Kjsce Te Syllabus
Kjsce Te Syllabus
Kjsce Te Syllabus
PSO1: Peruse higher studies in the field of Signal processing, Networking and VLSI.
PSO2: Update Knowledge and Industrial Skills through Training and Internship.
PEO2: Pursue higher education, research; address environmental issues with ethical
To become center of excellence for creating competent engineers with evolving technical
skills, leadership qualities with human values to pursue excellence in professional field.
Providing quality education to
Develop technical skills, soft skills and professional ethics to cater the needs of industry.
Total 16+02 08 01 15 05 01 21
Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
#Continuous Assessment
Course Practical
Course Name (CA) @End Term
Code and Oral Total
Internal Sem. Work
Test Test Oral
Assessment Exam
1 2
UETC501 Communication
15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100
UETC502 Random signal
15 15 10 60 25 -- -- 125
And processes
UETC503 RF Filters and
15 15 10 60 -- -- 100
UETC504 Microprocessor
& 15 15 10 60 -- -- 100
UETC505 Integrated
15 15 10 60 100
UETL501 Communication
Systems -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
laboratory I
UETL502 Microprocessor
-- -- -- -- 25 25 ---- 50
UETL503 Integrated
Circuits -- -- -- -- 25 ---- 25 50
UETL504 Data Structures
and algorithms
--- --- ---- --- 25 25 --- 50
Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
#Continuous Assessment
Course Practical
Course Name (CA) @End Term
Code and Oral Total
Internal Sem. Work
Test Test Oral
Assessment Exam
1 2
UETC601 Digital Signal
15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100
UETC602 Digital
15 15 10 60 -- -- 100
UETC603 VLSI Design 15 15 10 60 -- -- 100
UETC604 Computer
Communication 15 15 10 60 100
UETC605 Operating
15 15 10 60 -- -- 100
UETI60X Interdisciplinary
15 15 10 60 100
UETL601 Digital Signal
Processing -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25 50
UETL602 Communication
Systems -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25 50
Laboratory II
UETL603 VLSI Design
-- -- -- -- 25 -- 25 50
UETL604 Mini Project -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25 50
UETL605 Advanced
Microcontroller 25 --- 25 50
Total 90 90 60 360 125 125 850
# There is no separate head of passing @ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled to
60 marks
3.3 Linear wire antennas :Infinitesimal dipole , finite length dipole, half
wave length dipole : radiation field, radiation resistance, radiation
sphere, near field, far field, directivity
Arrays 6
4 4.1 Linear arrays, planar arrays and circular arrays.
4.2 Array of two isotropic point sources, non-isotropic sources, principle of
pattern multiplication linear arrays of n elements, broadside, endfire
radiation pattern, directivity, Beamwidth and null directions, array
5 Special Types of Antennas 8
5.1 Microstrip antennas: Rectangular & circular patch applications and feed
mechanism, Design example of RMSA and effect of different parameters.
5.2 Horn antenna. E plane ,H plane sectoral horn antenna.
Reflector antennas: Plane reflector, corner reflector, feed mechanisms,
5.3 Log periodic and Helical antennas.
Total 39
Recommended Books:
1. Costantine A. Balanis Antenna Theory analysis and design, John Wiley
2. John D. Kraus Antennas, Tata McGraw Hill publication.
3. Reinhold Ludwig, Pavel Bretchko, RF Circuit Design, Pearson Education
3 8051 Microcontroller 8
3.1 Architecture and organization, pin configuration.
Total 39
1. John Uffenbeck: 8086/8088 family: Design, Programming and Interfacing, Prentice Hall,
2ndEdition 3. B. B. Brey: The Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386,
80486, Pentium and Pentium Pro Processor, Pearson Pub, 8th Edition
2. Hall D.V: Microprocessor and Interfacing Programming and Hardware, Tata McGraw Hill,
2nd Edition.
Course Prerequisites: UETC 302 Analog Electronics-I , UETC402: Analog Electronics-II , 304:Electrical
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course the student will be able to :
1. Understand and design circuits for linear and nonlinear applications of operational amplifier
2. Design first and second order active filters using operational amplifier
3. Design waveform generators using special purpose ICs
4. Illustrate function of special purpose ICs of voltage regulators, PLL,VCO and their applications
5. Understand the techniques of analog to digital and digital to analog conversion
Total 39
Recommended Books:
1. Sergio Franco, Design with Operational Amplifiers and analog integrated circuits, Third
edition, McGraw Hill International edition, 2002.
2. Ramakant A. Gayakwad, Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, Pearson Prentice
Hall, 4th Edition
3. K. R. Botkar, Integrated Circuits, Khanna Publishers, fifth edition, ISBN: 81-7409-208-0
4. William D. Stanley, Operational Amplifiers with Linear Integrated circuits, Pearson
Education Asia, fourth edition
Term work:
Term work shall consist of 10 experiments covering entire syllabus of the courses UETC501 Communication
Systems and UETC503 RF Filters & Antennas. Term work assessment will be based on the overall
performance of the student with every experiments graded from time to time. The average of grades
converted into marks, should be taken into account for term work assessment.
The oral examination will be based on entire courses UETC501 Communication Systems and UETC503 RF
Filters & Antennas.
Term work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 08 experiments covering entire syllabus of the course UETC504
Microprocessor & Applications. Term work assessment will be based on the overall performance of the student
with every experiments graded from time to time. The average of grades converted into marks, should be
taken into account for term work assessment.
The oral examination will be based on entire course UETC504 Microprocessor & Applications
Term work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 08 experiments covering entire syllabus of the course UETC505
Integrated Circuits. Term work assessment will be based on the overall performance of the student with every
experiments graded from time to time. The average of grades converted into marks, should be taken into
account for term work assessment.
The oral examination will be based on entire course UETC505 Integrated Circuits.
Recommended Books:
1. Y. Langsam, M. Augenstin and A. Tannenbaum, Data Structures using C, Pearson
Education Asia, 1st Edition, 2002, ISBN 978-81-317-0229-1
Recommended Books:
1. Sanjit K. Mitra, DSP a Computer based approach , Tata McGraw Hill.
2. A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer, "Digital Signal Processing, Prentice-hall of India.
3. J. R. Jhohnson, Intorduction to Digital Signal Processing, Prentice-hall of India.
4. John G. Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis, Digital Signal - Processing -Principles, Algorithms,
and Applications Prentice-hall of India.
5 A. Nagoor Kani Digital Signal Processing TataMcGraw Hill India.
6. Emmanual Ifeachor, Barrie W. Jervis, Digital Signal Processing, A practical Approach
Pearson India.
Recommended Books:
1. Integrated Circuits K.R. Botkar (Ninth Edition), Khanna publications
2. Principles of CMOS VLSI Design Neil H. E. Weste, Kamran Esheaghian, Addison,
3. Basics VLSI Design ,systems and circuit Douglas A Pucknel, K Eshranghian, Wealey
4. Introduction to VLSI Design Eugene D. Fabricius Mc Graw Hill Publications
5. Microelectronics J Millman and Grabel, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publications
6. VLSI technology S.M. Sze
7. Fabrication Principles S.K. Gandhi
35 K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77 (Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
TY EXTC Semester V and VI (KJSCE 2014 CBGS)
Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UETC604 Computer 03 -- --- 03 -- --- 03
#There is no separate head of passing @ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled to 60 marks
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course the student will be able to :
1. Understand layered architecture of communication network and physical layer services.
2. Perceive the significance of data link layer services and protocols.
3. Analyze various routing techniques and services for network layer.
4. Understand reliable and unreliable transport layer protocols for operations of various application layer
protocols such as HTTP, DNS and FTP.
Recommended Books:
1. J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, Pearson
Publication, 5th Edition.
2. B. Forouzan, Data Communication and Networking, McGraw Hill Publication, 5th
3. L. Garcia et al, Communication Networking, McGraw Hill publication, 2nd Edition.
4 File Management 03
4.1 File Naming, File Structure, File Types, File Access, File Attributes, File
Operations, Memory Mapped Files, Implementing Files, contiguous allocation,
linked list allocation, indexed allocations, Inode
4.2 Single level directory system, Two level directory system, Hierarchical
Directory System
5 Input Output Management 06
5.1 Principles of Input/output H/W: I/O Devices, Device Controllers, Direct
Memory Access.
5.2 Principles of Input/output S/W: Goals Of I/O S/W, Interrupt Handler, Device
Driver, Device Independent I/O Software
5.3 Disks : RAID levels, Disks Arm Scheduling Algorithms
5.4 Management of free blocks.
6 Real Time Operating System(RTOS) 08
6.1 Introduction, Characteristics of real-time operating systems
6.2 Real Time task Scheduling, Modeling Timing constraints, Table-driven
6.3 Cyclic schedulers
6.4 Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling
6.5 Rate Monotonic Algorithm( RMA)
7 Case Study of UNIX 04
7.1 History of UNIX, UNIX Goals, Unix Shell, interfaces to Unix, UNIX utility
39 K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77 (Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
TY EXTC Semester V and VI (KJSCE 2014 CBGS)
7.2 Traditional UNIX Kernel, Unix Security measures
7.3 Unix commands
Recommended Books:
1. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, IIIrd Edition, PHI
2. Silberschatz A., Galvin P., and Gagne G, Operating Systems Concepts, VIIIth Edition
3. William Stallings, Operating System-Internal & Design Principles, VIth Edition, ,
4. Rajib Mall, "Real-Time Systems: Theory and Practice," Pearson, 2008.
5. Achyut S. Godbole, Operating Systems, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Maurice J. Bach, The Design of Unix Operating System, Prentine Hall
Term work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 08 experiments covering entire syllabus of the course UETC601 Digital
Signal Processing. Term work assessment will be based on the overall performance of the student with every
experiments graded from time to time. The average of grades converted into marks, should be taken into
account for term work assessment.
The oral examination will be based on entire course UETC601 Digital Signal Processing.
Term work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 08 experiments covering entire syllabus of the courses UETC602
Digital communication and UETC604 Computer Communication Network. Term work assessment will be
based on the overall performance of the student with every experiments graded from time to time. The
average of grades converted into marks, should be taken into account for term work assessment.
The oral examination will be based on entire courses UETC602 Digital communication and UETC604
Computer Communication Network.
Term work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 08 experiments covering entire syllabus of the courses
UETC603 VLSI Design. Term work assessment will be based on the overall performance of the student with
every experiments graded from time to time. The average of grades converted into marks, should be taken
into account for term work assessment.
Course Objectives:
The Objective of Mini Project is to make student enable to apply the knowledge and skills learned out of
courses studied to solve/implement predefined practical problem. The students undergo various
laboratory/tutorial/simulation laboratory/work shop courses in which they do experimentation based on the
curriculum requirement. The mini Project may be beyond the scope of curriculum of courses taken or may be
based on the courses but thrust should be on
Learning additional skills
Development of ability to define and design the problem and lead to its accomplishment with proper
Learn the behavioral science by working in a group
Course Outcomes: After successful completion of the course students should be able to
Term Work:
The group may be maximum four (04) students. Each group will be assigned one faculty as a supervisor.
There should be proper assessment record of progress of the project and at the end of the semester it should
be assessed for awarding TW marks. The final examination will be based on demonstration in front of
committee of examiners. In the examination each individual student should be assessed for his/her
contribution, understanding and knowledge gained about the task completed.
The topic of Mini Project may be some hard ware model based on courses Learnt or beyond the curriculum.
The students may use this opportunity to learn different computational techniques as well as some model
Recommended Books:
1. Andrew Sloss, Dominic Symes, and Chris Wright, ARM System Developers Guide Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, First Edition 2004.
2. James A. Langbridge, Professional Embedded Arm Development, Wrox, John Wiley
Brand& Sons Inc., Edition 2014
3. Mazidi, Pic Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C for Pic 18,
Pearson Education India, 2008.
Term work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 06 experiments and a project covering entire syllabus of the Laboratory
course UETC605 Advanced Microcontroller Laboratory . Term work assessment will be based on the overall
performance of the student with every experiment/ project graded from time to time. The average of grades
converted into marks, should be taken into account for term work assessment.
The oral examination will be based on entire course UETC605 Advanced Microcontroller Laboratory.