UPLBRDEDigest Vol2No2
UPLBRDEDigest Vol2No2
UPLBRDEDigest Vol2No2
AWARDING CEREMONIES: Western Philippines University President Dr. Concepto B. Magay (leftmost) and Dr. Divinia C. Chavez, STARRDEC RRDCC Chair and
President, Cavite State University (2nd from left) present the plaques to (from left, clockwise): Dr. Rita P. Laude, CAS-Institute of Biological Sciences;
Dr. Elda B. Esguerra, CA-Crop Science Cluster; and Dr. Edna A. Aguilar of the CA-Crop Science Cluster and Dr. Juliet A. Anarna of BIOTECH-UPLB.
PHOTOS: courtesy of STARRDEC
UPLB cops regional R&D awards 1 Climate change and food security ... 7 UPLB gets patent for mango CA ... 16
Watch research videos online ... 3 Organic agri law's IRR discussed ... 11 UPLB shares TBI experiences ... 18
Experts propose a 'collaboratory' 3 Experts move against armyworm ... 12 PIONEER expands ST park operation ... 18
Citrus leaf mottling culprit ... 4 Developing technopreneurs ... 13 Photo News ... 19
ISSUE: Cheap superconductor fabricated ...
Lahar as enzyme immobilizer ...
A new photobioreactor for biofuel ...
Lakatan and latundan ripens better ...
Photo NewsVolume
... 2 Number 2
May 2010 - October 2010
to their respective unit follow the requirements
websites. of the funding agency.
Website content Baños Information Technology Center Aside from orienting and updating
managers trained on (UPLB ITC). the managers in using the system,
the activity also served as a discussion
using Joomla! According to Vice-Chancellor for venue on how to resolve technical
Research and Extension Dr. Enrico P. issues periodically encountered in the
tudents, researchers, and internet According to Dr. Supangco, "we are University" have also been made online
users from all over the globe tapping the power and reach of the so that officials, faculty and researchers,
can now watch presentations Internet and social media to deliver the given access to a fast broadband
and discussions on the latest scientific outputs of our research investments." connection, can easily access and play
investigations conducted at the the videos for showing anywhere in the
University of the Philippines Los He also said that with the online world.
Baños (UPLB) through the newest videos, "we can further expose our
web facility developed by the Office of research findings to the scientific world Also, all issues of the UPLB RDE
the Vice-Chancellor for Research and and increase possibilities for more Digest have been uploaded for online
Extension (OVCRE). research collaboration and funding.” reading in the UPLB RDE Portal.
Vice-Chancellor Enrico P. Supangco Although a work in progress, the UPLB The OVCRE will be foraying into web
reported that the OVCRE’s Research Research Videos Online website has streaming and/ or podcasting of R and
Utilization and Dissemination Section already accumulated more than 10,000 D-related activities in the near future.
launched its UPLB Research Videos page views since its launch five months
Online website during the first week ago. To watch the videos online, just log on
of April 2010. Currently, 31 videos are to www.uplb.edu.ph/rde and click on
available in the website and more are In related developments, chapter the Science Videos link, or enter http://
currently being developed and prepared videos of the documentary "UPLB: researchvideo.uplb.edu.ph in your
for uploading. The Philippines’ Premier Research Internet browser. (Florante A. Cruz) ■
our young and promising experts With a collaboratory, scientists can "In its weather forecasting work,
from the College of Arts and communicate online, have the ability the Philippine Atmospheric and
Sciences-Institute of Computer to access remotely shared research Geophysical and Astronomical Services
Science recently gave insights during instruments, documents and files; Administration just uses an 80-node
their respective lectures last September and visualize their seemingly abstract system. We have already conducted
13, 2010 on how the university can experiments through computer some research here at the Institute of
take advantage of its resources in systems. Computer Science which used 250
putting up a National Collaboratory computer nodes," Prof. Pabico added.
for Computing Research. In particular, a collaboratory would
enable the university to enhance its Prof. Mariano also reported that UPLB
The lectures were the following: capability to conduct simulation is already collaborating with several
"Advanced Intelligent Systems to modeling, scientific visualization and international organizations. Prof.
Propel UPLB into the Next Century" novel data analysis. Mariano is actually working with IRRI
by Prof. Jaderick P. Pabico; "Digital in developing machine vision systems
Image and Video Analysis for the Already, the computer experts say that for rice, as well as with a multinational
Next Century" by Prof. Vladimir UPLB's computational grid is very corporation in developing a system for
Y. Mariano; "Role of a Computer impressive and can accomodate this grading pineapple.
Simulation and Modeling Laboratory" proposed collaboratory.
by Prof. Arian J. Jacildo and "High According to the four experts, if UPLB
Performance Computing for According to Prof. Pabico, "UPLB is will be developed into a collaboratory,
Collaboratory Research" by Prof. capable of pursuing the establishment it may be able to work hand-in-hand
Joseph Anthony C. Hermocilla. of a national collaboratory" since the with other prestigious universities and
university have at least 1,200 high-end research centers in the future in fields
A collaboratory is essentially a computers, with 600 units or more of computer forensics and security,
"collaborative laboratory" or a center already connected to the university computer gaming, web computing, and
"without walls." fiber optic network. multimedia systems. (Florante A. Cruz) ■
Volume 2 Number 2
May 2010 - October 2010 3
THE Grafted seedlings at four months
ave you ever seen a citrus showing early symptoms of Citrus leaf mottling.
crop with leaves blotched in
different shades of yellow and FOR THE STUDY'S DISEASE TRANSMISSION
green? TESTS, grafted seedlings of Citrofortunella
microcarpa (calamansi) rootstocks with Citrus
If you had, chances are, you have seen sinensis (sweet orange) scions were used.
one showing symptoms of what plant
pathologists call as "citrus leaf mottling" Through a study funded by the UPLB
-a very serious disease which has greatly Basic Research Program, Dr. Sta. Cruz'
devastated the Philippine citrus industry team gathered calamansi, sweet orange,
during the 1960s. pummelo, and kumquat plants with
mottling symptoms from plantations BLOTCHY MOTTLE is evident on the leaves of
Caused by the bacteria Candidatus in Los Baños, Laguna; Padre Garcia, this seedling at a full year after its grafting.
Liberibacter sp., it is known as 'citrus Batangas; and San Pablo City.
greening' in countries such as China, with mottling disease.
Taiwan, Indonesia, India and South Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR),
Africa. The insect Diaphorina citri Dr. Sta Cruz' team was able to detect The research team also used two other
serves as the vector of the disease in the the presence of C. Liberibacter in the methods to detect the disease-gentisic
Philippines. diseased samples. acid detection (GAD) and iodostarch
reaction (IR) test. However, Dr. Sta. Cruz
Although the causal organism of citrus And to further build up on the results, recommended the use of PCR since aside
leaf mottling in other countries has scions were taken from the diseased from being the most sensitive, it provides
already been identified, its pathogenic samples and grafted to healthy citrus reliable results and specifically determines
cause in the Philippines has never been rootstocks. "We were able to transmit the presence of the pathogen.
established-scientific literature from the the disease-our experiments showed
country still report that it is caused by a that a diseased scion will infect the whole Though the GAD and IR tests should
virus rather than by a bacteria. plant as early as four months after being be further evaluated and optimized, Dr.
grafted," Dr. Sta. Cruz said. Sta. Cruz reported that the two tests may
The lack of an established identity of be applicable for large-scale testing when
the citrus leaf mottling pathogen has "With PCR, we were also able to and where PCR facilities are lacking.
led to a myriad of problems in disease detect the pathogen in the other parts
diagnosis, indexing of planting materials, of the grafted seedling a few months Dr. Sta. Cruz' research is an important
and development of proper disease after, leading us to correctly infer that step in controlling the disease ravaging
management schemes. Candidatus Liberibacter sp. is indeed the the citrus industry. "Because we now
culprit behind citrus leaf mottling in the truly know the causal organism, we can
Only very recently, Dr. Sta. Cruz of the country," she concluded. help put forward the correct management
College of Agriculture-Crop Protection methods to control the spread of the
Center, together with Dr. Rizaldo G. This has been the first report in disease," she concluded. (Florante A.
Bayot and other colleagues, finally put the country on the detection and Cruz, with reports from Schenley Anne A.
into record the identity of the pathogen. transmission of C. Liberibacter in citrus Belmonte and Mae Ann F. Bulang) ■
Superconductors also exhibit a property "What is truly amazing is that our electrical current than its equivalent
called 'perfect diamagnetism' enabling fabrication methods is similar to how copper wire.
it to create a magnetic field opposite we make an ordinary ceramic figurine,"
another material, making magnetic Prof. Herrera reported. "With cheaper superconductors, we can
levitation possible. achieve energy efficiency, especially in
According to the project leader, "about the transmission and use of electricity,"
With funding from the UPLB Basic P90,000 only was spent in fabricating Prof. Herrera shared.
Research Program and assistance of these Bismuth-based superconductors."
Darwin B. Putungan, Teodorick Barry Moreover, the technology may also
R. Manguerra, Fjorda Kim R. Rubian, Albeit the simple and improvised help reduce the cost of producing
Katherine M. Calamba, and Vicki methods of fabrication, the results of superconductor-based applications and
Ann A. Bagulbagul, Prof. Herrera the study were presented during the equipment such as magnetic resonance
used improvised partial-melting, International Conference on Materials imaging and magnetic levitation trains
sedimentation, and calendering for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) in the future.
techniques to produce Bismuth-2212 held in Singapore last year.
(chemically, Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8) The study and its results prove that
superconductors in polycrystalline, And although Prof. Herrera's work the pursuit of new materials by local
thin film, and tape forms, is only basic research, its innovation scientists in a developing country such
respectively—techniques which carries great promise in reducing the as ours is a definite possibility. (Florante
are significantly less costly than the cost of energy. Superconducting tape, A. Cruz and Mae Ann F. Bulang, with
standard ones employed by the industry. for example, can carry 200 times more reports from Gerard E. Cueto) ■
Volume 2 Number 2
May 2010 - October 2010 5
nzymes are proteins present in
Volume 2 Number 2
May 2010 - October 2010 7
A servant of God,
a man of science
hurch lay minister and
agricultural scientist rolled
into one – that is the Deputy
Director of the Crop Science Cluster of
the College of Agriculture, University
of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) – PHOTO: EAAGRON
Dr. Artemio M. Salazar, fondly called
by friends and colleagues as "Doc Art". "Up to college, my driving force, According to Doc Art, the Lagkitan
essentially, has always been to finish corn is stewed as nilagang mais. On the
Tracing back humble beginnings a degree, land a job, and to get out of other hand, yellow corn is used as feeds
poverty," he shared. His parents used to say for farm animals like pigs and chicken.
"I am also a normal person so I admit "pag-aaral lang ang maipapamana namin at
that studying is indeed a hard thing to walang makakanakaw niyan sa iyo." Last year, they introduced the high
do. It is normal for us not to appreciate Yield and Protein Corn, named YAP
many things from school but when you Keeping these in mind, Doc Art took corn in honor of the then Agriculture
start working, you will realize that you his BS Agricultural Chemistry and Secretary Arthur C. Yap. This white
should have really paid attention," said masters degree in Plant Breeding both corn variety is an alternative staple for
Doc Art. at UPLB. He became a PhD scholar in rice, and when specially combined with
plant breeding at Iowa State University rice is called "rice-corn."
Just like any child in the world, Doc in the United States, and graduated in
Art had dreamt of something he 1983. Each and every hardwork Doc Art
wanted to be and had gone to school endures is for the Filipino, specially
to achieve it. But each day, he always With the continuously growing human those who find living through farming.
found the need to excel in everything population in the country, access He always had a heart for the works
to maintain the only way he can to the limited supply of food has of the poor with whom he finds
continue studying– his scholarship. always been a struggle especially for stories similar to what he had during
the poor Filipinos. Good thing, Doc childhood.
Doc Art first wanted to become a Art dedicates his life in developing
medical doctor, but back then he the varieties of crops majority of his Uniting faith and science
already knew his family cannot afford countrymen need on their dining
a doctor's education. Their family tables. Science has always been used as a
have lived as illegal settlers in the town tool to understand nature. Though
proper of Los Baños, Laguna. His father He did not work alone. With the help it is different from faith, Doc Art
was a railroad track man and his mother and support from a competent research believes otherwise. According to him,
was a housewife. The fourth from the team, he spearheaded the development faith is the direction you take in life
eldest among eight children and the of crop varieties such as the Lagkitan knowing that there is a God who made
second son, he had a responsibility to corn and other yellow and white corn everything and that there is life after
take good care of his family. varieties. death.
▲the corn brigade, which also includes Engr. Balbino C. Geronimo and Dr. Wilma A. Hurtada,
(2nd and 4th from left) with Doc Art during a provincial sortie to promote the UPLB Mini Corn Mill.
"One of his major concerns is that According to her, their love story
many people rely on the outputs of started when their organization had
their projects and their expectations 'getting-to-know-you' activities meant
should be met," Ana shared. to make the group better in serving as
▲AMIDST THE SWEETNESS: Doc Art in the field, one.
observing various successions of sweet sorghum. Ana started working with Doc Art in
2002, and is currently helping him Being activity partners for three
"My simple Catholic faith is to help package information materials on consecutive times had helped the
small farmers by developing different selected technologies for corn. couple learn more about each other.
varieties of crops appropriate to their For Rosario, "it’s as if things fell on the
conditions for better crop production "As head of the Corn RDE Program, right places in God’s will."
and thus, to give everyone, especially Dr. Art never chooses who the clients
the poor, a better chance to eat," he to accommodate and he is very humble They got married, and blessed with
said. and responsible," said Dr. Wilma three children to whom they have been
Hurtada of the College of Human good parents to.
Doc Art admits that although his Ecology-Institute of Human Nutrition
high sense of responsibility and and Food. Rosario recalled the times when they
accountability is his strength, it is also used to bring the kids to 'Jollibao'-
his weakness. Dr. Hurtada is one of Doc Art’s not Jollibee, but to the Carabao Park
colleagues in promoting the use of where they fed the fishes in the pond.
He is aware that most of the time, he rice-corn. She calls their team 'the corn
expects other people to be like him but brigade.' Despite all his achievements in research
since they are not so, this usually causes and in the community, Doc Art
friction and he appears to be bossy. Living a simple life with love remains simple, who is fond of reading
inspirational poems, and involves his
According to Ana Gabatin, his "When he got back from the States, whole family in religious work.
staff at the National Corn Research he looked for a Catholic Christian
Development and Extension (RDE) group. I was the leader of Liwanag ng An individual whose childhood made
Program, Doc Art is strict because Panginoon then. We met each other him strong, molded by the love of God,
he simply wants his team to fulfill its at St. Therese Chapel," reminisced family, and friends, and disciplined
objectives and finish everything that it Rosario, the wonderful wife of Doc by science - that is Dr. Artemio M.
has to accomplish. Art. Salazar. ■
Volume 2 Number 2
May 2010 - October 2010 9
UPLB showcases
at NAST and
DA-BAR annual
he university, through
the Office of the Vice-
Chancellor for Research ▲MARLYN BELTRAN (rightmost) of the CA-Crop Science Cluster answers questions from visitors of
and Extension (OVCRE), recently UPLB's booth on how to set up a Simple Nutrient Addition Program (SNAP) hydroponics system.
participated in two annual
exhibitions held by the National
Academy of Science and Technology
(NAST) and the Department of
Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural
Research (DA-BAR).
On the other hand, UPLB products ▲JOSE COMIA (rightmost) of the CEAT-ChemEng briefs newly appointed DA Agribusiness and
and technologies were again Marketing Assistance Service Director Leandro Gazmin and DA-BAR Assistant Director Teodoro
showcased to the public during Solsoloy (2nd and 3rd from right, respectively) on UPLB’s prototype alagal photobioreactor.
the DA-BAR’s 6th Agricultural
and Fisheries Technology
Commercialization Forum and
Product Exhibition, held from
August 5 to 8 at the SM MegaTrade
Hall II in Quezon City.
rganic agriculture is a big
and potential income earner
for the Philippines’ farming
sector. However, a law to support and
provide organic agriculture the best
economic and policy environment it
deserves is lacking in the past.
This activity was participated in The UPLB leg of the IRR consultations The output of the consultation series
by close to 150 participants from is second to the last activity being will be forwarded to a technical
institutions in the CALABARZON spearheaded nationwide by the working group for consolidation,
and MIMAROPA regions; including Department of Agriculture-Bureau review and finalization. The National
state universities and colleges, of Agriculture and Fisheries Products Organic Agriculture Board will receive
government research and extension Standards, which was tasked to craft the final document from the technical
organizations, and a number of the IRR in cooperation with the working group and submit it thereafter
representatives from various organic organic farmer organizations led by the to the Congress for approval. (Florante
farming associations. One Organic Movement. A. Cruz) ■
Volume 2 Number 2
May 2010 - October 2010 11
mentors like Dr. Olivia C. Emata (in lab coat) of the CA-Animal and STUDENTs are given exercises on juice processing by Prof. Dennis
Dairy Sciences Cluster interact with students during the sessions. Marvin O. Santiago (2nd from left) of the CA-Food Science Cluster.
he growing concern on the "By increasing the rate by which our "Aside from these, we mentor them
apparently declining enrolment technologies are extended to potential in their business plan preparation
in courses related to agriculture, users, we achieve two things: our and implementation, as well as in
forestry and natural resources (AFNR), technologies are eventually used, and developing competencies to enhance
has prompted the government to adopters are technically trained to their technoprenurial capability," she
directly intervene in increasing the become efficient technology managers added.
supply and demand of manpower of and entrepreneurs" he added.
AFNR graduates who are important in The project is part of the P200 M-
the public and industry sectors. The project is now training 30 students funded national program “Enhancing
and alumni on the technological the Demand for Agriculture, Forestry,
Doing its part to help solve the aspects and processing of UPLB- and Natural Resources Graduates
problem, UPLB is now training developed products: functional fruit through Science and Technology” being
students to become future and puree, high-end cheeses and led by the DOST-Philippine Council
"technopreneurs"-people who are microbial rennet. for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural
specifically inclined to use modern Resources Research and Development.
technology as foundations of their To practice what the students are
business ventures. learning from the courses conducted Simply called the "AFNR Program,"
by the project, the students' respective the program involves more than 50
Led by the College of Economics start-up projects are currently being state universities and colleges (SUCs)
and Management-Department implemented inside the laboratories that aims to:
of Agribusiness (CEM-DAM), and facilities of the College of (1) analyze the factors affecting the
BIOTECH and two clusters of Agriculture's Food Science Cluster supply and demand of AFNR
the College of Agriculture, the and Animal and Dairy Science Cluster courses;
university started a program on and BIOTECH, where they are (2) promote skills enhancement
"Harnessing UPLB’s Capacity for closely mentored by the technology among the AFNR manpower
Technopreneurship and Technology developers. through the upgrade of
Commercialization: Key to Better facilities and improvement of
Placed AFNR Graduates" in 2009 "In relation to the management aspects the curriculum in SUCs; and
of the start-ups, students are also taught (3) support entrepreneurship
UPLB has generated a lot of how to identify opportunities and development, technology
technologies in are specially geared concerns and formulate and implement business incubation and
toward processing and value-addition," business strategies," said CEM-DAM's employment generation in the
project leader Prof. Faustino Q. Prof. Dinah Purah T. Depositario, lead AFNR, among others.
Arrienda II of CEM-DAM shared. proponent of the UPLB AFNR project. (Florante A. Cruz) ■
Volume 2 Number 2
May 2010 - October 2010 13
ood versus fuel – this is an issue Engineering, "requires the development "We have recently designed and
which has persistently hounded of what we call '3rd generation' biofuel fabricated an externally-illuminated
the use of renewable resources sources, such as algae, which does vertical column draft-tube airlift
in energy production, much so that not require large investments in land photobioreactor for cultivating
experts worldwide are frowning upon resource." Chlorella vulgaris for biodiesel
the idea of using large areas of land for production," Dr. Demafelis reported.
producing biomass for biofuels rather Using microalgae for biofuels has
than rearing man’s food. enormous production potential– they "Inside the photobioreactor, the
grow faster, cheaper to produce, and algae circulate along with water and
In the Philippines, the government is have very high oil content. nutrients. The algae grow inside the
pushing the wide-scale farming of sweet tubes and are harvested once the
sorghum and Jatropha in marginal Using microalgae is also beneficial to maximum density is reached," he
lands for bioethanol and biodiesel, the environment; it captures carbon added.
respectively. dioxide in the air, and can be used
for recycling nutrients and treating With a capacity of 21 liters, the
But aside from having difficulty wastewater. prototype has an outer tube, a
in attracting domestic and foreign draft tube, and uses an air duct and
investment in energy production, the Currently, Prof. Demafelis’ research compressor for aeration.
government is still in the process of group is perfecting a laboratory-scale
developing contiguous farm locations prototype device for mass-rearing algal Prof. Demafelis and his research team
which are fit for sweet sorghum and biomass which will be used as feedstock are now optimizing the parameters of
Jatropha. in biofuel production. the photobioreactor for upscaling.
"Solving this dilemma," says Prof. The device, called a photobioreactor, is "We also hope to increase the optimal
Rex B. Demafelis of the College of a closed environment that uses natural residence time of the photobioreactor
Engineering and Agro-industrial or artificial light to provide a suitable while considering costs for investment
Technology - Department of Chemical environment for the algae’s growth. and operations," he said. ■
ppm ethepon, (B) Lakatan, 2000 ppm ethepon, (C) Lakatan, 2000 ppm ethepon with 50/75%
C ethanol, (D and E) Lakatan with 1-MCP at 3 weeks, (F and G) Latundan with 1-MCP at 2 weeks.
able bananas such as our local With a grant from the Department of Dr. Esguerra also studied the use of
Lakatan and Latundan always Science and Technology, Dr. Esguerra 1-methylcyclopropene or MCP to
have problems with ripening. and her team has now developed the extend the shelf-life of the bananas.
Some ripen prematurely, others quickly proper ripening regimes to delay or MCP is a competitive inhibitor of the
over-ripen, while others ripen non- hasten the fruits' ripening. ethylene action.
According to the project’s results, MCP is available as a powder but active
In order to control ripening of these Lakatan should be dipped in just 2000 in gas form. To liberate the MCP, water
bananas, postharvest handlers dip them ppm ethepon solution for one to five is added to the powder. For Lakatan
in water mixed with a chemical called minutes. If delayed ripening is desired bananas, 0.1 µl l-1 MCP treatment for
ethepon that releases ethylene, the after ethepon treatment, bananas 12-24 hours can retard ripening for
compound responsible for ripening. should be stored at 18-20oC so that it 26 days at ambient condition. For
would fully ripen in 13 days. Ethanol Latundan bananas, 0.5-1 µl l-1 MCP is
When Dr. Elda B. Esguerra and her at 50 or 75% concentration can be required to make the bananas remain
research team from the Postharvest mixed with 2000 ppm ethephon to green for 20 days.
and Seed Sciences Division of the reduce astringency in ripe Lakatan.
CA-Crop Science Cluster studied the The effect of MCP can be reversed by
practices of wholesalers in Divisoria On the other hand, Latundan can be applying 2000 ppm ethepon several
and other markets, they found out that dipped for 1-5 minutes in 1000 ppm days after MCP treatment.
handlers just use bottle caps to measure ethepon and stored between 18-20oC
ethepon they apply. so that it would ripen in 11 days. Dr. Esguerra also pointed out that
MCP can be used together with
“We saw that the ethepon they apply Ethepon-treated bananas stored at ethepon. “With combined application
was so much - about 3000 to 4000 ambient temperature of 25-28oC would of MCP and ethepon, you can delay
ppm - that bananas ripen in one or two lead to faster ripening. Lakatan would ripening of Lakatan up to 26 days,
days after arriving from the production ripen in just five days, while Latundan while Latundan can be delayed up to
areas,” Dr. Esguerra reported. would ripen within four days. 20 days" she said. ■
Volume 2 Number 2
May 2010 - October 2010 15
ast June 21, the UPLB Center
for Technology Transfer and
Entrepreneurship (CTTE)
successfully held its one-day
seminar-workshop on patents for 16
participants, selected by their respective
heads, from various units of the
According to Vice-Chancellor for CONDUCTING A SEARCH OPERATION: Engineers from the College of Engineering and Agro-
Research and Extension Dr. Enrico industrial Technology looking for patents related to toys are “suprised” to see the results.
P. Supangco, the activity was held to
strengthen the capability of university
units to handle the protection of their
respective technology innovations and
Volume 2 Number 2
May 2010 - October 2010 17
UPLB shares UPLB tech incubation International hybrid
technology team benchmarks IT seed corporation to
business incubation park of UP Visayas, expand operations
experiences with completes feasibility inside the UPLB
Southeast Asian study for own UPLB Science and
counterparts IT hub Technology Park
Vice-Chancellor Enrico P. Supangco The UPLB Technology Business Renovation of the right wing of the
and UPLB Center for Technology Incubation Team recently concluded its first floor of the ACTETSME building
Transfer and Entrepreneurship staff May study on the feasibility of establishing is in full swing to accommodate
Anne A. Cruz joined with at least 30 a UPLB Information Technology Hub the expansion of Pioneer Hi-Bred
other participants from the Philippines after surveying the capabilities and Philippines, Inc., a multi-national
during the conference on "Promoting management of technology business corporation engaged in the production
Business Incubation in Southeast incubators (TBIs) in UP Visayas, Lahug, and sale of commercial hybrid seeds.
Asia - Importance of Networking and Cebu from July 23-24, 2010.
Dialogue on International Success Pioneer started its ties with UPLB in
Stories" held from June 14-17, 2010 in The team, composed of Elias B. Abao, June 2009 with the signing of a two-
Jakarta, Indonesia. Jr., May Anne A. Cruz and Ronilo P. year lease contract involving the rental
Violanta and led by Vice-Chancellor of a one-hectare experimental farm at
The conference was aimed to intensify Enrico P. Supangco, interviewed the the Science and Technology Park for its
the exchange of knowledge within management and staff of Cebu InIt hybrid rice research. It was followed by
Southeast Asia, specially with existing Technology Business Incubator, as well another lease contract for an office space
national and international networks in as its clients Cybertech, Inc. and Unang at the first floor of the ACTETSME.
good practices in business incubation. Pahina.
According to Mr. Mark Nas, Pioneer
During the workshops, Vice-Chancellor Aside from studying the TBIs in the Hi-bred Philippines Senior Research
Supangco and May Anne Cruz Visayas, the team also earlier studied Associate, the expansion is needed
presented the university's current the TBIs located in UP Diliman, as well to provide additional room for its
projects aimed to enhance and facilitate as conducted surveys among potential employees and to complete Pioneer's rice
technology business incubation, and the clients from the UPLB faculty, research research facilities in Los Baños.
various experiences and best practices and student sectors.
the UPLB team has encountered in the Speaking of the expansion, Vice-
course of their technology transfer and Stakeholders and partners from the Chancellor Enrico P. Supangco relayed
commercialization efforts. Department of Science and Technology that "the expansion is a testament of
(DOST) and Department of Trade and the trust and confidence being forged
Nearly a hundred people from Industry have also been surveyed. between the two organizations."
Indonesia, VietNam, Thailand, the
Philippines and other countries The feasibility study was supported "We are headed towards a longer and
participated in the symposium by a P70,000 grant from the DOST- successful partnership, and we believe
sponsored by Germany-based InWEnt Philippine Council for Advanced that this academe-industry relationship
Capacity Building International and Science and Technology Research and will become a model for others to
the Ministry of Industry of Indonesia. Development. (May Anne A. Cruz and emulate," Dr. Supangco concluded (Elias
(Florante A. Cruz) ■ Florante A. Cruz) ■ B. Abao, Jr.) ■
University of the Philippines Los Baños
18 Research, Development and Extension Digest
▲ Chancellor Luis Rey I. Velasco and Vice-Chancellor Enrico P. Supangco (2nd from ▲ Mr. Elias B. Abao, Jr. (topmost) of the UPLB CTTE,
top and center, respectively) meet with officials and representatives of the KumHwa briefs the counterpart visitors from the Hankyong National
Seed & Young Plants Co., Ltd. as part of their visit to Hankyong National University University on the operations of the UPLB Science and
(HNU) in South Korea last May 13, 2010. Technology Park last August 10, 2010.
▲ Dr. Felino P. Lansigan of the CAS- Institute of Statistics (standing, center) ▲ Exhibitors from UPLB and UPLB Foundation, Inc. pose
shared some tips on what new researchers should remember when making for a light moment before the opening of the 6th AFTCFPE
proposals for submission to funding agencies last June 7, 2010 at the OVCRE. at the SM MegaTrade Hall II last August 5, 2010.
Volume 2 Number 2
May 2010 - October 2010 19
Nearly a hundred people from UPLB’s
scientific community gathered on August
11, 2010 at the UPLB Operations Room for
the UPLB Centennial Professorial Lectures
on Climate Change and Food Security.
▲ Engr. Merito J. Carag of Intellectual Property ▲ Management and staff of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research and
Philippines’ Bureau of Patents orients participants Extension, as well as some their guests from other units, wait for the blessing of their
on the basics of patents and the criteria for new headquarters. The Office of the Chancellor, along with the offices of the five Vice-
patentability of inventions during the UPLB Chancellors, recently moved to the newly renovated and furnished 3rd Floor of the UPLB
CTTE’s seminar-workshop held June 20, 2010. Main Library last July 20, 2010.
The RDE Digest The RDE Digest is published semi-annually by the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for
Research and Extension (OVCRE), University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). It is released
Official Research, Development and Extension Newsletter
of the University of the Philippines Los Baños every April and October each year, in time for the UPLB Commencement Exercises and UPLB Loyalty
Day, respectively.
managing editor/ layout
Florante A. Cruz
Otherwise stated, articles appearing in every issue are selected from those which have already been
published at the RDE News Website [http://rdenews.uplb.edu.ph], UPLB Link or UPLB Horizon.
writers/ editors
Florante A. Cruz Contributions related to research and extension from UPLB faculty and staff are welcome. Please
Rosario G. Gabatin send manuscripts and digital photographs via email: ovcre@uplb.edu.ph. Comments on the published
content can also be sent through the same email address. Requests for use of content for publication
contributors should be addressed to the Editors.
Ruth M. Almario
Elias B. Abao, Jr. For inquiries, please contact us at: Research Utilization and Dissemination Section
May Anne A. Cruz OVCRE Building, Kanluran cor. Lanzones Roads, UPLB, College, Laguna 4031 Philippines
Ana Lisa G. Gabatin Tel. No. (63) 49 536-5326; Fax No. (63) 49 536-7181, VOIP: 1525, Email: facruz@uplb.edu.ph.
Mae Ann F. Bulang • Jobelle Lyka R. Magno
production/ circulation
Evelyn E. Bite
Renato E. Apolinario, Jr. • Alex C. Genil
Enrico P. Supangco • Moises A. Dorado, Jr.