

1 U/50 000 m3

1 U/10 000 m3


1 U/ 5 000 m3

1 U/ 20 000 m3

1 U/15 000m3


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

The frequency of laboratory tests for Cat. 3.1 materials is the following:

Table 7-7 Frequency of laboratory tests for Cat. 3.1



Sieve analysis

1/20 000 m3

MB (on 0/D mm)*

1/20 000 m3

Moisture content

1/20 000 m3

Soaked CBR

1/20 000 m3

The frequency of laboratory tests for Cat. 3.2 materials is the following:

Table 7-8 Frequency of laboratory tests for Cat. 3.2 materials



Sieve analysis

1/5 000 m3

Moisture content

1/5 000 m3

Los Angeles

1/20 000 m3

MB (on 0/D mm)

1/20 000 m3

Specific gravity

1/20 000 m3


In situ tests frequency

Table 7-9 In situ tests frequency





CAT. 3


1/300 m2 for
each layer

1/400 m2 for
each layer


1/400 m2 every

1/900 m2

1/400 m2

1.2 m thick and

on top

every 1.5 m
thick and on

every 1.2 m
thick and top

1/900 m2 on

1/900 m2 above
starter layer



1/900 m2 on

1/900 m2
above starter

1 U/2500 m2 at
the end of
* Reduction of in situ density tests and plate load tests can be proposed by Contractor,
provided that a light dynamic cone penetrometer (Panda type ASTM D7380) is used with a
calibration during compaction trials and references. Modification of frequencies and
procedure shall be proposed before the beginning of construction by the Contractor for


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents


Program of instrumentation shall be approved by the Independent Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide documentation including the type, the location
and the monitoring of the instrumentation (the frequency of monitoring
defined in the following chapters is a guideline that can be adapted). This
program shall take into account the design requirements. It shall be
regularly updated according to the works.

Instrumentation devices shall be installed at the beginning of the works in

the area:

Settlement gauges shall be installed before beginning of the

Inclinometers shall be installed before the beginning of excavation
(except if located on a berm).

Piezometers shall be installed as early as possible and before the

beginning of the works in the area (except if located on a berm).

Pore water pressure cell be installed during construction

Monitoring instrumentation shall be performed by the Contractor during the

whole duration of the works, with frequency defined by the Independent
Engineer. The maintenance and protection of measuring devices is the
responsibility of the Contractor.

7.1.10 Geotextile
The geotextile shall be submitted to Independent Engineers certification by
the Contractor. It should comply with EN IS 10319 and 12956

7.1.11 RCC foundations and enclosures below storage tanks Land piling for foundation for storage tanks

Land piling shall be carried out in accordance with the current editions of
the applicable standards. The design of structures shall accommodate
tolerances on driving of piles. Forcible corrections to pile head positions
shall not be made.

Pile testing shall be carried out to verify that pile installation complies with
the contractor's design. Ring foundation and enclosure for products

Ring foundations and collecting enclosures for storage products shall be

provided in reinforced concrete below the storage tanks as per approved
working drawings and as directed by the Engineer/Employer's
Representative. Steelworks

The supply, fabrication and erection of the structural steel and

reinforcement steel shall be in accordance with the respective applicable


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Workmanship & Testing Concrete construction

Concrete construction shall be carried out in accordance with applicable

Standards and Code of Practice. In addition, the following general principles

shall be adhered to during concrete construction:

Finishes - the Contractor shall include concrete finishes on his drawings for
the approval of the Employer and the Employers Representative. For
special finishes, including brush or textured finishes, the Contractor shall
prepare sample panels of a size agreed with the Employer. The panels shall
be used to determine the minimum standard for the surface finish.

All exposed edges and ultimately exposed precast unit edges, shall have
chamfers. Edges against paving shall have a 10mm bull-nose radius.

Reinforcement - shall be accurately placed and adequately supported before

the concrete is placed.
Spacers shall be provided to all bottom reinforcement and between
reinforcement and all formed surfaces. Concrete spacers shall be fabricated
from concrete of the same quality as that to be used in the
member/section/pour and no ferrous tie wire shall be placed in the concrete
cover zone;

Cast-in items - galvanized or stainless steel items cast into concrete shall
not be permitted to come into contact with steel reinforcement bars or
other steel cast-in items. Holding down bolts shall be cast in to the correct
level 3mm and vertical and shall be adequately supported from templates
and accurately positioned before concrete is placed. Ducts shall be
adequately restrained to resist movement;

Cleanliness - before concreting the reinforcement and other embedded

items shall be thoroughly cleaned of all deleterious matter including
concrete splash from previous concreting operations. Every precaution shall
be taken to ensure that contamination due to windborne dust or other
organic or chemical products from adjacent operations does not occur;

Construction joints where fresh concrete is to be placed against a

previous pour, preparations shall be taken to provide adequate and clean
construction joints. Such preparations shall include cleaning of surfaces by
water/air jetting to remove fresh concrete, laitance and deleterious

materials or debris.
Concreting procedures - concrete shall not be placed in any portion of the
Works until preparations have been accepted and permission given as part
of a formalized system of inspection and approval. Adequate notice must be
given to the Employer and the Employers Representative that areas are
ready for concreting to enable them or their staff to attend and make

necessary tests, inspections and checks;

Curing and protection of concrete - all exposed fresh concrete shall be
protected during hardening from the harmful effects of sunshine, moisture
and drying winds. Exposed top surfaces of concrete shall, immediately after
finishing, be covered with polythene sheeting until the concrete has
hardened sufficiently, when clean wet hessian shall be inserted under the
polythene sheeting and the whole pour substantially sealed to prevent air


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

circulation and the drying of the hessian. Polythene sheeting shall be

retained for not less than 7 days from placing the concrete, and the hessian
shall be retained for the whole wet-curing period. Vertical and soffit
surfaces of the concrete may be protected against initial evaporation by
retaining formwork in place for prescribed periods. On removal of the
formwork wet-curing procedures shall be followed. Care shall be taken to
ensure that concrete surfaces are not allowed to dry out at any time.
Surface defects shall be made good within 24 hours of removing formwork.
Alternative curing methods shall be subject to the consent of the Employer.



7.2.1 General
The scope of works

includes all engineering, permitting, works,

supplies, installation, testing and commissioning of all pavement works of

the NGCT/GLSY complete and ready for circulation, including:

Heavy duty pavement;

Heavy traffic pavement;
Light pavement;
Concrete impermeable pavement;
Kerbs and sidewalks;
Marking and signing.

Table 7-10 Pavement types



Pavement type

Land Plot - GLSY


Internal roads, accesses, trucks park

Heavy traffic pavement


Maintenance area

Concrete impermeable pavement


Area for Hydrocarbon and Palm Oil

storages and related truck un/loading

Concrete impermeable pavement

Car park

Light pavement


Operation area for Hydrocarbon

/SGEPP pits and palm oil pits

Concrete impermeable pavement


Operation area palm oil pits

Concrete impermeable pavement

7.2.2 Heavy traffic pavement General

The traffic on the Land Plot will be principally truck traffic. No container will
be stored in this area. Pavement shall be either asphalt or concrete


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

The heavy traffic pavement shall be designed in accordance with applicable

standards. Design traffic

The design of the pavement structure depends on the forecasted level of

traffic, especially the traffic of Lorries and heavy equipment.

The Contractor shall consider the following traffics for design:

Load carried per truck: 20t

Traffic considered for the Land Plot structure: traffic of the main access

Table 7-11 Traffic data and Sizing2



Import /




Big bags


Number of

(tonne / TEUs


per annum)

Main access

Silos area



500 000,00

25 000,00

25 000,00

50 000,00


500 000,00

25 000,00

25 000,00

50 000,00



100 000,00

5 000,00

5 000,00

5 000,00




30 000,00

1 000,00

1 000,00

1 000,00




250 000,00


Import /

100 000,00

100 000,00

100 000,00


156 000,00

156 000,00

6 000,00

305 000,00






Nb of trucks
per year

163 800,00

163 800,00

6 300,00

320 250,00

Nb of trucks
per day





5 000,00

200 000,00

This traffic corresponds to category T1 of French Regulations (i.e. 300 tr./day/dir. < T1 <
750 tr./day/dir). Structure

The design service lifetime for all roads and pavements of the NGCT and
GLSY is 20 years with an estimated annual growth of 2%.

The cumulate number of standard axles for the design life shall be
calculated on the basis of:

the traffic data presented above

following formula the can be calculated
the design life


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

TCi=365 x T x C
Notes: (1) Traffics in number of trucks for each direction. (2) Terminal stands for
Container Yard area

With T=449 trucks /day/direction and C= d + t x d x (d-1)/2 Design life d = 20 years

Traffic growth t = 2%

According to the Guide des structures de chausses du Setra, the traffic

class shall be TC5.

The bidder shall compute the number of container trucks, tank trucks,
dump trucks and reach takers for empty handling based on information
provided in Table 39: Traffic data and sizing. The assumption regarding
each vehicle distribution of each pavement area shall be made explicit as
part of the Contractors design of the durability of the pavement. Ground base

The bearing capacity on ground base shall be:

120 MPa (PF3) for the eastern area (under natural rock);
50 MPa (PF2) for remaining areas.

The bearing capacity shall be confirmed by the Contractor

7.2.3 Heavy duty pavement concrete blocks General

Most of the area of the Trucks loading Yard shall be paved using concrete

Paving must provide a flexible paving, such as concrete blocks on sand,

with easy maintenance and upkeep procedures for the major part of the
Trucks loading. This flexible pavement must be installed on a foundation
(base and sub-base courses) that will distribute and transmit the loads to
the underlying soils causing the least possible differential settlements.

The paving shall be graded to allow the trucks to operate at their optimum
rates and to allow for flow of storm water. Slope in the Yard shall be limited
to 1%.

The pavement design shall be based on the following British Ports

Association manual: "The Structural Design of Heavy Pavements for Ports
and Other Industries".

It must be highlighted that:

The concrete paver structure shall be preferred to other pavement

structures namely due to its permeability, which allows infiltration of oil
spills and contaminants which will be filtered and stored into the filter
layer (sand placed under the concrete pavers)

Since block pavement is permeable, it will be necessary to take all the

required measures to avoid the risk of water accumulation in the
structure of the pavement.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

It will be particularly necessary to drain the bedding sand layer where

stabilized bases are used and up against kerbs, edge beams and
manhole inlets Material Composition of Blocks

Cement for concrete paving blocks (pavers) shall comply with BS EN 197-1,
natural aggregate with BS EN 12620. Water shall be free from matter in a
quantity harmful to concrete. Any chemical admixture used in the concrete
shall comply with BS EN 934-2.

Contractor shall provide test certificates from the block paving

manufacturer to confirm compliance of the above. Sampling of cement,
natural aggregates, pfa (if applicable), water and any chemical admixtures
shall take place at the block paving manufacturing plant during the
production of each lot. Individual test certificates shall be produced for each

A lot shall represent a maximum of 1,200m2 or one day's (10 hours)
production, whichever is the smaller quantity. Dimensions and Physical Characteristics

The concrete pavers shall be rectangular, 100mm thick, 200mm long and
100mm wide such that they can be laid in a herringbone pattern. The

number of pavers per square metre shall be between 38 and 40.

Any other dimension, shape or laying pattern of blocks shall be certified by
the independent Engineer and approved by the Employers Representative.

The dimensional deviations of any paver shall be as follows:

Table 7-12 Dimensional Deviation of Pavers







Contractor shall establish thorough quality assurance procedures to ensure

that no paving blocks are delivered to site outside the specified dimensional

Dimensional tolerance checks shall take place at the place of manufacturer

and on-site for each individual pallet. The thickness of each sample shall be
measured to the nearest 0.1mm at four equally spaced locations using steel
callipers. The length and width shall be measured to the nearest 0.1mm

across two locations along each face.

In the event of paving blocks outside the specified dimensional tolerances
reaching site, pallets shall be clearly sprayed with a red cross and
immediately removed to a quarantine area for disposal or return to the

The pavers shall incorporate chamfers between the upper (wearing) surface
and the sides. The net area of any paver is defined as the plan area of the


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

top surface of the paver bounded by the chamfer and shall not be less than

75% of the gross plan area.

Paving blocks shall have spacer nibs on the vertical faces. The size, number
and location of the nibs shall be such as to separate all paving blocks to
assist in achieving a joint specified herein.
The nibs shall be integrally cast projections on the paving blocks and may
extend for the full depth of the paving block. Strength

The tensile splitting strength of paving blocks, sampled and tested in

accordance with BS EN 1338:2003, shall not be less than 3.6MPa and no
individual result shall be less than 2.9MPa. Additionally, no individual result
shall have a breaking load less than 250 N/mm of the length of the failure
plane. Abrasion Resistance

Each block shall have an abrasion resistance value 20mm when tested in
accordance with the test method described in Annex G BS EN 1338. Water Absorption

No block shall have water absorption greater than 6% by mass when tested
in accordance with Annex D BS EN 1338. Appearance

All pavers shall be sound and free from cracks or other defects which would
interfere with proper placing or impair the strength following proper
construction. Minor cracks incidental to the usual method of manufacture or
minor chipping resulting from the usual methods of handling, shipment and
delivery shall not necessarily be deemed grounds for rejection.

Contractor shall make every effort to minimise the number of handling

times to reduce the incidence of such defects.

The colour of blocks shall be uniform.

7.2.4 Concrete Impermeable pavement

Concrete impermeable wearing course must be built in areas where there is
a risk of leakage of pollutant products:

the workshop and gas station area;

the area for hydrocarbon and palm oil tanks and related truck
un/loading facilities;

The operational areas for Hydrocarbon / SGEPP pits and Palm oil pit
along the main berth.

These surfaces must be impermeable to hydro carbonated products so as to

avoid any pollution of the sub- soil and the seawater:

A spillage tank shall be installed downstream the Hazardous Container

Storage area (C1) to be able to collect the effluents.

in the other areas with impermeable concrete pavement (A2, A3, G1,
G2), an oil-trap will filter runoff water before draining it into the sea;


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

The structure designed by the contractor shall of reinforced concrete slabs

connected by steel dowels and pointing, with the slabs resting on suitable

The Contractor shall design and build all the pavements for a heavy duty
traffic corresponding to port handling equipment, and shall resist to the
corner impacts.

The slabs shall have a maximum size of 6 metres, and the dowels shall be
spaced 300mm apart. The material used for the joints and pointing shall be
resistant to hydrocarbons.

The concrete slabs shall be cast in situ, and not pre-cast.


Marking and signalisation

The project area shall be fitted with permanent road signs and road

The project also includes the marking of container slots: position (4

corners), line and column numbers and bunch number.

Permanent Road signs shall be placed in compliance with local codes and
standards with the certification of the Independent Engineer. All traffic road
signs in the Land Plot shall comply with regulation in force in Gabon.

It also includes special signboards featuring directions for berths, service

areas, bulk storage facilities, weighbridges Control gates, other port
facilities and exit.

Geometry of the road, road signs and markings and safety devices shall
comply with the applicable standards in the Country.
The Contractor shall submit the signage plan (vertical signing, road
marking) to the approval of the Employers Representative.



7.3.1 General
The scope of works

includes all engineering, permitting, works,

supplies, installation, testing and commissioning of the following networks

complete and ready to operate:

Stormwater drainage network;

Sewage network;
Water supply and fire-fighting network;
Voice and data network;
Power supply network and back-up system.

Connection to Mains:

The scope of works includes all engineering, permitting, works,

supplies, installation, testing and commissioning of the connection of
the GLSY to the National water supply, power supply and voice and
data networks, and if needed the local Gas supply network up to the
boundaries of the Site;


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

The Contractor is responsible for the storm water management. The

levelling of the site shall be made as such the water catchment area is
limited to the slope embankment area. On a larger scale, the lowest
region of the local catchment area is located east from the project site.
The internal drainage network shall collect all the rainwater of the
project site within the project boundaries.

The permanent connection to the aforesaid networks outside the Site is

out of scope for this Contract for the permanent connections
The Contractor shall be responsible for all temporary connections
required for the performance of the Works as per the provisions for GC
4.19. The services wont be provided by the Employer.

7.3.2 Sections
All networks shall be taken over in sections as per the provisions of clause

2.6 of the Employers Requirements, as follows:

Phase 1:

All temporary or permanent networks and utilities corresponding to the

temporary usage of the facilities covered by phase 1.

7.3.3 Storm water drainage network Scope

The scope of works includes all engineering, permitting, works,

supplies, installation, testing and commissioning of the storm water
drainage network complete and ready to operate, including:

Gulley's and trenches;

Oil separators;
Spillage tank;
Underground collecting network;
Drainage on cut slopes:
Outlets. General

The water collection of the rain falling on the site and flowing to the site
A specific water collection on the embankments in order to reduce erosion;
The treatment of contaminated waters on the maintenance area ;
The isolation of the hazardous cargo area with a spillage tank;

The following table shows the sources and outlets of this network:


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Table 7-13 Storm water drainage network



Building roofs and covers


Paved areas, Roads and pedestrian paths

Palm Oil storage
Hydrocarbon Storage
Slopes on the northern site
Sewage flow from WWTP
Workshop and fuel station area

Sea (through oil separators)

Area for Hydrocarbon and Palm Oil storage

and truck un/loading facilities
Note: The connecting road is located out of the design perimeter and is therefore excluded
from scope. Design methods

The return period for design of stormwater drainage network is 10 years

The Rational Method

Considering the projects requirements and the tropical climate of Owendo,

the Contractor shall use the rational method. Its runoff formula is:


K = conversion factor (K is as conversion factor so that unit matches.

For example, for Q in [m3/s], A in Ha, and I in [mm/h], K = 0.00278
as per IU system.)

Q = maximum flow / maximum rate of runoff (m3/s)

C = dimensionless runoff coefficient.
I = average rainfall intensity (mm/min)
A = drainage area (ha)

Runoff coefficients

The runoff coefficients applied to this project are:

Table 7-14 Runoff coefficients


Runoff coefficient

Roads and parking


Tank Farms


North peripheral Embankments


Other green areas


Average Rainfall Intensity

The Contractor shall use the nearest weather station concerning the
Montanas coefficients.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Rainfall intensity data for Design purpose can be obtained by Bidder at

weather station ID 64500 - in Libreville.
The storm water design, including the IDF curve, is within the Contractors

Concentration time

The Concentration Time must be determined by the Kirpich method:

Ts = 0,0195 L 0.77 0.385

Ts = the Concentration time (min)

F = variation coefficient depending on soil nature (F=1 in our case)
L = longest channel flow length (m)
I = average slope (m/m)

Manning Stickler formula

The pipes, ducts and ditches must be calculated by the Manning-Strickler

Q = K R2/3 I 1/2 S

Q = capacity (flow rate) of the relevant structure expressed (m3/s).

K = the Manning-Strickler roughness coefficient (m1/3/s) (= 70 for
concrete pipes).
R = hydraulic radius (m) (R = S / P, where P is the wet perimeter)
I = slope of the hydraulic grade line (m/m)
S = wet area (m) Outlet characteristics

The bottom elevation of the outlet shall be higher than the maximum water
level +1,30m NGG. The outlets shall be adapted to the structure where they
are inserted. Specifications:

Water-oil separators shall be provided for

the maintenance area and gas-station are;

the area for Hydrocarbon storage, Palm oil storage and related truck
un/loading facilities;

The drainage network shall not be placed under lighting mast foundations.;
No ditch shall be set up within in the service area nor in the container yard. Slopes of pipes:

Minimum slopes: 0.5%;

Maximum slopes: 4%. Materials:

Natural ditches for the embankments and at the north of the Land Plot;
Rip rap at the connection of water channel and ditches;
Concrete duct of 135A for the yard;


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Concrete pipe of 135A for the land platform;

Manholes culvert: 600kN resistant;
Grating for longitudinal gully: 600kN resistant. Trench filling:

Figure 7-2 Trench filling (excerpted and adapted from Fascicule 70)

For under road pipes the minimum pipe coverage between the finished level
of the project (TOP: Top of Pavement) and the upper edge of the pipe shall
be 25 cm. The maximum depth (from the flowing water to the surface) for
implementation of pipes shall be 6 meters.

The covering area shall be composed of self-compacting sand or gravel

whose granularity ranges from 5 to 15 mm. The covering area can be
installed using site materials, but only after the clay or shale elements have
been removed from such materials and they have been sieved and (if

necessary) crushed.
The following minimal covering thickness have to be considered:

0.15 cm cover under sidewalk ;

0.25 cm cover under roads.

The excavation area must be composed of materials that can potentially

originate at the site.

The following recommendations shall be followed for the manholes:

No blind manholes ;
The excavations around the structures have to be compacted. To this
end, the dimensions of manhole excavations are to comprise the
external dimension of the relevant structure, plus 0,5 cm on either

Inlet covers and other roadway components have to be sealed with

mortar that takes quickly and exhibits extremely high initial
robustness, excluding shrinkage (minimum resistance after 28 days of
48 Mpa). Any use of conventional mortar is prohibited;

In cases where pipe rigging requires that a hole be drilled in a manhole

cover, the drilling shall be carried out via core boring and an elastomer
joint shall be installed. If such a joint cannot be installed, a sealing
bush shall be used instead.


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

7.3.4 Sewage network


The scope of works includes all engineering, permitting, works,

supplies, installation, testing and commissioning of the sewage network
complete and ready to operate, including:

Inlets from buildings;

Sewage collectors;
Waste Water Treatment Plant.
Connection to the stormwater drainage system. General

The sewage network shall ensure:

Tthe collection of the sewage of the site ;

The treatment of the sewage of the site, before disposal into the sea
through the storm water drainage network.

The following table shows starting and ending of this network:

Table 7-15 Sewage network





Stormwater Drainage

Administration Building
A9. Sanitary for staff
B1. Hydrocarbon storage
for import (30000T)
B2. Palm Oil storage for
export(10500 T)
Gate Complex
C7. Sanitary for staff
C9. Workshop


The Sewage network design shall be based on needs for working people in
office, in workshop and on yard. The needs for sewage system shall be
designed in accordance with the following number of users, considering 3
shifts / day and a ratio of 40 l/day/pax/shift.
The figures below are for 1 shift only.

C7 - Sanitary of service area / 50 pax (truck drivers)

Hydrocarbon storage area 20-30 pax
B2 - Palm Oil storage area / 20-30 pax (workers)


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Design requirements

The network shall be made up of uPVC or HDPE pipes.


The Contractor shall design and build an environmental-friendly waste

water treatment plan, compliant with the ESMP and Best International

The WWTP shall ensure an effluent water quality compliant with the
following criteria:

BOD5 < 10 mg O2 / l ;
COD < 40 mg O2 / l ;
SM < 30 mg / l ;
NH4 < 2,8 mg / l ;
P < 0,5 mg / l .


BOD5 = five-day biochemical oxygen demand

COD = chemical oxygen demand
SM = Suspended material
NH4 = Ammonium
P = Phosphorus

Effluents coming out of the WWTP can be routed to the sea through the
rainwater drainage system
The capacity of the shall be determined by the Contractor in accordance
with the number of users.

The technological process shall be determined by the Contractor in

accordance to guarantee the quality of effluent water.

The location shall be determined by the Contractor in accordance with the

position of the buildings to be served.

7.3.5 Floodlighting and General lighting Scope

The scope of works includes all engineering, permitting, works,

supplies, installation, testing and commissioning of the floodlighting and
general lighting systems complete and ready to operate, including:

High masts and lamps;

Light poles and lamps;
Any other lamp to be installed on any structure;
Command systems;
All cable, cable ducts and cable vaults for power supply network and
connection to substations or pillars. General

The Contractor shall perform lighting modelling studies to determine the

number, position, height and capacity of each mast and pole.


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

The design of lighting must be based on the EN 12464-2 and CIE S008
standards for outside lighting workplaces, detailed below (French standards
applied in Gabon.)

Table 7-16 CIE S008 standards for shipyard and docks

Table 7-17 CIE S008 standards for shipyard and docks

The application of these standards on the site is summarized in the table and
figure below:
Table 7-18 Lighting requirements per area

Lighting requirements

Type of equipment

50 lux, U=0.4

Light masts out

internal roads

50 lux, U=0.4 at
un/loading stations

Lights on silos

Land Plot
Gate complex
Workshop and fuel station
Hydrocarbon & Palm Oil


Specific area


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

The design of the network lighting system also aims at balancing the
following items:

Energy management
Safety for vehicular and pedestrian traffic Lamps

The Contractor shall provide lamps allowing low consumption and low
maintenance costs. Choice of the type of lamps shall be justified by the
Contractor based on the Lifetime cost Power supply

The whole network shall be installed underground to reduce the visual

impact of power lines and secure the network from the GLSY operational
activities (cranes, trucks traffic)

The following table shows starting and ending of this network:

Table 7-19 Power supply for lighting



External panel board

Light poles
High masts

The lighting network shall be supplied with 400/230 V three-phase, low

voltage power. The system shall include the grounding of the supply box,
separately from the equipment, which shall be connected to its own

The command, circuit breaker, management and metering electrical cabinet

shall be installed in the electrical room, separate lighting panels, near
hydrocarbon storage area, TLF area, palm oil tank farm area.

The circuit breaker, management and metering cabinet shall be fitted with
four three-phase outputs, so as to benefit from a voltage drop less than or
equal to 6%. In other cases, the allowable voltage drop shall be a
maximum of 3%.

The high lighting poles shall be directly connected to the closest MLDB
panels. It shall be an individual connection; each lighting mast shall have its
own cable. The system has been designed by reducing the number of mast
on the whole area. Several spots are installed at their peak depends on the
area needs.

The light poles shall be powered via command, management and metering
cabinets outfitted with four to six three-phase outputs.
The light poles shall be made of galvanized iron, in order to protect them
against corrosion. They shall each be outfitted with two compartments, one
junction box which permits to link cable inside the pole and one power
board which ensures to control each individual luminaire

These cabinets shall allow for the installation of the following:

Utility company meters

Command and circuit breaker equipment


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Equipment

The masts and poles shall be made of aluminium or galvanized steel with a
mast arm. The masts shall have thermo-lacquered or anodized cladding,
e.g. for thoroughfares located in residential areas.

Light poles

Light poles with simple cross or double candelabra outfitted with a suitable
wattage of LED. These supports shall have an equipment access door at the
foot of the pole.

IP 66 candelabras shall be used (IP is the French acronym for protection

class). Each candelabrum shall have a switchgear box at the foot of the

All two-candelabras light poles shall have two access doors at the base of
the mast. Civil engineering


The minimum trench depth relative to the finished surface is to be one


The minimum trench widths for lighting shall be 0.4 meters

The minimum piping installation depth shall be 0.85 meters, from the
upper cladding edge to the finished surface

Embankments shall be carefully compacted layer by layer, using a

Provisional surface refurbishment may be necessary in the areas
affected by the construction.

Pipe Sleeves

90 mm in diameter, red TPC 10 polyethylene pipes shall be used. They

shall be installed under pavements if possible.

Each lighting pipe shall contain only one cable.

40 mm TPC 10 pipe shall be used to install bare copper wire in light
poles supporting masses

The pipe shall be threaded and are to originate at rings rather than 6
meters bars, so as to minimize the number of connections.

Chambers and manholes

Manholes shall be installed at cables curvature or every 140 meters.

They shall be prefabricated and/or shall be made of concrete; their
internal dimensions shall be 0.5 square meters and they must have a

600kN culvert that could carry trucks weight.

Water entering the chambers and manholes can be discharged via two

Connection to the sewer system. In this case, all chambers or

manholes shall need to be connected to the roadway rainwater
discharge system via a specific sheath that shall be on a 2%

incline at a minimum.
Installation of a drainage bed under chambers or manholes.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Wires

Lengths of U1000 R2V copper wire shall be used. Earthing network

All metallic elements in the network shall be earthed.

A 25 mm bare copper wire shall be unrolled at the floor of the trenches,
where continuity shall be assured along the entire length via swaging.

An earth rod at each cabinet shall reinforce the network. Metering compartment

A prewired relay set for the utility company compartment: board comprising
the front meter switch for manual commissioning, as well as shutdown and
general protection elements via non-differentiated circuit breakers.

Command and circuit breaker compartment

A prewired public lighting relay set comprising the following:

A non-differentiated circuit breaker;

Command circuit breaker;
On/off/auto switch;
Voltage regulation allowing for a minimum of 175 volts, increased to
230 volts;

A control that allows voltage reduction to 45% of nominal voltage;

Contactors for various signals;
The number of tetra outputs and their circuit breakers.
All input and output connection terminals (one core per terminal);
The various outputs shall be protected by differential circuit breaker
that are calibrated to the power;

level (one per output);

The command element;
A lighting system for cabinets outfitted with differential circuit
A 2 x 10/16 A + earth socket with L + N 16A differential circuit
breakers (30 mA);

A general grounding terminal (minimum 35 mm);

Lightning rods
A ground rod shall be installed nearby and shall be connected to a
grounding strip that shall allow for measurements of the grounding
value, which must not exceed 10 Ohms Command

A remote control shall be installed at each point via a box in each cabinet
and luminaire, so as to allow for real-time monitoring of the infrastructure.

Sectorization of floodlighting and general lighting shall be possible with the

system proposed by the Contractor, including central control form the
administration building, with minimum luminance for safety issues.

A Force-Start command shall be integrated. This command serves during

maintenance operation by day.


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

For the lighting of the Service area and Bulk Storage area, a control system
promoting low energy use shall be implemented. This system shall allow for
lighting reductions during out-of-operation periods.

The procedure in this regard might go as follows, as minimum:

Activating the lighting just before sunset.

Reducing the lighting by 50% between midnight and 5 a.m.
Subsequently bringing the lighting back up to full intensity and shutting
it off just before sunrise. Cabinets

The cabinets for underground elements and raceways shall follow the same
design concept as the aforementioned cabinets. They shall be specific to
each structure.

All equipment shall have anti-corrosion treatment, as well as fastening

elements and accessories. This shall be done in a commensurate manner, in
accordance with site environment.

The light poles shall integrate IP2X junction boxes and circuit breaker

Ferromagnetic candelabra equipment compatible with the light poles

manufacturer shall be used. High light masts

All equipment shall have suitable anti-corrosion treatment, and may in

particular have marine thermal lacquering (see EN40) in accordance with
an RAL colour that shall be determined at a later stage.

The supporting mast dimensions shall be determined based on

calculations to be certified by the Independent Engineer. The
calculations shall comply with the local requirements on wind forces. They
shall take into account the weight of the various pieces of equipment that
shall be supported and the subsurface of the construction site.

The supports masts shall be made of cylindrical and conical galvanized

steel. The mast dimensions shall be determined according to the lighting
height required by calculations (to be performed by Contractor) and the
candelabra installation method used.

The minimum required luminaire characteristics are as follows:

IP 66 (surface and equipment)
Bodies made of injection moulded aluminium
Surface in anodized, glossy and beaded aluminium
Integrated mounted and prewired apparatus on a fixed relay set
Minimum IK 07 glass basin

All apparatuses shall be compatible with the candelabras and assemblies

indicated above. Long-life HPS lamps or LED lamps shall be used.
In the interest of promoting efficient maintenance, a paint-marking
identification system for the equipment can be implemented. This
designation shall allow the creation of a database for maintenance


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Masts foundation blocks

The light masts shall be founded on RC foundation blocks

The dimensions of the foundation blocks shall be designed upon
recommendation of the manufacturer of the mast and with the approval of
the engineer Employer's Representative, with following requirements:

Foundation blocks of masts with H=30 m or above shall receive fire

hydrants and shall be at least 1.00 above the pavement elevation

The top elevation of the foundation blocks of masts with H=18 m or

lower, and light poles shall be levelled either:

at the elevation of surrounding sidewalk pavement when

10 cm above the elevation of the vegetal covering when
applicable. Connections, networks, regulation, tests and commissioning

The tests required by law shall be monitored by the relevant authority.

Photometric tests shall be conducted in order to verify the baseline levels.

7.3.6 Voice and data Scope

The scope of works includes all engineering, permitting, works,

supplies, installation, testing and commissioning of voice and data
networks complete and ready to operate, including:

Connection chambers to national operators networks;

All cable, cable ducts and cable vaults for the internal grid for

CCTV, security system, any operating systems, voice and data. Design Requirements

Voice and data network must be designed for:

Connecting the control/electrical/all utility/security building to the

public telecommunication network;

Connecting all the equipment of the project (tanks,TLF, gates ) to the

control building

The surveillance cameras shall be fed by an independent CCTV network.

The following table shows starting and ending of the Voice and data

Table 7-20 Voice and data network


Voice and data

from National

Battery limits


Location: adjacent
to project site
boundaries, in the
vicinity of the
access road (to be
agreed with the

All buildings


Gas station


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

operators of voice
and data
Included in scope

Booster stations
CCTV Cameras
Smart card reader
Automated gates and

Palm oil storage
Future TOS
antennas Design requirements

Pipe sleeves

Pipe sleeves shall be made of green, primary low density polyethylene.

They shall be IP44 at a minimum, and wraparound type TPC 10N. These are
dual-wall pipes with an annealed exterior and a smooth interior.
Pipe sleeves shall be unrolled on the ground in trenches, and shall be
installed on a minimum 0.1 m sand bed in order not to damage the lines.
They shall then be covered with at least 0.2 m of sand and a green warning
grid. The trenches shall then be filled.

Cable vaults

Concerning the cable vaults, dimensions shall allow the cable manipulation.
Minimum specifications and dimensions for cable vaults are the following:

K1C for roads and container yard;

L1T for pedestrian areas.

Cable vaults with 600kn grating shall be preferred all over the Container
Yard and the Land Plot area, except

Cable vault on the car park: 400 kN grating.

Cable vaults on walksides: 250 kN grating


Two types of cables shall be used:

Optic fiber for connection on the public network and between buildings;
Copper cable for connection of equipment.

Cable fire protection

The cable system must comply with the following standards concerning

EN 50268;
IEC 61034;
NFC 20902;


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

NFC 32073.

The cable system must comply with the following standards concerning
toxic and corrosive gas emissions:

IEC 60754.1;
NF C 20-454;
EN 50267;
IEC 60754.2;
NFC 32074;
NFC 20453.

The cable system must comply with the following standards concerning the
halon gases:

NFC 32062.

The cable system must present fireproof qualities conform to standards.

Connections must comply with :


the standard ISO/IEC 11801 - 2nd edition on the Channel

Amendment 1;


the Permanent Link Amendment 2;


European standards : EN50173, EN55022 (CEM), and ISO/IEC

11801 Class EA 11801 - 2nd edition 1rst and 2nd amendment;


IEEE 802.3af.

Cable system components:

Every component will be brand new and category 6 certified, according

the standard ISO/IEC 11801 - 2nd edition, Amendment 2.

Copper cable

The cable will be 4 twisted pairs single-stranded AWG23 of 100 Ohms.

The performance of the cable for bandwidth will be 600 Mhz minimum.
The outer sheath will be in any color but black, in order to not be
mistaken with the power cable.

Optical fiber cable

Minimum number of strands : 6. The type of the cable will depend on

the distance :

For distances inferior to 550 meters : multimodal 50/125 m OM3,


For distances superior to 550 meters: monomodal 9/125 m OS1.


For the same reasons than copper cable the outer sheath will be in
any color but black, in order to not be mistaken with the power

The cable will be a dielectric construction and will not contain any metal
The optical fiber will comply with the standards: EN 50173 and ISO/IEC
11801 - Edition 2 and will present the following optoelectronic

Gradient index multimodal fibers :


Diameter : 50/125 m


Type: OM3 (according to the standard IEC 60793-2-10)

Gradient index monomodal fibers :


Diameter : 9/125 m


Type: OS1 (according to the standard IEC 60793-2-50)


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

RJ45 connector

RJ45 connector must comply with IEC 60603-7-51 standards

Optic connector

Optic connector must comply with IEC 11801 standards 2nd edition
They shall be SC-PC type for multimodal fiber and SC-APC for unimodal

7.3.7 Power supply network and back-up system Scope
The scope of works includes all engineering, permitting, works, supplies,
installation, testing and commissioning of the power supply networks and backup system complete and ready to operate, including:

2000 kVA substation 6.6 KV/400 V

Connecting substation from NGCT MRSS
MV switching cabinet for connection to mains
All PCC / PMCC / MCC panels;
All connection to buildings and facilities;
Diesel generators for back-up;
All cable, cable ducts and cable vaults for the internal MV and LV grid. General

The Power supply network and back-up system aims to ensure the power
supply of the equipment and facilities covered by the works, the buildings
and other equipment.

The following table shows starting and ending of this network:

Note: the spread of substations and pillars is indicative and provided for
information only. The architecture of the power supply grid of NGCT shall be
designed by the Contractor.

Table 7-21 Power supply network

Battery limit

Power Panels



NGCTSubstation in

/ MCC panels
/ Capacitor
Panels, LV
cabinets, etc.

Pump panels,
Lighting Panels,
UPS and other

Entire Hydro
carbon, Palm
oil Tankfarm
areas, TLF,
lighting, CCTV,
Light Poles, etc



Included in


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

The electrical distribution network shall be composed of Medium Voltage 6.6

kV 50Hz electrical distribution network and the Low Voltage 400 / 230 V 50
Hz network.

It shall be designed by the Contractor for supplying power as close as

possible to consumption points, facilities and other equipment. Design requirements

General Architecture

The 6.6 KV power supply shall be provided from NGCT MRSS to

Substation located in GLSY. MV switching cabinet, to be located close
to the substation in Hydrocarbon tankfarm area. The Contractor is in
charge of provisioning, installing and connecting this equipment inside
the GLSY area. Others will be in charge or providing the Power supply
Cable form Mains.

From this MV switching cabinet the medium voltage shall be connected

to 6.6 KV/400 v distribution transformer. This 400 V network shall then
supply all stations required for electricity distribution in GLSY

At these stations, the voltage shall once again be converted in order to

supply end-users. This low voltage current shall be 50 Hz 400/230 V.

The LV and MV distribution networks for GLSY shall be underground.

Power needs

The definition of power needs shall be elaborated on following assumptions:

Back-up generator(s) shall be installed to supply main equipment in

case of power cut.

Redundancy for transformers to be provided

The Contractor shall calculate its own estimates based on the
actual power demand of the equipment and facilities provided
as part of the Works. It shall also add the power supply needed
for the container scanner as per the suppliers

Power needs for back-up

Back-up generators sets shall be installed to ensure power supply of main


tanks pumping and emergency systems;

buildings and entrance/exit gates ;
fire-fighting system;
yard lighting,
CCTV/security systems;
Voice and data networks.
The Contractor shall calculate its own estimates based on the
actual power demand of the equipment and facilities provided
as part of the Works.


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Power of the MV / LV transformers

The transformers shall comply with the requirements of IEC-60076 and NFC
11-201 prescriptions. The power capacity shall be based on the actual
needs for each building, facility and equipment. There shall be 1 levels of
capacity for the transformers 2000 kVA:

Substation equipment

Substations shall be fitted with all necessary equipment, including but not
limited to:

MV / LV transformer with redundancy

Low Voltage Distribution Panel Equipment
Medium voltage 6.6 kV network

Civil engineering

Lines shall be unrolled on the ground in the trenches, and shall be installed
on a minimum 0.1 m sand bed in order not to damage the lines. They shall
then be covered with at least 0.2 m of sand and a red warning grid. The
trenches shall then be filled.

Pipe sleeves

Pipe sleeves shall be made of red, primary low density polyethylene.

They shall be IP44 at a minimum, and wraparound type TPC 10N. These are
dual-wall pipes with an annealed exterior and a smooth interior.
The pipe sleeves shall be threaded using a minimum 3 mm galvanized steel
wire. The diameter shall be 160 mm and there shall be only one line per


The cables have the following minimum characteristics:

Section: aluminium 10 kV isolation

Operating voltage between 6.6 kV and 10 kV
The cables shall comprise a class 2 wired core. The assigned voltage is
6.6 kV, with insulation voltage of 10 kV.

They shall be unrolled on the ground.

The cables shall be treated with protection against rodents, termites
and the like.

Junction boxes

The connections shall be realized via junction boxes, which shall have the
necessary characteristics for input voltage and the line sections.

Single-conductor lines shall be used throughout. They shall have been

modified to accommodate the planned networks.


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Low voltage 400/230V network


Civil engineering

For purposes of servicing identified low voltage networks, lines shall be

unrolled on the ground in the trenches, and shall be installed on a minimum
0.1 m sand bed in order not to damage the lines. They shall then be
covered with at least 0.2 m of sand and a warning grating. The trenches
shall then be filled.

Pipe sleeves

Pipe sleeves shall be made of red, primary low density polyethylene.

They shall be IP44 at a minimum, and wraparound type TPC 10N. These are
dual-wall pipes with an annealed exterior and a smooth interior.

The sheaths shall be threaded using a minimum 3 mm galvanized steel



The main underground distribution network shall be made of IEC 60 502 H1

XDV-AS aluminium cable.

The cables shall be treated with protection against rodents, termites and
the like.

Low voltage junction or distribution boxes (400 Amps pillar)

This type of pillar allows the following:

each pillar can be connected in distribution network mode;

an outgoing 400A shielded column base can be connected or any high
power low voltage supply. All pillars shall be equipped in accordance
with the electrical distribution needs.

A nearby ground rod, which shall be connected to a grounding strip so as to

allow the equipment to be grounded, shall not exceed the applicable values.
Pipes sleeves low voltage civil engineering
110 mm in diameter pipe sleeves shall run under the railway and from few
distribution boxes, so as to allow lines to be installed at a later time.

Backup generator

One or several back-up generator sets shall be supplied and installed by the
Contractor to cover all the back-up generating needs within GLSY.
Back-up generators shall preferably be positioned:

Adjacent to subststaion
In the vicinity of the hydrocarbons and Palm oil storages

The back-up generators shall be

diesel powered ;
fitted with silencers;
auto-start in case of shutdown of the power supply (GLSY network or

fitted with diesel tank with a capacity corresponding to 24h continuous

operation at full capacity.


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents


Security Systems

7.4.1 General
The scope of works includes but is not limited to the design, supply,
installation, construction, monitoring, testing and quality assurance and
commissioning of the Security Systems required for the operation and
security of GLSY complete and ready to operate, including:

Fences and gates

CCTV system

7.4.2 Sections
The security systems shall be taken over in sections as per the provisions of
clause 2.6 of the Employers Requirements.

7.4.3 Definition of control perimeters

For security reasons and compliance with the ISPS code the GLSY shall be
fully secured from the public areas.

The zoning is as follows:

Public area: upstream the gatehouses, including the access road and
secondary access road

Public area with restricted access parking at west of the terminal

Restricted area (under customs and ISPS): all area downstream the
gatehouses, including:

The Bulk storage area;


The Service area;


The Palm Oil area

7.4.4 Fences and gates Scope

The scope of works includes all engineering, permitting, works,

supplies, installation, testing and commissioning of fences and gates
complete and ready to operate, including:

Sliding gates:
Swing gates;
Smart card system. General

The following fences and gates shall be provided and installed, as per the
Drawings FG-PL-001 and FG- PL-002 provided in Appendix 1.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

All fences and gates shall be compliant with ISPS requirements.

The fence should be minimum 3.00m high + barbwire on top.
Fencing of the container yard shall include a protection over the

Access gates

Motorized Sliding gate (open during working hours)

Rising gates (arm gates) in each lane

Outbound lanes

Swing gates (open during working hours) downstream each lane

Rising gates (arm gates) in each lane

Inbound lanes

Oversize lane

A section of mobile fence shall be installed between the inbound and

outbound lanes in order to allow the passage of oversize cargoes requiring

contouring the control booths.

The mobile fence shall consist of regular fence mounted on heavy concrete
supports which can be unlocked and move using a forklift.


The car park shall be secured with swing or sliding gate

Staff entrance

A turnstile for pedestrians shall be installed to control the access of

personnel to the restricted ISPS area All rising arms and turnstiles shall be
secured by a smart card reader.

Fire brigade access

In stand-by situation, day and night, the motorised gate shall be closed.
Gate shall be controlled by smartcard access control system.


The whole site shall be limited by security fences as per the Drawings FGPL-001 and FG-PL-002 provided in Appendix 1.

Smart card system

All gates and turnstiles shall be fitted with smart card reader.
The central system for management of smart card, and emission of smart
card to operators and visitors, shall be located in the Administration
building close to the access gate.

The full system + 100 blank smart cards shall be supplied and installed by
the Contractor. Design standards

The fences shall be precast concrete panels fences.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Panels shall be precast and fixed on galvanized steel fixing bolts or precast
concrete bolts. The fence shall be 3.00m high minimum with barbwire on

7.4.5 CCTV and surveillance systems Scope

The scope of works includes all engineering, permitting, works,

supplies, installation, testing and commissioning of the CCTV system
complete and ready to operate, including:

Central management equipment,
Cables. General
General requirements of CCTV

CCTV and surveillance system for NGCT shall provide the following features:

Complete coverage of the whole project area, 24/7 (including the

special equipment related to water supply located on top of the slope);
Specific coverage of entrance and exit gates: 1 camera per lane, to
view coming vehicle, attendant (guard) and attendants bungalow side;

Coverage of all lanes between container stacks (full and empty


Storage of video streams from all cameras;

Video management equipment located at a control room of the
administration building/

General constraints

Following operating conditions shall be considered:

Height of administration building

Height of hydrocarbons / palm oil storage
Height of embankment above Land Plot
No pole can be installed in cranes / trucks movement area
Remote-controlled pan/tilt/zoom cameras (except at entrance/exit
gates: fixed pan/tilt)
Uninterruptible power supply in administration building
Real time colour HD image transmission
Dedicated transmission network using fibre optics cables
Climatic conditions: humid tropical zone. Wind up to 30 m/s
Rigid poles for convenient use without vibrations, especially in
telephoto mode with windy conditions. Design standards

High Definition standards: SMPTE 274M 2008 (for 1920 x 1080

resolution) / SMPTE 296M 2001 (for 1280 x 720 resolution)
Colour representation: ITU R BT 709


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Video compression: H. 264 (ISO/IEC 14496-10), M-PEG, JPEG

Interoperability: ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) Overall layout of CCTV system

The system consists of four main components:

Central video management equipment, enabling operators to

operate by remote control all cameras, select and display real time
as well as stored video streams

Field equipment, including the cameras and their poles of

relevant heights, according to geometrical considerations

Dedicated transmission network

Power supply with back-up Central video management equipment

Overall layout of central equipment

A monitoring station shall be installed in the administration building. This

station shall include at least the following equipment:

3 video monitors;
3 control sets, to handle display control and camera remote control (1
for each monitor as listed above);

1 video recording unit.

Note: operators communicate with entrance/exit lanes attendants by

mobile radio network (Radio handsets).

Functional requirements

Video monitors

Monitors shall be HD colour devices, their size enabling convenient display

of image mosaics. However, maximal size shall be adjusted according to
operation rooms size and operators station layout.

Each monitor shall display a mosaic of video streams, with a reference to

the number of the cameras working in its dedicated area. Actually, one
screen shall be divided into 8 fields, setting up a 4 x 2 matrix in normal

The images of all areas shall be distributed along the monitors.

The monitor set shall allow to display on each monitor 6 small frames (each
frame is always from the same camera and always at same place), plus 1
larger frame. The latter space shall be used to enlarge the stream of a
selected camera.

If more frames are required on the same monitor, the monitor shall be
organized as follows:

6 small frames displayed as described above


2 additional small frames, automatically scrolling through the

cameras dedicated to lanes between container stacks.


If operator selects a particular frame to have it enlarged, the

space of the 2 latter frames shall be taken on the screen for this
purpose, as described before.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents


Control sets

Three main functions are fulfilled by the control sets:

Switching the video frames towards related monitor

Defining video mosaic on monitors (size and position of frames,
embedding of camera number/name of area, scrolling, selecting
image to be enlarged, etc.)

Operation by remote control of cameras. Three basic functions are

available, i.e. PTZ Pan, Tilt, Zoom.

The operator shall be able to select a camera and handle it with a joystick.

Recording unit

All video streams of CCTV cameras shall be transmitted to a video network


The capacity of video network recorder shall enable automatic recording of

all video streams for a floating 14 days duration. This recording shall be
performed at HD quality, possibly with reduced frame rate.

Operator shall have instant access to all stored video streams, by entering
date, number of camera, or other pre-defined criteria.

On operators demand, extracts of video recordings can be stored

separately in an archive. Main features of cameras


All cameras shall be fitted with full HD, high sensitivity colour sensors.
Lenses shall depend on the zoom type, with zooming range adapted to
covered area.
Except fix cameras, cameras shall be motorised, for pan and tilt control.
Pan/Tilt and Zoom shall be remote-controlled. Series of automatic prepositions shall be available for each camera.

A day/night switching (automatic and manual mode) shall enable to provide

monochrome images when illumination level is very low.

Entrance/exit lanes

Only zoom control is needed, with low zooming range. Pan and tilt can be
fixed, with reference to each specific case.

Wide field

Cameras dedicated to wide areas (such as, trailer park, etc.) shall be fitted
with complete PTZ set, including high zooming range. The basic principle is
to get a wide-angle image (covering a large area), with pre-determined pan
and tilt, for normal routine situation. At any time, the operator shall be able
to control the camera manually and focus on any spot of the covered area.
This shall be achieved for instance with a 20x zoom, ranging from 55 (wide
angle) to 3 (telephoto).


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Location of poles and cameras

The location of poles and cameras shall be designed by the Contractor for a
full coverage of all the Project Site and subject to approval of the
Employers Representative.

A tentative distribution of cameras and poles is provided below, to be

confirmed or modified by the Contractor.

For Land Plot

Considering lenses with maximum wide-angle around 50, and considering

the heights of building, silos and tanks, following locations and pole sizes
have been reckoned.

Cameras on 10 m pole, located on top of the slope, beside water

supply equipment (above the workshop). Some cameras are meant to
cover wide areas, and a camera shall be dedicated to water supply
equipment. Vertical clearance with reference to average level of the
yard shall be around 25 m.

Camera on 15 m pole, located close to the rail line crossing. This

camera complements the coverage of the yard in normal routine
position, but also provides when moved - a good view of southern
line of the fence.

Camera on 3 m pole, facing Administration Building entrance gate and

attendants bungalow.

For vehicle entrance/exit lanes:

1 camera per lane, installed on 3m poles, facing coming vehicles. Images

shall include front side of vehicles, gates and attendants bungalows. Transmission network

Transmission network shall be based on fibre optics cables, laid in cable

ducts along the lanes and in the same trenches as power distribution and
lighting supply.

Field equipment

At the base of each video pole, a small cabinet shall contain the needed
transmission equipment: video converters, optical transceivers, cable

connections, etc.
Next to foundation of each pole, a Cable vault shall enable physical
connection to the fibre optics cable.

Central equipment

In technical rooms of administration building, a dedicated cabinet shall

contain the central node of transmission network: optical cables glands,
drawers to connect optical jumpers, transceivers, video server, etc.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Power supply

Central CCTV management system

The video cabinet in technical room, as well as operators equipment in

operation room, shall have uninterruptible power supply. More precisely,
their power supply shall be backed-up by inverters, in order to avoid micro
power cuts.


Palm Oil Storage and Un/Loading Facilities

7.5.1 General
The scope of works includes but is not limited to the design, supply,
installation, construction, monitoring, testing, quality assurance and
commissioning of the 10,500 tons Palm oil Storage and Un/Loading
facilities, equipment and fittings for CPO and PKO complete and ready to
operate, including:

5 tanks with total capacity of 10,500 tons, and all necessary

foundations, civil works and fittings;

Loading pumps;
Unloading pumps;
Pipeline between tank (GLSY) and connection pit at NGCT;;
Various instruments;
Complete pigging system;
Connection Pit;
Control & Command system, hardware, software,
Palm Oil input/entry filtration,
Palm Oil storage/output Heating system;
Retention wall;
Alarm and Fire-fighting systems;
Fire-fighting system,
Connection to the NGCT networks for drainage, sewage, water supply,
power supply, voice and data and security systems.

7.5.2 Sections
The Palm oil Storage and Un/Loading Facilities shall be handed over as per
the agreed schedule

7.5.3 Design requirements

This section presents the operational targets to be considered for the design
of the Palm Oil Storage and Un/Loading Facilities.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 of the facility

Land supply:

Pumps are used to unload Palm Oil from tanker trucks into 5 tanks at the
storage area.

Oversea Export:

Palm Oil will be transferred through a pipeline from the tanks located at the
storage area to the Connection Pit located along the NGCT Berth, and
loaded aboard the vessels.

Transfer of palm oil from tanks to berth through pipes installed into a
dedicated covered trench.

The Contractor shall perform and HAZOP study to certify the suitability of
the intended Palm Oil Storage and Un/loading facilities Operational criteria


Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and

Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) (see
following table)

Quantity of exported Palm Oil / year

30,000 T

Density Palm Oil

0.90 t / m3

Number of bulk vessels / year

Quantity of export Palm Oil / vessel

10,000 T

Palm Oil export flowrate to vessel

300 T / h

Pipeline length storage / dock

2,500 m(approx.)

Tanker truck capacity

20 T

Table 7-22 Palm Oil product characteristics



Palm Kernel Cake


















50 - 60












30 - 45




0.5 Palm Oil storage data

Overall capacity

10,500 T

Number of tanks

Capacity of tanks

3 x 3000 tons
2 x750 tons


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Operational Flows

Hereafter is the general indicative description of the process:

Palm Oil is unloaded from the truck via an integrated pump system at the
storage station

Palm Oil is stored in 5 tanks (1 product per tank)

Palm oil will be transferred via underground pipeline with cathodic
protection to the oleo pit on the Main Berth via an integrated pump system
at the storage station; it will then be loaded aboard the ship through
flexible hose (the palm oil tanker is not fitted with pumps. Transfer of palm
oil to the ship shall be performed by the pumping system) ;

At NGCT Berth, pipelines valves, pigging system and all fittings shall be
located in pit.

Palm oil must be heated up to be kept liquid and at appropriate

temperature before and during transfer. Pipelines may need to be heated.
The pumping station and pipeline shall be equipped with pigging system to
clean the pipeline after loading operation. The Contractor shall supply a

fully pigging system and necessary utilities.

The inflow station shall be located towards the oil pit on the truck unloading

The oil pit shall be equipped with a volume metering system for the
CPO/KPO loaded.

Cycling storage of export Palm Oil is estimated at 10,5,00 tons divided into
5 silos.
Truck unloading shall be defined in terms of frequency and other
administrative and commercial constraints (volumetric metering).

The storage of flammable liquids shall comply with all applicable safety


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

The figure below provides the simplified block flow diagram

Figure 7-3 Block Flow Diagram for the Palm Oil Storage and Un/Loading Facilities Materials

The Contractor shall consider marine environment when choosing the

material for tanks and their ancillary equipment.

The Contractor shall consider marine environment and possible marine

submersion when choosing the material for pipelines and their ancillary

equipment and fittings.

Some precautions are required in the choice of stainless steel materials.
The Contractor may propose an alternative technology given that it
complies with project standards and specifications. Cathodic protection, standards and characteristics

All pumps, equipment and material shall comply with safety requirements
applicable to palm oil tanks and equipment.
The oil loading network shall be equipped with a cathodic protection.
The Contractor shall comply with the Recommendations from the
Committee for Cathodic Protection and Associated Coatings
recommendations for the compatibility of grounding and cathodic

The network shall be electrically insulated from the storage area through a
single-piece, insulated seal.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

To meet safety regulations, the insulated seal shall be equipped with a

spark gap designed for the safety area according to NF EN 62305-3

A safety labelling shall be implemented next to the seal to alert of the

presence of a cathodic protection device on the oil network and the
existence of an electric insulation system.

Such task shall be entrusted to specialists with appropriate qualifications

(Contractor or staff). Features

The following features and associated facilities, structures and utilities shall
be installed as part of the Works for Palm Oil Storage and Un/Loading

Palm Oil input/entry filtration,

Palm Oil storage/output heating oil: the Contractor shall study the
necessary heating whatever the quality of the oil to be stored and loaded. Interfaces, utilities requirements for Palm Oil Storages

The Contractor shall include in this proposal all necessary utilities

requirements for Palm Oil Storages and un/loading facilities:

Power supply - 3*400V 50 Hz

Back-up generator power for Process equipment
Light fuel oil or gas for oil heating (if not electrical)
Instrument air,

The Contractor shall indicate in its tender the internal battery limits of the
hydrocarbon works with the networks and utilities to be built by the
Contractor as part of the Works, including:

Roads and pavements,

Foundations and civil engineering works
Power supply,
Control-command circuits,
Fire protection,
Drinking water and other waters,
Firefighting systems (see the following note)
Waste water and rain water drainage system,
Light fuel oil or gas for oil heating (if not electrical)

These battery limits are internal to the Works. There will be no direct
interface between the hydro carbon facilities and any facility or utility
external to the Site.


Palm oil tanks require dedicated firefighting measures.

The contractor is responsible for the sizing of the water tanks dedicated
to the fire-fighting of the palm oil and hydrocarbon tank area including
TLF area. Required fire water for palm area shall be taken from main
hydrant header of hydrocarbon tank farm area.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

7.5.4 Design Documents to be provided by the Contractor

The Contractor shall include in this tender all study documents as indicated
in specific chapters.

The Contractor shall include all necessary documents for utilities, interfaces
and maintenance like:

A plan to guide implementation of civil engineering with loads,

All layouts and information for Fire protection,
Control-command inlet and outlet,
Spare parts list and assembly instructions.

The Contractor shall include all interventions related to pipelines and civil
engineering and especially detailed design of the installations including:

Design assumptions
Sizing calculations of network
Civil engineering calculations (if required)
Inclusion of fire risk
Cause-and-effect diagrams
Earthwork drawings (plan and sectional view)
Civil engineering drawings of all tanks (plan and sectional view)
Operating diagrams
As-built drawings
List of installed equipment including technical documentation and
supplier references

The Contractor shall provide all studies and works related to the
implementation of power supply and Control Command for this network.

7.5.5 Workmanship Construction constraints

The Contractor shall also provide all necessary deliverables, including but
not limited to the following:

The implementation of Power supply and Control Command of such


Testing and performance reports, including testing certificates, for all

equipment units installed,

Maintenance instructions for operating and safety equipment,

Workmanship for all execution studies ; calculations, drawings,
diagrams and sketches as required for the works he is responsible for,
fully dimensional drawings as required for ductwork, drillings and other
works and the managerial staff to prepare any technical files that are
to be provided by the Contractor to the Employers Representative,

Any Certified for Construction files that the Contractor must provide
shall include equipment classification for approval from the Employers
Representative prior to the execution of work,

As-build files to be provided by the Contractor, following the validation

of the works by the Employers Representative,
Coordination of any Contractors sub-contractors,
Expenses arising from work site installations,


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Expenses arising from the coordination and coactivity with the

Contractors sub-contractors
Manufacture, supply, transport to the work site, provisional
storage of equipment and its installation, including sampling supply,

Any lifting equipment, props and scaffolding required for handling

operations brought to site, set up on site and removed from site,

All and any supplies and accessories required for the full completion of
the works,
Execution workmanship required for the completion of the works,
Transportation costs for people and equipment (including any
unloading and storage fee),
Costs for hours worked after legal weekly hours and outside
construction hours,

Costs for any measures taken to secure the structures during the
works (beaconing, protection barriers, tarpaulins, etc.),

Protection of any elements that may be corroded, especially given the

weather conditions of the site and its marine environment,
Labelling and identification of all equipment and networks
including adjustment and shut-off components, cabling and routing,

General schematic diagrams made of permanent plastic polychrome.

They shall include any indications conforming to labels and beacons as

Assistance to site operator during consignment or deconsignment


Adjusting, balancing and commissioning of the installations,

Hydraulic tests, testing, commissioning and adjusting of the entire
installed equipment,

General cleaning after completion of the works in addition to any

regular cleaning operations,
Active participation in operations prior to acceptance and validation,
Training for site staff,
Guarantee of the installations covering parts and labour as defined in
the provisions of the contract.

Such technical recommendations apply to::

Civil engineering work needed for the oil network,

Installation, supporting system and hydraulic connection to pipelines
and equipment/fittings,

Implementation and installation of cabinets necessary to the

protection and control of the distribution system of KPO/CPO,

Implementation of the cathodic protection of the oil network.

This list is not meant to be exhaustive; it only provides a summary of the

main services that bind the Contractor.

The Contractor shall take all measures to deliver clean facilities.

Any studies (drawings and notes) prepared by the Contractor shall be
approved and validated by the Employers Representative prior to
undertaking any work.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Coordination

The Contractor is reminded of the general provisions of the Contract

regulating the coordination as soon as the works begin.
The Employers Representative reserves the right to reject all arrangements
that can put the structure at risk, as well as any replacement solution that
could be deemed inadequate technically speaking or unsightly.

The defaulting Contractor shall bear all the consequences of this rejection
and make the necessary arrangements on his own to find a valid solution

that must be approved by the Employers Representative

Construction work is subject to a specific and formalized methodology so as
to obtain approval from the Employers Representative and the

Management firm prior to any work initiation.

Prior to each stage of operations, the Contractor of this lot shall write a
method statement that shall include:

The nature of the work to be done,

Location of work,
Impact of work on business activities (access, traffic, noise, dust, etc.),
Overall planned duration of work.

Generally, the Contractor shall take all simple additional measures

(sheeting or else) required by the Employers Representative. Commissioning, testing

First acceptance shall be given during Contractors workshop with the

Employers Representative.

The Contractor shall submit written notice for testing activities at least 1
month before Employers' Representative come.

The Contractor shall submit written notice for testing activities at least 48
hours prior to the scheduled testing date. Prior to the tests, the Contractor
shall isolate all equipment and parts that are not designed to withstand
testing pressure or trials.

The Contractor shall isolate or hide the works only after the completion of
tests and Employers Representatives approval.

The Contractor shall conduct the tests in the presence of the Employers
The Contractor shall bear all related costs including new tests and make any
changes according to the results.

Tests shall include :

Maintaining test pressure without loss during 4 hours, unless otherwise


Testing equipment according to usefulness.

Water resistance hydraulic test:

When mounting operations are over and any required non-destructive

controls have been carried out, with their acceptance, hydraulic test shall
be conducted.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Clean water free from solid particle shall be used for the test. A specific
procedure shall be established prior to the test.
A pig shall go through the pipelines after the hydraulic tests to drain water
and remove any residue that could be inside the oil pipelines.


Any inspection services, testing and power-up operations, participation in

global testing of the installations as electrician for the Electrical works shall
be carried out by qualified staff. As-built documentation

Upon completion of the works, all the information and documentation

exchanged during the construction process via Addenda, supplemental
orders, change orders, on-location orders, etc. shall be recorded to scale by
a qualified CAD technician using appropriate CAD systems (AutocadTM).

The Contractor shall provide two (2) full copies of archive drawings to the
Employers Representative (printed at full size), as well as a copy of each
drawing on electronic support (CD) in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and

AutocadTM DWG format

Each drawing sheet shall clearly indicate PROJECT FILE completed and
bear the name of the general Contractor, and if required, the sub-

Contractors name, with applicable date.

The Contractor shall review any completed items and the Project file
completed to ensure that all the data provided on the drawings are accurate

and reflect the work actually performed.

The Contractor shall supply spare parts which comply with the
manufacturers requirements as specified.

The Contractor shall supply special tools recommended by the

manufacturer, as required to maintain the equipment.

The Contractor shall supply operational and maintenance data to be

included in the As-built documentation.

Operation and maintenance guidebook with any final copies shall be

approved by the Employers Representative prior to the final inspection.

As-built documentation shall comprise operational data and include:

Diagrams of the control panel for each system,

Description of each system and control,
Operating specifications of each system according to loads and reset

Operating instructions for each system and each component,

Description of actions to undertake in case of equipment breakdown or

Valve schedule and flow diagram,

Graph with colour coding.

The As-built file shall comprise maintenance and performance data and

Service, maintenance, operation and troubleshooting instructions for

each equipment part,


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Data shall include task scheduling, frequency, tools needed and length
of work,
Manufacturers performance cards for the equipment with operating
point when commissioning is complete,


Test results of performance verification on equipment.

Civil Works for Pipelines and Connection Pits

7.6.1 General
The scope of works includes but is not limited to the design, supply,
installation, construction, and monitoring, testing, quality assurance and
commissioning of the connection pits, trenches, supports and pipe racks
within the Site complete and ready to receive pipes and equipment. Scope for trenches, supports and piperacks

The trenches, supports and piperacks included in the Works concern:


Miscellaneous Facilities and Equipment

7.7.1 General
The scope of works includes but is not limited to the design, supply,
installation, construction, monitoring, testing and quality assurance and
commissioning of the Miscellaneous facilities required for the operation of

GLSY complete and ready to operate,

Miscellaneous facilities include, but are not limited to:

The rail crossing

The weighbridges
The Instrument air Generation unit

7.7.2 Sections
The Miscellaneous facilities shall be taken over in sections as per the
provisions of clause 2.6 of the Employers Requirements.

7.7.3 Rail / Road crossing

A rail crossing will be required to be installed where ever pipe line


crossing the railway track .

The future structure must comply with the following requirements:

The pavement structure shall support heavy handling vehicles without

deformation of the rail structure;

Include traffic signs;


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Include two traffic lanes;

The width of each lane must be at least equivalent to the width of the
biggest handling vehicles loading with the biggest cargo;

The speed shall be controlled and limited.

The Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits, design approvals and
authorizations with the Railway Company for the construction and entry into
service of the rail crossing.

7.7.4 Weighbridge
Two weighbridges shall be installed on the GLSY
Weighbridge for all accesses between ingoing and outgoing lanes. This
weighbridge shall be used for weighing the road trucks (semi-trailer)
used for import/export of trucks and general cargo from the GLSY General requirements

The capacity of the weighbridges shall be 80 tons

The weighbridges shall be fully-underground type in order to provide a
weighing surface completely levelled with the surrounding ground level.

Access to functional elements shall be easy (load cells, junction box, stops).
Access to the load cells of the weighbridge must be made either by
including access holes in the deck or typically, to the side of the deck as

part of the main foundation design.

Accesses to each weighbridge shall be constructed of concrete.
The digital weigh indicator must be 6 m or less from the weighbridge deck
and shall be located in the dedicated weighbridge gatehouse.
The weighbridges shall be equipped with stainless steel hermetically sealed
load cells.

Drainage of the pit shall prevent retention of water in the foundation. System and automation

The weighbridge shall be semi-automated. It shall provide following


Vehicle Control

A measurement result will not be provided if the weighbridge

platform(s) are not clear of any vehicular/pedestrian traffic or
obstructions immediately prior to the vehicle entering the

Measurement Result

A printed measurement document must be provided to the driver at

the time of weighing. This requirement does not prohibit driver access
to a visual display, however where a printed record cannot be
produced, the visual measurement indication shall be inhibited.

Zero Control

A measurement result will not be provided if the weighbridge

platform(s) are not correctly on zero immediately prior to the vehicle
entering the weighbridge.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Vehicle Position

A measurement result will not be provided unless the vehicle is

correctly positioned on the weighbridge platform(s).

Weighbridge Control

A weighbridge control system is not permitted to control the operation

of the weighbridge primary indicator other than for zero setting, or to
store any calibration or other measurement data for use by the
weighbridge itself.

Note: This specification is mandatory because it distinguishes between

the functions of a weighbridge, which must be of an approved pattern,
and the functions of a weighbridge control system.

Cleaning Procedure

Software used to acquire measurement data shall not be conducive to

fraudulent modification.

The software shall allow elaborating port operation statistics

Record Details

Printed records shall include the following information:


Unique transaction identifier


Location of the measurement


Identity of the controller of the weighbridge


Measurement date and time


Vehicle identity


Gross mass


Tare mass


Net mass


Specific printed records shall be issued for providing accrued

figures per category of cargo, namely:


Accrued quantity of grain transferred to silos (per product, per

vessel, per hour, per day) and corresponding productivity indicator
(t/h, t/day)


Accrued quantity of grain loaded from silos (per product, per hour,
per day) and corresponding productivity indicator (t/h, t/day,


Accrued quantity of Palm Oil sent to Tanks (per product, per hour,
per day) and corresponding productivity indicator (t/h, t/day,

All printed records shall be exportable in XLS format.

Stored Tares

Tare weights determined by the operation of the weighbridge shall be

stored by the control system for future use. Any stored tares manually
entered into the system can only be used when uploaded into the
system by the weighbridge controller, and where identified as a preset
tare (PT). Stored tares are only accessible by a unique access system
provided to the weighbridge controller.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

The specification above provides guidance on complying with the

approval requirements for the weighbridge in relation to tare and
preset tare. Platform and Pit

The weight bridge manufacturer shall furnish the following items for
construction of the scale platforms and pits:

Weighbridge modules
Longitudinal and lateral bumper checking devices
Load cells and load cell assemblies.
Anchor bolts.

Platform and end wall painted structural steel embedment.

The external and internal dimensions of the platform are subject to
modification according to the manufacturers requirements.

In any case the width and length of the platform shall be inferior to what is
specified on drawings.

Reinforcement steel placement and structural steel embedment placement

shall be performed as shown on the manufacturer's foundation Drawings
The platform shall assure that the weighbridge is positioned horizontally. On
that purpose an access ramp for Lorries with a maximum of 10% slope shall
be built at south of the pit, as shown on drawings. Metrological approval

The weighbridges shall comply with the definition of a conventional

load receptor according to the WELMEC 2.4 guide (08/2002).
The weighbridge shall be designed and constructed taking into
consideration of the specific climatic conditions in Owendo (temperature
and rainfall). It will be necessary to prove that the equipment installed is
adapted to such climatic conditions. Installation

The scale shall be manufactured and provided by a specialized company

that has a minimum of five years of experience manufacturing similar

The Contractor shall construct the weighbridge foundation as indicated on

the Drawings provided by the manufacturer. All concrete work shall be as
specified in the cast-in-place concrete section. Anchor bolts shall be set as
required by the scale manufacturers Drawings. Manufacturer's field services

Where scheduled in the equipment schedule section, an experienced,

competent, and authorized representative of the manufacturer shall provide
field services for equipment furnished under this section. Field services shall
meet the requirements of manufacturer's field services in the quality control


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents
Volume-3 Field testing and acceptance

The Contractor shall provide the required scale certification for capacity and
accuracy to the Employers Representative as required by the applicable
state department of weights and measures. Personnel training

An experienced, competent, and authorized representative of the

manufacturer shall train the Employer's personnel in operating,
maintaining, and repairing the equipment specified in this section.

7.7.5 A 2- Lane concrete road for NGCT to Port-a-bois

entry security gate
A new two lane concrete road of 7.5m width to be laid from NGCT to Port-abois entry security gate adjoining the pipeline routing. Suitable earth/soil
shall be conveyed from approved places or quarries and filled up for the
formation of right of way for 12 14m width and compacted by rolling

The road formation will be of following components:

The subgrade with CBR>80% will be formed in three layers of 150mm

thickness each.

Over the above, a layer of cement bound material category 4 for a

thickness of 280mm thick shall be formed.
A levelling grade with granular materials of 50mm thickness will be laid
over the CBM category 4.

The road will be finished with 100mm thickness of plain concrete with
required camber and gradient as per specifications.

The side berms of the road of 1.5m width on either side with
gravel/granular materials shall be provided.
Strom water drainage to let into the sea shall be provided on the edge
of the road.

The side slope of the road embankment shall be provided with suitable
slope protection as the case may be.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents



Scope of Work

8.1.1 This scope of work under this tender include

Pipeline from New General Container Cargo Terminal (NGCT) to Gabon
Liquid Storage yard facility (GLSY) Carrying out detailed route survey
between NGCT to GSLY, identifying

location for loading / unloading facility

with hose pipe system.

Developing NGCT berth related pipeline facilities including loading hoses,

manifold, pigging stations, air and nitrogen purging arrangements for one
pipeline for handling HSD (Diesel) & SKO (Kerosene) unloading and one
pipeline for handling MS (Petrol) - (500-600 m3/hr withdrawal rate). ) and.

One pipeline for palm oil exporting (hr300 t/hr. rate) at the NGCT berth.
Carrying out route survey for laying the three above ground pipelines, two
hydro carbon pipe lines, and one palm oil line generally in line with the
corridor identified, establishing the crossings for railway line, crossings for
vehicles, concrete paving, service road, establishing pipe support saddles
for laying the pipeline, identity special supports at marshy stretch,
developing terminal and facilities, preparation of flow diagram, bill of
materials for the transfer pipeline system complete from NGCT to GSLY end
and getting approval of the Employer.

Preparation of specification for pipes, pipe fittings, forged bends (for

piggable pipeline), valves, scrapper barrels at both ends, air and nitrogen
purging scheme and material, loading / unloading manifold, hose and
connected pipeline, coating external for saline / coastal environment for
complete system, including Cathodic Protection system / sacrificial anode
bed for underground protection of pipeline complete in all respect.

Procurement of all material for the scheme including all fitting fixtures
accessories complete in all respect.

Fabrication and Laying of the pipeline as per the approved scheme including
all civil pedestals, special crossings, NGCT Berth and terminal facilities
organizing third party inspection complete in all respect, testing, painting,
cleaning, air drying and keeping the system ready for operation including

air and Nitrogen purging facility.

Assistance during installation of sacrificial anode bed for underground pipe,
commissioning and initial operation phase interfacing with suppliers for
smooth taking over of the complete system by the Employer.

8.1.2 Unloading Arrangement from Truck to Palm Oil

Identifying location for unloading arrangement, positioning of the off load
pump (vacuum type positive evacuation type), end manifold at both ends


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

and finalize the scheme including painting scheme for the coastal area and

furnishing for Employer's approval.

Preparation of specification for pipe, pipe fittings, pumps, valves, manifolds,
unloading hose and connectors, support and painting scheme.

Procurement of all materials for the complete scheme.

Fabrication, erection, testing, painting of the system including all related
civil work, air drying and keeping the system ready for commissioning.

Assistance during commissioning and initial phase of operation interfacing

with suppliers for smooth takeover of the system by Employer.

8.1.3 Developing Phase-1 Tank Farm for Hydrocarbon

Products, Storage, Palm Oil Storage and Fire Water
Storage Tanks.
Developing the scheme for complete tank farm for phase-1 including tank
pad construction for tanks, concrete DYKE wall / Retaining wall / surface
drain, oily water drain, piping scheme from incoming manifold to tank farm
and from tank farm to transfer pit drain line, all inter connected piping,
fittings, valves, transfer pumps within tank farm area, hume pipe network
for oily water outlet, surface drain and storm water drainage developing
dynamic type oily water separator with storage pond for oily water, two
stage oil separator, oil in water meter at outlet point with recirculation
arrangement, sump tank and slope tank system, firefighting system
covering hydrant network, spray system and foam injection provisions for
all instruments, gauges at tanks for maintaining and, developing service
road around tank farm, earthing scheme, tank farm lighting and other
electrical work for valve actuation and power supply arrangement for
pumps, developing corridor for electrical and instrumentation cables in tank
farm area, developing painting scheme for tank and piping complete in all

respect and approval of Employer.

Procurement of steel plates, pipes, pipe fittings, steel structures valves,
motor operated valves, thermal relief valves, surge relief system, pumps for
transfer of palm oil, firefighting pumping units, jockey pump, slop pump,
oily water system, material for all civil work for developing tank farm
covering all materials for

4 Nos HSD Diesel - tanks cone roof

3 Nos M.S. - Petrol - tanks cone roof with internal floating roof
2 Nos SKO Kerosene - tanks cone roof
3 Nos Palm oil - tank cone roof
2 Nos 10m dia x 10m ht - Palm Kernel oil - tank cone roof
2 Nos fire water - tanks cone roof

Complete materials for Pump house and pumping system for palm
oil transfer to NGCT, Pump house and unloading pumps for palm
oil from tank truck, pump house and loading pumping units for
hydrocarbon transfer from tank to loading gantry, pipeline for tank
farm, tank truck transfer system in TLF shed and all related piping
facility including all pipes, fittings, bends, valves, check valves,
MOVs, Auto regulation valves, ball valves, weldolets, nipples, half


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

and full couplings for the piping scheme for hydrocarbon facility
and palm oil firefighting facility, firefighting pump units, engine
driven, direct online type jockey pump, fire hydrant network for
tank farm, TLF area, cooling water spray system and foam
proportioner, foam pourer system for TLF, foam pourer piping for
tank complete with all fittings, fixers, valves and accessories.

Compete material for electrical work for tank farm, TLF gantry,
control room, pump house for hydrocarbon products and palm oil,
power supply cables, incomer to PCC and all feeder cables for
pumps, MOV, Oil water separator, slop oil, sump pumps, material
for earthing scheme, for the complete tank farm and terminal,
material for lighting, power feeder, power control centre panel,
MCC panels, all electrical circuits, relays, protective devices, DG
set for power back-up, UPS system for control room and CCTV and
all other electrical materials for the complete work.

All related civil work items covering tank farm development, tank pad
construction, pump shed, TLF gantry, firefighting pump shed area, palm oil
truck unloading pump shed area, control room and for all civil pedestals and
supports for piping, pump foundation, service road, paying work in tank
farm, road side drain, storm water drain, complete.

Construction work covering

Compound grading of tank farm and TLF gantry area

Tank pad construction for HSD, SKO, MS, Palm Oil and Fire water,
storage tanks

Fabrication, erection, testing of complete tanks for HSD, SKO, MS,

Palm Oil and Fire water service
Construction of oil water sump installation of dynamic type oil water
separator and associated work

Installation of pumping units, execution of piping systems, covering

hydrocarbon products, palm oil in tank farms and TLF area and truck
unloading piping in palm oil area and for transfer pipeline manifold.

Installation of firefighting pumping units and jockey pump

Execution of fire hydrant network and foam water piping to tanks in
tank farm area, cooling water spray system, hydrant network for TLF

gantry, foam proportioner / foam generation system for TLF gantry.

Execution of all electrical work of setting up PCC feeder and MCC
panels, cable laying, termination standby power DG set, UPS system,

testing the entire electrical system

Complete earthing scheme covering tank farm, TLF, pump shed and
oily water scheme area

Construction of all accessories and fittings for tank farm and terminal
instrumentation work for tank farm terminal and construction work.

Painting of tanks, piping, civil structure and all facilities and utilities
Testing and commissioning facilities
Assistance during initial phase of operation interfacing with suppliers
for smooth takeover of the system by Employer


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

8.1.4 Instrumentation Scheme

Tank farm management and terminal automation system for Hydrocarbon
products handling system, and instrumentation system for Palm oil handling
system for local operation with PLC system
A computerized automation system is envisaged for the hydrocarbon products
being handled through this tank farm or terminal.
The following shall be controlled by terminal automation system

Tank truck entry sub system for hydrocarbon products


Tank truck loading for hydrocarbon product tanks


Truck loading by queuing


Tank farm management for hydrocarbon product tanks


Pump automation using VFD based energy saving system


MOV automation


Fire water system operation through PLC along with makeup water


Terminal security system

Scheme for status of oil water system operation in the PLC system and control
shall be covered.
Developing scheme for linking fire water pumping units starting on fire alarm
system detection, local activation of break glass through fire hydrant system
panel and linking the same to PLC shall be covered.

Scheme development for instrumentation system covering Palmoil tanks,

Palm oil handling pumps, valves, loading arrangement to tank, transfer
pump for pumping to Palm oil transfer pipe line, palm oil receiving system
from lorry tankers thus facilitating local operation of palm oil handling

CCTV monitoring covering tanks, terminals, TLF area, pump shed and other
critical area, entry gate, inside control room, Electrical room, and other
sensitive locations within the premises complete in all respect.. The scope of work covers

Scheme development for the above complete system and designing the
complete PLC based tank farm management and terminal automation
system and covering detail engineering for the software covering all logics. Providing all materials and accessories covering the complete


All instruments, radar gauges, pressure and temp sensors for all
hydrocarbon product tanks, flow meter, dial gauges, pressure and temp
transmitters, flow and pressure switches, pumps protection, instruments,
fittings, fixtures, cables, junction boxes, earthing material for tankfarm and
TLF gantry for complete tank management and terminal automation.

Supply of tank gauges, flow instruments, temp and pressure sensors, pump
protective instruments, pressure, temp and flow transmitters, MOVs
control, all switches, all types of panels, fittings and accessories for pal oil
handling system and tankfarm management (independent of hydrocarbon


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

products) for local operation and monitoring. Instrumentation and loading

arm for truck unloading of palm oil. Supply of all cables, junction boxes,
fittings fixtures, earthing materials and related materials for palm oil
handling system.

All materials, panels, control cameras, video recorders, monitors, cable,

earthing, tower for mounting cameras, fitting fixtures for cameras, monitor,
panels, all related sensors, fittings suitable for hydrocarbon installation for

the CCTV system.

All instrumentation and control for power supply arrangement changeover
to main power supply / DG power / UPS system and capacitor bank for

complete automation with manual overrides.

PLC type control panel for achieving terminal automation and tank farm
management including system for generation of various status and MIS
reports as detailed.

carrying out all civil and structural works for mounting instrumentation work
providing all materials, laying all instrument cable as per approved scheme
and instrument earthing scheme, installation of radar type tank gauge,
temp sensors, pressure / temp transmitters for tanks, pumps, flow meter,
sensors complete for loading arm hydrocarbon products, flow meter sensors
and all other field instruments for safety of the installation and the tank
farm management and terminal automation.

installation of tank level gauges, pressure and flow sensors and

transmitters, pumps protection devices, valves actuation sensor, installation
of all panels, laying cables, earthing scheme terminations, status
monitoring system at control room, all fitting and fixtures , testing and

commissioning of the instrumentation for Palm oil handing system.

Installation of all towers, mountings, fixing CCTV cameras, video recorders,
monitors, panels and all accessories laying all inert connection cables,
indoor and outdoor termination earthing complete for CCTV system for
hydrocarbon tankfarm terminal.

Testing and commissioning the complete system and extending

maintenance contract for the tankfarm management and terminal
automation system for a period of 24 months from the date of

Fire alarm system for tank farm and all connections to PLC system for
terminal automation for auto start of pump on alarm

ESD operation system

Installation of loading arm with flow meter and sensors with earthing
scheme complete with line to PLC system for terminal automation

Installation of tank entry subsystem and all connection to PLC based

automation systems
Provision for dozing system of dozing incorporated at later stage
Installation of all instruments and transmitters for actuation on MOVs
through PLC based terminal automation


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Installation of all instruments, fittings and transmitters for actuation of

transfer pumps for hydrocarbon products
VFD based motor with PLC based terminal automation
Installation of cooling water spray system for TLF gantry
Installation of foam proportioner and foam system for TLF gantry
Public address system connectivity to PLC based automation
Installation of all panels, computer hardware, monitors, commissioning of
the complete PLC based tankfarm management and terminal automation.

8.1.5 Developing Scheme for Heat Tracing/ Heating Coils

for Palm Oil Tanks
Supply of all materials, heating tape, power supply arrangement, sensors,
trip systems cabling, earthing complete.

Installation of the heat tracing system for palm oil tanks. Alternatively,
Thermic fluid heater and circulating system and heating coils at the bottom
of all Palm oil tanks, Fittings and accessories.

8.1.6 TLF
Area providing fencing for TLF area with access gate for petroleum products
with card punching system at gate.

8.1.7 Weigh Bridge

Providing weighing machine for the TLF and palm oil truck tanker weighing
at entry road complete and connecting the system to automation.

8.1.8 HAZOP
Carrying out comprehensive HAZOP studies for the complete tank farm, TLF
loading system through an experienced agency for finalizing the layout of
the terminal and the safety distance to other facilities and external facilities
are in order.

8.1.9 Parking Bay for Trucks

Developing parking for the empty in coming tank trucks with rest room for
the drivers with public address system with parking for a minimum of 20

8.1.10 Laboratory
Developing a testing laboratory at control room with all desired facility for
testing hydrocarbon products and palm oil.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents


Specific Requirement and Specification

8.2.1 Referring to clause 8.1 and sub clause there under

the scope of work
Specific requirement for the respective item of the scope of work is covered
here under. The schedule of item rate forming part of this document are
also being framed item wise in the same order covering the scope of work,
specific requirement and specification as follows. Wherever palm oil is
refereed it includes kernel oil also.

8.2.2 Pipeline from NGCT to GLSY

Scope of work as per clause 8.1.1 NGCT

New General Cargo terminal (NGCT) has developed a terminal at Owendo

for handling general cargo, palm oil, hydrocarbon and container/bulk cargo.
For transfer of hydrocarbon products unloaded from NGCT to GLSY

numbers of Dock lines & for transfer of Palm oil from GLSY to NGCT for
loading one dock line are envisaged.

Interfacing Point

The battery limit for hydrocarbon pipelines from NGCT platform is

considered as interfacing point. This point also forms the interface for
palmoil pipelines from GSLY to NGCT area.

The interfacing point shall have both air and Nitrogen purging system to be
part of this scope and shall have connection Nitrogen source with
evaporator. Product change in Hydro Carbon dock line is to be done by
batching pig pushing the product initially by Nitrogen followed by
compressed air.

In summary the specific requirement includes air purging system

and connection at manifold and Nitrogen pushing system of line fill
evacuation. The other pipelines also are to have branch connection
with valve and blind for connecting airline and Nitrogen gas line.

The air compressor and Nitrogen source is to be positioned

outside jetty and hose reel connection pipes to be made for
arranging supply of compressed air and Nitrogen.

The interfacing point shall also be equipped with the following scrapper

(i) launching barrel for HSD / SKO / MS

(ii) receiving barrel for Palm oil

Air line to the manifold and the routing on the deck to be finalised in
consultation with NGCT.

The contractor shall finalise the piping scheme for hydrocarbon

products, palm oil, Nitrogen purging and compressed air arrangement,
drain collection of manifold in a small slop tank with transfer pump to


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

load the drained product in barrel to be carted out of jetty and all

safety arrangements for the pipe line.

The hydrant line of NGCT to be used for the fire fighting scheme within
NGCT limits, beyond NGCT limit and at GLSY Contractor to propose the
fire fighting system. Over and above the contractor to position 2 Nos of
Co2 cylinder (10 Kg) and 2 Nos. of dry powder chemical (25 kg type)
on the deck.

The contractor shall jointly finalize the location where flame proof
fittings, junction box and lightings area for hydro carbon area are
required. Contractor to ensure the concerned proposal is suitable for

petroleum product handling.

The land corridor to be levelled cleared of all localized undulation, graded
for laying the pipelines at a bottom elevation of 1m from the ground. All
earth work to meet above process to be carried for establishing smooth
gradient for the above ground dock lines.

Concrete pedestals are to be placed at a maximum span of 8 M

between two supports.

The design services to include carrying thermal analysis of complete

pipeline and surge analysis for the desired flow. i.e

For Hydrocarbon Line Discharge rate of 600KL / hr from NGCT to


For palm Oil Line Discharge rate of 300t / hr from GLSY to NGCT

Crossing railway lines / road cross access shall be underground at a depth

of 2.0M from the ground level by using heavy duty concrete hume pipe
(NP3 Grade) or any other suitable proposal acceptable to SETRAG

On the civil pedestals pipes are to be laid on the steel saddle supports
on rollers with adequate guides and arrestors for control the pipe
moments in thermal expansion in control.

The contractor as an option can explore laying casing pipe for each of
the dock lines across railway crossing by augur boring method.

Underground portion of pipeline shall be cleaned by shot blast cleaning and

shall be given a coat of coal-tar epoxy prier (60 micron DFT) over which
tape coating using PYPEKOTE AW 4mm tape or equivalent (to be approved
if change) wound around in spiral fashion with 1 minimum overlap and
bonded completely to the primer coated pipe by thermos fusion process as
per manufacturers specification.

Temporary rings are to be placed to handle the coated pipe without

damage to coating.
The underground crossings shall be provided with end seals to prevent
water ingress.

Sacrificial anodes to be provided for protection of underground pipeline

at crossing.

The complete dock lines material of construction, fabrication, erection and

testing shall confirm to code ANSI B 31.4. Welding, welding inspection and
welders qualification shall be as per API 1104 Code / Standard.

The pipe procured for size up to 6 shall conform to ASME A53 Gr. B
or API106 Gr. B


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Pipe size 8 and above shall confirm to API 5L Gr. B. Pipe procured for
docklines shall be of double random length to reduce the number of
field joints.

All flanges shall be forged type to ASTM A 105 confirming to ASME B

All fittings shall be forged class confirming to ASME B 16.11
All bends in jetty area are forged type confirming to B 16.11
Field bends between two scrapper barrels for the dock lines shall be
hot pulled / forged class bend having radius of curvature 5D is
preferred and 3D at location where restriction is seen for its provision.

Pipe / fittings wall thickness selection to cover a corrosion allowance of

2mm (Min.)

Quick opening closure for scrapper barrel shall be forged class, band
lock O ring type closure to be considered.
Small valves upto 2 shall be forged class 800lb
Gate valves shall confirm to API 600 150 mm pressure rating
Taper Plug valves on manifold shall be pressure balanced type
confirming to API 6D.

Pipe line valves from Scrapper barrel to scrapper barrel shall be full
bore type gate valve confirming to API 6D

Thermal relief valve shall be packed lever type confirming to API 526
for construction, API 520 for sizing and API 527 for testing.

Stud bolts and nuts shall be alloy steel confirming to ASTM A 193 Gr B7
and ASTM A 194 Gr. 2H respectively.

Surge relief system to confirm to relevant ASME code - 4 dial liquid

filled type suitable for reading 0-25 Kg/Cm2. The pressure gauge shall
confirm to ASME B 40.1 suitable for open sea weather condition to IP

Hydro carbon pipelines are to be designed for a pressure of 18 Kg/cm2 and

tested hydrostatically at 27 Kg/cm2. The palm oil line to be designed for 12
Kg/cm2 and tested at 18 Kg/cm2.

The contractor to chalk out scheme for commissioning the line in

consultation with Employer and to provide all commissioning assistance and
assistance to initial phase of operation (not exceeding 4 weeks).

The complete above ground portion of the pipeline and steel support shall
be shot blast cleaned and shall be given a coat of Zinc ethyl Silicate Primer
(100 micron DFT) followed by High build epoxy M.I.O mid coat (200 micron
DFT) and finish coat of two pack Aliphatic Acrylic Poly Urethane finish paint
(40 micron DFT)


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

8.2.3 Piping Material Specification

Table 8-1 Piping Material Specification

SIZE (mm)







SCH 80









A106 GR.B SCH.40

PIPES 8 (200MM)



Forged type to ASTM A 105 confirming

to ASME B 16.5

Forged type to ASTM A 105 confirming to


ASTM A105 (ASME B16.5)

6000# FS

3000# FS





ASTM A105 (1 & 3) (ASME B16.11)




(ASME B18.2.2)





Small valves upto 2 shall be forged class 800lb


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents




TO BS 6577








Developing Phase-1 Tank farm for

Hydrocarbon Products, Palm Oil and Firewater

8.3.1 Tanks - Codes, Standards and Reference Documents

International Codes and Standards
The design, materials, fabrication, inspection and testing of equipment and
packages shall be in accordance with this specification and the latest edition
(including addenda / errata) of applicable codes and standards as listed below.

Table 8-2 Applicable codes and standards

API 650

Welded Steel Tank for Oil Storage.


ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Material



ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Nondestructive Examination


ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Welding and

Brazing Qualifications

ASME B16.5

Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

ASME B 16.47

Large diameter steel flanges


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

ASME B31.3

Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping

AWS D 1.1

American Welding Society Structural Welding Code


Materials Testing Certificates


National Electrical Manufacturers Association

API 2000

Venting of Atmospheric and Low Pressure Tanks

IS - 875 (Part - 3)

Codes of practice for design loads (other than

earthquake) for buildings and structures.

IS 1893

Criteria for earthquake resistance design of structures


Oil Industries Safety Directorate.

8.3.2 Order of Precedence

Any conflicts between requirements of this specification, other referenced
project specifications, international codes and standards and the contract
shall be referred to the OWNER for clarification. Where conflicts occurs the
order of precedence shall be, unless otherwise agreed:

Local Regulatory Requirement

Contract / Purchaser Order
Datasheet and P&IDs
This Specification
Project Specifications
Codes and Standards

Within each category above, the most stringent requirement shall apply.

8.3.3 Exceptions and Deviations

Any exceptions and deviations from the requirements of this Specification and
associated documents shall be clearly itemized by the prospective BIDDER when
submitting his tender. The deviations shall be listed item by item against the
relevant clauses of this Specification.

8.3.4 Design Requirements

Design, material, construction, inspection, testing and certification shall be in
accordance with API 650 - Welded steel tank for oil storage and as per this
specification, as applicable. General

Tanks covered by this specification shall be designed for the most severe
combination of conditions which may be experienced in normal operation,
servicing and testing.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

The tank outline drawing is not intended to cover complete details. The
VENDOR shall prepare full calculations covering the design of tanks and
shall prepare the detailed drawings as per the requirement of code and
applicable specifications.

Generally tanks shall be site fabricated.

Welds attaching non pressure parts to the tanks shall have design stress
values not greater than the code value for the tank plate on which the weld

is made.
The basic allowable stress for non-containment parts shall be 2/3 of the
yield strength or the 2/3 of the 0.2% proof strength, at design temperature.

Vertical tanks shall be designed to permit hydro testing as erected in the

fully corroded condition.

When cylindrical shell differ in thickness the inside diameter of the tank
shall be kept constant.
Wear plate of thickness equal to bottom plate thickness shall be provided
under all pipes which discharge against the tank bottom.

Roof plate shall be continuously fillet welded to the curb angle but not
attached to the roof supporting structure. Roof to shell joint shall be
frangible type to cater for emergency vent requirement as per API-2000.

Cone roof shall be shaped to the surface of a right cone, with a radius to
height ratio of 12.

Roof of the tanks shall be provided with internal roof structure.


Tank Design

The CONTRACTOR shall take into consideration the applicable statutory

regulations in the design and construction of the tank.
Fixed roof tanks shall be provided with pressure / vacuum relief vent sized
for maximum product flow rate or as per API 2000.

The size of the tank shall be as specified in the SPECIFICATION / DRAWING.

Where the size is not specified, VENDOR to size the tank such that the
height to diameter ratio not exceeding 1.5

The tank shall be designed for full of operating liquid or water considering
minimum specific gravity of 1.0.

Tanks shall be checked for stability based on loadings resulting from wind
and earthquake.
Wind loadings shall be determined for the wind speed stated on - Project
Design Data.

Secondary wind girders if required shall be designed and supplied by


Stiffening rings shall not be used as walkway unless specifically approved

by Owner.

For seismic loading, zone, ground acceleration, importance factor and site
coefficient shall be as specified on the Project Design Data.

Tank bottom shall be cone down with a slope as per API 650.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents


Local Loading

Local stress analysis at nozzle to tank junction, lifting lug to tank wall and
external attachments to tank junction ( if any ), shall be carried out as per
the procedure given in WRC 107 / WRC 297 bulletin or PD 5500 Appendix

A conservative estimate of external loads on nozzle due to attached piping

shall be made based on the formula given below;

The loads can be expected to act in the positive or negative directions;

therefore calculation shall be carried out considering loads both in

inward and outward directions.

Sign convention shall be as per WRC bulletin 107.
Each nozzle, including those designated spare, with exclusion of
manway and instrument nozzles shall be analyzed for nozzle loads in
the corroded condition.

Where D is the nominal diameter of the pipe in INCHES (maximum 60

inches) and the value of b is 0.6.

Table 8-3 Loads on nozzle due to attached piping

Longitudinal bending moment


13 x b x D


Circumferential bending moment


13 x b x D


Resultant bending moment


16.4 x b x D


Torsional moment


15 x b x D


Longitudinal force


200 x b x D


Circumferential force


150 x b x D


Resultant force


250 x b x D


Axial tension or compression force


200 x b x D


The allowable stresses for local load analysis shall be as follows:

Table 8-4 Allowable stresses for local load analysis

Primary stress at the edge of solid attachment


Primary stress plus local bending stress at nozzle/shell junction


Primary stress plus local bending stress at the edge of any reinforcing pad


Compressive stresses

Table 8-5 Compressive stresses

Net compressive stress




Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Table 8-6 Notations

Primary stress

Allowable material design stress as per design


Minimum value of specified yield stress of

material at design temperature

Primary membrane stress plus primary bending


CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ensuring that the design of shell and
roof shall be capable of withstanding self-weight plus dead weight of
internal structure, platforms, stairways, insulation and other permanent
attachments including associated live loads. Nozzles and the adjacent shell
/ roof shall sustain any external moment or force, values of which if
applicable will be forwarded by OWNER. Tank shells and nozzles shall be
reinforced in the most appropriate manner to avoid excessive stresses due
to these loads.

Tank component shall sustain live loads as follows;


Live load of 122 kg/m2 on projected roof area and shall be designed to with
stand personnel movement to access opening and roof valves / nozzles.


Live load of 366 kg/m2 on total platform area or a moving concentrated load of
454 kg. The load creating the maximum stresses shall govern


Live load of 488 kg/m2 or a moving concentrated load of 455 kg. The load
creating the maximum stress shall govern.


Moving concentrated load of 136 kg.


Concentrated live load of 91 kg applied at any point acting in any direction.



The corrosion allowance, if specified, shall be added to minimum calculated

shell and self-supporting roof thicknesses; to minimum nominal thicknesses
of bottom and supported roof plates; to nozzles and manways; and to
exposed surfaces of internal structural members and non-removable

Removable internals shall have half the specified corrosion allowance
applied to all surfaces. Minimum corrosion allowance shall be as indicated

in the tank datasheet.

Design Weight Classification


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

The following weights are to be determined and incorporated in the VENDOR's

design calculations and general arrangement drawings. VENDOR shall compute
weights based on the finalized design.

Fabricated Weight shall be the weight of tank including any

supporting elements, nozzles, insulation supports, and all other
non-removable appurtenances.


Erected Weight shall be the fabricated weight plus any removable

internal components plus platforms, ladders, piping weight
supported from tank, insulation and all other removable external


Operating Weight shall be the erected weight plus operating liquid

including piping liquid weight supported from tank.


Weight full of water shall be the erected weight plus weight of

water in tank and piping supported from tank.


Weight full of operating liquid shall be the erected weight plus

weight of operating liquid in tank when flooded and weight of
operating liquid in piping supported from tank when flooded.


Weight of removable (Internal and External) shall be the total

weight of all internal and external components which are not
welded to the tank.

Nozzles, Manholes and Inspection Opening

All the flanges shall be in accordance with the specification.

All tanks governed by this standard shall have at least one shell
manhole and one roof manhole. The minimum nominal size shall be 20
inches NB.

In addition a manhole for removal of sludge from the storage tanks

shall be provided. This manhole may be in tank shell at height of 100
to 200 mm from the bottom.

Nozzles shall be regular type of nozzles unless specified otherwise and

have a projection as shown on the tank datasheet / API 650 / API 620
as applicable.

Nozzles, manway openings and its reinforcing pads shall not intersect
or cover a weld seam.

Pipes for nozzles or internals shall be seamless. Nozzle pipes more than
10 inches NB size shall be fabricated from plate. Any pipe fabricated
from plate shall be 100% radiographed.

All the nozzles of size more than 2 inches NB shall be provided with
reinforcement pads.
Reinforcing pads shall be of the same material as the shell plates. A
inches API threaded tell-tale hole shall be provided for pads or on each
section of the pad if they are not made in one piece, and used for airtesting the attachment welds. The hole shall be filled with grease after
testing to prevent ingress of moisture. For insulated tanks, tell-tale
holes shall be provided with vent pipes protruding beyond insulation,
and turned downwards.

Nozzle flange types and flange face finish shall be in accordance with
the specification.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

All the nozzles with blind cover and manhole shall be provided with
required gasket and bolting.
Where two or more openings are provided for installation of
equipment, such as gauge glasses, they shall be in the same vertical
plane and shall be set with a jig to prevent tolerance from being

Manholes shall have internal welds ground smooth and inside corners
rounded off.
Minimum size of flanged nozzle shall be 2 inches NB
Mitred elbows are not permitted.
All nozzles shall be flush with inside of tank when used as drains or
when so located that there would be interference with tank internals.

Earthing and Lightning Protection

Each tank shall be supplied with a minimum of two earthing bosses.

Bosses shall be welded to the tank walls at an elevation of 500 mm (20
inches) and at a maximum of 30m (100 ft) spacing, unless agreed
otherwise with the OWNER. Orientation shall be as finalised during
detail engineering.

Flanges on internal piping shall be electrically bonded using suitable

bonding strips.

Fixed roof tanks shall be considered self-protecting if all welded, otherwise

lightning protection shall be provided.

For fixed roof tanks for storage of flammable fluid all vents shall be fitted
with flame arresters. Any vents on the top of a fixed roof tank shall be
protected by a separate lightning air terminal with a protection angle of
15o. This air terminal shall be welded to the top of the tank not to the vent
pipe, and there is no need for a down conductor.


Platforms and Walkways

When used ladders that extend more th

have cages, and all ladders shall have safety gates. Rest platforms / mid

Hand railing shall be provided at the top of stairways and ladders, along
cross walks, and any roof edge accessory location.
The walking surface of platforms and walkways shall be of non-slip, open
type grating.

Stairways shall have landings at every 6 m (20) (max) of vertical rise

In case of insulated tanks, suitable walkway to be provided on the roof for
accesses of the nozzles.

Design of stairways, landing platforms, ladders, walkways and hand railing

shall be based on sound structural principles substantiated by full
calculations, where deemed necessary.

Connecting walkways or tank stairs which are not welded to the tank shall
be electrically bonded to the tank at each end.

Treads for stairs shall be made from grating, or an approved equivalent.

Tank circumferential stairways shall be stringer less type, except that


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

stairways for tanks designed according to API Standard 650, Paragraph 3.8,
or for insulated tanks, shall be double-stringer type supported by a
minimum number of brackets.

Handrails shall be provided on both sides, if the clearance between tank

shell and stringer exceeds 200mm (8in).
Slope of circumferential stairs shall not exceed 45 degrees measured at the
tank shell.

Non-skid nosing shall be provided on all stair treads and platform grating.
All burrs and sharp edges shall be removed from hand railing, ladders and

All structural steel shop connections made before galvanizing shall be

welded. All connections to be assembled or erected after galvanizing shall
be bolted. Grating shall be attached with galvanized grating cups.



The equipment shall be provided with a Stainless Steel Nameplate. The

nameplate, as a minimum, shall have the following details

Project Name
Clients Name
Manufacturers Name, Serial No and Year of built
Item no
Design and construction code
Corrosion allowance
Discharge Pressure
Minimum design metal temperature (MDMT)
Test Pressure
Weight erection / operating / testing
Date of last test
Inspection by & Inspection agency stamping


General Details of Tank Farms


Table 8-7 Tank Dimensions

SI. No

No Of Tanks




Cone Roof


Cone Roof with Internal

Floating Roof


Cone Roof

Fire Water

Cone Roof

Palm Oil

Cone Roof

Palm Kernel

Cone Roof


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Table 8-8 Tank Nozzle Details



Palm Oil

Fire water

Shell Appurtenances

Size & Qty for each Tank

Receipt Nozzle

16" Dia
-1 No

16" Dia
- 1 No

16" Dia
- 1 No.

10" Dia - 1

8" Dia -1

Delivery Nozzle

16" Dia
-1 No

16" Dia
- 1 No

16" Dia
- 1 No.

10" Dia - 1

8" Dia -1

Jet Nozzle

8" Dia 1 No

8" Dia 1 No

Pressure Transmitter

3" Dia 1 No.

3" Dia 1 No.

3" Dia 1 No.

Water draw off


3" Dia 1 No.

3" Dia 1 No.

3" Dia 1 No.

Manhole with hinge

30" Dia
- 2 Nos

24" Dia
- 2 Nos

24" Dia
- 2 Nos

24" Dia - 2

24" Dia - 2

Earth Connection

---As required---

Sl. No

SKO Tank

MS Tank



20" Dia
- 1 Nos

20" Dia 1 No

20" Dia
- 1 No

20" Dia - 1

20" Dia - 1

Level Tansmitter

20" Dia
- 1 Nos

20" Dia 1 No

20" Dia
- 1 No

20" Dia - 1

3" Dia - 1


Breather Valve vent

---As required---


3" (80mm) Diphatch

with gauge well corer

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.



Dip Plate at Bottom

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.



Emergency Vent

---As required---


Water draw off Sump

1 No.


Curb Angle

---As required---


Stair case with


---As required---


Radar Guage

1 No.


Level indicator



Foam Pourer System

---As required---


Roof Eye bolts

---As required---



As per approved scheme

1 No.


1 No.



1 No.

1 No.





1 No.

1 No.

Transfer Pump house : Approx. Size 15M x 6M


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

The transfer pump house for palm oil housing two pumps to be suitable for
300 t/hour flow rate and 60 MLC head (approximately. Contractor to
design) centrifugal pump with motor

Receiving Manifolds for Hydro Carbon products and transfer lines to tanks
with desired positive isolation, spectacle Blinds, drop spool.
Receiving Manifolds for Palm Oil and transfer Pipe lines to tanks.
Tank Farm piping for receipt and TLF Transfer up to TLF gantry with all
valves , relief system , Drain Scheme
Tank Farm Piping for TLF receipt, Manifold for Palm Oil for transfer of Truck
Receipt of Palm oil

Reinforced concrete Dyked Enclosures for Product tanks in group and

firewall between tanks along with controlled drainage arrangement.

Oily Water Hume pipe drains from respective product tanks , creation of
collection sump at south east end, Transfer pipe line from Oily water
treatment system to tank

Dynamic type Pressure filter for oil separation with oil in water meter with
return lines. Treated oily water shall be discharged to open drain. Open
RCC storm water drain with connection to individual dyke area with isolation
valve in valve pit.

TLF pump shed for hydrocarbon products suitable for 60KL / hr x 60 MLC

Slop oil pit with slop oil transfer line to Tank / Tank truck.
Power supply cable network for activation of Designated valves, pumps, oily
water separation system with MCC room housing all panel for local
operation and connectivity for remote /Auto operation and terminal

Provision for Radar gauge, pressure level transmitter, Pressure Transmitters
are covered and TLF automation.

Earthing and Lightening arrestor system for tanks and for tank farm
Laying Hydrant pipe network above ground with double headed Hydrant
post, water cum foam monitors, hose reel stations, sand bucket station,

portable extinguisher.
Providing two plus one (Two Operations plus one standby) fire Water pumps
Diesel engine driven in Pump Shed with all connections to Hydrant line ,
return line fuel piping, Battery starter , etc., complete
Service road paving in Tank farm area and tank farm lighting arrangements
and road lights

Control room 45m X 15m approx. size comprise of power control centre
panel room, MCC panel, Power breaker, DG shed area, UPS and capacitor
bank room, control room, station in charge room, material store, terminal
automation equipment room, maintenance persons room, canteen, rest
room, reception room for visitors and mini conference room. Tentative
building layout furnished in this specification.

Watchman cabin (Security) and truck logging room adjacent to watchman

cabin with rest room covering a floor size of 6M x 12M. Sketch for the same
in enclosed in this specification.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

8.10 Materials Specification and Fabrication


All materials shall be new and of first quality and of the type and grade
as specified in this Specification.

All materials shall be free from pitting, laminations and other defects.
Presence of these defects shall be cause for rejection. Should any
material prove unsatisfactory during fabrication it shall be rejected
notwithstanding any previous certification of satisfactory examination
or tests.

Attachments welded to the shell shall be of the same general type of

material as the shell.

All material shall be identifiable against its material certificate.

Identification marks shall be transferred prior to cutting.


Table 8-9 Plate & Structural Steel Material Specification


API 650


Steel plate shall confirm to ASTM A 514 or equivalent fully

killed subject to stipulation as per API 650.


Structural steel will confirm to API650 latest edition and will

be of approved make.


Nozzles on product tanks shall be as per ASTM A 106Grade B

schedule 80.


Flanges shall confirm to ASME B 16.5 with serrated raised face


All bolts shall confirm to ASTM A 193 Gr. B7 and Nuts to A194
G2H. Mild steel washers to be used.


Spiral wound metallic gasket SS316 + Grafoil shall confirm to

ASME B 16.20 / ASME B 16.5

8.11 General Fabrication

No fabrication may begin until the CONTRACTOR has received written

approval of detailed drawings, calculations and welding procedures from the
Employer. For site erected tanks, the CONTRACTOR shall not commence
site work before receipt of the Employers approval of a detailed erection
procedure. This document shall include measures to protect against possible
wind damage to shells during erection. Furthermore no site erection shall


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

take place until the CONTRACTOR has inspected the tank foundation to

ensure that it is level and acceptable for the work to proceed.

Shop details shall be complete with all dimensions, thicknesses and details
of construction including dimensional location of weld seams and nozzles.
All welds and weld preparations shall be detailed and annotated to the
relevant weld procedure specification.

No holes shall be made in either the bottom or shell plates for the purposes
of erection.
All lugs attached by welding to facilitate erection, shall be removed prior to
final inspection to not within 6mm (1/4 inches) of the plate and the
remainder ground smooth and flush to the plate surface. The plate shall
then be checked locally for surface cracks by MPI before the application of
any coating.

8.12 Welding

All the welding shall be carried out as per the code / applicable
specifications and approved quality assurance plan.
Before commencement of fabrication the CONTRACTOR shall supply to the
Employer welding procedure specifications and procedure qualification
records to show that the procedures proposed are suitable for the purpose
intended, meet the requirements of the code and that tests have been
witnessed by an independent and recognized authority

Previously qualified procedures may be acceptable subject to Employers

approval. All welding shall be performed in accordance with an approved
procedure using consumables as described in the procedure.

All welding shall be carried out by qualified welders. This shall include tack
welding and fillet welding.

The Employer reserves the right to request the withdrawal from the work
any welder whose performance in the opinion of the Employers Inspector is

Consumables shall be selected to attain the welding fusion required and to

suit the function of the weld, the plate thickness and weld sizing. The
deposited weld metal shall have a yield strength of not less than the
minimum specified for the parent material.

Cross type welded joints are not permitted. All longitudinal weld seams shall
be displaced from each other by a minimum distance of 150 mm (6 )

minimum away from bottom annular ring radial weld seams.

All welds of lugs, brackets, structural steel, etc., shall be continuous and
located so as to miss all tank welds by a minimum distance between the
edges of the welds of 150mm (6).

The layout of all welded seams shall permit both internal and external
inspection of all main tank seams where possible.

All butt welds shall have complete penetration and fusion. The reverse side
of double butt welds shall be back chipped or ground to sound metal before

All fillet welds shall be continuous.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Where a tack weld is to be incorporated in a welded joint, the tack weld

shall be of the same size as the root run. The length of the tack weld shall
be between three and four times the material thickness. In other cases, the
tack weld shall be removed completely.

When the ambient temperatures are 0oC (32oF) or below, the base metal
shall be preheated to 16oC (60oF) minimum before welding. The
CONTRACTOR shall determine the degree of preheating required, if any, to
prevent cold cracking, excessive hardness in the heat affected zone and
excessive distortion.

Where tanks are to lined, all internal edges shall be rounded to a radius of
ground smooth and free from surface porosity, pockets and high spots. All
weld spatters shall be removed.

8.13 Inspection and Testing

8.13.1 General
Unless specified otherwise, all inspection and testing shall be carried out as

per requirement of this specification, codes and standard.

Inspection shall be carried out for materials, during fabrication and before
delivery of equipment. In addition to final inspection and certification by
approval/acceptance at all stages of fabrication, inspection and testing.

The CONTRACTOR shall supply, at his own expense, all appropriate

equipment and facilities to perform the required inspection and testing.
The acceptance of any piece of equipment or component by an INSPECTOR
/ Employer shall not diminish or any way affect the CONTRACTORS sole of
responsibility for the freedom of the equipment from defects and for the
observance of all the terms and conditions of the order.

CONTRACTOR shall prepare Inspection and Test Plan and submit for
approval by INSPECTOR / Employer. Detailed, component wise Inspection
and testing activities by the CONTRACTOR, INSPECTOR and verification /
witness activities by the OWNER shall be specified, identified and controlled

by a CONTRACTORs Inspection and Test Plan.

Final acceptance of the equipment shall be after commissioning of the

8.13.2 Material Identification and Certification

The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the INSPECTOR / Employer certification
of material compliance for all materials used in pressure parts and process

The CONTRACTOR shall provide records for Positive Identification of
Materials at any stage, whereby any part of the equipment can be identified
with the material from which it was cut.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Material manufacturers mill certificates together with certificates showing

the results obtained from tests and analyses carried out in accordance with
relevant material specification and the additional requirements required by
this specification shall be submitted to INSPECTOR for his acceptance prior
to the commencement of fabrication, for all materials to be used in
manufacturing of the equipment.

Where the CONTRACTOR proposes to use materials from his own stock, he
shall produce the certificates as stated above.
When the INSPECTOR is not satisfied that the identification is positive, or
where no certificate is available, the material shall be tested in the presence
of INSPECTOR in accordance with relevant material specification and the
additional requirements required by this specification. The costs of such
tests shall be to the CONTRACTORs account.

8.13.3 Testing General

All the tanks shall be tested in accordance with the applicable code, this
specification and QAP duly approved by INSPECTOR

Air and soapy water tests shall be performed on nozzle reinforcement pads
before hydrostatic test.

Test and service gasket shall be of the same type. Test gasket shall be
replaced by service gasket after the test, except the joints which are not
broken down at a later stage shall be fitted with final gasket. Bottom Test.

Vacuum box testing shall be carried out for detection of leaks at the
bottom. Detailed description of the proposed test method shall be

submitted for approval.

The weld joints under the shell periphery shall be tested before erection and
welding of first shell course.

Tank bottom shall be tested for the entire length in presence of INSPECTOR
and test report shall be issued accordingly. Shell Test:

Inner fillet weld shall be inspected and tested prior to welding the outside
fillet weld. Leak testing shall be performed with penetrating oil after
removal of slag. Oil shall be removed before welding the outer fillet.

Examination of inner fillet toe crack shall be performed using either the
liquid penetrant or magnetic particle method. Fixed Roof Test:

After filling of the tank, all openings in the roof shall be closed and roof
testing shall be carried out as per clause for API 650 tanks or as
per clause 7.18.4 for API 620 tanks. All welded joints in roof shall be
checked thoroughly for detection of leaks and repairs carried out as


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

For vacuum test tank shall be emptied up-to 1 meter level from the bottom.
All the other openings shall be closed and draining continued with care until
the stated vacuum is obtained and checked by vacuum gauge.

8.13.4 Hydrostatic Tests

All the tanks shall be hydrostatic tested unless otherwise specified. Tank
shall be properly vented during filling for hydrostatic test so as to prevent
the formation of air pocket before any test pressure is applied.

It is the CONTRACTORs responsibility to monitor the settlement of tanks

during construction, during initial water fill and during the period of
hydrostatic test.

Rate of filling of the water shall be in four stages, 25%, 50%, 75% and
100%. After each stage a load stabilization period shall be observed.

24 hours between each stage for tanks with a capacity equal to or

more than 10,000 cu m.


12 hours between each stage for tanks with a capacity under

10,000 cu m.


Filling rate shall not exceed 5 meters per day

The filling of the tank may be restricted for pre-loading of foundation and
hydrostatic test may be extended over a period of 4 weeks or more to

ensure proper settlement of the tank.

Tank shall be emptied at a maximum water level variation rate of 5 meters
per day or as per OWNERs instruction.

Hydrostatic test shall be carried out using fresh water. Test medium shall
be at a temperature between 5 C and 40 C.

All weld repairs shall be done with water level minimum 300 mm below the
joint being repaired.

8.14 Protective Coating and Painting

The equipment shall be painted as per below mentioned Painting


Painting scheme for Hydrocarbon tanks, Palm oil tanks, Hydrant water tank,
Pipe line, Structure and accessories shall be as follows. Colour coding shall
be finalised during detailed engineering.

Shot blast cleaning to SA21/2 finish shall be effected to the surface:


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Table 8-10 Protective Coating and Painting

Sl. No



Mid Coat

Finish coat

Hydrocarbon tank - HSD,

SKO, MS - external

Zinc ethyl silicate

primer (75 DFT)

Epoxy high
build MIO
(200 DFT)

Two pack aliphatic

Acrylic Polyurethane
(40 DFT)

Sl. No



Mid Coat

Finish coat

Tank Structure, bottom

of roof, Tank shell above
liquid fill height

Zinc phosphate
Two pack Epoxy
Polyamide (75

Epoxy high
build MIO
(100 DFT)

Bottom of bottom plate

before laying for all tanks

Coal tar Epoxy

(200 DFT)

Hydrocarbon Pipelines

Zinc ethyl silicate

primer (75 DFT)

Epoxy high
build MIO
(200 DFT)

Two pack aliphatic

Acrylic Polyurethane
(40 DFT)

Palm oil Tanks

Two pack epoxy

polyamide Zinc

Epoxy high
build MIO
(200 DFT)

Two pack aliphatic

Acrylic Polyurethane
(40 DFT)

Palm Oil Pipelines

Two pack epoxy

polyamide Zinc

Epoxy high
build MIO
(200 DFT)

Two pack aliphatic

Acrylic Polyurethane
(40 DFT)

Hydrant line and water


Two coats of red

oxide zinc
primer (70 DFT)

enamel (40

Synthetic Enamel
(40 DFT)

8.15 Safety Requirements

Contractor shall submit the safety procedure for carry out the fabrication,
erection and commissioning. Deputed the separate SAFETY ENGINEER for

the insuring the safety

Contractor shall supply and install all types of area barricading/protective
shielding/sheeting that required for carrying out construction activities
within the existing plant and pipe rack and other facilities when the plan is
in operation or having shut down.

Contractor shall seek any hot work permit and other necessary permits
from the OWNER and strictly observe plant safety guide lines as imposed
from time to time by the OWNER.

Requirements of Noise limits and equipment shall meet the requirements

given in the standard.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

8.16 Quality Assurance and Quality Control

8.16.1 Quality Assurance Plan for Construction of Storage
Table 8-11 Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Sl. no

Description of item checking acceptance

and form of record


Witness by


Plates for storage tank physical &

chemical properties material test
certificate as per ASTM


Dimension of plate as per plan

Welding procedure test as per ASME

section IX


Welder's qualification as per ASME section



Welder's qualification as per Radiography

as per ASME see IX


plate cutting for bottom as per approved

cutting layout


Bottom plate underside painting


Sandblast / Shotblast cleaning and

thickness verification as pre tender


Fitment & welding of shell joints vertical,

horizontal physical checking 100% of
weld area



Radiography Inspection of T joints

horizontal and vertical as per API650,



Peaking & bending measurement 100%

check meeting with API650



Plum level reading inter-stage & final

100% check meeting with API650



Nozzle orientation on shell as per plan

confirming to drawing and API650

B,E & A

Sl. no

Description of item checking acceptance

and form of record


Witness by



Material of conformity of flanges fittings

meeting with approved drawing and
API650 verification of material and



Reinforcement pad of nozzle and air

bubble test conforming to API650

B,E & A


Fabrication of structures for core roof

material certificate as per ASME and as
per approved drawing


B,E & C


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents


Roof plate cutting as per approved




welding of roof plate as per API650 and

approved drawing



Central sump fitment as per approved


B,E & A


Weld soundness of central sump as per

approved drawing by DP test

B,E & A


Foam pipe on tank as per approved




Hydrostatic testing of all tanks and

observance for settlement meeting with
API650 and written procedure of the




Rectification work as per approved

procedure for tackling settlement



Installation of the internal floating roof for

MS tanks as per approved drawing of




Clearing internal after hydrostatic test



Shot blast cleaning and painting of tank

as per approved procedure



Coating thickness check



Installation of all roof appurtenances as

per approved drawing and confirming to



Setting gauge well and radar gauge




Conform all fittings, ladder curb angle

staircase are as per drawing



Check earthing scheme is done as per

approved drawing


8.16.2 Quality Assurance Plan for Construction Of piping

Table 8-12 Quality Assurance Plan for Construction Of piping Work
Sl. no

Description of item checking acceptance

and form of record




Procurement of pipes conforming to

API5LGIB/AP153GB Code/Standard

Procurement of valves conforming to

AP1600/AP1602 and tested to AP1598


Sl. no

Description of item checking acceptance

and form of record




Procurement of ball valves conforming to

BS5351 and tested to BS6577


B,E &C


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Procurement of non-return valve

conforming to BS1868 and tested to

Procurement of flanges conforming to

ANSIB16.5 forged ASTMA105


Procurement of fittings conforming to



Procurement of centrifugal pumps for

hydrocarbon products manufactured and
tested to AP1610


Procurement of screw type pump for

transfer of palm oil manufactured and
tested conforming to API676


Welding procedure qualification as per




Welders qualification by radiography as

per API1104



Fabrication and erection of piping as per

API31.4 and as per approved drawing



Radiography inspection of weld joints

inspection as per API1104 code



DP testing of fillet welds of weldolets,

half coupling meeting with ASME section



Air cardboard cleaning of pipe section

B,E &A


Air purging and cleaning of complete pipe



Hydrostatic testing of the pipe



Cleaning & drying of piping after

hydrostatic testing



Shot blast cleaning to SA2 1/2 finish and

painting pipelines as per approved

For hydrocarbon Line


Palm Oil


Fire hydrant line



Checking of all pedestals and supports

for clear resting of pipe as per approved



Earthing, shunting of pipeline joints as

per approved scheme



Installation & setting of transfer pumps

for palm oil meeting with the instruction /
manual of the supplier




Testing & trial run of pump and

conformation of satisfactory site run




Procurement of sump tank conforming to

ASME VIII and tested to ASME VIII



Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents


Procurement of sump pumps vertical

barrel type conforming to API616


Inspection of tank at site


Description of item checking acceptance

and form of record




Flood coating the tank with coal tar

epoxy paint 300 micron DFT after shot
blasting to SA 2



Provide Anchor bolting for holding tank in

position at a depth of 2.5 M from finish
ground level



Routing all drain pipe to sump tank and

the discharge to tanker loading/ one HSD



Table 8-13 Item checking acceptance and form of record

Sl. no


8.16.3 Quality Assurance Plan for Oil Water Separator

Table 8-14 Quality Assurance Plan for Oil Water Separator

Description of item checking acceptance and

form of record




Procurement of complete Oil water separator

system as per the approved specification


Installation of the Oil water separator with Oil

collecting surface pond as per approved


D,B,E &

Connecting Oil recovery line to sump tank and

treated water line to storm water line


Preparing the electrical connection and

Instrumentation connection to the terminal/
Installation as per approved plan/drawing


Testing trial run and Oil water system and

calibrating Purimeter at site

B,E, A1

8.16.4 Quality Assurance Plan for Slop Pump

Table 8-15 Quality Assurance Plan for Slop Pump

Description of item checking acceptance

and form of record




Procuring vertical centrifugal pump for oil

service with flame proof motor to class F
- insulation and all pump protection
devices as per the approved scheme


Providing slop pit and mounting

arrangement for slop pump as per



Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

approved drawing

Installation of slop pump in position and

connecting discharge to oil water
separator as per approved drawing


Carrying electrical and Instrumentation

connection to the slop pump and float
level gauge for the slop tank as per
approved plan


Testing the system for compliance to the



8.16.5 Quality Assurance Plan for Fire Fighting System

Table 8-16 Quality Assurance Plan for Fire Fighting System

Description of item checking acceptance and

form of record




Procurement of diesel engine driven direct

coupling type firefighting pumping units
mounted on a common base flame as per
approved specification


Procurement of Jockey pump motor driven

type with motor mounted on a common base
plate as per approved specification


Installation of the firefighting pump, testing

and trial run as per the approved procedure
upon connection to the hydrant system as per
approved drawing


Installation of Jockey pump and connecting to

hydrant system as per approved drawing and
testing and trial run as per approved

B &C

Design and detailing of fire hydrant network

and fire detection fire alarm system and
integrate the system with PLC based terminal


Execution of fire hydrant system and fire

detection and fire alarm system as per the
approved plan



Execution of sprinkler spray system for TLF



Execution of balanced type foam proportioner

system deluge valve and foam liquid induction
system in the foam spray arrangement for TLF













Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents






VENDOR shall be fully responsible for their Quality Assurance and

associated Quality Control process.
Unless otherwise agreed by the Employer, the CONTRACTORs Quality
System shall meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 Quality System and

shall be accredited by a recognized authority.

CONTRACTOR is required to establish an acceptable Quality Plan, inclusive
of quality manual and procedures that cover all activities of the order, in

order to comply with the Quality System requirements.

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for arranging / liaising with the Third
Party Inspection Agency and other agencies for design appraisal, inspection,
and survey and certification requirements as required by the specification /

When required, waiver and acceptance of non-conformances shall be

subjected to Third Party Inspection Agency approval before COMPANY
endorsement. These concession records shall be included in the
Manufacturers Final Documentation.

8.17 Document Submittals:

Within 1 (One) months from the date of award, the contractor to submit his
layout plan, covering all the above as per 8.3.1 with relevant drawings and
write up for the approval of Employer.

A review meeting on the scheme to be held at the Employers office and

modifications / corrections as per the scheme to be incorporated and final
submission shall be done by the contractor for, the Employers approval.

With approved scheme all the actions shall be initiated for Procurement,
civil land development activity, foundation work for Tanks , Drainage
service , Road construction for Tank Farm, pump shed, Civil Pedestals
,Support foundation etc., covering the complete work

As part of his plan and development the contractor shall carry out soil
Investigations at tank Locations as required to establish requirement of
Pile/ other Foundation for any tanks and to submit the same for Employers

The plan after Employers approval shall be used for HAZOP study and any
re orientation/ Relocation/ change are to be incorporated in the scheme.

With the approval of the layout and the development scheme the
contractor to furnish detailed drawings, Specifications and Bill of materials
and proposed action plan for the procurement and shipment to site.

Employer shall extend all assistance for documentation/ formality and

compliances for receiving the materials at work site


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

All drawings, details, presenting for getting statutory clearances shall be

responsibility of the contractor. Employer shall facilitate for getting needful
statutory approvals.

8.18 Plate and Structural Steel Material

Specification:Table 8-17 Plate and Structural Steel Material Specification

API 650


Steel plate shall confirm to ASTM A 514 or equivalent fully killed

subject to stipulation as per API 650.


Structural steel will confirm to API650 latest edition and will be of

approved make.


Nozzles on product tanks shall be as per ASTM A 106Grade B

schedule 80.


Flanges shall confirm to ASME B 16.5 with serrated raised face


All bolts shall confirm to ASTM A 193 Gr. B7 and Nuts to A194
G2H. Mild steel washers to be used.


Spiral wound metallic gasket SS316 + Grafoil shall confirm to

ASME B 16.20 / ASME B 16.5

8.19 Specification for Aluminium Internal Floating


The aluminium pontoon type internal floating roof shall be a non- contact
type as per API650 Appendix-H Section H-2.2.e (latest edition)

Venting system shall confirm to API standard 2000.

Aluminium alloy roof shall be extrusion type confirming to AA 6005 /
6063 / ASTM B 22 / Equivalent.

Deck sheeting shall be alloy material confirming to AA 3003/3105

ASTM B-209 / Equivalent

Pontoons shall be out of alloy material to AA6063 T-6 ASTM B-221 /

Seal primary SS mechanical shoe seal and secondary rim vapour
mounted viper seal

Anti-rotational cable shall be of Stainless Steel

Grounding Cables shall be of Stainless Steel


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Legs shall be alloy steel confirming to AA 6063 T6-ASTM B22

All steel fasteners shall be Stainless Steel

Aluminium internal floating roof should have easy access for operation and

Complete description and technical details in the form of manuals

including operation and maintenance procedure to be furnished.
The internal floating roof shall have following features

Provision of centre vent on the fixed roof


Roof vent on fixed roof


Gauge well pipe


Earthing & anti-rotational cable


Deck breather valve


Man way approach to Top deck

Complete design calculating covering roof buoyancy stability, tilting leg

supports, bleeder vents, QAP and test procedures shall be furnished.

A peripheral seal that spans the annular space between the internal
floating roof deck and the tank shall be provided. Any vertical
appurtenances that penetrate the deck shall have a seal.

The double seal provided shall be designed for vapour recovery of

96% and the seal shall accommodate +100mm of local deviation

between floating roof and tank shell

Floating roof shall be provided with two position legs 1.2m and 2.0m
respectively. Changing of high / low position must be accomplished

from top side of floating roof while tank in service.

The floating roof construction shall take care of roof access ladder,
Anti-rotation device vent, manhole inspection hatches, roof drain, anti-

static grounding device.

The aluminium internal floating roof shall be provided with required
cathodic protection for the complete roof.

The contractor to arrange visit of technical person from the supplier

during commissioning and initial operation.

8.20 Oil Water Separator (OWS)

The oil water separator system 15KL /hr having capacity consists of the
following major components :

Surface type holding pond and screening systems

Tilted corrugated plate separator (Primary separator)
Secondary treatment system consisting of :
Multimedia filtration column
Coalescer column
Oil drain system
Control panel
Pipelines & fittings
Electrical cabling
Pump & motors (One working set & one standby for each operation)


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Purimeter Oil content meter & alarm system

Air compressor with electrical motor and fittings
Belt type oil skimmer
Treated water tank

8.20.1 Underground Holding Tank with Screening System

This tank will be constructed in RCC and shall be of capacity equivalent to
at least 5 hours of design flow rate of OWS. The tank outlet shall be
provided with screening facility to remove dirt and other foreign materials
from oily water. Arrangements shall be made to remove the retained
materials from screen

Tank will be fitted with float type level control system for starting / stopping
the system feed pumps. The overall dimensions of the tanks shall be frozen
during detailed engineering.

8.20.2 Tilted Corrugated Plate Separator (Primary

The corrugated plate separator is used for coagulating finer oil globules
present in the effluent into larger oil globules which separate very easily.

The corrugated plate stack will be mounted in an underground RCC tank

that shall be constructed at the site. The effluent is made to flow across the
corrugated plate through stack in horizontal direction. The stacks are so
adjusted that the velocity of liquid through stacks is minimum and flow is
laminar. This plate stack is oleophilic in nature and it provides large surface
are for oily water to flow over, which results in coagulation of fine oil

8.20.3 Secondary treatment system:

Secondary treatment system consists of -

Multimedia filtration column:

The multimedia filtration column will use graded filtering media for filtering
out suspended solids and particles that may be present in the oily water.

The filter shell will be constructed out of Steel Plates and shall have
backwash arrangement will be provided for the filter. The filter material will
be graded in the direction of the flow.

The complete coalescer column shall be built in three parts - the bottom
part which houses the coalescing filters, the central part and the top part
with a dished end, which is a collecting chamber for the separated oil.

Oil water interface detection system shall be mounted on the top part for
continuously monitoring oil water interface.


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8.20.4 Oil drain system:

For removal of separated oil from the primary separator, multimedia, and
coalescer filter will be fitted with oil water interface detection system and
electro pneumatic oil drain valves.

When the level of oil collected in the oil collecting dome increases up to
preset level, the interface detector sends a signal to the control panel,
which opens the electro-pneumatic valve.

The oil from this dome is drained out and water takes its place. This is
sensed by the detector and it signals the electro-pneumatic valve to close.
Skimmer will be provided which can skim off the floating oil and discharge
the same to the oil tank.

8.20.5 Control panel:

The control panel is used for automatically starting and stopping the
separator feed pump. The float type level control System that will be
provided in the outlet section of the holding pond will control the starting

and stopping the feed pump.

The control panel will have indication of pump on and power on. The
control panel will be housed in flameproof enclosure. The control panel will
also have auto / manual mode selection switch to enable starting / stopping
of the pump manually and auto / manual switches for electro-pneumatic

8.20.6 Electrical cabling:

Entire cabling of the system including all glands, terminations etc shall be
done by contractor.

8.20.7 Pumps & Motors All pumps and motors shall conform to Flame proof enclosure for Group II
(A&B) gases with a temperature rise of upto 80 deg C on the winding over
an ambient temperature not exceeding 40 deg C (by resistance
method) and shall be provided with Class 'F' insulation for the winding,
suitable for continuous duty.

8.20.8 Purimeter- Oil content meter & Alarm system The Purimeter shall consist of measuring cell and an electronic process &
display cabinet. The cell shall be either mounted on the cabinet itself or
near the sampling point, away from the cabinet.

The cabinet for the Purimeter circuit and controls will be of approved
flameproof type and shall be suitable for use in oil terminals.
Most of the components shall be of solid-state type to ensure long life and
reliable operation.

The Purimeter shall have following controls:


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Tender Documents

On-Off switch.
Normal I calibration mode selector switch.
Thumb wheel switches for setting alarm delay.
Thumb wheel switches for setting alarm level.
Alarm acknowledgement switch.

8.20.9 Air compressor with electrical motor and fittings:

Air compressor of suitable capacity shall be used in the system along with
motor, if required. The compressed air shall be used to operate electropneumatic valve in the system.


Belt Type Oil Skimmer-

The skimmer is a compact oil recovery system. The system shall be designed for
recovering oil film floating on water, having thickness of 10 to 20 mm.
However, the system can also be used for removing oil slick up to certain


Treated Water Tank-

Water from coalescer columns shall be taken into a tank of capacity equivalent
to minimum one hour of the flow rate to ascertain the oil content in the water.

8.20.12 Details of OWS offered

Contractor shall submit details of OWS offered along with the credentials of
supplier for owners approval.


Necessary standard features

Local control panel shall have all necessary standard features viz.

Motor ON / OFF push buttons.

Process interlocking provisions.
Auto / Manual selection position.
Motor ON / OFF indication.

8.20.14 Suitability of local control panel

Local control panel shall be suitable for site location in the OWS, suitable for
hazardous area classification zone 2, gas group II-A


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8.21 Piping Work in The Tank farm

The specific requirement and special requirement for piping in Tankfarm area
and TLF gantry shall be as follows.

Pipe, fittings, valves all accessories, fabrication, erection, testing shall

confirm to ANSI B 31.4 specification.

Pipes upto 150mm dia shall confirm to ASTM A 53 / A106 Gr.B Sch.40

Pipes 8 (200mm) dia and above shall confirm to API 5L Gr B with

minimum thickness 6mm

Fittings upto 40mm size shall be forged class ASTM A 105 confirming to
ASME B 16.11
Fittings 50mm and above shall be butt weld type ASTM A 234 Gr. WPB
seamless ASTM B 16.9

Flanges shall be 150 series welded neck type raised face, serrated to
125 AARH, material confirming to ASTM A 105, dimension to ASME B

Gaskets shall be 150 series spiral wounded SS316 + Grafoil confirming

to ASM B 16.20 / ASME b 16.5

Stud and nuts shall confirm to ASTM A 193 Gr. B7 and ASTM A 194
Small gate vales shall be 800 class forged body & bonnet to ASTM
A105, trim- Stellated stem 13% chromium steel confirming to

manufacturing Std API 602 and testing to API 598.

Valves 2 (50mm) above shall be gate valve to API600 150Sr with
body & bonnet ASTM A 216 Gr. WCB, trim stellated, Stem 13%

chromium steel, flanged ends and tested to API598

Ball valves shall be 150 Sr pressure rating flange type confirming to
manufacturing standard BS 5351 and testing to BS 6577.

Non-return valves shall be 150 Sr pressure rating confirming to

manufacturing standard BS 1868 and testing standard BS 5146, body
& cover to ASTM A 216, Gr WCB, disc to ASTM 216 Gr WCB with 13%
chromium SS facing.

The tender drawings, specification furnished are indicative of scope of work.

Successful bidder, the contractor shall prepare the detailed drawing for
the complete piping covering for hydrocarbon tankfarm and TLF gantry,
palm oil tankfarm, hydrant network, compressed air, instrument air,
service water piping and shall prepare detailed drawing, bill of
materials for the complete scheme and submit to the Employer for

All drawings shall be prepared in Auto-CAD.

Welder qualification, welding inspection shall be in confirmation to API 1104

Before erection all pre-fabricated spool pieces, assembly, pipe fitting,
valves, etc shall be cleaned inside.

Pipe supports shall be provided at a maximum span and bottom of pipe

elevation as per the following.


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Table 8-18 Maximum span and bottom elevation of pipe

Pipe Size


span Max.

Elevation of Bottom
of pipe from
finished level

20mm to 50mm

Product, Air, Water


As required

80mm - 200mm

TLF gantry area



200mm - 400mm

Tankfarm piping, outside dyke




200mm - 400mm

Inside dyke


As required

200mm - 400mm

Hydrant line, outside dyke




Hydrant line in water tank area


As required

200mm - 300mm

Palm oil outside dyke



200mm - 300mm

Palm oil inside Dyke and Pump

station area


As required

Other elevations are not specifically furnished shall be adopted by

contractor meeting with layout requirement.

Road crossing to be effected through culvert or as underground piping

crossing and the scheme be to the choice of contractor.

Supports to be on civil pedestal with saddle type and roller as required

Stress analysis of above ground piping shall be carried to provide
loops; thermal expansion compensation measures shall be carried.

Fabricated and erected pipes assembly shall be cleaned by card board air
purging prior to testing Hydrostatic testing of hydrocarbon products line
shall be at 27 Kg/cm2. Palm oil line to tested at 18Kg/cm2. Hydrostatic test
pressure for hydrant line shall be 15 Kg/cm2.

8.22 Fire Alarm and Fire Protection System

TLF gantry shall be equipped with a cooling water sprinkler type spray
system and the same shall be connected to hydrant network with deluge
valve actuation for supply of water at pressure. In case of fire alarm the fire
hydrant network shall be envisaged by starting of fire water pumps. The
water shall be sprinkled covering the complete TLF gantry area by spray
nozzles. The complete cooling water spray piping valves and spray nozzles
shall confirm to NFPA and related standards.

TLF gantry sprinkler system shall be connected to pressure balanced foam

spray system to be activated in emergency with deluge valve system
connected to fire hydrant network., The system shall confirm to NFPA and
related standards.


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The TLF gantry and control room shall be equipped with heat and smoked
detection sensors which shall cover the cable tray and all below floor level
facilities in control room. The complete tank farm and TLF gantry area,
control room, watchman cabin shall be covered by fire alarm cable system
with all points at all sensitive location and a digital alarm panel compliable
to PLC system for transfer of the signal to automation.

In case of any fire alarm the first firefighting pumping unit to start and
within 2 minutes the second unit also to start, thus energizing the
hydrant system, cooling sprinkler and foam pourer system.

In case of emergency in Tankfarm area sprinkler system for spraying

water in TLF gantry and exigency in TLF gantry foam system to be
activated respectively with program logic.

In case of tank fire, foam system of respective tank shall be operated

through deluge valve and foam system equipment. Adjacent tanks
sprinkler system shall be operated for cooling purpose.

Contractor shall furnish the fire protection logic covering the entire
Hydrocarbon product tankfarm, TLF area and other control room area,
etc as per NFPA or relevant standards for owners approval.

Palm oil area tank farm shall be protected through Hydrant lines
through Hydrant and Monitors.

8.22.1 Hydrant Network

The complete tankfarm and terminal to be equipped with hydrant pipe
network designed meeting NFPA provision with 3 Nos. of firefighting pumps
diesel engine driven. Two water tanks of 13.5 M dia x 15 M height is already
covered. The fire hydrant system shall include installing 3 Nos diesel engine
driven fire fighting pumping units with all accessories and battery start unit
along with one number motor driven jockey pump to operate and to retain
the network at a constant pressure of 8KG/cm2.

The suction piping shall be drawn from both the tanks with isolation

Return pipeline shall be provided for circulation of water to the tank.

Water supply shall be from GSLY water supply point by laying a 100mm
buried pipe line along with transfer pump as may be required to tank water
at 100KL / Hr.

Hydrant network shall be 8 (200mm) equipped with double headed

hydrant outlets. Foam / water monitor connection for foam water supply to

Foam tanks shall be kept at strategic location for induction of foam in the
foam system. The same shall be drawn in the plan and supply of foam for
initial testing and top-up the complete system shall be provided.

Apart from the hydrant system the scope shall cover placement of required
numbers of CO2 Cylinders, Dry Powder Chemical Cylinders, Trolley mounted
dry powder chemical, sand buckets, portable foam nozzles, hose reels in
boxes covering the tanks farm area.


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8.23 Electrical Work

8.23.1 Scope Power supply

A 6.6 KV cable approximately 3000 m to be laid from NGCT MRSS to the

substation in GLSY. Substation to be constructed close to the tankfarm.
2000 kVA substation shall have transformer with redundancy and back up
DG set. The contractor shall be responsible to lay feeder cable from the
substation with suitable feeder up to the control room and terminate the
same at their supply power control panel feeder (Incomer)

From the Power Control Centre (PCC) distribution of cable to the motor
cable centre feeder cables to be laid to MCC room where all Motor control
panels are to be located covering Tankfarm and TLF area.

From the MCC room individual feeder cable to be laid to Tankfarm area for
power supply to Palm oil transfer pump, unloading pump, TLF gantry
transfer pump, OWS system, sump pump, slop pump, Lighting and Power
supply to all system.

MCC Panel shall be setup as part of control room which shall house all
feeders from for TLF pumps, all power supply equipment's and accessories
linked to TLF gantry and automation system and power supply feeder for

TLF area, control room and all facilities not covered by tankfarm MCC
The control room shall be housing an UPS room (with battery bank) for
supply of power to all instruments and terminal automation and shall have

a feeder from MCC for recharging the system.

From the UPS power supply shall be made available to all field equipment's
at Tankfarm and TLF area.

A silent type outdoor type acoustic enclosure type generator set shall be
housed adjacent to the control room. The generator power generation
capacity shall be met.

Running transfer pumps for palm oil transfer to NGCT

Operation of transfer pumps for loading in TLF gantry
All connected load of control room, terminal automation and lighting

All power cable, junction boxes, material for terminal, items for crossing
roads, laying of trays in control room along with all fixtures and accessories
shall be cover in the supply. All cables, junction boxes, switches, panels in
the hydrocarbon product tankfarm area and TLF gantry area shall be
suitable for installation in hazardous area classification zone 2 gas group II

All supply. Laying shall be in line with API RP 500 specification for electrical
installation classification practices at petroleum facility classified as Class 1,

Division 2.
All the work covering electrical equipment's, panels, motors, lighting and
other connections shall be covered in line with API RP 500 specification.

Detailed electrical scheme with power backup DG set, UPS System proposed
and the standards / specifications shall be brought out in the bidders offer.


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With the award the contractor (Successful bidder) shall furnish complete
schematic of electrical system proposed for the Tankfarm / terminal with
power supply take up feeder at GSEZs power distribution centre for

All material supply including DG set, UPS, Cables, motors, equipment's,

earthing shall confirm to API codes / IEC codes for petroleum installation
classified as Class-1, Division-1 and Division-2.

All the TLF gantry transfer pumps are to be equipped with VFD for
controlling the motor operation. The scheme include all power supply
cabling, earthing and other details for safe operation of the system from
control room.

8.23.2 Codes and Standards

Electrical systems shall be designed, engineered, procured, performance
tested and installed incompliance to latest publications of national
international codes, standards and shall take into account applicable laws,
regulations of Government Authority local to work area.

Employ the following standards, as applicable, in the design:

IEC - International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) Standards
OISD -Oil Industry Safety Directorate
Metric SI system of units shall be applied to all dimensions and

In the event of conflict between codes and standards being used, the most
stringent one shall be followed. Where BS/IEC Standards do not exist or
equipment is supplied by foreign manufacturers, relevant international
standards shall be applicable.

8.23.3 Electrical System Design Philosophy

The electrical system shall be designed to ensure:

Safety to personnel, plant and equipment during operation and


Reliability of service
Flexibility of operation
Minimum fire risk
Automatic protection of all electrical equipment through selective relaying

Ease of operation & maintenance

Fail safe feature
Adequate provision for future extension and modification
Maximum interchangeability of equipment
Load management and energy monitoring systems


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8.23.4 Fire Integrity

All cable penetrations through switchgear room walls, control room walls
and between safe and hazardous area shall be sealed by waterproof,
weatherproof & fireproof sealing methods. Cable penetrations if any,
between a safe area and a classified hazardous area, shall be sealed using
multi cable transits (MCT) to maintain fire integrity and prevent gas

8.23.5 Degree of Ingress Protection for Enclosures

Degree of protection against ingress of dust and water, necessary for
electrical equipment, is determined by the equipment duty, environment
and location. All equipment shall be suitable for installation under site
conditions specified in the equipment specifications and shall be protected
against dust, humidity and designed to prevent the entry of vermin and

Equipment located outdoors or those subject to deluge from fire water

system / rain shall be specified as outdoor weatherproof construction and
protected against the most adverse conditions anticipated. Such enclosures
shall be specified to have a minimum IP-55 degree of protection, with the

degree increased as necessary where the location / situation demands.

Degree of protection for enclosures shall be defined according to IEC 60529
and IEC 60144.

8.23.6 Equipment Location

Power supply and distribution equipment such as PMCC / MCC, distribution
boards & panels and UPS equipment with associated cabling, lighting and
grounding system shall be located in the main electrical room / associated
rooms depending upon the load locations so as to optimize the cable size.
Electrical rooms will be in a safe (non-hazardous) area within the plant

8.23.7 System Design Standards

Short Circuit Levels

PMCC and Distribution Boards shall meet the following manufacturers

available short circuit levels:

415 V System

25 kA (rms) for 1 sec

240 V System

10 kA (rms) for 1 sec

240 (UPS) System

10 kA (rms) for 1 sec

System protective devices (relays, fuses, breaker trip units, etc.) shall be
selected and coordinated to ensure that the closest interrupter to the point
of short circuit (or high overload) shall open first and minimize disturbances
on the rest of the system.


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Voltage Levels
Table 8-19 Voltage levels
Power & Motor Control Centre

415 V 6 %, 50 Hz 3 %, 3 Phase, 4 Wire

Distribution Boards

415 V 6 %, 50 Hz + 3 %,3 Phase, 4 Wire

Lighting & Small Power


240 V 6 %, 50 Hz + 3 %, between Phase & Neutral, 2 Wire

UPS system (for control &

protection circuits, critical
lighting, etc.)

240 V 1 %, 50 Hz 3 %, 1 Phase, 2 Wire

8.23.8 Allowable Voltage Drops

The maximum allowable voltage drops, as a percentage of the system
voltage, shall be:

Generally, main source to consumer


Cable from transformer or generators to PMCC


Cable from PMCC or MCC to motor (motor running)


Cable from PMCC or MCC to motor (motor starting)

= 15 %

Cable from PMCC to auxiliary distribution boards


Outgoing circuits from LDB, PDB etc. to consumers


Cable from UPS to UPS DB


Outgoing circuits of UPS DB


The voltage available at the motor terminals during start-up must be

sufficient to ensure positive starting or reacceleration of the motor (even
with motor fully loaded) without causing any damage to the motor.

For low voltage motors (415 V) the voltage available at the motor terminals
must not be less than 85 % of the rated value during start-up or

8.23.9 Electrical Equipment Protection

Protection system for electrical equipment shall be selected and coordinated
for the protection of equipment and operating personnel against
internal/external fault, overloading of equipment, earth fault, and other
abnormal conditions such as lightning surges, etc., and to ensure continuity
of operation of those parts not affected by the fault.

System protective devices (relays, fuses, breaker trip units, etc.) shall be
selected and coordinated to ensure that the closest interrupter to the point
of short circuit (or high overload) shall open first and minimize disturbances
on the rest of the system. The protection and metering schemes shall be
selected in accordance with guidelines provided by IEC code.

Selection of cables, cable terminations and straight through joints for radial
feeders shall be based on insulation suitable for unearthed system for the
distribution voltage level.


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8.23.10 Degree of Explosion Protection for Enclosures

For low voltage motors / heaters and other electrical equipment in Zone 1
classified areas, flameproof (Exd) construction shall be used. In Zone 2
classified areas, flameproof (Exd) or increased safety (Exe) construction
shall be used.

8.23.11 PMCC / MCC/ Distribution Boards

PMCC as well as all the distribution boards / panels shall meet the codes
and technical requirements outlined in applicable project specifications.

Electrical power shall be made available at 6.6 KV level at Phase-1 tankfarm

area. Using transformer the same shall be step down to 415 V level.
Electrical power distribution to LV (415 V & below) consumers such as
motors, distribution boards for lighting & small power and other
miscellaneous consumers shall be arranged by providing an integrated
PMCC serving dual function of both PCC and MCC complete with requisite
metering, control and monitoring functions.

PMCC as referred above, shall mean a continuous line-up of vertical

sections housing breaker panels, MCCB and contactor operated modules.
PMCC shall have an air circuit breaker (ACB) or a MCCB controlled incomer.
Outgoing feeders shall be MCCB controlled and MCCB + Contactor operated
depending upon the rating and application. PMCC shall be used to supply
auxiliary power for normal and start-up plant operations.

PMCC shall be single front design, compartmentalized, draw-out type

construction (only for the breaker compartments), indoor use, metal clad,
vertical self-standing type with minimum IP 42 degree of enclosure.

Bus bars shall be copper with heat shrinkable PVC sleeves.

Motors rated up to 100 kW will be controlled by MCCB and Contactor.
Motors rated 100 kW & above will be controlled by air circuit breaker.
Identical breaker / contactor shall be interchangeable. VFD units shall be
employed for all the process pump motors,

PMCC shall be suitable for future expansion at both ends.

For further information please refer Electrical SLD drawing no. DRGA087063-MEP-DRG-027 - REV 0 attached with this specification.

8.23.12 Electric Motors

All the motors required by mechanical packages shall meet the codes and
technical requirements as outlined in applicable project specifications and
respective data sheets.

Starting torque and minimum torque of the motor shall be compatible with
speed torque curve of the driven equipment under given operating

LV Motors rated 0.25 kW to 160 kW shall be:

TEFC, minimum IP44 for indoor and IP55 for outdoor or under shed
installation, severe duty, high efficiency, squirrel cage induction type.


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Suitable for satisfactory operation at 415 V +/- 6 %, 50 Hz +/- 3 %, 3

Suitable for DOL starting or VFD starting as applicable. Starting current
shall not exceed 7.0 times rated motor current for motors rated up to

37 kW; 6.0 times for motors rated 37 kW and above.

Class F insulation with temperature rise limited to Class B.
For motors in Zone 1 classified areas, flameproof (Exd) construction
shall be used. In Zone 2 classified areas, flameproof (Exd) or
increased safety (Exe) construction shall be used. All motors shall be
rated for temperature class T3, gas group IIA, minimum IP-55 ingress

protection in classified areas.

Space heaters shall be provided for motors rated 30 kW and above.

8.23.13 Control & Monitoring

Motors shall be controlled in the field at the motor location. Local control
stations of each motor shall have start & stop pushbuttons. Start & Stop
control at PMCC shall be provided for testing purpose.

Where required, metering instruments shall be provided to keep a record of

power consumption and supervision of all concerned parameters like
current, voltage, power etc. All instruments shall be flush mounted.

8.23.14 Lighting System

All areas which are normally accessible to personnel movement or where
equipment is installed shall be sufficiently illuminated. Lighting system shall
be designed as per standard industry practice. Further, the lighting system
design shall be in compliance to Oil storage installation guidelines.

Normal lighting will be on 240 V AC, 1 Phase, 50 Hz (Phase Neutral).

Outgoing circuits shall be protected by MCB + ELCB and incomer by MCCB.
Arrangement shall be such that in case of earth leakage in one outgoing
circuit, the entire DB need not be tripped. The total estimated load of each
circuit shall not exceed 80% of branch circuit rating.

Lighting methods and material used shall be suitable for the hazardous area
classification in which they are to be installed.
For tank farm area and general plant area, flood lighting fixtures will be
employed. Only LED lights shall be used for all areas, both indoor &
outdoor. These shall be of flame-proof, LED (preferable) or metal halide
lights, mounted on 9 metre high (above ground) steel poles, 1 or 2 per
pole. These flood lighting fixtures will be flame-proof, and will have

minimum IP56 ingress protection.

For further information please refer LIGHTING LAYOOUT - DRG-A087063MEP-DRG-028 - REV 0 attached with this specification.


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8.23.15 Socket Outlets

Small power loads shall be powered from plant lighting panel.
Each receptacle circuit shall be protected by MCB + ELCB.
Receptacles shall have necessary mechanical interlocks, suitable protections
for site conditions and earthing facilities. All receptacles shall have looping

Store room / Electrical room shall be fitted with industrial type receptacles
rated 240 V, 15 A, 3 Pin (2P + E). Not more than four socket outlets shall
be supplied by one circuit.

No such receptacles are envisaged in the plant area (hazardous area).

An industrial type 415 V, 3 Phase, 63 A, 4 Pin (3P+E) welding socket will
be provided in Fire water pump house and other areas as required.

1 Phase receptacles shall be fed from the lighting panels. Welding

receptacle shall be fed from the PMCC / MCC.

8.23.16 Earthing and Lightning Protection

Earthing system in general shall cover following aspects of earthing design:
Power system neutral earthing
Electrical equipment enclosure earthing for personnel safety
Non-current carrying equipment / systems earthing for static electricity
/ induced current

Lightning protection

For low and medium voltage systems, the system neutral earthing is by
solid earthing. Neutral point of a power supply source such as DG Set shall
be earthed solidly.

Plant earthing design will generally be carried out in accordance with the
requirements of relevant Codes & Standards.

Main earth grid of 40x5 sq.mm GS strip conductor will be used.

Perforated earth pipe of 40 mm diameter, 3 m length and galvanized steel
material shall be used. The earth grid shall be adequately sized to carry the
applicable maximum fault current without undue temperature rise. All joints

shall be protected against corrosion.

A separate earthing system for the instrument / control room electronics
shall be established. The UPS electronics earth shall be connected to this
earthing system. The resistance of this earthing system shall not exceed 1

Electrostatic earthing shall be carried out in accordance with the

requirements of relevant Codes & Standards. Earthing tails provided on
equipment shall be connected to the plant earthing system.

Resistance value of plant earthing system shall not be more than 1 Ohm.
Soil resistivity survey shall be carried out by CONTRACTOR for design of
plant earth grid.

Number of earth connections and size of earth conductor connections for

each equipment shall be as defined in Typical Earthing Installation
Drawings and also in project earthing layout drawings.

Early streamer emission of lightning protection system shall be provided to

cover the entire tank farm area including all buildings and utilities.


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8.23.17 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) System

Uninterruptible Power Supply system comprises of converter, inverter,
static automatic transfer switch, battery bank, constant voltage by-pass
transformer with maintenance by pass switch and UPS Distribution Board.

The system output shall be 240 V 1 %, 50 Hz 1 %, 1 Phase.

Under normal working conditions, the converter will feed the inverter load
requirement through static switch and keep the battery under charged
condition. On failure of supply to converter, the battery will start feeding
the inverter load requirements automatically without interruption. Reverse
transfer on resumption of normal power will also be automatic. The inverter
will be operating in synchronism with the bypass mains within specified
voltage and frequency limits. UPS shall be fed from PMCC.

The power back-up shall be of 3 hours duration for the entire load
connected through UPS system.

8.23.18 Cables
Electrical power, control and signal cables shall comply with relevant
standards and requirements specified in project specification.

Electrical cables shall be copper / aluminium conductor, multi-strand, XLPE

insulated, armoured, overall black colour PVC insulated. The PVC outer
jacket shall be flame retardant low smoke (FRLS), heat & oil resistant and
UV resistant.

All power & lighting cables of size 4mm2 and below shall be of copper
conductor. All power & lighting cables of size above 4mm2 shall be of
aluminium conductor. Control cables shall be 2.5mm2 copper.

Voltage grade shall be 600/1100 V.

Maximum cross section area shall be 300 mm2 for multi core cables and
630mm2 for single core cables. All cables shall be of single continuous

lengths, as far as possible.

Cables shall be designed to Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specifications
and project specification.

Power cables shall be colour coded for core identification. Control cables
shall have 20% spare cores. For control cables, core shall be identified by
numbers printed on them, and not by colours.

Cables shall be sized based on maximum continuous load current, voltage

drop, system short-circuit withstand capability and laying conditions.
Derating factors due to ambient air temperature, ground temperature,
grouping and proximity of cables with each other, thermal resistivity of soil,
etc. shall be taken into account.

8.23.19 Cable Support System

Suitable cables support system shall be provided to lay cables in plant and
substation area. The intent of cables support system should be to prevent
cables from being exposed to mechanical damage.

Cable tray shall be galvanized steel or aluminium ladder type.


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Cable trays shall be routed on dedicated tiers of the pipe racks and/or on
sleepers. For all cable trays stacked vertically, there shall be a minimum
vertical working clearance of 150 mm from the top of the lower tray to the
bottom of the tray above.

Special care must be taken to the required separation while routing the
cables to minimize the effect of fire on emergency and essential supplies.
Cables with intrinsically safe circuits shall be run in separate trays.

Overhead cable trays, if applied, shall be installed keeping a minimum

clearance 2700 mm above grade level. At road crossings the minimum
clearance shall further be increased suitably.

Low voltage power and control cables in a tray shall be arranged in

maximum two-layer formation with no spacing between adjacent cables.

Minimum distances as per relevant code shall be maintained between

power/control wiring and circuits carrying electronic signals over prolonged
route lengths. In case separate trays are not practical for cables of different
application, barriers shall be used in same cable tray.

Trays shall be connected by expansion splice plates between their sections

and fitted with expansion guide clamps at every 36 to 40 m intervals. Trays
shall be connected at other junctions by standard splice plates and fitted
with hold-on clamps.

Trays shall be supported at appropriate intervals both vertically and

horizontally as per cable tray manufacturers recommendation.

8.23.20 Capacitors with Detuned Reactors for Power

Factor Improvement and Harmonic Suppression
Capacitors for power factor improvement will be provided along with an
automatic power factor sensing and correction device. These will be housed
in an APFC Panel and located next to PMCC in the electrical room. Apart
from automatic control of capacitor feeders, manual control also shall be

8.23.21 Automatic Power Factor Correction Equipment

The power supply system to LT system shall be equipped with capacitor
banks type power factor correction equipment.

LT capacitors and details to be chalked during development stage covering

total back isolation from the MCC bus by CFS unit. Current rating of CFS
unit shall be 40% higher than normal rating of capacitor bank. Each
capacitor bank shall be of 3 Nos of units connected in Delta with external

fuse for protection.

Capacitor shall have series of reactor / choke inductance to control the
inrush current. CT requirement for auto power factor correction in incoming

breaker shall be provided.

Each capacitor bank shall be independently controlled with fuse switch unit
power contact with auxiliary contacts, line CTs with taut band ammeter and
selection switch to read phase current , on/off indication lamp, auxiliary


Construction of Liquid Storage

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Tender Documents

relays complete with multistage PF relays associated contactors, bus PF

meter earthing arrangements.

Addition to power supply from main the complete control, system / PLC
based automation shall be equipped with UPS system for power backup with
redundancy as required. The UPS system thus provided shall be equipped
with feeder from electricity supply for providing 400/240V supply to
automation UPS system. Also the cable from the UPS to all instruments,
computer, etc shall also be covered in the scope of work.

8.23.22 Local Control Stations

All LT motors shall be provided with Local Control Panel stations with Local /
Remote selection switch, Start / Stop / Emergency stop push button all
prewired to terminals. All emergency stop push-button will be press to lock
and turn to release type. Each element shall have 2 No + 2 Nc contacts.

Local control stations shall be Flame proof type suitable for hazardous area
II A and II B with flame proof glands with certification.

8.24 Tank farm Management and Terminal

8.24.1 Scope
The scope of tender shall include all the items to meet the technical
requirements and shall cover items missing by specific reference but deem
to be included.

The scope also covers all erection materials, pipe fittings, trays, cable
tack compression fittings, cable glands, supports angle frame and other

UPS power supply distribution boxes are also forming part of the
specific requirement.

Engineering, supply, installation and termination of all digital, analogue

and other signal cable from field to PLC terminal shall be included.
Data communication cable, cables between MCC and PLC
communication, cables between MCC room and control room, power
supply cable from UPS to all equipment's and computer system, inner
building LAN cabling / Optic fiber shall be included to complete the


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Tender Documents

8.24.2 Computerized tank management and terminal

A computerized tank management and terminal automation is envisaged for
the terminal limited to hydrocarbon products. Typical terminal automation is
furnished as ANNEXURE-A.

Remote operation and local operation is planned for palm oil tank truck
unloading and transfer system to NGCT.
The system for hydrocarbon products to cover

Tanker receipt and tank farm management system


Tank truck entry and loading system


MOV automation


Transfer pump automation


Fire Hydrant system


CSD operation


Sprinkler spray system for TLF gantry


Foam proportioner & foam injection for TLF gantry


Terminal security system


Generation of status and MIS report


CCTV system

The tenderer along with his technical bid shall furnish QAP, Operation
philosophy, Instrument data sheet, specification, process flow diagram,
Layout, system architectural drawing along with the proposed subvendor with their credential for the supply and installation, testing and
commissioning of PLC based terminal automation system. Tank Receipt & Tank Management


PLC system shall have all datas of tanks in its computer covering
number of tanks and product being stored, product level,
temperature at different level, pressure of receipt, density of
products of respective tank, inventory of each product ,Close
opening status of Tankfarm valves along with interlocking
provision to level and tom operate from control room.


Radar transmitter fitted on respective tank shall be explosion proof

type to protection clause IP65 NEMA 4 Class 1 Division 1 Group C,
in accordance to ANSI / NFPA 70 (FM). The instrument shall have
accuracy of +/- 1mm over the entire measurement range and
suitable for 0 to 65C. The range of measuring to be submitted for

Material of construction of the system shall be explosion proof cast

aluminium. Details to be furnished by contractor as part of the
scheme approval.


Tank side indicator shall be digital type with indicator directly

communicate with radar transmitter. This shall be explosion proof
type to class-1 Division1, group C,D in accordance to NFPA 70
(FM). Temperature sensor assembly shall employ sensor spaced at
minimum 2m interval throughout the tank to derive true
representative averaged temperature.


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Tender Documents

Pressure transmitters shall be supplied suitable for area

classification E-Exib, II B, T3 operating on piezo / resistive /
capacitance suitable for mounting on tank manhole core and shall
confirm to NEMA 4 and shall have accuracy of 0.05 of URL

The material construction of wetter part shall be SS316 with 3 full

bore isolation ball valve and the system supplied shall be suitable
for Area classification II, grade II A / II B.


All the above tank instruments shall be capable of providing

measured value directly to PLC through dual redundant
communication cable.


Tankfarm management software shall have functional provision for

enhanced inventory management and tank monitoring
functionality shall be available by means of software applications
running of latest version of Windows platform, designed on
industry standard open connectivity architecture. The system shall
have freely configurable task related datas for operators / manage
with provision for changing certain security level with password
pre-set system. The system shall provide the following modules /

User configurable tank group

View tank related and group related
Tank details
Tabular data
Rate of change (Flow) computation
System diagnostics & data recovery
Audio visual alarm and leakage alarm
Manual override
Operator interface shall have full network support over standard
The system shall have facility to generate reports in different

The system shall have generate multiple High, Low and Safe
alarms for level and shall have self-check and monitoring of fault.

System should have hard disk storage for analysis and

The system shall provide audible alarm (which can be disabled)
and visual indication which shall not disable until alarm condition
is corrected. Tank Truck Entry and Loading System


Terminal gate shall have entry barrier and exit barrier with operation of
permission based on Load Rack Computing system (LRC) based on validity
of card. The vehicle gate shall close automatically after vehicle passes
based on IR sensor feed-back.

Local key operation is feasible to open the gate on PLC failure or

power failure.


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Tender Documents

Tankfarm and TLF gantry area shall be equipped with motor control centre
with local start / stop push button station and control and operation of
product pumps. Loading / transfer pumps shall be equipped with VFD to
adjust to the flow and through automation the MCC digital inputs are taken
from MCC to PLC.

Local start (PB operation)

Local stop (PB Operation)
Local / remote position
Motor running feed back
Motor overload fault
Following digital output from PLC (potential free contacts) shall be
wired to MCC

Pump motor start / run

Motor local permissive

Each loading point shall be provided with single channel batch controlled
and shall be integrated to LRC system.

Loading arm shall be top loading type mechanical type with

thermal relief valve and TLF bay bulk air eliminator mounted on
individual product header

Two of the loading point shall have provisions for dozing system
the use of the same being finalized by GSEZ MOV Automation

Microprocessor based control station shall be provided on all motor

operated valve actuators. Master station shall be located in main control
room and interfaced with plant Programmable Logic Control (PLC) system
through communication link.

Plant PLC will be a master and master station shall be slave device. Master
station shall communicate with all the MOVS via serial link to FCU mounted
on local panel of MOVS. Master station shall receive commands like
open/close/stop from PLC and shall operate the valve . All information
about all valves shall be available at PLC through master station.

Master station shall have capacity to connect and control minimum 100
motor actuator valves. If shall have provision for extending the no of nodes
if required in future. It shall have redundancy in communication, processor
and power supply

It shall have LCD / LED display unit with provision of operating the valve
from master station in stand-alone.

It shall have capacity to receive 20 digital signals and 5 analogue signal

from each actuator and shall have self-diagnostic features to find out fault
like cable fault, actuator communication not reached and actuator fault /
alarm. It shall also have real time clock to monitor alarm events / data


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Tender Documents
Volume-3 Transfer Pump Automation

The transfer pumps for products from respective tanks to TLF gantry shall
be equipped with VFD system for energy saving. The automation shall
facilitate start stop of the pump and adjusting and control the pump
operation through PLC. Status of all safety instruments from local panel of
Pump and RTDS shall be transferred to PLC to furnish the status of
respective pump. Sequence operation of pump as required shall be
programmed through PLC. Fire Hydrant System

The fire hydrant pump local panel shall have facility to transfer of all datas /
status of pump to start the pump from PLC system
The pump also shall be linked to pressure transmitter of hydrant line to start in
a sequential manner. Jockey pump shall be independent of PLC system and to
actuate on pressure loss in the hydrant network. However the status of jockey
pump shall be available in the PLC system. ESD operation

Any fault of major nature shall call for ESD operation each equipment / valves /
pump status shall be so designed to furnish the co-relating fault through PLC
system and to record and monitor the occurrence on real time basis with
analytical logics for the cause. Details shall be covered in the scheme to be
submitted by contractor for approval. Automatic detection fire alarm system

g) The scope of work also provision of automatic detection fire alarm system for
TLF gantry area and actuation of cooling water spray system for TLF gantry
area. Manual over ride also shall be there to active the system locally. The scope
to cover all piping, fittings connectivity to hydrant system, stainless steel piping
for sprinkler system and spray nozzle valve activation system through fire alarm
system covering complete scheme, development, supply fabrication, erection,
testing confirming to NFPA standard. Foam Pourer System

The TLF gantry shall be equipped with Foam pourer system activated by deluge
valve and balanced foam proportioner system, piping, power supply and
instrument connection for activation of the system through fire alarm system
with status to PLC panel. The specific requirement and scope shall include
developing the scheme, procurement / supply of all material fabrication and
elevation of the complete system. Contractor to draw the specification for all
components meeting with NFPA standard. CCTV monitoring system

The terminal / tankfarm are to have CCTV monitoring system suitable for
Hydrocarbon installation with cameras at tankfarm, TLF shed, control room, MCC
room, Pump house to monitor and also to record the status and for display on


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

independent monitor. Developing the complete scheme, supply of all material

and installation is covered in the specific requirement. Contractor to draw the
specification for all components meeting with specific requirement of
hydrocarbon installation.

8.24.3 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

Programmable logic controller shall be dual redundant hot standby system
with dual processor and single I/O with auto I/O testing for all DI & DO as

PLC logic controller shall be programmable, modular microprocessor based
safety system, which shall be used for implementation of safety shutdown /

interlocking and terminal operation control / monitoring.

The system shall be designed fault avoidant as minimum selecting high
grade components of proven quality and proper design of system
electronics. The system shall be highly reliable both in quality and
quantitative technologies. Redundancy shall be provided as required to
improved system availability, reliability and safety. Due consideration to be

given to environmental condition for field mounted subsystems.

The system shall be modular in construction and expandable in future by
addition of modules accessible easily for maintenance. The module shall be
insertion type and types of modules to be kept minimum as possible to
have low spare inventory.

The PLC shall have noise immunity to ensure safe and reliable operation.
The system electronics in compliance to electromagnetic compatibility for
Industrial Process Measurement and control equipments.

The system shall have diagnostic hardware and software for easy and fast
maintenance of the system. Diagnostic shall be available for local module as
well as operator interface console level.

Operation of PLC shall be completely unaffected by momentary power loss

in the order of 20 mill-seconds. The scan time logic and close loop shall be
designed by the contractor also with details of diagnostic routines, output /
dump of datas to peripherals or any other activity which console processor

time shall also be accounted while computing scan time.

The contractor develop spare philosophy and furnish the details in the
Engineering / Development stage. The contractor to cover in the detailing
in the system configuration, input/output sub system, power supply and
distribution system, processor system, communication sub system, selfdiagnostic system, PLC system cabinets, earthing system, testing,
installation, commissioning and acceptance Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
and Field Acceptance test for Owners approval.

8.24.4 Automation System

The architecture of the system shall accommodate both functional and
graphical distribution of the hardware, software and data base over the
terminal. The automation shall utilise a modular architecture to permit wide


Construction of Liquid Storage

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Tender Documents

range of system configurations and facilitate system flexibility and

The automation system shall include real time control, access control,
transform management, terminal sourcing, transaction processing and
product inventory tracking, comprehensive product movement accounting
and reporting at the management level.

The customised system shall be working in tandem with the instrumentation

system, which in turn controls and monitor the entire terminal process. The
architecture shall be open, providing data movement horizontally and
vertically throughout the operation structure.

The system shall have redundant communication interface for data

transmission to PLC / LRC

The system shall be able to communicate with all common makes of

supervisory control data accusation packages and programmable logic

The basic function of this system shall be as follows :

Controlling the receipt and product movement
Access control and emergency shutdown
Data acquisition and controlling various instrumentation.
Generating history profile, accounting reporting and display.

The scope includes supply and installation of complete hardware and

software for terminal automation and tankfarm management system
including all materials, installation factory testing and acceptance of
complete system.

The successful bidder / contractor has to study, analyse develop and

implement a suitable tailor made customised application software to cater
the objective detailed under 24.5.3

The application software shall form an integral part of the terminal

automation with required hardware, system software and networking (LAN).
Various software modules / subsystems shall be developed using state of
art client-server technology on RDBMS platform. The suitable client's
software shall be running on various clients PC. The servers and clients
across the terminal shall be connected over Fast Ethernet / fiber optic local
are network.

The processor automation system shall utilise latest and proves

microprocessor based device configured to perform in real time.

Data acquisition / control / transaction process

Operation interface
Interactive graphic display, data base, activating reporting and

Process alarm and system diagnostics.

The system shall be facilitated in protecting the system integrity and
security by implementation of redundancy for both communication link
and system hardware. Failure for automation shall no way to affect the
control operation.

The contractor to supply, install and commission client PCs having same
functionalities facilitating interchangeability. The application software
developed is suitable to run in the PC.


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Tender Documents

The printer shall be Laser jet type for test and graphics.
The software platform to be adopted shall include supply, installation and
commissioning of suitable window operating base machine with two servers
one shall be master and other standby with following features.

Failure detection
Logging consistency
Avoidance of false triggering
Service modules
Configuration and expandable flexibility and ease for use.

The software system shall include LRC server operating system, gateway
server operating system, Client operating System and terminal security

Details of network management software, tailor made application software

and details of all modules / sub system shall be furnished by the contractor
during engineering stage.

The capability of supplied software should be with 50% spares with respect
to no. of data base points / tags after calculating requirement of the total
system. The offered system should have inbuilt capability / provision to
take care of future expansion to the extent of minimum of 10 Nos.

The system architecture shall provide logical planned implementation

evolving technologies and upgradation.

The offered software should be of proven technology and latest with copy
right or trade mark registration.

8.24.5 (Annexure-A) - Terminal Management and Terminal

8.24.6 Tanker Truck Entry System
Tanker truck entry into loading area shall be controlled by terminal data
management system and Load Rack management computer system (LRC)

Tank Truck Entry System (TTES) shall include a readable type card specially
designed for the terminal automation system to be used by the truck driver
containing the truck number, compartment with capacity, which bay the
truck to approach and the bay number covering the tank truck Filling Advice

The tank truck loading system shall display the tank truck compartment
capacity fill status, loading arm readiness status and also the status of the

loading bay.
Loading truck computer shall monitor the status of availability of all the
bays in operation and their loading point at terminal. 2 trucks can queue
behind the truck under loading at the loading bay. The TLF gantry shall be
suitably sixed to accommodate three trucks in queue.

The truck allocation shall first to fill all the empty bay to be operated for the
day. Starting with 1st bay operated the second row of truck lining is done to
maintain the seniority of entry followed by third row.


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Tender Documents

Status of information about each of the bay shall be available and

continuously getting updated in the system. The loading rack computer
shall have update of

No. of operational bay


No. of bay along with product filling availability on a particular day

at the choice of operator


Status monitoring of allocation of trucks for queuing in a serial



Compartments for filling various products with a monitoring

system to ensure the compartments are filled completely and sum
capacity shall tally with the total of products requested


Bay allocation logic shall ensure the truck is lined up in series as

per entry and have minimum movement to the bay and licensed

8.24.7 Truck Entry Card Reader

The terminal shall be fenced and segregated from other tankfarm area with

inlet and outlet gate for the truck.

The routing of the truck entry and exit of loaded truck shall be done in such
a way that the loaded truck is having easy entry and exit without crisscross

with the premise.

The card reader shall provide automatic security system between terminal
area and other part. The terminal area with the access card along with
filling status received by the tanker truck driver will facilitate one tome
entry with duration date and time and exit. Exit barrier shall be controlled
by the same card having exit card reader status.

If the tanker truck does not enter the entry barrier gate with in the
specified duration then the card shall be automatically in validated by the
Terminal Automation System and the bay shall get released.

8.24.8 Terminal management computer

Terminal management computer shall be located in the plant in-charge
room and other in the control room. They are connected to loading rack
computer through server.

8.24.9 The control room equipment room

The control room equipment room house the Tankfarm Management
computer, terminal Management Computer, PLC cabinets, relay cabinets
and operator interface computer. This has connectivity to through LAN to
the dispatch desk placed in the Tank Truck Entry log room. A terminal shall
also be provided on the station In-charges room for monitoring the ongoing
activities as and when called for.

The tank driver with empty truck shall park his vehicle at the parking
bay and proceed to the dispatch / Truck logging counter.


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Tender Documents

With registration the status as per record shall be verified and the
driver shall retain back to parking lot.
The terminal data management system shall carryout the vehicle and
transfer datas to load rack computer.

With the system readiness to receive the truck at the gate signal will
go to dispatch counter person who will announce the truck number for

Facilities shall be in built for taking status of truck with respect to

customer base data for invoice and other related information thus
facilitating issue of the entry card.

The truck driver at fate received his card for entry

The terminal entry gate shall have a card reader by which the status is
checked at loading truck controller which gives the reading on the
despatchers room monitor for the bay to be reported and position
along with the product to be loaded on the truck.

The barrier gate also opens through with the card and truck to report
to the specific bay.
LRC shall check the correctness of the card at entry card reader and
check with other filling advice and truck number to avoid any

8.24.10 On arrival a loading bay

On arrival at the loading bay the truck driver shall swipe the identification

card allotted to him at the card reader.

The data is acknowledged by card reader and transmitted to Load rack
controller. LRC shall verify and validate the loading comparing with Filling

Advise entered.
Once all clear signal the truck is allowed to fill the product with status
flashing on indication panel (IP) on respective bay by remote operation

The indication panel shall have indication acknowledge, start and stop with
indication lamps for ease of understanding of the truck operator.

With a specific lamp indication the truck driver shall know the Filling Advice
is ox and shall seek for connection of earthing and setting position sensor.
After review of all circuits for safe filling and interlock checking the batch
data, product to fill and compartment number shall be displayed with flash
light on the indicator panel (IP) and also at the operators monitor at control

Any problem reported to Batch controller and status shall be displayed.

Once problems are resolved Indicator Panel shall show a signal indicating
the system is ready.

The loading arm positioning in the desired compartment shall be carried by

truck driver.
Once done the operator will push acknowledge button and the status turn to
green signal at Indication panel (IP) at the bay. Operator shall press the

start button to commence loading automatically.

Batch controller shall keep updating the volume, present quantity status of
the operation and any exigency.


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Tender Documents

Auto control shall exist for setting stop valve to stop in-case of earthing,
loading arm position change or chance over flow and also trip due to
transfer pump related.

Earthing correctness shall be displayed by a suitable earthing relay

providing interlock to batch controller safety.

8.24.11 TLF Gantry Transfer Pump Automation

Each pump with their safety instruments covering
Pump bearing temperatures
Motor winding temperature
Suction status
On / Off suction header MOV interlocked to Tank Outlet MOV / Manifold
MOV of specific product header.

The operator with the clearance for the day after establishing the volume of
respective tank and program for loading for the day shall give start
command to the respective pump.

With ARV control the pump will commence the return of product thus
establishing the reediness of system
The VFD for respective pump shall check the status and adjust the RPM
automatically for loading time and idling time. VFD also have limiting on the
minimum continuous flow to be maintained and RPM range shall set

The terminal automation system shall have system for auto start / stop of
any pump.
The flow meter on flow line and return line shall constantly furnish the flow
status of loading.

The 1st pump shall have interlock with the flow meter getting on and
interlock check shall be automatic through TAS for lined up tank opening
MOV for suction line starting of pump opening of MOV. ARV is in build safety
system in the pipeline system for recirculation.

The pump shall be set to energy saving mode to stop the pump
automatically if no filling operation in the TLF for more than 15 minutes.

All combination shall be worked in the system to ensure starting of any

pump 1st and to stop/shut off based on tank level, TLF non-operational or
emergency signal from anywhere in the system.

All pump shall have facility for operating auto from control room, manual
from control room and local operation by passing TAS as and when

The input status from pumps and safety shall be displayed on the monitor
through PLC

Each VFD shall have PLC control where Input /Outputs of all the pumps for
a particular products are connected. Pressure transmitter shall send signal
to decide number of pump and speed of pump depending upon the loading

The status of all the safety signals and pressure signals of pumps shall be
available on terminal Automatic System through MODBUS link. ESD status,
tank level status and all interlock shall be incorporated in the software of


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

terminal automation. VFD shall be kept in MCC room and communication

cable to be laid between VFD panels to terminate Automation panel at the
Equipment room of Control room.

The Terminal Automation shall incorporate and include software and

hardware for taking signals from fire alarm panel, manual call point fire
signal, firefighting pumping unit, sprinkler system for water spray in the TLF
gantry auto start of foam proportioner system to spray foam in TLF gantry

and to control station ESD in case of fire exigency.

The successful bidder shall expand the basic requirements by selection of
suitable system logic, program logic and control hardware, software with all
redundancy and safety system to establish a fool proof Tankfarm
Management and Terminal Automation.

8.24.12 Information data's to be covered by bidder

Proven package of similar nature to be used and all the logic, software,
hardware to be developed shall have the proven use in similar type
application. The bidder shall be able to cover all the information datas for
the development of package incorporating all needful for establishing
successful Tankfarm management and terminal operation.


Engineering, Erection, Testing and Commissioning

The scope of major activities in brief are listed below


Develop all details, data, drawings, documents as per the system

requirement covering the following for GSEZ the owners approval.

Development of requisite software in consultation with Client

Documentation trainings, comprehensive AMC warranty.

Supply, fabrication, erection activity


Installation of loading arms along with sensors, RITS card readers

digital control valve, etc

(ii) Installation of instrumentation and automation system consisting

of computer system, operator console, computer interface units, radar
type level transmitter, multi point temperature sensors, tank side
indicators, pressure transmitters, etc. integrating the subsystems and
ensuring provision of proper communication link so that data
transmission takes place smoothly.

Laying communication bus, filed bus, other system cables, fibre optic
cables, instrumentation cable, power supply cables and control cables
and cable trays.

Installation of all instruments laying and termination of all signals,

controls & power cables. All instruments to be factory calibrated and
filed checked prior to installation

Civil/ Electrical and fixing work including casting of all footings, support
trench tray rack, conduits as per requirement, sealing of cable entries, tube
entries in control room


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Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Installation of system cabinets in control room, laying and

terminating at both ends for instrument earth buses provided in
control panels to earth pits.

Laying, dressing, glanding and termination of power supply cables from

power supply distribution cabinet / box in control room to field.
Armoured cable for tankfarm management system proper installation
alignment of equipments, panels and mounted instruments grounding of
shielded cable to respective instrument earth bus provided in control room /
local panel.

Supply all types of consumables and accessories for the work.

8.24.14 Testing and Commissioning

Testing and calibration of instrumentation devices shall be carried by
providing needful testing, calibration tools at site.

Commissioning activity of the terminal automation and tankfarm

management system shall cover carrying sequential check and carrying Noload test, commissioning the system with sample tanker truck loading of

respective products and establish the system.

For final acceptance the system shall be

Tested at Manufacturers works and Factory acceptance test (FAT) to

be accorded.
By establishing all operational logic and indication at site
Test run and commissioning and stabilization of the system

8.24.15 Inspection and Testing at Vendors Plant / Works:

The inspection and checks proposed to be carried shall be listed out by the
contractor in his QAP to be submitted along with scheme details, drawings
and data sheet. The owners authorised representative or third party shall
be present for inspection of the developed system at Vendors plant.

A factory acceptance test stage diagram shall be submitted indicating

equipment arrangement of the FAT.

System shall be shipped only after certified by GSEZ the owner.

The contractor upon award shall in consultation with their PLC based
automation vendor shall furnish the following details with 30 days from the
date of issue of Letter of Acceptance.

Quality assurance plan for approval

Schedule of various placement of sub-item at vendors work and a
measureable work schedule for monthly monitoring

Process and instrumentation diagram and system configuration

Material specification for various instruments
All schematics and drawing

In line with the agreed progress schedule all details, specifications, data
sheet and drawings shall be submitted to the owner GSEZ approval. The
list of submittal in general shall cover the specific item as per Annexure.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

During FAT, each test carried out shall be recorded. Any deficiency or
problem shall be corrected. Any change in the data or configuration
informed to the Contractor shall be recorded and carried out.

Functional testing shall include the simulation of each input and output to
verify proper system response, checking all functionalities of each subsystem and complete performance of integrated system. Including

Checking of all Monitors and displays, Checking of correct functioning

of key-board, Checking of CRT refresh rate, database update and
display call up time, Checking of correct change-over of the redundant
back up and testing of all printers and other accessories.

Testing of system features like interchangeability between VDU

console, peripheral assignments, synchronization of system clocks,
key-lock functions etc.

Checking of various alarms and events log formats and various report

Checking of proper operation of all communication interfaces and

secured data transfers.
Complete system configuration loading
Demonstration of all PLC system builder functions including addition /
deletion of an input / output, addition / deletion of a rung or an
element in a rung generation of dynamic graphics and other views,
report generation.

100% checking of logic configured in the PLC checking of scan time

and system redundancy checks.

Processor functioning and alarm checkout

Quality check of all components and module.

System redundancy check including correct changeover of the backup unit of

failure of main Unit.:

8.24.16 Site Acceptance Tests

The site acceptance test plan shall be proposed as per QAP. The owner
reserves the right to add any test to establish the smooth functioning of

During SAT completeness of system and installation on as per approved
scheme shall be checked.

All loop testing, filed termination and into panel termination shall be

Performance of integrated testing and checking at each location for due


8.24.17 Test Run

The PLC automation main vendor shall present for the entire period
of test run and SAT. With the completion of all terminal activities the
trial run shall be carried for the system for 7 days. In case of any
correction rerun to be dome after attending to fault for a period of 7
days continuous, with satisfactory test run SAT shall commence.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

After trial run site acceptance test (SAT) will be conducted and system
shall be handed over.


Stabilization of System

After successful commissioning of the entire system, the system shall be

observed for faultless working for a period of 60 days. If the following
subsystems remain down for more than 24 hours FROM ITS OCCRANCE, the
same shall be rectified by the contractor at his cost including the replacement of
any equipment/components if required and the system shall be observed for a
further period of 60 days for stabilization.
If faults of small nature and rectified in small duration the same shall not be
considered for extension of stabilisation period.

8.24.19 Maintenance and Operation Manual

Contractor shall submit to GSEZ the owner for review and approval of the
draft of the operating manual for the facilities as per requirements listed in
contract documents. Final operating manual shall only be issued after
GSEZs approval on draft is obtained. 3 (three) sets of final approved
operating and maintenance manual shall be made available before
commencing the commission of the plant. Soft copy of manual shall be
made available in the system.

The operation manual shall have two parts. One shall give the details of
the individual instrument/ equipment. The other part shall contain the
system details.

8.24.20 Performance Guarantee (Defect liability Period)

Contractor shall be responsible for the design, quality of workmanship,
operation & maintenance of all equipment, accessories, etc. supplied by
the Contractor. Contractor shall provide written guarantee that the backup engineering, maintenance and spare parts shall be available for a
minimum period of 7 years after warranty period.

Contractor shall modify and/or replace any hardware from the supplied
equipment and modify. Automation software, other software, rectify defects
of supply and software and attend to the maintenance of the system, free
of cost, during start-up and on-line operation of Loading Terminal facilities,

within the warranty Period.

The contractor shall enter in to an agreement for maintenance contract for
a period of 24 months and the same shall be covered as part of the base

price of the system.

Contractor shall also furnish their offer for extending the service of Annual
maintenance contract for a further period of 5 (Five) years.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

v) All replacement spares and calibration tools shall deem to be covered in

the 24 months contract period of operation and maintenance in the base
price offered.

Supply of all spares and modality for pricing of 7 years of service shall be
furnished in the offer.
During the 24 months period of upon commissioning one competent
engineer shall be present for initial for 3 months and shall visit the terminal
once in 2 months for a minimum of 10 days. Also 5 emergency calls also to
be included in the basic price

The AMC offer shall include visit of the experienced engineer once in 3
months and shall include 1 emergency visit per annam

8.24.21 Post Warranty Maintenance Contract:

Contractor shall quote for maintenance contract after warranty period for
five years, including the supply of spares and consumable and services
required for total operation and maintenance of the system. AMC shall be
operated terminal / depot wise. The replacement/maintenance aspects of

the total system shall be attended on call basis with one day notice.
Personal deployed shall have experience on maintenance of similar
systems. The lump sum price of the Post Warranty Maintenance contract
shall be furnished separately on annual basis. The annual calibration of
flowmeters and proven tanks for 5 years is in the scope of Contractor. The
master instruments required for calibration shall be brought by the

Annual maintenance of the equipment which is supplied to the Contractor
as free issue item is included in the scope of the Contractor.

8.24.22 Possible spares during the entire Period of AMC

The Contractor shall ensure that all possible spares which may be required
by the automation system will be available during the entire period of AMC
i.e. 5 years. A list of spares shall be submitted along with the offer.
Contractor shall execute bank guarantee equivalent to the cost of
maintenance contract to cover the five year AMC period.

8.24.23 AMC supply of all possible spares for replacement

of faulty parts
During AMC supply of all possible spares for replacement of faulty parts and
consumables like batteries and O-rings, gaskets, packing for maintenance
of equipment are included in Contractors scope

8.24.24 Visit to the depot

During the AMC period, one competent engineer will visit the depot/
terminal at least once in 3 months for checking the operation of system and


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

do preventive maintenance. Also four emergency calls per year are included
in the Contractors scope. These emergency calls shall be attended within
24 hours of intimation.

During the AMC period if Contractor fails to attend to the problem penal
charges shall be levied on him.


Construction of Liquid Storage

Yard Facility at Owendo

Tender Documents

Appendix A List of drawings


Drawing Names

Drawing Number


Over all layout

A087063 - C - DRG-001

Site boundary layout

A087063 - C - DRG-002

Tank farm layout

A087063 - C - DRG-003

Pavement layout

A087063 - C - DRG-004

Fence layout

A087063 - C - DRG-005

Pipe routing and support arrangement

A087063 - C - DRG-013

Pipe support details

A087063 - C - DRG-014

Miscellaneous details

A087063 - C - DRG-015


Pfd Of Hydrocarbon System

A087063 - MEP - DRG - 021

G.A Of Hydrocarbon & Palm Oil Tanks

A087063 - MEP - DRG - 022

Layout Of Tankfarm Area (Rev)

A087063 - MEP - DRG - 023

Fire Water System

A087063 - MEP - DRG - 024

Truck Loading Facility At Hydrocarbon Area

A087063 - MEP - DRG - 025

Overall Layout Of Docklines

A087063 - MEP - DRG - 026

Single Line Diagram

A087063 - MEP - DRG - 027

Lighting Layout

A087063 - MEP - DRG - 028

The details provided are for information only. Contractor has to carry out his
own design based satisfying design criteria/specifications.


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