Hearst Medical Papyrus

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The object of this publication is to give an exact reproduction of the hieratic text of the Hearst
Medical Papyrus and to make the philological and the other material contained in the text easily

available by means of the vocabulary and the list of remedies. The translations given of the incan-

tations in the papyrus make no pretense to being final. The attention of those not familiar with

Egyptian must be called to the fact that there are many difficult words and phrases and that in

some cases it is not now possible to explain the meaning of sentences which seem quite clear (e. g. the

opening of the incantation for honey).

The text is in black ink; but the headings of prescriptions, a few important directions and the
numbers (quantities) are in red ink. The indication on the plates, of the portions in red, has not
seemed worth the expense of two color printing. The headings of prescriptions and those directions
which are in red, are all given in the list of prescriptions (p. 8). The numbers are easily distinguish-
able as such; and any case of doubt due to the similarity of the number and the determinative may
be settled by referring to the vocabulary.

Although the consonants d and t were at this period pronounced d and t except in a few
words (see Sethe, Verbum I, p. i86 and 177), they have been, as a general rule, still transcribed d

and t except in words in which d and t are orthographically expressed in this text. I am aware
of a certain amount of inconsistency in carrying out this general rule; but I trust that the usefulness

of the publication has not been lessened in any way thereby.

The publication bears in itself the evidence that it is entirely on the basis prepared for us by
Erman, Steindorff and Sethe, at present, the only logical basis for the publication of an Egyptian
text. I desire especially to thank Prof. Sethe for his assistance in preparing the vocabulary and in

reading the final proofs.

Pyramids Nov. 28, 1904. George A. Reisner.

Table of Contents

Preface V
A. Introduction.

I. Provenance of the Hearst Medical Papyrus. Its preservation and date i

II. Contents of the papyrus. Its subdivisions. List of passages common to Hearst and Ebers. Re-
lation of Hearst to Ebers. Manner in which these collections were formed. Egyptian medicine
devoted to the cure of external ailments and symptoms. The use of magic. Conclusion .... i

III. Some remedies of the modern fellah 5

IV. The incantations contained in the papyrus, transliterated and translated 6

B. Eist of prescriptions and incantations contained in the papyrus 8

C. Vocabulary containing all words which occur in the papyrus 14

D. The text of the papyrus in 17 facsimile plates in collotype.


I. Provenance of the Hearst Medical Papyrus. and the casts of insects. The beginning of the

In the spring of 1901, a roll of papyrus was roll was inside. In the middle of the first page
brought to the camp of the Hearst Egyptian preserved, the papyrus had been torn in two in
Expedition near Der-el-Ballas by a peasant of antiquity and rolled up with the torn page inside.

the village as a mark of his thanks at being The roll as preserved contains eighteen co-
allowed to take sebah from our dump-heaps near lumns or parts of columns. The pages are not

the northern koni. In my absence at Girga, he numbered.'^ So it is impossible to estimate with

left the roll with Lythgoe until I should return. any certainty the original size of the papyrus.

He said he had found the roll while dig-

that PersonallyI doubt whether more than one or
ging for sebah two years before, that be had put two pages are lost. The width of the strip of
it away in a cupboard in his house and forgotten
papyrus averages about 1 7,2 cm.The width of
it. He had found the roll in a pot among the the different columns varies from 18 cm to 23 cm.
house walls between the southern kom and the Judging by the script, the pap)Tus must be
southern cemetery. There was nothing else in dated to about the same period as the Ebers
the pot except this one roll. His description of (i. e. previous to the 9* year of Amenophis I).

the pot did not enable us to identify its type. The houses at Der-el-Ballas excavated by us were
In my opinion, considering the man, there can all either of the period between the twelfth and the
be no reason to doubt these statements. The eighteenth dynasties inclusive or of the Coptic
man attached no value to the papyrus. He did period. As the Coptic period is out of the que-
not come again until sent for six months later; stion, the provenance of the papyrus as well as
and he gratefully accepted the price given him its between the twelfth
script points to the period

without any attempt whatever at bargaining. and eigtheenth dynasties as the period in which
The roll was brought to Lythgoe, brutally the Hearst papyrus was written.
tied up in the end of a native head-cloth {s 7iga)^
and had, of course, been carried in a similar II. Contents.
manner from the place where it was found to
The Hearst papyrus was first examined b)'
the village. The damage done to pages XVI
Dr. Borchardt and myself. Borchardt immediately
to XVIII which were on the outside of the roll
recognized its similarity to the Ebers papyrus.
was due to this treatment. The pieces broken
I, thereupon, sent Prof. Schafer in Berlin a pho-
off during the trip from the sebah digging to
tograph of page XL Schafer immediately retur-
the village were lost; but those broken off during
ned a transliteration and translation of this page
the trip to the were rescued from the
with notes giving the parallel references to Ebers
folds of the head-cloth by Lythgoe.
wherever they existed. This made it clear that
On my return to Der-el-Ballas, the papyrus
the pap)Tus was similar to Ebers but not a du-
was unrolled by Dr. Borchardt and m^self. The
plicate of it.
roll had not been opened since antiquity as was

manifest in the set of the turns, the fine dust, * The red 1 on page V is probably only a correction.
Reisner, Hearst medical papyrus.

The division of Ebers into chapters, marked Hearst. Ebers.

usually by the heading beginning, is given I 16. 35, 12.
E p. 1 1 . In Hearst the heading hU-<- is used I. 86, 15.
II 4. 16, 8.
only once to mark the beginning of a chapter
II 6. 64, 6.
(VII 14). But with the assistance of Ebers, the II 7. 64, 7- 1

contents of the Hearst papyrus may on internal II 78. I

64, 8.
evidence be divided provisionally into the follow- II 89. 64, 14.
ing chapters: II 10. Cf. 64, 10; 23,2; 24, 10; HII14
1. Relating to purging, I 1-6, six remedies. II 12.
79, 14.

2. Relating to teeth and bones, I 6-15, eight

II 14. Cf. 64, 10; 23, 2; 24, 10; H II 10.
II 15. Cf 35, 15.
II 17.

3. Miscellaneous, I 15 III 10. Ill I.


86, 8.
86. 13.

4. Relating to pains [luhd-w')^ III 10 IV i,

Ill 2. 52, 17.
Ill 3- Cf 46, 15.
seven remedies.
Ill 4. 51, 15.
5. Relating to digestion, etc., IV 2 9, eleven Ill 6.
34, 3-

remedies. Ill 8. |7i, 13.

Ill 9. 71. 14.
6. Relating to the urinary organs, IV 1

Ill 10. 75,4-

V 5, ten remedies.

7. Divine remedies (head), V 7

VI 4, seven



remedies. IV 4. Cf 50, 21.

8. Incantation for all remedies, VI 5-1 1. I V 6. 2,8.

9. Relating to cic etc., VI ii VII 13, fifteen

IV 6. 34, 2.
IV 7. 2, II.
IV 8. 2, 16.

10. Relating to the vessels VII 14 IV 9. 2, 21.

IX 3, thirty remedies. IV 10. 2, 26.

11. Relating to the blood, etc., IX 4 X 2, IV II. 54, 10.

eight remedies. IV 14. 50, 6.

X 4

12. Relating to the hair, the skin, etc., IV 15. '

50, 8.

XI I, thirteen remedies.
IV 16. 50, II.
IV 16. 50, 10.
13. Incantations and remedies against uniden-
V 2. 50, 13 -

tified diseases (partly foreign), XI 1-16,

V7. 46, 16.
two incantations and twelve remedies
V9. 46, 19.
rnspn-t, mshn-t^ tnt-cmzu^ irwtn^ sspn).
V 10. 46, 22.
1 4. Relating to fingers and toes, XI 1
XIII 1 ,
V 12. 47, 2.

thirty-six remedies. V IS. 47, 5-

VI 2. 47, 10.
15. Relating to nsj-t^ XIII 12-16, six remedies. VI 4. 47, 13.
16. Incantations for different measuring im- VI 5 II. I, I 1 .

plements and the most common ingredients,

VI II. 44, 13-

XIII 17 XIV 10, five incantations.


44, 15.
44, 17.
17. Relating to broken bones, XIV 13 XV 14, VI 15. 44, 19.
eighteen remedies. VI 16. 44, 22.
2. 45. 4.
18. Addenda, i, about thirty re-
medies including a collection of seven or
more remedies concerning bites (XVI 4-9). The horizontal line marks the omissions from the Hearst
column of remedies for which I have found no parallel in

A Ebers. Thebracket on the left of the Ebers column marks

comparison of the whole of the two pa-
continuous passages in Ebers: that on the right marks
pyri shows the following parallelisms: passages contained in the same minor collection.

Hearst. Ebers. Heai'st. Ebers.

VII 10. 69, 18. XIII 2. Cf. 78, 1618.
VII 14. Cf 79- 5- XIII II. Cf. 78, 19.
VII 14. 82, 10. XIII 12. 89, 20.
XIII 13. 89, 23.
( 79- 5-
XIII 14. 90, 4.
VIII 2. 79- 7-
XIII 15. 89, 19.
VIII 2. 1 79- 8 (end differs)
00 XIII 16. 89, 22.
VIII 3. 80, 18. ( )
XIII 16. 89, 18.
VIII 5. 81, 17. ( - - )
On XV 7. 81, 7 -

VIII 7 (104). Cf8s, 2.

XV 13. 80, 2.
VIII II. 85, 12.
VIII 12. 1 80, 15. It is clear from this comparison of the two
VIII 13. 1
80, 17.
papyri that:
VIII 14. 82, 16. 1. Each contains material not in the other.
5 81, 2. 2. There are not only prescriptions but even
82, 18. groups of prescriptions common to both papyri.
VIII 16. 00 00

Some of the groups are given in the same order


82, 19.

82, 20.
inboth cases: E 46, 10 47, 13 = H V 7 VI 4
VIII 18. 85- 10.
(E 46, 10-16 being omitted); E 44, 1346, 10

IX 2.
VI 1
2 (E 45, 5 46, 10 being omitted);
IX 3.
82, 4.

E 73,9-19 = H IX 4-7 (with omissions); E86, 8

IX 4. 1 73-9- 1
87,4 =EXii-i 5 (with omissions). Other groups

IX 5. 1 73- II - are given in a different order:


( 73. i8- E 79, 5 85, 16 ==- VII 14 H IX 3 (see list
73- 19-
of parallelisms above).
IX 8.
88, I.
E 78, 4-19 = H XI 17 XII 7.
18 90, 4 = H XIII 12-16.
1 88, 2.
IX 9. 52, 20.
E 89,

E 50, 4-13 == H IV 14 V 2.
17. I72, 21.
X I. 173- 1-
There are also several small groups of two
X 2. 76, 2. or three remedies common to both pap)'ri, see
X4. Cf 66, 7. list above.
X5. 66, 7.
3. The arrangment of the parallel groups is
X6. 66, 9.
different in the two papy ri:
X9. Cf 66, 4. H chapter 5 == E 2, 7 ff.
X II. 86, 8. H 6 = -= E 48, 21.
X 12. 86, 13.
H 7 --^ E 46, 10.
X 13. 87, I.

H 8 =- E I, I.
14. 87, 3 -


X 15. '87. 4 - 9 -- - E 44 13- ,

X 18. 67, 3 -
H 10 =--= E 79 5 ,

H 13 == E 78, 4

XI I. 1 67, 4 -

XI I. 88, 13.
H 14 == E 89, 16.
It is especially to be noted that recita-

17. 78, 16.

XI 18. 78, 4
tion for the application of any remedy to an)'


78, 6- 8. member (of the body) which is given quite lo-

XII 2. i
78, 8- 10. gically by Ebers at the beginning, is given b)'
XII 3. 78, 12--14. Hearst even to the gloss ss mic n sp the

) hJi in
XII 4. 178, 14--16. I

middle of the papyrus (VI 5-1 1).

XII 6. 78, 10--II. i

4. Some of the Hearst prescriptions are given

XII 7. 78, II--12. in Ebers with different headings and some hea-

XII 18--19.
7. 78,
dings, with different ingredients: cf H XV 7 with
XII 10--II. E
15. 78, 81, 14 (title) and with E 8 1 , 7 (ingredients) ;

cf. H XIII 15 with E 89, 19; cf. H IV 4 with coming from Thebes, bearing the marks of a
E 50, 21. In addition there are, of course, nu- riper knowledge and of a more systematic arran-
merous variants. gement, may have been a collection belonging
5. A few prescriptions are repeated in each to some one of the great Theban priesthoods.'^
papyrus. See E p. 15 b, and H II 17 III i But, however this may be, it is clear that neither
X 1 1-12, H XII 6
XII 15, H III 6 ^ IV 6. papyrus is an hermetical book of medecine as
Ebers has pointed out (E p. 11-12) that the Ebers would have liked to believe of his papyrus
papyrus which bears his name, contains a number (E p. 9b; p. 12 b). It is probable that Clement of
of smaller collections, some of which, but only a Alexandria (Ep.pb) referred to some such collection
few, are directly ascribed to certain physicians or of remedies in his account of the hermetical books
to certain temple collections. The Hearst papyrus, of medecine of the Egyptians. It is probable even that
although it does not mention the name of any in the Greek period some great priestly collection,
physician or temple, is, as we have seen above, more complete even than the Ebers, embodying
also made up of smaller collections. And in fact, all that the Egy^ptians knew of medecine, had come

the Hearst papyrus draws its material from the into universal use and had come finally to be almost
same sources as the Ebers. These sources, how- scriptural in its authority. Even in the period of
ever, deliver their material so inexactly that they the Hearst and the Ebers papyri, the tendency
must have been to some extent traditional. In to gain authority and
for certain prescriptions
Ebers 63, 8, a prescription is directly stated to have collections, is them of
visible in the ascription to
been delivered by word of mouth: another pre- supernatural origin.'*'* But the reference to Thoth
scription for the eyes, which a Semite of Kpiil in the introductory chapter of Ebers (cf. E p. i 2 b),

told (me). On the other hand, the latter part only shows that Thoth was the god of the phy-
of Ebers, for example, the treatise on the heart sician and the scribe without claiming his inspi-
and the treatise on zvAd-za from the temple of ration for the collection. There is no statement
S/im seem to have been copied into Ebers from nor any implied claim in either of the papyri
earlier papyri. that it is sacred or canonical. On the contrary,
Thus at the time when the Hearst and the the author of each dealing with the same mate-
Ebers collections were made, the practical medical rial feels at liberty to arrange it as suits his con-
knowledge of the Egyptians, it appears, was venience. In a word, neither the Hearst papyrus
contained in a great number of small collections nor the Ebers is an hermetical book of mede-
of prescriptions. These small collections had pro- cine but only a collection of practical remedies
bably been gathered in practice by different intended for the use of practising physicians.
physicians stationed in different towns or depen- It is not in my province to discuss the me-
dant on different temples and were handed down dical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians. Yet
partly in writing and partly by word of mouth. there are certain points that are clear even to
The large collections were then made by some those who are not medical men. In the first

travelling physician or by some priest in a center place the subject of each one number of
of a
of pilgrimage for his own use in the practice of the small collections is the diseases of some
medicine or in the instruction of other physicians. member of the body, the belly, the head, the
Whether the actual papyri we now have are the urinary organs, the eyes, the hair and skin, the
original collections or only copies is a question liver, the blood, the vessels, the legs, the fingers,
which it is impossible to answer; nor is it neces- the tongue, the teeth, the nose, the ear and
sary to answer it.'"^ The Hearst papyrus, found the female organs.
in a mud brick house in a provincial town, pro- In other collections, the subjects are external
bably served as a book of reference for the
local physician, and, less carefully arranged than * The reference to. Heliopolis and Sais in the incanta-
Ebers, have been made for this very
seems to tion Ebers 5) does not prove anything
I, i (Hearst IV

purpose. The Ebers papyrus, on the other hand. to the place where the Hearst and the Ebers collections
were made, cf. also H
V 7 17 (Ra, Shu, Tefnut, Geb,
Nut, Isis).

* The remark Iw-f in hip at theend of Hearst would ** See the prescriptions prepared by Shu, Tefnut, Geb,
seem to indicate that this papyrus was a copy. Nut and Isis, HV 6 17. See also E 103, i; 75 >

.symptoms, burns {jubd-f)^ wounds, broken bones, the effects of drugs and their experience of the
pains (zvhd-w)^ and aches (.^cic). Other external effects of enchantments, both to them equally
.symptoms such as scab, itch, boils, swellings, are real and practical. The desire to put the rules
undoubtedly to be found in such words as sfw-t^ and precepts of this practice in a form easily
ikiut, rkiv-t, kik^w-t, bnw-t, zt>sc-za, ty-t, Jpisj-t, referred to and easily transmitted led to the for-
st-t, gJi-zv, S 7'j-t, nsj-t, rzvj-t, spn, hns, tpi-w, as mation first of the small written collections such
may be seen from the context in each case. The as these of Hui and the treatise on the heart and
only names which might be the names of spe- then of the great collections like those contained
cific or infectious diseases are those contained in in the Hearst and the Ebers papyri.
H XI I 1 6. Two of these appear to be of
foreign origin, the one called the Semitic
III. Some remedies of the modern fellah.
disease and the one called irzvtn, spelled as the
Egy^ptians usually spell foreign words. But the It would be of interest and it might be of
material at present available for the identification value to collect the simple household remedies of
of any of these with any specific disease is too the modern and to compare them with the

scanty and too problemetical to lead to any remedies given Hearst and Ebers. But the

positive conclusion. At any rate it is clear that few fellah remedies which have come under my
the diagnoses of the Egyptians were made from observation are far simpler than the usual re-
the standpoint of our grandmothers. Even con- medies in the papyri, as may be seen from the
tagion was not dreamed of. Pains in the body, following examples:
pains in the head, pains, or aches, in any member 1. For sore eyes, fresh dung of an ass,
of the body, swellings, scabs, boils, blood- heated, laid on the eyes and bound with a cloth.
eaters, constipation, bloody urination, such 2. For boils, the same.
are the symptoms to the cure of which Egy^p- 3. For sore eyes, Jidz-a weed boiled in water.
tian medecine devotes itself. Hold the eyes in the steam.
To the ancient Egyptian every pain and ache 4. For headache, henna, dissolved in hot
was subject to supernatural influence, both as to water and rubbed on forehead, temples and
cause and as to cure. Every remedy was, there- cheeks.
fore, to be prepared with due recitation of words, 5. For pains in the stomach, leaves of worm-
charms to be spoken when using the measures wood {pih) dried, rubbed to a powder and swal-

(H XIII 17; XIV 2), charms to be spoken when lowed with a drink of water.
using oil, honey or beer (H XIV 4-12) in any 6. For paleness (jaundice, ankylostom, con-
prescription. These was one incantation for the sumption), heat the head of a nail red hot and
application of any remedy (H VI 5 E i i - 1 1 ), ; ,
burn a spot on the back of the head.
another for any bandage (E i, ii 2, i) and a 7. For a wound, apply hot grease, or lime,
third for any healing draught (E 2, 1-6). Certain or coffee grounds, or crushed onions.
more obstinate diseases, such as the zzispzid {H XI 3) 8. To preserve the eyes of a child, drop
and the Semitic disease (H XI 12) were to be them every day with verdegris dissolved in water.
fought with special incantations in addition to the 9. To preserve the eyes of a man, rub the
remedies prescribed. And on the other hand, the edges of the lids with kohl (antimony).
effect of magic might be dispelled by a
evil 10. For any ache or pain whatsoever, a
compound of soda, zuck-j-t of dates, hair-fruit and charm may be obtained of one of the scribes
incense swallowed with beer (Hill 6; IV 6; E 34, 3), skilled in charms. According- to the scribes direc-
Thus, it is clear that Egy^ptian medical prac- tions, the charm is to be suspended ever the
tice consisted of rather primitive diagnoses, pre- affected part, or it is to be burnt and used as
scriptionsand enchantments creditable enough for a fumigant.
the period in which they were invented but not 1 . A woman is not to be
after child birth
revealing any perception of ills beyond the tan- touched, spoken to by one who
looked at or
gible symptoms of pain and decay. This practice has crossed the Nile. But If she does not recover
had grown up as the result of the experience of immediately, she is herself to be carried to the
the Egyptian physicians, their experience of Nile, ferried over and back and taken home.

IV. The incantations of the Hearst Medical pjp'-t til 111 dbJi pn his eye, it (the e}e) was tested
papyrus. r sJiij-t iiir-t iib-t and I found (it) living-well-

Im-f nti 111 Jpt tn healthy. This prescription is

I. H XI 3-7.
Jim-t-ri. measured with this dbJi-va^2L-

sn-t nt mspii-t: sp-t the incantation of the sure in order to bring down
bs-t, nil pr-t-s, inspn-t, it has discharged and therewith every sickness
smninn-t nn c-wl-si departed, that which has no which is in this body, etc.
inc-s, Jim ir-t m-c fruit. It has gone away, that
Hr, Jit Ir-t inJi which has no arms. Turn 4 - H XIV 2-4.

si Ws-ir. Jiki-w n back (O iiispn-f) for I am ri n JiJii-t\ ir The word for the JiJii-t-

m{za)t-i 111 si c-wt-i. Horus. Yield (O iiispii-f) (for) Jlki-t tn '^'ir-t dpr measure: As for this JiJci-t-

nil Jipr dzv-t-t in I am the son of Osiris. The pzv Jii-ti smtr-ti. measure, it is the eye of
Jic-i nil inspn-t 111 magic of my mother is the in-ii si 1st n si-s Horus measured and tested.
c-zut-i sp-t sp-zv 7. protection of my members. Rlr r pJii Ji-t-f r Isis brought it for her son
Thy evil shall not arise in sJiij-t dzv-t imi-t Horus in order to purge his
my body nor any mspn-t in h-t-f. body, in order to bring down
my members. It has dischar- the evil in his body.
ged (7 times).
dd ind-zv Jir innJi-zv The words are to be 5 - H XIV 4-7.

p{f)s-zv nd-zv di-zv spoken over iiinJc-zu-herhs. ri 11 mrJi-t n pJir-t The word for the oil, for
r-s. pJir-t-s Jipr-ds-f They are to be cooked, iib-t: hid Jir-t ir-t any prescription: Greeting to
n bi-t, etc. mashed and applied thereto. Hr Rniizvt-t tp-t thee,O Horus eye, Rnn-zvt-t
Its (i. e. mspn-t) prescription Hd-Jitp rdl-ii n-s on the head of Hd-Jitp. Ra
is : fermentation of honey, etc. R<^ Jg-zv m biJi p'sd- gave arms to her before the
nzv-t iitr-zv. ^pr 1st nine gods(?). Isis, the God-
2. HXI 12-15. ntr-t rdi-ii-s Jgc-zv-t dess, came forth after she
sii-t nt tiit-cmw: incantation of the Semitic m biJi Gb cjii-ti had shouted before Geb.
pti rJi ml Rc, pti disease: who is knowing like Jir-'s Jim-t-ri. nJiiii-zv She fought for her, etc. Pro-
rJi mi-t-t iitr pn Ra, who knows as much as szv me Jpiip)-t mt tect him from the Jin(J)-t, the
deb Ji-t 111 deb-t, r this god. Char(.?) the body mt-t. inJc DJizvti male and the female death.
mJipi ntr Jirl. irmi with a coal in order to siezeon ^pzvj sin-zv pzvj 11 I am this Thoth, this physician

sn-n St pi zvid zvr the higher god. As Set inchan- ir-t Hr ejii It-i Ws-ir of the eye of Horus. My
sii til St 111 nii-t-t, ted the sea so likewise shall 111 biJi Nt nb enJi father Osiris fights before Nut,
tnt-cmzv. ki tm-t Set enchant thee, O Tnt-emzv. Jiiie Jmd-w-t-s 1 st lord of lifeand her atten-
nmt sp sii-wi Jic n May you not pass through nJim-n-ii '^'Jimt-ri. dants (?). For we have pro-
mil ms n nin-t. (repeat) the body of so and tected, etc.
dd-tzv ri pn sp-zv so born of so and so. This
fdzv Jir bik zvid speech be recited four
is to 6. H XIV 7-10.

Jinf-t nt rJid-t. sn times over fresh oil and a ri n bi-t: ij bi-t The word for the honey:
si Im Jitm SI m rJid-t-dcwx^. Conjure it (the ij r di-t 11 snJim-zv the honey comes, it comes to
Jdm-zv 11 stt-zvt. Tiit-cmzu) therewith. Stamp di-t zvii. izv-s zvdi-ti the crossing of the grasshop-
it with the seals of stt-zvt. bi-t ^'dd-t nn (? pers, the crossing of the boat.
11 nn nX) ntr-zv nti It is well (healthful) the honej'
3. H XIII 17 XIV 2. is dJir-t Jir ib-sn speaking (?) to these (? text
ri 11 dbJi Jift The word for the dbJi eb-s zvnmi r zvnini, corrupt) gods in whose hearts
tij-t-f r Jiij-t pJir-t: measure on taking it in order iibi r iibi, r nnj-zv is fear, her right horn against
Ir ^'dbJi pn Jiij-i to measure a prescription: r Jpnj-zv ^Jmi-t-sii the right, left against the left,

pJir-t tn hii-f dbJi As for this measure, I am Jim-t-ri. against the nnj-zv, against the
pzv Jiij Hr Ir-t-f measuring this prescription Jimj-zv who will Jpii etc.
Im-f smtr-ti gm-n-i therewith. It is the measure i ir-zv pt r sbi-zv, O ye who belong in heaven
"enJgzvdi,snb,Jii-tzv with which Horus measured i ir-zv ti r ntr-zv, more than the stars. O )'e

I ir-w s7ii-tQ) i h'-tv who belong on earth more Zlllll 7lJp7l-7l zvi the rulers of eternity, who(.")
r rmj-t Jmij-t than the gods, O ye who 7lJp7t-7l-kzviT] pr-7l-l protect (.^) me (.? I am protec-
hm-t t-hi Jpn-t-rB. belong in the storm (?), O ye 771 Si-zv JpiC 77lt have come forth from
ted.?), I

hi si Ij si. who belong in heaven, more 7itr-zx) rdl-7i-s7i 7i-i Sais with the mother of the
than the the 77lk-t-S7l izv ts-zv ir-7l gods. They have given me
who will Jpn etc. protec- 7ib-r-dr r dr Ist-c their protection (pi.) (consis-

tion after protection, protec- 7ltr 7ltr-t 77lt 77lt-t ting of) charms which the
tion comes. Jp7l-t-ri 7lti 771 didi-l Lord-of-all made to drive out
p7l 771 kcjpi p7l 777 the is-t-c of the god and the
hc-i p7l goddess, the male death, the
7. H XIV 10-13.
771 c-zvt-l

lpt7l 7' SSZV71 srhj female death, etc., which is

ri n hk-t: dsr-t The word for the beer:
Jp'l sckj-zv /pm blbl in this my head, in this my
{t ?) ti Hr hbj-t, This dsr-t-h^^x (is) the hbj-t
771 C-ZVt-l lpt7l. 71-ZVl shoulder, in this my body, in
i c-tk m P, sbb m of Horns, O mixer in Buto,
Rc (pi-l I7lk 7lJl szv these my members, in order
Dp. O brewer in Dp.
771C Jlftj-ZV-f SS77l-ZU-f to punish the Xr/zy-demon the
sw{r)i n-k st hbi Drink it hbi. The i;;/-priest
pzv DJizvti izv rdi- leader of those who cause
chi S7U 7n ir-t-f is present with his implements,
S7it-t 71 sJdjj, statue, bird catchers net,


my members.
and bibi to enter these

I belong to Ra.
kis, ins-t, ib7'7, sip-t. kis, ms-t-h^xh, oil and sip-t-
r/pZV-lJpt 71 SJ71-ZV I say: I protect him against
i77i-zv-Jd-f r zv/ic his enemies. His leader is
sw{r)i ir-k hk-t Drink the beer. I have
77irr-zv 7itr-f sc7i/i-f Thoth who has caused the
in-71-l si r dr ^^-Ist-c brought it to drive out the
hlk pZV 7717'7'-W 7ltr-f manuscripts to speak, and
7lt7' 17lt 77lt-t 17711 Ist-c of the god, the male
sc7iJpf dd 7fid-zv lift has made the book. He oo-ives
71 h-t-l tn Imi-t-ri. death, the female death,
zai/i pJp'-t Jir c-zvt glory to the learned, to the
which is in this my body, etc.
7lb-t 7ltl 77ir SI ss physicians his servants, in

771 ic Jl/l 71 sp. order to protect him whom

8. H VI 5-1 1 El, i-i I. his god wishes to preserve. I

ri 71 zuih phr-t The word for the appli- am he whom orod

his o wishes
Jir c-wt 7ib-t 7iti cation of a prescription to to preserve. The words are
777r-tl: any member (of the body) to be spoken on the appli-
which is ill: cation of a remedy to any
pr-7i-l 771 Li-zu Jpic I have come forth from On member which is ill. Excellent
zvr-w 71ZV h-t-ci-t, with the great ones of the and true, (tested) a million
7ib-zv 77ik-t Jiki-zv palace, the lords of protection. times.
List of prescriptions and enchantments contained in
the papyrus.
No. Plate, Heading. No. Plate. Heading-.
I. I, 1-2. s/>-zv nw whs h-t^ doses for treatment after the boil has bro-
purging the body. The end ken, also on the second and
of preceding prescription (I i the third day there after).

is probably the same as E 86, 15-21.

Eli, 3-6. 17. II, 4-5. phr-t nt dr snf ^sS, prescription
2. I, 3-4. Title lost. for removing excessive blood.
3- I, 4- phr-t lit dr thn-w nw whd-iv E 16, 8.

m pJyivi. 18. II, 5- 6. phr-t nt whi snf n ihp) p's

4- 5-
wnm, prescription for (against),

the decay of the blood of an
5- I 5-

phr-t phwj-t ox, which has been cooked and

6. I. 6. lit nir-s, pre-
eaten. Instead of giving a detai-
scription for a diseased rec-
led prescription, the writer says
phr-t nt sdr-t hSj-t snf n sSi,
7- 7- \phr-t} hr-f r tS,
nt} ibh]
(take) the prescription for sdr-t
prescription for a tooth which
hsj-t of the blood of a swine.
falls out.
19. II, 6- 7. phr-t ir-t r psh rmt, a pre-
8. I, 7-8. stwh Slip m , treat-
scription to be prepared against
ment for blood in the .,
. . .
the bite of a human being.
9. I, 9-10. lid]-/ 4^6 E 64, 6.
. . . . a broken . . .
., the first 20. II, 7. p]p'-t sn-nw-t. E 64, 7.
day. 21. II, 7- 8. phr-t hnit-nw-t. E 64, 8.
10. I, lO-I I. pjp'-t sn-mv-t. 22. II, 8- 9. dr hisj-t m dids, for remo-
11. I, I i-i 2. phr-t hmt-mv-t. ving hnsj-t (a disease of the

12. I, 12-13. sm<- H n -fm <-t nb-t nt s

scalp scab.?) from the head.
E 64, 14.
s-t rS-pw^ for rubbing a bro-
23. II, 9-10. plp'-t nt dr sir.
ken bone in any limb of man
or woman.
24. II, 10- 1 1, phr-t nt sd whd-w m h-t, a
prescription for breaking up
13- I, 13-15- sm<- cf. No. 12.
pains in the body. Cf. E 23, 2;
14. 15-16. pjr-t nt spr-w -sn hrw 64, 10; and H II 14-15.
I, s: j\
24, 10;
tpi^ prescription for broken 25. II, 11-12. phr-t nt dr hir-w nw rd-wi, a
ribs, the first day. prescription for removing Jpr-w
15. I, 16 II, I . dr mt m wn-mS<-^ for driving of the feet.
out death, in truth. E 35, 12. 26. II, 12-14. phr-t nt shvJi gs iSbl, a pre-
16. II, 1-4. dr tpS-w ni dsds^ for driving scription for treating the left

out boils in the head (with side. E 79, 14.

List of prescriptions and enchantments contained in the papyrus.

27. II, 14-15. phr-t lit sd za/id-za m h-t, scription for removing sickness of
a prescription for breaking the stomach. E 44, 5.

up pains in the body (not 47. IV, 3. kt phr-t. E

44, 7.

identical with 24). Cf. E 23, 2; 48. IV, 4. phr-t nt rdi-t ssp ib 7 i, a pre-
24, 10; and 64, 10. scription for causing the stomach
28. II, 15-17- dr zvhd-zv m snb-t to re- to receive food. Cf. E 50, 21.
move pains in the body. 49 - IV, 4 - phr-t nt stzuh hUi, a prescription
Cf. E 35, 15 ff. for treating the heart.

29. II, 17-111,1 .dr sti his m smzv, to re- 50 . IV, 5. kt.

move the smell of hns in 51. IV, 6. phr-t nt dr mr ni h-t, a prescrip-

summer. E 86, 8. tion for removing illness in the

30. Ill, 1-2. dr hns m h, to remove hns body. E 2, 8.

from the body. E 86, 13. 52. IV, 6. phr-t nt dr hki-zv ni h-t, a pre-

2-3 srzv mr-t m to put to scription for removing magic from

31. Ill, - <-t,

flight disease in the limbs. the body. E 34, 3; H III, 6.

E 53- IV, 7- phr-t nt h-t nir-s, prescription for

52, 17.
32. Ill, -
dr ist-< m <-t nb-t, to re-
a diseased body. E 2, ii.
3 4 -

move ist-<- from any limb. 54- IV, 8. kt. E 2, 16.

55- IV, 8. hz'zu-<- nzv stwh sm^>, remedy for

Cf. E 46, 14.
treatment of the lung.
33 - III, 4-6. phr-t nt rdi-t hi s-t m npJi-zv,
56. IV, 9. sp-zv nzv phi h-t, doses for purg-
a prescription for bringing
a woman (?) out of the nph-zv"
ing the body. E 2, 21 (b).

57. IV, 10. phr-t nt rdi-t zvss-f a prescrip-

(corrupt for st-t m nph-zvT).
tion for making him (the patient)
E 51, 15-
urinate. E 2, 26(b).
34 - III, 6-7. dr hki-zv m h-t, to remove
58. IV, II. kt.
magic from the body.
59. IV, II. pJii'-t nt dr srj-t. E 54, 10.
E 34, 3; HIV 6.
60. IV, 12. hrzu-^ stzvh spj-t smic mzvj-t, re-
35 - III, 7-8. ir-t r nhp m <--t, to be
medies for treating the spj-t and
prepared for nhp in a limb.
correctinof the urin.
Cf. E 80, 18; 84, 14.
61. IV, 14. spzv nzv dr mzvj-t <si-s, doses for
36. Ill, 8. phr-t nt ks-t.
removing excessive urin. E50, 6; 50,4.
37 - III, 8-9. dr isj-t. E 71, 13. 62. IV, 15. kt. E 50, 8.
38. Ill, 9-10. kt phr-t. E 71, 14.
63. IV, 16. kt. E 50, 1 .

39 - III, 1 0- 1 1 phr-t nt dr zvhd-zv nhp m 64. IV, 16. kt. E 50, 10.
h nb-t nt s. a prescription
65. V, I. smi<- mzvj-t, to correct the urin.
removing pains piercing any
66. V, 2. phr-t nt sik mj-t, a prescription
limb of a man. E 75, 4. for collecting the urin (i. e. pre-
40. Ill, 1 1-13. phr-t nt s(in)im zvhd-zv m venting too frequent discharges
-/ nb-t, a prescription for
of small quantities). E 50, 13.
killing pains in any limb. V, stzvh hib to
67. 4. 11 tizv Jir sdj-t-f,
41. Ill, 13-14- kt.
treat sending of fire on his sdj-t" .

42. Ill, 14. kt.

68. V, dr hib 11 ti-zv hr sptj-t, to re-
43 III, 15- kt.

move sending of fire on the

44. Ill, 17- spzv nzv s(m)im zvhd-zv in sptj-t".
nb-t doses for killing pains 69. V, phr-t sn-nzv-t ir-11 Szv Jir-f ds-f,
in any limb. a second prescription which Shu
45 - IV, I . phr-t nt s{m)im whd-zv m h-t. made for himself. E 46, 16.
prescription for killing pains 70. V, 9. phr-t hmt-nzv-t ir-n Tfnt hr ds-f,
in the body. a third prescription which Tefnet
46. IV, 2. pjp'-t nt dr mr ib, a pre- made for Ra himself. E 46, 19.
Re sner i Hearst medical papyrus.
List of prescriptions and enchantments contained in the papyrus.

71. V, 10. pJir-t fd-nw-t Ir-u Gb hr-f ds-f recipes) for healing any affected
a fourth prescription which Geb part. Cf. E 79, 5.
made for himself. E 46, 22, 94. VII, 14. phr-t nt
sgnn mt-zv, a prescrip-
72 . V, 12. phr-t dw^-mv-tlr-n Nw-t hr R<- ds-f, tion for relaxing the vessels (of
a fifth prescription which Nut the body). E 82, 10.
made for Ra himself. E 47, 2. 95. VII, 16. skbb mt-w, to cool the vessels.
73- V, 15. pJir-t sis-nw-t Ir-n Is-t hr ds-f 96. VIII, I. phr-t nt sndm mt-w, a prescrip-
r dr mr dSdS-f a m sixth pre- tion for healing the vessels. E 79, 5.
scription which Isis made for Ra 97. VIII, 2. kt. E 79, 7.
himself to drive out illness in his 98. VIII, 2. kt. E 79, 8.
head. E 47, 5. 99. VIII, 3. Ir-tn mt nhp-f m <-t zib-t, to
74. VI, 2. phr-t nt dr IsG m dif sk-t m be prepared for a vessel which
didi, a prescription for removing is clogged(?) in any limb.
isG in the head and throbbing in E 80, 18.
the head. E 47, 10. 1 00. VIII, 4. sndnzi ib n mt, to heal the in-

75 - VI, 4. kt phr-t. E 47, 13. terior of a vessel.

76. VI, 5. ri n will pJr-t Jir <-t nb-t nti 1 01. VIII, 5. snih znt swid mt, to enliven a
mr-ti, incantation for the appli- vessel, to freshen a vessel. E 81, 17.
cation of a remedy to any diseased 102. VIII, 6. phr-t nt sndin mt, a prescrip-
limb. E I, I- 1 1. tion for healing a vessel.

77 . VI, \\. dr m h-t m hiti, to remove 103. VIII, 7. kt.

in body or in the heart. E 44,

the 13. 104. VIII, 7. to pacify the vessels.
78. VI, 12. phr-t nt dr <i< m h-t m hsti, a Cf E 85, 2.

prescription for removing <-S<- in the 105. VIII, 8. kt.

body or in the heart. E 44, 15. 106. VIII, 8. kt.

79 . VI, 14. kt phr-t nt dr <i< m ft m hSti. 107. VIII, 9. kt.

E 44, 17. 108. VIII, 10. kt.

8 0. VI, 15. kt pJr-t. E 44, 19. 109. VIII, 10. kt.
8 1. VI, 16. dr n ntr n mt m h-t nt s s-t 1 10. VIII, II. ir-t r znt nht-f, to be prepa-
ri-pw, to remove of a god, of red against a vessel which be-
death from the body of a man comes stiff. E 85, 12.
or a woman. E 44, 22. 111. VIII, 12. rdi-t ssp mt phr-t, to make a
82. VII, 2. kt pJir-t. E 45, 4. vessel receive a prescription.
83- VII, 4. kt phr-t. E 80, 15.
84. VII, 5. dd-t r-f m hk^-w, to be spoken 1 1 2. VIII, 13. kt. E 80, 17.
to it as mamc.
O 1
3. VIII, 13. dr sfw-t n mt, to remove the
85. VII, 7. kt pJir-t. swelling of a vessel.
86. VII, 9. kt phr-t. 1
4. VIII, 1 4. sgnn sw-t zn znt, to relieve a
87. VII, 10. phr-t nt kns mr-f, a prescription feather(?) in a vessel. Cf E 82, 16.
for a diseased kns" 1
5. VIII, 14. kt.
88. VII, 10. phr-t nt hwj-t h7"w tpi, a pre- 1 1 6. VIII, 15. sndm mt-w n sSh, to heal the
scription for hwj-t the first day. vessels of the toe. E 81, 2.

Cf. E 69, 1 8. 1
1 7. VIII, 16. kt. E 82, 18 {kt omitted).
89. VII, 11. kt. 1 18. VIII, 16. kt. E 82, 18 {kt omitted).
90. VII, 12. kt. 1
9. VIII, kt. E 82, 19 {kt omitted).
91. VII, 12. kt. 1 20. VIII, 1 7. sgr-t wRw n znt, to quiet
92. VII, 12. phr-t nt skbb pJiwj-t, a prescrip- twinges in a vessel. E 82, 20.
tion for cooling the rectum. I 2 1. VIII, 18. skbb mt, to cool a vessel. E 85, 10.

Cf. E 33, 16. 122. IX, I. to enliven the vessels.

93 - VII, 14. ni dmd-t nt sndnti nni-t nb-t, 123. IX, 2. sgnn r^-<-ti m <-tnbt, to relax
beginning of the collection (of r 3 -<-ti in any limb. E 82, i.
List of prescriptions and enchantments contained in the papyrus. 1

124. IX, 3. kt. E 82, 4. 145 X,

- 6. kt phr-t. 66, 9 Cf. E -

125. IX, 4. phi'-t n sgr-t zus-w m <-t nd-f, 146. X, 7 - phr-t nt hsf skin, a prescription
a prescription for quieting twinges for preventing greyness.
in any limb. E 73, 9- 147. X, 9 - kt. Cf. E 66, 4 -

I 26. IX, 5. kt. E 82, 20; 73, II- 148. X, 10. kt.
1 27. IX, 6. phr-t nt dr sfw-t m <-t nb-t, 149. X, 1 1. dr Jins 111 In n rmt 111 sinw, to
a prescription for removing drive out Jins in the human body
swelling(?) in any limb. E 73, 18. in summer. E 86, 8.
1 28. IX, 7. kt. E 73, 19. 150. X, 1 2. dr Jiiis 111 Jir n s st ri-pw, to
129. IX, 8. pJir-t nt dr wmn-w n snf in <--t drive out Jins in the face of man
nb-t, a prescription for remo- or woman. E 86. i j-

ving wasting (?) of the blood in 151- X, 13 - pJir-t nt pJii Jn, a prescription
any limb. E 88, i. for purging the body. E 87, I

1 30. IX, 9. kt. E 88, 2. 152. X, 14. spin 111111, to reverse (?) the skin.
1 3 1. IX, 9. phr-t nt dr dhr-t, a prescription E 87, o-
for removing decay (wasting). 153 - X, 15 - siifr 111111, to beautify the skin.
E 52, 20. E 87, 4 -

132. IX, 10. phr-t nt zvbS Vrt nb-t hpr ds-s, 154- X, 16. pJn'-t nt dr siii 111 <-t iib-t, a
a prescription for opening any prescription for removing hair in
thing which has formed of itself. any limb.
133. IX, 1 1. iii-t mw ni hsd in <-t nb-t nt s 155 - X, 17 - kt.

s-t ri-pw, to bring water in a 156. X, 18. pjr-t nt ws sill, a prescription

gathering (boil) in any limb of for destroying hair. 67, 'y

man or woman. 157- XI, I. kt. E 67, 4 -

134. IX, 12. dr inr-t in <-t nb-t nt s s-t ri-piv, 158. XI, I. dr Jiiii-t si. E 88, I
remove sickness in any limb
to 159- XI, 3 - sii-t nt mspii-t, incantation of the
of man or woman. mspii-t" .

135- IX, 13, dr sfw-t, to remove swelling. 160. XI, 5 - pJir-t-s, its prescription (for

136. IX, 14, dr sfw-t. nispii-t).

137- IX, 15 dr rkw-t sriw whd-iu 111 <-t nb-t

- 161. XI, 7 - Jd.

lit s, to remove rkw-t, to drive 162. XI, 7 - kt.

away pains in any limb of a man. 163. XI, 7 - kt.

1 38. IX, 16, dr sfw-t, to remove swelling. 164. XI, 8. kt.

139. IX, 17 dr inr-t snf in <-t nb-t nt s kt 165. XI, 8. kt.

plin'-t nt iii-t rj-t, to remove 166. XI, 9 dr iiissm-t.


sickness of the blood in any limb 167. XI, 10. pJn'-t nt dr tiiij-t.

of man or woman: another pre- 168. XI, 1 1. Jit.

scription for bringing matter 1 69. XI, I 2 . sii-t nt tiit-nii-zv, incantation of

(cf. No. 133). E 72, 21. the Semitic disease.
140. X, I. kt phr-t. E 73, 2. I 70. XI, 15 - pJir-t nt ssiib irwtii, a prescrip-
141. X, I. snhp iJrt nb-t, to cause any- tion for curing irwtn" (a foreign
thing to swell(?). E 85, 13. word).
142. X, 2. phr-t nt dr ss n snf nn ts-tw-f, 171. XI, 1 6. kt sspii.

a prescription for removing a 1 72. XI, 17- pJii'-t nt stzvJi dd siJi ri-pzu, a
nest of the blood that it may prescription for treating the finger
not become permanent. E 76, 2. or toe. E 78, i 6.

143. X, 4. phr-t nt srd-t sin, a prescription 173 - XI, 18. ir-Jir-k n-f pJp'-t nt skbb.

for causing the hair to grow. afterwards you must make him
Cf. E 66. the prescription for cooling (fol-

144. X. 5. kt lit srd-t sill, another for caus- lows). E 78, 4 -6.
ing the hair to grow. Cf. E 66. 174. XII, I. ir giii-k dd siJi iiir-zv, pJn' iim>
I 2 List of prescriptions and enchantments contained in the papyrus.

hi-su dw sti-su, 197. XIII, 4 - stwJi [db<] sSJi rS-pw., to treat

if you find finger and toe di- finger or toe.
seased etc. E 78, 6- 198. XIII, 5 - sd-t p it 7 771 db< sSJp to draw
175. XII, 2. Ir-hr-k n-f sp-w nw spi)im spd, out a /?z 7-worm in finger or toe.
you must make him doses for 199. XIII, 5 - pJpr-t 7lt SiJl^ i prescription for
destroying spd-wormd' E 78, 8-1 o. the toe.
1 76. XII, 3. stzvh sSh mr-f, to treat a di-
200. XIII, 6. kt pJp'-t.
seased toe. E 78, 1 2-
4 -
201. XIII, 6. pJp'-t 7 it str-t iwJi 771 m-t 7 it

I 77. XII, 4. \r-m-ht Ir-k nw phr-t, after you sih, a prescription for purify-
have made this prescription ing(?) iwJi in the toe-nail.
(you must prepare for him dr sfw-t
202. XIII, 7 - 771 s 3 Jp to remove
E 78, 14-1 swelling (?) in the toe.
178. XII, 5. kt phr-t. kt pJp'-t.
203. XIII, 8.
I 79. XII, 6. phr-t nt ni-t nt [dd<] sSh rS-pzv,
204. XIII, 9 Jet pJp'-t.

a prescription for [finger-] or

205. XIII, 10. kt pJp'-t.
toe-nail. H XII, 15: E 78, lo-i 206. XIII, 10. dr szvt 771 db<-^ to remove swt
180. XII, 7. kt pJir-t. E 78, ii-i in the finger.
1 8 1. XII, 7. phr-t zit stwh ni-t sSh hr-s r /i,
207. XIII, 1 1. pJpr-t 7 it dz' sdi-w 771 db<-w., a
a prescription for treating a
prescription for removing palsy
toe-nail which is falling off.
in the fingers. Cf. E 78, 19
E 78, 18-1
208. XIII, I 2 . pJp'-t 7lt 7isj-t. E 89, 20 (cf. 43, 4)
182. XII, 9. ir-t r sih, a preparation for
209. XIII, 13 - kt pJp'-t. E 89, 23
the toe.
2 10. XIII, 14. kt pJpr-t. E 90 4
183. XII, 9. pJp'-t nt dr snf m sSh, a pre-
21 1. XIII, 15 - kt pJpr-t. E 89, 19
scription for removing blood in
2 12. XIII, 16. kt pJpr-t. E89, 22
the toe.
2 I 3. XIII, 16. dr 7 isj-t 771 Jpt. Cf. E 89, 18
184. XII, 10. kt phr-t.
214. XIII, 17- ri 71 dbJi Jift tip-t-f r JiSj-t pJp'-t.,
185. XII, II. zr-t r <-/ s^h wnn ni zvbn-w
Incantation of the measure when
ZU 71 ri, a preparation for a toe-
taking it to measure a pre-
nail which has become an open
sore .

2 1 5. XIV, 2. ri n hki-t, incantation of the

186. XII, 12. irm-htlr-hr-kn-f^ afterwards
hk^-t (a grain measure),
you must prepare for him .. . . .

stwh m-t nt sih, to treat the 2 1 6. XIV, 4. ri 71 77 irh-t 71 phr-t zib-t., incan-
187. XII, 13.
tation of the oil of any pre-
188. XII, 14. kt phr-t.
189. XII, 15. kt pJrr-t. 2 I 7. XIV, 7. ri n bi-t., incantation of the

190. XII, 15. pJir-t nt 'n-t sSh^ a prescrip- honey.

tion for the toe-nail. H XII 6: 2 1 8. XIV, 10. ri 71 hk-t., incantation of the
E 78, lo-i I

1 91. XII, 16. kt pJip-t. 2 1

9. XIV, 13. pJp'-t 7it ts ks hrw tpi.,

192. XII, 17. kt phr-t. a prescription for uniting a

193. XII, 17. kt pJir-t. broken bone, the first day.
1 94. XIII, I . kt phr-t. 220. XIV, 14. pJp'-t S7i-7iw-t., a second prescrip-

195- XIII, 2. stwh m-t [db^] sSh rS-pw.^ to tion .

treat [finger-jnail or toe-nail. 221. XIV, 15. pjpr-t Jpnt- 7iw-t^ a third prescrip-
Cf. E78, 16-18. tion.

196. XIII, 3. phr-t nt db^-zo sih wid dd-zv 2 2 2. XIV, 16. kt pJpr-t.
ir-t r m-t., a prescription for 2 2 3. XIV, 17. kt pJp'-t.
fingers and toe (?) fingers, 224. XV, I. kt pJr-t.
to be prepared for the nail. 225. XV, 2. kt pJp'-t.
List of prescriptions and enchantments contained in the papyrus.

226. XV, 3. kt phr-t. 245 - XVI, 7. [kt phr-t lit] psh 11 dbi, an-

227. XV, 3. kt phr-t. other prescription for the bite

228. XV, 4. phr-t nt skbb ks r-si ts-f m of a hippopotamus.
<-t nb-t lit s, a prescription for 246. XVI, 8. [kt pJir-t lit] psh 11 mil, an-
cooling a bone after it has other prescription for the bite
knitted in any limb of a man. of a lion.

Cf. H XV 13; E 80, 2. 247. XVI, 9. phr-t [nt drf) .

.] zvbn-zv in

229. XV, 5. kt phr-t. <-t nb-t, a prescription [for(.^)

230. XV, 6. phr-t nt sndm mt-zv m <-t nb-t healing(.?)] sores in any limb.
lit a prescription for hea- 248. XVI, 10. kt phr-t nt dr
ling the vessels in any limb of 249. XVI, II
a patient. E reads sgnn mt-w. 250. XVI, 12
Cf. E 81, 7. 251. XVI, 13. nt skbb mt- zu .

231. XV, 8. kt phr-t. for cooling the vessels

232. XV, 10. kt phr-t nt sndm mt-zu m <-t

nb-t nt s, another prescription 252. XVI, 14. kt phr-t.

for healing the vessels in any 253. XVI, 15. (There must be one and may
limb of a patient. be two kt phr-t in lines 1
233- XV, 10. kt phr-t. and 1 6).

234- XV, II. phr-t nt sgnn nit-zo ni <-t nb-t 254. XVI, 17. kt phr-t nt skbb . . . ., an-
nt s s-t 7'^-pzc\ a prescription other prescription for cooling
for relaxing the vessels in any
limb of man or woman. 255. XVII, I. (One, or, possibly, two prescrip-
235. XV, 13, phr-t nt skbb ks I'-si ts-f m tions in lines 1-3).

nb-t nt i', a prescription for 256. XVII, 3. pd mr-f,

cooling a bone after it has a diseased foot. Cf. E 77,

knitted in any limb of a pa- 257. XVII, 4. dr srf-t . .

tient. Cf. H XV 4; E 80, 2. removing srf-t .....

236. XV, 14, kt phr-t. 258. XVII, 5. (The srf-t prescription ends in

237- XV, 15, kt phrt nt dr sfzu-t in -t nb-t the middle of line 5, cf. zvt-zv

nt s., another prescription for hr-s.)

removing swelling (.?) in any limb 259. XVII, 6. (Another prescription seems to
of a patient. end in the middle of line 6,
238. XV, 16, kt pJir-t nt dr sfzv-t. cf. di-zv r-s).

239- XVI, I. kt phr-t nt sndm int-zv., another 260. XVII, 7. (One or, possibly, two prescrip-
prescription for healing the tions between lines 6 and 10).
vessels. 261. XVII, 10. kt.

240. XVI, 2. kt phr-t nt skbb mt-zv m <-/ 262. XVII, 12.

nb-t, another prescription for 263. XVII, I 2. phr-t
cooling the vessels in any limb. 264. XVII, 13
241. XVI, 4. [kt] pJir-t nt psh n msh in -/ 265. XVII, 14. kt.

nb-t nt s, another prescription 266. XVII, 15

for the bite of a crocodile in 267. XVII, 16 zubn-za m <-t nb-t . . .,

any limb of a patient. . sores in any member

242. XVI, 5. kt phr-t.
243- XVI, 5. [kt] phr-t nt psh n sdi, another 268. XVIII, I.

prescription for the bite of a pie. 269. XVIII, 3. iw-f pzu m htp it is ended, in

244. XVI, 6. kt phr-t. peace.

left: iibi r iibi, XIV 8. stwh gs
^mi: (or L=/l)- to mix, to stir: in iibi, II 12.
ki-w .... Snii-w m ih-t
sdm-iv-f passive,
w<-t^ X 1 6. ir-za zn ih-t w<-t, iml-w hr nn
iDin (im):

(I 14):
isd-t nt im,

7) and (]

id n iim,

bl-t V i6; hr mdi n wdi^

I 13. ^inl-w
1 i 7
XVI 3. hs n ism, VI 3; VIII 4. hsS n iSm,
III 3. k}-tv nw dir-t Snii-w hr bi-t^ I 5. ^

inii-w hr mrh-t^ X 9. si inii-w hr hsi-w

X 8.

ir-w m swt 7, I 2. imi-tv hr hsi-w^ III 2. i^r: : reeds: VII 12.

imi-w hr hk-t^ IV 6. ih Smi-zv hr sntr ir-zv o A IX O , -iT-T n<2>-ci o

^^^ 4 17-
m ipp-t^ III I. ih sntr izni-zv ir-zv m ipp-t^
. ,

1]^, , p
IV 15; VII 3. In the parallel passages, E
X 1 2. ill imi-za Jir hsznzi inj-t nt bnr^
reads ^
IX 9. nd-zv izni-za, I 9.

?bd-w; a fish: ibd-w I'i mh zn i?h: ^ brightness, glor}^: di-f is h n rJm-iJd,


snti\ VII, 4. VI
Dpd: :
goose: znrh-t 3pd, III 14; IV 2, 5, 8; Ek-t: onion(.?): II 7. prt isk-t XVI 2,
V4, 6; XV 3, 9, 12; XVIII 3. 3 . 5 -

Dh: a kind of bread: III i ;

IX 9. Ed-t: or (VII 13): dew: sdr
X 12. ih zvSd, V 13; IV 14; V 3; VI 16; n isd-t, to be exposed over night to the
VII 13. ih-zv zvid^ II 4. dew, I 8; II 9, 14, 15; IV i, 9, 14; V 3,

ds: p^: 11 !//(.?), VIII 14. 5, 7; VII 4, 10, 13; XV 4.

C3a [|q: a disease: III 9.
eome: sdm-f, XIV 7 (twice),

1. icj: I /WVAAA to wash: impv. II 9.

i: (j^: O: VII 5; XIV 9 (4 times), ii.

* >
i (or j): pron. suffix i pers. sing.: with nouns:
iw: to be: izu ts-zv ir-n nb-r-dr VI 7 -

izvf-i^ VII 6. </-l, VI 8; VII 6; XI 5 (twice).

With pseudpart.: iw-s zvds-ti XIV 7.
h-t-i, XIV 13. kdi-i, VI 7. didi-i, VI 7.
With sdm-n-f\ izv rdi-n-f mdzv VI 9. izv
\tj-l (^), XIV 6.
ndm-n-f hr ^zvi VI 2. izu mS-n-i hpr im-i,
With prepositions: zz-i, VI 7. z;z<-i, II 10. I have seen it succeed in my own case,
As a verbal ending: hi/-i, XIV i. dd-i, II 10.
VI 9. 2V/I, XII 2. m-zi-i, VII 6; XIV 12. With sdm-f and repeated subject: izv-s

pr-n-i^ VI 6 (twice). ir-s hrr-t, it produces flowers. III 5.

Vocabulary. 15

iw: to come: zut-io hr-f r Iw miu-f^ IX 12. im- form of prep, ni with suffixes: ir dbh

iw-f pw m htp^ XVIII pn tzi hn-f dbh pzv hi) Hr ir-t-f

Jfj-i pJir-t

iwf: a; ^ meat, flesh: Imn-tu nti m ini-f this measure with which I have mea-
sured this prescription, this is the measure
hvf-i pn^ the hmi-zu who is in this my
zvith zvhich Horus measured his eye, XIV i
flesh, VII 5. Izjof 11 th(T)^ VIII 16; XV 5.
r shij-t nir-t zib-t ini-f in order to re-
zvt-hr-k hu hr izvf za^d, bind it with fresh
move all sickness therewith, XIV 2. gs-zu
meat, XVI 5, 6. Izvf dd^, fat meat,
inzn Ini-f, the skin is to be rubbed there-
III 12.
with, X 16.
iwrj-t: l^^<=>(](]|^^:beans:l9; IX 15. h^-zv(J)
zvrh hn-f, (the hair) is to anointed there-
nzv Izvz'j-t^ V 8; XIV 14 {11 instead of nzv). with, XI 10.

salve (?): rr-zu hr izvh m dd rdi r iJrt hpr-t snf im-s, be put
it is to

X on the thing (place) in which the blood has

n nirh-t^ 8 (in the preparation of a salve).
formed, IX 9.
phr-t nt sti'-t Izvh vi m-t nt sSh^ XIII 7.
Adverbially without suffix: gs-zv nin-t nb-t
\izvYi db^-zv r-s m bi-t^ I 15.
hn, every effected part is to be anointed
iwss: a cake: Ir-zv zn izvss hbs-zv
therewith, VIII 13. gs-zv mt hn, VIII 14.
zn stp^ X 8. gs-zv Jg-zv hn, X 15. gs-zv s hn, X ii.
ib: : heart (stomach), insides: pjp^-t zit dr mr ib^ gs-zv ini, III i; VIII 2; IX 3,5; XI 7.

IV 2. phr-t zit z'dl-t ssp zb tp IV 4. sndm zvrh-zv didi hn, the head is to be an-

lb n VIII 4. ntr-zv nti is dhr-t hr ointed therewith, VI 4, 5; II 2. zvrh-zv hn,

Ib-sn, XIV 8. X 7, 9; XVII I o. zvrh hn, II 9; X 5, 10.

ib: Ib-mhzv^ V 3. ib-hm^ V 2.

sn si hn, conjure it away therewith, XI 15.
4 -

rdi-zv zv<~-t hn r bzv dnii-zv --zvt hn '-/(corrupt),

lb-si VIII 8, ii; X 2; XV ii; XVI 6; and
III 2. Cf. rdi zv<-t hn r bzv dmi <-/ r <-zvt
XV 9 with the determinative hn, X I 2.

ibw: XII 7, 16; XIII 2. Ibzv hisj-t,

im: [|
r-rz. ^ (X i) usually grapes,
VIII 4. mi ibzv IX 1 4. ibzv :
y^ 1 : VIII 3 lumps: hn n zvd)-t. III 6; VII i; XII i;
hn n h{m)inij-t, IV 6. hn n dir-t,
9. ibzv.

y o
: X II.


3 -

ibnw: II I 7. E 86, 9 reads ibzv.

imi: masc..
ib(r)i: y^^yy: oil: XIII 3; IX 2; XIV 12.
ii/-' int nit-t hn-zv n h-t-i tn, XIV 13. dzv-t
ibh: : tooth: I 7. hn-t h-t-f, XIV 3. dr mr-t hn-t didi-f V 15.

ib-sa: see ib. imi-w-ht: -|j-^ servants: sin inn-

[jJI ^
\ a loaf of bread: IX 8. ibt zit ti, zv-ht-f, VI 10.
II 3. ibt nt szzs, V 14. Apparently not the imn-w: the concealed one:
same as bit, cf. E 73, 20, ib-t nt bl-t.
mt mt-t kp-zv hnn-zv nti in hvf-i pn, VII 5.
ipp-t:y^: a spherical loaf of bread, a ball: in-n-i hs n zvnm r-k him, VII 6.
ir-zv 7 zi ipp-t, it is made into a ipp-t-\o2d" ims-t: III 1 - hns-t, VI 4.
III I, X 12.
pnn-t rdi-ti m ipp-t nt sin, an pnjit- inw: On, Heliopolis: VI 6.

worm placed in a ball of clay, X 4. in ;

particle before logical subject in pas-
i V A n vvwvN O Tvr o ^
ipsnn: H : IX 18. sive constructions: mi-zv in s, I i, 2, 3.

ip-t: (corrupt for iptiiT): number: dsr-t ip-t zvnm-zv in s. III 7. sd-zv hr bi-t in s, I 17.

ddTldj-t, XIV 10. inj:^,v>.^: to bring: in si Is-t n si-s Hr.

iptn: y I AAAAAA
this fern, plu.: ni ^-zvt-i iptn, VI 8 Isis

for her son Horus,
n ^^^Wv j
tn- 7 i-i
> 7 r

ns n zvnm
XIV 3.
(twice); VII 5.
l\ :
I 6 Vocabulary.

imn^ I have brought you evil food, o Imnw\

VII 6. m-n-l si r dr XIV 12.
2 . With auxiliary verb izxr.
^ ^
it produces flowers. III 5.
In sdm-hr-f, passiv: hi-hr-
^ :

3. In temporal clause:
tzv-f, let it be brought, III 5.
o, o
In infinitive: \u-t mzv m /isd^ IX 1 1.
4p III h' m-ht ir-k nn
phr-t nt hi-t IX 18. phr-t after you have made this prescription,
(you are to prepare for him oil etc.), XII 4.
zit bnr^ IX 18; XV 14.
relative form (Jdm-za-n-f):
In sdm-n-f\
^ 4.


; inj-t nt bnr, IX 9 ;
XV 1 6 izu Nb-r-dr r dr ist-<-, they are
ts-zu ir-n
XVI 16. See also nj-t. charms which Nb-r-dr made in order to
inb(.^): wall: db-t nt inbip)^ V 13. dsb-t zit drive out the isN' VI 6. phr-t sn-nzvt ir-n
Szv hr-f cis-f, a second prescription which
inbjp V 8; VII 15; XVI i.
Shu made for himself, V 7; similarly V 9,
him^ X 14. mfr II, 12, 15.
hwi^ X 15. gs-zv him hn-f^ X 16. T /* AAAAA/' >77
f 1 7
5. In sdm-hr-j\ ii'-hr-k
^ ,

^ : III 1 2 ;
VI 5. dd mdzu hr
n-f, XI 18; XII 2, 5, 12.

Innk^ XI 5. Passive sdm-zju\ <2:^^ ir-zv

6. n-f cizv-<-
inr: I)


stone: inr n spt mzv^ V i

h' inst-f, a dw-<- is to be made for him
inr spd-zv^ XI 8. sd n inr, X 6. on his foot(?), XI 16. h'-w m nzvd-t, it is
I 8; II 13; IV4; VII 2; XIV 12. to be put in a nzvdt-^ot", XII ii. ir-zv m
bi it is to be made into < 5 z-cakes, II 9.
ins-t: some part of the leg: zV-zu
WvAiV Similarly: ir-zv m szut-t 7, I 2: ir-zv m izvss,

n-f dzv-<- hr
Jir ins-t-f, XI 16. X 8: ir-zv m ipp-t. III i, X 12. ir-zv m iJgt

ink: O I, pron. abs.: VI 9, 10; XI 4 (twice); zv^-t, it is to one thing (i. e. be made into

XIV 5.
one mixture), II 2, 6, 7, 8; III 7; and passim
or every page except IV and XI.
ind: f| : see nd.
7. Part. act. impf.: ci:>
ir [|<rz>: emphatic particle: a) before an em-
ir ir n-f phr-t tn, whoever
phasized word or phrase ,
VI i ;

XIV 2. ir ni-ht, see m-ht. See ir, if.

makes this prescription for him (a patient),

b) with pronominal suffix to emphasize an VI I.

imperative: szv{r)i ir-k hkt, XIV 12. Jpn 8. Part. pass, impf.: :
pH-t ir-t

ir-t nr ink Hr ht ir-t ink Ws-ir, XI 4. r psh rnit, r dd, XII 9. ir-t II 6. phr-t ir-t

ir <=:>: if: ir gm-k, XII i. ir-mi snj-n S~t, r m-t, XII ii XIII 3. ir-t r sih, XII 9. ;

XI ir-t r mt nht-f, VIII 1 1 ir-t n mt nhp-f

irj: that which belongs to: a) postpositive: m -t nb-t, VIII 3, and ir-t r nhp m <-t,
rr/i mzx) iri hr mrJi-t^ X 6; r rdi-t
hS mzv iri, IX 8; r hpr-t snii iri, VIII 13.
phr-t nt ssnb irzvtn, XI 15.
b) praepositive: : t ir-zu

irp: wine: III 15. rdi-zv hr irp, II 6.

oh ye who belong
pt r sbB-zv, in heaven 1 U 1 1 i

more than the stars, XIV 9 (twice), ir-zv m-zv hr irp, XI 16, XIII 15. t^h-t nt irp,

tS, XIV 9. ir-zu sni, XIV 9. Perhaps also VII 14; XVI I.

: di- sni m ir-t-f, the i?;z-priest ir-t: eye: ir-t or Hr, XIV 3, 4, 6.

is present with his ceremonial implements, ir-tf, XIV I.

XIV (cf. however ir-t, duty, office),

o o
1 ir-t: see iir-t.
irj : to make : i . In simple statements
irti: IX 5 >
cf. ir-t above. E. parallel

ir-f dnid, VI 9. h'j-i, XII 2. passage 73, 9, substitutes d^z'-t, bnrzv mh.

3. 5, 8, 9, Ii; ikr-w : gij-t nt ikr-zv, VIII 2.

V i; III 8; X 17. ?V7-7 nt ms-t tij^ VIII 12. ikd-w: \ ^ mason bsn n : ikd-zv, VII i i .

h't-t <i, X 13. ?V7-7 hv-w^ IX 7. iri-t nh-t^

III 8; X 17.
barley: it shin-zu. III 17. ki-zuf) n it,

ihm-t: (jrali^r, 5-
II I ;
V 5. k^-zv{>) nzv it zuid, I 10; XIV 15.
r wid XII 17.
k^-zvf) 11 it,
ih(.^): 5^1- ox, beef: ii ^/^(?), VIII 14. Iwf
n ///(?), VIII 16-17. hvf n th^) <-nh, XV 5.
it: : father (a god): XIV 6.
<-ndi VIII 10, 15, 18, XVI 10. 7 m'h-t itr-w:

: river: Jdb-t nt itr- zv, IX

/i AAAA/sA ^ 7-
?//(?), VIII 6. nn-sm n ih{J)^ VIII 14. hiii n 2//(.?),
id: : leaf: only in the expressions deaf of such
XIV 15. phr-t nt whi snf n ih^), II 5.
and such a plant written either with or with-
ihw: ^ 4
^'^'1 IIii-
out the determinative applying to the
ihj: []|\\^ : 16, see i/iza.

expression as a whole: (]|\\^,XVIi6.

ih-t: thing, sing, fern.: imi<v in ih-t zc^-/,
ill :

f '7-
ir-w 111 ih-t w-t^ ps in iht w^-t, npzv in Ai
. rVWW A
iJi-t zu^-t, h{p)bk in ih-t zu^-t^ htin-zv in ih-t XIV XVI
17; A/i/VW\ VII .6,
dind ih-t zu^-t, see in each case the
^ J pi
za^-t, 111
XV 4; with determinative, XII 1; XIII i;
introductoiy verb.
XIV I 7.
phr-t nt zvbi ih-t nb-t hpr-t ds-s, IX 10.
id 11 iiJi-t XV 5; with determ., XIV 17;
rdi r ih-t hpr-t snf iin-s, IX 9.
XV 15; XVI 7, 15. id 11 siid-t III 9; VII 16;
snhp ih-t nb-t^ X 2.
X 3 XV 2 XVI XVII 8 with de-
1 1 3
hr ih-t nt hizv-ih-t X 3.
; , ; ; ;

term., Ill 3 ;
IV 2 ;
VIII 15; XI 18; XII 9,11;
With masc. adj.: in ih-t nb-t bin dzu in
XIII 4; XV 14; XVI 14: with pl. sign only
dttdp VI I. See also hizv-ih-t and rhza-ih-t.
VI 17; XIII I. id 11 tr-t XV 35; XVI 3;
is-t:|'^'^: read h^d-t. VII 16.

isw-t: braid, strand, fern, s.: iszv-t 5 1

^ : id 11 b^k, XV 4.

nt siij, XVII II. iszv-t til, XVII 12.

isr: :ir> V : tamarisk: snii-zv nzv isr, VIII 6.


is :
: enclitic particle : ntr-zv ntj is dhr-t hr
c: arm: |1\\, ^-zvj-sj, XI 4. See also
ib-sn, XIV 8.
//r-S hr-za-^, hr-^zaj, tp-\ ist-<, and dzu-<.
ist: 1^: conjunction: ist nJiin-n-n, XIV 6. ^ '
c-t: member of the body, limb: in
is-t: Isis: V 15; XIV 3, 5. The sign
Jl nb-t. III 3, 8, 12, 17; VI 2; VIII 3; IX 2, 4,
in the hieratic is the sign which according
6, 8; X 17; XVI 3, 9; XVII 16. ;//

to Borchardt originally represented

nb-t n-t s. III 10; IX 16; XV 4, 6, 10, 13,
is-t-c: and (III 3): an evil being XVI in ^ nb-t n-t s s-t
I 5 ; 4. ri-hzv,
or thing: V 10, 12, 14; VI 2, 3, 7; XIV 13. I 12; IX II, 12, 17; XV 1 2. 11 n 111 sp n-t in
O /TV7' \

isd: isd-t: and "i:i 13): grapes. <-t-i, XI 5. zvSh pJir-t hr ~ ^ nb-t nt) vir-ti.
1 1 I I

bunch of fruit: II 13, 14, 16; IV 8,16; X 3;

VI VI II [inr ii). srzv inr-t 111
XIII 13; XV 17. hr-t isd IX 15.

O AAAAAA III 2. ir-t r iihp

^ in III 7.

rdi zv^-t
VIII 5. Similarly III

nn^' ~

written: isd-t nt dgfynzu,


XI ii.
iiii r bzu diiii
9 r
ini, X i 2 ;

I 0 AAAAAS (\AAAAA 0 T 1 T t , rdi-zv zo<--t ini r bzv dnii-zv ^ ini ^


lib's I 14; isd-t nt ini I 14; isd-t nt htf)-sinif) III 2 (both apparently corrupted), in
III II. iptii, VI 8 (twice); VII 5. hkS-za n inzvt-i m
Rcisner, Hearst medical papyrus.
i 8 Vocabulary.

n *

9 XI OV so;nn ri- H-t: : toe-nail, finger-nail: the determina-

O 'I:
^W 9
7 tb-t^ IX 2. tive looks like /= in pJin'-t nt ni-t sih^
XII 15. nt sih, XII 16. phr-t n-t
' ^ ^^5 zvt-zo ni-t
stzvh ni-t sill hr-s r tp XII phr-t n-t ni-t
VIII 1 8; nirs-t 7 it 'i, X 9: /w i, XIII 15.
n-t [dd] sih rS-pzu^ XII 6. phr-t n-t dd sSh
c>t: nt i-/, XI 10.
znid dd-zv Ir-t r ni-t, XIII 3. stzvh <-ii-t{p\.) n-t
a u)
3 - disease: (i< Ji-t in hSt}, sih dd, XII 13. stzidi o^-/(pl.) hh [dd] r^-pzv,
VI II, 12, 14. dr <-i<- n ntr n mt in h-t nt s XIII 2. ir-t r o/-/(pl.) sih zimii in zabii-zu zun
s-t ri-piv, VI 16. ri, XII II. str-t izch
in o/-/(pl.) nt (???)
dm-w: 15; ^ id (E s^^iind)\ i'i/4pl.), XIII 7.

VII 8. II II. <-iinw widi determ. I 7.

mh: : to live: gin-n-j nihzud^ sub, XIV 2.

Cf. <-{in)iin-w^ nnj and hvf 11 !//(.') niJg XV 5. Nt nb nih, XIV 6.

\ IV II. Cf. <~^inw. See snih.

^nti-w: myrrh: VII 16; 1X6;

^ ; to squeeze out, to" strain :
II 17;

sive sdimvf\ <-f-w in hbs-w rdl niw irj-zu Jpr

XV 1 ;
IX I ;
X 1 ;
XVII 1 4. gs-zt^

inrh-t^ it is to be strained out in cloths and 111 nitizu hr-hS-t, VIII 3, 6, 10; XV 8. mthu
its water put with oil, X 6.
iidiii VIII 1 ;
XVI 2. mtizv ndni i
nitiw szv |,

XV 12. iitizv szc\ XI 6; VIII 8; XV 16. nithc

sza 1
tp-t nt nitizv |,
XV 9.
^fl^o : sour: n szat, II 4. See 'ndj: ^^\\|^|: fat, grease: III 15; VII 14; XI 8;
XII 5 (twice), 9, 12, 14; XV 7, 1 1 ;
XVI 1,7;
<w?j-t: J (| [|
QQ and : hsi-zv 11 <^zu^J-t, XVII I (twice), ps hr nidj, XII 10. knkn hr

XII 12; III IX 5.' mdj, IX 9. nid] ci, VI 5; VIII 18. nidj bikQ),
II 8. md] 11 zodj. III 4. nidj iirHv^ XII 13;
<b: Viol'll- wmnj r zcminj zSb] r
Jj^ VIII 14, 16; XV 5. nidj !//(?), VIII 10, 15,
hbj r r hinj-zv hint-sn, her right
18; IX 14; XVI 10. nidj gJis, X 6. nidj
horn against (? to.^) the right, the left against (.?)
giiii, II I.
the left, XIV 8.
md-w: 0 .
Jr^-zv iizu sd-t lit] 111 md-zo.
'oiM.: piiii-t rdi-ti 111 ipp-t, X 4.
II 6.
pnii-t zugs-ti tintin-zv h-t-s 111 Ji^nnj-t^ XIII 5.

piiiid siizviji)
^ hr inrht^ X 18. inrh-t pnn-t, crw: <-rzv, VI 17. kS-zo 11 rzv,

XI3. X 14. Ns 11 <-rzv^ VI 17. ksks 11 <-rzv, I 17.

<fDj: (III 12) and S)- <hE fVh : to fight: diS it-i JFs-ir ni-bsh

<flf: ^3; fl)u hs IX 14; X 17. Nt 11b nih, my father Osiris fights before
Nt, XIV 6. diS-ti hr-s, she fought for her,
<(m)im-w: : IV 3. See
XIV 4.
and cf. E 44, 6.
<ho: Pd VI 3.
<m: : to swallow: in passive sdi
ch< ' stand : sin 111 ir-t-f, XIV 1 1
nii-zu hi s, it is to be swallowed by the : ^ j\
man, I i, 2, 3. See snn. As auxiliary verb: di<-s hS-tl hr ^-zuj, then
it comes down immediately. III 6.
<m': Q
nm n btj (bd-t) I 1 1. hi-za{})

<h: XVII 10.

iizv nir I 9; XVI 14.

<m: V <hm: zvSd, IX 7.

g : 9.

^mm: <s: CA ^ u : cedar: zvs-t nt v, IX 13.
XIII 10. nnin-zu pgg-t^ XIII 6. <sd: to be numerous or abundant: in

<n-w: Q limestone: kp in ni-zo inijiit}) sdiiif\ sp-zv nzu dr inwj-t <sS-s, doses for

.y< 111 Jisirzv^ I 6. driving out nizvjt when it is abundant, IV 14.


Adjective: phr-t nt dr snf <-si^ II 4. 7^ sp-za \

See also XIII 3: phrd nd dd-zu sih zciid
^s^-za, IX 16. vi-zr/, X 5. db<-za] and szoid (VIII 5 )-

<k: see spj. Wjd: I|^: a stone: XV 17.

ffi "k 1 ^ X'' rJi Ai)

wid-w: :
green cosmetic: VI 13; XII i;
II 4, 12 ^without 13; IV 13. ,

XV 6.
<g?j-t: nt snd-t^ XII 10.
^ | \
w:)d-wr: 'HK ^.a^aa sea: pi zvid-zvr, XI 13.
^ :

^g^j-t nt Ikrzu^ VIII 2. '

wi: rno: absolute pron. pers. sing.:

^ and
^ and ^ : to knead,
VI 6.

to filter or to sift: in passive sdznza-f: /z{S)dl >

Wl") boat: XIV

m tilt zv-d Uiik-zv m hbs-zu dJgzsj zonzn r

hz'zv fdzx), be mixed together, squeezed

to Wf-t: ooe (fern.): irzu ni ippd rdi-zu za<-d
out in a cloth, sifted (kneaded) and eaten hn r bzv. III i X 12 See also ihd zvD.

; (?).
every day for four days. III 16. 1

nd-zx) d/rzv^ II 12. Liquid compound. i

w<n: 0 and C3 (VIII 7): prd zvni

ps dh-zv, III 13, 14, 15; IV 3 (twice), 5, j

with as determinative of whole: II 15;

II, 16; VII 2; X 2, 14; XIII 14.

III 12; IV I, 10, 15; V IX X8;
I, 3, 6;

5, 3;
dh-zv, II 5; IV 10 (twice), 16; V VI 16;
XIII 12, 14; XVII i5(?).
VII 9. All are cases of liquid compounds.
zt>sd nt tips [zvsd] nt zv-n, VIII 5 (cf.
ps scir 11 lidd dh-zu, II 9; IV i.

E 81, 18).
sdr n hdd dh-zx.>, II 14, 15; V 3 (dry com-
pound); V 5.
O {tpi) n zv-n, IX 4 (cf. E 82, 6).

Participle i dh mP sbb m Dp, XIV 1 1

said of beer.
VII 3; V 6. zvdi-zv 11 gi-zv, II 4, 12; IV 13;

VII 13.

w. wdj goat: mdj n zudj. III 4.

a W I

^ (mistake for zvini'^. (E !

wdj-st>t: zodd 11 zodj-stid, II 7.

U \\ o
li I
^ ' '

reads zuizn 50, 15). 1

wbk : to open: infinitive, pJn'd

wob : zcdb k^dd, I V 1 5
: I Jj nt zvbi ih-t nbd hprd ds-s, IX 10.
W3in: VIII 6; IX 6. See zuSd
wbn-w: wound, sore: ird r md
W3I1: to apply, lay on, said of a re-

sih zvnn in zvbn-zv[pl) remedy for
zxni ri,
med)': infinitive, dd vidzv lift zuih pJird Jir toe nails which have become open sores,
P nbd nt) vir sj {sid), VI 10. XII II.
ri n zvih phrd hr <-d nbd nt] mrdi, VI 5. zabn-zu in D nbd, XVI 9; XVII 16.

w?d: and green, fresh: dt-zv r zvbn-zv, XVIII 3.

J :

ih zvid, II 4 ;
IV 14; V 3 , 13; VI 16; wbd: % : heat or stew: passive: sdniw-f\
VII 13.
zubd-zv hr mrhd, XI 2, 3.
Izvf zvid, XVI 5, 6.
wn: : to open: part. act. impi.: zubn-zo
di XVII 10 and <//;;/ zuid, IX
zuid, 7. /WVWV

b^h zi.!id, XI 7, 14; XVII 13; XVIII I.

zan ri a wound opening (its) mouth (i. e.

bnr zuht, VI 16; XV 16. an open wound), XII 1 .

Ip-zuQ) zvid 11 it, XII I 7. ki-zv n it zuid, wnn: to be: part. impf. act.: md sih zunn
I 10; XIV 15.
in zubn-zu zvn ri, toe nails which have be-
sntr zvid, VIII 9.
come open wounds (sores), XII 1 .

ti zvid. III 14.

ninsd zvidd, XVI 6. wn-m3c: : truth: dr nit in zini-nii<~
A/WSAA - n
ssd (shd) zvidd, XIII 12. to drive away death in truth, I 16.
20 Vocabulary.

wmn: to eat: pass, sdimvf: wmn-w According to E, H II 2 should read hr

111 kib-w 11 dsdi-f rdi whnn-f r A.
hi y, it is be eaten by the man,
to III 7.

wnm-w smi-zo vi hk-t^ IV 7. wh: to free, release: r wh< mrr-w

tvnm-zv Jir hk-t^ IX 10. ntr-f smh-f^ in order to release him whom
zviimiv Jir c-zcy, to be eaten immediately, his god wishes to preserve, VI 10.
VI 16.
wh<-w diin-t nt w/r-za^ VI 4.
wnm-zv tp-^ sdi\ it is to be eaten before
sleeping, VI 12, 13, 15; VII 4, 9, 10. wIid: J\: to search (purge?): sp-w iiw
wmn-w r hrw fdw^ it is to be eaten whs ht^ I I (cf. phs).
every day for four days, II 5, 10, ii, 12,
whd-w: pains: dr whd-w in snb-t,
13. 15; III 13. 14. 15. 16; IV I, 3 (twice), 5,

9, 10, II, 12, 14; V 2, 4, 5, 7; VII 2, 4, 13; II 16.

X 2, 14; XIII 14. sd whd-w in ht, II 10, 14.

zcumw r krzu, IV 16 (twice). s(iii)Siiiwhd-w 111 h-t, IV I.

wnmw rc nb^ VII 10. sriw (Jrwi) whd-w in -t nb-t^ IX 16.
zvmnzv^ II IV ii; XIII 16, 17. s{in)Siii whd-w in <-t nb-t^ III ii, 16.
5; 6,
Infinitive: hs n wnm, VII 6. dr whd-w iihp 111 <-t nb-t^ III 10.
dr thn-zv iiw zvhd-w 111 pJi-zif I 4.
wnm-w: -|- u wasting(.?): dr zvmn-zu n
snf, IX 8.
: ^ ^

IV 10.
to piss : in sdin-f^ phr-t nt rdi-t

: right, right side: XIV 8 (twice).
ws-t: and sawdust: ws-t nt v,
wns-j: I" 14; II 13; XIII +
W IX 16. ws-t nt tsps \_ws-t\ lit wm^ VIII 5.
wr: elder, prince: zvr-zu nzv VI 6. To
ws-ir: Osiris: XI 4; XIV 6.
be read snis-w}
ws: to destroy, to cause to fall out (ot
wrh: I 5 ^ : to anoint, to rub: pass, sdmzuf^

X end XI i,
hair): phrt nt ws snj 18 (cf.
zvrh m mrJi-t II
3 (see zvrh-tw-f below).
di-zv r dsds 11 insdd-t^ to be put on the
zvrh in ib-t nt etc., II 3.

head of the hated one).
zvrh-w hn, the head is to be
rubbed therewith, VI 4, 5; II 2. ws-w: sharp twinges: sgr-t zvs^-zv
wrh-zv hn^ it is to be rubbed therewith, 11 int^ VIII 1 7.
X 9, 10; II 9; X 5; XVII 10. mrh-zo hn^ sgr-t ws-w in <-t nb-t^ IX 4.
X 6, scribal error.
remove head and
wrh in hntj-f^ it is to be rubbed on his
^S P
to clean

(i. e.

pseud, part. 3
nose, XI entrails of fish reptiles):
I 7.

zvrJi hii-f, it is to be rubbed on him, fern, s.: pnn-tztgs-titintin-w h-t-s m h{iii)Sinj-t

XI 10. XIII 6.

mrh-t rinw^

In sdin-tzv-f\ hr-tzv zvrJi-tzv-f in i

tr-in-ht ph whnn-f in wrh in-ht
and ^ ^
(VII 16): to bind, to bandage: in

sdin-w-f pass.: zut-zvf) m-t nt sSJi hr-s^ the

nil phr-t^ if its whim has come during the
rubbing after these remedies (then he is to toe-tips are to be bandaged therewith,

be rubbed with fish-oil) II 2.

XII 16. zut-zvf) sSh hr-s, XIII 10. wt dSdS
hr-s, VI 1. zut inn-t iib-t hr-s, V 9, 10, 12,
whi: to rot, become foul: in in-
14. wt-w(^) hr bdd-w-kS, (the fingers) are
finitive: phr-t nt whi siif n i/iQ) ps zvniii,
to be bound with bdd-w-ks'\ XIII 12. zvt
a remedy for the rotting of beef blood I

hr-f on every page except IV VI (once

which has been cooked and eaten,
on page VII 16). See especially VIII and XV.
II 5.

whnn: ^ 111 : head (of a boil?) or part of zut-zv hr-f r izu inw-f it (^ the remedy)

the head: ir-in-JU ph whnii-f in wrh^ II 2. is to be bound on it ( = hsd) until its

rdi hr zvhiin-f r<- nb, II 4. (= h^d) water comes, IX 12. zut-zu Jir-f
Vocabulary. 2 I

(w/) r ndni-f, VIII 12. zi'l-zo hr-f sSh)^ ^

bi-t: : honey:
XII 10, 12. zot-zvi^.) hr-f mhi^ r snb-fs,
ri bit, XIV ij bi-t ij r dt-t n snJpnzv
XV'^ 9. ivtw{^) hr-f (= mho), XV 11. wt-w
zi 7.

di-t zuis izv-s zvdi-ti bi-t, come, honey, come

^ (r), XIII 6.
^^ ^^ ^ ^
to the crossing over of the grasshoppers:
iincorrect for wt-zo, cf. E 78, 17). the crossing of the boat is safe, O honey,
In sdm-hi'-f\ zot-hr-k szo hr Izof zohb you XIV 7.
must bind it (the bite) with fresh meat, sdb-zo m db<- n bi-t, I 3.
XVI 4, 6. sd-zv hr bi-t in s, I 17.
thb-zv ni bi-t, i,
^0 dii-k hi bi-t tp-<
I 2, 3.

sd-t-s. III 16.

sih) hir tvi rdl zodn zoti-f, it is to be
z'di bi-t Jir-s, II 10.
applied to it (toe tip) with out letting the
bandage be too heavy, XII 8.
imivo m ih-t zad Jir nn bi-t, X 16; VI i.

inii-zv Jp' bid, I 5, 13.

wt'-w: incorrect spelling for
nd-zo Jp' bi-t, 10; XIII 7, 8.
zat-zo^ XI 18. lui-zv htm-zv Jp' bi-t, XIII 9.
wtj-t: nt nh-t, XII 15. //r bi-t, XIII 10.
m bi-t, I 15.
wd: to la): ps m nzud-t zud ps sp, to
I, IV '10;
V VI VIII 3, 4;
bi-t 14, 16; 4;
be boiled in a nzod-t pot, allowed to settle,
X i; XIV 16; XV I, 8, 10; XVI 13.
and boiled again, VIII 1 1
bi-t '\^, XII 6.

wdn: to be heavy: sdm-f, hir tm rdi bi-t '4 III 15; IV 10, 15; V I, 6.

zodn zoti-f^ without letting its bandage be bi-t ^

^, II 5, I 2 ;
VII 8 ;
XIII 2 ;
XII i 7 ;
IV 9.

too heavy, XII 8. bi-t III 14; IV 3; VIII 7: XII 17.

bi-t IV 4, 16; VII 2, 3; XIII 14.
wdd: zudj-sti, II 7.
bi-t iz, VI 12, 13, 15.
: ^ I
: to be well ,
health) :
pseud, bi-t passim VIII to
lipr-ds-f-n-bl-t, XI
part.: ko-s zudS-fi, XIV 7. Also in 6,

smtr-ti gm-n-i ^nh-zodi-snb^ XIV 2.

bi-t, X 14; XII 15, is written with a short

form of vff.

^[|(]^ and
distinctly a possibly
: the cross piece on

a reminiscence of
^ bi-t: fern, of bk: bi-t szot, II 12.

E 20
an older form ^ 0 : zvdft n bm\ IV 7
Cf. 73, ib-t nt bi-t.

VII 13. zodft bnf)izv, VIII i 7. bibi:

jy(] I I I
: kk-j-zo him bibi m ^-zot-i iptn.

Im 11 zmhjt^ III 6 VII i XII ; ;

i ;
I i
7 (with
VI 8.

an unusual determinative, possibly (^). bin: evil, bad: ih-t nb-t bin dzv, VI 2.

place: bzjo dini{zo) <-t r <~-t im the

bAi: see m-bih.

place where limb joins limb, III i; X 12.
p. . w
bnr: : dates : III 14 ;
IV 2 ;
VIII 7 ;
XI i i

b(k: tind t)live oil:

J I ^ , ^

bnr si'-n-f rd dates which have begun

XI 8. crrow
to o IV
zoid, XVII I
3 ;
bnr zvid, VI 16; XV 16.
3id-zo hr bik zv^>d^ XI 7. See inj-t nt bnr, zvifj-t n bnr, ki-zuf) n
dd-tzo ri pn sp-zo 4 Jir bik zohb, XI 14. bnr under inj-t, zvdft and Jf-zo.
^ndi bhk, II 8.
bn(r)iw date wein. VIII 17; IX 3
^ 1 : olive tree: id u ^ I
^, XV 4. I
7 ;
XVI 1 1 .

See hpr-ds-f n bnf)i-zo and

jq V)
: a loaf(?): szoi Ir-zo m bi, II 9.
zvp-j-t bnpfi-zv.

bi n IV VIII 14. bs: to swell(?): pseudo[)articiple 2 I.

szot, 14. 16;
See bi-t szL't. sing.: sp-t bs-t, XI 4.

bsbs; XIII 15, 13. p(f)sw: XI 6 see ps.

bsn; 1 (IX 18) and jp (VII ii). pn-w: mouse: X 10.
J[ ^^AA^^ 21
o pne see spm.
bm n ikd-io VII bsn n
1 1

D pr: to come forth: in sdin-f, pr Is-t

IX 18 (E 72, 21). A'-

bd-t: bd-t, XIII 4. iitr-t, Isis comes forth, the goddess,

c:^ o XIV 5.
bd-t: XII 6, 16; XIII
I I X' 2, 3 In-zv .... pr-ii-i
In sdm-ii-f\ pr-ii-i in in

') -"d (IV 4) Si-zv, have come forth from Heliopolis

KtT. I have come forth from Sais, VI 6.
and (II 8): wheat: b{d)ij hn-t^ IV4.
^ combination with plant
pr-t: fruit: in
<-m<- 11 b[d)tj^ III. thfbj n b{d)tj kin-t^ X 5
False spelling of bd-t due to the pronoun- and tree names. When the second word is

ciation bote (Sethe). followed by the determinative or by

bdd-w-k 3 :
the whole expression is never followed by
Otherwise the whole
XIII 12. the determinative .


expression has regularly but not always the

determinative '

P: : Buto : dh m P sbb m Dp, XIV 1

I I 1

sometimes omitted^
: heavens, sky: in ir-w p-t, XIV 9, 10. ^

PV : definite article: r mJi m pS ntr Jp'j,

pHn ^ I


XI 13. pi-iu 3 d-wr, the sea, XI 13. See \\ I

also pi-ivr.
VIII 2, 6; XI6; XIV 16; XV 7; XVI 15)
p 3 -wr: I I
XI 6; XV 17.
and (without V 15;
o o
PDj-t: IX I
III 5; VII 7,9; VIII 9, 17);
pw :

X : this : in nominal sentences :

mk pw mrr-w ntr-f smJnf. I am he whom

his god wishes to preserve, VI 10. III tiij

dbJi pzv Jpi Hr zr-t-f hn-f, this is the Q 1 I I
See also XVI 8. nn pr-t-s, who
measure with which Horus measured his has no seed, XI 4 (referring to mspn-t).
eye, XIV i.
na XV
prs: : VIII 8; IX 4; 9.
dr sfw-t pw, the driving out of the I I

sfwt is it. III II.

pli : J\ : to arrive at ,
to attain : Ir-m-ht pJi

shn-w-f pw Dhwtj, guide whiin-f 111 zvrJi, II 2.

his is Thoth,
VI 9. pli-wj: the backside: phr-t nt dr rhn-zv
Ir Irt-Hr pw,
Jiki-tQ') til this measure (or thii-w) nw whd-w 111 pJpwj, I 4.
is the Eye of Horus, XIV 3.
phwj-t: (VII 12) and
With sdin-f: hu-f pw in htp, XVIII 3.
I 6): backside: phr-t nt phwj-t nir-s, I 6.
See also r^-pw and pwj.
phr-t nt skbb phwj-t, VII 12.
pwj: this: ink Dhwtj pzu] sjii-zv pzv) n
^(| ph?: a
: to split, to open, to purge: in
Irt-Hr, I am this Thoth, this physician of
the eye of Horus, XIV 6.
infinitive, pJir-t nt pJp Jr, X 13. sp-w nw
p/iS Jj-t, IV 9. Ill sj Is-t 11 s^-s Hr r phi
pn: ^ : this: masc. sing.: ntr pn, XI 13.
AAAAiV\ Ji-t-f~^\V 3.
dbh pn, XIV i, 2. didi pn,
pii, XI 14.
phh: pJiJi 11 srm-t, VIII 13.
VI 7. kdpi pn, VI 8.
iwf-l pn, VII 5. Ir-i pn, VI 8.
phr: J\\ to go around: In sdin-f in ex-

planatory clause, tr gm-k db^ s]h mr-io phi' ps di-w r-s, X 6; XVII 9.

inw hi-sn, if you find finger or toe ps 111 nzvd-t, II 8 ;

VIII 1 1

diseased with water gathered around them, ps m ih-t (zv^-t). III 7; V 14; VII 16; XII 9;
XII I XIV 15; XV 2, 3, 8, 9; XVI 2.

phr-w (Pk^b-w?): n didi, II 2. ps hr mdj, XII 10. ps hr ih-t nt hizv

ih-t, 'K ps hr mjt di-zv r-s. III 9. ps Jp'
phr-t: : remedy, prescription: in the
nirJi-t zvt-zv hr-s, XIII 4; XII 9. ps hr hsizv,
headings of remedies, followed by (i) nt XIII 16. ps in nzvd-t zvd ps sp VIII ii.
and an infinitive with its object, for example,
pnzv ps rdi-zv hr mrh-t, X 10.
phr-t n-t srd-t snj X 4; (2) nt and the
In cases where is attributive to a noun
name of a member of the body, for example,
phr-t n-t m-t iV/, XII 14; (3) nt and the and is followed by a number, it is possibly
name of a malady (wound), for example. part. pass. perf. psjj\ ks-zv nzv dii ps \ dsr-zv
phr-t n-t hwj-t, VII 10; or by (4) the par- ps I
diiii-t nt zv/p-zv ps I, VI 3, 4. hmir-t ps,
ticiple passive and the prep, r with its III 15. szvt ps, V 4. ki-zvij) 11 szvt ps, V 5.

object, for example, phr-t ir-t r psh nnt, /i-2:e(?) 11 it ps, V 5.

II 6. See list of remedies, kt phr-t passim, psn: cake: /di-zv n psn, XIV 15, 16.
see list of remedies, phr-t sn-mv-t
phr-t hnt-nw-t^ 10; II XIV psh: ^ (inf..?): psli n inii, XVI 8.
7, 8; 14, 15.
phr-t sn-nw-t phr-t Jgnt-mv-t . . . . psJi n msJi, XVI 4. psJi n nnt, II 6. \psli n\
phr-t fdw-mv-t .... phr-t dwi-mv-t phr-t sii, XVI 6. ps/i 11 dbi, XVI 7.

phr-t-s hpr-ds-f-n
7 ff.

hi-t etc., its prescription

X C,

psd, VIII 18;
12, 17.

is . . . ., XI 6.
without following mtj-zv see szv.
phr-t nb-t mi sn-nw-t-s, each prescription ^ ^

is like the other, II 5. psd-nw-ntrw: nine gods the


hi-tw phr-t tn m dbh pn this prescrip- ninth god?) XIV 4.

tion was measured with this measure, XIV 2.
pk-t: potsherd: p/i-t nt hnzv mi, XI 17
ir dbh pn h^j-i phr-t tn hn-f, XIV i. ri
n dbh lift tjj-t-f r h^j-t pJir-t, XIII i 7.
(det. 0); XIII 2.

ir-Jg'-k n-f plp'-t nt skbb^ XI 18. ir ir pkr-w: ^ picr-zv n inrh-t, XV 3.

n-f phr-t tn m mr-t .... ndm-n-f, VI i.
ir-in-Id ir-k nn phr-t, ir-h'-k XII pgg-t: XIII 6.
. . .
., 5.

rdi-t ssp nit phr-t, VIII 12.

ptj: 1=^: who, what: ptj rJi in) R<- ptj rJi
ri n w?di pjp'-t Ju' ^-zv-t nb-t mr-ti, VI 5.
dd mdw wih phr-t hr mi-t-t ntr pn, who is knowing like Ra, who
hft ^-w-t nb-t, VI 1 1

nn rdi-t phr-t nb-t hr-f, knows as much as this god, XI 12.

II 2.

ri n mrJi-t n phr-t nb-t, XIV 4. pd:

^ ^^ I
: foot: pd inr-f, XVII 2.

ni-ht nn phr-t, II 3.
pdd-w: ^
: Jir) n pdd-zv, XI 10.
ps: and (XI 6): to cook, to boil: in

sdmiv-f passive:
p(f)s-zv iid-zi> di-zv r-s, XI 6.
ps ^th-w. III 13, 15; IV 3, 5, 1 1. 15; VII 2;
X 2, 14; XIII 14. f: : suff. 3rd masc. sing.: passim.
ps zvnm, II 5 ;
IV 12; VII 4. fj pron. suff masc. sing, with the dual
: ; 3 :

ps zvt-zv hr-s, VIII 6, 8; IX 6; XI ii;

diilpzvj-fj XI 2, 3.
XIII i; XV 10, 13; XVI 7.
fnt: sd-t fnt in dd sj/i, XIII 5.
ps zvt-zv hr-f, XII 12; XV

1 1 A/WV-A mi
ps sdr n iid-t, II 9, 15; IV fnd: see /lilt.

ps ^s-zv hn, IX 3, 5.

fdw: Mil: four: dd-tw ri pn sp-za fdzu, XI 14. .

XVI -I. hibk in ih-t w<--t. III 16. htvi-zo in
r hrzv fdw, I 5, 4; passim. ih-t zu-t, V 9. dvid in ih-t zo'-t. III i.

fdw-nw-t : ! !
o : fourth :
^- fdw-nw-t, V 1 1 ir-w VI szv-t 7, I 2. ir-zu in bi, II 9. ir-w
1 1

III ipp-t. III i; X 12. ir-zv in iwss, X 8.

sih zvnn in zubii-w zvn ri, a toe which

m. has become an open sore, XII ii. hki-za
11 vizvt-i in si <-wt-i the magic of my mother
m: preposition:
is the protection of my limbs, XI 5.
1. in, out of: ni Iwf, VII 5. zn m-t nt
8. With, zurhi in ib-t nt ti, II 3. zurJi-
sih, XIII 7. ni zptn, VII 5; VIS (twice).
tw-f in virh-t rni-w, II 3. zurh in virh-t dbi,
in XI 5. VI <-t nb-t, passim, I 12; III 3,

8; etc. VI pJi-wj, I 4. in int, VIII 14. in h^tj,

II 3. gs-zv 111 mtiw, VIII 3, 6, 10; XV 8.

VI II, 12,14. VIS; XI 5 Ill h<- n s,W . i o, stwhk szv in hsmn etc., XII 8.

12, 14. in h<- 11 milt, XI 14. in Jn n rmt, X 1 1. sdb-w in db<- n bit, I 3. snn-w in hk-t,
Ill f. III I in hr ;z X I 2. in hit], VI i XI
. .S',
i 7. IV 7. ir-zu hr iwh 111 dir n nirh-t, X 8.

Ill h-t, II I o, 14; III 6 IV 6 (twice) VI ; 1 , ;

1 1 III bi-t, I 15. Ill hs ir-zu, I 6. tmtni-zu h-t-s in
12, 14, 16; XIII 16; XIV 2 . Ill sill, XII 10; h{iii)iinj-t, XIII 6. h sill in ir-t-f, XIV ii.
XIII 8. Ill siib-t, II 16. in kdi-i pn, VI 7. ri vih 111 siitr, VII 4. nih in pi ntr hr],
in didi, II I, 8; VI I, 2 (twice), 3 (twice), 7. XI 13.
Ill db<- siJi, XIII 5. in db<-, XIII 10. in db<-w,
hi-tw ph'-t til 111 dbh pn, XIII 2. htvi sj
XIII 1 1 . See also I 7. phr-t nt rdi-t hi s-t
111 htm-w 11 stt-zu-t, XI 15.
(for st-t) in nph-w, a remedy for bringing
the st-t out of the nph-w. III 4. d<-b h-t in
9. With infinitive, ir-vi-h-t ph whnn-f in
zurJi, II 2.
(pb-t, XI 13. iii-t mw in hsd, IX 11. hr in
phr-wi] kib-zh) n didi-f II 2. 10. Adverbially, in zun ini<-, I 16. izuf

2. With names of places: in, dh in P pw 111 Jitp, XVIII 3. Ill ini-t-t, XI 14; XII 7,

sbb VI Dpzu, XIV II. From pr-n-i in 14, 15. dd-t r-f 111 hki-zu, said to it as

In-w .... pr-n-i vi Siw, VI 6. magic, VII 5.

3. With names of vessels, cloths, etc.; in, See also, ir-m-ht, vi-ht, in bih.
in nid-zv, II 6. in vit, VIII 12. in nwd-t, II 8;
m-e with, against: nn <-zu-]-sj in-<-s,
VIII II. Ill hii-w, X 9. Ill sd 11 hir, X 5.
XI 4. ink 11 h szv in-'- hfti-w-f, VI 9. 11 Jim
in ni-zu vi{}) s<-, 16 .

sw m-<- Jin-ti]) mt, XIV 5. izu vii-n-i Jipr

Into: ir-w in nwd-t, XII ii. rdi-ti in
II 10. See possibly XVII inf)-fl) tij.
didi-zv, X 10. rdi-ti in ipp-t X 4 (see below.

No. 7). rdi 111 fki, I I. rdi-ti in h-t, X 4. m-<: a: particle following an imperative:
In: ^f-w 111 hsb-w (sic! for hbszv), X 6. Jmi ir-t m-<- ink Hr, XI 4.
hbs-zv 111 stp, I 16; X 8. shik-w vi hb's-w,
m-b^h: before, in front of: ni-bi/i psd-
ill 16; II 10.
4. In the expression, thb-zu in bi-t, to be iiw ntr-zu, XIV 4. m-biliGb, XIV m-bih
dipped in honey, I i, 2, 3.
Nt, XIV 6.

5. With names of diseases etc.; in vir-t m-h-t: nn pJir-t, II 3.

iib-t vm-t in vir-t didi, VI in ih-t nb-t

11 i .

bin dw, VI 2. Ill hif) lst-<- vit etc., V 14. mP. new: Jin-zu ini, XI 17; XIII 2.

Ill hiw Slip, VI I.

m?": to see; izu vii-n-i Jipr vr-i,
6. In temporal expressions: in hnw, II 17;
I have seen it succeed with me (as phy-
X 1 1 . in dwi-t, II 9.
sician), II 10.
7. To, or introducing a predicate, iini-w
in Ih-t w<-t,
II 2, 7, 8;
and passim, ps
16. ir-zv ni ih-t w<-t,
in ih-t w<-t.

mA: ^ lion: \plir-t nt\ psJi n mii.

XVI 8.
V 14; VII 16; XII 9; XIV 15; XV 2, 3, 8,
JiHzu mit\, IV ii.
9; XVI 2. nd-w in ih-t wh, IX 3; X 15;

niDc; true: ni wn-mS<-^ in truth, I i6. In combination with another word:


ss excellent true (truly excellent) VI 2,

mw i]fi 11 AAAAAA
XIV 14.
1 1 . See also iw/ic mw mu D
I *
XVI 12.

^ ^3 ^3- niit-t, mzv 11ZV hzij-t, XV 3, 15.

IX 4. mzv nzv (iir-t. III 15.

mit-t kisn-t, , V 2. mwj-t AAAAAA

. andmj-t: _ .
VI vj
(III 9):

7 nU-t mh-t^ V 2. urin; szzii^ mzvj-t, V i. hr-zv-^ stzvh spj-t smi^

mzvj-t, IV 12. phr-t nt sik mj-t, V 2. sp-zv
mi; like, as:
nzv dr mzvj-t <si-s, 14. ps Jp' mj-t. III 9.

1. preposition: mi ht Jid-w^ like wood of

mw-t: mother; hki-zv n m{w)-t-i, XI 4.
the hd (or wd) plant. III 5. rd-s //r Ji-t-'s

mi kid-t, III 5. p]u'-t nb-t mi sn-nwt-s^ II 5. ntr-zv, VI 6. Cl zit hkrk.

ptj rh mi XI 12. IX
2. conjunction: iw-s ir-s Jirr-t mi srd mwt; death: see mt, m{zv)t.
it produces blos-
^ ^ ^ P ,
mmj: and ,*(I 7; VII 10,
soms as the dgmj produces its blossoms, ,

13): V 5;' VII 10, 13; VIII 8, 10; XV 5, 10,

III 5. ir-mi sn-n St pi-wipivr sn tii St m mmi,
1 . ki-zvQ) 11 II i .

mi-t-t Tiit-miw^ XI 13-14.

o ,2 , o

ce?f=.Vf': masc.: and mn-t:

mi-t-t: : fern. adj. y-form: ptj rh mi-t-t ntr
pn^ XI 12.
fem.: so and so: m Jr n znn ms n znzi-t,

XI 14.
mi-t-t nn^ likewise these, II i 7.

mi-t-t, at the end of one prescription re- mn: : ill, diseased: ir ir n-f pJir-t tn m
ferring to directions at the end of the pre- mr-t nb-t mn-t, VI i.

ceding one, likewise (apply in) the same

mn-t: diseased or affected part: Jiit-<-

way, IV 2, 4, 6, 8, 1 5; i; VII 12; and AAAAAA I I 1

passim. m dmid-t nt sndm mn-t nb-t, VII 14.

m mi-t-t, likewise: XII gs-zv mn-t nb-t Jp'-s, VIII 4, 13.

7, 14.
sn t 7i St m mi-t-t Tnt-mizu, so shall Set zvt-zv nm-t [zib-f) Jir-s, V 9, 10, 12, 14.

conjure you likewise, O Tnt miw',' XI 13. mnj-t: 0 O 1 111 roots (? stem?): mnj-t nt
: 2^ ^^ cat : znrh-t mi-w ,
VIII i . hs Sims, XI 7.

zni-w, 10. mnlij: 8 \\ : wax: VIII 5, 9, 10, 15; IX 2,

mg-t: see mwj-t. 15; XII 13, 14; XVIII I. With a numeral:
mhwi: see jnhwi. X 2; XV 3, 6, 7, 8, II, 12, 16; XVI 10.
m<hw: see mhzv.
mns-t: .

9, 17; XII 4, ii; XIII 2,

m<spn-t: see vispn-t. AAAAAA CS I I I

5, 9. With numeral: XII 17. mns-t zvid-t,

m'ssm-t: see mshn-t.
XVI 6.
m^gD: XI 15, 16.
mnk; zi kind of tree: s{ 7 }i)ini-zv nzv mnJp
m<t3-w: see mtj-zv. AA.A/VVS


mw \ AA/vW\
5 (II 14) and AAAAAA
J'JJ 12):

v/ater; with a numeral: I 8; II 12, 13;

mr : to be ill: in sdm-f, pd mr-f,
IV I, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 15, 16; V I, 4, 6; VI 16; XVII 3. stzvJi sill mr-f, XII 3. plp'-t nt
VII 3, 10, 13; XV 2, 5. kns mr-f, VII 10. pJu'-t nt pJizvj-t mr-s, I 6.

rdi-zv hr mzv, XI 1 7. tin nbs Jir mzu, pJir-t nt Ji-t mr-s, IV 7.

IX I 2. <-p-zv m hbszv z'di mzv h\j)-zv hr mrh-t, In pseudo, part.: ri n zviJi plp'-t Jir <-t

X 6. r rdi-t hi mzv h\j)-zv, IX 8. r izv nb-t ntj nir-ti, VI 5-6 (cf. VI ii).
mzv-f, IX 12. in-t mzv zn hsd, IX ii. phr In part. act. inipf.: dd mdzv lift wi/i pJir-t
mzv hi-sn, XII 2. inr n sp-t mzv, V 13. Jir ct nb-t nt) mr sj, VI 1 1

Reisner, Hearst medical papyrus.

26 Vocabulary.

Ir gm-k db<- sSk mr-w^ XII i. 77 ir/i-t Jlfgzv, VIII 3; X 7.

dd-h'-k r-s mr XII 2. 77irJi-t dbi, II 3; X 7; XI 8.
In the infinitive: see mr, illness. pIc7'-ZJJ 71 77 irJl-t, XV 3.
mr: illness: phr-t nt dr mr ib, IV 2. mrs-t (mjs-t): liver: 77zrs-t 7it <^
3, X 9.

phr-t nt dr mr m h-t, IV 6. m mr n d^dg mhwj: rn ^\\ IX 2.


mh: to be full: 3bd-zv r3 77tJi m sntr.

mr-t: ^
^ j
: illness: h^-tw phr-t tn m dbhpn VII 4.

r wi-f nt) m h-t tn,

shij-t mr-t nb-t XIV 2. mh: to catch hold (c. 77i)\ r 771/1 777 p3 ntr,
ir Ir n-f phr-t bi m mr-t nb-t mn-t m mr XI 13.
11 didi etc., VI I phr-t sis-nw-t h'-n .
Is-t hr
V 15. mh-w: lower Egyptian: si 3 771 /pzjo, XII 3, as
ds-f r dr mr-t)) (pi.) hn-t didS-f,
opposed to si3
snf m
sj'zu mr-t zn <-wt. III 2. dr mr-t
<~-zvt nb-t, IX 17. dr mr-t m <-wt nb-t, IX 12. mh-t:
o \
fern, of the above: /i{ni)377i)-t m/pt,

mrj: to love, to wish, to will: in sdm-f,

III 9; V 7; VII I. 7773 t-t 77 l/l-t, V 2.
emphatic form, ir-m-ht mrr-k dr st . .
., XI 2.
mh-w: 771/i-zv,

In the relative form of sdm-f\ r w/g XII 15.

mrr-w 7 itr-f smJrf ink pzv im'r-zv ntr-f msh: ^^p^=s3=.: crocodile: p/ir-t 7it ps/i 71 ms/i,
order to protect him whom his
smh-f, in
XVI 4. znr/i-t 777 s/i, X 7.
god wishes to preserve. I am he whom his
msj:|yjP\ and \: to bear, give birth: part. pass,
god wishes to preserve, VI 10.
perf : 77777 777 s 77 77777 -t, XI 14. part. act. perf:
mr-w bandage, rag.: VII 12.
irt-t 77t 777s-t tjj, VIII 12.

mrh-w: 5 scribal error for zvrh-zu. msk: 3 - stone implement(.?) of the sandle-
X 7""
maker (cf. however Copt. 777 s/c = leather):

5 777s/c 77 tb-zv, VIII 2.

mrh-t: \ : oil: ri 71 77irh-t 71 phr-t 7ib-t,
| 1

Xl^. mstD: , 777st3, XVI 12.

znrh-t, VIII 8 ;
X i 7 XII 5, 6, 8, 15; 777St3 77 /7dza, I lO. [777s\t3 77 r/ltj XI 12
XIII 3, 4; XVII 14; XVIII 2. [
777 s not written on account of the prece-
mrh-t, with a numeral, II 4, 12, 14; V 7, ding 777S of s3777S). See 777sti and /p77t-J.

9, 14; X 2; XII 7, 17; XV 6; XVI 7. msti: (Tin 1 (1 : 777zv 77 777sti, XIV 14. See 777st3.
Mil U 1
ir-Ji 7 '-k 71
77 irh-t etc., XII 5.
msdm-t: black cosmetic: VII i;
shi-zv dd-zv m 77 irh-t, XIII 1 1

hr izi>h 771 db< 71 i7 irJgt, X 8.

7 i<~-zv
VIII 3, I o, 1 1 ;
X I ;
XI 7 ;
XV 8,9, 11,13.
^nii-zjj hr znrJgt, X 9. zabd-za hr mz'h-t, msdd-t: q '

: hated one, rival, fern, sing.:

p [||

XI 2. ps-w hr 77irh-t, XII 9; XIII 4. nd-zv part. pass, impf., di-zv r d3 d 3 77 777 sdd-t, XI i.

hz' i 7 irh-t, VIII 13; III 7. rdi-zv hr znrJgt r

mspn-t: ik "
oa ^AAA^A
^ ^ disease: s 77 -t 77t
hzvS-f, X 10. 7 'di-ti hr 77 irh-t, X 10. 7'di
Sp 77 -t, XI 3. 77 /7p7' dzV-t-t 777 /g-i 7777 777Sp77-t
771 ZU ir-zv Jp' 77 irJpt bl-t, X 6. Jp'-tw di-tw-s

XI 5.
Ip' 77 irJpt, X 5. snzviji) Jp' zzirJpt, XI i.
777 <-ZVt-i,

mzvJrti Jp' zzirJpt, XI i. msmsm-t rvu r-w~i Cl' XII 6, 16.

izirJpt hd-t, XIII 14.

mssm-t: : a disease: XI 9.
I \\ I
77 irJpt ^pd, ^ ;
III 14; IV 2,
^ ^
mk: see ! : 777 k hz-zi-i /7 s 77 ZV 77777 r-k
5, 8; V 4, 6; X 3; XV 3, 9, 12.
777777-zu, see, I have brought evil food against
77 irh-t i/p}), VIII 6.
thee, o I77777-ZV' VII 6.
77 trJl-t
p 7 l 7 l-t, XI 3. a cy

mk-t: protection: rdi-77-s77 77 -i 777 k-

17 l 7 'Jl-t 77 lizv, VIII I.

mrJpt 77 isJi, X 7. t-s 77 ,

VI 7. zur-zv 77ZV /7-t-<-3-t nb-ZV 777/c-t

177 rJl-t 7'77l-ZV, II 3. /ik3-zv 77 77 7 7 ,// VI 6.

Vocabulary. 27

mt: mwt: death (masc.) and n *

AA^AAA and twice
before nouns; to, for, on
account of: preposition:
death (fern.):
sdr n lid-t, expose over night to the
dr n ntr 7 i nit^ VI 16.
dew, I 8 etc. (see sdr). dl-f lih rlrzv-
dr mt m I 16.
s(j)n-za imzv-Jd-f, he gives bright-
dr hiij) ist-'- mt mt-t m h- n V 10,
ness to the learned, to the physicians his
12 , 14 . Ir Ir 71
f phr-t
t7i 771 i 7 ir-t 7 ib-t 77 i 7 i-t

servants, VI 9 .

771 7717 ' 71 dhis 771 Jl 7 ltl 771 did, 771 JliZU S 7 lf

\s-t-^ 7 lt 7' 7 lt 7'-t 77 lt 77 lt-t 771 didi etC., VI I.

in sj Is-t n si-s, Isis brings it for her

dr lS-t-<- 7 ltr 7 lt 7'-t 77 lt 77 lt-t Jl 77 l-t-r}^ VI 7. i

son, XIV 3 . i7'-t n mt nhp-f m <--zvt nb-t,

mt VII (remedy) prepared for a vessel (of the body)

77 lt-t kp-zv 177171 -ZV 7 ltj 771 Izvf-l p 7 l^ 5.

7l}l 77 l SZV 17 l-<- h 7 l(J)-t 77 lt 77 lt-t^ XIV 5. dz' U-t-^ which has swollen (.?) in any limb (of the

77 lt 77 lt-t 1771 -ZV 71 /l-t-l tzi^ XIV 3. I

body), VIII 3 .

mt; r=u) 5 : a jar: sdr 771 77 it r hpr-t S 77 ii h'{j)-w^ With pronominal suffixes:

VIII 12. rdl-n-sn n-l mk-t-sn, VI 7 . szaii'pi n-k st,

XIV II. []r-m-ht) h'-hr-k n-f, XI 18 XII 12

mt; sing, and vessels of ; ;

XII 2, 5 . ir-za n-f dzv-^ hr ins-t-f, XI 16 .

the body; smh 77 it szvid VIII 5. pJu'-t

ir ir n-f phr-t tn, VI i. rdl-n n-s hma
Tit STidiTi w/, VIII 6. skbb VIII 18. rdi-t
771 bdi psd nzv 7iti'-za, XIV 4 .

ssp 77 it phi'-t^ VIII 12. gs-zv 77 it z;;/, VIII 14. AA/VW\

snd77i lb 71 77 it, VIII 4. sgi'-t zvs^-zv n w/, n-wj; : I belong to: 7i-zaj R<- dd-i hik nh

VIII 17. dr sfzv-t 71 771 ^

VIII 13. sg7in szv-t sza 77i-<~ hft-jw-f, I belong to Ra. I say: d
771 77 it, VIII 14. ir-t r 77 it 7 iht-f^ VIII II. ir-t protect him against his enemies, VI 9 .

71 77 lt 7 lhp-f 771 c-zat 7 lb-t^ VIII 3. n: in the SLi77 i- 7i-f form: ir- 7 i', nh 77 i- 7r, S7i-7i\ pr-7i\
smh 77 it-u\ IX I. phr-t 7 it szidizi 77 it-zv {771 77lS-7r, 171-71', 7'dl-7l', Si'~- 7 l', kf77l)il7l-7l', SCO the
^-zvt nb-t tit s), VIII i; XV 6, 10; XVI i. verb in each case.
sndm mt-zv n sih, VIII 15. shtp mt-zc, VIII 7.
n: pron. suffix i. pers. plu.: i7i sdm- 71 -f, ist
shbb mt-zv {m mat nb-t), VII 16; XVI ^ ^ y
3, 13.
J -
71 1771 71-71 hnit-i'i, XIV 6 .

phi'-t nt sgnn mt-zv {m mat nb-t nt s st

VII 14;
ri-pzv), XV II. n: and nn;
: negative particle: phi'-t 71 -t

mtr; see smtr. dr ss 71 S7if 71 ts-tzu-f, a remedy for driving

mtD-w: (to wave.^), away a nest (? clot?) in the blood so that it

pass, sdm-zvf'. mti-zv hr h-t m hnzv, X 9.

may become permanent,
not X 2 . tm pr-t-s,
who has no seed, XI 4. 7171 muj-sj iir-s,
mdw: to speak: rdi-n-f mdzv drf, who has no arms, XI 4. rdl h7in-f r ti
VI 9. 7171 rdi-t phr-t 7ib-t hi'-f, II 2 . 7i7i hpr dzv-t

md-w: |l|: sayings: dd md-zv hft zvih phi'-t hr 771 hm 7171 77isp7i-t 771 mvt-i there shall not

mat, VI 10. dd md-zv hr innk, XI

arise any evil in my body, nor any 7nsp7i-t
in my limbs, XI 5 .

niwiw: : 7ilzaiza 7i si-Jmtf), VIII 1 1 .

nj-t: aaaaaa nj-t 7it 7nh-za, XII 15 . See hij-t.
^ ^ J~1 AAAAAA
n: masc. sing.: fern, sing.: masc. and
y, n: |i| [i| ^ to rub fine: in

pin.: fern, pin.: genitive particle: the hr

masc. sing,
^ ,

is used for the masc. plu. and

sdm-za-f passive : 7id-za
hp7'-ds-f 71 b7if)iza, V 1 . mfza S77ii-za
for the fern, so that it is clear that the
declension was little more than traditional hr hk^-ZL>, III 2 . 7icl-zv ibr i7'p, XI 16 ;

(i. e. scribal); see mt-za n sih (VIII 15); XIII 15 . 7id-za 7ima hr hpr-ds-f 71 bi-t, XI 17 .

mzv n msti] h^-zv n zvim (IX 6 ); pr-t n 7id-zv 7vza zvt-za Jir-f, XII 10 IX 12 7id-za ;

sihntp) (1 13; XI I i); di-t n snhm-za (XIV 7); irza zat-za hr-s, XVI 4. 7id-za 7v~za ir-za 771 iJrt
and passim. zv<-t, VIII I. See also i//.
28 Vocabulary.

n<-w: X i; XI 8. nd-zv m-zxj hvh m nnj-w r Jmij-zv Jmi-t-sn, XIV 8. ir-za pt r

dbc n znrh-t^

X 8.
a fish:
mivi n XIII lo. nn-sm:
W '


Jiznj-t Jizn-t-szi,


zt iJi^J),

ngD-w: see ^gi-zv. VIII 14.

nwh: to cook, bake: sdm-f, ir- nrs-w: ibex: mdj nri-zo, VIII 14,

m-ht nzvlgs^ X 4. In infinitive, zntS-zv hr Jrt

16; XII 13; XV 5.
zn Jinzv r zizah, X 9. See also snzjuJi.
sycomore: irt-t ziJi-t, III 8; X 17.
goddess of heaven: phr-t dzvB-
isd zi ziJi-t, VIII 5. isd-t nt nJi-t, I 14. id
nzv-t ir-n Nzv-t hr ds-f^ V 12. diS \t-l
n nJi-t, XIV 17; XV 5, 15; XVI 7, 15.
Ws-ir m-bRi Ni nb mh, XIV 6. zutj-t nt nJi-t, XII 15. JisS-zv nzv nJi-t, VI 15.

nwd-t: a pot: ps-zv zn zizvd-t^ nhp: to swell (-d, to form: m sdzn-f, ir-t

II 8; VIII II. ir-zv zzi zizad-h XII 1 1 n znt ziJip-f ZZI <-zvt zib-t, prepared for a
nb: : master, lord: zzi bih Ni zib mh^ XIV 6. vessel which has swollenf?) in any limb,
Nb-r-dr, VI 7. pr-zi-i zzi Izi-zv hzr zvr-zv zizv VIII 3-

h-t zib-zjo zzik-t JiN-zu zihJi^ VI 6. In pseud. part.(?), pJir-t zit dr zvJid-zju nJip

nb: : any, every (masc. sing, and any,

zn <-wt zib-t. III 10. See snJip.

See also ziJip, swelling (?).

every (fern, sing.): zvzizn-zv r<- zib, VII 10.
zvrJi hzi r<- nb, II 9. rdi Jir zvhzizi-f r< zib, II 4. nbp :
Q swelling (?) : ir-t r nhp zzi ^-wt zib-t,

zh-t zib-t, IX 10; VI 2; X I.

III 7. Z'di r nJip ZZI <~-zvt nb-t zit s s-t ri-pzu,
0111 III 8.
zib-t see 'V. phr-t zib-t zzil szi-nzv-t-s, II 5.

zizi rdi-t plir-t zib-t 1ir-f, II 2. ri zi zzzrh-t zi

nh>s-: : III 7.
j] I I I

pJir-t zib-t, XIV 4. zzizi-t zib-t, see zzm-t. r

nhm: or n ): preserve, save: in sdzn-
shsj-t znr-t zib-t hzi-f, XIV 2. zzi zzir-t zib-t,
zi-f, nJizn-n (sic!) wi (sic!) VI 6. ist nJizn-n-n
Jiznt-ri, XIV 6.
nbs :
J p^: id zi nbs, VII 16; XII i; XIII i; In imperative (?): ziJizn-w szv zzi-<- Jin-t(?)

XIV I 7 ;
XV 4. isd-t zit zibs, I 1 4. t3 n zibs, znt znt-t etc., XIV 5.

VII 3; IX 12.
nhh: eternity: JiJci-zv n ziJiJi, VI 6.

nph-w: e .

phr-t zit rdl-t hi s-i (error

I I I nh: protect, guard: part. act. impf., iziJe

for st-t, cf. E 51, 2) ZZI zipJi-zv, III 4. And ziJi szv zn-<- Jift-izv-f, I am the one protect-
at the end of the recipe, sizi-hr-tzv dgizuj-s ing him against his enemies, VI 9.
hr ziph-zv di<-s hi-ti hr <-zaJ, III 6. AAAAAA

nfr: see szifr. nht: I /I : to be stiff: in sdzzi-f, ir-t zi znt

ziJit-f, VIII 1 1
nmt: j^\ to wander through, stride: infini-

tive: ki tzzi-t ziznt sp szi-zoi zzi Jr n zmi-, (O

^ ' '
: XII 4 (Ebers has nsti).

may you not wander through, may

you not wander through the body of so
and so, XI 14.

sease: dr zisj-t

XIII 16.
(XIII 12): a di-

pJrr-t nt zisj-t.


nn Ad- these: znl-t-t zin, likewise these (i. e. AAAAAA
nk-w-t : zi ^o and : meal: the sign
as above), II 17. izni-zv Jir nn bit, with III o III

these, honey is to be mixed, V 16. Jir is the same as - " in m-t\ zi-Ji-'-zv-t, I 7;
nn bit, X 16. zn-Jit nn pJi_z'-t, after these II 13; IV 9.
remedies, II 3. ir-zn-JU ir-Jc nn pJiz'-t, after In E 79, 1
6 (= II 1 3) and E 2, 2 1
(-= IV 9),
you make these remedies, XII 4. the word is also spelled out. In combination

111 ^ /&.
an evil being:


with plant products,

appears to have
Vocabulary. 29

been read k^-zv not uh-zv-t. The parallel hr <-zvj, V I o, I 2, 1 5. zvt-zvhr-f ndni-f, VIII 1 2.

passages in E give for ki-zu (q. v.).

Impersonally, ir ir n-f phr-t tn nir-t m
^ ^ ^
nb-t izv ndm n-f Jn <-zvj, for whoms-
The repeated use of nzv, but never zit, as
oever this prescription is made in any ill-
genetive particle confirms this reading. There-
ness he will be healed (lit. it will
see ki-zo for become well for him) at once, VI 2.

nkn : see dr-nkn. See also the causative sndm.

ntj; who, which: relative pron.: ^-zjot nb-t
ndm and ndm-t : sweet :
^ :
ntj mr-ti, VI 5. <-zvt nb-t ntj mr sj (sic!),
nitizv ndm, VIII ii; XV 12; XVI 2. Also
VI II. ntr-zv ntj is dhz'-t Ju' ib-sn^ XIV 8.
I 12. Iik-t ndm-t, see hk-t.
mr-t nb-t .... zitj ni h-t tn^ XIV 2. hnn-zv
zitj in izcf-i pn^ VII 5. is-t-^ ntj m
didi-i pn^ VI 7. Jn'-zv nzu sd-t ntj m nid-zv,
II 6.
r: :
preposition: to, on, against, more than:
ntr: ^ :

To, phr-t lit stzvh ni-t sih hr-s r ti,

plu.: dr VI 16. [dr') is-t-<- ntr
zi zitr n nit,
rdi hnn{f)-f r
XII 8. ti, II 2. \Jir\f r ti, I 7.
ntr-t nit nit-t, VI 2, 7. dr ntr is-t-<- nit nit-t, ij bi-t ij r di-t 11 snhni-zv, XIV 7.
XIV 13. (db h-t ni db-t r nih ni pi ntr Nb-r-dr, VI 7.
hr), XI 13. ptj rh nii-t-t ntr pn, XI 12. On, rdi r nhp. III 8. rdi r ih-t hpr-t snf
r zvJr nirr-zu ntr-f snih-f ink pzu nirr-zv
ini-s, IX r di-zv zv<-t ini r bzv III 2 X i 2.
9. , ;

ntr-f sni/i-f, VI 10. pr Is-t ntr-t, XIV 5.

di-zv r ibh, I 7. di-zv r zvbn-zv, XVIII 3.
ntr-zv ntj is dhr-t lu' ib-sn, XIV 8. i ir[j)-zv
(verb omitted) hr-tzv r sni di-zv r-s, to
tS r ntr-zv, XIV 9. tun nit ntr-w, VI 6.
the hair, it is to be put on it (the hair),
: in the greeting, ind hr-t Ir-t-Hr, X 1 8. di-zv r didi n nisdd-t, XI i. di-zv r-f,

greeting to thee, o Horus-eye, XIV 4. VIII 5. di-zv r-s. III 9; X 6, 18 (twice); XI i,

nd: to grind up: in passive sdnizv-f, nd-zv 2, r, XII 5, 8, 9; XIII 4; XVII 6, 9. See
also I 15; XVII 12.
in ih-t zjv^-t, IX 3; X 15; XV 17. nd-zv ir-zv
To say to, dd-hr-k r-s mr irj-i, XII 2.
ni ih-t zv<-t, VIII 2; IX 14; XII 5. nd-zv hr
dd-t r-f m hki-zv, VII 5.
bik, XI 7. iidzv hr bi-t, IX 10; XIII 7, 8.
For, against: phr-t ir-t r psh rnit, II 6.
nd-zv hr nirJi-t, III 7; VIII 13. nd-w hr hsi-zv,
ir-t r nhp in ^-t. III 7. ir-t r nit nht-f,
III. nd-zv hr tSh-t, XI 6. nd-zv in-zv izvh
ni db<- n nirh-t, X 8. nd-zv inii-zv, I 9. nd-zv
ir-t r ni-t sih zvnn m zvbn-zv zvn ri, XII 1 1
dh-zv, II 12. nd-zv zvt hr-s. III 10; VIII 9;
ir-t r ni-t, prepared against the toe-tip (?)
XII I, 3, 7. nd-zv ps zid hr-s, VIII 8. nd-zv
(i. e. against disease of the toe- tip), XIII 3.
iv-zv inii-zv hr hsi-zv. III 2. nd-zv m ir-zv, ni
ir-t r sih, XII ir-t r db^, XII in-ii-i
9. 9.
ih-t zv^-t, VIII I . nd-zv m zvt-zv Jir-f, IX i 2 ;

hs n zvnm r-k inin-zv, VII 6.

XII I o. nd-zv m zvt-zv hr-s, XVI 4. nd-zv n<- hr
0-i zviinij r zviinij iibj r iibj r nnj-zv r
irp, XIII 15; XI 16. nd-zv in hr hpr-ds-f n
hnij-zv, XIV 8.
bi-t, XI I 7. nd-zv in-zv hr hpr-ds-f n bn[r)izv,
rdi zv<-t im r bzv diiii <-t r -zvt iin, one
of them is to be placed on the place where
nd sin^-zv sdzv hr bi-t in s, I 17.
nd-zv Jdni-zv hr bi-t, XIII
limb joins limb, X 12; III i.
Distributively, of time: szv[r)i r hrzv, to
ndzv snzvh, II i (twice).
be drunk daily, XIII 15. zvnm r hrzv, IV 16.
p[f)s-zv ndzv di-zv r-s, XI 6.
r hrzv fdzv, every day for four days,
ndm: to be sweet, to be well: XV 16; I II 10; and passim, r sp-zv si-zv,
| 4;
In sdni-f, zvt didi hr-s r ndm-f hr <-zvi, many times, IX 16.
the head is to be bandaged therewith so Cf. also thb-zv r (followed by a numeral),
that it heals (i. e. and it will heal) at once, II 15, 17; m I3:/V 3, 5; V 7.
VI I. dr is-t-<- nit nit-t ni Jn n s r ndm-f More than, i ir[j)-zv pt r sbi-zv i ir[f-zv

/j r ntr-iv i tr(J)-w hij i lr{^j)-w pt r nnj-t lie Sungod, Ra (P//):

hmpt, XIV 9.
phr-t hint-nw-t Ir-n Tfn-t hr R<~ ds-f, V 9.
See also r, conjunction, and r-si. phr-t dwi-iiw-t ir-ii Nw-t hr R<- ds-f, V 12.
r: <=>: until, so that: conjunction: wt-zv hr-f r phr-t sis-mv-t ir-n hr
Is-t R<- ds-f r dr mr-t
izv mzju-f^ IX 12, zutzjo hr-s r hzvS-f, I 5.
hn-t didi-f, V 15.
rdi-ti m dsdi-zv r hzvS-s, X 10. rdl-zv hr
iiwi R<- dd-i ink nh sw in-<- hft-jw-f, VI 9.
r hzvi-f^ X 10.
pt] rh ini R<-, XI 12. rdi-n n-s R< h-w m
zvt-zv hr-f r ndm-f, VIII 12. drhif) bill psd iiw iitrw, XIV 4.
znt nit-t zn h<- n s r ndm-f hr ^-zvj V 10, ^
rwd: see rd.
12, 15. zvt-zv didi hr-s r ndzn-f hr <-zvj,

rwi: see srw.

VI I. zvt-zv hr-f r snb-f^ XV 10.

rm-w: ^^h: wrh-tw-f in nirh-t

With infinitive: r zjvh<- in order to save, !

VI 10. r pJf h-t-f^ XIV 3. r zzih in pi ntr rin-w, II 3.


hrj^ XI 13. r nzvh, X 9. r rdi-t hi mzv \

rmn(.?): /-a; at the end of a chapter: XIV 13.

ir{J)-zi>, IX 8. r /fj-t phr-t^ XIII i 7. r shift rmt: mankind, people: dr hns in f n

dzv-t hn-t h-t-f^ XIV 3. r shift nir-t nb-t
rmt, X II. phr-t ir-t r psh rmt, II 6.
hn-f, XIV 2. r sszvn srhj, VI 8. r dr ntr
rn: name: sm-w sntf-t rn-s, the plant
Is-t-^^ XIV 12. r dr inr-t hn-t didi-f, V 15. AAAAW

r dr ls-t-<- ntr ntr-t^ VI 6. whose name is snt-t" III 4.

See also,
in mt r ^
W O j

sim iri-zv, Rnn-wt-t: AAAAAA
Q ^ I
: snake-goddess: Rnn-
VIII 12. wt-t tp-t Jfd-htp, ^'Rnn-wt-t who is on the

r-So: <=> after: phr-t nt skbb ks r-si ts-f

head of Hci-htp", XIV 4.

j I

m <-t nb-t^ a remedy for cooling a bone rhn-w(thn-w?):

pQ I
: dr rhn-w
after it has knitted in any limb, XV 4, 1 3. zvhd-zv 111 phzvi, I 4.

r^: ,
(i.) mouth: <~bd-zv ri niJz in sntr^ VII 4. rhd-t
kettle: luif-t nt rhd-t, XI 15.

sih zvnn 111 zvbn-zv zvn ri^ XII 1 .

rh: to know: part. act. impf.: ptj rh mi
Saying, recital: dd-tzv ri pn spzv fdzv
(2.) nii-t-t ntr pn,
pt] rh who is knowing
hr bik etc., this saying is to be recited likeRa, who knows as much as this god,
four times over oil etc., XI 14. XI 12. See rhw-iht and srlf.
ri n zvih phr-t Jir <-zvt nb-t nti inr-ti^ VI 5
ri 11 dbh lift tij-t-f r Ifft phr-t, XIII i 7.
# Jr U I I 1 1
^ I I
: the learned men:

ri hki-t, XIV 2. di-f iih 11 rhw-ih-t, VI 9.


ri 11 mrh-t n phr-t nb-t, XIV 4. ri n bi-t, rht-j

: washerman: [insjti n rht-},
XIV 7. ri n hk-t, XIV 10.
XI 12
See also hm-t-ri.
XI o
: a disease: dr rkzv-t srizv
r>c-tj: joint: sgnn ri-<-tj in <--zvt nb-t,


whd-w m <-zvt nb-t, IX 15

IX 2.
rd: : to grow: in sdm-f, rd-s hr h-t-s
rD-pw: (post positive): j- s-t ri-pzv,
mi kid-t. III 4.
I 1 2 ;
III 8 ;
VI 17; IX 1 1 , 12, 17; X 12 Infinitive, bnr si^-ii-f rd, IV 13.
{r-pzv)\ XV 12. in hsi-zv hk-t ri-pzv, I 6. See srd.
stzvh dd sih ri-pw, XI 17. zvti-zv db<- hr-s
Ipww nw
rd-wj: f'oet: rd-zvj, II ii.
sih ri-pzv, XI 18. zvt-zv db<- sih ri-pzv hr-s,
XIII 6. stzvh [dbf sih ri-pzv, XIII 4. phr-t rdi: : to give: in siim-w-f passive.
n-t m-t 11-t [dbf sih ri-pw, XII 6. stwh m-t w'^-thn r bzv one of them ,
is to
\dbf sih ri-pw, XIII 2. be placed on the place , III i ;
X 1 2.

re sun, day: only in the expression, w ^

mw ir-zv hr mrh-t bi-t, X 6. phr-t nt

nb, ever)' day, II 4, 8; VII 10. , VII 8, zuhi snf n ihf) ps zvnm phr-t nt sdr-t hij-t

is to be read hrw, see tp-j. snf 11 sii Ip' irp, the remedy
Vocabulary. 31

against the decay of the blood of an ox by: to come down, to fall; r rdl-t

cooked and eaten (i. ptomaine poisoning),

hi mzv lr{])^ IX 8. pJir-t nt rdl-t hi st-t in
is the remedy for sdr-t kij-t of the blood npJizv^ III djj-Ji^ hi bl-t tp-<~ sd-t-p III 16.
of the swine, it [phr-t) is placed in wine, dr-s
In pseud, part., Jii-tl Jir ^-zcf III 6.

II 5. bi-t hr-s, honey is put with it, See sJiiJ.

II 10. h^b : HD : to send (?) : dr Jiib n ti-zv Jir

r nhp. III 8. r Ih-t hpr-t snf sptj-t, V stzvJi Jiib 11 ti-zv Jir sdj-t-f,

hn-s, 1X9. hnnijyf r tp II 2. hi' V4.

whun-f, II 4. h(D)bk: to stir(.?), to beat up: in

hr-s. III 8, 3. sdinzvf passive, Ji[i)bJi in IJrt zv^-t^ III 15.

Ji[i)bJe-zv szvfYi, XIII I
5 .

Impersonally, sw{r)l-f sp XI 16.

hn^j-t: ra
: XIII 5. Cf. E 109, 10
sza( 7yi st JT, it is to be caused that AAAAAA I I

the man drink it (i. e. let the man drink
bnn(.?): Jir 111 Jcib-zv n didi-f rdl Jinnf)-f
it), XI 3. ^ :

In pseudo, part., mrs-t (E. zvJnin-f) r ti, II 2, see zvJinn.

r Jiwi-s snwh-ti h'>' mrh-t wrJi hn, hnw: nH

a large jar: pJz-t nt Jinzv ini,

the liver of an ass, placed in a d]di pot XI 17; XIII 2.

until it stinks, cooked and placed in oil,he hrw: (XIV 13) and (IV 16): plu.

is to be anointed therewith, X 9. pnn-t

HU (X 13): Jirzv tpj, the first day.

in ipp-t lit sin in h-t Ir in-ht

1 [| (j
I 9, 15; XIV 13; XVI 5, [6].
siiwh-s hr-tw di-tw-s hr iiirh-t tvrh Im^ sii-nzv [ii) Jirzv, II 3. Jiint-nzv n Jirzi>, the
X 4. pii-w p's Jir nirh-t r hwS-f^ third day, II 3.

X 10 (cf. inrs-t rdl-ti above), sspn iirgS r Jirzv, daily, IV 16 (twice); XIII 15.
r Jirzv fdzv, daily for four days,
^ hr inw zvrh-w 111 fnd-f^ XI 16
JIM, I 5;X4, 13; XIV 17; XV 2,
[sdinzvf passiv.^). didi-f Jim dnJi-zjuj-f)

Jir nirJi-t piin-t^ XI [sdinzvf passive?).

6, 13, 14, 16; XVI 4, II, 12, 13.
Also I I. VII 2 ;
VI 5 ;
X 2 ;
and passim.
In sdm-iif^ indzv drf^ VI 9. a 1

^ AA/WVN 1

^ ^n /wvw\
Ji<-<~-zsj-t in bill Gb ^
XIV 5. a 1 n-l
^ I ^

mJi-t-sn^ VI 7. 0 n-s R<^ Jp-zv, XIV 4.

palace: zvr-zv nzv Ji-Gi-t, VI 6.

Infinitive, iin pli^-t nb-t Jirf, with- hj : @ ;

preposition : i
behind, .yi //i .s'i,

out putting any remedy on it, II 2. 1

] si, XIV 10. 2) around. pJri' mzv Jii-sn,

phr-t nt - fl
zvss-f. IV 10. pJir-t nt 0

hi st-t in iipJi-w^ III pljm-t - 0 ssp lb

h>w: ^ : in Jii-zv-lJi-t something
useful, X 3.
ti, IV 4. ssp iiit pJii'-t VIII 12. r
h>w m
a hi mzv Irj-zv^ IX 8. Jim rdl-t ,

mt mt-t
^ 111

didi, VI
: Jii-zv

i. See
snf ls-t-<-

ntr ntr-t

x"vil 12.
h^j-t: fj
^ infinitive (.?): pJir-t nt sdr-t
With tin^ dl-zv r-s hm tin rdl zvdii zvti-f^ fj

Jiijd Q scJr tJiij-t ?) snf 11 sij, II 5. See Jii-m.

XII 8.

See dl. li3W-w : ^S ^ cloth : Jds-zif m stp

h. 11 JliZV-ZV, I 16.

courtyard (.^): Jm-zv nzu //, XII 4. Ii3rwr(l)w(= lirl?) XIII 4.

32 Vocabulary.

lif>w: snake: JrJpt nt Jifi-w,

V 13; VII 3. tmtm-w h-t-s in h{in)^mj-t^ XI 9. mrJi-t Jifi-w, VIII 3; X 7.
XIII 6. Imj 11 hiin^imj-t^ IV 6. hm: xp to yield, give way: Jpn ir-t 111-^,
o c-crx;^ 0
VIII 1,4; Ink Hr,
, I I I O \ I I I
Jd ir-t, ink si Ws-ir, give way
IX 7. (O inspn-t) for I am Horus; yield back, for
I am the son of Osiris, XI 4.

hm-w: hin-zu nw kiki, IV 12; VIII 7;

VIII 12, 14, 16, 18; IX I, II, 13; X 15, 16;

VI 15 (with det. instead of '^).
^ ^

XI 1 1; XII 12; XIII II, 15; XV 5; XVII 7- hm-t: in Jpn-t ri and Jpn-t si.
With numerals. V 7; VII i; IX 5, 6; XV 17;
XVI 3. See also XVII 2, 15. hm-t-r^ et cet., and soforth: XIV 9.
liD-t: in hr-hS-t^ previously, beforehand.
XIV 2, 10, 13.

h^t-e beginning(?): hSi-^ in dmd-t nt sndin VI 7.

XIV 5, 6.

iiiii-t iib-t, VII 14. hm-t -s':


1 1
: a disease dr Jpn-t-si, XI I.

hotj :
'O : heart: phr-t nt stzvh hit], IV 4.
hm?r-t: Jpnir-t ps. III 15.
dr cic 111 h-t in hit], VI 1 1 phr-t nt dr
f ^ ,

in h-t in hit], VI {kt).

copper, bronze: nw Jpnt,
12, 14
XIl' 14.
h<: body: dr hns in Jr n rmt in sinw,
hmt-j: coppersmith: e. instiY)
X 1 1 . dr Jins in Jr, III i
pJir-t nt pJii Jr,
y (i.

X 13. gs-w Jr 1111, X 15. dr s 11]) Is-t-^ int 11 Jpnt-], XI 7-8.


in Jr 11

inn-t iib-t Jp^-s in snp)

s r ndin-f Jp' ^-w],

Is-t-^ int nit-t in

10, 12. lin-t (.:'):
\W 5-

hm: : with, and: preposition with noun, pr-n-i

Jr 11 s r iidin-f Jir <-w], V 15. dr ls-t-<~
in Si-w Jpr int ntr-zv, VI 6. pr-n-i in In-zv
nt] 111 didi-l pn in JpJpl pn in Jr-i pn in

-w-t-i ip til, VI ki tin-t Hint in Jr n inn

Jpr zvr-w nw Ji-Gi-t, VI 6. Jipr s<--zv didi-f
Jiir diiJi-w]-f], XI 2. snzv{Jp-Jp^-k didi-f Jpr
in's 11 inn-t, XI 14. nn Jipr dw-t-t in Jr-i,
diiJi-w]-f], XI 2. Jpr isw-t, XVII II. Also
XI 5.
XVII I. in biJi AH 11b mJi Jpi^ Jvnd-zv-t-s,
h-w-t shout, cheer, warcry:
^ :
XIV 6.
rdi-n-s Jr<-w-t 111 biJi Gb, XIV 5. With infinitive: Jiir rdi-t . . .
., XVII 12.
r-s Jpr tin rdi wdn XII 8.
hW3 ^ ^ stink : in sdin-f, wt-w

O a disease

nt dr Jpi^-w
Jir-'s r Jvwi-f, I 5. iiirs-t <~i rdi-ti in didi-zu ^
a 7) I I I
: :

r Jiwi-s, X 10. piiw ps rdi-w Jp- mrJi-t r nw rd-wi, II 1 1

Jiwi-f X 10.
hn-w: ^ Q^
^ AAAAVv y : a jar: inti-za Jir Jrt in Jin-w
A 21
j: a disease: pJir-t nt Jpv]-t r nwJi, X 9.

Jirzv tp], VII 1041. hr: : face: dr Jpis in Jp' n s s-t ri-pw, X 12.
hbo: sw{r)i n-k st Jibi, XIV ii. ind Jp'-'t Ir-t-Ifr, Hnd be thy face, oh Horus-
hbb-t: fi
slime or mud(?): Jisi-zv dim
eye', XIV 4.

Jir Jibb-t lit itr-w, IX hr: with nouns: ^ with pron. suff. 3 masc.
J^iiJcii 7. ^ 1

hbs: : to clothe, cover, wrap up: in sing. ^but pron.

sdinzv-f passive, Jibs-w in stp {11 Jiiw-w), I 16; suff., fern. sing, jl: preposition: on, over,
X 8.
hbs-w: cloths: sJiik-zo in Jibs-w, II 10; On : ir-za n-fdw-<- Jir ins-t-f, XI 1 6. ri n wiJi
III 16. ^p-w 111 Jisb-w (scribal error for Jibs-w'),
pJir-t Jp' <--zut nb-t, VI 5. J^t wiJi pjp'-t Jp'

X 6. <-wt nb-t, VI II. rdi Jp' wJinn-f, II 4. sin-


Jp'-hv dgi-wj-s hr np]i-zv^ III 5. rd-s Jir h-t-s to be greased with oil, and bandaged with
ini kid-t. III 4. hib n Jir sdj-t-f^ V 4; bddzu-ki, XIII 1 1

V 5. ntr-iv lit) is dhr-t hr ib-sn^ XIV 8. gs-w nin-t nb-t Jp'-s, each affected part
nil rdi-t phr-t nb-t hr-f^ II 2. rdi-w hr-s^ is to be anointed therewith, VIII 4.

III 3, 8; I I. u>t hr-f {= ini)^ VIII 12. zvt zut inn-t (nb-t) Jp'-s, V 9, 10, i 2, 1 4. zut didi

hr-f (= Jud)^ IX 12. zvt hr-f )= Jp--s r iidin-f Jp- --zuj, VI i. zut db<- Jp--s

XII 10, 12. wt hr-f (= patient?), XV 8,11. siJi ri-pw, XI 18. Similar to this are, XII 16;
Over: dd ind-iv hr innk, XI 5. dd-hv ri pn XIII 6, 10. dii(r) Jir-s, VII ii.
spw fdw hr bik zci^d, this charm is to recited zut Jp'-s, it is to be bandaged therewith, 1 4

four times over fresh olive oil, XI 14. intj-zu III 4, 10; and passim see especially VIII and XV.
hr h-t in Jinzv^ X 9. For, pr Is-t ntr-t rdi-n-s Jizu-t in bsJi

With (to mix with, etc.); rdi inzv irf)-zv Gb diS-ti Jp'-s, XIV 5. pjp'-t sn-iizu-t ir-n

Jir inrJi-t bi-t^ the water thereof is to be Szu Jp--f ds-f, V 7. Similar construction,

put with oil and honey, X 6. rdz-ti Jir V 9, II, 12, 15.

inrJi-t^ X 10. dsds-f rdi Jir mrJi-t^ See also Jp--<-zvj, Jp'-zv-<-, Jp--si.

XI 3. piizv ps rdi-zv Jir mrJi-t^ X 10. rdi-zu br-c: ^

ii'i^rnecliately : II 6. See Jp'-zu-^.
Jir inzu, XI 16. Jp'-tzi) di-tzo-s Jir inrJi-t^ X 5.

hr-c-wj: ^'^'^^'^Gdiately: zvnin Jp'-^-wj,

rdi-zu Jir irp^ II 6. rdi-zu bi-t Jir-s, honey
is to be put with it, II 10. Jir iin bi-t^ VI 16. izu iidin-n-f Jir-muJ, VI 2. r lupm-f
with these, honey, X 16. Jp--<-zjuj, V 10, 12, 15; VI I. JiPti Jp'-muj,

iini-zu Jir nn bi-t^ V 16. Sini-zu Jir nidj

III 6. See also XVI 10.

11 zvdj. III 3. inii-zu Jir bi-t^ I 13. iini-zu ~

5, hr-w-c: : that heals immedia-
Jir iiirJi-t, X 9. iini-zju Jir JisS-w^ I 2; III 2.
tely (?): Jp'-zv-^ stzuJi spj-t siiiS^ inzuj-t, IV 12.
Sini-zu Jir Jisniii^ IX 9. Snii-zu Jir JiJpt^ IV 6.
Jp'-zu-^ iizu stzvJi sini, IV 8.
imi-zu Jir sntr^ III i.


lir-SD: after; I 3.
zubd-zu Jp' inrJpt ,
XI 2. ps Jir iJi-t nt 1
Jii-zu-iJi-t, X 3. ps Jir mdj, XII 10. ps Jir Frj :
^ ^ (masc. sing.) : the higher one ,

iiizjuj-t^ III 9. ps Jir inrJi-t XII 9; XIII 4. master of: r niJi pS ntr Jp-j, XI
in 13. Jp-j
ps Ju^ hs 3 -zu, XIII 16.
sf-j-zu, VI 8. Jp)f isd, IX 5. 1

iid-zu Jir bf, XI 7. iid-zu Jir bi-t^ IX 10;

hr: Horns: Jpn ir-t ink dir, XI
XIII 7, 8. nd-zu Jir inrJpt^ III 7; VIII 13.
^ in-<- 4.

nd-zu Ju' Jih-zu, III. iid-zu Jir tiJi-t nt pJ-zur^

dbJi pzu Jif Hr ir-t-f iin-f, XIV i. in-n sj
Is-t si-s Ilr r pJii Jrt-f sJiij-t dzu-t iin-t
XI 6. ii(J-zu m-zv Jir izuJi in dir 11 inrJi-t,

X 8. iiidzu ir-zu Jir irp^ XI 15; XIII 15.

J-t-f, XIV 3. dsr-t ip-t Hr Jibj-t i iJi in P,

iid-zv mzu Jir Jipr-ds-f 11 bi-t, V ii; XI 17.

XIV lo-ii. See also Ir-t-Hr under ir-t.

nd-zu Jitni-zu Jir bi-t, XIII 9. hrr-t: ^ : flowers, blossoms; izu-s ir-s

Jp' nirJi-t, XI i. snzvJi-ti Jir bi-t Jp'i'-t ini srd dginj Jp-r-t\} III (the
passage is certainly not in order, see
Jpikii Jp' Jibb-t nt itr-zu, IX 7. JpiJcn Jp'
after s-rd, cf. E 51, 15).
nidj, IX 9. JcnJpi Jp' skj n n?, VIII 5.
hh:^l: million: JiJi n sp, VI ii.
irt-t sir-zu Jpikn Jp'-s Jisi-zu, IX 7.

mini 11 mr Jp' bi-t, XIII 10. ti n nbs Jp'

IP, 9. Q ^
7 )-
mzu, IX I 2 excrement: Jis <i, XIII 15. Jis
^f, IS. ip,
sd-zu Jp' bi-t in s, I 17. zunin-zu Jp- JiJc-t IX 14. Jis inizu. III 10. Jis 11 tsin. III ii.

iidin-t, IX 10. Jis 11 tsj, VIII 1 7.

With bandage Jis 11 zjuiiin evil food, VII 6.

(to with, grease with, etc.):
zut-Jir-Jc szu Jir izuf zvid, you must bandage hS3-w; 9' ^ 7-
4 th
it with fresh meat, XVI 4, 6. sin-zu dd-zu numeral, V 8; VII 2. imi-zu Jp- Jisi-zu, I 2.
in inrJi-t zut Jp- bddzu-Jci, the fingers are nd-zu Jp- Jisi-zu, III. ps Jp- Jisi-zu, XIII 16.
Reisner Hearst medical papyrus.

/is^-w n III 3; IX 5; XII 12. hsi-w n H. writes the sign like and different
psn, XIV 13, 16, See also I 12.
from E. E writes the sign like dif-
hsor-w: hsr-w: 1' |
| ?
ferent from
m-zu m m hsi'-zv hk-t rS-pzv^ I 6. |.

^ Hd-htp: god of weaving: Rnn-zvt-t tp-t

hsb-w: hbs-zv, q. v.



Hd-htp, XIV 4.
hsmn: ^
soda (in the latter part of

the papyrus, a contracted form of zmz is used; h.

IX 8, 14, 17, 18; XI 9; XV 10; XVI 16): h-t: fire, flame; niti-zv hr h-t m Jinw r
stzvh-k szv m hsmn snh' etc., XII 8. Smi-zv nzjoh, X 9. pnn-t rdl-ti m ipp-t nt sin rdi-tl
hr hsmn znj-t nt bnr^ IX 9. hsznn n sh-t, m h-t, X 4.
XV 14. hsmn^ HI 9; IX ii; X 14; XII 4.
hsmn with numeral, V 13; VI IX
dbh pn 1
XVI II. In sdni-f, Ir
^ ^ s\
^ phr-t
ki-zjo 11ZV hsmn^ X 15. tn im-f, behold this measure, I shall mea-

^ s
^ : beer: ri n hh-t, XIV 10. szvirn
sured this prescription with it, XIV i. dbh
pzjv hi) Hr ir-t-f im-f, XIV i.
ir-h Jik-t hi-n-l sj r dr XIV 12. zvnm-zv
In sdm-tzu-f passive, Jf-tzv phr-t tn m dbh
Jir hk-t ndm-t^ IX 10. km-zv m hk-t^ IV 7.
pn, XIV 2.
S 7 ZII-ZV Jir hk-t^ IV 6. kp m m-zv niip) s<- m In pseud, part.: ir hki-tif) tn Ir-t-Hr pzv
hs^-zu hk-t rB-pzv^ I 6.
Jf-ti smtr-ti, XIV 2-3.
hk-t iidm-t^ I 4; IV 10, ii; XIII 17. hk-t
In infinitive: ri n dbh hft tSj-t-f r hij-t
7 idm-t with numeral, II ii, 15,16; 11113,14; phr-t, XIII I 7.
IV 3, 8, VII 9; XIII 14.
15; V i;

h>w petals f) leaves (?) : Jf-zv nzv ssn-zv,
sfzv n hk-t, VIII 13. tih-t nt hk-t, j :

15. tih-t nt hk-t ndm-t, VIII 18. [hsS}-'\za n VI 16. Jf-zvnzvssp-t, IV 13. Also XVII 3.

hk-t ndzn-t, XVI 8. hDsj-t:

^ p (|
(jiCi 3 ^ IX 3.
: hisj-t nt tsps, XV 7.
hk>w: hk-w: rulers: hki -zv n nhh, VI 6. ib-zv hisj-t, VIII 4. sd-zv nzv Jfsj-t, XIII 13.
^ j

pr-t hisj-t, VI 4; V 16; XVI 2; VII 8, 15.

hk>t; a g-rain measure: ri n hki-t ir hkS-t See hsij-t, hsj-t, hsi and hs.
tn Ir-t-Hr pzv hi-tl snitr-ti, the charm of h^sh-t: : desert: mit-t Jfsh-t, V 2.
the /^yfiV-measure. This ///fi-/'-measure is the
hBk: see shik.
Eye of Horus, measured and found true,
hc-w; arms, weapons: rdi-n n-s R<-
XIV 2. I I

Jr-zv m bill p'sd-nzv ntr-zv, XIV 4.

hk>w: 1"^ magic, incantation: dd-t
mt VII hk^-zu n
hbj :
X : to subtract, draw off: thb-zv + hb
r-f in Jik^-zv i , 5.

m(w)t-i 111 si dr hkS-zv m

<--zot-l, XI 4. h-t,
less "ijJ, II 17. dsr-t ip-t Hr hbj-t
III 6. phr-t nt dr hki-zv m h-t, IV 6.
-J ^ ^ o 1^0 ^ ^ Dpzv,

htp: ^-^] peace: izv-f pzv m htp, XVIII XIV lo-ii.

[ : 3.

See also Hd-ktp and shtp. hpr: w : to become: in sdm-f\ nn hpr dzv-t-t

VIII 8; XV 9.
m Jr-i, thy evil shall not arise in my body,
I jj^, Xl5-
^: white: mrh-t hd-t, XIII 13-14. ss-t
In relative form; rdi r ih-t hpr-t snf im-s,
hd-t, XIII 12 j-t hd-t, XVI 1 3 . sml to be put on the place in which blood is

I 15. See also hd- zv and ]U hd-zv. forming, IX 9.

In infinitive: izv mi-n-i hpr nr-i, I have
hd-t: : XI 8.
seen it succeed with me (as physician), II 10.

hd-w (or wd-w?) IX 8. With numeral. Early infinitive form sdm-t-f\ sdr m mt r
VII 15; XVI I.
smi irjzv, it is to be left over night

in a jug until the cream thereof has for- hnt: : nose: zvrJi in Jint-f, XI 17.
med. VIII 12.
hntj '
forehead (?): Ir Ir n-f plir-t tn
Part. act. perf: pJu'-t nt ivbi ih-t nb-t
hpr-t ds-s, IX lo. 111 inr-t nb-t mii-t in inr n didi in Juit] in

See also hpr-ds-f. didi in Jii-zv 11 snf ls-t-<- etc., VI i. See also
Jpit-m-sntr, and fnd.
hpr-ds-f: product of fermentation: hpr-

hntj: XII 4, 8, 14 (twice), 15. With
ds-f n bl-t^ VIII 4; XI 6. pk-t nt hri-zv m Will :

nd-zju mzo //r hpr-ds-f n bi-t, XI 18. nd- zu numeral, II 7, 13; IV 4, 8, 12, 15, 16; V 8;
VI 12; VII 3, 8; XII I, 6, 7, 16, 17; XIII 2.
n<~-zv hr Jfr-ds-f n bn{r)i-zi>^ V ii.
^ and ^ beetle: hprr s^-za didi-f Jin<-

dnh-wj-fj zvbd-zv hr znrh-t, XI 2. h-t hprr^ hnd-w-t: ^ : handmaids (.?): Ill

VIII 15. bill Nt nb mil Jim Juid-zvt-s, XIV 6.

hft: : when: preposition with infinitive: dd hr: : but (conjunction): sdr n lid-t dJi-zv, Jir

nid-zju hft zvih phr-t hr <--zvt iib-t^ the say- m dzvi-zv rdl-zv bl-t Jir-s, it is to be expo-
ing be spoken when applying a re-
is to sed over night to the dew and strained. (But)
medy to any limb, VI lO-i i. ri n dbh hft in the morning, honey is added to it, II 9.

tjj-t-f r Jfj-t phr-t, charm of the measure dr tpi-zv 111 didi Ir-zv in IJpt zi><-t

(to be spoken) when taking it to measure zvrJi didi liii, Jir in Jeib-za n didi-f rdi
a prescription XIII 17. hiiii-f r ti nil rdl-t pJir-t nb-t Jir-f, to

Mtj-w: enemies: Ink nh sza m-- drive out tpi-zv in the head to be
VI 9
mixed toofether. The head must be greased
therewith. But [if it is] in the inside of the
hmj-w: ^ 1 andhmj-t: head its Jinn will be given forth without

the ignorant: I irf)-zv snj I \r{j)-zi) p-t r applying any remedy, II 2. See //r in verbal
XIV P-s zunmj forms.
mij-t Jmi]-t hm-tt{J)-hi, 9-10.
r zmmij lib] r lib] r nn]-zv r hm]-zv Jpzi- hr: ^ : in stini-Jir-f forms: see Ir-Jir-k, XII 2,

t{])-sn, XIV 8-9.

5, 12; XI 18. zvt-Ju'-k, XVI 4, 6. snzv{Ji)-Ju'-k,

hm: to destroy: in verbal adjective: XI 2. dd-Jir-k, XII 2.

r ]pn]-zv hm-tf)-sn, against the ignorant In sdiii-Jir-tzv-f\ see In-Jir-tzv and sln-Jir-tzv,
both III 5.
who shall destroy, XIV 8-9. Jpn]-t Jpzi-tt-sn
In Jp'-tzv sdin-tzv-f\ see Jir-tzv zvrJi-tzv-f,
(for hni-tfysn see Verbum II
973 end),
the ignorant who shall destroy, XIV 10,
II 3, under zvrJi. And Ju'-tzv dl-tza-s, X 5,
under Once, seems
hmt-nw O (masc.) and hmt-nw-t: HO pendently:

Jir-tzu to occur inde-
a for driving out hair
(fern. third (ordinal numeral): phr-t hmt- in any member of the body, blood from
nzv-t Ir-n Tfnt Jir R<~ ds-f, a third pre- the female organ of the greyhound, Jir-tzv
scription, which Tefnet made for Ra him- r sii] dl-zv r-s, where one expects either
self, V 9. phr-t hmt-nzv-t, I ii; II 7-8; Jp'-tzv dl-tzu r sn] or rdl-Jir-tzjv r-s, X 18.
XIV 15. hmt-nzv n hrza, the third day,

hr: to fall: plp'-t nt stzvJi m-t siJi Jir-s
n 3-
r ti, XII 7-8. ti,
hnf-t: ^ 0

: hnf-t nt rhd-t, XI 15.
\Jp'\f i' I 7.

1 I
hrs-w: 1' -
ini-t, IV ii.
hnsj-t: 'th : a disease: dr hns]-t m

hs: 'O : large fruit (such as dom-nut, syco-
didi, I 8 .

rvc2 more fig, etc.): Jis n lini, VI 3 (with ge-

hns: a disease: di hns m n
neral determ. VIII 3-4. See Jfi, Jiis]-t,
rmt, X 1 1 . dr hns m hr n s s-t ri-pzv, ^

Jisi]-t and Jd]-t.

X 12. dr st] n Juis in sinw, to drive away
the ordor of the hns in summer, dr hs3: same as hs Jisi
II 7. c- I
, :
I o

hns m Jr, III i. 11 lim, X 8 Jisi-zv iizv iiJi-t, VI 15.


hsDj-t: o III : IX I. See hsj-t^

w ./ 5
pJjr-t nt s[m)im zvhd-zv m h-t, IV i. pH-t
hs and /^ii.
nt sd zvhd-zv dr m h-t, II 14, 10. pjjm-t nt
mr m IV 6. phr-t nt dr nsj-t m h-t,
hsj-t: ; IV 13. See lisij-t.
Ill XIII 16. r dr is-t-<- mt mt-t Imj n h-t-l tn,
hsf: prevent: phr-t nt hsf skm^ X 7. XIV 12-13. ph^d nt dr hki-zv m h-t, IV 6;
III 6.
hsd: ^ boil(?): hi-t mw m hsd m <-zvt

dP h-t m dP-t r nih m pi ntr hrj, XI 13.

iib-t nt s s-t ri-pzv^ IX 1 1
h>w hi-zv nzv hmt, XII 14. hi-zv
hkrk: see mwt-nt-hkrk^ IX 3.
^ ^ ^

nzv tips, XVIII 2.

^ =.1 o

ht: ^ZV: to turn back, yield: imperative, kp-w h-w: a : Ir<-zv nzv sd-t nt] m md-zv.
turn back, O kpw'\ VII 6. ht ir-t ink II 6. H-zv nzv simj-t. III 10.
IFi-zr, turn back (O mspnt) (for) I am ^ uz\
lick-t: hP-t nt Jifi-zv, XI ^

the son of Osiris, XI 4.
ji o
See also m-Jd, hnj-Jd. hp(o): O O I

IX4(cf.E46,i iff.

ht: see ht-^zvi^ Jd-hdzv^ /d-smS^ Jd-dsr.

and 82, 4 which read hp n sntr hpi n
ht-<W3-w: : VIII 1-2.
I I I hp': to chew, to eat: in sdmzv-f passive.

ht-hd-w : irj-s hrrd ml srd hp'- r hrzv fdzv, I 8.

dgmj hrrd-s(J) ml Jd-hpw^ III 5. hmm: to heat sdm-zv-f passive,

ht(?)-sm3(?) (Ill and (Vii): hmm-zv, XVII 6.

^ ^

XV 8^1
^ ^

VI VIII 9; IxTs; XIII II. hn-w: interior (of town or house);

5; 4;
Isdd nt ht-snii^ III 1 1 s'ski n hn-zv, XV 5.
\^ AA/WVA o
hn-zv nzv h, XII 4.
1 C3E N I I I
: XII 14.
^ ^ o^, ,

htm: (
(^also without to seal,
hnn :
^ -/-J
: to be ill : infinitive, Ir-n Nb-

to beat up, mix, stir, grind (cf. imlza, Ir-zu, r-dr r dr r sszvn srhj Jirj sPJ-zv

ps, nd-zv h{P)bk^ dmd^ nd-zv m-za, Ipikn^ used hnn blblzv m <-zvt-l Iptn, VI 7-8.

in constructions similar to these below): hnk-t: see h'k-t, XI 9.

Jdm-zv ni Ihd
bl-t, XIII 9. Jdm

V 9-10. nd-zv Jdm-zv hr
m htm-zv stt-za-t, seal
hrj: ^ \\: under part.: hr] n pdd-zv, XI 10.
hr-h^-t: ; before, previously: gs-zv m mtlzv
it with seals of stt-zv-t'\ XI 15.
hr-hi-t, XV 8; VIII 3, 6, 10.
htm: S tind cylinder-seal:

XVIII 2. htm-zv 11 stt-zvt^ XI 15.

hdw: ^ a j^r: msti n hdzv, I 10.


s: man: and s-t: woman.

^ j.'

j': man: nn-zv In s, I i, 2, 3. zvnm-zv In

s. III 7. sd-zv hr bl-t In s, I 17 II i. szv{r)l

h-t: : body: sp-zv nzv zvhi h-t^ I i. sp-zv nzv st s, XI 3. gs-zv s Ini, X 1 1- 1 2.

1st Hr m <-zvt nb-t nt s, III 10; IX 16; XV 4, 6,

phi h-t^ IV 9. In SJ 11 s^-s r phi
r shij-t dzv-t Im-t h-t-p XIV 3. r shij-t 10, 13-14, 15; XVI 4. m /r-zv n s, V 10,
12, 15-
mr-t nb-t Im-f ntj m h-t tn^ XIV 2. sm-zv
s-t ri-pzv\ man or woman: <-zvt nb-t
snzv-t rn-s rd-s hr h-t-s ml kid-t^ III 4-5.
nt s s-t ri-pzv, I 12; III 8; IX ii, 12, 17;
J-t hprr^ VIII 15. pnn-t zugs-tl tmtm-zv h-t-s

m h[m)imj-t^ XIII 5-6.

XV 12. m Jir 11 s s-t ri-pzv, X 12. m h-t

nt s s-t ri-pzv, VI 17.

phr-t nt h-t mr-p IV 7. dr ^i<- n ntr n
mt m h-t nt s s-t ri-pzv^ VI 16-17. .y, X 12, is error for H, III 4 is

m h-t m hitj^ VI ii, 12, 14. error for st-t (according to E 51, 15).

sd: :
protection : hki-iv n mt-i m si Plural: dd-tzv ri pzi sp-zv 4 hr bik, XI 14.

r sp-zv ^si-zv, IX 16. sp-t sp-zv 7, XI 5.

the magic of my mother is the protection
See also sp dose, remedy.
of my limbs, XI 5. .yi hi ij ji, pro-
tection on protection, come protection sp: plu. : dose, doses (used in the same

XIV 10. See also si-wr, Jiin-t-si. construction as phr-t)\ sp-zv zizv zvhi h-t, I i.

s5-wr: : VIII 8; XII 4; XVII 13.

sp-zv ZIZV phi h-t-, ^ 9- Ir-hr-k zi-f sp-zv

zizv szzii spd, XII 2-3. sp-zv ZIZV s{zzi)izzt

S3. I
: son: in sj I's-t n si-s Hr XIV 3. zvhd-zv zzi --zvt zib-t. III 16. sp-zv zizv dr
Ink si Ws-ir, XI 4. nizvj-t d'i-s, IV 14.

s^: I : XII 2. sm?: lung: hr-zv-<- zizv stzvh szzii, IV 8.

to depart, wander hnn-w sm?: plu. branches: szzii-zv zizv isr,

J\ : :

sii kp-w ht, VII 6.

m snw-t: ^ a plant, herb: III 4.


Sdw :
^ VI : Sais :
pr-u-i Siw hn<- iCi I I I

SUf A("^AAAA o ^ blood: phr-t nt dr szif ^si, II

inw-t ntr-zv^ 6. : 4.
\ I I

XI phr-t zit dr szif zi sih, XII 10. stzvh szif

zzi....,17. dr znr-t szif zzi <-zvt nb-t nt s
sin : n0
I 1 /WVW\
C3 ^ Vj
(o* ^=^l) to rub, grease : sdm- s-t ri-pzv, IX 17. phr-t nt dr zvnzn-zv n szif

zv-f pass., shi-zi) dd-zv m inrh-t^ XIII 1 . In zn <-zvt zib-t, IX 8. At the end of this re-
sdm-hr-tzv-f^ In-hr-tzjo-f sin-hr-tzi) dgizvj-s hr cipe, rdi r Ih-t hpr-t szif izzi-s, IX 9. zzi

nph-zv, III 5-6. hi-zv szif, VI I. dr ss n snf zi ts-tzv-f, X2.

phr-t zit sdr-tif) Jiij-t szif zi sii, II 5-6.
sin-w ;
q | ^
physician : Ink Dhzvtj pzvj sin-zv
phr-t nt zvhi szif zi Ihf) ps zvzizzi, II 5.
pzsjj n Ir-t-dir, XIV 6. dl-f iih n rlnzv-
szif zi ki-t tszzi-t, X 18.
IJnt 11 sin-zv hnj-zv-hhf, VI 9-10.
snhm: plu. grasshopper, lo-
swn: see shi and sszvn.
cust: ij bj-t ij r di-t zi szihni-zv, XIV 7.
1 |1
^ : to drink:
srj-t: ^ disease: phr-t zit dr szj-t,
In sdm-f', rdi szv{r)i st s^ XI 3. rdi szviz'p-f
st, XI 16.
In sdm-zv-f passive: szu{r)i hr-<-^ II 6.
srm-t: ^ I I I
yeast : II 1 .
phh n sz'zzi-t.

szviz'pi r hrzv, XIII 15. sza(zpz, XIII 13, 16.

VIII 13.

szvijpi r hz'zjs fdza^ 3-4. X ss: jdl,

^ : nest: phr-t nt dr ss zi szif zi ts-tzv-f

In imperative: szu{z')l Ir-k hk-f^ XIV 12. X 2

szv{r)i n-k st, XIV 1 1

sin: plu. lotus: hi-zv zizv sszi-zv.
r w I I I I

swt: wheat: szot Ir-zv zn bi-zv, II 9. VI 16.

szvt ps, V 4. <-zvi zi szvt, II 4. bi zi szvt, sis: rwzi

: III 17.

IV 14 (without III), 16; VIII 14. bi-t szvt,

II 12. ki-zv (? zih-zvt}) zi szvt, V 5, 7; VIII 8.

See also szvt, a disease.

swt: [1 ^
0111 : a disease: dr szvt zn db<-, XIII 10. s: and ,
for example, (XII 2, cf. Ill 9)

See szvt, wheat.

and (III 5): pron. suff. 3 rd fern, sing.:
sp sp-w time, times ss hh
: Q 0 :

: ^ ^ ^
: : izii<-
passim, sj form used with the dual,
zi sp, VI 1 1, ps zi zizvd-t zvd ps sp, boiled
(-zvj-sj zzr-s, XI 4.
in a zizvd-t, laid and boiled again, VIII 1 1

sB: [q] 1 : back : see zHi, hr-si.

In to be read twice: ki tzzi-t ziznt ;
s>n-ri: see szir, szid.
XI 14. < , X 5. sXn-di: see snd, szir.
38 Vocabulary.

S3(r)i: ^ 7-
after nir^
pzv inrr-zv ntr-f smh-f^ in order to free
r zvh<- inrr-zv ntr-f smh-f ink

SDh: toe: bidm vit-w him whom his god wishes to preserve. I am
n si/i, VIII 15. phr-t nt dr snf m sih^ he whom his god wishes to preserve, VI 10.
XII 9-10. dr sfw-t m sih^ XIII 7-8. phr-t nt J]
S'S-t: n- : a disease: phr-t nt ks-t^ III 8.
sih, XIII 6. Ir-t r sih, XII 9. zvt sSh Jp'-p

XIII 10. shvh sSk mr-f^ XII 3. s<k: Aj\\ causative of f to enter: part,

phr-t nt stwh db<- sSh ri-pzv^ XI 17. stwh act. impf. plu., r sszvn srh) Jp) kk)-zv him
[dd'\ sSh rS-piv, XIII 4. sd-t fnt in dd sBh^ bibi 111 <-zut-i iptn^ in order to punish the
XIII 5. tvt db<- sih ri-piv hr-s^ XIII 5. Srh) the leader of those who cause illness
phr-t nt db<-za sSh zvSd (= szvSd)) db<-w and bibi to enter these my limbs, VI 8.
Ir-t r m-t^ XIII 3. zvti-zv db<- Jir-s s^h r^-pzv,
sw: pron. abs. 3 masc. sing.: ink nh szv
XI 18. Ir gm-k db^ sih mr-zv^ phr inzv hS-sn
in-<- hft)-zv-f^ VI 9. nJpri szv in-<- mt
etc., XII I.
iiit-t^ XIV 5. stzidi-hr-k szv in hsinn etc.,
phr-t nt ni-t nt sSh rS-pzv, XII 6. zvt m-t
XII 8. zvt-Jp'-k szv hr izvf zvhf XVI 4, 6.
nt s 3 h hr-s, XII 16. pJp'-t nt XII 15.
ni-t sSh,

ir-t r m-t (pL) siJi wnn in zvbn-zu zvn ri, XII 1 1 sw^d: causative of zuSd^ to be green,
stztdz m-t (pi.) [dd] sSh rS-pw, XIII 2. str-t fresh, well: smh mt szv^d int^ VIII 5.

izvJi 111 ni-t (pi.) nt in r) sSh-zv, XIII 7.

swh-t: egg: XVIII
stzvh m-t (pi.) nt sSh db<-za, XII 13.
p^l^: 2.

stzah m-t sih hr-s r t^, XII 7-8. swt-t: small cake or ball: ir-zv in

szvt-t y thb-zv in bi-t mi-zu in j', I 2.

SDk: to collect: phr-t nt sSk in]-t^
sb>t: see dzvS-t.
V 2.

pron. in Is-t r sb^: plu. stars: i ir{))-zu pt r sbi-zv^ O

sj: [1\\: abs. 3 fern, sing.: j

sS-s Hi% XIV 3. in-ii-i sj r dr is-t-^ etc, ye who belong in the heavens more than
XIV 12. sn SJ iin htin sj in htm-zv n stt-zv-t^ the stars, XIV 9.

XI 15. zvih phr-t Jir <--zvt nb-t nt) nir sj^ spn : to reverse, turn upside down:
VI II (the parallel passage VI 5-8, has spm inin^ X 14.
spr: plu. ribs: pJjr-t nt spr-zv ^
^ sn, re-
sj: PXX: see s.
medy for broken ribs, I 15.
si>sm< VII 15; XII 3;

XVI 2. Formerly read

\ I I i

P ^ ^ tml : a worm: sp-zv nzv sin^ spd^

XII 2-3 (cf. first half of line 2).

si>mhw III
XII spd-w: pjTamid: XI 8.

sis-nw-t: ^ : sixth :
phr-t sis-iizv-t ir-n Cf. holes made by scraping at present vi-

sible on pyramids and temples as well as

Is-t hr ds-f r dr inr iin) didi-f^ V 15.
modern sheikhs tombs.
sin: C3 : clay: pnn-t rdi-tl in ipp-t nt
spt: lip, bank: inr n spt nizv^ V 13.
AAA/WV i I I :

sin^ X 4.

sfh: : seven: I 2; XI 5.
sft: ^ ^ p
fat: VIII 5; XI 9; XII 12; XIII6;
(VIII 3) and (X 3).
XVII XVIII With numeral, V
13, 14; I. 14;

s<m: causative of mi to swallow: XII 3; XV 17.

in sdni-zv-f pass., smi-zv in hk-t^ it is to sm:

p ^ : a priest : Ip sin in ii\))-tf tzut^

be washed down with honey, IV 7. silt) 11 sht-) ^

kis, ins-t^ ibri i) mrJptT)^ bip-t^
s mh Q AAAA^^
causative of
, r
mh 7
to live


XIV ii.

I' p
smF error for s{in)iin v.),
finitive (.^), smh lilt szvid int^ VIII 5. smh P^ : (q.

int-u>, IX I. In the emphatic form of sdin-f XII 2.


s(m)?m: put an end In pseud, part.: ks-w nw gibgib-zv snw\h\

P ^ hs X 7. pnn-t snw(/p hr inrJi-t^
spi)im whd-w m --wt nb-t, <-ff
. . 1
to: phr-t lit

III II. phr-t nt s(m)^m ivhd-w in h-t, IV i

XI I. inrs-t snwh-ti^ X 10. sip-t
snwh-ti hr inrh-t^ XI i. ki-zv nip-zvt n
sp-w nw spi)im whd-w m <--wt nb-t^ III 17.
(? ?)

it nd-zv snwh^ II i (twice).

sp-iv nw smS (error for s{m)Sm) spd, XII 2-3.
In sdm-Jp'-f\ snzv{/p-hr-k didi-p XI 2.

smy: to correct, make true (causa- See nwh.

tive of mS<-)\ hr-iv-<- stzch spj-t smi^ mwj-t^
snb: p.' in the formula
^ip^ XIV 2.
IV 12. smi<- mwj-t^ V i. See ini<-.
snb: : to become well: wt Jir-f r snb-f,
smi: cream: XI 9; I 10. smi hd-tQ)^ p Jj
P^(j| ^ XV 9 (doubling of the r is scribal error),
I 15. smi 11 ih(p), XIV 15. irt-t nt ms-t
snfr: to make good, beautiful; snfr
tij, sdr in int r hpr-t smi hp PJ^^-
VIII 12-13.
Inin., 1 5

snn: pil
XI 7.

sm w: P ^ 1^1 plant: sm-zu I I AAAAAA _

I i I

snzvi^ t})-t rn-s^ III

sn-nw: I I Q: second: phr-t sn-nw-t, 1 10; II 7;
I I I T I t I Ll^ V 7; XIV 14. phr-t nb-t mi sn-nzv-t-s., II 5.
smnmn:.p |l J\\ (causative oi mnmn)\ sp-t
sn-nw n hrw., II 3.

bs-t nn pr-t-s smnmn-t nn ^-zvj-sj m-<-s, XI 4.

snr: xi 9.
sms-w: see zvr. I I I I W I I I

C u)
See Slid.
smtj: II 13.
p OW I I I

snhp: p^j^ to cause to form(.?) (causative of

smtr: (causative of in tr):
P^^'|']^ nhp q. v.): in infinitive, snhp ih-t nb-t, X i.

in pseud, part., dbh pzv hi) Hr ir-t-f hn-f

sntr: incense iini-w hr sntr,
smtr-ti gm-n-iip) ni/nzvdi-snb this is the <^1, ^
; :

measure with which Horus measured his eye. III I. ibd-w ri inJi m sntr, VII 4. sntr,

It ( =- the eye) has been tested and I(.?) III 6; VIII 5, 7, 10, II, 14; IX i; X ii, 12;

have found it(?) living-well-healthy, XIV i. XI 8 (twice); XII 6, 8, 12, 14; XVIII 3. sntr
ir hki-t).) tn ir-t-Hr pzv JHdi smtr-ti^ with numeral, II 7, 8, 13, 16, 17; III 12, 13;

XIV 2-3. IV 7, 12; V 6, 8; VII 16; VIII 7; IX 6, 18;

p. /VWW\ X i; XIII I (twice); XV 7, 8, 10, ii, 12;
sn |l^ pron. abs. plu.: hm-tj-sn, XIV 9
3 XVI 2. sntr wid, VIII 9. hnt m sntr, IX 2.
and hm-tt-sn^ XIV 10 (verbal adjective). hp)) n sntr, IX 4 (E82, 5). tj n sntr, XII 10.
sn: pron. suff. plu.: dd-tnip) ni)) ntr-zv
1^ ^
3 sntj: ^W- net(?)- ^d) n sht-), net of the
nt) is dhr-t lu' ib-sn, XIV 8. phr mzv hi-sn
bird catcher, XIV 12.
dzv st)-sii^ XII 1-2. rdi-n-sn n-i mk-t-sn^
VI 7.
snd: : VIII 9. See snr.

phr-t nt spr-w ^ - sn^ I 15. sndm; to make sweet, to heal (cau-

^ ^

sncc: a to knead, to cause to knit sative of ndin): in infinitive, sndm ib n mt,


VIII 4. sndm mt-zv n sih, VIII 15. phr-t nt

(causative o np\ in sdm-w-f passive, nd-w
sm<-w (plu.) Jir bi-t, to be ground, sd-w
sndm mt-zv [in ^-wtnb-t nt s), XV 6, 10; XVI i ;

VIII I. ppr-t nt sndm mt, VIII 6. dmd-t

kneaded and swallowed with honejV, I 17.
nt sndm mn-t nb-t, VII 14. See mpm.
In infinitive (?), ks -f in <-zvt nb-t
(for) causing to knit a troken bone
^ ^

in any
^^ J\'
cause to cease
(causative of rwj)\
to stop
in infini-
limb, I 12, 13. See and m-zv. sriw; tive, srzv mr-t m <^-wt. III 2.

snwh: P7::0^a(| and dr rkw-t srizv zvhd-zv m -zvt nb-t nt s,

IX 15-16.
cook (causative of nwh): where the word is
followed by h (XI 2) or by // (X 17; XI i), srf-t: a disease: dr srf-t, XVII 4.

the last radical, h, is not written. di-w r srf-t, XVII 9.

40 Vocabulary.

srhj: 3- demon: r sswn srh) hr) skbb: Pzi AAAAAA : to cool: cans, of kbb\ phr-t
I ^sCj
J |y

s<hj-w him bibl in <-wt-i iptn^ VI 8. See rh. lit skbb., XI 18. skbb mt., VIII 18. skbb mt-w.,
srd: y\ r-e^ : to cause to grow, to produce VII 16. phr-t nt skbb mt-w, XVI 13. phr-t
(causative of rci^ q. v.): in sdm-f^ iw Ir-s
nt skbb mt-w m <-wt nb-t, XVI 3.
phr-t nt
skbb ph-wj-t, VII 12. phr-t nt skbb ks r-si
hrr-t mi srd dgmj \JirrtT\-s^ III 5 (corrupt,
cf. E 51. 15). In infinitive, phr-t nt srd-t hij^
ts-f m ^-zvt nb-t nt s, XV 4, 13. See also

X XVI 17.
4, 5 -

skj: VII VIII 5

sh^j: to cause to fall, to bring down, V, i
I I ; ;

to purge (causative of h^j)\ in infinitive, r IX 8; XI 10. See ,

and sk-t.
shij-t mr-t nb-t hn-f^ XIV 2. r shsj-t dw-t sk-t: n throbbing(.?): sk-t in dids, VI
im-t h-t-f^ XIV 3.
^ 3.

shw-t: VI
skm: n ^ ^ 'll!- greyness: phr-t nt hsf skin.
pra^l^, 13.
X 7.
shm: simply : to grind: pseud,
sgnn: I
Ik, to relax, weaken: cans.
part, it shm-w^ III 17. thftj n b{d)tj hn-t

infinitive, phr-t nt sgnn mt-zv [in <^-wt nb-t

shni-ti sd n bnr^ of black barley
nt s s-t ik-pzu), XV 1 1 VII 4. sgnn sw-t
ground in a stone mortar, X 5-6.
m mt, VIII 14. sgnn


m <-wt nb-t,
shtp to pacify, quiet: ship mt-zu, VIII 7. IX 2.

sgr-t: to silence,
sh-t: if1 fi 1 nl,
uncultivated field: Jismn 11 sh-t^ p ^ quiet: caus. infini-

XV 14.
tive of gr, sgr-t ws<-w n mt, VIII i 7. phr-t

shp-t p a sort of beer: XV 6.

II sgr-t ws<-w m -wt nb-t, IX 4.
: U III St: Set: ir-mi sn-n St pkzuSd-zvr, sn tn
sht-j: shtj-j: bird catcher: sntj n
St 111 nii-t-t, Tnt-nnw, IX 13.
sht-j^ XIV 12.
0 **= 0 st:
Po: pron. absolute 3 neut. sing.: ir m-ht
sh-t: n : VIII 17.
- 1
(Ci 1 1 1
mrr-k dr st, XI 2. rdi sw(i')i-f st, XI 16.
shDk: p"^^ to squeeze out, strain: rdi sw(r)i st s, XI 3. szv[r)i n-k st, XIV 1 1.

in sdm-zv-f passive, shik-zn m hbs-zv, it must st-t: gland (.?): phr-t nt rdi-t hi s-t

be squeezed out
in cloths, II 10; III 16. (read st-t according to E 51, 15) m nph-zv,
o o
VIII 8. See III 4.
shr-t: sh-t.
sswn: to punish: infinitive, r sswn st>t(.?): ia wdj-sti-t, II 7.
srJ^ hr) spj-zv him bibi in- <^-wt-i iptn^ VI 8.
P^O- odor, stench: dr st] hns ni sniw,
ssnb: I
c=i=^: to cure (causative of snb^ 4-v.): II 17. ir gm-k dd sSh mr-w phr mw hi-sn

infinitive, phr-t nt ssnb irzvtn, XI 1 5 dw stj-sii, XII 1-2.

PPU^, VIII 2; IX 14; VIII 9, 16.
P'^^Q and O : to treat: cau-

iiXii, VIII 15. fi/Ci psd ). sw")^ XIII lo-ii. sative of ''^twJy. in sdm-f, phr-t nt stwh m-t
sski 11 hii-w^ XV 5.
sih hr-s r ti, stzvJyk szv m hsmn, etc.,


p o yx'
D In infinitive, stwh sih mr-f, the treat-
ssm-w: leader, guide: shnw-f ment of a diseased toe, XII 3. stwh m-t
pw Dhwtj^ VI 9. nt sih, XII 1 3. phr-t nt stwh m-t sih hr-s

ssmm o : to heat, to warm (cans,



[(/( 5 c]
sih ri-pzv, XIII
m-t [dd] sih
of Slum, hiiiin): sdni-w-f passive, irt-t nh-t
nt stwh db<- sih ri-pw, XI 17.
kiiij-t ssp-t ssinin-w di-w r-i, X 17. Also
stzvh hib ti-w hr V hrzv-^
11 sdj-t-f, 4.

iiw stwh smi IV 8. stwh snf m
ss-t: ss-t hd-t
- ss-t w^d-t.
- XIII 12. stwh mwj-t, IV i phr-t nt

i~vr-i III
I 7. hrw-'^ spj-t sills'^ 2.
See sh-t. stwh gs iibj, II 12. See 2\s,ostzv}y and XVII 3.

stp: '
T : a garment or cloth: Jibs-w stp SDb-t: : IX I.

n h^zv, I 16. hbs-zv m stp-zu^ X 8.

s^mj : smj: ^ : Jm-zu iiza simp,
(j (|

^0^^- stzjuh in spite of the diffe-
III 10.
rence in determinative: ph^-t nt sthzjo hit], s?ms 1 : sms 1
^: VI II, 14; VII 7.
IV 4.
iniij-t nt siins, XI 7. pr-t siins, V 1 6 XI 12;
str-t: Q : to purify: caus. infinitive of tr XIII 8.
{tzur){}): phr-t nt str-t izvh m -n-t nt sSh, SDhnt(r): shnt(.?): P^d n sihnt,
XIII 6-7.
I 13; XI II. nizvizv 11 si hilt, VIII 11-12.
sd: and break: infini-
SdS3 IX 2-3, 17; XIII 9.
tive, phr-t nt sd zvhd-zv ni h-t, II 10, 14.
With numeral, I 2, 17; II 10; VI 12, 13, 14;
sd-w: tails: sd-zu nzv Ji^sj-t, XIII 13. VII I, X XVI 12.
7; 2, 3;
sd3-w :


sdi-zv in db<-za, XIII
: trembling, palsy phr-t

a I I I
: sand: kp in m-zv inf s<-, I 6.

to cut
sd-w: see sdb.
^ ^ off: in sdin-zv-f passive,

hprr Pzu didi-f Jim dnJi-zuj-f], XI 2.

^ Jj ^ : to chew: in sdm-w-f passive, sw :
P ^ ^V Shu :
pin'-t sn-nzv-t ir-n Szu Jp'-f
thb-zu in bi-t <-m-zu in s sdb-zv ni db<- n bl-t
ds-f 7.
hr-sS I 3. sd-zv hr bi-t hi s, I 7.
. . .
sw: : dry: mtj-zv szo, VIII 8; XI 6; XV 9,
Here it is written a scribal error
12, 16. Cf. nitj-zx) iidiii and also psd.
for sdb-za, or see Verbum I 210 (E 35, 14
reads sdb). sw: dry: i/izv szv, II ii. Ji{in)iinj-t inJi-t

sdr: to pass the night: in sdm-f imper- .w (P 7 ),

VIII 15. ki.t iw-t
(P 77y,),
sonal: sdr n
be exposed over lid-t^ it is to
IX 12.
night to the dew, I 8; II 9, 13, 15; IV i,
sw-t: feather (.?): sgnn VIII 14.
9, 14; V 3, 4, 7; VII 4, 10, 13; XV 3-4.
szv-t in int,
sdr P^:
ni mt r hpr-t sml VIII 12. sbb: oa J| J X ^ ^
beer: III 2. See sbb, sbt.
In the infinitive: zanm tp-^ sdr, it is to
be eaten before sleeping, VI 12, 14, 15; sbb: r~VT2
JJ x^: to mix or brew (beer): i dJi

VII 4, 9, 10. 111 P sbb 111 Dpzju, XIV 1 .

See also sdr-t-hij-t, II 5.?

sb-t: i~wn a kind of beer(.b: IV 13;
^ ^
^ ^
^ P^P'd nt sdr-t- XV 14; XVI 15.
hij-t snf n sii, II
5 (is sdr-t to be read spn-t:
Ci I I I
: V 3 (cf. inspn-t).
sdr-t, inf. of causative of dr to prevent, i. e.
sp: to discharge matter (.?): in sdm-f
sdr-t hij-t snf}).
sp-t bs-t, XI 3-4. sp-t sp-zv 7, XI 5 (i. e. sp-t

repeated 7 times).

spj-t: urinating organ: Jir-zv-<- stzuJi
sdi: : swine: \phr-t nt psh n\ s^i,
smi^ inzvj-t, IV 12. See sptj-t.
XVI 5-6. phr-t nt sdr-t-hij-t snf n sii,
organ: dr
sptj-t (sprj-t?): '-'^ioating
II 5-6.
hib 11 ti-zo Jir sptj-t, V 5. See spj-t.
S 3 '.- : to begin: in sdm-n-f\ bnr sP-
sfw: S : foam(?): sfzv n Jdc-t, VIII 13.
nf rd, IV 13.
sfw-t: '

^ O : swelling: dr sfzv-t pzo. III ii

Sdw: bid
^ : VII 4 ki-zv :
(? nf-zvt })
uzu sizv,
(the prescription is dr zuJid-zv nhp 111 <-wt
V 7-8. pi'-t sizv, V 15; VI 5; VII 7, 9 (with dr n VIII 13. pJir-t nt
iib-t nt s). sfzu-t int,

dr sfza-t in -zi.d nb-t, IX 6. dr sfzu-t, IX 13,

VIII 2, 6; XI 6; XIV 16; XV 7; XVI 15. 14, 16. dr sfzu-t 111 siJi, XIII 7. pJir-t nt
Reisner, Hearst medical papyrus. 6
42 Vocabulary.

dr sfw-t m <-zvt nb-t nt s, XV 15. phr-t sn<-w: 9 hr-w, IX

nt dr sfw-t XV i
a.^aaaa V> ^ ^rt-t 7.
snb-t: 9 I Q\
: skin: dr wJid-w in hib-t, II 16.
sfsf-t: VI 3. AAAAAA sCJ
sm-w: c3a^AAA^o: summer: dr /ms
m Jr n rmt
\ II 16 J Qj I^C 3 j
-^I lOj

XIII 12.
711 smw^ X II. dr stj /ms in sinw, II 17.

s(m)3m-w: r-vrn s{iii)iin-w iiw

sns3 : 9
: a kind of bread: ib-t his, V 14.

innJi^ XV I 7. snd-t: 9 : sunt- tree: with the determi-

sm: ^ : Upper Egypt, in lb sim^ sii hm native IX XV Id snd-t
1 6 ;
I . 11

9 0

), VIII15; XIl9,ll;
sn(?): : rvt vm-t nb-t Jir-s in snif) ls-t-<- (^ AAAAAA Os J I

XIII 4; XV 14; XVII 8. With numerals,
lilt iiit-t in Jr 11 s^ V 14. dr snf) lst-<~ int
int-t 111 Jr 11 s^ V 10, 12.
XI 18; XVI 14; III 3; IV 2. y AAAAAA 9

VI Without any com-

snj : 9 (
^ (or to conjure, conquer by ^ j
, 17; XIII I .

magic: in sdni-f and sdin-n-f^ ir-ini sn-n St mon determinative. III 9-10; X 13; VII 16;
pi-wid-zvr hi tn St in init-t Tnt-nnw^ as Set XV I, 2; XVI 3.

conquered the sea by magic, so will Set ^'^]-t nt hid-t, XII 10.
conquer you likewise by magic,
nnw'\ XI 13-14.
O Tnt- ss: ^ : alabaster: Jei-w n ss Jei-w nw Jpiiin,

Imperative: dd-tza ri pn sp-w ^ Jp' b^k
wid Jinf-t nt rJid-t sn sj lin^ this saying is to ssp
: ^ to receive : in sdin-f, rdi-t ssp iiit

be repeated four times over fresh oil and pJir-t, to cause the vessels (of the body)
of a kettle; conjure it therewith, XI 14-15. to receive the medecine, VIII 12. pJp'-t nt

sn-t: 9 incantation: sn-t nt impn-t, XI 3.

rdi-t ssp lb tS, a prescription for causing
AA^/'v^A 'w rC!A?

sn-t Ilf) Tiit-nnzu^ XI 12.

the stomach to receive bread, IV 4.

9 ^ storm: i ii\j)-w pt r sbhw^ ssp-t: ^ Ji{in)hn]-t, I 3;

I I' 'J
^ I I

i ir[j)-w tS r ntr-w^ I lr{j)-w sni-t i ir[j)-w XIII 16. Jihw nw ssp-t, IV 13.

pt r iinj-t Jpiij-t Jpn-tt-sii Jpn-t-rS, XIV 9-10.

ss: : excellent: ss inh truly excellent,
snj: sn (see Verbum 127 and 138): 9 ^ Vi'ii; VI 2.

(sometimes with 111 sign) and hair: pJir-t -

ssj-t: 6 (|(|^|
wid-w, XII I.

lit srd-t siij^ X 4, 5. pjp'-t lit dr sn] in <-wt

nb-t^ X 16-17. Pltd'd nt ws hi] C 9 V stt-w-t:


^ : Jitiii SJ 111 Jitin-w n stt-wt,

X 18. Jir-tw r hi] di-w r-i, X 18.
XI 15.

mortar: n
sn] ibzu^ IX 14. /WWVk sd:
^^C(7i(?): tjifti b[d)ti Jeni-t sJiin-ti

sd liir, . ground in a stone mor-

hi] 11 Jen, XIII 4. 9 V 111 11 . .

tar, X 6.

I ,
hil n, II II, 14;
VII 2.
I n: I I I
nt] 111 nid-w, II 6.
Isw-t lit hi], XVII 1 1

pr-t hii, 9 (III 6-7;

sdj : to take, select, remove: in infinitive,

sd-t flit in db^ siJi, remove a fnt-sNorm to

IX. 3; XIII 9).
y (II .7;
from finger or toe, XIII 5. wnin r Jirw 4
XV 7 ):
; >, ; ,,
VIII 9; IX d]]-k Jii bi-t tp-^ sd-t-s, it must be eaten
ii; X II. With numeral, IV 7, 13; V6, 16; daily for 4 days, swallow honey before
VI 13; VII 7; X 3; XV I. taking it. III 16-17.

snu 9
o_g^Q: a disease: pJp'-t nt dr hr, sdj-t: '

^[| [j
'9 : female(.^) organ: stwJi Jiib n
II 9. tiw Jp' sd]-t-f V 4. See spt]-t and sp]-t.

ced (.^), then you shall say ...., XII 1-2

(one expects producing i-i-worms).

k: and zi : kiS 11 <-r-w^
III kmj-t: ^ HI 9; X
( ( ,"^, 17; XIII 3
VI 17 (see k^-zv). sni n Xsi, XIII 4. 2 1 1

k>w: numeral,
14^ Jl I I I
: meal: E 73, 18^ i 3
I 7, 8,

n wim ,
IX 6 ki-ZV {kii E 87, 2) 11 <rzu^ 14; II 13; IV 9, 14, 16; Vi; VI 1
4 ;
VII I o.

X 14. ki-ZO -,5) 11 ss ks-zv nizu IIZU kinj-t^ XV 3,

E 87,5^ nzv hsiiiii^ X 15. ki-zv 15. E reads parallels to
G ''

E 81, 3^ 11 tzvn. VIII 13. ki-zu 11
III 9; II 13; IV 14, 16; V I.
>111 '

^ km': 'P
: Upper Egypt: in ib kim^ sli-kim.
dir-t^ IX 2. Therefore it appears that ^
Read sin<-^ q. v.
is to be read ki-zv not nh-zv-t.
Provisionally = ki-zv (? nh-zv or

zv-f passive,
to beat, pound up:
in sipni-

12; II 7. Jir nidj,

nh-zo-tT) meal, is here inserted: ki-zv (.?)
IX 9. knkn hr hbb-t nt itr-zu^ IX 7. hihi
nzv {11) izvrj-t^ V 8; XIV 14. ki-zvij) 11 {111x1)
Jp' sk] 11 bsn, VIII 5. hikii Jp'-s hsi- zu, IX 7.
U zvid, I 10; XIV 15. /Gi-^r) zuid 11 zV,

XII 17. ki-zvij) 11 It ps, V 5. ki-zvip) 11 it

ks: bone: phr-t nt tj ks hr-zu tpj^
^ ^

ndzv snzvh^ II i. ki-zv({) iizvpi) 0/24 I 9; prescription for binding a broken bone, on
XVI 14. /ei-za(J) 11 ;;zz, XIV 14. k^-zvip) 11 the first day, XIV 13.

<-im<-^ V 9. ki-za{}) 11 biir ^

IV 2. ki-zvip) 11 phr-t nt skbb ks r-si mut nb-t nt
ts-f in
innii, II I. k^-zvij) iizu htp)-smi(^), V ii. s, a prescription for cooling a bone after
^^-zv{}) 11 szvt ps^ V 5. ki-zvib{) nzv szvt^ V 7; it is bound (knitted) in any limb of a man,
VIII 8. ki-zvip) IIZU s 3 zu^ V 7. IIZU tzvil^ XV 4, 13. sn: ks -f 111 <-zvt nb-t nt s
^ ^
XII 9. ki-zu {}) mu thzuj V ii. ki-zuip) 11
s-t ri-pzv, for causing a broken bone to
dir-t, XIV 13, 14; XV 4; XVI 1 1 XVIII I.
knit in any limb of man or woman, I 12.
ki-zu ip) nzv dir-t, I 5 III 8; V 8, 1 1 XII 13.
ks-zv nzv g{i)bg{i)b-ZL\ X 17. ks-zu nzv dii
See also XVI 9, 14. /i,vi3.

inside, entrails, brain: hr in kib-zv n
kd: pdi ^ :
potter: dbn n kd^ XIV 1 7.

didi-f rdl hiiiiip)-/ r ti 1111 rdi-t phr-t nb-t

hr-f, but [if it is] in the inside of his head

its him will be given forth without putting k.
any remedy upon it, then etc., II 2. k: pron. suff. 2 sing, masc.: with preposi-
k?kT 5 (?)i /viZi 11 ^rzv, I 17 see kH tions, szu{i')i 11-k st, XIV II. in-ii-i hs 11

(and kizv). E reads kii.

ZU11111 r-k hniizu^ VII 6. See also ir-k.
35, 13
With verbal forms: gm-k^ XII i; ir-k,
k^d-t (pronounced kd-tT)\ A 3
^ and
Cx XII 4 ;
stwh-k ,
XII 8 ;
d]j-k^ III 16; inrr-k^
(VIII 16): name of a plant: rd-s hr h-t-s nit
XI 2; ir-hr-k^ XI 18; XII 2, 12; zut-hr-k^
kid-t. III 4-5. kid-t V
fg, I. zuib kid-t^ IV 15. XVI 4, 6 ]
siizv{h)-/m-k, XI 2; dd-hr-k, XII 2.
kfi-zu nzv kid-t (^kd-t), V 13; VIII 16.
kT :
bull: in bdd-zu-ki, q. v.
kis: dr sin in Irj-t-f tzvt siitjP) n shtj ^

ki tm-t unit
kls iiis-t ibri sip-t, XIV 1 1 - 1 2
kD :
^ : optative particle :

z] 111 Jr 11111^ may you not enter (twice) the

k'li shoulder (?): in kih-l pii^ VI 7-8. and so, XI 14.

^ body of so
k(m)^m zi to create, wake: k^ks :
: Jini-zu nzv kiki-zv, I V i 2

in sdiii-ii-f relative form tr gm-k db sih VIII 7. Jiin-zu IIZU kiki^ VI 15.
mr-zu phr inzv hi-sn dzv stj-sn k{in)iiii n si^
k3-t: female organ: snf n ki-t tsni-t,
[ j^:
when you find toes or fingers diseased,
water gathered around them, and evil their
X 18.

k>t: excrement(?): ki-t szu-t^ IX 12.

smell, which (?) the j'i-worms have(?) produ- [ j ^ :


ni3.sc. 3.nd kt (kj-tj^i fcm.! gs-w 111 nitjw Jir-Jiit, he is to rubbed

^ with myrh previously, VIII 10; XV 8.
3, 6,
another: rdi ni fki kj hr-s^ I i.
gs-w Im, III i; VIII 2; IX 3, 5; XI 7.
kt phr-t. III 9; IV 3; VI 14, 15, and
gs-w inii-t iib-t Jir-s, VIII 4.
passim, kt [^ph'-t understood), I 5; III 13,
14, 15; IV 5, 8; and passim.

^^ : to hide: kp in niw m s<- m hsi-w t.

Jik-t ri-pw^ I 6. See kp-w. t: pron. sufF. 2 fern, sing.: hid Jir-t Ir-t-PIr,

mt greeting to thee, O Horus-eye, XIV 4.

in Iwf-i pii^
a demon:
I int-t kp-w hnn-w
nil Jipr dw-t-t in Jr-j ,
thy evil (O inspn-t)
shall not arise in my body, XI 5. See also
ink in-n-i hs n wnin r-k hnn-za .yii kp-w
Ir )r-t). In verbal forms: sp-t, XI 3, 5;
ht^ VII 6. See kp.
bs-t, XI 4; tiii-t, XI 14.
kf3-w: -w nwkid-t,
G: bread: pJir-t nt rdi-t ssp lb ti, IV
V 13. kfi -zv iiw kd-t^ VIII 16.
^ ^

ti wid. III 14. Ib-t lit ti, II 3-4. ti 11 libs,

km: and ^ black: b[d)tj kin-t., VII 3; IX 12.

IV 4; X 5. See bd-t.
G: earth, land, ground: pJir-t iit stwJi m-t

kns: ^ phr-t kns VII 10.

1 :
lit inr-f., siJi Jir-s r ti, XII 8. Jir-f r ti I 7. rdl
' '
hiiii-f r ti nil rdl-t pJr-t nb-t Jp'-f, II 2.
krk: : IV II.
I li)))-za pt r sbi-w, I lr[j)-w ti r ntr-w,
XIV 9. See also hij-ti.

: XI 12, read wi/i, q. v.

gij-w: S : IV i; VI 13; VII 7; VIII9; G-w: burning, fire: dr hib 11 ti-w Jir

IX 4; XV 7, 12. sptj-t, to prevent a burning (.? smarting.^) of

g0bgp)-w: wild o-oose:

the urinary organ, V 5. stwJi hsb 11 ti-w
Jir sdj-t-f, to treat a burning (lit. sending
ks-zv iizij gbg-w., X 17 (cf. Verbum I 2, 10).
of fire on) of his sdj-t" V 4.

gb: : Geb: phr-t fdw-nzv-t ir-n Gb Jir-f

ds-f^ V II. rdl-ii-s h^-w-t in bill Gb, XIV 5.

p ^
bm ti/i-t nt pi-wr, Y16 .

gm: to fiod: in sdin-f, ir gin- k db<- sih

ti/i-t lit Irp, VII 14; XVI I. tiJi-t nt <-i-t,

inr-w, XII I. In sdin-n-f, dbh pw hi) Hr XI 10. tiJi-t lit JiJc-t, IX 6, 15. tiJi-t nt JiJz-t
Ir-t-f 1111- f siiitr-ti gin-ii-iip) mh-wdi-snb,
iidin-t, VIII 18.
XIV 1-2.

: matter. pus: pJp'-t lit In-t tj-t.
gnn: ffi weak: zs
AA^AA^ vT '
^ I I I I I I

II I See Him. IX 18.

ghs: antelope: nidj ghs, X 6-7.

j~: side: pJr-t nt stwh gs lib), 12. twn: 4- twn, XIII 8, 9;

gs: II

XIV 16. Jzi-w i). nIc-zvtT) n twn, XII 9. Jii-w

P'^d, VIII 18.

p 11 tzvii, VIII 15-16.

gS-ZV] 11 ipsd). III 17. gs-wj psd.
I I I tw-t: I : statue, statuette: di- sin 111

III 12.
lr{))-t-f, tw-t, silt) 11 s/d), Jzl's liis-t lb{r)l
gs: to ri-ib, grease, anoint: in sdin-w-f sip-t, XIV 1 1- 1 2. Ini 11 tzv-t, X I.

passive, g's-w Inin hn-f, the skin must be sandle-maker: n tb-w, VIII 2.
tb-w: insJz
rubbed therewith, X 16. gs-w inn-t nb-t lin AAAAA/^ ^ n AAAAAA

VIII 13. gs-w int tin, VIII 14. gs-w Jr iin,

J o I I I
: IV 12. iiirJi-t tbii
(^^Jl QJ 1

X 15. gs-w s tin, X 11-12. XII 5.


tp-' : before: preposition with the infinitive, IV V 7. dh-w thb-zv r II 15. in nii-t-t
I i
5, -jj- ,

tp-<- sd-t-s^ III 1 6. tp-<- sdr VI 12, 14, 15;

VII 4, 9, 10.
nil thb-zv r
1 ,.. II 17 -

thn-w: see rhn-w, I 4.

tp-j: \\: first: hriv tpj XIV 13; VII ii; I 9,
thwj: 6; VIII 18; XI ii. With
15; XVI See tp-t.
5, [6.?]. numeral, VII i, 8, 9; XV 17. pr-t thwj,
tp-j: masc. and tp-t: ^ fern.: being on the II 16; XIII 8.

head of: Rnn-wtt tp-t Hd-htp^ ^''Rnn-wtt ki-w (.?) iiw thwj, V II.

who is on the head of Hd-Jitp"'^ XIV 4. thb ^or without dip

: ^ Jj ^ : to : in

See tp-t^ fine oil. sdin-w-f passive, thb-w in bit, I i, 2, 3;

^ ^
tp-t: iS : fine oil (scum.?):
^ !
r nt mtl.


XV 9.
tips: VIII 10; XI 9; 10. w's-t nt
tsps, VIII 5. hi-zv iiw tsps, XVIII 2. hSsj-t
^ I ? I
^ disease (boils.?): dr
nt tsps, XV 7.
tp^-za in didp II i.

, WWvA 0 .

tpnn: ^ : cummin: II 13; HI 13; IV 7;

U /WWsA 1 I ^

V 6; VIII 9; IX 5, 14; XVII 15. t.

t^: tj 11 sntr, XII 10.

tfn-t: Tefnet: phr-t hmt-nzv-t Ir-n Tfn-t i

hr R^ ds-f, V 9 (for determinative see Is-t). t^j-t: to take: infinitive of tjj\

ri dbh hft tij-t-f r hij-t phr-t, charm

tm : : negative verb : hn^ tin rdi zvdn
for the measure when one takes it to mea-
ivti-f, XII 8. /i tin-t milt, XI 14.
sure a prescription, XIII i 7.

tmj-t : a disease: phr-t nt dr tinj-t. t^j r=u): male: irt-t nt iii's-t tij.
1 1 it

xnS; VIII 12. hs 11 tjj VIII 17 See also

tmtm: to sprinkle (? to beat.?): XVII 2.

piiii-t wgs-ti tintin-w h-t-s in h(in)iinj-t, an thf-tj: s= ^hfdj n b[d)t) kni-t, X 5.

pnn-t worm, cleaned. Its body must be
ts: to knot, to knit: in infinitive, phr-t
sprinkled (.?) with salt, XIII 5-6.

tn: ^ : this (fern. sing.): iszv-t tn, XVII 12,

lit ts ks
^ ^
hinv tpi, a prescription
for the knitting of a broken bone, the first
hki-t tn, XIV 2. phr-t tn, VI i ;
XIV 1,2.
h-t tn, XIV 2. h-t-i tn, XIV See iptn.
clay, XIV 13.
In sdin-w-f passive, phr-t nt skbb ks r-si
tn: pron. abs. 2 fern, sing.: hi tn St in
ts-f in <-zvt iib-t, a prescription for cooling
iiii-t-t Tiit-^nizv, so likewise shall Set con- a bone after it has knitted, in any limb,
jure you, O Tiit-miw, XI 13. XV 4, 13.
o In sdiii-tw-f phr-t nt dr ss n snf n ts-tzv-f
tn-t-<m-w: ,0' ^ disease, the
| ^ ,
a prescription for removing a nest(?) in the
Semitic disease: hi-t ii[t) tn-t-nn-w, incan- blood when it is not yet knotted (i. e. be-
tation of the Semitic disease, XI 12. sn tn come fixed), X 2.
St 111 iiii-t-t tii-t-nii-zv XI 13-14.
words, charms iw
ts-w :
^ I
: : ts-zv ir-n

tr-t: willow: id 11 tr-t, VII 16; XV 15; iib-r-dr r dr is-t-<- etc., there are charms

XVI 3.
which Nb-r-dr made to drive away ist--, etc.,

VI 7.
thb: to divide(.?), portion out(?): in
tsm: ^d tsm-t:
sdni-zu-f passive, zvninw r hrzv 4 thb-zv r /

(fern.): greyhound: Jis 11 tsm. III 10. snf n

IV 3; III 13. zvninw r hrzv 4 thb-zv r ki-t tsiii-t, X 18.
46 Vocabulary.

d. mr-w phr niw hi-sn dw stj-sn k{in)ini-n sS

d%): ^ : to conquer, to wrap(?)

dd-hr-k r-s mr Irj-l, XII i. sd-t fnt m db<-

sih, XIII 5. wt db^ sih ri-pzv, XIII 6. phr-t

in sdm-w-f passive, d^z{r) hr-s^ VII 1
(cf. zvf).
nt m-t nt [db<] sih ri-pzo, XII 6. stwh m-t
di: A d: to give: see rdv, in sdm-f^ dl-f ish n (plu.) sih [db^] ri-pw, XIII 2. stwh m-t (plu.)
rhw-lht^ VI 9-10. ^P''' nt sih db<-w, XII 13.
sd-t-s, you must swallow honey before taking phr-t nt dr sdi-zo m db<~-w, XIII 1 1 . sln-w
it. III 16. db --w ni nirh-t, XIII 1 1
pJir-t nt db^-w sih

In sdm-tw-f^ ir m-ht nwh-s hi'-tw di-tw-s wid db<-w Ir-t r m-t, XIII 3.

hr after it is cooked, it is to be nd-w m-w hr Iwh ni db<- n mrh-t, it is

put with oil, X 4-5. to be ground fine with IzvJi in a finger of

In sdin-w-f passive, dl-w must r Ibh^ it oil, X 8. sdb-w m db<- n bl-t, it must be
be put on the tooth, I 7. dl-w r wbn-w^ swallowed with a finger of honey, I 3.

XVIII 3. dl-w r did^ n m'sdd-t^ XI i. \^w\h db^-w r-s ni bl-t, I 15.


mt\ VIII 5.
must be put thereon (applied
: pottersclay(.?): dbn n kd XIV 17.

thereto). III 9; IX 9; X 6, 18 (twice); Jjl^ ^ : a measure

XI I, XII XIII 4; XVII (masc.): occurs only in the charm of the

2, 6, 7; 5, 8, 9; 6, 9.
measure when it is taken to measure a pre-
djdj(?): yt],
VIII 11,14,17; Xlio; XII 14; scription, XIII 17 XIV 2. ri n dbh hft
XV II, 12. tij-t-f r hij-t phr-t etc.

dw: to be evil bad: in sdm-f^ dw dpw

: ^@ : Buto : I dh m P sbb in Dpw,
stj-sn^ evil is their odor, XII 2. XIV II.
In part.: in Ih-t nb-t bln dw m didi., VI 2.
to join: rdl w-t Im r bzu dml
See dza-^ and dzv-<^.
r <-zvt Ini, X 12; III 1-2.
: evil: 111 sj Is-t 11 si-s r shij-t
1 1 1
dmd: to assemble, mix together: in
dw-t Im-t h-t-f. XIV 3 - nil hpi '
dw-t-t m sdm-w-f passive, dmd in l/rt w<-t. III i (see
h-l thy evil shall
: :not arise in my body.
Ih-t w^-f). See dnid, dind-t, collection.
XI 5
dmd: and dmd-t : collec-
dw-' : : Ir-w ii-fdw- Jir Ins-t-f, XI 1 6.
tion (of writings): Ir-f dmd dl-f lih n rJvw-
nw: : fifth :
phf-t dzui-nw-t lr-11 Nwt Iht, VI 9-10. Jii-t-<- m dind-t nt sndin mn-t
hr R<- ds-f, V 12-13. nb-t, VII 14.

dw>t: morning: hr dwi-t rdl dnh: dual, wings (dual): hprr h-w
ic 0 : ni bl-t
/WW\A ^
hr-P but in the morning, honey must be didi-f Im^ diih-wj-fj, XI 2. snwfi)-hr-k
added to it, II 9-10. didi-f Jiiv- dnh-wj-fj, XI 3.

dw3-t (.?sbo-t.?); 9c V 3; X 14.

^ ^ : to remove ,
drive away : in sdni-w-f

passive, dr hif) in h<- n s r ls-t-<- nit int-t

db-t: brick: db-t nt lnb(}), V 13, cf. dd-^
ndm-f be driven
hr-^-zvj, out th-e
there will
in the same phrase. hi the IsP, the male and female death, in
db(3) :
plu. c^J ^ \ ^

: fig: II 12-13, 16; the body of the patient so that he recovers
IV 4, 8, 9; V 6; VII 2; XIII 13. immediately, V 10, 12.
In infinitive, pJw-t sls-nzu-t ir-11 Is-t hr
dbi: : hippopotamus: nirh-t dbl^ II 3;
ds-f r dr mr-t hn-t didi-f, V 15. Iw ts-w
X 7; XI 8. phr-t nt psh n dbl, XVI 7.
lr-11 Nb-r-dr r dr ls-t-<- ntr ntr-t mt nit-t
db': |l and |^: db'-w (plu.): finger :
Jim-t-ri VI In-ii-l sj r dr ntr Is-P mt
||| 7.

Ir-t r db<-^ XII 9. dr swt m db<^, XIII 10. int-t liiij 11 h-t-l til, XIV 12. Ir m-ht nirr-k
phr-t nt stwh db^ sih rS-pw^ XI 17. dr st, XI 2 . dr sfw-t pw. III 1 1

stzuh [db'-^ sih rS-pw, XIII 4. wtS-w db<- Infinitive, in the headings of prescriptions,
hr-s sSh rS-pw^ XI 18. Ir gm-k db^ sih dr ls-t-<- m -wt nb-t. III 3. dr mt m wn-mi.
Vocabulary. 47

1 6.
phr-t n-t dr

sk-t m didd dg>wj :

Jir-tzv-f si7i-]ir-tzv
S ^ ^W^ (dual .?)

dgi-zv]-s Jir 7ipJi-zv,

: roots (.?)

: in-


^^ ^ ^
dr isj-t. III 8. dr n ntr 71 77 it, VI 16.

dr Cjf h-t hit], VI 12, 14, II.

pjl7'-t 7lt 771 771

pji7'-t 7it d7' zv 7i 77 i-z(j 71 S 7 if, IX 8. dr whd-zv II 8; III 5; XI II.

771 mb-t, II 15-16. dr zvhd-w 7ihp 771 <-zat

7lb-t 7lt s. III 10. sp-zv 71 ZV dr 77 lZl]-t di-s,

IV 14. dr 77 ir lb, IV 2. phr-t 7 it dr 77ir 771 d.

h-t, IV 6. dr 7 ur-t m <~-zvt 7 ib-t 7 it s s-t ri-pzv,
d>t: : to cross over, ferry: infinitive of
IX 12. dr 77 ir-t S 7 if 771 <-zut 7 ib-t 7 it s s-t

ri-pzv, IX I 7. dr 77 iss 77 i-t, XI 9. drzisj-tzn h-t, di]\ i] bi-t] r di-t 7i S 7iJi 77i-zv
1 di-t zvii izv-s

XIII dr 7^kzo-t S 7'izv zvhd-zv m -zvt 7 ib-t 7 its,

1 6. zvdi-ti, come, oh honey, come to the cros-

1X15-16. dr hib 7 i ti-zu hr sptj-t, V 5. dr sing over of the grasshoppers, the crossing

Ji 77 i-t-si, XI I dr Ji 7i<-zv 71 ZV 7'd-zaJ, II II. dr

over of the boat (for) it is safe, XIV 7.

hki-za 771 h-t, III 6. phr-t 7 it dr hki-zv 771 h-t, d^is (read dis?):
1 ^: VIII i; XI 8.

IV 6. dr hnsj-t 771 didi, II 8. dr hns ni //<, III i. diis, VII 5 IX

1 ; 3
Jms 771 //' 71 7 ' 77 it, X 1 dz' Jms m hr 1 .

71 s S-t ri-pzv, X 12. dr szvt 771 dd, XIII 10. o O, b b ,

plp'-t nt dr S 7 if <si, II 4. phr-t 7 it dr S 7 if 1 X 8 ): I 9; III 9; VII ii; VIII 17; IX 10,

771 sih, XII 9-10. phr-t 7 it dr S 7'j-t, IV ii. 16; XII 1 1; XIII 5, 9, 16; XVIII I. With
dr si'-f-t, XVII 4. pJi 7 '-t 7 it dr ss 71 S 7 if 71 numerals ,
I 1 1 ;
II 15; IV 2 ;
VI 17; XIII i
ts-tzv-f, X 2. dr st] Jms 771 sziiza, II 17. XV 17; XVI 14.

pJir-t 7 it dr sdi-zv 771 db^-zv, XIII 1 1 . dr ini n dir-t, VI 3. If-zv (Jnf-zot^) n dir-t,

sfzv-t, IX 13, 14, 16. pJir-t 7 it dr sfzv-t, I 5; III 8; V 8, 1 1 ;

XII 13; XIV 13, 14;
XV 16-17. pJp'-t 7 it dr sfzv-t 771 <-zvt 7 ib-t
XV 4; XVI II. Ici-zv n dir-t, IX 2.

]it s), XV 15; IX 6. dr sfzv-t 771 sih, XIII 7.

d^d^: /l and head: pr- 71 -i m Si-
dr sfzv-t 71 77 it, VIII 13. pJm-t 7 it dr S 7 ij 771
zv izv ts-zv ...... 7' di' ist-<-
<-zvt 7 ib-t, X 16-17. pJir-t 7 it dr szr, II 9.
nti 771 didi-i pn 771 JciJi-i p7i etc., VI 6-7.
dr tpi-zv 771 didi, II I. plm-t 7 it dr tzzij-t,
pJir-t sis-7izv-t h'-7i I's-t Jir R<- ds-f 7' dz' zzir
XI 10. pJp'-t 7 it dr rJm-zv 7izv zvJid-zv m
pJi-zid, I pJi 7'-t nt dr dJir-t, IX 10. See
ini] didif, V 15. ir ir zi-f pJm-t tzi zn
77ir-t 7lb-t 77l7l-t 771 7717' 71 didi 771 Jl7lt] 771
also XVI 9, 10.
didi 771 Jli-ZV S7lf lS-t-<- 7ltr 7ltr-t 77lt 77lt-t 771

drf manuscript: rdi- 7 i-f zzidzv dzf

\ didi 771 iJl-t 7lb-t bl7l dzv 771 didi 771 -ZVt
VI 9. 7lb-t, izv 7ld77l-7l-f Jir-^zv] SS 77li-, VI 1-2. pJm-t
dr-nkn: X I 7lt dr is-R 771 didi sk-t 7Zl didi, VI 2-3.
d7' Jins]-t 771 didi, II 8. dr tpi-zv 7 Zi didi,
Dhwtj Thoth: ssm-zv-f pzv DJizvtj, VI 9.
II I. Jir 771 Jcib-zvf) 71 didi-f rdi Jmzi-f r
ink DJizvtj pzv] sin-zv pzv] n Ir-t-Hr, XIV 5-6.
ti 7171 rdi-t pJu'-t 7 ib-t Jir-f, II 2.

dhr-t di-zv r didi 71 zzisdd-t, XI i. zvt-zv didi


1) a disease: pJir-t nt dr dJir-t, IX 10. Ju'-s r 7 idz7 i-f Ji 7 '-m], VI i. zi>rJi-zv didi ini,

2) fear(?): ntr-zv nt] is dJir-t iir ib-sn, II 2; VI 4, 5.

gods in whose hearts is fear (?sin?), Jjprr S-zv didi-f Jiir dnJi-zv]-f], XI 2.

XIV 8. snzviJi)-Jir-k didi-f Jin^ dnJi-zv]-f], XI 2-3.

dsr-t: a kind of beer: III 13. dsz^-t

^ d.3d>w: H I
: a pot: nirs-t nt ^i rdi-ti
ip-t Hr Jib]-t i <-tJi 771 P sbb 771 Dpzv, XIV 10.
7 U didi-zv r Jizvi-s, X 9-10.
dsr-t: X 8. d'-t:"^^^b IX E E
5 (
- 82,21). 73, II reads
X 14-15;
c \ I I I

dsr: XII 4. See also ht- (db-t.

\ I I I

dsr, XII 14.

_|Q mark i] with a coal): dd h-t in

dsr-w dH-zv ps, VI

oa 0- (db-t r 771 Ji 771 pi 7 itr Jiz], XI 13.
48 Vocabulary.

innk., the words are to be said over innk'\

XI 5 -

coal: XI lo. d-b h-t U dd-t XI

7 13.
In part. pass. impf. plu. dd-t r-f zn hkS-zv.,
M-t nt lnb^\ V 8; VII 15; XVI i. Cf. db-t
nt InbQb).
VII 5 . And possibly dd-t n (1) ^ M zitr-zv.,

dw: see dw. XIV 8 for to be read VV\AAA ^ QJ*

dw-t: see dw-t.
dw-: see dw-<-. AfV\/V\A

dbe see dd. dd? : fat: izi)f ddi ,
III 12 (cf. izvf

dnn-t: head (of fishes): dnn-t nt wh<-w zvicf).

/AMV \ hP
ps, VI 4.
dr: only in nb-r-dr^ q. v. Uncertain Readings.
dhwti: see Dhwti.

% I I
and ^
^ I I
: II 8; V 8.



V 7.


Tfn-t hr

R<- ds-f,

V 9.
iCt I I
: VII 1 1.

Gb hr-f ds-f^ V ii, ir-n Nwt hr R<- ds-f^ AV: to break: in sdm-f., pJir-t nt ts ks ^ g
V 12-13. h'^' (i^fi V 15. See hr-zv tp-j., XIV 1 3. sn<-<- ks
^ ^
ni <-zvt

also hpr-ds-f. ri-pzv., pjjg-t

nb-t zit s s-t I 12. zit spr-zv
phr-t nt zvb^ ih-t nb-t hpr-t ds-s, IX 10. X AAA j

hr-zv tp-j, I 15.

dsr-t: see dh^-t. ^ ^

dd: to speak, to say: in sdni-f^ dd-i ink : hi-t(J): XIV 5.

nh sw m-<- hftjw-f^ VI 9. XIII 6, one expects

In s(dm-tzv-f^ dd-tzv rS pn sp-za ^ hr bik 'wvwv
3 3
. . . . ? : XVI 15.
zv^d^ XI 14. AAAAAA ^ I I AAA/^AA

In sdni-hr-f^ ir gm-k db^ sih nir-zv ... I 1 fP\ * chi

ski nt
zi c-a(.?)
. . (?)
: ,
^ I I I I I

Ri-hr-k r-s znr irj-i^ XII 1-2.

skj n [ (.?), VIII 5; IX 8; XI 10. Cf.
In scpin-zv-f passive, dd md-zu J^t zviJi AAAAAA

phr-t., the words are to be said when

AAAAAA .y_r^
festival of the new moon.
applying a remedy, VI 10. dd md-zv hr (5
(= zzistRb) zi hznt-j., XI 7.

Druck von August Pries in Leipzig.

Errata to Reisner, Hearst Medical Papyrus.

P. I a lines 5,9 from above and 8 from below,

read : sebah instead of sebah.
P. 6 a I read: the incantation of the mspn-t:
you have discharged and departed without
having any fruit. You have gone away with-
out having any arms (.?). Turn back, etc.

P. 20 a under wnm and under

wnm-w, -

P. 2 1 under bs read : sdm-f instead of pseudo-

participle 2 f.
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