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Creative Process of Psychotherapy

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Creative Process of Psychotherapy

Albert Rothenberg, M.D.

e-Book 2015 International Psychotherapy Institute

From The Creative Process of Psychotherapy by Albert Rothenberg M.D.
Copyright 1988 by Albert Rothenberg M.D.

All Rights Reserved

Created in the United States of America

By the Same Author

The Emerging Goddess:
The Creative Process in Art, Science and Other Fields (1979)
The Creativity Question (with Carl R. Hausman) (1976)
The Index to Scientific Writings on Creativity:
General, 1566-1974 (with Bette Greenberg) (1976)
The Index to Scientific Writings on Creativity:
Creative Men and Women (with Bette Greenberg) (1974)

Table of Contents
The Creative Process of Psychotherapy

The Creative Process of Psychotherapy

The propositions I shall present derive from findings about psychological
processes involved in creativity in the arts and in science. These findings
consist primarily of special types of cognitive, motivational, and affective
processes operating at all phases of the creative process. Discovered initially
through intensive and extensive research interviews with highly creative
research subjects, not patients in therapy, they have been further
demonstrated through objective psychological and quantitative analyses of
creative works in progress, and through experiments involving creative
persons and controls.1 Research subjects have consisted of Nobel Prize
laureates in science and literature, awardees of distinctions such as the
Pulitzer Prize, National and American Book Awards, Bowdoin Poetry Prize,
and other literary prizes, membership in United States and British institutes
and academies of arts and sciences, or science alone, as well as neophyte and
potentially creative persons from a wide age range.
Initially, this research consisted of a series of intensive interviews with
highly outstanding American poets, novelists, and playwrights during a
period of their lives when they were actively engaged in some particular
creative work. Located throughout the continental United States, these
persons were offered pay for participation in the project and they agreed to
submit to me their ongoing manuscript work in progress prior to our


sessions. We met regularly on a weekly or biweekly basis for periods of more

than two years in many cases (from the inception to the time of publication of
the work), and our sessions focused directly on work in progress. Starting
with the manuscript material, we discussed the following: nature and source
of revisions, themes, fantasies, inspirations; dreams and life experience
connected with the work; affects, thought processes, and conflicts occurring
during composition and in the interim periods. Although current
psychological processes were in the forefront of the research interview,
childhood background, previous writings, and other past information also
became pertinent. We met regularly, whether or not manuscript material was
produced, and I assured the subjects of anonymity and confidentiality.2 A
similar but modified research design was also applied later to creative
persons in the visual arts and in science. More than 75 such subjects have
been interviewed for a total of more than 1800 hours.
The experimental studies were based on hypotheses developed during
the interview studies and involved presentation of specially constructed
visual stimuli and the administration of word association tasks. Subjects
ranging from highly talented college students to Nobel laureates in science
were tested or exposed to experimental manipulations, and intergroup and
intragroup control comparisons were made. More than 1,000 persons have
been subjects in these experiments, and results have confirmed specific
hypotheses and supported interview findings that I shall present.

The Creative Process of Psychotherapy

In applying these findings to the theory and practice of psychotherapy, I

shall be directly concerned neither with the therapeutic value of creative
activities nor with the psychotherapy of highly creative people, although most
of what follows should have some pertinence to both. My purpose is the
direct application of specific creativity findings to psychotherapy: How can an
understanding of the kinds of thinking involved in the creation of art and
literature, and in the attainment of outstanding discoveries in science, apply
directly to the treatment of mental illness?
To propose some answers to this question, I shall first adopt the
broadest possible perspective on the general issue of mental illness. I do this
especially because we are today beset with much pressure from those who
insist that we should only be tracing physiological factors in mental illness
and only treating such illness to the extent that it is physiological. There is a
hue and cry that treatment should get back to medicine, and this means to
get back to the biochemical and the clearly observable. It behooves us,
therefore, to consider whether there is a specific common ground between
psychological and physiological factors in illness of all kinds.
Let us assess the fundamental issue of normality. As we well know, the
definition of psychological normality is very difficult. With so-called
physiological normality and illness the definition seems much simpler and
more clear-cut. When one contracts pneumonia with cough, sputum, and


fever, neither ones organs nor oneself is functioning. At that point, one is not
normal. To be normal, it is necessary to return to the way one was before the
pneumonia. The deficiency must be corrected and then one will be like
everyone elselungs and person will function like the average or like the
majority of persons and organs do. But with mental health and illness we will
not accept this notion of the average or the majority as normal. Even in this
country, which so strongly emphasizes democracy and equality, I believe that
no one neither patients nor therapists would say that mental health is
equivalent to being average or being the same as everyone else. Furthermore,
returning to the average, or even to a previous state, may realistically not be
sufficient for ameliorating mental illness. Once one has such an illness, almost
invariably there are continued problems.
This also applies in a lesser way to physiological illness. After having
pneumonia, one is nevereven after having stayed in bed, received penicillin
or some other medication, and eventually recovered the way one was
before. The diseased lung area is permanently scarred. Such a scar is rather
minuscule, but it is nevertheless a residuum for life. Everyone is permanently
affected by every disease he has. With the scar on the lung, of course, there is
a deficiency, but it will not lead to recurrence of pneumonia unless there is
further direct exposure to an infectious organism.
Psychologically, however, the problem of deficiency is both more

The Creative Process of Psychotherapy

insidious and more extensive, because patients (N.B., all human beings) are
continually exposed to psychological dangers or threats comparable to
invading organisms. In attempting to help someone return to functioning,
much more is involved than for the doctor to administer penicillin. With the
scar of mental illness, the person needs to be able to adapt better to his
environment than before, and often to adapt better to his environment than
others who have not been scarred. Growth is necessary for effective
Even if therapists did not often see things this way, patients would not
allow them to think differently. Not only is it difficult with a particular patient
to clarify the meaning of the therapeutic goal of helping him function, but
the patient usually rejects such a term or such a goal out of hand. Nor do
patients accept the aims of coping or adjusting, or even adapting," very
readily. They want to be better than they were, or better than others, and
thereby able to deal with the constantly problematic environment human
beings live in. In other words, both patients and therapists are oriented to,
and engaged in, facilitating creation. Both are focused on the patients
creation of aspects of his personality, and both are engaged in an ongoing
mutual creative process that involves the patients personality attributes and
personality structure.3
By creation of personality attributes and structure, I mean something



directly analogous to creation in the prototypical areas of the arts and

sciences. As in the latter areas, there is also in psychotherapy the production
of both the new and the valuable. The patient develops better personality
attributes and structurethese are valuable both to the patient and to society
at large. Moreover, these personality features are new to the patient because
they result in part from a break with the past. Because they are unique to that
individual, as all actively developed attributes intrinsically are, they are new
to the world as well.
Psychotherapy therefore is intrinsically a mutual process of facilitating
creation of aspects of the patients personality, and the better the therapy the
greater the degree of mutual creation. As therapists we focus on the past, or
on the present and future, because the past or elements from it have become
restrictive for the patient. To the extent that the patient becomes free from
the past, he is in a position to make new choices actively and to adopt new
alternatives. These choices arise from the patients conscious and
unconscious, cognitive and affective, decisions about what type of person he
is and what type of person he wants to be. As clear-cut aspects of the creative
process, such choices are based in part on a sense or a knowledge of the
effects of the past and thus are free of the restrictions of the past; they are
particularly free of the repetition compulsion. But there is also a continuity
with the past; the patient makes choices partly on the basis of what he knows
or senses to be the determined and fixed aspects of himself. He accepts

The Creative Process of Psychotherapy


factors in his past which cannot, or need not, be changed. When a radically
innovative artist such as Paul Cezanne creates a new mode in painting, this is
not totally divorced from anything that was ever done before. We appreciate
the accomplishment of Cezanne partly because his work has links and
continuity with that of past artists, especially the Impressionists.
Often what the patient chooses may not coincide with the therapists
own personal preferences. Nevertheless, at the points when such choices are
made, it is incumbent on the therapist to be facilitative or, at least, not to
interfere. Such points are not always easy to identify; they are manifest when
the patient indicates thoughts and feelings involving freedom from past
restrictions and determinants and an active pursuit of self-directed and selfdefining goals. When these emerge, the good therapist knows that he must
listen in a way that allows them to develop and evolve. In a similar way,
creative artists sometimes interact in a facilitative or a non-interfering way
with developing forms and structures in their materials.
In order to collaborate in the mutual creative process, the therapist uses
a wide variety of technical procedures and approaches. Clarification,
interpretation, confrontation, education, exhortation, and non-intervention all
play a role. Furthermore, as psychotherapy must be based on science, the
therapist must derive his technical approaches from a systematic body of
knowledge and theory. He translates his assumptions into hypotheses that he



tests and assesses to some degree in an ongoing way through his work with
patients. While a freeing-up from the past is one aspect of psychotherapy that
facilitates creation, particular additional factors must be involved.
An understanding of particular psychological factors involved in the
creative process enables the therapist to apply and assess hypotheses about
creativity directly in his therapeutic work. Also, it is desirable for the
therapist himself to function creatively in order to initiate and facilitate the
patients engagement in the creative work. Beyond direct creative effects,
modeling is necessary. Although therapists correctly discourage a patients
attempt to become just like, or a carbon copy, of themselves, some degree of
modeling seems to be an inevitable and positive component of the
therapeutic process.4 Given such inevitable modeling, could a therapist expect
the patient to undergo the enormous risk of changing himself and of actually
engaging in creation if the therapist himself is unwilling to take any risks? To
move with the patient toward the valuable and the new, the therapist should
take risks, think flexibly, and engage in the highest degree of creativity of
which he is capable. I specifically propose that he become familiar with, or
enlarge on, and employ particular psychological modes and approaches used
in creative processes.


The Creative Process of Psychotherapy


One of these modes, discovered in the art and science researches, is the
homospatial process (Greek: homoios = same). This process consists of
actively conceiving two or more discrete entities occupying the same space, a
conception leading to the articulation of new identities.5 In the course of
creating literary characters, metaphors, complete works of art, or scientific
theories, creative persons actively conceive images and representations of
multiple entities as superimposed within the same spatial location. These
sharply distinct and independent elements may be represented as discrete
colors, sounds, etc., organized objects such as knives and human faces, or
more complex organizations such as entire landscape scenes, or else a series
of sensory patterns or written words together with their concrete or abstract
meanings. This conception is a figurative and abstract one in the sense that it
represents nothing that has ever existed in reality; it is one of the bases for
constructive and creative imagination. One of the tenets known from
universal sensory experience is that two objects or two discrete entities can
never occupy the same space. Nor can more than two. The creative person,
however, brings multiple entities together in a mental conception for the
purpose of producing new and valuable ideas, images, sound patterns, and
Because of the difficulty in maintaining multiple elements in the same
spatial location, the homospatial conception is frequently a rapid, fleeting,
and transitory mental experience. Although this form of cognition often



involves the visual sensory modality, and like all constructive imagination is
probably easiest to describe in visual terms, the superimposed entities may
be derived from any one of the sensory modalities. There may be entities and
sensations of the gustatory, olfactory, auditory, kinesthetic, or tactile type.
The homospatial process is a special type of secondary process
cognition; it is neither primary process thinking or a form of regression in
the service of the ego.6 Nor is it a form of condensation or displacement,
despite the sharing of superficial similarities such as the breaking of spatial
restrictions. It is a specific ego function that serves to produce creative and
adaptive results.
Unlike primary process condensation, the homospatial process involves
no spatial substitutions or compromise formations, but sensory entities are
consciously and intentionally conceived as occupying an identical spatial
location. This produces a hazy and unstable mental percept rather than the
vivid images characteristically due to primary process, because consciously
superimposed discrete spatial elements cannot be held in exactly the same
place. From this unstable image, a new identity then is articulated in the form
of a metaphor or other type of aesthetic or scientific unity. Also, whereas in
primary process condensation aspects of various entities are combined in the
same spatial area in order to represent all of those entities at once, the
homospatial process involves no combinations but rather whole images

The Creative Process of Psychotherapy


interacting and competing for the same location. For example, a patients
dream about a man named Lipstein is reported by Grinstein7 and shown to be
a clear-cut instance of a condensation of the names Grinstein and Lipschutz.
Rather than such a compromise formation in a mental image which
necessarily involves change or transformation of one or both of the elements
entering into the compromise, the homospatial process operating with these
same name elements would instead involve mental images of the full names
Grinstein and Lipschutz as neither combined nor modified nor adjusted but
visualized unchanged within exactly the same mentally depicted space.
Although the homospatial process involves sensory images and the
alteration of ordinary perceptual experience, it is a conscious, deliberate, and
reality-oriented mode of cognition. Ordinary perceptual experience is
consciously manipulated and mentally transcended in order to create new
and valuable entities. The homospatial process is a type of logic-transcending
operation that I have called a translogical process.8 Such a process deals
with reality by improving upon it. As reality-oriented, reality-transcending,
and deliberate, it is a part of the secondary process mode.
Examples of this process that I have previously described are a poet
research subjects superimposition of the mental image of a horse together
with the mental image of a man. This complex concatenation of images led to
a central creation in a poem concerning the alienation of modern man.



Constructed as a metaphorical description and poetic image, this central

creation presented the horse and rider as virtually fused, as follows:
Meadows received us, heady with unseen lilac.
Brief, polyphonic lives abounded everywhere.
With one accord we circled the small lake.9

Also, playwright Arthur Miller told me, in the course of a research interview,
that his initial conception of the play Death of a Salesman consisted of
superimposed mental images of a man occupying the same space as the inside
of his own head. Novelist Robert Penn Warren indicated that he created the
character Jack Burden in his famous novel All the Kings Men from a mental
superimposition of his self-image or self-representation upon the mental
images or representations of a young man he had known. A Nobel laureate
microbiologist reported that he visualized himself superimposed upon an
atom in an enzyme molecule in the process of constructing a new scientific
theory. From another source than my own researches, Pyle has reported that
the scientist Fuller Albright developed innovative and useful formulations of
cellular mechanisms by thinking of himself as a cell10
Experimental assessment of the creative effect of the homospatial
process has been carried out by means of an externalized concrete
representation of the mental conception consisting of transilluminated
superimposed slide images.11 In one experiment the function of the process
in literary creativity was assessed. Ten pairs of slide images, specially

The Creative Process of Psychotherapy


constructed to represent literary themes of love, animals, war, aging, etc.,

were projected superimposed and side-by-side respectively to an
experimental and matched control group of creative writers. An example of
superimposition of one of the image pairs, consisting of nuns in front of St.
Peters and racing jockeys, is shown in Figure 1. Subjects in both groups were
instructed to produce short literary metaphors inspired by each of the
projected images. Results were that metaphors produced in response to the
superimposed images, representing externalizations of the homospatial
conception, were blindly rated significantly more highly creative by
independent writer judges than the metaphors produced in response to the
side-by-side images. By shortening time of exposure of the projected images
and encouraging mental imaging in another identically designed experiment
with other creative writer groups, results were produced that supported the
conclusion that creative effects were due to mental superimposition of



Figure 1: An example of a superimposed (homospatial) stimulus. The

slide photograph of the nuns at bottom left is projected on a screen
together with the slide photograph of the jockeys at bottom right to
produce the superimposed effect at the top [originals in color].

In order to trace connections between the visually stimulated

homospatial conception and a visual creative result, and to replicate the
findings in artistic creativity, another experiment was carried out with visual
artists. Subjects were asked to create pastel drawings in response to either
superimposed or side-by-side slide images under the same experimental
conditions as in the literary experiment. Independent artist and art critic
judges rated the products and the superimposed image presentation resulted
in significantly more highly creative drawings. Also, specific features of line,

The Creative Process of Psychotherapy


color, etc., of the drawings themselves gave evidence that they were produced
from superimposed mental representations.
Another experiment was carried out with highly talented, award-winning artists to assess whether the results of all the previous experiments
could have been due to stimulus presentation effects. Single images were
constructed to represent composite foreground-background displays of the
same slide pairs used in transilluminated superimposition. This experiment
also showed significantly higher rated created products in response to the
superimposed images. All the experiments together indicate a distinct
connection between consciously constructed superimposed images
representing the homospatial conception and the production of creative

The term I have used for another creative function derives from the
qualities of the Roman god, Janus. This god, a very important one in the
Roman list, had faces that looked in diametrically opposite directions
simultaneously. As the god of entryways and doorways, he was able to look
both inside and outside at once. Very likely this function became symbolically
elaborated because he was also the god of beginnings who looked both
backwards and forwards commemorated by the calendar use of his name



in the month January and in several myths he was considered the creator of
the world. Although he is often depicted as having two faces (Janus bifrons),
Roman doorways were multifaceted, having four or even six entryways, and
in Roman literature he is described variously as having two, four, or six faces,
all looking in opposite directions.12 On the basis of this feature, and his
mythological importance, I have used his name for another empirical finding,
the janusian process.
The janusian process consists of actively conceiving two or more
opposites or antitheses simultaneously. During the course of the creative
process, opposite or antithetical ideas, concepts, or propositions are
deliberately and consciously conceptualized side-by-side and/or as coexisting
simultaneously. Although seemingly illogical and self-contradictory, these
formulations are constructed in clearly logical and rational states of mind in
order to produce creative effects. They occur as early conceptions in the
development of artworks and scientific theories and at critical junctures at
middle and later stages as well. Because they serve generative functions
during both formative and critical stages of the creative process, these
conceptions usually undergo transformation and modification and are seldom
directly discernible in final created products. They are formulated by the
creative thinker as central ideas for a plot, character, artistic composition, or
as solutions in working out practical and scientific tasks.

The Creative Process of Psychotherapy


Simultaneity of the multiple opposites or antitheses is a cardinal

feature. Opposite or antithetical ideas, beliefs, concepts, or propositions are
formulated as simultaneously operating, valid, or true. Firmly held
propositions, for example, about the laws of nature, the functioning of
individuals and groups, and the aesthetic properties of visual and sound
patterns are conceived as simultaneously true and not-true. Or, opposite or
antithetical propositions are entertained as concomitantly operative. A
person running is both in motion and not in motion at the same time, a
chemical is both boiling and freezing, or kindness and sadism operate
simultaneously. Previously held beliefs or laws are still considered valid but
opposite or antithetical beliefs and laws are formulated as equally operative
or valid as well.
These formulations within the janusian process are waystations to
creative effects and outcomes. They interact and join with other cognitive and
affective developments to produce new and valuable products. One of these
developments may be a later interaction with unifying homospatial process
effects. Others may be the use of analogic, dialectic, inductive, and deductive
reasoning to develop theories, inventions, and artworks. The janusian process
usually begins with the recognition and choice of salient opposites and
antitheses in a scientific, cultural, or aesthetic field, progresses to the
formulation of these factors operating simultaneously, and then to elaborated
creations. For example, in an interview with one of my poet research subjects



carried out shortly after he had begun the earlier mentioned poem
concerning the alienation of modern man, he described a germinating idea
involving the formulation that a horse was simultaneously both a beast and
not-a-beast, and also both human and not-human. This formulation
developed from his chance encounter some time earlier with a horse in
Arizonas Monument Valley which evoked thoughts regarding separation and
opposition between human and animal species. Over the following several
weeks, he engaged in various types of thinkingincluding the construction of
other homospatial and janusian formulations and constructed a five stanza
poem in which the initial idea was transformed and elaborated. The final lines
of the poem referred to that initial idea in the following way:
About the ancient bond between her [the horse] kind and mine
Little more to speak of can be done.13

Numerous other research subjects have also described central

formulations and breakthroughs for novels, plays, and scientific discoveries
that manifested simultaneous antithesis or opposition. Playwright Arthur
Miller told me that his initial idea for the play Incident at Vichy consisted of
conceiving both the beauty and growth of modern Germany and Hitlers
destructiveness simultaneously. In science, Nobel laureate Edwin McMillans
formulation of critical phase stability leading to his development of the
synchrocyclotron (later called the synchrotron) was derived from a sudden
realization involving simultaneous opposition. The synchrotron is a high

The Creative Process of Psychotherapy


energy particle accelerator that has allowed for the discovery of a number of
new particles and other nuclear effects. McMillan described the sequence of
events to me in the following verbatim transcription:
It was in the month of July. I think it was the month of July. I didnt put
down the dateI should record these things. It was night. I was lying
awake in bed and thinking of a way of getting high energy and I was
thinking of the cyclotron and the particle going around and encountering
the accelerator field the right phase each time around. And I thought of
what will happen if the resonance is wrong, if the period is wrong, what
will happen? And I sort of analyzed in my mind that its going around and
its being accelerated, and its getting heavier; therefore, its taking more
time to get around, and it will fall out of step. Then it gets behind and it gets
the opposite sense. It gets pushed back again, so it will oscillate. Its going to
oscillate back and forth, be going at too high and too low energy. Once I
realized that, then the rest was easy.14
If the timing is wrong, its not going to fall completely out of step
but it will overshoot and come back. Phase stability, I call it phase stability.
The very next day I called it phase stability. Phase is the relation time
relation of what youre worried about. Stability implies that it clings to a
certain value. It may oscillate about, but it clings to a certain fixed value.

Here, McMillan described the sudden formulation of a critical concept

that led to the construction of the synchrotron. He conceived the
simultaneously opposite states of too high and too low energy. Realizing that
out- of-step particles would fall back in the accelerator field, he grasped the
idea that these particles would be forced to accelerate. Consequently, they
would oscillate and be both too high and too low in energy with respect to the
overall accelerator field. They would be lower in energy because they were



heavier and out of phase and would be also higher in energy because they
would overshoot. Consequently, they would be stable overall with respect to
the field. As McMillan told me in further elaboration: Once you have an
oscillation, you have the element of stability. The things will stay put. They
will wiggle around but they wont get away from you. Then all you have to do
is to vary your frequency, or vary the magnetic field, either one or both,
slowly, and you can push this thing anywhere you want. That all happened
one night and the next day I started to write down the equations for that and
proved that it would work.
Other research subjects in both art and science have also described such
janusian formulations. Outside of data from my direct investigations with
living creative persons, I have in addition presented detailed documentary
evidence indicating that both Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr used a janusian
process in the development of the general theory of relativity and the theory
of complementarity, respectively.15 For Einstein, the key formulation
providing the physical basis of the general theory what he called the
happiest thought of my life consisted of the idea that a person falling from
the roof of a house was both in motion and in rest at the same time. For Niels
Bohr, his initial formulation of complementarity the theoretical construct
on which quantum physics is based was that light and electrons possessed
antithetical wave and particle features simultaneously.

The Creative Process of Psychotherapy


A tendency or capacity for the use of the janusian process, manifested

by rapid opposite responding on word association tasks, has also been
identified experimentally. Standard Kent-Rosanoff word association tests
were individually administered to rated-as-creative16 college students and
business executives and to Nobel laureates in science. Control groups
consisted of matched but rated-less-creative students and business
executives, and high IQ psychiatric patients. Test instructions were to give the
first word that came to mind in response to a standardized list of word
stimuli; both speed and content of response were electronically recorded. The
experimenters made special attempts to reduce any anxiety related to testing
in order to ensure spontaneous and valid associational responses. After
factoring out any tendency to give common and popular types of responses,
results indicated a significantly higher number of rapid opposite responses
given by creative subjects than by subjects in any of the control groups.17
Speed of opposite responding among creative subjects in these experiments
was extremely rapid, averaging 1.1 to 1.2 seconds from the time the
experimenter spoke the stimulus word, suggesting the formulation of
simultaneous, or virtually simultaneous, opposite associations.
In the chapters to follow, I shall discuss the specific ways these two
processes, homospatial and janusian, are used to facilitate the mutual creative
process of psychotherapy. To some degree, they are part of every creative
therapists function and skill, and to some degree, they must be further



developed. I shall explore metaphor as therapeutic intervention, empathy,

grasp of conflict, paradoxical and ironic interventions, and error in the overall
context of treatment, and describe the ongoing and overall creative function
of the process of articulation. In the final chapter I shall discuss the patients
active creative role and the reasons for the therapeutic effect.
Before embarking on this detailed exposition of the creative process of
psychotherapy, I shall turn to a broader aspect of the therapists creative
functioning and one that serves as a background for some of the specific
operations. In describing this next factor, the focus on form in creative
activities, I shall take an opportunity to set up a slight mystery at the start.

The Creative Process of Psychotherapy


1. Albert Rothenberg, The Iceman Changeth: Toward an Empirical Approach to Creativity, Journal of
the American Psychoanalytic Association, 17(1969): 549-607; The Process of Janusian
Thinking in Creativity, Archives of General Psychiatry, 24(1971): 195-205; Poetic
Process and Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, 3(1972):238-254; Word Association and
Creativity, Psychological Reports, 3 3(1973):3-12; Opposite Responding as a Measure of
Creativity, Psychological Reports, 3 3(1973): 15-18; Homospatial Thinking in
Creativity, Archives of General Psychiatry, 3 3(1979): 17-26; The Emerging Goddess. The
Creative Process in Art, Science and Other Fields, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1979; Psychopathology and Creative Cognition. A Comparison of Hospitalized Patients,
Nobel Laureates, and Controls, Archives of General Psychiatry, 40( 198 3):9 3 7942;
Janusian Process and Scientific Creativity: The Case of Niels Bohr, Contemporary
Psychoanalysis, 19(1983): 101-119; Artistic Creation as Stimulated by Superimposed
Versus Combined-Composite Visual Images, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
50( 1986):370 381. Albert Rothenberg and Robert S. Sobel, Creation of Literary
Metaphors as Stimulated by Superimposed Versus Separated Visual Images, Journal of
Mental Imagery, 4(1980):7791; Effects of Shortened Exposure Time on the Creation
of Literary Metaphors as Stimulated by Superimposed Versus Separated Visual Images,
Perceptual and Motor Skills, 5 3(1981): 1007-1009. Robert S. Sobel and Albert
Rothenberg, Artistic Creation as Stimulated by Superimposed Versus Separated Visual
Images, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(1980) 953-961.
2. Subsequent to participating in the research project, some subjects granted me permission to disclose
their names in connection with specific material and reports. Those names appear
throughout this book. In other instances, disclosure permission has not been granted and
anonymity is maintained.
3. See Calvin S. Hall and Gardner Lindzey, Theories of Personality, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1978,
pp. 6-8, for a discussion of the difficulty in providing a general substantive definition of
personality. The definition I shall follow here is that personality consists of the
organization of an individuals patterns of action and behavior as well as all intrapsychic
and interpersonal functions. In referring to personality attributes and structure, I mean
to include both particular features and overall organization.
4. It is generally acknowledged that some degree of residual identification with the therapist persists



and cannot be analyzed or worked through.

5. Rothenberg, Homospatial Thinking; The Emerging Goddess.
6. Ernst Kris, Psychoanalytic Studies of Art, New York: International Universities Press, 1952.
7. Alexander Grinstein, Freud's Rules of Dream Interpretation, New York: International Universities
Press, 1983, p. 187.
8. Albert Rothenberg, Translogical Secondary Process Cognition in Creativity, Journal of Altered States
of Consciousness, 4<19789): 171 187; The Emerging Goddess.
9. Authors name and citation withheld upon request.
10. Eleanor B. Pyle, Fuller Albrights Inimitable Style, Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin, 56(1982) 4651
11. Rothenberg, Superimposed versus Combined-Composite Visual Images; and Sobel, op. cit., 1980,
1981; Sobel and Rothenberg, 1980.
12.. L. A. Holland, Janus and the Bridge, Rome: American Academy, 1961.
13. Rothenberg, The Emerging Goddess.
14. Emphasis added.
15. Albert Rothenberg, Einstein, Bohr, and Creative Thinking in Science, History of Science, 25 (1987):
16. Creativity ratings were based on questionnaire responses regarding strength of creative interests
and previous awards and achievements. This questionnaire had been cross-validated
with independent creativity ratings by teachers and peers in a separate study.
17. Rothenberg, Word Association"; Opposite Responding; Psychopathology and Creative
Cognition" Results of comparisons of high creative and low creative business executives
responses by means of t-test as indicated here were not reported in the Opposite

The Creative Process of Psychotherapy


Responding article concerning those groups because these subjects were used only to
devise a standardized method for scoring creative responding at that time.



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