Tulis Lima Ayat Tentang Situasi Dalam Gambar Di Bawah. Kamu Boleh Menggunakan Perkataan-Perkataan Di Dalam Kotak Untuk Membantu Kamu
Tulis Lima Ayat Tentang Situasi Dalam Gambar Di Bawah. Kamu Boleh Menggunakan Perkataan-Perkataan Di Dalam Kotak Untuk Membantu Kamu
Tulis Lima Ayat Tentang Situasi Dalam Gambar Di Bawah. Kamu Boleh Menggunakan Perkataan-Perkataan Di Dalam Kotak Untuk Membantu Kamu
[10 marks]
Write five sentences about the situation in the picture below. You may use the words in
the boxes to help you.
Tulis lima ayat tentang situasi dalam gambar di bawah. Kamu boleh menggunakan
perkataan-perkataan di dalam kotak untuk membantu kamu.
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________
[ 10 marks ]
[ 15 marks ]
[ Time suggested 25 minutes ]
Study the pictures and the information given below. Then answer the questions that
Teliti gambar-gambar dan maklumat yang diberikan di bawah. Kemudian jawab soalan-
soalan berikutnya.
Watching movies
- Indoor activity
6. - At the cinema
- Need a ticket
- Watch with friends
- Approximately two hours
- Relaxing and entertaining
- Outdoor activity
- In the park
- Need a bicycle
- Cycle with friends
- Approximately one and a half hours
- Enjoyable and good form of exercise
- Indoor activity
- In the house
- Need a board game set
- Four players only
- Approximately one hour
- Enjoyable and educational
(a) Complete the table with the correct answers.
Lengkapkan jadual dengan jawapan yang betul.
indoor activity outdoor activity
cinema park
Time approximately one and a
spent half hours
1) _________________ 1) _________________ 1) enjoyable
2) _________________ 2) _________________ 2) educational
[ 10 marks ]
(b) Your friends have invited you to join them in one of these activities. Based on the
information given, which activity would you choose? Give reasons for your choice.
Kawan-kawan mengajak kamu menyertai mereka dalam salah satu aktiviti. Berdasarkan
maklumat yang diberikan, aktiviti manakah pilihan kamu? Berikan sebab-sebab kamu
membuat pilihan tersebut.
Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided.
[ 15 marks ]