Jenna Betts: Summary of Qualifications

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Jenna Betts

60 Centennial West Ave. Rexton, NB

Phone: (506) 524-2241 Email:

Summary of Qualifications
Experience working with youth through volunteering in schools, facilitating at youth conferences,
organizing a summer camp and on the job training in a grade two and three classroom at Rexton
Elementary school
Commitment and high energy level leads to achieving goals
Outstanding interpersonal skills and passion for leadership
Desire to inspire and motivate individuals to achieve their best

Candidate for Bachelor of Education 2017
St. Thomas University, Fredericton NB

Bachelor of Arts 2016

Majors: Psychology & Criminology
Minor: English
St. Thomas University, Fredericton NB

Professional Experience
November December 2016 Teaching Internship
March May 2017
Rexton Elementary School
Placement consisted of working in a grade two classroom and a grade three classroom
Planned, prepared and delivered engaging lessons based upon curriculum standards
Maintained classroom management through multiple skills and strategies
Participated in other teaching responsibilities such as lunch, recess and bus duty
April June 2015 Volunteer
Rexton Elementary School Rexton, NB
Kept students on track by encouraging 5+ students to complete tasks that would help improve their math
and English skills
Interacted with students by spending one-on-one time working on reading and math skills
Adapted classroom management skills (such as giving step-by-step transition instructions) to ensure
students maintained proper behaviour when switching classes or going to computer lab
Assisted in organization of track and field event that resulted in a school-wide fun-filled day which
promoted physical activity
April 2017 Present Volunteer
Coach for Kent Wrestling Club Rexton, NB
Assisted head coach with wrestling practices and tournaments
Responsible for teaching athletes and organizing engaging practices
February & September 2015 Volunteer
Park Street Elementary School Fredericton, NB
Assisted students with one-on-one reading, suggesting specific strategies (such as using finger while
reading and taking turns reading) to help improve reading skills and guide students to the proper reading
Set measureable short term goals with students to improve their reading skills
Assisted the teacher and guided students with their everyday class work
September 2015 April 2016 STUSAC Secretary (Volunteer)
St. Thomas University Fredericton, NB
Propose and help coordinate a student-run athlete fair to raise awareness of sports teams on campus
Write, store and distribute meeting minutes and all information that relates to STUSAC to keep sports
teams and representatives up-to-date
Organize events such as fundraisers, socials and information sessions to enhance the student athlete
March 2013 Facilitator (Volunteer)
Unite and Ignite Youth Conference Toronto, ON
Used Socratic Method with youth and youth workers to help them think critically and be able to use
resources to help self and others with violence, addiction and other problems
Compassionately taught youth everyday characteristics that would foster youth engagement and positive
youth development to help youth centers and youth initiatives grow in Canada
September 2012 March 2013 Youth Matters (Volunteer)
St. Thomas University Fredericton, NB
Collaborated with 10+ volunteers from across Canada on a weekly basis to organize fundraising
opportunities and conferences activities/goals
Coordinated with other Youth Matters volunteers to prepare for the Unite and Ignite conference by
planning fundraising initiatives as well as learning concepts to use at the conference
March 28, 2015 Team Captain (Volunteer)
STU Relay for Life Fredericton, NB
Arranged a team for the relay consisting of athletes from the STU womens rugby team to raise over
$900 for cancer research
Tracked and maintained funds prior to event from all team members, ensuring the team reached overall
fundraising goal
June August 2013 Day Camp Coordinator
SEED Program Targettville, NB
Constructed activities, educational sessions, and field trips for 10+ children to provide them with
everyday knowledge, including fire safety and prevention and historical information
Facilitated peer problem-solving sessions to help campers discuss problems and solutions to help them
resolve their own disputes
Responsibly ensured everyday security and care for 10+ children between the ages of 5-12 resulting in a
safe environment for the children
May 2016 August 2016 Traffic Control Personal
Dexters Construction Moncton, NB
In control of directing traffic in construction zones while maintaining safety of the public, construction
workers and myself
Endured working 12+ hours a day

References available upon request

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