Chapter 12-Gravimetric Methods of Analysis
Chapter 12-Gravimetric Methods of Analysis
Chapter 12-Gravimetric Methods of Analysis
12-10 Treatment of a 0.2500-g sample of impure potassium chloride with an excess of AgNO3 resulted
in the formation of 0.2912 g of AgCl. Calculate the percentage of KCl in the sample.
1 1 1 74.55
0.2912 ( )( )( )( )
143.35 1 1 1
% = 100% = 60.58%
12-11 The aluminum in a 1.200-g sample of impure ammonium aluminum sulphate was precipitated
with aqueous ammonia as the hydrous Al2O3 xH2O. The precipitate was filtered and ignited at
1000C to give anhydrous Al2O3, which weighed 0.2001 g. Express the result of this analysis in
terms of
(a) % NH4Al(SO4)2
(b) % Al2O3
(c) % Al
% NH4 Al(SO4 )2
1 2 3 2 1 4 (4 )2 237. 012 4 (4 )2
0.20012 3 ( )( )( )( )
101.962 3 1 2 3 1 1 4 (4 )2
= 100%
= 77.52%
0.20012 3
%2 3 = 100% = 16.68%
1 2 3 2 26.98
0.20012 3 ( )( )( )
101.962 3 1 2 3 1
% Al = 100% = 8.82%
12-12 What mass of Cu(IO3)2 can be formed from 0.650 g of CuSO4 5H2O?
1 4 52 1 1 (3 )2 413.35(3 )2
(3 )2 = 0.6504 52 ( )( )( )( )
249.634 52 1 4 52 1 1 (3 )2
= 1.0763(3 )2
12-13 What mass of KIO3 is needed to convert the copper in 0.2750 g of CuSO45H2O to Cu(IO3)2?
= 0.27504
1 4 52 1 1 (3 )2 2 3 1 3 214 3
52 ( )( )( )( )( )( )
249.634 52 1 4 52 1 1 (3 )2 1 3 1 3
= 0.4715 3
12-14 What mass of AgI can be produced from a 0.512-g sample that assays 20.1% AlI3?
1 3 3 1 234.8
= (0.512)(0.201)3 ( )( )( )( ) = 0.1778
407.683 1 3 1 1
12-15 Precipitates used in the gravimetric determination of uranium include Na2U2O7 (634.0 g/mol),
(UO2)2P2O7 (714 g/mol), V2O52UO3 (753.9 g/mol). Which of these weighing forms provides the
greatest mass of precipitate from a given quantity of uranium.
1 2 2 7 2 238
2 2 7 = ( )( )( ) = 0.751
634.02 2 7 1 2 2 7 1
1 ()2 2 7 2 238
()2 2 7 = ( )( )( ) = 0.667
714 ()2 2 7 1 ()2 2 7 1
1 2 5 23 2 238
2 5 23 = ( )( )( ) = 0.631
753.9 2 5 23 1 2 5 23 1
12-16 A 0.8102-g sample of impure Al2(CO3)3 decomposed with with HCl; the liberated CO2 was
collected on calcium oxide and found to weigh 0.0515 g. Calculate the percentage aluminum in
the sample.
12-17 The hydrogen sulphide in a 80.0-g sample of crude petroleum was removed by distillation and
uncollected in a solution of CdCl2. The precipitated CdS was then filtered, washed, and ignited to
CdSO4. Calculate the percentage of H2S in the sample if 0.125 g of CdSO4 was recovered.
12-18 A 0.2121-g sample of an organic compound was burned in stream of oxygen, and the CO2
produced was collected in a solution of barium hydroxide. Calculate the percentage of carbon in
the sample if 0.6006 g of BaCO3 was formed.
12-19 A 7.000-g sample of a pesticide was decomposed with metallic sodium in alcohol, and the
liberated chloride ion was precipated as AgCl. Express the results of this analysis in terms of
percent DDT (C14H4Cl5) based in the recovery of 0.2513 g of AgCl.
12-20 The mercury in a 1.0451-g sample was precipitated with an excess of paraperiodic acid, H5IO6:
5Hg2+ +2H5IO6 Hg5(IO6)2 + 10H+
The precipitate was filtered, washed free of precipitating agent, dried, and weighed and 0.5718
g was recovered. Calculate the percentage of Hg2Cl2 in the sample.
12-21 The iodide in the sample that also contained chloride was converted to iodate by treatment with
an excess of bromine:
3H2O + 3Br2 + I- 6Br- + IO3- + 6H+
The unused bromine was removed by boiling an excess of barium ion was then added to
precipitate the iodate:
Ba2+ + 2IO3- Ba(IO3)2
In the analysis of a 1.59-g sample, 0.0538 g of barium iodide was recovered. Express the results
of this as percent potassium iodide.
12-22 Ammoniacal nitrogen can be determined by treatment of the sample with chloroplatinic acid;
the product is slightly soluble ammonium chloroplatinate:
H3PtCl6 + 2NH4+ (NH4)2PtCl6 + 2H+
The precipitate decomposes on ignition, yielding metallic platinum and gaseous products.
(NH4)2PtCl6 Pt(s) + 2Cl2(g)+ 2NH3(g) + 2HCl(g)
Calculate the percentage of ammonia in the a sample of 0.2115 g gave rise to 0.4693 g
12-23 A 0.6447-g portion of manganese dioxide was added to an acidic solution in which 1.1402 g of a
chloride-containing sample was dissolved. Evolution of chlorine took place as a consequence of
the following reaction:
MnO2(s) + 2Cl- + 4H+ Mn2+ + Cl2(g) + 2H2O
After the reaction was complete, the excess MnO2 was collected by filtration, washed, and
weighed, and 0.3521 g was recovered. Express the results of this analysis in terms of percent
aluminum chloride.
12-24 A series of sulfate samples is to be analyzed by precipitation as BaSO4. If it is known that the
sulfate content in these samples ranges between 20% and 55%, what minimum sample mass
should be taken to ensure that a precipitate mass no smaller than 0.200 g is produced? What is
the maximum precipitate mass to be expected if this quantity of sample is taken?
12-25 The addition of dimethylglyoxime, H2C4H6O2N2, to a solution containing nickel(II) ion gives rise to
a precipitate:
Ni2+ + 2H2C4H6O2N2 2H+ + Ni(HC4H6O2N2)2
Nickel dimethylglyoxime is a bulky precipitate that is inconvenient to manipulate in amounts
greater than 175mg. The amount of nickel in a type of permanent-magnet alloy ranges between
24% and 35%. Calculate the sample size that should not be exceeded whan analyzing these
alloys for nickel.
12-26 The efficiency of a particular catalyst is highly dependent on its zirconium content. The starting
material for this preparation is received in batches that assay between 68% and 84% ZrCl4.
Routine analysis based on precipitation of AgCl is feasible, it having been established that there
are no sources of chloride ion other than the ZrCl4 in the sample.
(a) What sample mass should be taken to ensure an AgCl precipitate that weighs at least
(b) If this sample masss is used, what is the maximum mass of AgCl that can be expected in this
(c) To simplify calculations, what sample mass should be taken to have the percentage of ZrCl4
exceed the mass of AgCl produced by a factor of 100?
16-10 Standardization of a sodium hydroxide solution against potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP)
yielded the results in the following table.
16-11 The concentration of the perchloric acid solution was established by titration against primary
standard sodium carbonate (product: CO2); the following data were obtained
16-12 If 1.000L of 0.1500 M NaOH was unprotected from the air after standardization and absorbed 11
mmol of CO2, what is the new molar concentration when it is standardized against a standard
solution of HCl using
(a) phenolphthalein?
(b) bromocresol green?
16-13 A NaOH solution was 0.1019 M immediately after standardization. Exactly 500.00 mL of the
reagent was left exposed to air several days and absorbed 0.652 g of CO2. Calculate the relative
carbonate error in the determination of acetic acid with this solution if the titrations were
performed with phenolphthalein.
16-18 (a) Compare the masses if potassium hydrogen phthalate (204.22 g/mol), potassium hydrogen
iodate (389.91 g/mol), and benzoic acid 9122.12 g/mol) needed for 30.00-mL standardization of
0.0400M NaOH.
(b) What would be the relative standard deviation in the molar concentration of the base if the
standard deviation in the measurement of mass in (a) is 0.002 g and this uncertainty limits the
precision of the calculation?
16-19 A 50.00-mL sample of a white dinner wine required 24.57 mL of 0.03291 M NaOH to achieve a
phenolphthalein end point. Express the acidity of the wine in grams of tartaric acid (H2C4H4O6;
150.09 g/mol) per 100 mL. ( Assume that two hydrogens of the acid are titrated.)
16-20 A 25.0-mL aliquot of vinegar was diluted to 250 mL in a volumetric flask. Titration of 50.00-mL
aliquots of the diluted solution solution required an average of 35.23 mL of 0.08960 M NaOH.
Express the acidity of the vinegar in terms of percentage (w/v) of acetic acid.
16-21 Titration of a 0.7513-g sample of impure Na2B4O7 required 30.79 mL of 0.1129 M HCl (see
problem 16-16 (f) for reaction). Express the results of this analysis in terms of percent
(a) Na2B4O7
(b) Na2B4O7 10H2O
(c) B2O3
(d) B.
16-22 A 0.6915-g sample of impure mercury (II) oxide was dissolved in an unmeasured excess of
potassium iodide. Reaction:
HgO(s) +4 I- +H2O HgI42- + 2OH-
Calculate the percentage of HgO in the sample of titration of the liberated hydroxide required
40.39 mL of 0.1092 M HCl.
16-23 The formaldehyde content of a pesticide preparation was determined by weighing 0.2985 g of
the liquid sample into a flask containing 50.0 mL of 0.0959 M NaOH and 50 mL of 3% H2O2. Upon
heating, the following reaction took place:
OH- + HCHO + H2O2 HCOO- + 2H2O
After cooling, the excess base was titrated with 22.71 mL of 0.053700 M H2SO4. Calculate the
percentage of HCHO (30.026 g/mol) in the sample.
16-24 The benzoic acid extracted from 97.2 g of catsup required a 12.91-mL titration with 0.0501 M
NaOH. Express the results of this analysis in terms of percent sodium benzoate (144.10 g/mol).
16-25 The active ingredient in Antabuse, a drug used for the treatment of chronic alcoholism, is
tetraethylthiuram disulfate,
(296.54 g/mol). The sulphur in a 0.4169-g sample of an Antabuse preparation was oxidized to
SO2, which was absorbed in H2O2to give H2SO4. The acid was titrated with 19.25 mL of 0.04216
M base. Calculate the percentage of active ingredient in the preparation.
16-26 A 25.00-mL sample of a household cleaning solution was diluted to 250.0 mL in a volumetric
flask. A 50.00-mL aliquot of this solution required 41.27 mL of 0.1943 M HCl to reach a
bromocresol green end point. Calculate the mass/volume percentage of NH3 in the sample.
(Assume that all the alkalinity results from the ammonia.)
16-27 A 0.140-g sample of a purified carbonate was dissolved in 50.00 mL of 0.1140 M HCl and boiled
to eliminate CO2. Back-titartion of the excess HCl required 24.21 mL of 0.09802 M NaOH.
Identify the carbonate.
16-28 A dilute solution of an unknown weak acid required a 28.62-mL titration with 0.1084 M NaOH to
reach a phenolphthalein end point. The titrated solution was evaporated to dryness. Calculate
the equivalent mass of the acid if the sodium salt was found to weigh 0.2110 g.
16-29 A 3.00-L sample of urban air was bubbled through a solution containing 50.0 mL of 0.0116 M
Ba(OH)2, which caused the CO2 in the sample to precipitate as BaCO3. The excess base was
back-titrated to a phenolphthalein end point with 26.mL of 0.0108 M HCl. Calculate the
concentration of CO2 in the air in parts per million (that is, mL CO2/10^6 mL air); use 1.98 g/L
for the density of CO2.
16-30 Air was bubbled at a rate of 30.0 L/min through a trap containing 75 mL of 1% H2O2 (H2O2 +
SO2 H2SO4). After 10.0 min, the H2SO4 was titrated with 11.70 mL of 0.00197 M NaOH.
Calculate the concentration of SO2 in parts per million (That is, mL SO2/10^6 mL air) if the
density of SO2 is 0.00285 g/mL.
16-35 A 0.917-g sample of sample of canned tuna was analyzed by the Kjeldahl method. A volume of
20.59 mL of 0.1249 M HCl was required to titrate the liberated ammonia. Calculate the
percentage of nitrogen in the sample.
16-36 Calculate the mass in grams of protein in a 6.50-oz can of tuna in Problem 16-35.
16-38 A 0.9325-g sample of a wheat flour was analyzed by the Kjeldahl procedure. The ammonia
formed was distilled into 50.00 mL of 0.05063 M HCl; a 7.73-mL back-titration with 0.04829 M
NaOH was required. Calculate the percentage of protein in the flour.
16-39 A 1.219-g sample containing (NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3, and nonreactive substances was diluted to
200 mL in a volumetric flask. A 50.00-mL aliquot was made basic with strong alkali, and the
liberated NH3 was distilled into 30.00 mL of 0.08421 M HCl. The excess HCl required 10.17 mL of
0.08802 M NaOH for neutralization. A 25.00-mL aliquot of the sample was made alkaline after
the addition of Devardas alloy, and the NO3- wasreduced to NH3. The NH3 from both NH4+ and
NO3- was then distilled into 30.00 mL of the standard acid and back-titrated with 14.16 mL of
the base. Calculate the percentage of (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3 in the sample.
16-40 A 1.217-g sample of commercial KOH contaminated by K2CO3 was dissolved in the water, and
the resulting solution was diluted to 500.0 mL. A 50.00-mL aliquot of this solution was treated
with 40.00 mL of 0.05304 M HCL and boiled to remove CO2. The excess acid consumed 4.74 mL
of 0.04983 M NaOH (phenolphthalein indicator). An excess of neutral BaCl2 was added to
another 50.00-mL aliquot to precipitate the carbonate as BaCO3. The solution was then titrated
with 28.56 mL of the acid to a phenolphthalein end point. Calculate the percentage KOH, K2CO3,
and H2O in the sample, assuming that these are the only compounds present.
16-41 A 0.5000-g sample containing NaHCO3, Na2CO3, and H2O was dissolved and diluted to 250.0
mL. A 25.00-mL aliquot was the boiled with 50.00 mL of 0.01255 M HCl. After cooling, the excess
acid in the solution required 2.34 mL of 0.01063 M NaOH when titrated to a phenolphthalein
end point. A second 25.00-mL aliquot was the treated with an excess of BaCl2 and 25.00 mL of
the base. All the carbonate precipitated, and 7.63 mL of the HCl was required to titrate the
excess base. Determine the composition of the mixture.
16-47 Calculate the equivalent mass of the oxalic acid dehydrate (H2C2O4 2H2O, 126.066 g/mol)
when it is titrated to (a) a bromocresol green end point and (b) a phenolphthalein end point.
16-48 A 10.00-ml sample of the vinegar (acetic acid, CH3COOH) was pipetted into a flask, two drops of
phenolphthalein indicator were added, and the acid was titrated with 1.008 M NaOH
(a) If 45.62 mL of the base was required for the titration, what was the molar concentration of
acetic acid in the sample?
(b) If the density of the pipetted acetic acid solution was 1.004 g/mL, what was the percentage
of acetic acid in the sample?
17-21 The Zn in a 0.7457-g sample of foot powder was titrated with 22.57 mL of 0.01639 M EDTA.
Calculate the percent Zn in this sample.
17-22 The Cr plating on a surface that measured 3.00 x 4.00 cm was dissolved in HCl. The pH was
suitably adjusted, following which 15.00 mL of 0.01768 M EDTA was introduced. The excess
reagent required a 4.30 mL back-titration with 0.008120 M Cu2+. Calculate the average weight
of Cr on each square centimeter of surface.
17-23 A silver nitrate solution contains 14.77 g of primary-standard AgNO3 in 1.00 L. What volume of
this solution will be needed to react with
(a) 0.02631 g of NaCl?
(b) 0.1799 g of Na2CrO4?
(c) 64.13 mg of Na3AsO4?
(d) 381.1 mg of BaCl2 2H2O?
(e) 25.00 mL of 0.05361 M Na3PO4?
(f) 50.00 mL of 0.01808 M H2S?
17-24 What is the molar analytical concentration of a silver nitrate solution if a 25.00-mL aliquot reacts
with each amount of solute listed in Problem 17-23?
17-25 What minimum volume of 0.09621 M AgNO3 will be needed to assure an excess of silver ion in
the titration of
(a) an impure NaCl sample that weighs 0.2513 g?
(b) a 0.3462-g sample that is 74.52% (w/w) ZnCl2?
(c) 25.00 mL of 0.01907 M AlCl3?
17-26 A Fajans titration of a 0.7908-g sample required 45.32 mL of 0.1046 M AgNO3. Express the
results of this analysis in terms of the percentage of
(a) Cl-
(b) BaCl2 2H2O
(c) ZnCl2 2NH4Cl (243.28 g/mol)
17-27 The Tl in a 9.57-g sample of rodenticide was oxidized to the trivalent state and treated with an
unmeasured excess of Mg/EDTA solution. The reaction is
Tl3+ + MgY2- TlY- + Mg2+
Titration of the liberated Mg2+ required 12.77 mL of 0.03610 M EDTA. Calculate the percent
Tl2SO4 (504.8 g/mol) in the sample.
17-28 An EDTA solution was prepared by dissolving approximately 4 g of the disodium salt in
approximately 1 L of water. An average of 42.35 mL of this solution was required to titrate
50.00-mL aliquots of a standard that contained 0.7682 g MgCO3 per liter. Titration of a 25.00-mL
sample of mineral water at pH 10 required 18.81 mL of the EDTA solution. A 50.00-mL aliquot of
the mineral water was rendered strongly alkaline to precipitate the magnesium at Mg(OH)2.
Titration with a calcium-specific indicator required 31.54 mL of the EDTA solution. Calculate
(a) the molar concentration of the EDTA solution.
(b) the concentration of CaCO3 in the mineral water in ppm.
(c) the concentration of MgCO3 in the mineral water in ppm.
17-29 A 50.00-mL aliquot of a solution containing iron(II) and iron(III) required 10.98 mL of 0.01500 M
EDTA when titrated at pH 2.0 and 23.70 mL when titrated at pH 6.0. Express the concentration
of each solute in parts per million.
17-30 A 24-hr urine specimen was diluted to a 2.000 L. After the solution was buffered to pH 10, a
10.00-mL aliquot was titrated with 23.57 mL of 0.004590 M EDTA. The calcium in a second
10.00-mL aliquot as CaC2O4(s), redissolved in acid, and titrated with 10.53 mL of the EDTA
solution. Assuming that 15 to 300 mg of magnesium and 50 to 400 mg of calcium per day are
normal, did this specimen fall within these ranges?
17-31 A 1.509-g sample of a Pd/Cd alloy was dissolved in acid and diluted to exactly 250.0 mL in a
volumetric flask. A 50.00-mL aliquot of the diluted solution was brought to a pH of 10.0 with a
NH4+/NH3 buffer; the subsequent titration involved both cations and required 50.00-mL aliquot
was brought to a pH of 10.0 with an HCN/NaCN buffer; which also served to mask the Cd2+;
11.56 mL of the EDTA solution were needed to titrate the Pb2+. Calculate the percent Pb and Cd
in the sample.
17-32 A 0.6004-g sample of Ni/Cu condenser tubing was dissolved in acid and diluted to 100.0 mL in a
volumetric flask. Titration of both cations in a 25.00-mL aliquot of this solution required 45.81
mL of 0.05285 M EDTA. Mercaptoacetic acid and NH3 were then introduced; production of the
Cu complex with the former resulted in the release of an equivalent amount of EDTA, which
required a 22.85-mL titration with 0.07238 M Mg2+. Calculate the percent Cu and Ni in the alloy.
17-33 Calamine, which is used for relief of skin irritation, is a mixture of zinc and iron oxides. A 1.056-g
sample of dried calamine was dissolved in acid and diluted to 250.0 mL. Potassium fluoride was
added to a 10.00-mL aliquot of the diluted solution to mask the iron; after suitable adjustment
of the pH, Zn2+ consumed 28.37 mL of 0.01133 M EDTA. A second 50.00-mL aliquot was suitably
buffered and titrated with 2.30 mL of 0.002647 M ZnY2- solution:
Fe3+ + ZnY2- FeY- + Zn2+
Calculate the percentages of ZnO and Fe2O3 in the sample.
17-34 A 3.650-g sample containing bromate and bromide was dissolved in sufficient water to give
250.0 mL. After acidification, silver nitrate was introduced to a 25.00-mL aliquot to precipitate
AgBr, which was filtered, washed, and then redissolved in an ammoniacal solution of potassium
Ni(CN)42- + 2AgBr(s) 2Ag(CN)2- + Ni2+ + 2Br-
The liberated nickel ion required 26.73 mL of 0.02089 M EDTA. The bromate in a 10.00-mL
aliquot was reduced to bromide with arsenic(III) prior to the addition of silver nitrate. The same
procedure was followed, and the released nickel ion was titrated with 21.94 mL of the EDTA
solution. Calculate the percentages of NaBr and NaBrO3 in the sample.
17-35 The potassium ion in a 250.0-mL sample of mineral water was precipitated with sodium
K+ +B(C6H5)4- KB(C6H5)(s)
The precipitate was filtered, washed, and redissolved in an organic solvent. An excess of the
mercury(II)/EDTA chelate was added:
4HgY2- + B(C6H4)4 + 4H2O H3BO3 + 4C6H5Hg+ + 4HY3- + OH-
The liberated EDTA was titrated with 29.64 mL of 0.05581 M Mg2+. Calculate the potassium ion
concentration in parts per million.
17-36 Chromel is an alloy composed of nickel, iron, and chromium. A 0.6553-g sample was dissolved
and diluted to 250.0 mL. When a 50.00-mL aliquot of 0.05173 M EDTA was mixed with an equal
volume of the diluted sample, all three ions were chelated, and a 5.34-mL back with 0.06139 M
copper(II) was required. The chromium in a second 50.0-mL aliquot was masked through the
addition of hexamethylenetetramine; titration of the Fe and Ni required 36.98 mL of 0.05173 M
EDTA. Iron and chromium were masked with pyrophosphate in a third 50.0-mL aliquot, and the
nickel was titrated with 24.53 mL of the EDTA solution. Calculate the percentages of nickel,
chromium, and iron in the alloy.
17-37 a 0.3304-g sample of brass (containing lead, zinc, copper, and tin) was dissolved in nitric acid.
The sparingly soluble SnO2 4H20 was removed by filtration, and the combined filtrate and
washings were then diluted to 500.0 mL. A 10.00-mL aliquot was suitably buffered; titration of
the lead, zinc, and copper in this aliquot required 34.87 mL of 0.002700 M EDTA. The copper in a
25.00-mL aliquot was masked with thiosulfate; the lead and zinc were then titrated with 25.63
mL of the EDTA solution. Cyanide ion was used to mask the copper and zinc in a 100-mL aliquot;
10.00 mL of the EDTA solution was needed to titrate the lead ion. Determine the composition of
the brass sample; evaluate the percentage of tin by difference.
17-42 Titration of Ca2+ and Mg 2+ in a 50.00-mL sample of hard water required 23.65 mL of 0.01205
M EDTA. A second 50.00-mL aliquot was made strongly basic with NaOH to precipitate Mg2+ as
Mg(OH)2(s). The supernatant liquid was titrated with 14.53 mL of the EDTA solution. Calculate
(a) the total hardness of the water sample, expresses as ppm CaCO3
(b) the concentration of CaCO3 in the sample in ppm.
(c) the concentration of MgCO3 in the sample in ppm.
20-13 A solution prepared by dissolving a 0.2541-g sample of electrolytic iron wire in acid was passed
through a Jones redactor. The iron(II) in the resulting solution required a 36.76-mL titration.
Calculate the molar oxidant concentration if the titrant used was
(a) Ce4+ (product: Ce3+)
(b) Cr2O72- (product: Cr3+)
(c) MnO4- (product: Mn2+)
(d) V(OH)4+ (product: VO2+)
(e) IO3- (product ICl2-)
20-15 How would you prepare 2.5 L of approximately 0.06 M I3- solution? Calculate the molar
concentration of KMnO4 in this solution.
20-16 A 0.2219-g sample of pure iron wire was dissolved in acid, reduced to the +2 state, and titrated
with 34.65 mL of serium(IV). Calculate the molar concentration of the Ce4+ solution
20-17 A 0.1298-g sample of KBrO3 was dissolved in dilute HCl and treated with an unmeasured excess
of KI. The liberated iodine required 41.32 mL of a sodium thiosulfate solution. Calculate the
molar concentration of the Na2S2O3.
20-18 Calculate the percentage of MnO2 in a mineral specimen if the I2 liberated by a 0.1267-g sample
in the net reaction
MnO2(s) + 4H+ + 2I- Mn2+ + I2 + H2O
required 29.62 mL of 0.08041 M Na2S2O3.
20-19 A 0.7120-g specimen of iron ore was dissolved and passed through a Jones redactor. Titration of
the Fe(II) produced required 41.63 mL of 0.01926 M KMnO4. Express the results of this analysis
in terms of (a) percent Fe and (b) percent Fe2O3.
20-20 Treatment of hydroxylamine (H2NOH) with an excess of Fe(III) results in the formation of N2O
and an equivalent amount of Fe(II):
2H2NOH + 4Fe3+ N2O(g) + 4Fe2+ + 4H+ + H2O
Calculate the molar concentration of an H2NOH solution if the Fe(II) produced by treatment of a
25.00-mL aliquot required 14.48 mL of 0.01528 M K2Cr2O7.
20-21 The KClO3 in a 0.1862-g sample of an explosive was determined by reaction with 50.00 mL of
0.01162 M Fe2+
ClO3- + 6Fe2+ + 6H+ Cl- +3H2O + 6Fe3+
When the reaction was complete, the excess Fe2+ was back-titrated with 13.26 mL of 0.07654
M Ce4+. Calculate the percentage of KClO3 in the sample.
20-22 An 8.13-g sample of an ant-control preparation was decomposed by wet-ashing with H2SO4 and
HNO3. The As in the residue was reduced to the trivalent state with hydrazine. After removal of
the excess reducing agent, the As(III) required a 31.46-mL titration with 0.03142 M I2 in a faintly
alkaline medium. Express the results of this analysis in terms of percentage of As2O3 in the
original sample.
20-23 The ethyl mercaptan concentration in a mixture was determined by shaking a 2.043-g sample
with 50.00 mL of 0.01204 M I2 in a tightly stoppered flask:
2C2H5SH + I2 C2H5SSC2H5 + 2I- + 2H+
The excess I2 was back-titrated with 18.23 mL of 0.01437 M Na2S2O3. Calculate the percentage
of C2H5SH (62.13 g/mol).
20-24 A sensitive method for I- in the presence of Cl- and Br- entails oxidation of the I- to IO3- with
Br2. The excess Br2 is then removed by boiling or by reduction with formate ion. The IO3-
produced is determined by addition of excess I- and titration of the resulting I2. A 1.307-g
sample of mixed halides was dissolved and analyzed by the foregoing procedure. A volume of
19.72 mL of 0.04926 M thiosulfate was required for the titration. Calculate the percentage of KI
in the sample.
20-25 A 2.667-g sample containing both Fe and V was dissolved under conditions that converted the
elements to Fe(III) and V(V). The solution was diluted to 500.00 mL, and a 50.00-mL aliquot was
passed through a Walden reductor and titrated with 18.31 mL of 0.1000 M Ce4+. A second
50.00-mL aliquot was passed through a Jones reductor and required 42.41 mL of the same Ce4+
solution to reach an end point. Calculate the percentage of Fe2O3 and V2O5 in the sample.
20-26 A gas mixture was passed at the rate of 2.40 L/min through a solution of sodium hydroxide for a
total of 59.00 min. The SO2 in the mixture was retained as sulfite ion:
SO2(g) + 2OH- SO32- + H2O
After acidification with HCl the sulfite was titrated with 5.15 mL of 0.002997 M KIO3:
IO3- + 2H2SO3 + 2Cl- ICl2- + 2SO42- + 2H+ +H2O
Use 1.20 g/L for the density of the mixture and calculate the concentration of SO2 in ppm.
20-27 A 25.00-L air sample was passed through an absorption tower containing a solution of Cd2+,
where H2S was retained as CdS. The mixture was acidified and treated with 25.00 mL of 0.00432
M I2. After the reaction
S2- +I2 S(s) + 2I-
was complete, the excess iodine was titrated with 15.62 mL of 0.01143 M thiosulfate. Calculate
the concentration of H2S in ppm; use 1.20 g/L for the density of the gas stream.
20-28 The Winkler method for dissolved oxygen in water is based on the rapid oxiditation of solid
Mn(OH)2 to Mn(OH)3 in alkaline medium .When acidified, the Mn(III) readily realeses iodine
from iodide. A 250-mL water sample in a stoppered vessel, was treated with 1.00 mL of a
concentrated solution of Nal and NaOH and 1.00 mL of a manganese(II) soloution. Oxidation of
the Mn(OH)2 was complete about 1 min. The precipitates were than dissolved by addition of
2.00 mL of concentrated H2SO4, where upon an amount of iodine equivalent to the Mn(OH)3
(and henced to the dissolved O2) was liberated. A 25.0-mL aliquot (of the 254 mL) was titrated
with 14.6 mL of 0.00897 M thiosulfate. Calculate the mass in milligrams of O2 per milimiter
sample. Assume that the concentrated reagents are O2 free and take their dilutions of the
sample into account.