Math 3-7

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Date: Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016

Subject: Math: 3-7 Practice Adding Using Strategies

Common Core Standard(s):
Number and Operations in Base Ten 2.NBT
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and
5. Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value,
properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.


Practice Adding Using Strategies

Objective: Choose and use any strategy to add two-digit numbers.
Essential Understanding: There are different ways to add two-digit
numbers. Certain strategies may be better to use for a problem than


3-7 Math Pages Doc camera/projector
100s charts
Whole group on large rug with clipboards, math pages, and
o The teacher will point out the addition strategy mini anchor
charts on the wall/shade and remind students what they
have learned so far.
o The teacher will read the first problem to the students and
allow them a few minutes to solve using a strategy.
o The students will then turn and whisper to their math
partner how they solved the problem/which strategy they
The students will return to their tables and work on the guided
practice page.
The teacher will ask for a few students to share how they solved
the first problem on the board (what strategy they used).
The teacher will direct students to complete problem two and then
ask for a few students that the teacher sees has used a specific
strategy to share on the board.
While students are waiting, they will be told to answer the Do you
understand? question.

Solve and


t Practice

The students will continue to solve problems using the different

strategies that they have learned about.
The teacher will circulate and check the students work
If there is time at the end, the teacher will ask students to share
their strategies to certain problems on the board or with the
Annie Vincent

document camera.

Plans for differentiation:

Part of this lesson will be in the whole group format, I know there are students that
I need to check in with so that they remain focused for the whole group lesson.
I will have hundreds charts available at the rug for students to choose when
solving the first solve and share problem. They can continue to use these charts
at their desks or use the one in their safe place folder.
Math packet
Plans for accommodation/modification:
There is one student with an IEP that is low in reading and math. She sometimes
will lose focus during the lessons as a whole group. I will need to make sure I check in
with her often.
Whats next?
Topic 3-8: Solve One-Step and Two-Step Problems

Annie Vincent

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