Jereh Wellhead Equipment
Jereh Wellhead Equipment
Jereh Wellhead Equipment
Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment ------------------- 1 JT, JT-CL, JT-SRL-CL Tubing Hangers ------------- 20
Application Requirements of Casing Hangers ---------- 5 JHT-2 Tubing Head Adapters -------------------------- 24
JC Type Casing Head Housings and Spools------------ 7 JT Tubing Head Adapters ------------------------------- 25
JC-22/JC-29 Type Casing Head Housings ---------- 8 ESP Tubing Head Adapters ---------------------------- 25
JS Type Casing Head Housings and Spools ----------- 10 Tees and Crosses ----------------------------------------- 30
JS Type Slip Hangers ------------------------------------ 13 Pressure Test Plugs & Running and Retrieving
JCD-2 Dual Tubing Head Spools ---------------------- 15 FJ&FJS gate valve ------------------------------------------- 38
JCXS Type Tubing Hangers ---------------------------- 18 SSV (Surface Safety Valve) -------------------------------- 40
Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment is used to monitor wellhead pressure, adjust oil/gas well flow
and prevent the release of hazardous liquid and gas from entering into air or water during drilling and oil
& gas production. They can also apply for acidizing, fracturing, water flooding and testing. Jereh Well-
head and Christmas Tree products are designed in compliance with API 6A 20 and NACE MR0175. We
are dedicated to providing safe and reliable equipment to our customers.
(F) (C)
K -75 to 180 -60 to 82
L -50 to 180 -46 to 82
N -50 to 140 -46 to 60
P -20 to 180 -29 to 82
S 0 to 140 -18 to 60
T 0 to 180 -18 to 82
U 0 to 250 -18 to 121
V 35 to 250 2 to 121
X 0 to 350 -18 to 180
Hang-off Capability:
type for use in different working conditions
100 F
100 F
38 Seal: Two 45load shoulders, upper load shoulder supports hanger
JSB 3 Manual------------------------------------------------------JSB-3, JB-5 seal during pressure test; the lower one supports casing string
50 F JC 22
JC 29
Automatic---------------------------------------------------JSB-3, JSB-5, JC-2 independently. Various choices of secondary seals are
-20 F
Applicable Spools and Housings:
0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Hang-off Performance% of Plpe Body Yleld One 45load shoulder (JC-2) --------------------------JC-22, JC-29 Working Pressure: 2,00015,000 psi
Two 45load shoulders (JS) ----------------------------JSB-3, JSB-5 Working Temperatures: 20F to 250F
Hang-off Capability: 82% pipe yield strength
Casing Head Housings and Spools: JS
Casing Hangers: JSB3, JSB5
Tubing Hangers: JT, JT-CL, JT-SRL, JT-SRL-CL, JHT2, JCXS,
05 - 06
Jereh Christmas Tree products cover Electric Submersible Pump Christmas Tree, Dual Tubing Christmas
Tree, Integrated Christmas Tree and Test Christmas Tree.
03 - 04
Copyright C Jereh Global All right reserved.
Wellhead Systems JC Type Casing Head Housings and Spools
Tubing Hangers
Tubing Hangers are applicable for single, dual and metal-sealing completions. JC-22/JC-29 Type Casing Head Housings
45load shoulder to hold wellhead pipe string.
Load shoulder of JC-29 is deeper than JC-22, installed with JC-29 casing hanger for deep well operation.
Cap Screw Assembly to fix Casing Wear Bushings and Casing Hangers.
JHT-2 JCXS JMTBS JMTBS-CL JT JT-CL JT-SRL-CL ESP JCD-T JCD-T-CL Side outlet has optional studded flange and threaded connection (2LP). The studded flange is offered with VR plug
thread; 2LP threaded connection is used for line pipe outlet.
Tubing Spools
Housing bottom connections: threaded, welded and slip type.
JCD-2 and JC&JMTBS Tubing Head Spools are available
for standard service applications.They have the same bowl Designed with pressure test, injection and pressure release ports for easy, quick maintenance and tests.
configuration and suitable for dual tubing hangers. Both of
JC&JMTBS JCD-2 Apply for casing hangers JC-22 and JC-29.
them are all-metal-sealing for critical applications.
Casing Hangers
Two slip-type casing hangers are available
JC-22 JC-29 JSB-3 JSB-5
for the JS and JC Casing Spools. Each B
hanger is suitable for specific applications.
JC-22/JC-29 Type Casing Hangers
09 - 10
11 - 12
13 5/8.
Designed with 45load shoulders to support tubing load. annular distribution of shoulders protects tubing head
spool during drilling operation and maximizes shoulder loading capability.
Applied to multiple types of tubing hangers.
Side outlet has optional studded flange and threaded connection (2LP). The studded flange is offered with VR
JSB-3 JSB-5 plug thread. 2LP threaded connection is used for line pipe outlet.
Lock screws installed with packing in front of the threads to resist corrosion of threads and prevent solid particles
from piling up at the back of threads.
Secondary seals: PE, EBS, R-Bushing, CANH, single & double P seal, single & double FS seal.
JSB-3/ JSB-5 Type Casing Hanger All test ports and injection ports adopt metal seal; check valve is designed in Grease Fitting.
JSB-3/JSB-5 Type Casing Hanger is used for JS type Casing Head Housings and Spools.
JSB-3 Casing Hanger is designed for 5,000 psi working pressure and capable of supporting 82% of casing
yield strength; only 7,000kg load is needed for annulus seal .
JSB-5 Casing Hanger is designed for 10,000 psi and 15,000 psi working pressure and capable of supporting A
82% of casing yield strength; only 7,000kg pipe load is needed for annulus seal (JSB-5 Casing Hanger shall
not be applied for JS type Casing Head Spools or Housings with lock screws) .
Easy installation and operation.
Method to set the seal: casing string weight.
Temperature range: 20F to 250F.
JC & JMTBS Tubing Head Spools
Top Flange Bottom Flange Casing Size Side Outlet A B C
3,000 9 3,000 20.75 6.375 7.005
4 1/255 1/2
5,000 9 3,000 21.25 6.375 7.005
5,000 11 3,000 4 1/255 1/2 2 1/16-5K 22.5 6.375 7.005
Nominal Size or2 LP
5,000 11 5,000 77 5/8 23.75 6.375 7.005
Casing 20 3/421 1/4
9 11 13 5/8 16 3/4 7 1/16 10,000 9 5,000 4 1/255 1/2 23.75 6.375 7.005
(O.D.=20.5in )
JSB-3 JSB-5 JSB-3 JSB-5 JSB-3 JSB-5 JSB-3 JSB-5 JSB-3 JSB-5 10,000 11 5,000 24.5 6.375 7.005
4 1/2 10,000 11 10,000 25 6.375 7.005
2 1/16-10K
5 15,000 11 10,000 27.5 6.375 7.005
5 1/2 20,000 11 15,000 4 1/255 1/2 2 1/16-15K 33 6.375 7.005
10,000 11 5,000 77 5/8 2 1/16-5K or 2 LP 25.5 8 8.875
7 5/8 9 10,000 11 10,000 26 8 8.875
2 1/16-10K
8 5/8 15,000 11 10,000 29.75 8 8.875
9 5/8 5,000 11 5,000 26.5 10 10.875
2 1/16 -5K
10 3/4 5,000 13 5/8 5,000 26.5 10 10.875
or 2 LP
11 3/4 11 10,000 13 5/8 5,000 7 75/8 27.75 10 10.875
13 3/8 10,000 13 5/8 10,000 85/8 9 5/8 28.5 10 10.875
2 1/16-10K
16 15,000 13 5/8 10,000 32 10 10.875
13 - 14
Installation base holes of tubing hangers of JCD-2 Dual Tubing Head Spools are the same size with JC & MTBS
Tubing Head Spools, while JCD-2 has two sets of lock screws to align with Dual Tubing Hangers. Retractable lock
screws allow the JCD-2 Dual Tubing Head Spools to apply to other types of tubing hangers.
Designed with 45load shoulders to support tubing load; annular distribution of shoulders protects tubing head spool
during drilling operation and maximizes shoulder loading capability.
Applicable for JHT2, JT, JT-CL, JT-SRL, JT-SRL-CL, JCXS, JMTBS, JMTBS-CL Single Tubing Hangers and JCD-T,
JCD-T-CL Double Tubing Hangers.
Side outlet has optional studded flange and threaded connection (2LP). The studded flange is offered with VR plug
thread; 2LP threaded connection is used for line pipe outlet.
Lock screws installed with packing in front of the threads to resist corrosion of threads by corrosive fluids and prevent
solid particles from piling up at the back of threads.
Designed with alignment pins of Dual Tubing Hanger located below bearing shoulders to avoid intervention with test
plugs w/o interfering the capability of load shoulders.
Secondary seals: PE, EBS, R-Bushing, CANH, single & double P seal, single & double FS seal.
Tubing Hangers
All the test ports, injection ports adopt metal seal; check valve is designed in Grease Fitting.
We provide multiple solutions for well drilling and completion, including control
pipe line of downhole safety valves, ESP and different packing methods for
various working conditions and pressure.
Body seal type: rectangle seal, HT-2 seal components, lower metal seal;
JCD-2 Dual Tubing Head Spools Secondary seal of extended neck: S seal, MS metal seal;
Top Flange Bottom Flange Casing Size Side Outlet A B C Options: ESP, control pipe line of downhole safety valves.
3,000 9 3,000 4 1/25 20.75 6.375 7.005
5,000 9 3,000 5 1/2 21.25 6.375 7.005
5,000 11 3,000 4 1/255 1/2 2 1/16-5K 22.5 6.375 7.005
5,000 11 5,000 77 5/8 or2 LP 23.75 6.375 7.005
7 1/16
10,000 9 5,000 4 1/255 1/2 23.75 6.375 7.005
10,000 11 5,000 24.5 6.375 7.005
10,000 11 10,000 25 6.375 7.005
2 1/16-10K
15,000 11 10,000 27.5 6.375 7.005
4 1/255
20,000 11 15,000 1/2 2 1/16-15K 33 6.375 7.005
10,000 11 5,000 77 5/8 2 1/16-5K or 2 LP 25.5 8 8.875
9 10,000 11 10,000 26 8 8.875
2 1/16-10K
15,000 11 10,000 29.75 8 8.875
15 - 16
This product includes a JHT annular packing box, hanger body and hanger back cap,
this structure is economical and easy to install.
Features: Features:
17 - 18
JMTBS Tubing Hanger includes hanger body, upper MS seal, lower metal seal and body JT Tubing Hanger is composed of hanger body, neck seal, and rectangle main seal of rubber. Neck
rectangle rubber seal. seal includes small angle tapered seal and MS seal.
19 - 20
Jereh JCD-T, JCD-T-CL Dual Tubing Hangers are used for JCD-2 Tubing Head Spools. It is a mandrel ESP hanger includes hanger body, upper S seal, lower
hanger divided into two parts from the center which can hold tubing string independently. Alignment pins metal seal, body S seal and ESP.
are designed at the lower part of hangers to ensure Dual Tubing Hangers in position.
Features: Features:
21 - 22
Copyright C Jereh Global All right reserved.
Bottom Flange Top Flange Working Pressure Tubing Size
JHT-2 Tubing Head Adapters 2 1/16 3,000 2 3/8
JCXS Tubing Head Adapters Bottom Flange Top Flange Working Pressure Tubing Size
2 1/16 3,000 6
2 1/16 5,000 6
JCXS Tubing Head Adapters work with JCXS,
2 1/16 10,000 6
JCXS-CL Type Tubing Hangers.
2 9/16 3,000 6
2 9/16 5,000 6
7 1/16
2 9/16 10,000 6
Tubing Head
3 1/8 3,000 6
3 1/8 5,000 6
3 1/16 10,000 6
3 1/16 15,000 6
3 1/8 5,000 7
3 1/16 10,000 7
3 1/16 15,000 7
4 1/16 5,000 7
4 1/16 10,000 7
4 1/16 15,000 7
23 - 24
Copyright C Jereh Global All right reserved.
Tubing Head Adapters
Bottom Flange Top Flange Working Pressure Tubing Size
JMTBS Tubing Head Adapters work with JMTBS, 2 1/16 3,000 2 3/8
Wellhead Sec-
2 9/16 5,000 2 7/8
7 1/16
2 9/16 10,000 2 7/8
2 9/16 15,000 2 7/8
3 1/8 5,000 3 1/2
3 1/16 10,000 3 1/2
ondary Seals
3 1/16 15,000 3 1/2
3 1/16 20,000 3 1/2
3 1/8 5,000 3 1/2
3 1/16 10,000 3 1/2
Secondary Seals
3 1/16 15,000 3 1/2
3 1/16 20,000 3 1/2
4 1/16 5,000 4 1/2
4 1/16 10,000 4 1/2
4 1/16 15,000 4 1/2
4 1/16 20,000 4 1/2
JT Tubing Head Adapters Bottom Flange Top Flange Working Pressure Tubing Size
1/16 3,000 6
Jereh designs secondary seal assembly such as PE, EBS, R-Bushing, CANH, and also FS,
2 1/16 5,000 6
JT Tubing Head Adapters work with JT, JT-CL, P seals which can go directly into wellhead spools. Secondary seals are installed in the
2 1/16 10,000 6
JT-SRL and JT-SRL-CL Tubing Hangers. 2 9/16 3,000 6 empty chamber below Tubing Head Spools and Casing Head Spools. Secondary seals
7 1/16
2 9/16 5,000 6 energize themselves after lower casing entering secondary seals and installing flange bolts.
2 9/16 10,000 6
3 1/8 3,000 6
3 1/8 5,000 6
3 1/16 10,000 6
3 1/16 15,000 6
3 1/8 5,000 7
3 1/16 10,000 7
3 1/16 15,000 7
11 4 1/16 5,000 7
4 1/16 10,000 7
4 1/16 15,000 7
25 - 26
27 - 28
Wellhead Tools
3,000 3 1/8 2 1/16 114.5 127 100.8 98.5
3,000 3 1/8 2 9/16 127 127 111.1 107.6
3,000 3 1/8 3 1/8 127 127 110.1 105.5
3,000 4 1/16 3 1/8 127 155.5 161 155.9
3,000 4 1/16 4 1/16 155.5 155.5 195 186.1
Wellhead Tools
5,000 2 1/16 2 1/16 114.5 114.5 84.3 81.9
5,000 2 9/16 2 1/16 114.5 127 105.5 112.6
5,000 2 9/16 2 9/16 127 127 116.3 103
5,000 3 1/8 2 1/16 114.5 139.5 123.1 120.6
5,000 3 1/8 2 9/16 139.5 139.5 150 146.1
5,000 3 1/8 3 1/8 139.5 139.5 148.1 142.4
5,000 4 1/16 3 1/8 139.5 165 202.8 155.9
5,000 4 1/16 4 1/16 165 165 237.8 186.1
10,000 2 1/16 2 1/16 111 111 73.8 71.8
10,000 2 9/16 2 1/16 114.5 130 101.9 99.6
10,000 2 9/16 2 9/16 130 130 114.9 111.4
10,000 3 1/16 2 1/16 114.5 149 136.5 134
10,000 3 1/16 2 9/16 130 149 154.3 150.5
10,000 3 1/16 3 1/16 149 149 176 170.5
10,000 4 1/16 3 1/16 149 174.5 236.7 230.7
10,000 4 1/16 4 1/16 174.5 174.5 274.4 263.9
15,000 2 1/16 2 1/16 127 127 107.6 105
15,000 2 9/16 2 1/16 139.5 139.5 149.6 146.9
15,000 2 9/16 2 9/16 139.5 139.5 148.1 144.1
15,000 3 1/16 2 1/16 160.5 160.5 224.8 221
15,000 3 1/16 2 9/16 160.5 160.5 223.3 218.8
15,000 3 1/16 3 1/16 160.5 160.5 221.3 214.9
15,000 4 1/16 3 1/16 193.5 193.5 398.4 391.3
15,000 4 1/16 4 1/16 193.5 193.5 392.7 379.8
29 - 30
Metal-to-metal seal Stem seal
FJS Seal
Sealing at the gate-to-seat and the seat-to- Stem seal adopts low friction resistance Nominal size: 2 1/167 1/16
body is metal-to-metal. PTFE/R-PTFE seal, suitable for fluids and gases Rated pressure: 3,000psi15,000psi
A single PTFE or Viton spring-loaded lip seal in drilling, oil & gas production applications, wide Material class: AAHH
of FJ gate valve protects against any damage range of temperatures, pressures and corrosion Temperature class: KU
to the metal sealing surface. Dual PTFE or conditions. Stem seals of FJ and FJS gate valve Product specification level: PSL1PSL4
Viton spring-loaded lip seals at the seat-to- are interchangeable under the same service Performance rating: PR1PR2
body of FJS gate valve protect against condition. FJ Seal
intrusion of particles into the body cavity and
seal areas. Grease injection device
Stem, seat and gate are lubricated by the grease
Bonnet-to-body seal injection device located downstream of stem
Sealing at the bonnet-to-body is metal seal. backseat for safety, with lube bore and seal bore
Gate valves with pressure rated at 10,000, not directly connected to cavity. API 6A gate valve materials list
15,000 and 20,000psi have a self-energized
metal seal. Bearing & lubrication M.C. Forged body /bonnet Stem Gate/seat
Bearing inside the bearing cap holds stem thrust, AA AISI 4130 AISI 4130 nitrided AISI 4130 coated tungsten carbide
Gate & seat reducing operation torque. Grease fitting on the BB AISI 4130 AISI 410, 17-4PH nitrided AISI 410 coated tungsten carbide
Seat featuring floating design, combined with cap allows bearing lubrication, providing easy CC 12Cr SS AISI 410, 17-4PH nitrided AISI 410 coated tungsten carbide
AISI 4130
the rigid gate, provide a real seal downstream operation. DD-NL AISI 4130 nitrided AISI 4130 coated tungsten carbide
EE-0.5 AISI 4130 AISI 410, 17-4PH nitrided AISI 410 coated tungsten carbide
side and easy operation.
EE-1.5 AISI 4130 718 AISI 410 coated tungsten carbide
Open/close operation
EE-NL AISI 4130 718 AISI 410 coated tungsten carbide
Bi-directional seal Easy closing and sealing without excessive 12Cr SS
FF-0.5 410, 17-4PH nitrided AISI 410 coated tungsten carbide
Bi-directional seal design of gate and seat force. After the valve is opened or closed, turning FF-1.5 12Cr SS 718 AISI 410 coated tungsten carbide
provides increased service life and easy the handwheel back to 1/4 turn will then fully seal FF-NL 12Cr SS 718 AISI 410 coated tungsten carbide
maintenance. or shut down the valve. A torque reducing device AISI 4130 bead weld 625 or
HH 718 718 coated tungsten carbide
integral 718
is recommended for larger or high pressure gate
Back-pressure seal valves.
Stem shoulder provides back-pressure seal
between stem and bonnet to isolate cavity Forged body and bonnet
pressure, allowing stem seal replacement All bodies and bonnets are forged from AISI Comparison of gate valves
under pressure. 4130/4140 low alloy steel or AISI 410 stainless
Description FJ FJS FJS-R
steel with high reliability and safety. For more
Non-rising stem design severe conditions, corrosion resistant alloy is
Non-rising stem permits stable torque for bead welded on the body to protect positions Clad
open/close operation without increasing cavity exposed to fluids in the cavity.
33 - 34
Slab gate
FJ gate valve is a full-bore, through-conduit valve available in standard double flange,
Description FJ FJS FJS-F
threaded-end and block body configurations. Body and bonnet are forged from alloy steel,
Outlet Valve
available in 3,000 and 5,000psi working pressure and in bore sizes from 2 1/16 to 4 1/16.
Lower Master Valve
Upper Master Valve
Surface Safety Valve (SSV)
Swab Valve E
Wing Valve
Flowline Valve
Manifold Valve
High Temperature (350)
Low Temperature (-75)
H 2S B
Produced Water
High Chlorides
Fracturing Proppants
Sand A
Mud Manifold Valve
Choke and Kill Valve
Fracturing Valve
High Temperature (350) Dimensions
Low Temperature (-75)
Low Temperature (-75)
35 - 36
FJS gate valve is a full-bore, through-conduit valve available in standard double flange, FJS-F gate valve is designed for high pressure and large bore applications. This valve features a
threaded-end and block body configurations. Body are forged from alloy steel, available in lower balancing stem and ball screw mechanism for easy operation in the field.
3,000 and 15,000psi working pressure and in bore sizes from 2 1/16 to 4 1/16.
Bi-directional design provides flow direction versatility and increased service life.
Premium metal-to-metal sealing (gate-to-seat and seat-to-body).
Dual PTFE or Viton spring-loaded lip seals at the seat-to-body protect against intrusion of
particles into the body cavity and seal areas.
Lower stem balances pressure and shock on upper stem to reduce operating torque and
B provides position indication.
PTFE or Viton spring-loaded lip seals are applicable to full range of pressures, temperatures and
Either stem can be backseated to allow stem seal to be replaced with valve under pressure.
C Grease injection device is located on the downstream side of the stem and the balancing stem
Nominal Size Pressure A (Thread) A (Flange) B C D E D
2 1/16 3,000 270 371 178 130 410 356 B
2 1/16 5,000 270 371 178 130 410 356
37 - 38
FJ&FJS gate
10,000 3.06 3 1/2 EU 43.2
3 1/16
15,000 3.06 3 1/2 EU 46.8
5,000 4.06 4 1/2 EU 87.9
4 1/16 10,000 4.06 4 1/2 EU 95.3
15,000 4.06 4 1/2 EU 132.7
During drilling, test plug base seal is on the shoulders of Casing Head requirements. Adopting premium materials and advanced processes, the gate valves are
Housings and Casing Head Spools; and run sealing performance test of designed as per API 6A and proved by various tests.
Casing Head Housings, Casing Head Spools and BOP by drill pipe; run Jereh FJ and FJS gate valves provide safe and reliable seals under the pressure range
and retrieve Wear Bushings by the wellhead tools. and less maintenance in the field.
Gate and seat are easy to install. The metal seal allows more compact cavity, easy to
Other Tools maintain, suitable for a wider range of pressures, temperatures and corrosion conditions.
As per API 6A and NACE MR 0175.
FJ gate valve rated pressure: 3,000, 5,000psi.
FJS gate valve rated pressure: 5,000, 10,000, 15,000 and 20,000psi.
Running Tools of Back Pressure Valves
Back Pressure Valves VR Plug & HVR Plug Running Tools of VR Plug
31 - 32
39 - 40
Needle Type Choke Valve Nominal Size Pressure Max. Choke Bean A B
Valve plug and choke bean adopt high abrasion resistance 3 1/8 5,000 50 177.8 139.5
Nominal Size Pressure Max. Choke Bean A B
41 - 42
Features: Features:
Stable operation, low noise and vibration. Equipped with upper and lower gates with orifices. The gate opening
Low open/close torque. size may vary by turning the handwheel to control flow. Orifice
Easy flow adjustment, allowing stable flow. adopts hard alloy to increase erosion and corrosion resistance. The
Stem seal is made of special materials to deliver good chemical stability and corrosion resistance valve can be used as shutdown valve.
to medium. Low noise and vibration, stable operation.
Valve plug and choke bean adopt high abrasion resistance hard alloy to endure long hours Allowing a smooth choke flow curve.
erosion and corrosion. The inner bore of the outlet features extension wear bushing to
extend service life.
Dimensions The tubing head adapter of the outlet is replaceable depending on
Nominal Size Pressure Max. Choke Bean A B different pressure conditions.
2 1/16 3,000 50.8 150 110 Stem seal is made of special materials to deliver good chemical
2 1/16 5,000 50.8 150 110
stability and corrosion resistance to medium.
2 1/16 10,000 50.8 150 110
43 - 44