Groundwater Modelling With Limited Data: A Case Study of Yobe River Basin, North East Nigeria
Groundwater Modelling With Limited Data: A Case Study of Yobe River Basin, North East Nigeria
Groundwater Modelling With Limited Data: A Case Study of Yobe River Basin, North East Nigeria
4, 51-62
Copyright Faculty of Engineering, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria.
Print ISSN: 1596-2490, Electronic ISSN: 2545-5818
An exploratory numerical groundwater model of a shallow aquifer interacting with a river in a semi-arid zone
was developed using MODFLOW. The model simulated field data adequately as well as the physical processes
presented in its conceptual framework. The conceptualization of the aquifer to exist under both confined and
unconfined conditions can be adequately described in the model. Water balance from the model shows that river
to aquifer flow dominates aquifer recharge processes, and its magnitude is limited not only by relative head
difference, but also by the transmissivity and hydraulic gradient of the aquifer.
1. Introduction
Groundwater models are tools that are aimed at predicting the consequences of a proposed
action. They are also used in an interpretive sense to gain insight into the controlling
parameters in a site-specific setting or as a framework for assembling and organising field
data and formulating ideas about system dynamics. The techniques of groundwater modelling
are well documented in Wang and Anderson (1982), Anderson and Woessner (1992) and
Spitz and Moreno (1996).
The modelling of groundwater is primarily of value when adequate extensive data exist. In
such situations, conventional calibration and validation approaches may be possible. But
detailed measurements throughout a site are both impractical and expensive. In such cases, the
model is constrained to represent the site to those that are acceptably realistic. The inherent
scarcity of data is particularly relevant in developing countries where there is limited
information about soil and aquifer properties, and where monitoring and record keeping may
be poor. Therefore, models which display economy of complexity, but which are based on
sound conceptual frameworks are needed. The models must reflect those features of the
groundwater system, which really matter. They must also be credible and reliable.
Department of Physics, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri. Nigeria
Institute of Water and Environment, Cranfield University, Silsoe. Bedford, MK45 4DT UK.
Groundwater modelling with limited data
(1986), Diyam (1987) and NEAZDP (1990) with various terms of reference were engaged for
two decades (1975-1995) with the mandate to develop the groundwater in the river basin.
These previous works have identified four natural features that limit opportunities for the
development of water resources in the area. They include aridity, highly seasonal climate,
climates that have shown major changes or trends in recent decades and poor aquifer (Carter,
1998). These studies did not address the state of the groundwater in the area or state possible
management strategies based on water availability. Studies by Alkali (1995) as well as Carter
and Alkali (1996) suggested that the shallow aquifer in the Yobe Basin has complex
hydrogeologic features. For example, it was discovered that the aquifer is covered extensively
with low permeability clay that hinders vertical infiltration of water. According to them, the
dominant factor in the recharge of the aquifer is the river and that the aquifer is capable of
converting from unconfined to confined conditions. Another desk study that consists of photo-
interpretation of the geomophological features of the Yobe floodplain by Marinof-Petkoff
(1994) and hydrogeological and geophysical studies by Hassan (2002) have shown that some
areas of the Yobe River Basin are covered by permeable deposits.
In all the studies carried out in the area, there was difficulty in assessing the aquifer potential
based on the existing field data. There was complete lack of historical data in some cases. For
example, data on groundwater level fluctuation, recharge estimates, aquifer parameters and
lithology are not readily available. In the cases where some data, such as river stage variation
and discharge exist, there were problems of missing records. Carrying out conventional
modelling in such cases is difficult.
AZOJETE Vol. 4 2004
Some or all of the problems discussed above need to be addressed in the context of existing
data. This limitation of data has constrained the development of a full-scale model where
calibration, verification, validation and prediction are possible. In view of this, an exploratory
groundwater model was developed using MODFLOW to assess the aquifer potential based on
the existing data.
The idealized conceptual model was used to design and simulate various scenarios using the
MODFLOW model. A combined pre- and post-processor, model independent graphical
interface called Groundwater Vistas was used for data input and for interactive modelling
Groundwater modelling with limited data
The modelled area was discretized three-dimensionally. The size of the grid blocks were 500
m in the x-direction and variable in the y-direction with the smallest being 35 m and the
largest 150 m. Each grid consists of 3 columns and 50 rows with row25 containing the river.
In the vertical direction, the model consists of a 16 m thick layer. Figure 3 shows the finite
difference grid of the study area.
AZOJETE Vol. 4 2004
Water Level (m ald)
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86
Stress Periods (10 days)
Flow (m3/day/500m of aquifer length)
-200 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86
Stress period (10 days long)
Sensitivity analysis was carried out on the wide range of aquifer parameters to arrive at
acceptable values. These parameters and their values are as follows:
A recharge value of 1.25 mm/day was estimated using a water balance model (Hess, 1997).
This is equivalent to 50 mm of recharge per annum. This amount is consistent with
independent estimates by Carter et al. (1994) and Edmonds et al. (2002). The recharge was
applied to rows 29 to 33 and in stress periods 32 to 35 inclusive. Figure 7 shows an extract of
the finite difference grid area of interest and the recharging zone. These stress periods
correspond to 10th 19th September to 10th 19th October respectively when recharge is
believed to occur.
AZOJETE Vol. 4 2004
The outputs from the model consisting of groundwater heads for each of the 86 stress periods
were used for calculation of the various flow processes. The river to aquifer flow is calculated
using Equation 1.
Water levels (m ald)
37.50 Modelled
37.00 P7
23 28 33 38 43 48 53
Stress periods (10 days long)
Modelled heads at node (33,2), 637.5 Observed hydrogrph of P6, 600 m from
m from the river the river
Water levels (m ald)
39 39
Water level (m ald)
Figure 9: Groundwater heads at 600 m south of the river; (a) modelled, (b) observed
mald = meters above local datum
aquifer (node 25, 2) beneath the river to adjacent nodes north and south of the river. The
results show that the flow to the confined north is much smaller than the flow to the
unconfined south. Similar results are shown in Figure 11 where nodes (17, 2) and (32, 2) are
located 637.5m away from the river in both directions. The figure suggests that the model has
the ability to exhibit the rapidity and inertia of the confined and unconfined conditions
obtained in the north and south of the basin respectively.
1000 North
Flow (m3/day)
-200 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81
-1000 Stress period (10 day long)
Groundwater modelling with limited data
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Stress Period (10 days long)
4. Conclusion
The basic and exploratory single layer model has demonstrated the ability to simulate
adequately the observed field data. It also reflected the physical processes presented in its
conceptualization. Despite uncertainties in the estimates of some parameters such as river
coefficients and aquifer parameters, the similarity between the model results and observed
AZOJETE Vol. 4 2004
data is encouraging. The model was able to demonstrate that in confined areas, less water
enters the aquifer and there is immediate response to changes in the application of stress when
compared to the unconfined areas. The results from the model are plausible and represent to
some extent the understanding incorporated in its conception.
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