A Novel Statcom With Energy Storage For

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A Battery based Statcom for Standalone Microhydro system

Samundra Gurung

(Faculty Member , IOE Paschimanchal Campus, Pokhara, E-mail:samundra24@gmail.com)

ABSTRACT: This paper deals with application of Statcom in standalone microhydro systems found in
rural Nepal. A typical scenario is a single generator feeding a single load with Electronic Load Controller
(ELC) in parallel. Unlike the traditional ELC which is used for frequency regulation and uses surplus
power for water heating, it uses battery in the place of ballast water heater. Thus, Statcom is also able to
generate real power when generator output is insufficient and absorb when excess power exists, thus,
performing function of frequency regulation more efficiently. It is also designed to perform other
functions of reactive power compensation, harmonic elimination and voltage regulation. The Statcom
reference current generation technique is based on vector control principle. The performance of Statcom
using the proposed control strategy is demonstrated using simulation results in MATLAB/SIMULINK
software. Simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed scheme.


In developing countries like Nepal rural electrification is a major electrification process. These rural areas
consist of more than 14900 small and micro hydro power plants [1]. Most of these microhydro plants
consist of a single generator feeding a load. Traditionally, they use ELC with synchronous generator and
IGC with Induction generator. ELC is a three phase thyristor based cycloconverter which switches ballast
water heaters for excess power dumping. Even the standalone loads consist of reactive load as small
industry and CFL lamps. Voltage regulation is normally done by excitation control of generators but it
may not be sufficient and can hit its field heating limit and also limit real power generation as well as
cause stability issues during contingencies [2].

This isolated grid also suffers from power quality issues. The power quality in the distribution system is
contaminated due to high reactive power burden, distorted and unbalanced load currents [3]. Due to
excessive reactive power demand, there is an increase in transmission & distribution losses and reduction
in active power flow capability of the distribution system.
Further, the operation of transformers and generators are also affected due to unbalancing of currents and
it also increases the size of utility [4].
Parallel operation of Synchronous and Induction Generator has been reported in literature [5]. A Power-
Quality Improvement of a Stand-Alone Induction Generator Using a Statcom with Battery Energy
Storage System is also suggested [6]. A variable speed drive Permanent magnet Synchronous Generator
in hybrid with a hydro driven squirrel cage Induction Generator along with a battery is also discussed [7].
Analysis of voltage control for a self-excited induction generator using a current-controlled voltage
source inverter (CC-VSl) which also performs functions of load balancing and harmonic elimination is
also discussed [8].
Load compensation using DSTATCOM in three-phase, three-wire distribution system under various
source voltage and delta connected load conditions is also discussed [9].
A vector control scheme for Induction generator with saturation considered is discussed [10] and a new
transformation to classic akagi theory is also discussed [11].
This paper has proposed mainly to fulfill the following objectives:
 Frequency and voltage regulation within limits
 Reactive power compensation, harmonic elimination and neutral current compensation
The proposed converter is a 3 Leg IGBTs based Voltage source converter (VSC) which are connected to
the each phase of the generator through interfacing inductors. A dc battery is connected on the dc bus of
the VSCs.
The schematic diagram of the Statcom with a general system is shown in Fig. 1. A Synchronous
Generator is fed by an uncontrolled hydro turbine. These turbines always produce a rated power which is
supplied to the generator. The exciter voltage is limited to 2pu which is just sufficient for it to produce
rated voltage during full load condition.
On the dc side of the Statcom a dc battery is connected. Thus, it can also provide real power whenever
needed. The amount of real power it can provide depends on the capacity of the battery. It can also absorb
excess power in case of lightly loaded condition and thus the Statcom acts both as a voltage and
frequency controller.
The control structure for a Statcom is based on Vector Control principle where synchronously rotating
reference frame is considered [12].

Fig1. Schematic diagram of Microhydro System

The control structure for Statcom is based on synchronously rotating reference frame theory as shown in
Fig. 3.When the three phase voltages are transformed in dq quantities with angle synchronized, peak
voltage is observed on the d axis only. A three phase PLL is used to synchronize and thus calculate the
position of transformation angle ϴs.

Fig.2. Vector control for Statcom

The current in dqo frame is given by [13],

 2 2 
I   cos  cos( -
) cos(  ) 
3 I 
 q    a 
I  2 2 2   
sin  sin( - ) sin(  ) I (1)
 d  3 3 3  b 
I    I 
 o   1 1 1 

 2 2 2 

Real and Reactive power in dq frame is given by

P  (Vd I d  Vq I q ) (2)
Q  (Vq I d  Vd I q ) (3)
From our convention,
P  (Vd I d )
2 (4)

Q  (Vd I q ) (5)
Equation (4) and (5) shows the decoupling of active and reactive power. Thus by controlling Id we can
control the real power and by controlling Iq we can control the reactive power.
Since the battery cannot produce reactive power and the dc link voltage is held constant by the battery
unlike in other schemes where it is held constant by capacitor, Id directly relates to the current that should
be produced or absorbed by the battery to keep the frequency constant
Frequency regulating loop:
Here, the generator speed is compared with the reference and passed through a PI controller to generate
I freq  I freq (n  1)  K pf (err (n)  err (n 1))  Kif (err (n)) (6)

The load d-axis component Ild also consist of oscillating part due to presence of harmonics [14]. This
component is obtained by subtracting Ild from dc component which is obtained by passing through a LPF
of 20kHz and added to Ifreq.
I d  I freq  I osc (7)

Voltage and reactive power regulating loop:

The load q axis component is linked with reactive component and is totally used for compensation. This
loop also contains voltage regulating loop. Reference voltage is also compared with actual voltage and
passed through PI controller which is also added to obtain q axis component load.
I v  I v (n  1)  K v (Verr (n)  Verr (n  1))  K iv (Verr (n)) (8)

I q  I qo  I v (9)

The Id and Iq currents are transformed back into abc frame and compared with the actual statcom current
ifa and passed through a Pulse width Modulation (PWM) generator to produce the required gate pulses for
the VSC.
Fig.3. Blockdiagram of proposed reference current generation

3.1 DC link design

For proper PWM operation,

V 2 * m *V (10)
dc 3 a L

Taking line voltage Vl as 400V and modulation index, ma as 1, Vdc is chosen as 700V which is also the
battery dc voltage.

ma * Is
C 
4 * 2 f * V (11)

C is the dc link capacitance, ∆V is the allowed voltage ripple (5% in this case), Is is the Statcom current, f
is the supply frequency

The battery is chosen of 700V, 150Ah and C as 8000μF.

3.2. Synchronous link reactor design

The synchronous link reactor is chosen as [8]

Van  0.5*Vdc
L (12)
4 * ft * 
Where, Van is the phase voltage, ft is the frequency of the carrier wave, 𝜉 is the amplitude of carrier wave.

Taking, Van = 230V, ft = 20KHz, 𝜉=1, L = 7.25mH

4.1 Frequency regulation
The synchronous generator has a rating of 16kVA which feeds a load of 6kW. For frequency regulation,
Statcom absorbs excess power of 10kW which is used for battery charging. At 0.5s, an extra load of
16kW which causes total generation to 22kW. As the generator is fed by a constant turbine, deficient real
power of 6 kW is produced by the Statcom for frequency regulation. Thus, Statcom essentially keeps the
frequency at a nominal value of 50Hz as can be seen in fig.4 and functions a frequency regulator as can
be seen from fig.5.

Fig.4. System Frequency

Fig.5. Statcom as frequency regulator

4.2 Reactive power compensator
At 0.5s, a load of reactive demand of 8 kVAR is connected. As Statcom is designed for unity power
factor, it totally supplies load reactive demand keeping source power factor near to unity as shown in
fig.6. Fig.7 also shows how quickly Statcom goes from resistive to capacitive mode of operation.

Fig.6. Statcom as reactive power compensator

Fig.7. Statcom from resistive to capacitive mode of operation

4.3 Neutral current compensator
An unbalanced load with one phase switched off is connected between 0.3 to 0.5s to the system. Thus, we
can see a load current which is highly unbalanced but the source current remains balanced and thus its
performance as a neutral current compensator as shown in fig.8.
Fig.8. Statcom as neutral current compensator
4.4 Harmonic elimination
A harmonic load modeled as a three phase diode bridge rectifier with a resistor is connected to a load end.
As shown in fig.9-11, it creates a large current distortion in load side with THD of 22.62% but the source
current THD remains at 2.96%.

Fig.9. Statcom as harmonic elimination

Fig.10. THD of load

Fig.11. THD of source

The paper mainly focuses on uncontrolled hydro turbine feeding a single load. A Statcom is proposed in a
place of a traditional ELC which is based on vector control scheme involving synchronously rotating dq
A battery is connected on the dc side which is charged and discharged by the bidirectional activity of
Statcom. This action helps to keep the frequency constant which is very critical in an isolated grid. The
Statcom also performs other functions like voltage regulation, harmonic elimination and neutral current
It can also be extended by using Multi level Inverter for higher power ratings and lesser harmonic output
and complicated but actual hardware fabrication.
Synchronous Generator

16kVA, 400V, 1500rpm, Xd=1.734pu , Xd’=0.177pu , Xd’’ = 0.111pu, Xq = 0.861pu , Xq’’ = 0.199 pu ,
Xl=0.07pu, Td=0.018s, Td’’=0.0045s, Tq’’=0.0045, Rs=0.02pu, H=0.5s, P=2

Synchronous link reactor

Rf=0.44 Ω, Lf=7.25mH


Vdc=700V, Cdc=8000 μF, Battery=700V, 150AH

PI controller

Frequency controller, Kpf = 9000q, Kif = 30000

Ac voltage controller, Kpv = 0.02, Kiv = 0.02


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