Mackerle2001 A Bibliography

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Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 37 (2001) 253}262

FEM and BEM analysis and modelling of residual stresses

A bibliography (1998}1999)
Jaroslav Mackerle
Linko( ping Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, S-581 83 Linko( ping, Sweden


This bibliography contains references to papers, conference proceedings and theses/dissertations dealing
with FEM and BEM analysis and modelling of residual stresses that were published in 1998}1999.  2001
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Residual stresses; Finite element method; Boundary element method

1. Introduction

This bibliography provides a list of references on the analysis and modelling of residual stresses
where the "nite element and boundary element methods (FEM and BEM) are implemented.
General solution techniques as well as problem-speci"c applications are included. The entries have
been retrieved from the author's database, MAKEBASE. They are grouped into two main sections:
E Finite elements
E Boundary elements
The references have been published in scienti"c journals, conference proceedings, and theses/
dissertations between 1998}1999 and also in the "rst quarter of 2000 [1}179,204,205]. Some
previously published reviews and theses on the FEM and BEM analysis and modelling of residual
stresses in general can be found in entries [180}203] of the Finite element methods section and in
[206,207] of the Boundary element methods section of this bibliography, respectively. The refer-
ences are sorted in each category alphabetically according to the "rst author's name.
The main topics include: 2D and 3D analysis and simulation of residual stresses and strains;
measurements and control of residual stresses; residual stresses reduction; evaluation methods of

E-mail address: (J. Mackerle).

0168-874X/01/$ - see front matter  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 8 7 4 X ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 3 9 - 1
254 J. Mackerle / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 37 (2001) 253}262

residual stresses; residual stresses and mechanical behaviour; e!ects of material properties; residual
stresses and fracture mechanics; e!ects of residual stresses on the fatigue; residual stresses and
contact problems; dislocation analysis of residual stresses; residual stresses induced by surface
treatment; thermal residual stresses; densi"cation induced residual stresses; surface roughness
induced residual stresses; compressive residual stresses at the interface; machining induced residual
stresses; residual stresses due to shock load; residual stresses generated during plastic deformation;
residual stresses in joints; e!ects of repair; uncertainty analysis.
The applications include: welding; multi-pass butt welding; girth welding; friction welding;
ultrasonic welding; underwater welding; adhesive bonding; di!usion bonding; brazing; heat treat-
ment processes; quenching; material processing; casting and microcasting; machining; ultra pre-
cision machining; grinding; spray coating process; RF magnetron sputtering; peening; laser shock
peening; machine elements; gears; fasteners; railway wheels; pressure vessel components; reactor
vessel components; fusion reactor components; aircraft components; electronic packaging.
Materials considered: steel; stainless steel; tool steel; aluminum alloys; polymers; biomaterials;
ferromagnetic materials; ceramics; laminated ceramics; silica glass; Si substrates; composites;
metal-matrix composites; "lament wound composites; particle reinforced metal matrix composites;
titanium matrix composites; functionally graded materials; thermal barrier coatings; diamond
"lms; polycrystals; two-phase layered materials.


Finite element methods: Papers in journals/conference proceedings and theses

[1] K. Abdel-Tawab, A.K. Noor, Uncertainty analysis of welding residual stress "elds, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech.
Eng. 179 (3/4) (1999) 327}344.
[2] M. Allam et al., Estimation of residual stresses in hydraulically expanded tube-to-tubesheet joints, J. Pressure
Vessel Technol., ASME 120 (2) (1998) 129}137.
[3] M. Allam et al., E!ect of tube strain hardening level on the residual contact pressure and residual stresses of
hydraulically expanded tube-to-tubesheet joint, ASME/JSME Joint Pressure Vessel Piping Conference, Vol. PVP
373, ASME, New York, 1998, pp. 447}455.
[4] C.H. Amon et al., Shape deposition manufacturing with microcasting: processing, thermal and mechanical issues,
J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., ASME 120 (3) (1998) 656}665.
[5] A. Atkinson, A. Selcuk, Residual stress and fracture of laminated ceramic membranes, Acta Mater. 47 (3) (1999)
[6] H. Aykul et al., Calculation of residual stresses in metal-matrix composite laminated plates under transverse loads,
Appl. Mech. Eng. 4 (1) (1999) 171}185.
[7] E.A. Badr et al., Residual stress estimation in crossbores with Bauschinger e!ect inclusion using FEM and strain
energy density, J. Pressure Vessel Technol., ASME 121 (4) (1999) 358}363.
[8] C. Batista et al., Contact fatigue of automotive gears: evolution and e!ects of residual stresses introduced by
surface treatments, Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 23 (3) (2000) 217}228.
[9] T.L. Becker et al., An approximate method for residual stress calculation in functionally graded materials, Mech.
Mater. 32 (2) (2000) 85}97.
[10] L. Bertini, V. Fontanari, Fatigue behaviour of induction hardened notched components, Int. J. Fatigue 21 (6)
(1999) 611}617.
[11] W.K. Binienda, Y. Wang, Residual stress reduction in "lament wound composite tubes, J. Reinf. Plast. Compos. 18
(8) (1999) 684}701.
J. Mackerle / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 37 (2001) 253}262 255

[12] W. Braisted, R. Brockman, Finite element simulation of laser shock peening, Int. J. Fatigue 21 (7) (1999)
[13] B. Brickstad, B.L. Josefson, Parametric study of residual stresses in multi-pass butt-welded stainless steel pipes,
Int. J. Pressure Vessel Piping 75 (1) (1998) 11}25.
[14] C.R. Chen, S.X. Li, Finite element analysis of characteristics of residual strains in cross-sectional specimens of
strained-layer materials, J. Mater. Sci. 35 (5) (2000) 1145}1152.
[15] C.R. Chen et al., Characteristics of the stress relaxation in the thinned two-phase multilayer materials, Mater. Sci.
Eng. A 265 (1/2) (1999) 146}152.
[16] C.S. Chen et al., Elastic-plastic crack growth simulation and residual strength prediction of thin plates with single
and multiple cracks, ASTM Spec. Publ., No. 1332, 1999, pp. 97}113.
[17] S. Chen et al., Investigation of densi"cation-induced residual stresses in Bragg gratings using FEA, Proc. SPIE
3746 (1999) 478}481.
[18] H. Cheng et al., Calculation of the residual stress of a 45 steel cylinder with a non-linear surface heat transfer
coe$cient including phase transform during quenching, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 89}90 (1999) 339}343.
[19] J. Cheng et al., Thermal/residual stress in an electron beam physical vapor deposited thermal barrier coating
system, Acta Mater. 46 (16) (1998) 5839}5850.
[20] W. Cheng, Determination of the Mode I stress intensity factors for an edge-cracked beam with "xed ends, Eng.
Fract. Mech. 63 (2) (1999) 193}208.
[21] D.H. Cho, D.G. Lee, Manufacturing of co-cured composite aluminum shafts with compression during co-curing
operation to reduce residual thermal stresses, J. Compos. Mater. 32 (12) (1998) 1221}1241.
[22] H. Choo et al., Thermal residual stresses in NiAl-AlN-Al O composites measured by neutron di!raction, Mater.
Sci. Eng. A 264 (1/2) (1999) 108}121.
[23] L. Ciupinski et al., FEM modeling of residual thermal stresses in CMM composites and their in#uence on
macroscopic properties in a tensile test, Thermal Stresses '99, Cracow, Poland, 1999, pp. 417}420.
[24] H.H.M. Cleveringa et al., A discrete dislocation analysis of residual stresses in a composite material, Philos. Mag.
A 79 (4) (1999) 893}920.
[25] T.W. Coats, C.E. Harris, A progressive damage methodology for residual strength predictions of notched
composite panels, J. Compos. Mater. 33 (23) (1999) 2193}2224.
[26] S.R. Daniewicz, S.D. Cummings, Characterization of a water peening process, J. Eng. Mater. Technol., ASME 121
(3) (1999) 336}340.
[27] P. Dawson, D. Boyce, Finite element modeling of polycrystals: simulating residual stresses following plastic
straining, Fifth US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Boulder, 1999, pp. 373.
[28] P. Dawson et al., Computing residual stresses in polycrystals following plastic straining, Sixth International
Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Form., Balkema, Rotterdam, 1998, pp. 323}328.
[29] S.F.M. De Almeida, J.S. Hansen, Natural frequencies of composite plates with tailored thermal residual stresses,
Int. J. Solids Struct. 36 (23) (1999) 3517}3539.
[30] R. De Faria, J.S. Hansen, Optimal buckling loads of nonuniform composite plates with thermal residual stresses, J.
Appl. Mech., ASME 66 (2) (1999) 388}395.
[31] R.G. DeAnna et al., Finite element modeling of residual stress in SiC diaphragms, Microelectromech. Struct.
Materials Research, MRS, 1998, pp. 221}226.
[32] K. Debray et al., The e!ect of interfacial reactions on residual stress "elds within composites, J. Compos. Mater. 33
(4) (1999) 325}350.
[33] T.L. Dickson et al., Inclusion of weld residual stress in fracture margin assessments of embrittled nuclear reactor
pressure vessels, ASME/JSME Joint Pressure Vessel Piping Conference, Vol. PVP 373, ASME, New York, 1998,
pp. 387}395.
[34] J.J. Dike et al., Finite element modeling and validation of residual stresses in 304L girth welds, Trends Welding
Research, ASM Int. Cleveland, OH, 1998, pp. 961}966.
[35] M.M. Domb et al., Finite element modelling of residual stress relief in large aluminum alloy billets, Fourth World
Congress on Computational Mechanics, Buenos Aires, 1998, pp. 181.
[36] P. Dong, J. Zhang, Residual stresses in strength-mismatched welds and implications on fracture behavior, Eng.
Fract. Mech. 64 (4) (1999) 485}505.
256 J. Mackerle / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 37 (2001) 253}262

[37] P. Dong et al., E!ects of repair weld residual stresses on wide-panel specimens loaded in tension, J. Pressure Vessel
Technol., ASME 120 (2) (1998) 122}128.
[38] P. Dong et al., Residual stress analysis of a multi-pass girth weld, ASME/JSME Joint Pressure Vessel Piping
Conference, Vol. PVP 373, ASME, New York, 1998, pp. 421}431.
[39] P. Dong et al., Computational model of weld residual stresses and distortions- an integrated framework and
industrial applications, ASME/JSME Joint Pressure Vessel Piping Conference, Vol. PVE 373, ASME, New York,
1998, pp. 311}335.
[40] P. Dong et al., Analysis of residual stresses in A1-Li repair welds and mitigation techniques, Weld. J. 77 (11) (1998)
[41] G. Donzella et al., E!ect of block braking on the residual stress state of a solid railway wheel, Proc. Inst. Mech.
Eng. Part F 212 (2) (1998) 145}158.
[42] R.A.L. Drew et al., Neutron di!raction and "nite element analysis of thermal residual stresses on di!usion-bonded
silicon carbide-molybdenum joints, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 82 (7) (1999) 1787}1792.
[43] P. Dupas et al., Evaluation of residual stress measurement techniques and "nite element simulations on friction
welded pipes, ASME/JSME Joint Pressure Vessel Piping Conference, Vol. PVP 373, ASME, New York, 1998,
pp. 439}446.
[44] C.J. Earls, E!ects of material property strati"cation and residual stresses on single angle #exural ductility, J.
Constr. Steel Res. 51 (2) (1999) 147}175.
[45] F. Ellyin et al., Aspects of residual thermal stress/strain in particle reinforced metal matrix composites, Composites
Part B 31 (1) (2000) 29}37.
[46] N. Ersoy, O. Vardar, Measurement of residual stresses in layered composites by compliance method, J. Compos.
Mater. 34 (7) (2000) 575}598.
[47] J.A. Estupinan et al., Residual stresses in ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene loaded cyclically by a rigid
moving indenter in nonconforming geometries, J. Orthop. Res. 16 (1) (1998) 80}88.
[48] A. Garcia-Granada et al., A new procedure based on Sachs' boring for measuring non-axisymmetric residual
stresses, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 42 (6) (2000) 1027}1047.
[49] M. Govindaraju et al., Finite element analysis of a magnetic sensor to detect permeability changes due to residual
stresses in ferromagnetic materials, Proc. SPIE 3396 (1998) 47}55.
[50] M. Grujicic, H. Zhao, Optimization of 316 stainless steel/alumina functionally graded material for reduction of
damage induced by thermal residual stresses, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 252 (1) (1998) 117}132.
[51] M. Guagliano, Numerical model to investigate the role of residual stresses on the mechanical behavior of
A1/A1 O particulate composites, J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 7 (2) (1998) 183}189.
[52] O. Gundersen et al., Modeling of residual stresses in weld simulated restrained C-Mn steel specimens, Ninth
International O!shore Polar Engineering Conference ISOPE, Vol. 4, 1999, pp. 187}194.
[53] C.H. Gur, A.E. Tekkaya, Numerical and experimental analysis of quench induced stresses and microstructures, J.
Mech. Behav. Mater. 9 (4) (1998) 237}256.
[54] C. Heming et al., Calculation of the residual stress of a 45 steel cylinder with a non-linear surface heat-
transfer coe$cient including phase transformation in quenching, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 89}90 (1999)
[55] M.R. Hill, T.L. Panontin, E!ect of residual stress on brittle fracture testing, ASTM Spec. Publ., No. 1332, 1999,
pp. 154}175.
[56] J.K. Hong et al., Assessment of numerical procedures for residual stress analysis of multipass welds, Weld. J. 77 (9)
(1998) 372}382.
[57] Y.C. Hou, J. Pan, A fracture parameter for welded structures with residual stresses, Comput. Mech. 22 (3) (1998)
[58] Y.C. Hou et al., Fracture analysis of welded pipes with consideration of residual stresses, ASME/JSME Joint
Pressure Vessel Piping Conference, Vol. PVP 373, ASME, New York, 1998, pp. 433}437.
[59] T.R. Hsu, N. Sun, Residual stresses/strains analysis of MEMS, International Conference on Modelling Simula-
tions Microsystems, Comp. Publ., MA, 1998, pp. 82}87.
[60] C.H. Hsueh et al., E!ects of interface roughness on residual stresses in thermal barrier coatings, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.
82 (4) (1999) 1073}1075.
J. Mackerle / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 37 (2001) 253}262 257

[61] C.H. Hsueh et al., Surface-roughness induced residual stresses in thermal barrier coatings: computer simulations,
Mater. Sci. Forum 308}311 (1999) 442}449.
[62] H.M. Hu et al., Residual stresses in spray-formed A2 tool steel, J. Mater. Res. 14 (12) (1999) 4521}4530.
[63] G.R. Humfeld, D.A. Dillard, Residual stress development in adhesive joints subjected to thermal cycling, J.
Adhesion 65 (1/4) (1998) 277}306.
[64] R.N. Ibrahim et al., Numerical simulation of residual stresses caused by quenching process in aluminium gas
cylinders, J. Eng. Mater. Technol., ASME 120 (4) (1998) 297}299.
[65] T. Inoue et al., Conditions of compressive residual stress at the interface edge of dissimilar materials, Quart. J. Jpn.
Weld. Soc. 17 (1) (1999) 120}129.
[66] T. Ishida et al., Thermal stress and residual stress control of thermally sprayed 80Ni20Cr coating, JSME Int. J. Ser.
A 42 (1) (1999) 119}125.
[67] J.K. Jacobus et al., Part warpage model based on machining-induced residual stress, Tech. Paper- Soc. Manuf.
Eng. MR99-158, SME, 1999, pp. 1}6.
[68] J. Jergeus, Martensite formation and residual stresses around railway wheel #ats, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part
C 212 (1) (1998) 69}79.
[69] W.G. Jiang et al., A concise "nite element model for simple straight wire rope strand, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 41 (2) (1999)
[70] J.T. Jinn, J.K. Lee, Computational strategies to model residual stress due to shock loading, Fifth US National
Congress on Computational Mechanics, Boulder, 1999, pp. 440.
[71] J. Johansson et al., Evolution of the residual stress state in a duplex stainless steel during loading, Acta Mater. 47
(9) (1999) 2669}2684.
[72] D.Y. Ju et al., Simulation of the thermo-mechanical behavior and residual stresses in the spray coating process, J.
Mater. Process. Technol. 92}93 (1999) 243}250.
[73] K.A. Khor, Y.W. Gu, E!ects of residual stress on the performance of plasma sprayed functionally graded
ZrO /NiCoCrA1Y coatings, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 277 (1/2) (2000) 64}76.

[74] H. Kockelmann et al., Investigation of residual stresses in a shape welded steel tube by the time-of-#ight neutron
di!raction technique, Mater. Sci. Forum 321 (2000) 726}731.
[75] D.I. Kong et al., E!ects of coupling agent thickness on residual stress in polyimide gamma APS silicon wafer
joints, J. Adhesion Sci. Technol. 13 (7) (1999) 805}818.
[76] S.P. Kovalev et al., Finite element simulation of thermal residual stresses in joining ceramics with thin metal
interlayers, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 81 (9) (1998) 2342}2348.
[77] H. Kuckert et al., Residual thermal stresses in the case of the ultrasonic roll seam welding of glass/metal
compounds. II: Measures for their reduction, Schweissen Schneiden 51 (8) (1999) 476}481.
[78] H. Kuckert et al., Residual thermal stresses in the case of the ultrasonic roll seam welding of glass/
metal compounds. I: Mathematical determination of the distribution, Schweissen Schneiden 51 (7) (1999)
[79] R.R. Kunde et al., Proper selection of auxiliary heat source for reducing thermal residual stresses during welding
process, 1998 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress Exposition DE, Vol. 100. ASME, New
York, 1998, pp. 151}158.
[80] V. Labas et al., Fluoride eutectic composites: preparation, microstructure, fast ionic conduction and calculation of
thermal residual stresses, Ceram.-Silikaty 43 (2) (1999) 67}75.
[81] H. Lahtinen et al., Utilisation of optical "bre measurement techniques in determination of residual stresses of
composites, Proc. SPIE 3746 (1999) 526}529.
[82] J. Lenz et al., Transient and residual thermal stress in porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns, Sixth International
Conference on Computer Methods in Composite Materials, Montreal, CMP, 1998, pp. 255}264.
[83] H. Li et al., Dependence of thermal residual stress on temperature in a SiC particle-reinforced 6061 A1 alloy,
Metall. Mater. Trans. A 29 (7) (1998) 2001}2009.
[84] J.S. Lin, Y. Miyamoto, Notch e!ect of surface compression and the toughening of graded A1 O /TiC/Ni
materials, Acta Mater. 48 (3) (2000) 767}775.
[85] Z.C. Lin et al., Study of ultra-precision machining and residual stress for NiP alloy with di!erent cutting speeds
and depth of cut, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 97 (1/3) (2000) 200}210.
258 J. Mackerle / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 37 (2001) 253}262

[86] L.E. Lindgren et al., Simulation of multipass welding of a thick plate, Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 44 (9) (1999)
[87] L. Lindhorst, O. Mahrenholtz, On the in#uence of wet underwater welding on CTOD-Delta 5, Int. J. Fract. 97
(1/4) (1999) 263}277.
[88] C.R. Liu, Y.B. Guo, Finite element analysis of the e!ect of sequential cuts and tool-chip friction on residual stresses
in a machined layer, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 42 (6) (2000) 1069}1086.
[89] T. Lorentzen et al., Characterization of residual stresses generated during inhomogeneous plastic deformation, J.
Strain Anal. Eng. Des. 33 (3) (1998) 243}252.
[90] H. Lu et al., Mechanical behavior in local post weld heat treatment. IV: In#uence of residual stress distribution in
multi-pass welding, Trans. JWRI 28 (1) (1999) 55}60.
[91] J. Maeda et al., The e!ect of residual stress on crack propagation in a YBCO/Ag composite, Supercond. Sci.
Technol. 12 (8) (1999) 563}565.
[92] M. Mahdi, L. Zhang, Applied mechanics in grinding. Part 7: Residual stresses induced by the full coupling of
mechanical deformation, thermal deformation and phase transformation, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf. 39 (8) (1999)
[93] E. Martinelli et al., Neutron di!raction and "nite element analysis of thermal residual stresses on di!usion-bonded
silicon carbide-molybdenum joints, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 82 (7) (1999) 1787}1792.
[94] J.M.J. McDill et al., Predicting residual stress and distortion when welding aeroengine alloys, Can. Aeronaut.
Space J. 44 (2) (1998) 68}72.
[95] S.A. Meguid et al., Residual stresses in aircraft components: Part I- Nonlinear "nite element modelling, Proc.
SPIE 3586 (1999) 256}260.
[96] S.A. Meguid et al., Three-dimensional dynamic "nite element analysis of shot-peening induced residual stresses,
Finite Elements Anal. Des. 31 (3) (1999) 179}191.
[97] S.A. Meguid et al., Finite element modelling of shot-peening residual stresses, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 92}93
(1999) 401}404.
[98] G. Meijer et al., Aspects of residual thermal stress/strain in particle reinforced metal matrix composites,
Composites Part B 31 (1) (2000) 29}37.
[99] A. Melander, E!ects of hoop and residual stresses on the critical size of inclusions under rolling contact fatigue
conditions, Fatigue '99, Higher Educat. Press, China, 1999, pp. 2615}2620.
[100] P. Michaleris et al., Optimization of the thermal tensioning process for minimum residual stress and distortion,
Trends Welding Research, ASM Int., Cleveland, OH, 1998, pp. 988}992.
[101] P. Michaleris et al., Minimization of welding residual stress and distortion in large structures, Weld. J. 78 (11)
(1999) 361}366.
[102] J. Michler et al., Residual stress in diamond "lms: origins and modelling, Thin Solid Films 357 (2) (1999)
[103] M. Mochizuki et al., Comparison of "ve evaluation methods of residual stress in a welded pipe joint, JSME Int. J.,
Ser. A 42 (1) (1999) 104}110.
[104] J.H. Mun et al., Residual stress in swine iliac arteries, 1999 IEEE Engineering Medical and Biological Society
Conference, IEEE, New York, 1999, pp. 211.
[105] K. Nakacho, Y. Ueda, A simple estimating method for reduction of welding residual stresses in thick welded joint
from stress-relief annealing, Part II, J. Pressure Vessel Technol. ASME 121 (1) (1999) 11}16.
[106] S. Naritsuka et al., Three-dimensional calculation of residual stress in InP layers grown by microchannel epitaxy
of Si substrates, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 1 37 (11) (1998) 5885}5889.
[107] H. Nayeb-Hashemi, Y. Yang, Thermal residual stress analyses of Nextel 440/Aluminum composite, J. Compos.
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[108] Y. Nemoto et al., Analysis and measurement of residual stress distribution of vanadium/ceramics joints for fusion
reactor applications, J. Nucl. Mater. 258}263 B (1998) 1517}1522.
[109] T.N. Nguyen, M.A. Wahab, E!ect of weld geometry and residual stresses on the fatigue of welded joints under
combined loading, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 77 (1/3) (1998) 201}208.
[110] N. Nickoletopoulos et al., Determination of residual stresses in a steel fastener by neutron di!raction, 69th Ann.
Convect.-Wire Cable Tech. Symposium, Atlanta, 1999, pp. 242}248.
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[111] S.Q. Nusier, G.M. Newaz, Transient residual stresses in thermal barrier coatings: analytical and numerical results,
J. Appl. Mech., ASME 65 (2) (1998) 346}353.
[112] T. Nyman et al., Equivalent damage and residual strength for impact damaged composite structures, J. Reinf.
Plast. Compos. 19 (6) (2000) 428}448.
[113] S. Oddy et al., Predicting residual stresses in weaved repair welds, Trends Welding Research, ASM Int., Cleveland,
OH, 1998, pp. 931}936.
[114] Y. Okumoto, Analysis of residual stress and deformation due to welding, 17th International Conference on
O!shore Mechanical and Arctic Engineering, Lisbon, OMAE, 1998, pp. 1}8.
[115] C.S. Pan, W. Hsu, Microstructure for in situ determination of residual strain, J. Microelectromech. Systems 8 (2)
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[116] P. Papanikos, S.A. Meguid, Three-dimensional "nite element analysis of cold expansion of adjacent holes, Int. J.
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[117] J.S. Park, S.J. Na, A study on the numerical analysis of thermomechanical behaviour in a stud-to-plate laser braze
joint, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part C 213 (8) (1999) 763}774.
[118] R. Pathania et al., Analytical and experimental evaluation of residual stresses in BWR core shroud welds,
ASME/JSME Joint Pressure Vessel Piping Conference PVP 373, ASME, New York, 1998, pp. 337}349.
[119] M.J. Pavier et al., Finite element modelling of the interaction of residual stress with mechanical load for a crack
emanating from a cold worked fastener hole, J. Strain Anal. Eng. Des. 33 (4) (1998) 275}289.
[120] M.J. Pavier et al., E!ect of residual stress around cold worked holes on fracture under superimposed mechanical
load, Eng. Fract. Mech. 63 (6) (1999) 751}773.
[121] M.B. Prime, Residual stress measurement by successive extension of a slot: the crack compliance method, Appl.
Mech. Rev. 52 (2) (1999) 75}96.
[122] M.B. Prime, Measuring residual stress and the resulting stress intensity factor in compact tension specimens,
Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 22 (3) (1999) 195}204.
[123] M.B. Prime et al., Residual stress measured before and after stress relief in rolled aluminum plate, 1999 ASME
Mech. Materials Conference, 1999, pp. 241}242.
[124] S. Qin et al., Characterization of thermal residual strain in SiCp6061 Al composites by ultramicrohardness, J.
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[125] S. Qin et al., The e!ect of particle shape on ductility of SiCp reinforced 6061 Al matrix composites, Mater. Sci. Eng.
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[126] B.H. Rabin et al., Residual strains in an Al O -Ni joint bonded with a composite interlayer: experimental
measurements and FEM analyses, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 81 (6) (1998) 1541}1549.
[127] S. Rahman et al., Crack-opening area analyses for circumferential through-wall cracks in pipes- Part III:
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[128] P. Rangaswamy et al., Comparison of residual strains measured by X-ray and neutron di!raction in a titanium
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[129] I. Reimanis et al., Using Vickers indentation to probe residual stresses in ductile/brittle joints with graded
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[130] D.E. Richardson et al., Veri"cation of "nite element predictions of residual stress bondline failures in analog
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[203] Q. Yang, Predicting dynamic residual properties for laminated composites: a "nite element based approach, Ph.D.
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Boundary elements methods: Papers in journals/Conference proceedings and theses

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Boundary elements methods: Other theses, reviews and books

[206] S.S. Lee, Three-dimensional boundary element analysis of residual stresses in a cross-ply "ber composite model,
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